Пример #1
void WEnvironment::enableAjax(const WebRequest& request)
  doesAjax_ = true;

  doesCookies_ = request.headerValue("Cookie") != 0;

  if (!request.getParameter("htmlHistory"))
    hashInternalPaths_ = true;

  const std::string *scaleE = request.getParameter("scale");

  try {
    dpiScale_ = scaleE ? boost::lexical_cast<double>(*scaleE) : 1;
  } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &e) {
    dpiScale_ = 1;

  const std::string *webGLE = request.getParameter("webGL");

  webGLsupported_ = webGLE ? (*webGLE == "true") : false;

  const std::string *tzE = request.getParameter("tz");

  try {
    timeZoneOffset_ = tzE ? boost::lexical_cast<int>(*tzE) : 0;
  } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &e) {

  const std::string *hashE = request.getParameter("_");

  // the internal path, when present as an anchor (#), is only
  // conveyed in the second request
  if (hashE)

  const std::string *deployPathE = request.getParameter("deployPath");
  if (deployPathE) {
    publicDeploymentPath_ = *deployPathE;
    std::size_t s = publicDeploymentPath_.find('/');
    if (s != 0)
      publicDeploymentPath_.clear(); // looks invalid

  const std::string *scrWE = request.getParameter("scrW");
  if (scrWE) {
    try {
      screenWidth_ = boost::lexical_cast<int>(*scrWE);
    } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &) {
  const std::string *scrHE = request.getParameter("scrH");
  if (scrHE) {
    try {
      screenHeight_ = boost::lexical_cast<int>(*scrHE);
    } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &) {
Пример #2
void WEnvironment::enableAjax(const WebRequest& request)
  doesAjax_ = true;

  doesCookies_ = !request.headerValue("Cookie").empty();

  if (!request.getParameter("htmlHistory"))
    hashInternalPaths_ = true;

  const std::string *scaleE = request.getParameter("scale");

  try {
    dpiScale_ = scaleE ? boost::lexical_cast<double>(*scaleE) : 1;
  } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &e) {
    dpiScale_ = 1;

  const std::string *hashE = request.getParameter("_");

  // the internal path, when present as an anchor (#), is only
  // conveyed in the second request
  if (hashE)

  const std::string *deployPathE = request.getParameter("deployPath");
  if (deployPathE) {
    publicDeploymentPath_ = *deployPathE;
    std::size_t s = publicDeploymentPath_.find('/');
    if (s != 0)
      publicDeploymentPath_.clear(); // looks invalid
Пример #3
WLink::WLink(Type type, const std::string& value)
  switch (type) {
  case Url: setUrl(value); break;
  case InternalPath: setInternalPath(WString::fromUTF8(value)); break;
    throw WException("WLink::WLink(type) cannot be used for a Resource");
Пример #4
void AppNodeStar::HandleAuthLoginChangedStep2( void ) {
  // 2016/09/04:   goto the logged out page (or special leaving page), or to the /member/home page)
  //root()->addWidget( new Wt::WText( "Login Changed - " ) );
  std::cout << "auth step2" << std::endl;
  if ( m_pAuth->LoggedIn() ) {
    Wt::log("notice") << "AppNodeStar User " /* << m_SignIn.user().id() */ << " logged in.";
    setInternalPath( "/member/home", false );
    //HandleInternalPathChanged( internalPath() );
    //redirect( "/member/home" );
  else {
    Wt::log("notice") << "AppNodeStar User logged out.";
    setInternalPath( "/goodbye", false );
    //HandleInternalPathChanged( internalPath() );
    //redirect( "/goodbye" );
  HandleInternalPathChanged( internalPath() );
//  ShowMainMenu( root() );
Пример #5
status_t PublicVolume::doMount() {
    // TODO: expand to support mounting other filesystems

    if (mFsType != "vfat") {
        LOG(ERROR) << getId() << " unsupported filesystem " << mFsType;
        return -EIO;

    if (vfat::Check(mDevPath)) {
        LOG(ERROR) << getId() << " failed filesystem check";
        return -EIO;

