Пример #1
 * Draw the given text using libi3.
 * This function also marks the surface dirty which is needed if other means of
 * drawing are used. This will be the case when using XCB to draw text.
void draw_util_text(i3String *text, surface_t *surface, color_t fg_color, color_t bg_color, int x, int y, int max_width) {

    /* Flush any changes before we draw the text as this might use XCB directly. */

    set_font_colors(surface->gc, fg_color, bg_color);
    draw_text(text, surface->id, surface->gc, surface->visual_type, x, y, max_width);

    /* Notify cairo that we (possibly) used another way to draw on the surface. */
Пример #2
Файл: main.c Проект: stfnm/i3
 * Handles expose events, that is, draws the window contents.
static int handle_expose() {
    /* re-draw the background */
    xcb_rectangle_t border = {0, 0, 300, (15 * font.height) + 8};
    xcb_change_gc(conn, pixmap_gc, XCB_GC_FOREGROUND, (uint32_t[]){ get_colorpixel("#000000") });
    xcb_poly_fill_rectangle(conn, pixmap, pixmap_gc, 1, &border);


#define txt(x, row, text) \
    draw_text_ascii(text, pixmap, pixmap_gc,\
            x, (row - 1) * font.height + 4, 300 - x * 2)

    if (current_step == STEP_WELCOME) {
        /* restore font color */
        set_font_colors(pixmap_gc, get_colorpixel("#FFFFFF"), get_colorpixel("#000000"));

        txt(10, 2, "You have not configured i3 yet.");
        txt(10, 3, "Do you want me to generate ~/.i3/config?");
        txt(85, 5, "Yes, generate ~/.i3/config");
        txt(85, 7, "No, I will use the defaults");

        /* green */
        set_font_colors(pixmap_gc, get_colorpixel("#00FF00"), get_colorpixel("#000000"));
        txt(25, 5, "<Enter>");

        /* red */
        set_font_colors(pixmap_gc, get_colorpixel("#FF0000"), get_colorpixel("#000000"));
        txt(31, 7, "<ESC>");

    if (current_step == STEP_GENERATE) {
        set_font_colors(pixmap_gc, get_colorpixel("#FFFFFF"), get_colorpixel("#000000"));

        txt(10, 2, "Please choose either:");
        txt(85, 4, "Win as default modifier");
        txt(85, 5, "Alt as default modifier");
        txt(10, 7, "Afterwards, press");
        txt(85, 9, "to write ~/.i3/config");
        txt(85, 10, "to abort");

        /* the not-selected modifier */
        if (modifier == MOD_Mod4)
            txt(31, 5, "<Alt>");
        else txt(31, 4, "<Win>");

        /* the selected modifier */
        set_font_colors(pixmap_gc, get_colorpixel("#FFFFFF"), get_colorpixel("#000000"));
        if (modifier == MOD_Mod4)
            txt(10, 4, "-> <Win>");
        else txt(10, 5, "-> <Alt>");

        /* green */
        set_font_colors(pixmap_gc, get_colorpixel("#00FF00"), get_colorpixel("#000000"));
        txt(25, 9, "<Enter>");

        /* red */
        set_font_colors(pixmap_gc, get_colorpixel("#FF0000"), get_colorpixel("#000000"));
        txt(31, 10, "<ESC>");

    /* Copy the contents of the pixmap to the real window */
    xcb_copy_area(conn, pixmap, win, pixmap_gc, 0, 0, 0, 0, /* */ 500, 500);

    return 1;