bool SerialPort::open(int mode) { // Always open as raw so no input/output buffering if (!QFile::open(mode | IO_Raw)) return false; // Save current state and set raw if (tcgetattr(handle(),&_p->state) < 0) { qWarning("Saving termios state failed: %d", errno); close(); return false; } else { struct termios state = _p->state; cfmakeraw(&state); state.c_cflag |= CLOCAL; state.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS; if (tcsetattr(handle(), TCSANOW, &state) < 0) { qWarning("Setting raw state failed: %d", errno); close(); return false; } } // Set serial port to current characteristics setSerial(_baud, _dataBits, _parity, _stopBits); setHandshake(_handshake); setTimeout(_timeout); return true; }
// Sets all data automatically void cUOTxConfirmLogin::fromChar( P_CHAR pChar ) { setSerial( pChar->serial ); setBody( pChar->id() ); setDirection( pChar->dir ); setX( pChar->pos.x ); setY( pChar->pos.y ); setZ( pChar->pos.z ); }
// Simple setting and getting of properties for scripts and the set command. stError* cUObject::setProperty( const QString& name, const cVariant& value ) { changed( TOOLTIP ); changed_ = true; // \rproperty object.serial This integer property contains the serial for this object. if ( name == "serial" ) { if ( !value.canCast( cVariant::IntType ) ) { PROPERTY_ERROR( -3, QString( "Invalid integer value: '%1'" ).arg( value.toString() ) ); } setSerial( value.toInt() ); return 0; } // \property This boolean property indicates that the object has been freed and is awaiting deletion. else SET_BOOL_PROPERTY( "free", free ) // \property This string property contains the name of the object. else SET_STR_PROPERTY( "name", this->name_ ) // \property object.pos This property is a <object id="coord">coord</object> object (Python) or a string representation (Show/Set) of the objects position. else if ( name == "pos" ) { Coord pos; if ( !parseCoordinates( value.toString(), pos ) ) PROPERTY_ERROR( -3, QString( "Invalid coordinate value: '%1'" ).arg( value.toString() ) ) moveTo( pos ); return 0; } // \property object.eventlist This string property contains a comma separated list of the names of the scripts that are assigned to this object. else if ( name == "scriptlist" ) { clearScripts(); QStringList list = value.toString().split( "," ); for ( QStringList::const_iterator it( list.begin() ); it != list.end(); ++it ) { cPythonScript* script = ScriptManager::instance()->find( ( *it ).toLatin1() ); if ( script ) addScript( script ); else PROPERTY_ERROR( -3, QString( "Script not found: '%1'" ).arg( *it ) ) } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *s_device = "\0"; char ch; char *optstr = "d:0:1:2:3:s:"; while( -1 != (ch=getopt(argc,argv,optstr))) { switch(ch) { case 's': s_device = optarg; printf("option: -s : %s\n", s_device); break; case 'd': debug = atoi(optarg); printf("option: -d : %d\n", debug); break; case '?': printf("unrecognized option: %c\n",optopt); break; default: printf("error? condition unaccounted for?\n"); break; } } if (debug > 1) { printf("\nEPSPD version 1.5 (2009-0m-dd)"); printf("\nDebug level: %d", debug); } setSerial(s_device); /* * Up.. time to go (Clunk, ..(wait), Clunk, Clunk) */ printf("\nEPSPD: Starting EPSP disk services on %s", s_device); printf("\n"); while(1) { blk_read(epsp_port, dataMsg, 256); } return(1); }
/**************************************************************** * Main ****************************************************************/ int main(){ // Set the signal callback for Ctrl-C signal(SIGINT, signal_handler); initUART(); setSerial(); while(keepgoing){ cwrotate(800); ccwrotate(800); burstout(1000); burstin(1000); starburstout(600); starburstin(600); spiralin(400); spiralout(400); flashon_off(800); snake(200); } return 0; }
