Пример #1
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  SetPV (component TimerInt)
**     Description :
**         Sets prescaler value. The method is called automatically as a 
**         part of several internal methods.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
static void SetPV(byte Val)
  setRegBitGroup(PIT0_CTRL,PRESCALER,Val); /* Store given value to the prescaler */
Пример #2
** ===================================================================
**     Method      :  SetPV (component TimerInt)
**     Description :
**         Sets prescaler value. The method is called automatically as a 
**         part of several internal methods.
**         This method is internal. It is used by Processor Expert only.
** ===================================================================
static void SetPV(byte Val)
  setRegBitGroup(TMR2_CTRL,PCS,Val);   /* Store given value to the prescaler */
  setReg(TMR2_CNTR,0);                 /* Reset counter */