Пример #1
/* This version does a rect fill with the transparency object */
gx_dc_pat_trans_fill_rectangle(const gx_device_color * pdevc, int x, int y,
                               int w, int h, gx_device * dev,
                               gs_logical_operation_t lop,
                               const gx_rop_source_t * source)
    gx_color_tile *ptile = pdevc->colors.pattern.p_tile;
    int code;
    gs_int_point phase;
    const gx_rop_source_t *rop_source = source;
    gx_rop_source_t no_source;

    if (ptile == 0)             /* null pattern */
        return 0;
    if (rop_source == NULL)
        set_rop_no_source(rop_source, no_source, dev);

    phase.x = pdevc->phase.x;
    phase.y = pdevc->phase.y;

    code = gx_trans_pattern_fill_rect(x, y, x+w, y+h, ptile,
                                      ptile->ttrans->fill_trans_buffer, phase,
                                      dev, pdevc);

    return code;
Пример #2
/* Note that we treat this as "texture" for RasterOp. */
static int
gx_dc_pure_fill_rectangle(const gx_device_color * pdevc, int x, int y,
		  int w, int h, gx_device * dev, gs_logical_operation_t lop,
			  const gx_rop_source_t * source)
    if (source == NULL && lop_no_S_is_T(lop))
	return (*dev_proc(dev, fill_rectangle)) (dev, x, y, w, h,
	gx_color_index colors[2];
	gx_rop_source_t no_source;

	colors[0] = colors[1] = pdevc->colors.pure;
	if (source == NULL)
	    set_rop_no_source(source, no_source, dev);
	return (*dev_proc(dev, strip_copy_rop))
	    (dev, source->sdata, source->sourcex, source->sraster,
	     source->id, (source->use_scolors ? source->scolors : NULL),
	     NULL /*arbitrary */ , colors, x, y, w, h, 0, 0, lop);
Пример #3
gx_dc_pattern_fill_rectangle(const gx_device_color * pdevc, int x, int y,
                             int w, int h, gx_device * dev,
                             gs_logical_operation_t lop,
                             const gx_rop_source_t * source)
    gx_color_tile *ptile = pdevc->colors.pattern.p_tile;
    const gx_rop_source_t *rop_source = source;
    gx_rop_source_t no_source;
    gx_strip_bitmap *bits;
    tile_fill_state_t state;
    int code;

    if (ptile == 0)             /* null pattern */
        return 0;
    if (rop_source == NULL)
        set_rop_no_source(rop_source, no_source, dev);
    bits = &ptile->tbits;

    state.cdev.finalize = 0;

    code = tile_fill_init(&state, pdevc, dev, false);
    if (code < 0)
        return code;
    if (ptile->is_simple && ptile->cdev == NULL) {
        int px =
            imod(-(int)fastfloor(ptile->step_matrix.tx - state.phase.x + 0.5),
        int py =
            imod(-(int)fastfloor(ptile->step_matrix.ty - state.phase.y + 0.5),

        if (state.pcdev != dev)
            tile_clip_set_phase(&state.cdev, px, py);
        /* RJW: Can we get away with calling the simpler version? Not
         * if we are working in planar mode because the default
         * strip_tile_rectangle doesn't understand bits being in planar
         * mode at the moment.
        if (source == NULL && lop_no_S_is_T(lop) && state.num_planes == -1)
            code = (*dev_proc(state.pcdev, strip_tile_rectangle))
                (state.pcdev, bits, x, y, w, h,
                 gx_no_color_index, gx_no_color_index, px, py);
        else if (rop_source->planar_height == 0)
            code = (*dev_proc(state.pcdev, strip_copy_rop))
                         rop_source->sdata, rop_source->sourcex,
                         rop_source->sraster, rop_source->id,
                         (rop_source->use_scolors ? rop_source->scolors : NULL),
                         bits, NULL, x, y, w, h, px, py, lop);
            code = (*dev_proc(state.pcdev, strip_copy_rop2))
                         rop_source->sdata, rop_source->sourcex,
                         rop_source->sraster, rop_source->id,
                         (rop_source->use_scolors ? rop_source->scolors : NULL),
                         bits, NULL, x, y, w, h, px, py, lop,
    } else {
        state.lop = lop;
        state.source = source;
        state.orig_dev = dev;
        if (ptile->cdev == NULL) {
            code = tile_by_steps(&state, x, y, w, h, ptile,
                                 &ptile->tbits, tile_colored_fill);
        } else {
            gx_device_clist *cdev = ptile->cdev;
            gx_device_clist_reader *crdev = (gx_device_clist_reader *)cdev;
            gx_strip_bitmap tbits;

