void set_fly_status(bool value) { if (!bird_can_fly && value) { set_velocities(); printf("set velocities\n" ); } bird_can_fly = value; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* ** Variables */ INT i, j, index; INT outputgridr, outputgriddf; DOUBLE randomseed; DOUBLE t0, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7; PARTICLE *bh; SI *halo; GI *gi; CHAR FILENAME[STRINGSIZE], INPUTNAME[STRINGSIZE]; FILE *file; randomseed = time(NULL); t0 = ((DOUBLE) clock())/((DOUBLE) CLOCKS_PER_SEC); initialise_fixed_structures(&bh, &halo, &gi); set_standard_values_for_parameters(&outputgridr, &outputgriddf, gi, halo); sprintf(INPUTNAME,"none"); initialise_black_hole(bh); initialise_parameters(halo); /* ** Read in and calculate model parameters */ i = 1; while (i < argc) { /* ** Halo parameters */ if (strcmp(argv[i],"-a") == 0) { i++; if (i >= argc) { usage(); } halo->sp->alpha = atof(argv[i]); i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-b") == 0) { i++; if (i >= argc) { usage(); } halo->sp->beta = atof(argv[i]); i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-c") == 0) { i++; if (i >= argc) { usage(); } halo->sp->gamma = atof(argv[i]); i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-M") == 0) { i++; if (i >= argc) { usage(); } halo->sp->M = atof(argv[i]); i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-rs") == 0) { i++; if (i >= argc) { usage(); } halo->sp->rs = atof(argv[i]); i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-rcutoff") == 0) { i++; if (i >= argc) { usage(); } halo->sp->rcutoff = atof(argv[i]); i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-N") == 0) { i++; if (i >= argc) { usage(); } halo->N0 = (INT) (atof(argv[i])); i++; } /* ** Black hole parameters */ else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-MBH") == 0) { i++; if (i >= argc) { usage(); } bh->mass = atof(argv[i]); i++; } /* ** Model name */ else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-name") == 0) { i++; if (i >= argc) { usage(); } sprintf(INPUTNAME,"%s",argv[i]); i++; } /* ** Output parameters */ else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-ogr") == 0) { outputgridr = 1; i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-ogdf") == 0) { outputgriddf = 1; i++; } /* ** Special parameters */ else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-randomseed") == 0) { i++; if (i >= argc) { usage(); } randomseed = atof(argv[i]); i++; } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-dorvirexact") == 0) { gi->dorvirexact = 1; i++; } /* ** Help or failure */ else if ((strcmp(argv[i],"-h") == 0) || (strcmp(argv[i],"-help") == 0)) { usage(); } else { usage(); } } fprintf(stderr,"Checking parameters, calculating halo properties and initialising grid in r... \n"); srand48(randomseed); /* ** Check main input parameters */ if (strcmp(INPUTNAME,"none") == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"You have not set a name for the output model.\n"); usage(); } if ((NGRIDR-1) % (NGRIDDF-1) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Bad choice of NGRIDR and NGRIDDF!