Пример #1
void create() {
   set_properties( ([ "light" : 2]) );
   set_properties( ([ "no teleport" : 1]) );
   set_short("Adavi Swamp");
      "The mountain curves and dissappears in to the "
      "tree line. The trees along the east are tightly "
      "grown, allowing no short cut through."
      "The mountain curves and dissappears in to the "
      "tree line. The trees along the east are tightly "
      "grown, allowing no short cut through."
        "mountain" : ".",
        "tree" : ".",
        "trees" : ".",
        "path"   : ".",
        "wall"   : ".",
    set_smell("default","A fresh crisp cold air fills your lungs.");
    set_exits( ([
"north" : BLACK "b33",
    ]) );
Пример #2
void create() {
    set_short("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^Eternal Darkness%^RESET%^");
    set_day_long("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^The path to the north quickly becomes narrow and extends "
           "away northeast from the rest of the town, like a bridge going out to a slender "
	   "spire not far away.  %^BLUE%^Lightning %^BLACK%^strikes every few seconds, illuminating "
           "the dark sky for brief moments. ");
    set_night_long("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^The path to the north quickly becomes narrow and extends "
           "away northeast from the rest of the town, like a bridge going out to a slender "
	   "spire not far away.  %^BLUE%^Lightning %^BLACK%^strikes every few seconds, illuminating "
           "the dark sky for brief moments. ");
        "path" : "The path, a slender and crumbling arm of a bridge that leads to a spire northeast of here."
        "outdoors" : 1,
        "light" : 1,
        "night light" : 0,
	"no teleport" : 1,
        "south" : ROOMS "dtowne7.c",
	"northeast" : ROOMS "dtowndsp1.c",
Пример #3
void create() {
    set_short("A glass path");
    set_day_long("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^Silence joins forces with the darkness and the two become one fearsome sight.  Rotting houses that are all shut up are all over the place and the tiles on the ground are mostly busted or shifted upward.  ");

    set_night_long("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^Silence joins forces with the darkness and the two become one fearsome sight.  Rotting houses that are all shut up are all over the place and the tiles on the ground are mostly busted or shifted upward.  ");

                   "path" : "The tiles on the path have been smashed by time.",
                   "houses" : "They rott and smell of decay.",
                   "mansion" : "The blinding shimmer of the mansion stuns your eyes.  You can barely make out the sound of music within the doorway.",
                   "tower" : "The tower stands lonely, seeming to humm of warning to itself.  It is rather small, but shadows leap all across it and you can definately make out humanoid shapes.",

                        "outdoors" : 1,
                        "light" : 1,
                        "night light" : 0,
                        "no teleport" : 1,
                   "east" : ROOMS "dtown1.c",
                   "west" : ROOMS "dtown3.c",

Пример #4
void create() {
   set_properties( ([ "light" : 2]) );
    set_short("Elephant's Graveyard");
      "This is The heart of the graveyard. Bones are scattered "
      "everywhere and sickly elephants begging for death."
      "There are sharp bones scattered everywhere.  This is the beginning "
      "of an Elephant's Graveyard.  It is a very drab and dreay place to "
        "bones" : "They are of all different sizes from mostly elephants.",
        "graveyard" : "There are bones scattered everywhere.",
    set_smell("default", "It smells like rotting flesh.");
    set_listen("default", "Sounds of elephants begging for mercy");
    set_exits( ([
"north" : ELE "ele24",
"northeast" : ELE "ele25",
"east" : ELE "ele20",
"south" : ELE "ele13",
"southwest" : ELE "ele12",
"northwest" : ELE "ele23",
"west" : ELE "ele18",
    ]) );
Пример #5
void create() {
   set_properties( ([ "light" : 2]) );
    set_short("Outdoor room");
      "There's a break in the bleak forest, and birds chip once again!"
      "There's a cottage house set in the middle of a gorgous "
      "wildflower field.  Leading up to the front door of "
      "the house is a dirt pathway.  The sun is shining bright "
      "and the squirrels and the chipmunks are scattered about the "
      "field, basking in the sunlight."

