Пример #1
  /** This callback is triggered when someone sends an action command to the
    * "move_to" server. */
  void moveToCallback(const amr_msgs::MoveToGoalConstPtr& goal)
    ROS_INFO("Received [move_to] action command.");

    if (!setNewGoal(goal))

    // Start an infinite loop where in each iteration we try to advance towards
    // the goal and also check if the goal has been preempted (i.e. a new goal
    // was given). The loop is terminated if the goal was reached, or if the
    // node itself shuts down.
    ros::Rate rate(controller_frequency_);
    ros::NodeHandle nh;
    while (nh.ok())
      // Exit if the goal was aborted
      if (!move_to_server_->isActive())

      // Process pending preemption requests
      if (move_to_server_->isPreemptRequested())
        ROS_INFO("Action preemption requested.");
        if (move_to_server_->isNewGoalAvailable() && setNewGoal(move_to_server_->acceptNewGoal()))
          // A new valid goal was given and accepted. Notify the ActionServer
          // that we preempted and proceed to execute the action.
          // We have been preempted explicitly, without a new goal therefore we
          // need to shut things down
          // Notify the ActionServer that we have successfully preempted
          // No goal - no actions, just exit the callback

      // Issue a command to move towards the current goal
      if (!moveTowardsGoal())
        // Finish execution if the goal was reached
        move_to_server_->setSucceeded(amr_msgs::MoveToResult(), "Goal reached.");


    // We get here only if nh.ok() returned false, i.e. the node has received
    // a shutdown request
    move_to_server_->setAborted(amr_msgs::MoveToResult(), "Aborted. The node has been killed.");
Пример #2
BKPlanner::goalCB(const PoseWithCovarianceStamped::ConstPtr& goal_cov_ptr)
	// Get the covariance
	double cov = goal_cov_ptr->pose.covariance[0];
	// Then strip it out so we are left with a regular PoseStamped
	PoseStamped goal;
	goal.header = goal_cov_ptr->header;
	goal.pose   = goal_cov_ptr->pose.pose;

	ROS_INFO_THROTTLE(2,"[Goal callback] Got new goal: (%.2f,%.2f) in frame %s, covariance %.2f", goal.pose.position.x, goal.pose.position.y, goal.header.frame_id.c_str(), cov);
	// Try to transform the goal to my frame of reference
	PoseStamped new_goal;
	if( !poseToGlobalFrame(goal, new_goal) )
		ROS_ERROR("[Goal callback] Could not transform goal to global frame");
	// Accept the new goal under two conditions:
	// 1) it is far enough away from the last accepted goal (goal_hysteresis_)
	// 2) enough time has elapsed since the last time (goal_timeout_)
	double d = dist(latest_goal_, new_goal);
	ros::Duration time_since_goal = last_accepted_goal_ - ros::Time::now();
	if( d > goal_hysteresis_ || time_since_goal > goal_timeout_ || planner_->override_goal_generation_ )
		sc_.say("New goal.");
		last_accepted_goal_ = ros::Time::now();
Пример #3
BKPlanner::BKPlanner(std::string name, tf::TransformListener& tf):
	nh_                 (),
	priv_nh_            ("~"),
	tf_                 (tf),
	got_new_goal_       (false),
	last_accepted_goal_ (ros::Time(0)),
	sc_                 ()
	// Initialize the cost map and path checker
	planner_costmap_ = shared_ptr<costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS>
		(new costmap_2d::Costmap2DROS("local_costmap", tf_) );	          
	path_checker_    = shared_ptr<path_checker::PathChecker>
		(new path_checker::PathChecker("path_checker", planner_costmap_));
	// Get planner-related parameters
	priv_nh_.param("goal_hysteresis", goal_hysteresis_, 0.2);
	ROS_INFO("[bk_planner] Goal hysteresis is %.2f", goal_hysteresis_);
	double temp;
	priv_nh_.param("goal_timeout", temp, 3.0);
	goal_timeout_ = ros::Duration(temp);
	ROS_INFO("[bk_planner] Goal timeout is %.2fsec", temp);
	priv_nh_.param("goal_cov_thresh", goal_cov_thresh_, 1.0);
	ROS_INFO("[bk_planner] Goal covariance threshold is %.2f", goal_cov_thresh_);
	// Get the robot's current pose and set a goal there
	PoseStamped robot_pose;
	if( getRobotPose(robot_pose) ) {
	else {
		ROS_ERROR("[bk_planner] Could not transform start pose");
	// Create the planner and feeder threads
	planner_ = shared_ptr<BKPlanningThread>
		(new BKPlanningThread(this) );		
	feeder_   = shared_ptr<BKFeederThread>
		(new BKFeederThread  (this) );
	// Set their references to each other
	planner_->setFeeder (feeder_);
	feeder_ ->setPlanner(planner_);
	// Kick off the threads
	planning_thread_ = shared_ptr<boost::thread>
		(new boost::thread(boost::bind(&BKPlanningThread::run, planner_)) );
	feeder_thread_   = shared_ptr<boost::thread>
		(new boost::thread(boost::bind(&BKFeederThread::run  , feeder_ )) );

	// This node subscribes to a goal pose.
	goal_sub_ = nh_.subscribe("goal_with_covariance", 1, &BKPlanner::goalCB, this);
	// ROS_INFO("BKPlanner constructor finished");
Пример #4
void Division::changeGoal(const int newGoal)
    (newGoal == 113) ? setNewGoal(255) : setNewGoal(newGoal);