\n"); fprintf(stderr,"These numbers have to fulfill the condition (NGRIDR-1) mod (NGRIDDF-1) == 0.\n"); usage(); } check_main_parameters(halo); calculate_parameters(gi,halo); initialise_all_grids(gi, bh, halo, outputgridr, outputgriddf, t0, &t1, FILENAME, INPUTNAME); /* ** Initialise structure */ initialise_structure(gi,halo); /* ** Set particle positions */ t2 = ((DOUBLE) clock())/((DOUBLE) CLOCKS_PER_SEC); fprintf(stderr,"Done in "OFD1" seconds.\nSetting particle positions... \n",t2-t1); set_positions(halo); /* ** Set particle velocities */ t3 = ((DOUBLE) clock())/((DOUBLE) CLOCKS_PER_SEC); fprintf(stderr,"Done in "OFD1" seconds.\nSetting particle velocities... \n",t3-t2); set_velocities(gi,halo); /* ** Set remaining attributes */ t4 = ((DOUBLE) clock())/((DOUBLE) CLOCKS_PER_SEC); fprintf(stderr,"Done in "OFD1" seconds.\nSetting remaining particle attributes... \n",t4-t3); set_attributes(gi,halo); /* ** Calculate a few things and do center of mass correction */ t5 = ((DOUBLE) clock())/((DOUBLE) CLOCKS_PER_SEC); fprintf(stderr,"Done in "OFD1" seconds\nCalculating a few things, doing mass scaling and correct center of mass position and velocity... \n",t5-t4); double_particles(halo); calculate_stuff(gi,bh,halo); /* ** Write Output */ t6 = ((DOUBLE) clock())/((DOUBLE) CLOCKS_PER_SEC); fprintf(stderr,"Done in "OFD1" seconds\nWriting Output... \n",t6-t5); sprintf(FILENAME,"%s.IC.ascii",INPUTNAME); file = fopen(FILENAME,"w"); index = 1; if (bh->mass != 0) { assert(fprintf(file,OFI1" ",index) > 0); assert(fprintf(file,OFD5" ",bh->mass) > 0); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { assert(fprintf(file,OFD6" ",bh->r[j+1]) > 0); } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { assert(fprintf(file,OFD6" ",bh->v[j+1]) > 0); } assert(fprintf(file,"\n") > 0); index++; } for (i = 0; i < halo->N; i++) { assert(fprintf(file,OFI1" ",index) > 0); assert(fprintf(file,OFD5" ",halo->p[i].mass) > 0); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { assert(fprintf(file,OFD6" ",halo->p[i].r[j+1]) > 0); } for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { assert(fprintf(file,OFD6" ",halo->p[i].v[j+1]) > 0); } assert(fprintf(file,"\n") > 0); index++; } fclose(file); /* ** Print some output in file */ sprintf(FILENAME,"%s.out",INPUTNAME); file = fopen(FILENAME,"w"); assert(file != NULL); fprintf(file,"HALOGEN4MUSE by Marcel Zemp / Version 30. August 2007\n\n"); fprintf(file,"Command line\n\n"); for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) fprintf(file,"%s ",argv[i]); fprintf(file,"\n\n"); fprintf(file,"Model properties\n\n"); fprintf(file,"alpha = "OFD1"\n",halo->sp->alpha); fprintf(file,"beta = "OFD1"\n",halo->sp->beta); fprintf(file,"gamma = "OFD1"\n",halo->sp->gamma); fprintf(file,"rho0 = "OFD3" MU LU^-3\n",halo->sp->rho0); fprintf(file,"\n"); if (bh->mass > 0) { fprintf(file,"MBH = "OFD3" MU\n",bh->mass); fprintf(file,"\n"); } fprintf(file,"rs = "OFD3" LU\n",halo->sp->rs); fprintf(file,"rhalf = "OFD3" LU\n",halo->sp->rhalf); fprintf(file,"rvir = "OFD3" LU\n",halo->sp->rvir); fprintf(file,"rinner = "OFD3" LU\n",gi->rinner); fprintf(file,"router = "OFD3" LU\n",gi->router); if (halo->sp->rcutoff != SBI) { fprintf(file,"rcutoff = "OFD3" LU\n",halo->sp->rcutoff); fprintf(file,"rdecay = "OFD3" LU\n",halo->sp->rdecay); } fprintf(file,"\n"); fprintf(file,"M(rs) = "OFD3" MU\n",Menc(halo->sp->rs,gi)); fprintf(file,"M(rhalf) = "OFD3" MU\n",Menc(halo->sp->rhalf,gi)); fprintf(file,"M(rvir) = "OFD3" MU\n",Menc(halo->sp->rvir,gi)); fprintf(file,"M(rinner) = "OFD3" MU\n",Menc(gi->rinner,gi)); fprintf(file,"M(router) = "OFD3" MU\n",Menc(gi->router,gi)); if (halo->sp->rcutoff != SBI) { fprintf(file,"M(rcutoff) = "OFD3" MU\n",Menc(halo->sp->rcutoff,gi)); } fprintf(file,"\n"); fprintf(file,"Sampling properties\n\n"); fprintf(file,"|Cr| = "OFD3" MU Cr = ("OFD4", "OFD4", "OFD4") MU\n",gi->stuff->Cr[0],gi->stuff->Cr[1],gi->stuff->Cr[2],gi->stuff->Cr[3]); fprintf(file,"|Cv| = "OFD3" MU TU^-1 Cv = ("OFD4", "OFD4", "OFD4") MU TU^-1\n",gi->stuff->Cv[0],gi->stuff->Cv[1],gi->stuff->Cv[2],gi->stuff->Cv[3]); fprintf(file,"\n"); fprintf(file,"Etot = "OFD4" MU LU^2 TU^-2\n",gi->stuff->Etot); fprintf(file,"Ekin = "OFD4" MU LU^2 TU^-2\n",gi->stuff->Ekin); fprintf(file,"Epot = "OFD4" MU LU^2 TU^-2\n",gi->stuff->Epot); fprintf(file,"Rvir = |2*Ekin/Epot| = %g\n",fabs(2*gi->stuff->Ekin/gi->stuff->Epot)); fprintf(file,"\n"); fprintf(file,"Ntot = "OFD3" = "OFI1"\n",(DOUBLE)gi->stuff->N,gi->stuff->N); fprintf(file,"rimp = "OFD3" LU\n",halo->rimp); fprintf(file,"r1 = "OFD3" LU\n",halo->r1); fprintf(file,"r100 = "OFD3" LU\n",halo->r100); fprintf(file,"Mtheo = "OFD3" MU\n",bh->mass + halo->sp->M); fprintf(file,"Msamp = "OFD3" MU\n",gi->stuff->Mp); fprintf(file,"(Msamp-Mtheo)/Mtheo = "OFD3"\n",gi->stuff->Mp/(bh->mass + halo->sp->M)-1.0); fprintf(file,"Random seed = "OFD3"\n",randomseed); fprintf(file,"\n"); fprintf(file,"Times for individual steps\n\n"); fprintf(file,"Calculation of halo properties and initialisation of grid in r: "OFD1" seconds.\n",t1-t0); fprintf(file,"Initialisation of grid for distribution function: "OFD1" seconds.\n",t2-t1); fprintf(file,"Setting particle positions: "OFD1" seconds\n",t3-t2); fprintf(file,"Setting particle velocities: "OFD1" seconds\n",t4-t3); fprintf(file,"Setting remaining particle attributes: "OFD1" seconds\n",t5-t4); fprintf(file,"Calculating a few things and correct center of mass: "OFD1" seconds\n",t6-t5); t7 = ((DOUBLE) clock())/((DOUBLE) CLOCKS_PER_SEC); fprintf(file,"Writing output: "OFD1" seconds\n",t7-t6); fprintf(file,"Total time: "OFD1" seconds\n",t7-t0); fclose(file); fprintf(stderr,"Done in "OFD1" seconds\nTotal time needed was "OFD1" seconds\n",t7-t6,t7-t0); free(bh); free(halo); free(gi); exit(0); } /* end of main function */
