Пример #1
void OctreeQueryNode::resetOctreePacket() {
    // if shutting down, return immediately
    if (_isShuttingDown) {

    // Whenever we call this, we will keep a copy of the last packet, so we can determine if the last packet has
    // changed since we last reset it. Since we know that no two packets can ever be identical without being the same
    // scene information, (e.g. the root node packet of a static scene), we can use this as a strategy for reducing
    // packet send rate.
    _lastOctreePacketLength = _octreePacket->getPayloadSize();
    memcpy(_lastOctreePayload.data(), _octreePacket->getPayload(), _lastOctreePacketLength);

    // If we're moving, and the client asked for low res, then we force monochrome, otherwise, use
    // the clients requested color state.
    OCTREE_PACKET_FLAGS flags = 0;
    setAtBit(flags, PACKET_IS_COLOR_BIT); // always color
    setAtBit(flags, PACKET_IS_COMPRESSED_BIT); // always compressed


    // pack in flags

    // pack in sequence number

    // pack in timestamp
    OCTREE_PACKET_SENT_TIME now = usecTimestampNow();

    _octreePacketWaiting = false;
Пример #2
void OctreeQueryNode::resetOctreePacket() {
    // if shutting down, return immediately
    if (_isShuttingDown) {

    // Whenever we call this, we will keep a copy of the last packet, so we can determine if the last packet has
    // changed since we last reset it. Since we know that no two packets can ever be identical without being the same
    // scene information, (e.g. the root node packet of a static scene), we can use this as a strategy for reducing
    // packet send rate.
    _lastOctreePacketLength = getPacketLength();
    memcpy(_lastOctreePacket, _octreePacket, _lastOctreePacketLength);

    // If we're moving, and the client asked for low res, then we force monochrome, otherwise, use
    // the clients requested color state.
    _currentPacketIsColor = getWantColor();
    _currentPacketIsCompressed = getWantCompression();
    OCTREE_PACKET_FLAGS flags = 0;
    if (_currentPacketIsColor) {
    if (_currentPacketIsCompressed) {

    _octreePacketAvailableBytes = MAX_PACKET_SIZE;
    int numBytesPacketHeader = populatePacketHeader(reinterpret_cast<char*>(_octreePacket), _myPacketType);
    _octreePacketAt = _octreePacket + numBytesPacketHeader;
    _octreePacketAvailableBytes -= numBytesPacketHeader;

    // pack in flags
    *flagsAt = flags;
    _octreePacketAt += sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_FLAGS);
    _octreePacketAvailableBytes -= sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_FLAGS);
    // pack in sequence number
    *sequenceAt = _sequenceNumber;
    _octreePacketAt += sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_SEQUENCE);
    _octreePacketAvailableBytes -= sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_SEQUENCE);

    // pack in timestamp
    OCTREE_PACKET_SENT_TIME now = usecTimestampNow();
    *timeAt = now;
    _octreePacketAt += sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_SENT_TIME);
    _octreePacketAvailableBytes -= sizeof(OCTREE_PACKET_SENT_TIME);

    _octreePacketWaiting = false;
Пример #3
int OctreeQuery::getBroadcastData(unsigned char* destinationBuffer) {
    unsigned char* bufferStart = destinationBuffer;
    // TODO: DRY this up to a shared method
    // that can pack any type given the number of bytes
    // and return the number of bytes to push the pointer
    // camera details
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_cameraPosition, sizeof(_cameraPosition));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_cameraPosition);
    destinationBuffer += packOrientationQuatToBytes(destinationBuffer, _cameraOrientation);
    destinationBuffer += packFloatAngleToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraFov);
    destinationBuffer += packFloatRatioToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraAspectRatio);
    destinationBuffer += packClipValueToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraNearClip);
    destinationBuffer += packClipValueToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraFarClip);
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_cameraEyeOffsetPosition, sizeof(_cameraEyeOffsetPosition));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_cameraEyeOffsetPosition);

    // bitMask of less than byte wide items
    unsigned char bitItems = 0;

    // NOTE: we need to keep these here for new clients to talk to old servers. After we know that the clients and
    // servers and clients have all been updated we could remove these bits. New servers will always force these
    // features on old clients even if they don't ask for them. (which old clients will properly handle). New clients
    // will always ask for these so that old servers will use these features.
    setAtBit(bitItems, WANT_LOW_RES_MOVING_BIT);
    setAtBit(bitItems, WANT_COLOR_AT_BIT);
    setAtBit(bitItems, WANT_DELTA_AT_BIT);
    setAtBit(bitItems, WANT_COMPRESSION);

    *destinationBuffer++ = bitItems;

    // desired Max Octree PPS
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_maxQueryPPS, sizeof(_maxQueryPPS));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_maxQueryPPS);

    // desired voxelSizeScale
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_octreeElementSizeScale, sizeof(_octreeElementSizeScale));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_octreeElementSizeScale);