      "Red eyes glaring in the pitch blackness of the night.  The "
      "moons are afraid to shine down upon the fields.  There is a "
      "presence of evil living in the cottage, and in the stillness "
      "of the night, nothing dares to whisper a sound."
        "room" : "a room.",
    set_smell("default", "It smells of outdoors..");
    set_listen("default", "Sounds like a forest");
    set_exits( ([
"house" :  ROOMS "newhouse",
"east" :  ROOMS "outdoor2",
    ]) );

Пример #6
void create() {
set_short("A dark part of the swamp");
set_day_long("The water here is shallow and warm.  Everything looks the same...");
set_night_long("The water here is shallow and warm.  Everything looks the same...");

"water" : "The water is shallow and warm.",
"plantlife": "The plantlife here is quite extraordinary.  While the jungles to
the north and west are quite impressive, these plants are  many times larger
and occassionally even intelligent..",
set_properties((["light" : 0, "night light" : 0,]));

"north": SWAMP "swamp47.c",
"east": SWAMP "swamp47.c",
"south": SWAMP "swamp47.c",
"west": SWAMP "swamp47.c",
"northeast" : SWAMP "swamp47.c",
"southwest": SWAMP "swamp47.c",
"northwest": SWAMP "swamp47.c",
"southeast": SWAMP "swamp50.c",

Пример #7
void create() {
    set_short("The highest, northeastern most point of the temple.");
    set_day_long("This is the highest northeastern most point of the entire "
      "temple, turrets included. Stones have been lined up to make a ledge "
      "around the outside edges of the turret. The whole countryside "
      "northeast of the temple can be seen from here.");
    set_night_long("The entire northeastern countryside from the temple can "
      "be seen in the moonlight from here. This is the highest northeastern "
      "point of the entire temple and turret. Stones and rocks have been "
      "arranged along the outside edge of the turret to make a ledge that "
      "could be used to sit on, or for defense.");
	"ledge" : "As close to a wall as is out here.",
	"stones": "Many stones have made a ledge along the outside wall of "
	"this turret.",
	"country":"The northeastern country can be seen."
    set_properties(([ "light" : 2, "night light" : 2, "outdoors" : 1 ]));
	"down"  : ROOMS"l1ne2",
	"west"  : ROOMS"l2ne1",
	"south" : ROOMS"l2ne4",
Пример #8
void create() {
    set_short("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^Eternal Darkness%^RESET%^");
    set_day_long("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^Two houses, east and west, have wide open doors.  Everyone is busy at the ball.  Everyone in this town is so rich that "
           "there exists little or no need for security of posessions.  The town looks dead from here. ");
    set_night_long("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^Two houses, east and west, have wide open doors.  Everyone is busy at the ball.  Everyone in this town is so rich that "
           "there exists little or no need for security of posessions.  The town looks dead from here. ");
        "houses" : "Many of the houses look like they're going to collpase.  A couple, east and west, can be entered here.",
        "street" : "It's falling apart in it's old age.",
        "outdoors" : 1,
        "light" : 1,
        "night light" : 0,
	"no teleport" : 1,
        "north" : ROOMS "dtowne2n3.c",
        "south" : ROOMS "dtowne2n.c",
        "east" : ROOMS "dtowne2e1.c",
        "west" : ROOMS "dtowne2e2.c",