int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* ** Variables */ GI *gi; PARTICLE *bh; SI *bulge; SI *halo; CHAR FILENAME[STRINGSIZE]; FILE *file; /* ** Initialise structures for reading parameters and start clock */ gi = malloc(sizeof(GI)); assert(gi != NULL); bh = malloc(sizeof(PARTICLE)); assert(bh != NULL); bulge = malloc(sizeof(SI)); assert(bulge != NULL); halo = malloc(sizeof(SI)); assert(halo != NULL); gi->t[0] = ((DOUBLE) clock())/((DOUBLE) CLOCKS_PER_SEC); /* ** Set standard values for parameters */ sprintf(gi->outputname,"none"); sprintf(bulge->systemname,"bulge"); sprintf(halo->systemname,"halo"); initialise_general(gi); initialise_particle(bh); initialise_system(bulge); initialise_system(halo); /* ** Read in and process arguments */ process_arguments(argc,argv,gi,bh,bulge,halo); fprintf(stderr,"Checking parameters, calculating halo properties and initialising grid in r... \n"); /* ** Initialise random number generator */ srand(gi->randomseed); /* ** Check main input parameters */ check_main_parameters_general(gi); if (gi->do_bulge == 1) { check_main_parameters_system(bulge); } if (gi->do_halo == 1) { check_main_parameters_system(halo); } /* ** Allocate memory for the structures */ allocate_general(gi); if (gi->do_bulge == 1) { allocate_system(gi,bulge); } if (gi->do_halo == 1) { allocate_system(gi,halo); } /* ** Calculate parameters */ calculate_parameters_general(gi); if (gi->do_bulge == 1) { calculate_parameters_system(gi,bulge); } if (gi->do_halo == 1) { calculate_parameters_system(gi,halo); } /* ** Initialise gridr */ initialise_gridr(gi,bh,bulge,halo); if (gi->output_gridr == 1) { sprintf(FILENAME,"%s.gridr.total.dat",gi->outputname); file = fopen(FILENAME,"w"); assert(file != NULL); write_gridr_total(file,gi); fclose(file); if (gi->do_bulge == 1) { sprintf(FILENAME,"%s.gridr.bulge.dat",gi->outputname); file = fopen(FILENAME,"w"); write_gridr_system(file,gi,bulge); fclose(file); } if (gi->do_halo == 1) { sprintf(FILENAME,"%s.gridr.halo.dat",gi->outputname); file = fopen(FILENAME,"w"); write_gridr_system(file,gi,halo); fclose(file); } } /* ** Calculate virial stuff for finite mass models and cutoff models */ if (gi->do_bulge == 1) { calculate_virial_stuff(gi,bulge); } if (gi->do_halo == 1) { calculate_virial_stuff(gi,halo); } /* ** Set remaining parameters */ if (gi->do_bulge == 1) { set_remaining_parameters(gi,bulge); } if (gi->do_halo == 1) { set_remaining_parameters(gi,halo); } /* ** Check some more things */ if (gi->do_bulge == 1) { check_more_parameters_system(gi,bulge); } if (gi->do_halo == 1) { check_more_parameters_system(gi,halo); } /* ** Initialise griddf */ gi->t[1] = ((DOUBLE) clock())/((DOUBLE) CLOCKS_PER_SEC); fprintf(stderr,"Done in "OFD1" seconds.\nInitialising grid for distribution function... \n",gi->t[1]-gi->t[0]); if (gi->positionsonly == 0) { if (gi->do_bulge == 1) { initialise_griddf(gi,bulge); if (gi->output_griddf == 1) { sprintf(FILENAME,"%s.griddf.bulge.dat",gi->outputname); file = fopen(FILENAME,"w"); assert(file != NULL); write_griddf_system(file,gi,bulge); fclose(file); } } if (gi->do_halo == 1) { initialise_griddf(gi,halo); if (gi->output_griddf == 1) { sprintf(FILENAME,"%s.griddf.halo.dat",gi->outputname); file = fopen(FILENAME,"w"); assert(file != NULL); write_griddf_system(file,gi,halo); fclose(file); } } } /* ** Initialise shell */ gi->t[2] = ((DOUBLE) clock())/((DOUBLE) CLOCKS_PER_SEC); fprintf(stderr,"Done in "OFD1" seconds\nInitialising shells... \n",gi->t[2]-gi->t[1]); if (gi->do_bulge == 1) { initialise_shell(gi,bulge); } if (gi->do_halo == 1) { initialise_shell(gi,halo); } /* ** Set particle positions */ gi->t[3] = ((DOUBLE) clock())/((DOUBLE) CLOCKS_PER_SEC); fprintf(stderr,"Done in "OFD1" seconds.