// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool closeLoadSave(void) { bLoadSaveUp = false; if ((bLoadSaveMode == LOAD_INGAME_MISSION) || (bLoadSaveMode == SAVE_INGAME_MISSION) || (bLoadSaveMode == LOAD_INGAME_SKIRMISH) || (bLoadSaveMode == SAVE_INGAME_SKIRMISH)) { if (!bMultiPlayer || (NetPlay.bComms == 0)) { gameTimeStart(); setGamePauseStatus( false ); setGameUpdatePause(false); setScriptPause(false); setScrollPause(false); setConsolePause(false); } intAddReticule(); intShowPowerBar(); } delete psRequestScreen; psRequestScreen = NULL; // need to "eat" up the return key so it don't pass back to game. inputLoseFocus(); return true; }
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL closeLoadSave(void) { widgDelete(psRequestScreen,LOADSAVE_FORM); bLoadSaveUp = FALSE; if ((bLoadSaveMode == LOAD_INGAME) || (bLoadSaveMode == SAVE_INGAME)) { if (!bMultiPlayer || (NetPlay.bComms == 0)) { gameTimeStart(); setGamePauseStatus( FALSE ); setGameUpdatePause(FALSE); setScriptPause(FALSE); setScrollPause(FALSE); setConsolePause(FALSE); } intAddReticule(); intShowPowerBar(); } widgReleaseScreen(psRequestScreen); return TRUE; }
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// BOOL closeLoadSave(void) { widgDelete(psRequestScreen,LOADSAVE_FORM); bLoadSaveUp = false; if ((bLoadSaveMode == LOAD_INGAME) || (bLoadSaveMode == SAVE_INGAME)) { if (!bMultiPlayer || (NetPlay.bComms == 0)) { gameTimeStart(); setGamePauseStatus( false ); setGameUpdatePause(false); setScriptPause(false); setScrollPause(false); setConsolePause(false); } intAddReticule(); intShowPowerBar(); } widgReleaseScreen(psRequestScreen); // need to "eat" up the return key so it don't pass back to game. inputLooseFocus(); return true; }
//set all the pause states to the state value void setAllPauseStates(bool state) { setGameUpdatePause(state); setAudioPause(state); setScriptPause(state); setScrollPause(state); setConsolePause(state); }
/*sets which states need to be paused when the intelligence screen is up*/ void setIntelligencePauseState(void) { if (!bMultiPlayer) { //need to clear mission widgets from being shown on intel screen clearMissionWidgets(); gameTimeStop(); setGameUpdatePause(true); if(!bInTutorial) { // Don't pause the scripts or the console if the tutorial is running. setScriptPause(true); setConsolePause(true); } setScrollPause(true); screen_RestartBackDrop(); } }
/*resets the pause states */ void resetIntelligencePauseState(void) { if (!bMultiPlayer) { //put any widgets back on for the missions resetMissionWidgets(); setGameUpdatePause(false); if(!bInTutorial) { setScriptPause(false); } setScrollPause(false); setConsolePause(false); gameTimeStart(); screen_StopBackDrop(); pie_ScreenFlip(CLEAR_BLACK); } }
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////// static BOOL _addLoadSave(BOOL bLoad,CHAR *sSearchPath,CHAR *sExtension, CHAR *title) { W_FORMINIT sFormInit; W_BUTINIT sButInit; W_LABINIT sLabInit; UDWORD slotCount; static STRING sSlots[10][64]; STRING sTemp[255]; WIN32_FIND_DATA found; HANDLE dir; mode = bLoad; if(GetCurrentDirectory(255,(char*)&sTemp) == 0) { return FALSE; // failed, directory probably didn't exist. } if ((bLoadSaveMode == LOAD_INGAME) || (bLoadSaveMode == SAVE_INGAME)) { if (!bMultiPlayer || (NetPlay.bComms ==0)) { gameTimeStop(); if(GetGameMode() == GS_NORMAL) { BOOL radOnScreen = radarOnScreen; // Only do this in main game. bRender3DOnly = TRUE; radarOnScreen = FALSE; displayWorld(); // Just display the 3d, no interface pie_UploadDisplayBuffer(DisplayBuffer); // Upload the current display back buffer into system memory. iV_ScaleBitmapRGB(DisplayBuffer,iV_GetDisplayWidth(), iV_GetDisplayHeight(),2,2,2); // Make it darker. radarOnScreen = radOnScreen; bRender3DOnly = FALSE; } setGamePauseStatus( TRUE ); setGameUpdatePause(TRUE); setScriptPause(TRUE); setScrollPause(TRUE); setConsolePause(TRUE); } forceHidePowerBar(); intRemoveReticule(); } CreateDirectory(sSearchPath,NULL); // create the directory required... fails if already there, so no problem. widgCreateScreen(&psRequestScreen); // init the screen. widgSetTipFont(psRequestScreen,WFont); /* add a form to place the tabbed form on */ memset(&sFormInit, 0, sizeof(W_FORMINIT)); sFormInit.formID = 0; sFormInit.id = LOADSAVE_FORM; sFormInit.style = WFORM_PLAIN; sFormInit.x = (SWORD)(LOADSAVE_X); sFormInit.y = (SWORD)(LOADSAVE_Y); sFormInit.width = LOADSAVE_W; sFormInit.height = LOADSAVE_H; sFormInit.disableChildren = TRUE; sFormInit.pDisplay = intOpenPlainForm; widgAddForm(psRequestScreen, &sFormInit); // Add Banner sFormInit.formID = LOADSAVE_FORM; sFormInit.id = LOADSAVE_BANNER; sFormInit.x = LOADSAVE_HGAP; sFormInit.y = LOADSAVE_VGAP; sFormInit.width = LOADSAVE_W-(2*LOADSAVE_HGAP); sFormInit.height = LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH; sFormInit.disableChildren = FALSE; sFormInit.pDisplay = displayLoadBanner; sFormInit.pUserData = (VOID *)bLoad; widgAddForm(psRequestScreen, &sFormInit); // Add Banner Label memset(&sLabInit, 0, sizeof(W_LABINIT)); sLabInit.formID = LOADSAVE_BANNER; sLabInit.id = LOADSAVE_LABEL; sLabInit.style = WLAB_ALIGNCENTRE; sLabInit.x = 0; sLabInit.y = 4; sLabInit.width = LOADSAVE_W-(2*LOADSAVE_HGAP); //LOADSAVE_W; sLabInit.height = 20; sLabInit.pText = title; sLabInit.FontID = WFont; widgAddLabel(psRequestScreen, &sLabInit); // add cancel. memset(&sButInit, 0, sizeof(W_BUTINIT)); sButInit.formID = LOADSAVE_BANNER; sButInit.x = 4; sButInit.y = 3; sButInit.width = iV_GetImageWidth(IntImages,IMAGE_NRUTER); sButInit.height = iV_GetImageHeight(IntImages,IMAGE_NRUTER); sButInit.pUserData = (void*)PACKDWORD_TRI(0,IMAGE_NRUTER , IMAGE_NRUTER); sButInit.id = LOADSAVE_CANCEL; sButInit.style = WBUT_PLAIN; sButInit.pTip = strresGetString(psStringRes, STR_MISC_CLOSE); sButInit.FontID = WFont; sButInit.pDisplay = intDisplayImageHilight; widgAddButton(psRequestScreen, &sButInit); // add slots memset(&sButInit, 0, sizeof(W_BUTINIT)); sButInit.formID = LOADSAVE_FORM; sButInit.style = WBUT_PLAIN; sButInit.width = LOADENTRY_W; sButInit.height = LOADENTRY_H; sButInit.pDisplay = displayLoadSlot; sButInit.FontID = WFont; for(slotCount = 0; slotCount< 10 ; slotCount++) { sButInit.id = slotCount+LOADENTRY_START; if(slotCount<5) { sButInit.x = LOADSAVE_HGAP; sButInit.y = (SWORD)((LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH +(2*LOADSAVE_VGAP)) + ( slotCount*(LOADSAVE_VGAP+LOADENTRY_H))); } else { sButInit.x = (2*LOADSAVE_HGAP)+LOADENTRY_W; sButInit.y = (SWORD)((LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH +(2* LOADSAVE_VGAP)) + ( (slotCount-5) *(LOADSAVE_VGAP+LOADENTRY_H))); } widgAddButton(psRequestScreen, &sButInit); } // fill slots. slotCount = 0; sprintf(sTemp,"%s*.