Пример #9
void create() {
   set_properties( ([ "light" : 2]) );
    set_short("Sabai Desert");
      "A large boulder stands out."
      "A large boulder stands out."
        "desert" : "Lots and lots of sand.",
        "cactus" : "A big thorny plant.",
        "cactuses" : "A bunch of big thorny plants scatter across the desert.",
        "trees" : "Palm trees out in the distance.",
        "water" : "It's off in the distance, surrounded by palm trees.",
        "boulder" : "Nothing special about it, might want to come back in "
                    "three months or so.",
        "stars" : "Fills the night-sky.",
    set_smell("default", "It smells of dry sand");
    set_listen("default", "Sounds very quiet, and still");
    set_exits( ([
"out" : SAB "sab24",
    ]) );
Пример #10
void create() {
   set_properties( ([ "light" : 2]) );
    set_short("Elephant's Graveyard");
      "This is an elephant's graveyard.  There are sounds of sick elephants "
      "and looking around there are bones scattered everywhere."
      "There are sharp bones scattered everywhere.  This is the beginning "
      "of an Elephant's Graveyard.  It is a very drab and dreay place to "
        "bones" : "They are of all different sizes from mostly elephants.",
        "graveyard" : "There are bones scattered everywhere.",
    set_smell("default", "It smells like rotting flesh.");
    set_listen("default", "Sounds of elephants begging for mercy");
    set_exits( ([
"north" : ROOMS "mar",
"northeast" : ROOMS "mar2",
"east" : ELE "ele22",
"south" : ELE "ele16",
"southeast" : ELE "ele17",
"southwest" : ELE "ele15",
    ]) );
Пример #11
void create() {
    set_short("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^Eternal Darkness%^RESET%^");
    set_day_long("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^The trees are thick together, forming walls in places.  Vines dangle all over the place. ");
    set_night_long("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^The trees are thick together, forming walls in places.  Vines dangle all over the place. ");
        "vines" : "The vines are all over the place.",
        "trees" : "Many different, green trees.",
        "indoors" : 1,
        "light" : 1,
        "night light" : 0,
	"no teleport" : 1,
        "north" : ROOMS "jungleent.c",
        "south" : ROOMS "jungleent3.c",

Пример #12
void create() {
   set_short("Atop the northwestern turret");
   set_day_long("This is the top of the northwestern turret. Because there "
     "is no ceiling to the turret, below this turret may not be the best "
     "place to be during a storm. A small hole in the ground leads back "
     "down to the bottom floor of the turret. Looking south, one could see "
     "another turret, the southwestern turret.");
   set_night_long("Moonlight and starlight light up the top of the "
     "northwestern turret. Looking south, the southwestern turret can be "
     "spotted. A very small hole is the way back down to the ground floor "
     "of this turret. The stone ledge gives a place to sit and relax when "
     "not under seige.");
     "hole"  : "How the bloody hell does someone squeeze through that??",
     "ledge" : "A raised ledge around the edge of the turret.",
     "turret": "Another turret. The southwestern turret of the temple."
   set_properties(([ "light" : 2, "night light" : 2, "outdoors" : 1 ]));
     "down"      : ROOMS"l1nw3",
     "north"     : ROOMS"l2nw1",
     "east"      : ROOMS"l2nw4",
Пример #13
void create() {
    set_short("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^Eternal Darkness%^RESET%^");
    set_day_long("%^GREEN%^Trees bend in different directions, some tangling up with each other but all conforming "
          "to the path.  %^BOLD%^Grass grows tall, suggesting that no one has walked through here in a long time. "
          "A couple of rocks sit on the ground but the area is otherwise plain.");
    set_night_long("%^GREEN%^Trees bend in different directions, some tangling up with each other but all conforming "
          "to the path.  %^BOLD%^Grass grows tall, suggesting that no one has walked through here in a long time. "
          "A couple of rocks sit on the ground but the area is otherwise plain.");
        "trees" : "Could they have been planted to create this path?",
        "formation" : "It is to the southeast.",          
        "outdoors" : 1,
        "light" : 1,
        "night light" : 0,
	"no teleport" : 1,
        "north" : ROOMS "forest2.c",
        "east" : ROOMS "forest4.c",