\nSetting particle positions... \n",gi->t[3]-gi->t[2]); if (gi->do_bulge == 1) { set_positions(gi,bulge); } if (gi->do_halo == 1) { set_positions(gi,halo); } /* ** Set particle velocities */ gi->t[4] = ((DOUBLE) clock())/((DOUBLE) CLOCKS_PER_SEC); fprintf(stderr,"Done in "OFD1" seconds.\nSetting particle velocities... \n",gi->t[4]-gi->t[3]); if (gi->positionsonly == 0) { if (gi->do_bulge == 1) { set_velocities(gi,bulge); } if (gi->do_halo == 1) { set_velocities(gi,halo); } } else { if (gi->do_bulge == 1) { set_velocities_zero(bulge); } if (gi->do_halo == 1) { set_velocities_zero(halo); } } /* ** Set remaining attributes */ gi->t[5] = ((DOUBLE) clock())/((DOUBLE) CLOCKS_PER_SEC); fprintf(stderr,"Done in "OFD1" seconds.\nSetting remaining particle attributes... \n",gi->t[5]-gi->t[4]); if (gi->do_bulge == 1) { set_attributes(gi,bulge); } if (gi->do_halo == 1) { set_attributes(gi,halo); } /* ** Do orbit dependent refining */ gi->t[6] = ((DOUBLE) clock())/((DOUBLE) CLOCKS_PER_SEC); fprintf(stderr,"Done in "OFD1" seconds.\nDoing orbit dependent refining... \n",gi->t[6]-gi->t[5]); if (gi->do_bulge == 1) { refine(gi,bulge); } if (gi->do_halo == 1) { refine(gi,halo); } /* ** Calculate a few things and do center of mass correction */ gi->t[7] = ((DOUBLE) clock())/((DOUBLE) CLOCKS_PER_SEC); fprintf(stderr,"Done in "OFD1" seconds\nCalculating a few things and correct center of mass position and velocity... \n",gi->t[7]-gi->t[6]); if (gi->do_bulge == 1) { double_particles(bulge); calculate_samplinginfo_system(gi,bulge); } if (gi->do_halo == 1) { double_particles(halo); calculate_samplinginfo_system(gi,halo); } calculate_samplinginfo_general(gi,bh); /* ** Write Output */ gi->t[8] = ((DOUBLE) clock())/((DOUBLE) CLOCKS_PER_SEC); fprintf(stderr,"Done in "OFD1" seconds\nWriting output... \n",gi->t[8]-gi->t[7]); if (gi->output_tipsy_standard == 1) { sprintf(FILENAME,"%s.tipsy.std",gi->outputname); file = fopen(FILENAME,"w"); assert(file != NULL); write_tipsy_xdr_halogen(file,gi,bh,bulge,halo); fclose(file); } if (gi->output_tipsy_standard_dpp == 1) { sprintf(FILENAME,"%s.tipsy.dpp.std",gi->outputname); file = fopen(FILENAME,"w"); assert(file != NULL); write_tipsy_xdr_dpp_halogen(file,gi,bh,bulge,halo); fclose(file); } /* ** Print some output in file */ sprintf(FILENAME,"%s.info.dat",gi->outputname); file = fopen(FILENAME,"w"); assert(file != NULL); write_general_output(file,argc,argv,gi,bh,bulge,halo); fclose(file); fprintf(stderr,"Done in "OFD1" seconds\nTotal time needed was "OFD1" seconds\n",gi->t[9]-gi->t[8],gi->t[9]-gi->t[0]); free(gi); free(bh); free(halo); free(bulge); exit(0); } /* end of main function */