%s",sSearchPath,sExtension); // form search string. strcpy(sPath,sSearchPath); // setup locals. strcpy(sExt,sExtension); dir =FindFirstFile(sTemp,&found); if(dir != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { while( TRUE ) { /* Set the tip and add the button */ found.cFileName[strlen(found.cFileName) -4 ] = '\0'; // chop extension strcpy(sSlots[slotCount],found.cFileName); //store it! ((W_BUTTON *)widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen,LOADENTRY_START+slotCount))->pTip = sSlots[slotCount]; ((W_BUTTON *)widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen,LOADENTRY_START+slotCount))->pText = sSlots[slotCount]; slotCount++; // goto next but. if(!FindNextFile(dir,&found ) || slotCount == 10 )// only show upto 10 entrys. { break; } } } FindClose(dir); bLoadSaveUp = TRUE; return TRUE; }
// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bool addLoadSave(LOADSAVE_MODE savemode, const char *title) { bool bLoad = true; char NewSaveGamePath[PATH_MAX] = {'\0'}; bLoadSaveMode = savemode; UDWORD slotCount; static char sSlotCaps[totalslots][totalslotspace]; static char sSlotTips[totalslots][totalslotspace]; char **i, **files; switch(savemode) { case LOAD_FRONTEND_MISSION: case LOAD_INGAME_MISSION: case LOAD_MISSIONEND: ssprintf(NewSaveGamePath, "%s%s/", SaveGamePath, "campaign"); break; case LOAD_FRONTEND_SKIRMISH: case LOAD_INGAME_SKIRMISH: ssprintf(NewSaveGamePath, "%s%s/", SaveGamePath, "skirmish"); break; case SAVE_MISSIONEND: case SAVE_INGAME_MISSION: ssprintf(NewSaveGamePath, "%s%s/", SaveGamePath, "campaign"); bLoad = false; break; case SAVE_INGAME_SKIRMISH: ssprintf(NewSaveGamePath, "%s%s/", SaveGamePath, "skirmish"); bLoad = false; break; default: ASSERT("Invalid load/save mode!", "Invalid load/save mode!"); ssprintf(NewSaveGamePath, "%s%s/", SaveGamePath, "campaign"); break; } mode = bLoad; debug(LOG_SAVE, "called (%d, %s)", bLoad, title); if ((bLoadSaveMode == LOAD_INGAME_MISSION) || (bLoadSaveMode == SAVE_INGAME_MISSION) || (bLoadSaveMode == LOAD_INGAME_SKIRMISH) || (bLoadSaveMode == SAVE_INGAME_SKIRMISH)) { if (!bMultiPlayer || (NetPlay.bComms ==0)) { gameTimeStop(); if(GetGameMode() == GS_NORMAL) { bool radOnScreen = radarOnScreen; // Only do this in main game. bRender3DOnly = true; radarOnScreen = false; displayWorld(); // Just display the 3d, no interface radarOnScreen = radOnScreen; bRender3DOnly = false; } setGamePauseStatus( true ); setGameUpdatePause(true); setScriptPause(true); setScrollPause(true); setConsolePause(true); } forceHidePowerBar(); intRemoveReticule(); } psRequestScreen = new W_SCREEN; WIDGET *parent = psRequestScreen->psForm; /* add a form to place the tabbed form on */ // we need the form to be long enough for all resolutions, so we take the total number of items * height // and * the gaps, add the banner, and finally, the fudge factor ;) IntFormAnimated *loadSaveForm = new IntFormAnimated(parent); loadSaveForm->id = LOADSAVE_FORM; loadSaveForm->setGeometry(LOADSAVE_X, LOADSAVE_Y, LOADSAVE_W, slotsInColumn*(LOADENTRY_H + LOADSAVE_HGAP) + LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH + 20); // Add Banner W_FORMINIT sFormInit; sFormInit.formID = LOADSAVE_FORM; sFormInit.id = LOADSAVE_BANNER; sFormInit.x = LOADSAVE_HGAP; sFormInit.y = LOADSAVE_VGAP; sFormInit.width = LOADSAVE_W-(2*LOADSAVE_HGAP); sFormInit.height = LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH; sFormInit.pDisplay = displayLoadBanner; sFormInit.UserData = bLoad; widgAddForm(psRequestScreen, &sFormInit); // Add Banner Label W_LABINIT sLabInit; sLabInit.formID = LOADSAVE_BANNER; sLabInit.FontID = font_large; sLabInit.id = LOADSAVE_LABEL; sLabInit.style = WLAB_ALIGNCENTRE; sLabInit.x = 0; sLabInit.y = 0; sLabInit.width = LOADSAVE_W-(2*LOADSAVE_HGAP); //LOADSAVE_W; sLabInit.height = LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH; //This looks right -Q sLabInit.pText = title; widgAddLabel(psRequestScreen, &sLabInit); // add cancel. W_BUTINIT sButInit; sButInit.formID = LOADSAVE_BANNER; sButInit.x = 8; sButInit.y = 10; sButInit.width = iV_GetImageWidth(IntImages,IMAGE_NRUTER); sButInit.height = iV_GetImageHeight(IntImages,IMAGE_NRUTER); sButInit.UserData = PACKDWORD_TRI(0,IMAGE_NRUTER , IMAGE_NRUTER); sButInit.id = LOADSAVE_CANCEL; sButInit.style = WBUT_PLAIN; sButInit.pTip = _("Close"); sButInit.pDisplay = intDisplayImageHilight; widgAddButton(psRequestScreen, &sButInit); // add slots sButInit = W_BUTINIT(); sButInit.formID = LOADSAVE_FORM; sButInit.style = WBUT_PLAIN; sButInit.width = LOADENTRY_W; sButInit.height = LOADENTRY_H; sButInit.pDisplay = displayLoadSlot; for(slotCount = 0; slotCount< totalslots; slotCount++) { sButInit.id = slotCount+LOADENTRY_START; if(slotCount < slotsInColumn) { sButInit.x = 22 + LOADSAVE_HGAP; sButInit.y = (SWORD)((LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH +(2*LOADSAVE_VGAP)) + ( slotCount*(LOADSAVE_VGAP+LOADENTRY_H))); } else if (slotCount >= slotsInColumn && (slotCount < (slotsInColumn *2))) { sButInit.x = 22 + (2*LOADSAVE_HGAP + LOADENTRY_W); sButInit.y = (SWORD)((LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH +(2* LOADSAVE_VGAP)) + ( (slotCount % slotsInColumn)*(LOADSAVE_VGAP+LOADENTRY_H))); } else { sButInit.x = 22 + (3*LOADSAVE_HGAP + (2*LOADENTRY_W)); sButInit.y = (SWORD)((LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH +(2* LOADSAVE_VGAP)) + ( (slotCount % slotsInColumn)*(LOADSAVE_VGAP+LOADENTRY_H))); } widgAddButton(psRequestScreen, &sButInit); } // fill slots. slotCount = 0; debug(LOG_SAVE, "Searching \"%s\" for savegames", NewSaveGamePath); // add savegame filenames minus extensions to buttons files = PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(NewSaveGamePath); for (i = files; *i != NULL; ++i) { W_BUTTON *button; char savefile[256]; time_t savetime; struct tm *timeinfo; // See if this filename contains the extension we're looking for if (!strstr(*i, sExt)) { // If it doesn't, move on to the next filename continue; } button = (W_BUTTON*)widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen, LOADENTRY_START + slotCount); debug(LOG_SAVE, "We found [%s]", *i); /* Figure save-time */ snprintf(savefile, sizeof(savefile), "%s/%s", NewSaveGamePath, *i); savetime = PHYSFS_getLastModTime(savefile); timeinfo = localtime(&savetime); strftime(sSlotTips[slotCount], sizeof(sSlotTips[slotCount]), "%x %X", timeinfo); /* Set the button-text */ (*i)[strlen(*i) - 4] = '\0'; // remove .gam extension sstrcpy(sSlotCaps[slotCount], *i); //store it! /* Add button */ button->pTip = sSlotTips[slotCount]; button->pText = sSlotCaps[slotCount]; slotCount++; // goto next but... if (slotCount == totalslots) { break; } } PHYSFS_freeList(files); bLoadSaveUp = true; return true; }