Пример #14
void create() {
   set_short("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^Barley in sight of the edge of the marsh");
     "Mud and soft dirt make up the ground of the marsh. Saplings and larger trees "
     "sprout forth from the ground. Pools of collected water form in some of the "
     "lower dips in the marsh. Black barked trees grow in the marsh mud. The "
     "trees' many leaves prevent much of the daylight from entering the dark "
     "confines of the marsh.");
     "Very little light penetrates the dark confines of the night marsh. Trees, "
     "both small and large, sprout in the mud and dirt. Pools of murky grey "
     "form in the small ditches in the marsh ground. The light from the edge of "
     "marsh can barely be seen.");
     "edge"   : "Barely can the edge of the marsh be made out from here.",
     "ground" : "The marsh ground is merely a mix of mud and soft dirt.",
     "pools"  : "Small pools form in the ditches in the ground.",
     "mud"    : "A very watery mud is what most of the ground consists of.",
     "trees"  : "Trees of all sized grow here, most with vines around them."
   set_properties((["light" : 2, "night light" : 1, "swamp" : 1 ]));
      "south" : ROOMS"marsh3",
      "north" : ROOMS"marsh5",
Пример #15
void create() {
   set_short("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^Near the edge of a dark marsh");
     "The marsh is very dark humid. Vines climb the dark brown barked trees in "
     "twisted coils. Ferns and moss grow about the muddy ground. Tons of "
     "underbrush and tree saplings grow in the protein-full dirt. The rays of "
     "sunlight that come into the swamp shine into small puddles of water "
     "in the dips of the landscape.");
     "The marsh is not only damp and humid but increadibly dark at night. Large "
     "trees have vines coiled about them and moss about them. Ferns and other "
     "underbrush grow in the muddy ground. Puddles of water rest in small dips "
     "in the marsh.");
     "puddles" : "Puddles form in minature valleys in the marsh ground.",
     "dips"    : "The dips in the ground form minature valleys.",
     "ferns"   : "Ferns and moss grow in patches near the trees.",
     "saplings": "Tree saplings sprout in the muddy ground.",
     "vines"   : "Thick vines coil around the trees, in an upwards spiral."
   set_properties((["light" : 2, "night light" : 2, "swamp" : 1 ]));
      "south" : ROOMS"marsh1",
      "north" : ROOMS"marsh3",
Пример #16
void create() {
    set_short("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^Eternal Darkness%^RESET%^");
    set_day_long("This would appear to be some sort of wash room.  A large, stone bowl full of hot water rests on top of a "
            "tiny pillar of similar material.  A circular mirror with incredible golden designs branching out of it sits "
            "above the bowl and two chairs sit on either side of it.  Another, even larger oval of a bowl of marble  sits on "
            "the floor with a couple of period legs bracing it.  The water within it bubbles with heat.");
    set_night_long("This would appear to be some sort of wash room.  A large, stone bowl full of hot water rests on top of a "
            "tiny pillar of similar material.  A circular mirror with incredible golden designs branching out of it sits "
            "above the bowl and two chairs sit on either side of it.  Another, even larger oval of a bowl of marble  sits on "
            "the floor with a couple of period legs bracing it.  The water within it bubbles with heat.");
        "bowl" : "The marble or the stone bowl?",
        "marble bowl" : "It is full of boiling hot water.",
        "mirror" : "It has to be the most priceless thing in the house.",
        "indoors" : 1,
        "light" : 1,
        "night light" : 0,
	"no teleport" : 1,
        "north" : ROOMS "dhouse1rm3.c",

