Пример #1
    void setupSignalHandlers() {

        signal(SIGTERM, sighandler);
        signal(SIGINT, sighandler);

#if defined(SIGQUIT)
        signal( SIGQUIT , printStackAndExit );
        signal( SIGSEGV , printStackAndExit );
        signal( SIGABRT , printStackAndExit );
        signal( SIGFPE , printStackAndExit );
#if defined(SIGBUS)
        signal( SIGBUS , printStackAndExit );
#if defined(SIGPIPE)
        signal( SIGPIPE , SIG_IGN );

#ifndef _WIN32
        sigemptyset( &asyncSignals );
        sigaddset( &asyncSignals, SIGUSR1 );

        set_new_handler( my_new_handler );
Пример #2
 void init() {
     setupSignals( false );
     Logstream::get().addGlobalTee( new RamLog("global") );
Пример #3
    bool CmdLine::store( int argc , char ** argv , 
                         boost::program_options::options_description& visible,
                         boost::program_options::options_description& hidden,
                         boost::program_options::positional_options_description& positional,
                         boost::program_options::variables_map &params ){
        { // setup binary name
            cmdLine.binaryName = argv[0];
            size_t i = cmdLine.binaryName.rfind( '/' );
            if ( i != string::npos )
                cmdLine.binaryName = cmdLine.binaryName.substr( i + 1 );
        /* don't allow guessing - creates ambiguities when some options are
         * prefixes of others. allow long disguises and don't allow guessing
         * to get away with our vvvvvvv trick. */
        int style = (((po::command_line_style::unix_style ^
                       po::command_line_style::allow_guessing) |
                      po::command_line_style::allow_long_disguise) ^

        try {

            po::options_description all;
            all.add( visible );
            all.add( hidden );

            po::store( po::command_line_parser(argc, argv)
                       .options( all )
                       .positional( positional )
                       .style( style )
                       params );

            if ( params.count("config") ){
                ifstream f( params["config"].as<string>().c_str() );
                if ( ! f.is_open() ){
                    cout << "ERROR: could not read from config file" << endl << endl;
                    cout << visible << endl;
                    return false;
                po::store( po::parse_config_file( f , all ) , params );
        catch (po::error &e) {
            cout << "error command line: " << e.what() << endl;
            cout << "use --help for help" << endl;
            //cout << visible << endl;
            return false;

        if (params.count("verbose")) {
            logLevel = 1;

        for (string s = "vv"; s.length() <= 12; s.append("v")) {
            if (params.count(s)) {
                logLevel = s.length();

        if (params.count("quiet")) {
            cmdLine.quiet = true;

        string logpath;

#ifndef _WIN32
        if (params.count("fork")) {
            if ( ! params.count( "logpath" ) ){
                cout << "--fork has to be used with --logpath" << endl;
            { // test logpath
                logpath = params["logpath"].as<string>();
                assert( logpath.size() );
                if ( logpath[0] != '/' ){
                    char temp[256];
                    assert( getcwd( temp , 256 ) );
                    logpath = (string)temp + "/" + logpath;
                FILE * test = fopen( logpath.c_str() , "a" );
                if ( ! test ){
                    cout << "can't open [" << logpath << "] for log file: " << errnoWithDescription() << endl;
                fclose( test );

            pid_t c = fork();
            if ( c ){

            if ( chdir("/") < 0 ){
                cout << "Cant chdir() while forking server process: " << strerror(errno) << endl;
            pid_t c2 = fork();
            if ( c2 ){
                cout << "forked process: " << c2 << endl;

            // stdout handled in initLogging
            //freopen("/dev/null", "w", stdout);


