Пример #1
  Set a run of row names. Quietly fail if the specified indices are invalid.

  On the target side, [tgtStart, tgtStart+len-1] must be in the range
  [0,m-1], where m is the number of rows.  On the source side, srcStart must
  be zero or greater. If we run off the end of srcNames, we just generate
  default names.
void OsiSolverInterface::setRowNames (OsiNameVec &srcNames,
				      int srcStart, int len, int tgtStart)

{ int nameDiscipline ;
  Determine how we're handling names. It's possible that the underlying solver
  has overridden getIntParam, but doesn't recognise OsiNameDiscipline. In that
  case, we want to default to auto names
  bool recognisesOsiNames = getIntParam(OsiNameDiscipline,nameDiscipline) ;
  if (recognisesOsiNames == false)
  { nameDiscipline = 0 ; }
  If the name discipline is auto, we're already done.
  if (nameDiscipline == 0)
  { return ; }
  A little self-protection. Check that we're within [0,m-1] on the target side,
  and that srcStart is zero or greater. Quietly fail if the indices don't fit.
  int m = getNumRows() ;
  if (tgtStart < 0 || tgtStart+len > m)
  { return ; }
  if (srcStart < 0)
  { return ; }
  int srcLen = static_cast<int>(srcNames.size()) ;
  Load 'em up.
  int srcNdx = srcStart ;
  int tgtNdx = tgtStart ;
  for ( ; tgtNdx < tgtStart+len ; srcNdx++,tgtNdx++)
  { if (srcNdx < srcLen)
    { setRowName(tgtNdx,srcNames[srcNdx]) ; }
    { setRowName(tgtNdx,dfltRowColName('r',tgtNdx)) ; } }

  return ; }
foreach (QString line, listOfLines)
    if (start) {start=0; continue;} //пропускаем начальную строку

    QStringList lineList = line.split("\t");

    setRowName(i, lineList.at(0));

    for (int j = 1; j<lineList.count()-1; j++)
        setValue(j-1, i,lineList.at(j).toDouble());