Пример #17
void create() {
    set_short("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^Eternal Darkness%^RESET%^");
    set_day_long("The house looks like an elephant just ran through it.  Furniture is smashed, priceless items smashed and "
           "blood is everywhere.  A staircase going upstairs has been completely destroyed, the area around where it would "
           "have been singed %^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^black%^RESET%^.  Someone strong must have had an argument with someone else here...");
    set_night_long("The house looks like an elephant just ran through it.  Furniture is smashed, priceless items smashed and "
           "blood is everywhere.  A staircase going upstairs has been completely destroyed, the area around where it would "
           "have been singed %^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^black%^RESET%^.  Someone strong must have had an argument with someone else here...");
        "stairs" : "They have been completely destroyed.",
        "furniture" : "Everything has been smashed.",
        "blood" : "Could a mortal have been trespassing here?",
        "indoors" : 1,
        "light" : 1,
        "night light" : 0,
	"no teleport" : 1,
        "east" : ROOMS "dtowne2n2.c",

Пример #18
void create() {
    set_short("A room of silver.");
    set_day_long("%^BOLD%^This room is made completely of silver.  %^RESET%^%^ORANGE%^Gargoyles %^RESET%^%^BOLD%^and %^RESET%^%^MAGENTA%^vampires%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ have been carved out of the walls and %^RESET%^%^RED%^b%^BOLD%^l%^RESET%^oo%^RED%^d%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ trickles out of their mouthes like a fountain.  There is a throne in the centre of the room on an elevated pentagram.  A rim forms around the room but in between it and the pentagram, %^RED%^b%^BOLD%^l%^RESET%^o%^RED%^%^BOLD%^o%^RESET%^%^RED%^d %^RESET%^%^BOLD%^flows %^RED%^cri%^RESET%^%^RED%^m%^BOLD%^son%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^.  Suspended from the ceiling is a man made of some %^BLACK%^sh%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^im%^RESET%^me%^BOLD%^r%^BLACK%^ing%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ rock that seems less silver but more beautiful. %^RESET%^%^RED%^B%^BOLD%^l%^RESET%^o%^BOLD%^%^RED%^o%^RESET%^%^RED%^d%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ pours out of it's mouth and into a small, cylindrical hole in the centre of the pentagram, a couple of inches away from the base of the th%^RED%^ro%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ne. "); 
    set_night_long("%^BOLD%^This room is made completely of silver.  %^RESET%^%^ORANGE%^Gargoyles %^RESET%^%^BOLD%^and %^RESET%^%^MAGENTA%^vampires%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ have been carved out of the walls and %^RESET%^%^RED%^b%^BOLD%^l%^RESET%^oo%^RED%^d%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ trickles out of their mouthes like a fountain.  There is a throne in the centre of the room on an elevated pentagram.  A rim forms around the room but in between it and the pentagram, %^RED%^b%^BOLD%^l%^RESET%^o%^RED%^%^BOLD%^o%^RESET%^%^RED%^d %^RESET%^%^BOLD%^flows %^RED%^cri%^RESET%^%^RED%^m%^BOLD%^son%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^.  Suspended from the ceiling is a man made of some %^BLACK%^sh%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^im%^RESET%^me%^BOLD%^r%^BLACK%^ing%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ rock that seems less silver but more beautiful. %^RESET%^%^RED%^B%^BOLD%^l%^RESET%^o%^BOLD%^%^RED%^o%^RESET%^%^RED%^d%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ pours out of it's mouth and into a small, cylindrical hole in the centre of the pentagram, a couple of inches away from the base of the th%^RED%^ro%^RESET%^%^BOLD%^ne. "); 
          "grargoyles" : "The gargoyles all seem to grin as blood slowly trickles out of their mouthes ",
          "vampires" : "They're only stone... ",
          "throne" : "This is the throne of a powerful vampire indeed. It is jet black, the only thing that doesn't seem silver in this room, with a plush, crimson backing to it.  The top of the throne is shaped like fire.",
          "pentagram" : "All the blood from the ceiling gathers and pours down a hole in the centre of it ",
          "rim" : "A place to stand on so you don't fall into the swirling blood. ",
          "man" : "He eyes are widened and it looks like the blood is being sucked down his throat. ",
          "blood" : "It is everywhere, but in a very orderly, seductively beautiful way. ",
          "hole" : "The blood from the ceiling makes it's way into this. ",
        "indoors" : 1,
        "light" : 1,
        "night light" : 0,
	"no teleport" : 1,
    set_exits(([ "out" : ROOMS "vtower4.c",
Пример #19
void create() {
set_short("%^YELLOW%^South area of the couryard%^RESET%^");
set_day_long("%^YELLOW%^The path here forks to two towers.  One watching the southeastern jungle, the other the southwestern.  These towers are often referred to as the 'twins' due to their similar size and shape.  The courtyard here remains just as amazing as the rest.%^RESET%^");
set_night_long("%^YELLOW%^The path here forks to two towers.  One watching the southeastern jungle, the other the southwestern.  These towers are often referred to as the 'twins' due to their similar size and shape.  The courtyard here remains just as amazing as the rest.%^RESET%^");
(({"flora", "plants"})) : "The plantlife is breathtaking.  Vibrant flowers and
Пример #20
void create() {
    set_short("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^Eternal Darkness%^RESET%^");
    set_day_long("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^A rather large, %^YELLOW%^golden gate %^BLACK%^blocks entry to the garden to the north.  There are big, scary looking houses north and south.");

