// Bonus points constructor, which allows the user to connect a custom function
//  to a bumper.
RedBotBumper::RedBotBumper(int pin, void(*functionPointer)(void))
  setPinChangeInterrupt(pin, WHISKER);
  pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  setBumpFunction(pin, functionPointer);
  _pin = pin;  // set local variable for the pin
Пример #2
RedBotEncoder::RedBotEncoder(int lPin, int rPin)
  // RedBot only breaks out ten valid pins:
  //  A0-A5 a.k.a. D14-19 (PCINT 8-13)
  //  D3 (PCINT 19)
  //  D9-D11 (PCINT 1-3)
  // We'll need a whopping case statement to set up the pin change interrupts
  //  for this; in fact, we'll need two, but I'll abstract it to a function.
  //  A call to setPinChangeInterrupt() enables pin change interrupts for that
  //  pin, and pin change interrupts for the group that pin is a part of.
  pinMode(lPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(rPin, INPUT);
  setPinChangeInterrupt(lPin, LENCODER);
  setPinChangeInterrupt(rPin, RENCODER);
  lCounts = 0;
  rCounts = 0;
  encoderObject = this; // We want a local pointer to the class member that is
                        //  instantiated in the sketch, so we can manipulate its
                        //  private members with other classes.
Пример #3
// Bonus points constructor, which allows the user to connect a custom function
//  to a bumper.
RedBotBumper::RedBotBumper(int pin, void(*functionPointer)(void))
  setPinChangeInterrupt(pin, WHISKER);
  pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  setBumpFunction(pin, functionPointer);
Пример #4
// Standard class constructor, assumes that you want to halt the motors on a
//  bump. A more skilled programmer than I could figure out the error message
//  I get if I try to use the brake() function that's a part of the RedBotMotor
//  class; I worked around it by making a globally available one.
RedBotBumper::RedBotBumper(int pin)
  setPinChangeInterrupt(pin, WHISKER);
  pinMode(pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  setBumpFunction(pin, &brake);