void itsHybridContinuousInteractingAntColony::diversification()
  if ( antsNb != getSampleSizeCurrent() ) {
    ostringstream msg;
    msg << "ErrorSize: antsNb (" << antsNb << ")"
        << " and sample size (" << getSampleSizeCurrent() << ")"
        << " does not match";
    throw Exception_Size_Match( msg.str(), EXCEPTION_INFOS );

  // move ants
  for ( unsigned int i=0; i < getSampleSizeCurrent(); i++ ) {
    antMove( i );

  // ants -> sample
  for ( unsigned int i=0; i < antsNb; i++ ) {
    itsPoint p;
    p.setSolution( antCurrentPoint[i] );
    vector<double> val;
    val.push_back( antCurrentValue[i] );
    p.setValues( val );
    setSamplePoint( i, p );

Пример #2
void itsRandom::diversification()
    // reinit all
    setSampleSize( getSampleSize() );

    // draw each point in an hyper cube
    for( unsigned int i=0; i < getSampleSize(); i++) {
        // draw solution
        itsPoint p;
        p.setSolution( randomUniform( this->getProblem()->boundsMinima(), this->getProblem()->boundsMaxima() ) );
        // get values
        setSamplePoint(i, evaluate(p) );
void itsHybridEstimationOfDistribution::simplex()
  // if no given NMS evaluations number
  if( getSimplexEvaluations() == -1 ) {
    //setSimplexEvaluations( (int)floor( pow( (this->problem->getDimension() + 1 ), 2.0 ) ) );
    setSimplexEvaluations( this->getProblem()->getDimension() + 10 );
  for( unsigned int i=0; i < getSampleSizeCurrent(); i++ ) {
    itsNelderMead nms;
    // problem optimized
    nms.setProblem( this->getProblem() );
    // no ending stopping criteria
    nms.setIterationsMaxNumber( this->getIterationsMaxNumber() );
    // used stopping criterion
    nms.setEvaluationsMaxNumber( this->simplexEvaluations );
    // edges from sample hypercube
    vector<double> edges = 
        1 / ( pow( (double)getSampleSizeCurrent(), (double)1.0/this->getProblem()->getDimension() ) - 1 )
    // init on current point
    nms.initSimplexFromBasePoint( getSamplePoint(i), edges );
    // silent launch
    // change the point to the new local optimum
    setSamplePoint( i, nms.getOptimum() );
Пример #4
std::shared_ptr<Opm::UniformTabulated2DFunction<Scalar> >
createUniformTabulatedFunction(Fn &f)
    Scalar xMin = -2.0;
    Scalar xMax = 3.0;
    unsigned m = 50;

    Scalar yMin = -1/2.0;
    Scalar yMax = 1/3.0;
    unsigned n = 40;

    auto tab = std::make_shared<Opm::UniformTabulated2DFunction<Scalar>>(
        xMin, xMax, m,
        yMin, yMax, n);
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
        Scalar x = xMin + Scalar(i)/(m - 1) * (xMax - xMin);
        for (unsigned j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
            Scalar y = yMin + Scalar(j)/(n - 1) * (yMax - yMin);
            tab->setSamplePoint(i, j, f(x, y));

    return tab;
void itsSimulatedAnnealing::diversification()
    // reinit all
    setSampleSize( getSampleSize() );

    // draw each point in an hyper cube
    for( unsigned int i=0; i < getSampleSize(); i++) {
        // draw solution
        p_new.setSolution( randomUniform( this->getProblem()->boundsMinima(), this->getProblem()->boundsMaxima() ) );
        p_new = evaluate(p_new);
        setSamplePoint( i, p_new );
        // Metropolis rule
        // if the value is the better than the previous point, accept
        if( isValueSmaller(p_current,p_new) ) {
            p_current = p_new;
        } else {
            // else, draw a random number and see if we accept the new point
            if( randomUniform(0.0,temperature_max) < temperature ) {
                p_current = p_new;
            } // else the current point is kept
Пример #6
void PolyBezierCurve::generateSamplePoints( const curvedef::MapEvaluators & evalMap,
											const int & rate )
	assert( !evalMap.empty() );

	mathdef::resize( m_samplePoints, rate * getNumSegments() + 1 );
	mathdef::setZero( m_samplePoints );
	// Evaluate the first point on the first curve, then
	// Loop through all segment to sample 1st sample to last sample.
	int samp_i = 0;		// Sample temp index
	int j;
	curvedef::Degree deg;
	VectorX2s segCtrlPts;
	while (m_iter != pointsEnd()) {
		deg = getSegmentDegree( m_currentSegment );
		const BezierEvaluator & evaluator = evalMap.find( deg )->second;
		assert( evaluator.isBasesComputed() );
		assert( deg > 0);
		segCtrlPts = m_controlPoints.block( m_iter.getCurrentRow(), 0, deg + 1, 2 );
		// Compute first end point if we are at first segment
		if (m_currentSegment == 0)
			j = 0;
//			std::cout << "eval first t = " << computeParameterT(j, rate) << ": " << std::endl;
			setSamplePoint(samp_i, evaluator.eval(segCtrlPts, j));
//			std::cout << m_samplePoints.block(samp_i, 0, 1, 2) << std::endl;
		j = 1;
		while (j <= rate)
			// Sample segment point from index 1 to rate
//			std::cout << "eval t = " << computeParameterT(j, rate) << ": " << std::endl;
			setSamplePoint(samp_i, evaluator.eval(segCtrlPts, j));
//			std::cout << m_samplePoints.block(samp_i, 0, 1, 2) << std::endl;
//	int segment = 0;	// Segment index
//	int samp_i = 0;		// Sample temp index
//	int ctrl_i = 0;		// Control point temp index
//	int j;
//	curvedef::Degree deg; int numPts;
//	VectorX2s segCtrlPts;
//	while (segment < getNumSegments())
//	{
//		deg = getSegmentDegree( segment );
//		const BezierEvaluator & evaluator = evalMap.find( deg )->second;
//		assert( evaluator.isBasesComputed() );
//		assert( deg > 0);
//		std::cout << "CONTROL POINTS:\n" << m_controlPoints << std::endl;
//		std::cout << "deg, ctrl_i, samp_i: " << deg << " " << ctrl_i << " " << samp_i << std::endl;
//		std::cout << m_controlPoints.block( ctrl_i, 0, deg + 1, 2) << std::endl;
//		segCtrlPts = m_controlPoints.block( ctrl_i, 0, deg + 1, 2);
//		// Compute first end point if we are at first segment
//		if (segment == 0)
//		{
//			j = 0;
//			std::cout << "eval first t = " << computeParameterT(j, rate) << ": " << std::endl;
//			setSamplePoint(samp_i, evaluator.eval(segCtrlPts, j));
//			std::cout << m_samplePoints.block(samp_i, 0, 1, 2) << std::endl;
//			++samp_i;
//		}
//		j = 1;
//		while (j <= rate)
//		{
//			// Sample segment point from index 1 to rate
//			std::cout << "eval t = " << computeParameterT(j, rate) << ": " << std::endl;
//			setSamplePoint(samp_i, evaluator.eval(segCtrlPts, j));
//			std::cout << m_samplePoints.block(samp_i, 0, 1, 2) << std::endl;
//			++samp_i;
//			++j;
//		}
//		ctrl_i += deg;
//		++segment;
//	}