void main(int argc,char **argv) { char demfile[MAXLN], pointfile[MAXLN], slopefile[MAXLN], flowfile[MAXLN]; int err,nmain; short useflowfile=0; if(argc < 2) { printf("Usage:\n %s filename [fdrfile]\n",argv[0]); printf("The following are appended BEFORE\n"); printf("the files are opened:\n"); printf("fel Flooded Elevation data\n"); printf("p D8 flow directions\n"); printf("sd8 D8 slope data\n"); printf("optional fdr file of existing stream directions\n"); exit(0); } nmain=nameadd(pointfile,argv[1],"p"); nmain=nameadd(slopefile,argv[1],"sd8"); nmain=nameadd(demfile,argv[1],"fel"); if(argc > 2) { useflowfile=1; nmain=nameadd(flowfile,argv[2],"n"); } if(err=setdird8(demfile, pointfile, slopefile,flowfile,useflowfile) != 0) printf("setdird8 error %d\n",err); }
int main(int argc,char **argv) { char demfile[MAXLN], pointfile[MAXLN], slopefile[MAXLN], flowfile[MAXLN]; int err, i, prow = 0, pcol = 0; short useflowfile=0; if(argc < 2) { printf("Error: To run this program, use either the Simple Usage option or\n"); printf("the Usage with Specific file names option\n"); goto errexit; } else if(argc > 2) { i = 1; // printf("You are running %s with the Specific File Names Usage option.\n", argv[0]); } else { i = 2; // printf("You are running %s with the Simple Usage option.\n", argv[0]); } while(argc > i) { if(strcmp(argv[i],"-fel")==0) { i++; if(argc > i) { strcpy(demfile,argv[i]); i++; } else goto errexit; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-mf")==0) { i++; if(argc > i) { prow = atoi(argv[i]); i++; if(argc > i) { pcol = atoi(argv[i]); i++; } else goto errexit; } else goto errexit; if(prow <=0 || pcol <=0) goto errexit; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-sd8")==0) { i++; if(argc > i) { strcpy(slopefile,argv[i]); i++; } else goto errexit; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-p")==0) { i++; if(argc > i) { strcpy(pointfile,argv[i]); i++; } else goto errexit; } else if(strcmp(argv[i],"-sfdr")==0) { i++; if(argc > i) { strcpy(flowfile,argv[i]); i++; useflowfile=1; } else goto errexit; } else { goto errexit; } } if( argc == 2) { nameadd(demfile,argv[1],"fel"); nameadd(pointfile,argv[1],"p"); nameadd(slopefile,argv[1],"sd8"); } if((err=setdird8(demfile, pointfile, slopefile,flowfile,useflowfile, prow, pcol)) != 0) printf("setdird8 error %d\n",err); return 0; errexit: printf("Simple Usage:\n %s <basefilename>\n",argv[0]); printf("Usage with specific file names:\n %s -fel <demfile>\n",argv[0]); printf("-sd8 <slopefile> -p <angfile> [-sfdr <flowfile>]\n"); printf("<basefilename> is the name of the raw digital elevation model\n"); printf("<demfile> is the pit filled or carved DEM input file.\n"); printf("<slopefile> is the slope output file.\n"); printf("<pointfile> is the output d8 flow direction file.\n"); printf("[-sfdr <flowfile>] is the optional user imposed stream flow direction file.\n"); printf("The following are appended to the file names\n"); printf("before the files are opened:\n"); printf("fel carved or pit filled input elevation file\n"); printf("sd8 D8 slope file (output)\n"); printf("p D8 flow direction output file\n"); exit(0); }