    set_night_long("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^A rather large, %^YELLOW%^golden gate %^BLACK%^blocks entry to the garden to the north.  There are big, scary looking houses north and south.");

                   "houses" : "The houses to the east and west look pretty big... and scary.",
                   "gate" : "The gate is crafted of beautiful gold but has rusted over the years.  What little can be seen behind it is a beautiful garden, full of life.",

                        "outdoors" : 1,
                        "light" : 1,
                        "night light" : 0,
                        "no teleport" : 1,
                   "west" : ROOMS "dtownl2.c",
                   "east" : ROOMS "dtownr2.c",
                   "south" : ROOMS "dtowne5n.c",


Пример #21
void create() {
    set_short("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^Eternal Darkness%^RESET%^");
    set_day_long("A king sized bed stands proudly against the north wall.  the floor has the same blood-red carpet, only over "
           "a mahogany floor this time.  The walls are mahogany here too.  A couple of windows would show a nice view to the "
           "east and west, were they not boarded up from the outside. An open door leads to another room south of here.");
    set_night_long("A king sized bed stands proudly against the north wall.  the floor has the same blood-red carpet, only over "
           "a mahogany floor this time.  The walls are mahogany here too.  A couple of windows would show a nice view to the "
           "east and west, were they not boarded up from the outside. An open door leads to another room south of here.");
        "carpet" : "A blood-red carpet with white edging.",
        "walls" : "Boards of mahogany have been used for the walls, nailed to the structure of the house with golden nails.",
        "stairs" : "They go downstairs.",
        "bed" : "It's decorated with expensive looking blankets and pillows.",
        "windows" : "They are boarded up from the outside.",                  
        "indoors" : 1,
        "light" : 1,
        "night light" : 0,
	"no teleport" : 1,
        "downstairs" : ROOMS "dhouse1rm1.c",
        "south" : ROOMS "dhouse1rm5.c",

