Пример #1
// reset state
void LowSpeedTurn::reset(){
  // reset vehicle state
  // speed along Forward direction.
  // initial position along X axis
  position(startX, 0, 0);
  // steering force clip magnitude
  // velocity  clip magnitude
  // for next instance: step starting location
  startX += 2;
  // for next instance: step speed
  startSpeed += 0.15f;
  // 15 seconds and 150 points along the trail
  setTrailParameters(15, 150);

  clearTrailHistory();    // prevent long streaks due to teleportation
  // load the mesh
  Mesh = getMesh_VehicleDisk();
  Box = Mesh.getBoundingbox();
  setScale(irr::core::vector3df(2.0, 1.0, 2.0));
  // disable lighting
  Material.Lighting = false;
	// reset all instance state
	void Pedestrian::reset (void)
		float currRadius = radius();

		// reset the vehicle
		// but keep the radius
		SteeringVehicle::reset ();

		setRadius( currRadius );

		// max speed and max steering force (maneuverability)
		// 	setMaxSpeed (2.0);
		setMaxForce (8.0);
		setMaxSpeed (4.0f * currRadius);
		//	setMaxForce (16.0f * currRadius);

		// initially stopped
		setSpeed (0);

		// 	// size of bounding sphere, for obstacle avoidance, etc.
		// 	setRadius (0.5); // width = 0.7, add 0.3 margin, take half

		// set the path for this Pedestrian to follow
		//	path = getTestPath ();

		if( path != NULL )
			// set initial position
			// (random point on path + random horizontal offset)
			const float d = path->length() * frandom01();
			const float r = path->radius();
			const osVector3 randomOffset = randomVectorOnUnitRadiusXZDisk () * r;
			setPosition( path->mapPathDistanceToPoint (d) + randomOffset );

		// randomize 2D heading
		randomizeHeadingOnXYPlane ();
		randomizeHeadingOnXZPlane ();
		// pick a random direction for path following (upstream or downstream)
		pathDirection = (frandom01() > 0.5) ? -1 : +1;

		// trail parameters: 3 seconds with 60 points along the trail
		setTrailParameters (3, 60);

		// notify proximity database that our position has changed
		if( _proximityToken != nullptr)	{

#if 0
		// notify the update states
		_steeringForceUpdate.setVehicle( this );
		_eulerUpdate.setVehicle( this );