ObjectReferenceEdit::ObjectReferenceEdit(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), mErrorTextColor(Qt::red) { QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout(this); layout->setMargin(0); layout->setSpacing(0); mLineEdit = new QLineEdit(this); mLineEdit->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Preferred)); mOkTextColor = mLineEdit->palette().color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Text); QToolButton *button = new QToolButton(this); button->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Preferred)); button->setFixedWidth(20); button->setText(QLatin1String("...")); layout->addWidget(mLineEdit); layout->addWidget(button); connect(button, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), SLOT(buttonClicked())); connect(mLineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), SLOT(validate())); connect(mLineEdit, SIGNAL(textEdited(QString)), SLOT(setObjectId(QString))); setFocusProxy(mLineEdit); setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); setAttribute(Qt::WA_InputMethodEnabled); }
void StaticObj::readObj(char* filename, object &comp) { FILE *f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if(f == NULL){ std::cout<<"Error opening an object file"; return; } int length; fread(&length, sizeof(int), 1, f); std::vector<Vector3> vertices(length); fread(&vertices[0], sizeof(Vector3)*length, 1, f); fread(&length, sizeof(int), 1, f); std::vector<Vector3> normals(length); fread(&normals[0], sizeof(Vector3)*length, 1, f); fread(&length, sizeof(int), 1, f); if(length >0){ std::vector<Point2D> texMap(length); fread(&texMap[0], sizeof(Point2D)*length, 1, f); fread(&length, sizeof(int), 1, f); std::vector<Face> face(length); fread(&face[0], sizeof(Face)*length, 1, f); comp.texMap = texMap; comp.face = face; } comp.vertices = vertices; comp.normals = normals; fclose(f); setObjectId(comp); }
void FormComboBox::setCfg( const Cfg::ComboBox & c ) { setObjectId( c.objectId() ); setLink( c.link() ); setObjectPen( Cfg::fromPen( c.pen() ), false ); d->setRect( QRectF( c.pos().x(), c.pos().y(), c.size().width(), c.size().height() ) ); update(); }
void ObjectGroup::addObject(Object* object) { mObjectList.push_back(object); object->setState(INGROUP); mModel->addObjectModel(object->getObjectModel()); mObjectToObjectModel.insert(std::make_pair(object, object->getObjectModel())); mObjectModelToObject.insert(std::make_pair(object->getObjectModel(), object)); std::string name; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < mObjectList.size(); ++i) name += mObjectList[i]->getObjectId() + ", "; setObjectId(name); }
void FormCheckBox::setCfg( const Cfg::CheckBox & c ) { d->m_checked = c.isChecked(); setObjectId( c.objectId() ); setLink( c.link() ); setObjectPen( Cfg::fromPen( c.pen() ), false ); d->setRect( QRectF( c.pos().x(), c.pos().y(), c.width(), c.size().height() ) ); setText( c.text() ); update(); }
void AlarmAddLinkAction::_setFromParametersMap(const ParametersMap& map) { // Recipient key _recipientKey = map.get<string>(PARAMETER_RECIPIENT_KEY); if (!Factory<AlarmRecipient>::contains(_recipientKey)) throw ActionException("Specified recipient not found"); // Alarm ID setAlarmId(map.get<RegistryKeyType>(PARAMETER_ALARM_ID)); // Object ID setObjectId(map.get<RegistryKeyType>(PARAMETER_OBJECT_ID)); // Parameter _parameter = map.getDefault<string>(PARAMETER_PARAMETER); }