            crdev->yplane.depth = 0; /* Don't know what to set here. */
            crdev->yplane.shift = 0;
            crdev->yplane.index = -1;
            crdev->pages = NULL;
            crdev->num_pages = 1;
            state.orig_dev = dev;
            tbits = ptile->tbits;
            tbits.size.x = crdev->width;
            tbits.size.y = crdev->height;
            code = tile_by_steps(&state, x, y, w, h, ptile,
                                 &tbits, tile_pattern_clist);
        state.cdev.finalize((gx_device *)&state.cdev);
    return code;
Пример #4
/* Note that we treat this as "texture" for RasterOp. */
static int
tile_colored_fill(const tile_fill_state_t * ptfs,
                  int x, int y, int w, int h)
    gx_color_tile *ptile = ptfs->pdevc->colors.pattern.p_tile;
    gs_logical_operation_t lop = ptfs->lop;
    const gx_rop_source_t *source = ptfs->source;
    gx_device *dev = ptfs->orig_dev;
    int xoff = ptfs->xoff, yoff = ptfs->yoff;
    gx_strip_bitmap *bits = &ptile->tbits;
    const byte *data = bits->data;
    bool full_transfer = (w == ptfs->w0 && h == ptfs->h0);
    int code = 0;

    if (source == NULL && lop_no_S_is_T(lop) && ptfs->num_planes < 0) {
        /* RJW: Ideally, we'd like to remove the 'ptfs->num_planes < 0' test
         * above, and then do:
         * if (ptfs->num_planes >= 0) {
         *     int plane_step = ptile->tbits.raster * ptile->tbits.rep_height;
         *     int k;
         *     for (k = 0; k < ptfs->num_planes; k++) {
         *         byte *data_plane = (byte*) (data + plane_step * k);
         *         (*dev_proc(ptfs->pcdev, copy_plane))
         *                                 (ptfs->pcdev,
         *                                  data_plane + bits->raster * yoff,
         *                                  xoff, bits->raster,
         *                                  gx_no_bitmap_id, x, y,
         *                                  w, h, k);
         *     }
         * } else
         * Unfortunately, this can cause the rop source device to be called
         * with copy_plane. This is currently broken (and I fear cannot ever
         * be done properly). We therefore drop back to the strip_copy_rop
         * case below.
            code = (*dev_proc(ptfs->pcdev, copy_color))
                    (ptfs->pcdev, data + bits->raster * yoff, xoff,
                     (full_transfer ? bits->id : gx_no_bitmap_id),
                     x, y, w, h);
    } else {
        gx_strip_bitmap data_tile;
        gx_bitmap_id source_id;
        gx_rop_source_t no_source;

        if (source == NULL)
            set_rop_no_source(source, no_source, dev);
        source_id = (full_transfer ? source->id : gx_no_bitmap_id);
        data_tile.data = (byte *) data;         /* actually const */
        data_tile.raster = bits->raster;
        data_tile.size.x = data_tile.rep_width = ptile->tbits.size.x;
        data_tile.size.y = data_tile.rep_height = ptile->tbits.size.y;
        data_tile.id = bits->id;
        data_tile.shift = data_tile.rep_shift = 0;
        data_tile.num_planes = (ptfs->num_planes > 1 ? ptfs->num_planes : 1);
        if (source->planar_height == 0) {
            code = (*dev_proc(ptfs->pcdev, strip_copy_rop))
                            source->sdata + (y - ptfs->y0) * source->sraster,
                            source->sourcex + (x - ptfs->x0),
                            source->sraster, source_id,
                            (source->use_scolors ? source->scolors : NULL),
                            &data_tile, NULL,
                            x, y, w, h,
                            imod(xoff - x, data_tile.rep_width),
                            imod(yoff - y, data_tile.rep_height),
        } else {
            code = (*dev_proc(ptfs->pcdev, strip_copy_rop2))
                            source->sdata + (y - ptfs->y0) * source->sraster,
                            source->sourcex + (x - ptfs->x0),
                            source->sraster, source_id,
                            (source->use_scolors ? source->scolors : NULL),
                            &data_tile, NULL,
                            x, y, w, h,
                            imod(xoff - x, data_tile.rep_width),
                            imod(yoff - y, data_tile.rep_height),
    return code;