    // Use UUID as stable name, if available
    std::string stableName = getId();
    if (!mFsUuid.empty()) {
        stableName = mFsUuid;

    mRawPath = StringPrintf("/mnt/media_rw/%s", stableName.c_str());

    mFuseDefault = StringPrintf("/mnt/runtime/default/%s", stableName.c_str());
    mFuseRead = StringPrintf("/mnt/runtime/read/%s", stableName.c_str());
    mFuseWrite = StringPrintf("/mnt/runtime/write/%s", stableName.c_str());

    if (getMountFlags() & MountFlags::kVisible) {
        setPath(StringPrintf("/storage/%s", stableName.c_str()));
    } else {

    if (fs_prepare_dir(mRawPath.c_str(), 0700, AID_ROOT, AID_ROOT) ||
            fs_prepare_dir(mFuseDefault.c_str(), 0700, AID_ROOT, AID_ROOT) ||
            fs_prepare_dir(mFuseRead.c_str(), 0700, AID_ROOT, AID_ROOT) ||
            fs_prepare_dir(mFuseWrite.c_str(), 0700, AID_ROOT, AID_ROOT)) {
        PLOG(ERROR) << getId() << " failed to create mount points";
        return -errno;

    if (vfat::Mount(mDevPath, mRawPath, false, false, false,
            AID_MEDIA_RW, AID_MEDIA_RW, 0007, true)) {
        PLOG(ERROR) << getId() << " failed to mount " << mDevPath;
        return -EIO;

    if (getMountFlags() & MountFlags::kPrimary) {

    if (!(getMountFlags() & MountFlags::kVisible)) {
        // Not visible to apps, so no need to spin up FUSE
        return OK;

    dev_t before = GetDevice(mFuseWrite);

    if (!(mFusePid = fork())) {
        if (getMountFlags() & MountFlags::kPrimary) {
            if (execl(kFusePath, kFusePath,
                    "-u", "1023", // AID_MEDIA_RW
                    "-g", "1023", // AID_MEDIA_RW
                    "-U", std::to_string(getMountUserId()).c_str(),
                    NULL)) {
                PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to exec";
        } else {
            if (execl(kFusePath, kFusePath,
                    "-u", "1023", // AID_MEDIA_RW
                    "-g", "1023", // AID_MEDIA_RW
                    "-U", std::to_string(getMountUserId()).c_str(),
                    NULL)) {
                PLOG(ERROR) << "Failed to exec";

        LOG(ERROR) << "FUSE exiting";

    if (mFusePid == -1) {
        PLOG(ERROR) << getId() << " failed to fork";
        return -errno;

    while (before == GetDevice(mFuseWrite)) {
        LOG(VERBOSE) << "Waiting for FUSE to spin up...";
        usleep(50000); // 50ms

    return OK;
Пример #6
 Calculator(const std::string& path, Wt::WObject* parent=NULL)
      : Wt::WResource(parent) {
      Wt::WApplication::instance()->log("info") << "Resource URL: " << url();
Пример #7
void WEnvironment::enableAjax(const WebRequest& request)
  doesAjax_ = true;

  doesCookies_ = request.headerValue("Cookie") != nullptr;

  if (!request.getParameter("htmlHistory"))
    internalPathUsingFragments_ = true;

  const std::string *scaleE = request.getParameter("scale");

  try {
    dpiScale_ = scaleE ? Utils::stod(*scaleE) : 1;
  } catch (std::exception& e) {
    dpiScale_ = 1;

  const std::string *webGLE = request.getParameter("webGL");

  webGLsupported_ = webGLE ? (*webGLE == "true") : false;

  const std::string *tzE = request.getParameter("tz");

  try {
    timeZoneOffset_ = std::chrono::minutes{tzE ? Utils::stoi(*tzE) : 0};
  } catch (std::exception& e) {

  const std::string *tzSE = request.getParameter("tzS");

  timeZoneName_ = tzSE ? *tzSE : std::string("");

  const std::string *hashE = request.getParameter("_");

  // the internal path, when present as an anchor (#), is only
  // conveyed in the second request
  if (hashE)

  const std::string *deployPathE = request.getParameter("deployPath");
  if (deployPathE) {
    publicDeploymentPath_ = *deployPathE;
    std::size_t s = publicDeploymentPath_.find('/');
    if (s != 0)
      publicDeploymentPath_.clear(); // looks invalid

  const std::string *scrWE = request.getParameter("scrW");
  if (scrWE) {
    try {
      screenWidth_ = Utils::stoi(*scrWE);
    } catch (std::exception &e) {
  const std::string *scrHE = request.getParameter("scrH");
  if (scrHE) {
    try {
      screenHeight_ = Utils::stoi(*scrHE);
    } catch (std::exception &e) {