AccessEventObject::AccessEventObject(int objectId, QString eventDate, QString physicianName, QString hospitalName, QString eventType, QString notes, int imageId, int documentId, int patientId, int accessId, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { setObjectId(objectId); setEventDate(eventDate); setPhysicianName(physicianName); setHospitalName(hospitalName); setEventType(eventType); setNotes(notes); setImageId(imageId); setDocumentId(documentId); setPatientId(patientId); setAccessId(accessId); }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class ex_tcb ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Base class constructor ex_tcb::ex_tcb( const ComTdb & tdb, const short in_version, ex_globals * g) : tdb(tdb), nodeType_((ComTdb::ex_node_type)tdb.getNodeType()), version_(in_version), globals_(g), statsEntry_(NULL), pool_(NULL) // QSTUFF , holdable_(FALSE) // QSTUFF { str_cpy_all( (char *) &eyeCatcher_, (char *) &(tdb.eyeCatcher_), 4); #ifdef NA_DEBUG_GUI increaseObjectcount(); setObjectId(); #endif // Cleanup g->registerTcb(this); };
// Setters void Audio::setAudioId(const QString& v) { setObjectId(v); }
bool RMemoryStorage::saveObject(QSharedPointer<RObject> object, bool checkBlockRecursion, bool keepHandles) { if (object.isNull()) { qWarning() << "RMemoryStorage::saveObject: object is NULL"; return false; } //qDebug() << "saveObject: " << *object; // never allow two layers with identical names, update layer instead: QSharedPointer<RLayer> layer = object.dynamicCast<RLayer>(); if (!layer.isNull()) { RLayer::Id id = getLayerId(layer->getName()); if (id != RLayer::INVALID_ID && id != layer->getId()) { setObjectId(*layer, id); // never unprotect an existing protected layer: QSharedPointer<RLayer> existingLayer = queryLayerDirect(id); if (!existingLayer.isNull()) { if (existingLayer->isProtected()) { layer->setProtected(true); } } } } // never allow two blocks with identical names, update block instead: QSharedPointer<RBlock> block = object.dynamicCast<RBlock> (); if (!block.isNull()) { RBlock::Id id = getBlockId(block->getName()); if (id != RBlock::INVALID_ID && id != block->getId()) { setObjectId(*block, id); } } // never allow two linetypes with identical names, update linetype instead: QSharedPointer<RLinetype> linetype = object.dynamicCast<RLinetype> (); if (!linetype.isNull()) { RLinetype::Id id = getLinetypeId(linetype->getName()); if (id != RLinetype::INVALID_ID && id != linetype->getId()) { setObjectId(*linetype, id); } } // avoid block recursions: if (checkBlockRecursion) { /* QSharedPointer<RBlockReferenceEntity> blockRef = object.dynamicCast<RBlockReferenceEntity> (); if (!blockRef.isNull()) { RBlock::Id id = blockRef->getBlockId(); RBlock::Id refId = blockRef->getReferencedBlockId(); // check if block with 'id' may contain a block reference which refers to // block with 'refid': // 201308: too slow for large, complex drawings: if (checkRecursion(id, refId)) { qCritical("RMemoryStorage::saveObject: recursion found"); return false; } } */ } QSharedPointer<REntity> entity = object.dynamicCast<REntity> (); if (!entity.isNull()) { Q_ASSERT_X(!queryLayerDirect(entity->getLayerId()).isNull(), "RMemoryStrorage::saveObject", "Layer of entity is NULL"); } // assign new object ID to new objects: if (object->getId() == RObject::INVALID_ID) { setObjectId(*object, getNewObjectId()); // only set new handle if handle is not set already: if (!keepHandles || object->getHandle()==RObject::INVALID_HANDLE) { setObjectHandle(*object, getNewObjectHandle()); } // assign draw order to new entities: if (!entity.isNull() && entity->getDrawOrder()==0) { entity->setDrawOrder(getMaxDrawOrder()); setMaxDrawOrder(getMaxDrawOrder()+1); } } // TODO: save original object for rollback: //if (inTransaction) { //transactionObjectMap[object->getId()] = object; //} objectMap[object->getId()] = object; objectHandleMap[object->getHandle()] = object; if (!entity.isNull()) { entityMap[entity->getId()] = entity; blockEntityMap.insert(entity->getBlockId(), entity); setMaxDrawOrder(qMax(entity->getDrawOrder()+1, getMaxDrawOrder())); } if (!layer.isNull()) { layerMap[object->getId()] = layer; } if (!block.isNull()) { blockMap[object->getId()] = block; } if (!linetype.isNull()) { linetypeMap[object->getId()] = linetype; } QSharedPointer<RDocumentVariables> docVars = object.dynamicCast<RDocumentVariables> (); if (!docVars.isNull()) { documentVariables = docVars; } return true; }
