Пример #1
 * Class:     org_imgsdk_core_NativeImageSdk
 * Method:    setOutputPath
 * Signature: (JLjava/lang/String;)V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_org_imgsdk_core_NativeImageSdk_setOutputPath
  (JNIEnv *env, jobject thiz, jlong ptr, jstring jpath)
	SdkEnv* sdk = (SdkEnv *)((intptr_t)ptr);
	if (NULL == sdk) {
		LogE("NULL pointer exception\n");

	if (NULL == jpath) {
		LogE("NULL pointer exception\n");

	char *path = jstring2string(env, jpath);
    if (NULL == path) {
        LogE("output path is NULL\n");

    Log("output path:%s\n", path);
	setOutputImagePath(sdk, path);

Пример #2
 * Console application entry
 * Usage:
 *		imgsdk input output
 * Notice:
 *	1. input & onput support *.jpg or *.png
 *	2. support input and output image type are not same 
 *	3. vert.shdr & frag.shdr must be prepared 
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    if (3 != argc) {
        Log("  %s input output\n", argv[0]);
        return -1;

    SdkEnv *env = newDefaultSdkEnv();
    if (NULL == env) {
        LogE("Failed get SdkEnv instance\n");
    setInputImagePath (env, argv[1]);
    setOutputImagePath (env, argv[2]);

    sdkMain (env);
    setEffectCmd (env, "{\"effect\":\"Normal\"}");
    onSdkDraw (env);

    Bitmap_t *img = (Bitmap_t *) env->userData.param;
    uint32_t begin_t = getCurrentTime();

    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE, env->handle.texture2Idx);
    memset (img->base, 0, img->width * img->height * img->form);

    // copy pixels from GPU memory to CPU memory
    int x = 0;
    int y = 0;
	GLint fmt = GL_RGBA;
	if (IMAGE_JPG == env->userData.inputImageType) {
		fmt = GL_RGB;
    glReadPixels(x, y, img->width, img->height, fmt, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, img->base);
    int errCode = glGetError ();
    if (GL_NO_ERROR != errCode ) { 
        Log ("Failed read pixles, error code:0x%04x\n", errCode);
    uint32_t finish_t = getCurrentTime();
    LogD("Read pixel data cost %d ms\n", (finish_t - begin_t));

    begin_t = getCurrentTime();
    if (NULL != env->userData.outputPath) {
        if (saveImage (env->userData.outputPath, img) < 0) {
            LogE ("Failed saveImage\n");
		else { 
            finish_t = getCurrentTime();
            LogD("Save %s cost %d ms\n", 
                    (finish_t - begin_t));

Пример #3
    *  @brief    : main 主函数
    *  @author   : Zhangle
    *  @date     : 2014/9/8 10:25
    *  @version  : ver 1.0
    *  @inparam  : 
    *  @outparam :  
int main(){
	string outputImagePath = "";
	string outputTxtPath = "";
	string inputImagePath = "";

// 	vector<string> files;
// 	getFiles("F:/test",files);
	FeatureDetect *fd;

	fd = new FeatureDetect; //
	inputImagePath = "F:/test/TTC00405.TIF";//图片路径
	outputImagePath = setOutputImagePath(inputImagePath, SIFT_FEATURE);			//设置输出图像的路径
	outputTxtPath = setOutputTxtPath(inputImagePath,SIFT_FEATURE);				//设置输出txt的路径
	fd->siftFeatureDetect(inputImagePath, outputImagePath, outputTxtPath);		//提取SIFT特征点

	outputImagePath = setOutputImagePath(inputImagePath, SURF_FEATURE);
	outputTxtPath = setOutputTxtPath(inputImagePath,SURF_FEATURE);
	fd->surfFeatureDetect(inputImagePath, outputImagePath, outputTxtPath);		//提取SURF特征点

	outputImagePath = setOutputImagePath(inputImagePath, ORB_FEATURE);
	outputTxtPath = setOutputTxtPath(inputImagePath,ORB_FEATURE);
	fd->orbFeatureDetect(inputImagePath, outputImagePath, outputTxtPath);		//提取ORB特征点

	fd = new FeatureDetect;
	inputImagePath = "F:/test/TTC00406.TIF";
	outputImagePath = setOutputImagePath(inputImagePath, SIFT_FEATURE);
	outputTxtPath = setOutputTxtPath(inputImagePath,SIFT_FEATURE);
	fd->siftFeatureDetect(inputImagePath, outputImagePath, outputTxtPath);
	outputImagePath = setOutputImagePath(inputImagePath, SURF_FEATURE);
	outputTxtPath = setOutputTxtPath(inputImagePath,SURF_FEATURE);
	fd->surfFeatureDetect(inputImagePath, outputImagePath, outputTxtPath);
	outputImagePath = setOutputImagePath(inputImagePath, ORB_FEATURE);
	outputTxtPath = setOutputTxtPath(inputImagePath,ORB_FEATURE);
	fd->orbFeatureDetect(inputImagePath, outputImagePath, outputTxtPath);

	fd = new FeatureDetect;
	inputImagePath = "F:/test/TTC00436.TIF";
	outputImagePath = setOutputImagePath(inputImagePath, SIFT_FEATURE);
	outputTxtPath = setOutputTxtPath(inputImagePath,SIFT_FEATURE);
	fd->siftFeatureDetect(inputImagePath, outputImagePath, outputTxtPath);
	outputImagePath = setOutputImagePath(inputImagePath, SURF_FEATURE);
	outputTxtPath = setOutputTxtPath(inputImagePath,SURF_FEATURE);
	fd->surfFeatureDetect(inputImagePath, outputImagePath, outputTxtPath);
	outputImagePath = setOutputImagePath(inputImagePath, ORB_FEATURE);
	outputTxtPath = setOutputTxtPath(inputImagePath,ORB_FEATURE);
	fd->orbFeatureDetect(inputImagePath, outputImagePath, outputTxtPath);

	fd = new FeatureDetect;
	inputImagePath = "F:/test/TTC00601.TIF";
	outputImagePath = setOutputImagePath(inputImagePath, SIFT_FEATURE);
	outputTxtPath = setOutputTxtPath(inputImagePath,SIFT_FEATURE);
	fd->siftFeatureDetect(inputImagePath, outputImagePath, outputTxtPath);
	outputImagePath = setOutputImagePath(inputImagePath, SURF_FEATURE);
	outputTxtPath = setOutputTxtPath(inputImagePath,SURF_FEATURE);
	fd->surfFeatureDetect(inputImagePath, outputImagePath, outputTxtPath);
	outputImagePath = setOutputImagePath(inputImagePath, ORB_FEATURE);
	outputTxtPath = setOutputTxtPath(inputImagePath,ORB_FEATURE);
	fd->orbFeatureDetect(inputImagePath, outputImagePath, outputTxtPath);