//**************************************************************************************** // Load menu/save menu? //***************************************************************************************** static BOOL _addLoadSave(BOOL bLoad, const char *sSearchPath, const char *sExtension, const char *title) { W_FORMINIT sFormInit; W_BUTINIT sButInit; W_LABINIT sLabInit; UDWORD slotCount; // removed hardcoded values! change with the defines above! -Q static char sSlotCaps[totalslots][totalslotspace]; static char sSlotTips[totalslots][totalslotspace]; char **i, **files; const char* checkExtension; mode = bLoad; debug(LOG_SAVE, "called (%d, %s, %s, %s)", bLoad, sSearchPath, sExtension, title); if ((bLoadSaveMode == LOAD_INGAME) || (bLoadSaveMode == SAVE_INGAME)) { if (!bMultiPlayer || (NetPlay.bComms ==0)) { gameTimeStop(); if(GetGameMode() == GS_NORMAL) { BOOL radOnScreen = radarOnScreen; // Only do this in main game. bRender3DOnly = true; radarOnScreen = false; displayWorld(); // Just display the 3d, no interface pie_UploadDisplayBuffer(); // Upload the current display back buffer into system memory. radarOnScreen = radOnScreen; bRender3DOnly = false; } setGamePauseStatus( true ); setGameUpdatePause(true); setScriptPause(true); setScrollPause(true); setConsolePause(true); } forceHidePowerBar(); intRemoveReticule(); } (void) PHYSFS_mkdir(sSearchPath); // just in case psRequestScreen = widgCreateScreen(); // init the screen widgSetTipFont(psRequestScreen,font_regular); /* add a form to place the tabbed form on */ memset(&sFormInit, 0, sizeof(W_FORMINIT)); sFormInit.formID = 0; //this adds the blue background, and the "box" behind the buttons -Q sFormInit.id = LOADSAVE_FORM; sFormInit.style = WFORM_PLAIN; sFormInit.x = (SWORD) LOADSAVE_X; sFormInit.y = (SWORD) LOADSAVE_Y; sFormInit.width = LOADSAVE_W; // we need the form to be long enough for all resolutions, so we take the total number of items * height // and * the gaps, add the banner, and finally, the fudge factor ;) sFormInit.height = (slotsInColumn * LOADENTRY_H + LOADSAVE_HGAP* slotsInColumn)+ LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH+20; sFormInit.disableChildren = true; sFormInit.pDisplay = intOpenPlainForm; widgAddForm(psRequestScreen, &sFormInit); // Add Banner sFormInit.formID = LOADSAVE_FORM; sFormInit.id = LOADSAVE_BANNER; sFormInit.x = LOADSAVE_HGAP; sFormInit.y = LOADSAVE_VGAP; sFormInit.width = LOADSAVE_W-(2*LOADSAVE_HGAP); sFormInit.height = LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH; sFormInit.disableChildren = false; sFormInit.pDisplay = displayLoadBanner; sFormInit.UserData = bLoad; widgAddForm(psRequestScreen, &sFormInit); // Add Banner Label memset(&sLabInit, 0, sizeof(W_LABINIT)); sLabInit.formID = LOADSAVE_BANNER; sLabInit.id = LOADSAVE_LABEL; sLabInit.style = WLAB_ALIGNCENTRE; sLabInit.x = 0; sLabInit.y = 3; sLabInit.width = LOADSAVE_W-(2*LOADSAVE_HGAP); //LOADSAVE_W; sLabInit.height = LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH; //This looks right -Q sLabInit.pText = title; sLabInit.FontID = font_regular; widgAddLabel(psRequestScreen, &sLabInit); // add cancel. memset(&sButInit, 0, sizeof(W_BUTINIT)); sButInit.formID = LOADSAVE_BANNER; sButInit.x = 8; sButInit.y = 8; sButInit.width = iV_GetImageWidth(IntImages,IMAGE_NRUTER); sButInit.height = iV_GetImageHeight(IntImages,IMAGE_NRUTER); sButInit.UserData = PACKDWORD_TRI(0,IMAGE_NRUTER , IMAGE_NRUTER); sButInit.id = LOADSAVE_CANCEL; sButInit.style = WBUT_PLAIN; sButInit.pTip = _("Close"); sButInit.FontID = font_regular; sButInit.pDisplay = intDisplayImageHilight; widgAddButton(psRequestScreen, &sButInit); // add slots memset(&sButInit, 0, sizeof(W_BUTINIT)); sButInit.formID = LOADSAVE_FORM; sButInit.style = WBUT_PLAIN; sButInit.width = LOADENTRY_W; sButInit.height = LOADENTRY_H; sButInit.pDisplay = displayLoadSlot; sButInit.FontID = font_regular; for(slotCount = 0; slotCount< totalslots; slotCount++) { sButInit.id = slotCount+LOADENTRY_START; if(slotCount < slotsInColumn) { sButInit.x = 22 + LOADSAVE_HGAP; sButInit.y = (SWORD)((LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH +(2*LOADSAVE_VGAP)) + ( slotCount*(LOADSAVE_VGAP+LOADENTRY_H))); } else if (slotCount >= slotsInColumn && (slotCount < (slotsInColumn *2))) { sButInit.x = 22 + (2*LOADSAVE_HGAP + LOADENTRY_W); sButInit.y = (SWORD)((LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH +(2* LOADSAVE_VGAP)) + ( (slotCount % slotsInColumn)*(LOADSAVE_VGAP+LOADENTRY_H))); } else { sButInit.x = 22 + (3*LOADSAVE_HGAP + (2*LOADENTRY_W)); sButInit.y = (SWORD)((LOADSAVE_BANNER_DEPTH +(2* LOADSAVE_VGAP)) + ( (slotCount % slotsInColumn)*(LOADSAVE_VGAP+LOADENTRY_H))); } widgAddButton(psRequestScreen, &sButInit); } // fill slots. slotCount = 0; sstrcpy(sPath, sSearchPath); // setup locals. sstrcpy(sExt, sExtension); debug(LOG_SAVE, "Searching \"%s\" for savegames", sSearchPath); // Check for an extension like ".ext", not "ext" sasprintf((char**)&checkExtension, ".%s", sExtension); // add savegame filenames minus extensions to buttons files = PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(sSearchPath); for (i = files; *i != NULL; ++i) { W_BUTTON *button; char savefile[256]; time_t savetime; // See if this filename contains the extension we're looking for if (!strstr(*i, checkExtension)) { // If it doesn't, move on to the next filename continue; } button = (W_BUTTON*)widgGetFromID(psRequestScreen, LOADENTRY_START + slotCount); debug(LOG_SAVE, "We found [%s]", *i); /* Figure save-time */ snprintf(savefile, sizeof(savefile), "%s/%s", sSearchPath, *i); savetime = PHYSFS_getLastModTime(savefile); sstrcpy(sSlotTips[slotCount], ctime(&savetime)); /* Set the button-text */ (*i)[strlen(*i) - 4] = '\0'; // remove .gam extension sstrcpy(sSlotCaps[slotCount], *i); //store it! /* Add button */ button->pTip = sSlotTips[slotCount]; button->pText = sSlotCaps[slotCount]; slotCount++; // goto next but... if (slotCount == totalslots) { break; } } PHYSFS_freeList(files); bLoadSaveUp = true; return true; }