main(){ int fd; struct termios *oldser,*newser,*oldter,*newter; oldser=(struct termios *)malloc(sizeof(struct termios)); newser=(struct termios *)malloc(sizeof(struct termios)); oldter=(struct termios *)malloc(sizeof(struct termios)); newter=(struct termios *)malloc(sizeof(struct termios)); fd=openSerial("/dev/ttyS1"); setSerial(fd,oldser,newser); /* next stop echo and buffering for stdin */ tcgetattr(0,oldter); tcgetattr(0,newter); /* get working stdtio */ newter->c_lflag &= ~(ICANON | ECHO); tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,newter); writeToSerial(fd,'x'); tcsetattr(fd,TCSANOW,oldser); /* restore old serial setings */ close(fd); tcsetattr(0,TCSANOW,oldter); /* restore old tty setings */ exit(0); }
StreamSerialProtocol::StreamSerialProtocol(int serial, uint8_t* payload, uint8_t payloadSize) :SerialProtocol(payload, payloadSize) { setSerial(serial); }
NewhavenDisplay::NewhavenDisplay(HardwareSerial &serial) : row_count_(ROW_COUNT_DEFAULT), col_count_(COL_COUNT_DEFAULT) { setSerial(serial); }
NewhavenDisplay::NewhavenDisplay(HardwareSerial &serial, const int row_count, const int col_count) : row_count_(row_count), col_count_(col_count) { setSerial(serial); }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); a.addLibraryPath(a.applicationDirPath() + "/plugins"); config = new DDAConfig(&a); if(config->fileExists() && config->isError()) { QMessageBox::critical(NULL, QObject::tr("Error load config"), config->message()); } translator = new Translator(&a); QString locale; locale = config->settings().localeName; if(locale.isEmpty()) locale = QLocale::system().name(); if(!translator->load("dda-messages.xml") && !translator->load("dda-messages.xml", QDir::currentPath()) && !translator->load("dda-messages.xml", QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::TranslationsPath)) && locale != "C") { QString error = QString("Error load language file '%1': %2").arg("dda-messages.xml").arg(translator->errorString()); QMessageBox::critical(NULL, "Error translation", error); if(config->settings().localeName.isEmpty()) { DDASettings s = config->settings(); s.localeName = "C"; config->setSettings(s); } } else { if(!translator->setLang(locale)) { QString error = QString("Error set language: %1").arg(translator->errorString()); QMessageBox::critical(NULL, "Error translation", error); if(config->settings().localeName.isEmpty()) { DDASettings s = config->settings(); s.localeName = "C"; config->setSettings(s); } } else if(config->settings().localeName.isEmpty()) { DDASettings s = config->settings(); s.localeName = QLocale::system().name(); config->setSettings(s); } } a.installTranslator(translator); database = new DDADatabase(&a); if(database->isError()) { QMessageBox::critical(NULL, QObject::tr("Error open database"), database->message()); } QStringList profiles = config->profileList(); /* if(profiles.size() > 1) { ProfileSelectDialog dlg; if(dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted || dlg.selectedProfile() < 0 || dlg.selectedProfile() > profiles.size()) return 1; config->setProfileIndex(dlg.selectedProfile()); } else */ if(profiles.isEmpty()) { DDAProfile profile; config->defaultProfle(&profile); EditProfileDialog dlg; dlg.setProfile(profile); if(dlg.exec() != QDialog::Accepted) return 1; config->addProfile(dlg.profile()); config->setProfileIndex(0); } int defaultProfile = getOptValue("profile", 'p', -1).toInt(); if(defaultProfile > 0) config->setProfileIndex(defaultProfile - 1); session = new DDAMeasureSession(&a); if(getOptSwitch("demo", 'd') || getOptSwitch("demo-mode", 'D')) controller = new DemoController(&a); else controller = new DDAController(&a); QObject::connect(controller, SIGNAL(measure(double,double,int)), session, SLOT(addMeasure(double,double,int))); QObject::connect(controller, SIGNAL(serialReceived(QString)), session, SLOT(setSerial(QString))); QObject::connect(controller, SIGNAL(endOfMeasuring()), session, SLOT(onEndOfMeasuring())); QObject::connect(controller, SIGNAL(noParticle()), session, SLOT(onNoParticle())); QObject::connect(controller, SIGNAL(measure(double,double,int)), database, SLOT(measure(double,double,int))); QObject::connect(controller, SIGNAL(serialReceived(QString)), database, SLOT(setSerial(QString))); QObject::connect(controller, SIGNAL(endOfMeasuring()), database, SLOT(onEndOfMeasuring())); QObject::connect(controller, SIGNAL(noParticle()), database, SLOT(onNoParticle())); MeasureWindow w;; //w.showMaximized(); return a.exec(); }