    // desired boundaryLevelAdjust
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_boundaryLevelAdjust, sizeof(_boundaryLevelAdjust));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_boundaryLevelAdjust);

    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_cameraCenterRadius, sizeof(_cameraCenterRadius));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_cameraCenterRadius);
    return destinationBuffer - bufferStart;
Пример #4
void sendEnvironmentPacket(const SharedNodePointer& node, AudioMixerClientData& data) {
    bool hasReverb = false;
    float reverbTime, wetLevel;

    auto& reverbSettings = AudioMixer::getReverbSettings();
    auto& audioZones = AudioMixer::getAudioZones();

    AvatarAudioStream* stream = data.getAvatarAudioStream();
    glm::vec3 streamPosition = stream->getPosition();

    // find reverb properties
    for (int i = 0; i < reverbSettings.size(); ++i) {
        AABox box = audioZones[reverbSettings[i].zone];
        if (box.contains(streamPosition)) {
            hasReverb = true;
            reverbTime = reverbSettings[i].reverbTime;
            wetLevel = reverbSettings[i].wetLevel;

    // check if data changed
    bool dataChanged = (stream->hasReverb() != hasReverb) ||
        (stream->hasReverb() && (stream->getRevebTime() != reverbTime || stream->getWetLevel() != wetLevel));
    if (dataChanged) {
        // update stream
        if (hasReverb) {
            stream->setReverb(reverbTime, wetLevel);
        } else {

    // send packet at change or every so often
    float CHANCE_OF_SEND = 0.01f;
    bool sendData = dataChanged || (randFloat() < CHANCE_OF_SEND);

    if (sendData) {
        // size the packet
        unsigned char bitset = 0;
        int packetSize = sizeof(bitset);
        if (hasReverb) {
            packetSize += sizeof(reverbTime) + sizeof(wetLevel);

        // write the packet
        auto envPacket = NLPacket::create(PacketType::AudioEnvironment, packetSize);
        if (hasReverb) {
            setAtBit(bitset, HAS_REVERB_BIT);
        if (hasReverb) {

        // send the packet
        DependencyManager::get<NodeList>()->sendPacket(std::move(envPacket), *node);
Пример #5
int OctreeQuery::getBroadcastData(unsigned char* destinationBuffer) {
    unsigned char* bufferStart = destinationBuffer;
    // TODO: DRY this up to a shared method
    // that can pack any type given the number of bytes
    // and return the number of bytes to push the pointer
    // camera details
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_cameraPosition, sizeof(_cameraPosition));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_cameraPosition);
    destinationBuffer += packOrientationQuatToBytes(destinationBuffer, _cameraOrientation);
    destinationBuffer += packFloatAngleToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraFov);
    destinationBuffer += packFloatRatioToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraAspectRatio);
    destinationBuffer += packClipValueToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraNearClip);
    destinationBuffer += packClipValueToTwoByte(destinationBuffer, _cameraFarClip);
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_cameraEyeOffsetPosition, sizeof(_cameraEyeOffsetPosition));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_cameraEyeOffsetPosition);

    // bitMask of less than byte wide items
    unsigned char bitItems = 0;
    if (_wantLowResMoving)     { setAtBit(bitItems, WANT_LOW_RES_MOVING_BIT); }
    if (_wantColor)            { setAtBit(bitItems, WANT_COLOR_AT_BIT); }
    if (_wantDelta)            { setAtBit(bitItems, WANT_DELTA_AT_BIT); }
    if (_wantOcclusionCulling) { setAtBit(bitItems, WANT_OCCLUSION_CULLING_BIT); }
    if (_wantCompression)      { setAtBit(bitItems, WANT_COMPRESSION); }

    *destinationBuffer++ = bitItems;

    // desired Max Octree PPS
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_maxOctreePPS, sizeof(_maxOctreePPS));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_maxOctreePPS);

    // desired voxelSizeScale
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_octreeElementSizeScale, sizeof(_octreeElementSizeScale));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_octreeElementSizeScale);

    // desired boundaryLevelAdjust
    memcpy(destinationBuffer, &_boundaryLevelAdjust, sizeof(_boundaryLevelAdjust));
    destinationBuffer += sizeof(_boundaryLevelAdjust);
    return destinationBuffer - bufferStart;
Пример #6
void OctreeElement::printDebugDetails(const char* label) const {
    unsigned char childBits = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_CHILDREN; i++) {
        OctreeElement* childAt = getChildAtIndex(i);
        if (childAt) {

    QDebug elementDebug = qDebug().nospace();