Пример #22
void create() {
   set_short("On top of the northeastern turret");
   set_day_long("This is the top of the northeastern turret. Right to the "
     "west, the northwestern turret can be spotted. The platform atop the "
     "northeastern turret consists of three more rooms, in a square "
     "fashion above the turret itself. A ladder sticks out of a hole in "
     "the ground, leading back down to the bottom floor.");
   set_night_long("The night makes the hill the temple rests on look "
     "larger than it is. A hole in the center of the floor is the way back "
     "down to the ground floor of the northeastern turret. A ladder sticks "
     "out of the hole. Straight to the west, the northwestern turret can "
     "be seen.");
     "turret" : "The northwestern turret is to the west.",
     "ladder" : "It sticks about a foot out of the hole, like a sore thumb.",
     "platform":"This is a platform of sorts, atop the northeastern turret."
   set_properties(([ "light" : 2, "night light" : 2, "outdoors" : 1 ]));
     "down"  : ROOMS"l1ne1",
     "east"  : ROOMS"l2ne2",
     "south" : ROOMS"l2ne3",
Пример #23
void create() {
    set_properties( ([ "light" : 2]) );
        "Walking on a not so sturdy plank, which is over a very swampy marsh. "
        "Guided only by moonlight, the plank looks worst now then it did in "
        "the daytime.  There are creepy eyes all around."
                   "marsh" : "There are bones sticking out of the mud and dead trees.",
                   "mud" : "Mixture of dirt and water, mostly water.",
                   "eyes" : "Red eyes glowing everywhere.",
                   "plank" : "Not very much effort was made in making of this wooden "
    set_smell("default", "It smells of muddy waters.");
    set_listen("default", "Sounds of creatures splashing in a distance");
    set_exits( ([
                    "north" : ROOMS "docks3",
                    "south" : ROOMS "docks",
                ]) );
Пример #24
void create() {
   set_properties( ([ "light" : 2]) );
   set_properties( ([ "no teleport" : 1]) );
    set_short("Adavi Swamp");
      "Large pine trees grown close together forms a small "
      "path bearing north and south.  Looking west through "
      "a small opening, the sun glistens off the polished "
      "mountain walls.   Slowly, the mud sucks and pulls "
      "downward, which will make it harder to travel "
      "quickly through the forest.  To the east, a large "
      "jagged boulder pierces through the trees."
      "Large pine trees grown close together forms a small "
      "path bearing north and south.  Looking west through "
      "a small opening, the moon glistens off the polished "
      "mountain walls.   Slowly, the mud sucks and pulls "
      "downward, which will make it harder to travel "
      "quickly through the forest.  To the east, a large "
      "jagged boulder pierces through the trees."
        "pine" : "A sweet smelling tree, that have needles for "     
        "trees" : "It's a pine tree, they have grown so thick, "
                  "that the narrow path is the widest gap "
                  "inside this place.",
        "tree"  : "It's a type of pine tree, the needles on the "
                  "trees are very short and sturdy, which when "
                  "you touch it feels like little pins sticking "
                  "in your fingers.",
        "path" : "If you can call it a path, it is very narrow, and "
                 "the mud is so deep that following this path would "
                 "require all your energy to get through it.",
       "opening" : "Brillent light bounces off the mountain side, "
                   "almost looks like diamonds sparkling.",
       "mountain" : "Smoothed polished rocks towering high above "                        "you.",
       "mud" :  "This mud clings on, pulling you down, it is dark "                   "brown in color, almost black.  You pray that it "                    "doesn't suck you under.",
       "forest" : "Even though the mud is quite discouraging, the "            
"view inside this forest is almost breathtaking.  "
                  "The pine trees are a deep green in color, but "
                  "when the natures' light peeks through, a golden "
                  "hue flutters down and dissapates before touching "          
"the ground.",
       "boulder" : "It is unclimbable, trees grow very close to "
                   "this boulder so that nothing can go in between.",
    set_smell("default", "A mixture of pine and wet earth scents the air.");
    set_exits( ([
"north" : BLACK "b29",
"south" : BLACK "b31",
"out" : BLACK "b40",
    ]) );
Пример #25
void create() {

        set_properties( ([ "light" : 2, "night light" : 1, "forest" : 1, ]));
set_day_long("The paddock is empty bar a lone bull wandering around and stopping by to drink from a dam to the east. This paddock looks like it is used only for keeping the bull away from the cows. A forest can be seen surrounding the property and differnet birds fly in and out of the trees.");
set_night_long("The paddock is illuminated by the moon and it looks empty bar from a lone bull wandering around drinking from a small dam to the east. A dark forest can be seen surrounding the property and night creatures rustle in the grass.");
                ({"gate" , "gates"}) : "The gate is old and made out of the same wood as the forest. It is latched closed to stop the animals from getting out.",
Пример #26
void create() {

