Пример #1
void AlphabetPage::slotLauncherCmdStartReorderMode()
	//this is merely a notification from launcher that some page started reordering, so this page
	// should switch to reorder mode graphics. No actual reordering will start until this page itself
	// starts to be messed w/ directly by the user (see all the various functions for this in the .h file)

Пример #2
void AlphabetPage::slotLauncherCmdEndReorderMode()

	//This page type doesn't really have a reorder mode, so this is mainly just to swap the graphics back to no frames
	// and no badging. It's not as a complicated as ReorderablePage::slotLauncherCmdEndReorderMode(). (see that .cpp file)
	// However, one case does exist where a cleanup needs to be taken seriously: this page creates clones of icons it is
	// reordering, and if a clone doesn't make it to another page before an "end", then it could be lost (memory leak wise)
	// This is unlikely in Dfish so this will remain a
	// TODO: !!!

Пример #3
static void resetPosition()

void SeeedOLED::drawBitmap(unsigned char *bitmaparray,int bytes)
  char localAddressMode = addressingMode;
  if(addressingMode != HORIZONTAL_MODE)
      //Bitmap is drawn in horizontal mode

  for(int i=0;i<bytes;i++)

  if(localAddressMode == PAGE_MODE)
     //If pageMode was used earlier, restore it.

Пример #5
bool AlphabetPage::tapAndHoldGesture(QTapAndHoldGesture *tapHoldEvent,QGestureEvent * baseGestureEvent)
//	qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": Tap-N-Hold Gesture";

	//if nothing is tracking, reject
	int mainTouchId;
	if (!anyTouchTracking(&mainTouchId))
		qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": Rejected; touch FSM reports no touchId is currently tracked";
		return true;
	//TODO: MULTI-TOUCH: here is where I can get into deep trouble; I've just assumed that the main touch point is part of this gesture. It need not be
	if (!okToUseTapAndHold(mainTouchId))
		qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": Rejected; a previous gesture has already claimed touch id " << mainTouchId;
		return true;

	AlphabetIconLayout * pAlphaLayout = qobject_cast<AlphabetIconLayout *>(m_qp_iconLayout);
	if (!pAlphaLayout)
		qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": Rejected; There doesn't seem to be a layout on this page (or it isn't an Alpha layout)";
		return true;

	//if I'm not in reorder mode, then flip to it now; this is just going to change all the graphics in the icons
	// and enable them to sense taps on special, decorator areas
	setPageMode(PageMode::Reorder);	//note calling this when already in Reorder mode does nothing, so it's ok to just call it and avoid the "if"

	QPointF positionOfTapICS = mapFromScene(baseGestureEvent->mapToGraphicsScene(tapHoldEvent->hotSpot()));
//	qDebug() << "tap-n-hold position from the event: " << positionOfTapICS;

	//TODO: TEMP: the tap coordinate is in PAGE ICS...the layout ICS is a little bit different. It needs to be mapped for total correctness
	//		for now, this will work
	QPointF positionOfTapLayoutCS = layoutCoordinateFromPageCoordinate(positionOfTapICS);

	//first, it there is an icon already in motion, silently consume event (yum!)
	if (m_qp_cached_trackingIcon)
		qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": Rejected; Already tracking an icon";
		return true;

	//tell the layout to start tracking an icon at the position given

	if (!pAlphaLayout->startTrackingIcon(positionOfTapLayoutCS,m_trackingIconUids))
		qDebug() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": Rejected; No icon found at tap-n-hold coordinate " << positionOfTapLayoutCS;
		return true;

	//grab the icon ptr from the icon heap
	m_qp_cached_trackingIcon = IconHeap::iconHeap()->getIcon(m_trackingIconUids.second,FindIconHint::Copied);
	if (!m_qp_cached_trackingIcon)
		//TODO: TEMP: DEBUG: this doesn't have to end fatally - but until I'm ready for release of the code, i'd like to catch heap-fail problems explicitly
		qCritical() << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": icon heap doesn't have icon uid " << m_trackingIconUids.second;		/// <<<--- This should abort the whole process
		return true;

//	QDrag *drag = new QDrag(baseGestureEvent->widget());
//	QMimeData *mimeData = new QMimeData;
//	mimeData->setText("something");
//	drag->setMimeData(mimeData);
////	drag->setPixmap(0);
//	qDebug() << "exec!";
//	Qt::DropAction dropAction = drag->exec();
//	qDebug() << "post exec";

	m_qp_cached_trackingIcon->take(this);	///theoretically this could be rejected! //TODO: handling
	return true;