bool RMemoryStorage::saveObject(QSharedPointer<RObject> object, bool checkBlockRecursion, bool keepHandles) { if (object.isNull()) { return false; } // never allow two layers with identical names, update layer instead: QSharedPointer<RLayer> layer = object.dynamicCast<RLayer>(); if (!layer.isNull()) { RLayer::Id id = getLayerId(layer->getName()); if (id != RLayer::INVALID_ID) { setObjectId(*layer, id); } } // never allow two blocks with identical names, update block instead: QSharedPointer<RBlock> block = object.dynamicCast<RBlock> (); if (!block.isNull()) { RBlock::Id id = getBlockId(block->getName()); if (id != RBlock::INVALID_ID) { setObjectId(*block, id); } } // avoid block recursions: if (checkBlockRecursion) { /* QSharedPointer<RBlockReferenceEntity> blockRef = object.dynamicCast<RBlockReferenceEntity> (); if (!blockRef.isNull()) { RBlock::Id id = blockRef->getBlockId(); RBlock::Id refId = blockRef->getReferencedBlockId(); // check if block with 'id' may contain a block reference which refers to // block with 'refid': // 201308: too slow for large, complex drawings: if (checkRecursion(id, refId)) { qCritical("RMemoryStorage::saveObject: recursion found"); return false; } } */ } QSharedPointer<REntity> entity = object.dynamicCast<REntity> (); // assign new object ID to new objects: if (object->getId() == RObject::INVALID_ID) { setObjectId(*object, getNewObjectId()); // only set new handle if handle is not set already: if (!keepHandles || object->getHandle()==RObject::INVALID_HANDLE) { setObjectHandle(*object, getNewObjectHandle()); } // assign draw order to new entities: if (!entity.isNull()) { entity->setDrawOrder(getMaxDrawOrder()); setMaxDrawOrder(getMaxDrawOrder()+1); } } // TODO: save original object for rollback: //if (inTransaction) { //transactionObjectMap[object->getId()] = object; //} objectMap[object->getId()] = object; //QSharedPointer<REntity> entity = object.dynamicCast<REntity> (); if (!entity.isNull()) { entityMap[entity->getId()] = entity; blockEntityMap.insert(entity->getBlockId(), entity); //qDebug() << "added " << entity->getId() << " to block " << entity->getBlockId(); setMaxDrawOrder(qMax(entity->getDrawOrder()+1, getMaxDrawOrder())); } if (!layer.isNull()) { layerMap[object->getId()] = layer; } if (!block.isNull()) { blockMap[object->getId()] = block; } return true; }
void FormText::setCfg( const Cfg::Text & c ) { setPlainText( QString() ); QFont f = font(); QTextCharFormat fmt = textCursor().charFormat(); QTextBlockFormat b = textCursor().blockFormat(); foreach( const Cfg::TextStyle & s, c.text() ) { if( s.style().contains( Cfg::c_normalStyle ) ) { f.setWeight( QFont::Normal ); f.setItalic( false ); f.setUnderline( false ); fmt.setFontWeight( QFont::Normal ); fmt.setFontItalic( false ); fmt.setFontUnderline( false ); } else { if( s.style().contains( Cfg::c_boldStyle ) ) { f.setWeight( QFont::Bold ); fmt.setFontWeight( QFont::Bold ); } else { f.setWeight( QFont::Normal ); fmt.setFontWeight( QFont::Normal ); } if( s.style().contains( Cfg::c_italicStyle ) ) { f.setItalic( true ); fmt.setFontItalic( true ); } else { f.setItalic( false ); fmt.setFontItalic( false ); } if( s.style().contains( Cfg::c_underlineStyle ) ) { f.setUnderline( true ); fmt.setFontUnderline( true ); } else { f.setUnderline( false ); fmt.setFontUnderline( false ); } } Cfg::initBlockFormat( b, s ); f.setPointSize( s.fontSize() ); fmt.setFontPointSize( s.fontSize() ); setFont( f ); QTextCursor cursor = textCursor(); cursor.movePosition( QTextCursor::End ); cursor.setCharFormat( fmt ); cursor.setBlockFormat( b ); cursor.insertText( s.text() ); setTextCursor( cursor ); } document()->clearUndoRedoStacks(); setObjectId( c.objectId() ); setTextWidth( c.textWidth() ); setPos( QPointF( c.pos().x(), c.pos().y() ) ); setLink( c.link() ); QRectF r = boundingRect(); r.moveTo( pos() ); d->m_proxy->setRect( r ); }