        set_properties( ([ "light" : 2, "night light" : 1, "forest" : 1, ]));
        set_day_long("A large yard covered in fresh green grass. A large farmhouse looms up in front of you, its windows open and the sounds and smell of a working kitchen hang in the air. Various animals wander around the yard, basking in the sun, or chasing each other around. A forest can be seen all around you, except for the cleared farm area surrounding the place.");
        set_night_long("The moon hangs in the sky casting is light over the land and illuninating the front of the house in front of you. Soft light can be seen through one of the windows and the sounds of pots and pans clanging can be heard. In the distance a cow mooes and various other noises of the night follow.");

    ({"house", "farmhouse", "farm house"}) : "The house is painted red and white, with open windows.",
Пример #27
void create() {

        set_properties( ([ "light" : 2, "night light" : 1, "indoors" : 1, ]));
        set_day_long("The kitchen is full of pots and pans hanging from the roof beams, and ovens cover the walls making it look like a bakery. A goodwife bustles about the kitchen making different kinds of food for her husband and is covered in flour. The sitting room is to the south and a hallway extends to the east. Sunlight streams in through and open window and the sound of birds chirping can be heard over the din of the kitchen.");
        set_night_long("The kitchen is warm and slightly illuminated from the embers in the oven and pots and pans clank against each other in the slight wind coming through the open window. Moonlight gives the kitchen an etheral glow and casts shadows around the room. Pots and pans softly clank against each other breaking the night time silence.");

                ({"oven" , "ovens"}) : "The ovens are still warm to the touch and are full of dying embers from the days cooking",
Пример #28
void create() {
set_short("The heart of the jungle");
set_day_long("You are in the heart of the jungle.  Few if any outsiders ever reach these parts.  To the far southwest you see the glimmer of gold mixed in with the jungle surroundings.");
set_night_long("You are in the heart of the jungle.  Few if any outsiders ever reach these parts.  To the far southwest you hear chanting and voices similar to those heard at the Warlord's encampment.");
"jungle" : "The jungle is dense and lush.  Shadows seems to be lurking within its depths.",
"gold": "The glimmer of gold can be seen mixed within the jungle to the far southwest.",
({"leaves", "trees", "plants"}): "The plantlife here is drenched from the humidity.",
Пример #29
void create() {
set_short("The lost jungles of Merkkirri");
set_day_long("The slight trail continues to the northeast and back to the southwest.  Far off to the north a volcano spews ash and smoke high into the sky.  The humid jungle air clings to the plants and to all that inhabit the region.");
set_night_long("The slight trail continues to the northeast and back to the southwest.  Far off to the north a volcano spews ash and smoke high into the sky.  The humid jungle air clings to the plants and to all that inhabit the region.");
"jungle" : "The jungle seems to have never been touched by evolution.  Its as if you are stepping millions of years into the past...",
({"leaves", "trees", "plants"}): "The plantlife here is large and yet very simple in design.  Its as if the world evolved yet this place stood still.",
"volcano" : "The volcano has been a part of Merkkirri legend for many centuries.  While once frequented by the gnolls for its religious significance, all that has changed due to the Queen and her new 'god'.",
Пример #30
void create() {
set_short("Deep within the Merkkirri Jungle");
set_day_long("The jungle has become very thick and you are becomming disoriented.  If one doesn't pay attention they could become lost in the vast jungle.");
set_night_long("The jungle has become very thick and you are becomming disoriented.  If one doesn't pay attention they could become lost in the vast jungle.  You hear strange chanting noises coming from the jungle to the southwest.");
"jungle" : "The jungle is dense and lush.  Shadows seems to be lurking within its depths.",
({"leaves", "trees", "plants"}): "The plantlife here is drenched from the humidity.",
"southwest" : "You think you might be able to go that direction after all.",