    QString resultString;
    resultString.sprintf("%s - Voxel at corner=(%f,%f,%f) size=%f\n isLeaf=%s isDirty=%s shouldRender=%s\n children=", label,
                         (double)_cube.getCorner().x, (double)_cube.getCorner().y, (double)_cube.getCorner().z,
                         debug::valueOf(isLeaf()), debug::valueOf(isDirty()), debug::valueOf(getShouldRender()));
    elementDebug << resultString;

    outputBits(childBits, &elementDebug);
Пример #7
void OctreeElement::setChildAtIndex(int childIndex, OctreeElement* child) {
    int previousChildCount = getChildCount();
    if (child) {
        setAtBit(_childBitmask, childIndex);
    } else {
        clearAtBit(_childBitmask, childIndex);
    int newChildCount = getChildCount();

    // store the child in our child array
    _simpleChildArray[childIndex] = child;

    // track our population data
    if (previousChildCount != newChildCount) {


    int firstIndex = getNthBit(_childBitmask, 1);
    int secondIndex = getNthBit(_childBitmask, 2);

    int previousChildCount = getChildCount();
    if (child) {
        setAtBit(_childBitmask, childIndex);
    } else {
        clearAtBit(_childBitmask, childIndex);
    int newChildCount = getChildCount();

    // track our population data
    if (previousChildCount != newChildCount) {

    if ((previousChildCount == 0 || previousChildCount == 1) && newChildCount == 0) {
        _children.single = NULL;
    } else if (previousChildCount == 0 && newChildCount == 1) {
        _children.single = child;
    } else if (previousChildCount == 1 && newChildCount == 2) {
        OctreeElement* previousChild = _children.single;
        _children.external = new OctreeElement*[NUMBER_OF_CHILDREN];
        memset(_children.external, 0, sizeof(OctreeElement*) * NUMBER_OF_CHILDREN);
        _children.external[firstIndex] = previousChild;
        _children.external[childIndex] = child;

        _childrenExternal = true;

        _externalChildrenMemoryUsage += NUMBER_OF_CHILDREN * sizeof(OctreeElement*);

    } else if (previousChildCount == 2 && newChildCount == 1) {
        assert(!child); // we are removing a child, so this must be true!
        OctreeElement* previousFirstChild = _children.external[firstIndex];
        OctreeElement* previousSecondChild = _children.external[secondIndex];

        delete[] _children.external;
        _childrenExternal = false;

        _externalChildrenMemoryUsage -= NUMBER_OF_CHILDREN * sizeof(OctreeElement*);
        if (childIndex == firstIndex) {
            _children.single = previousSecondChild;
        } else {
            _children.single = previousFirstChild;
    } else {
        _children.external[childIndex] = child;

Пример #8
void AudioMixer::sendAudioEnvironmentPacket(SharedNodePointer node) {
    // Send stream properties
    bool hasReverb = false;
    float reverbTime, wetLevel;
    // find reverb properties
    for (int i = 0; i < _zoneReverbSettings.size(); ++i) {
        AudioMixerClientData* data = static_cast<AudioMixerClientData*>(node->getLinkedData());
        glm::vec3 streamPosition = data->getAvatarAudioStream()->getPosition();
        AABox box = _audioZones[_zoneReverbSettings[i].zone];
        if (box.contains(streamPosition)) {
            hasReverb = true;
            reverbTime = _zoneReverbSettings[i].reverbTime;
            wetLevel = _zoneReverbSettings[i].wetLevel;

            // Modulate wet level with distance to wall
            float MIN_ATTENUATION_DISTANCE = 2.0f;
            float MAX_ATTENUATION = -12; // dB
            glm::vec3 distanceToWalls = (box.getDimensions() / 2.0f) - glm::abs(streamPosition - box.calcCenter());
            float distanceToClosestWall = glm::min(distanceToWalls.x, distanceToWalls.z);
            if (distanceToClosestWall < MIN_ATTENUATION_DISTANCE) {
                wetLevel += MAX_ATTENUATION * (1.0f - distanceToClosestWall / MIN_ATTENUATION_DISTANCE);
    AudioMixerClientData* nodeData = static_cast<AudioMixerClientData*>(node->getLinkedData());
    AvatarAudioStream* stream = nodeData->getAvatarAudioStream();
    bool dataChanged = (stream->hasReverb() != hasReverb) ||
    (stream->hasReverb() && (stream->getRevebTime() != reverbTime ||
                             stream->getWetLevel() != wetLevel));
    if (dataChanged) {
        // Update stream
        if (hasReverb) {
            stream->setReverb(reverbTime, wetLevel);
        } else {

    // Send at change or every so often
    float CHANCE_OF_SEND = 0.01f;
    bool sendData = dataChanged || (randFloat() < CHANCE_OF_SEND);

    if (sendData) {
        auto nodeList = DependencyManager::get<NodeList>();

        unsigned char bitset = 0;

        int packetSize = sizeof(bitset);

        if (hasReverb) {
            packetSize += sizeof(reverbTime) + sizeof(wetLevel);

        auto envPacket = NLPacket::create(PacketType::AudioEnvironment, packetSize);

        if (hasReverb) {
            setAtBit(bitset, HAS_REVERB_BIT);


        if (hasReverb) {
        nodeList->sendPacket(std::move(envPacket), *node);