            FILE* f = freopen("/dev/null", "w", stderr);
            if ( f == NULL ){
                cout << "Cant reassign stderr while forking server process: " << strerror(errno) << endl;

            f = freopen("/dev/null", "r", stdin);
            if ( f == NULL ){
                cout << "Cant reassign stdin while forking server process: " << strerror(errno) << endl;

            setupSignals( true );
        if (params.count("logpath")) {
            if ( logpath.size() == 0 )
                logpath = params["logpath"].as<string>();
            uassert( 10033 ,  "logpath has to be non-zero" , logpath.size() );
            initLogging( logpath , params.count( "logappend" ) );

        if ( params.count("pidfilepath")) {
            writePidFile( params["pidfilepath"].as<string>() );

        if (params.count("keyFile")){
            const string f = params["keyFile"].as<string>();

            if (!setUpSecurityKey(f)) {
                // error message printed in setUpPrivateKey
            noauth = false;

            BSONArrayBuilder b;
            for (int i=0; i < argc; i++)
                b << argv[i];
            argvArray = b.arr();

        return true;
Пример #4
 void init(){
     setupSignals( false );
Пример #5
    bool CmdLine::store( int argc , char ** argv ,
                         boost::program_options::options_description& visible,
                         boost::program_options::options_description& hidden,
                         boost::program_options::positional_options_description& positional,
                         boost::program_options::variables_map &params ) {

            // setup binary name
            cmdLine.binaryName = argv[0];
            size_t i = cmdLine.binaryName.rfind( '/' );
            if ( i != string::npos )
                cmdLine.binaryName = cmdLine.binaryName.substr( i + 1 );
            // setup cwd
            char buffer[1024];
#ifdef _WIN32
            verify( _getcwd( buffer , 1000 ) );
            verify( getcwd( buffer , 1000 ) );
            cmdLine.cwd = buffer;

        /* don't allow guessing - creates ambiguities when some options are
         * prefixes of others. allow long disguises and don't allow guessing
         * to get away with our vvvvvvv trick. */
        int style = (((po::command_line_style::unix_style ^
                       po::command_line_style::allow_guessing) |
                      po::command_line_style::allow_long_disguise) ^

        try {

            po::options_description all;
            all.add( visible );
            all.add( hidden );

            po::store( po::command_line_parser(argc, argv)
                       .options( all )
                       .positional( positional )
                       .style( style )
                       params );

            if ( params.count("config") ) {
                ifstream f( params["config"].as<string>().c_str() );
                if ( ! f.is_open() ) {
                    cout << "ERROR: could not read from config file" << endl << endl;
                    cout << visible << endl;
                    return false;

                stringstream ss;
                CmdLine::parseConfigFile( f, ss );
                po::store( po::parse_config_file( ss , all ) , params );

        catch (po::error &e) {
            cout << "error command line: " << e.what() << endl;
            cout << "use --help for help" << endl;
            //cout << visible << endl;
            return false;

        if (params.count("verbose")) {
            logLevel = 1;

        for (string s = "vv"; s.length() <= 12; s.append("v")) {
            if (params.count(s)) {
                logLevel = s.length();

        if (params.count("quiet")) {
            cmdLine.quiet = true;

        if ( params.count( "maxConns" ) ) {
            int newSize = params["maxConns"].as<int>();
            if ( newSize < 5 ) {
                out() << "maxConns has to be at least 5" << endl;
                ::_exit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS );
            else if ( newSize >= 10000000 ) {
                out() << "maxConns can't be greater than 10000000" << endl;
                ::_exit( EXIT_BADOPTIONS );
            connTicketHolder.resize( newSize );

        if (params.count("objcheck")) {
            cmdLine.objcheck = true;

        if (params.count("bind_ip")) {
            // passing in wildcard is the same as default behavior; remove and warn
            if ( cmdLine.bind_ip ==  "" ) {
                cout << "warning: bind_ip of is unnecessary; listens on all ips by default" << endl;
                cmdLine.bind_ip = "";

        string logpath;

#ifndef _WIN32
        if (params.count("unixSocketPrefix")) {
            cmdLine.socket = params["unixSocketPrefix"].as<string>();
            if (!fs::is_directory(cmdLine.socket)) {
                cout << cmdLine.socket << " must be a directory" << endl;

        if (params.count("nounixsocket")) {
            cmdLine.noUnixSocket = true;

        if (params.count("fork") && !params.count("shutdown")) {
            cmdLine.doFork = true;
            if ( ! params.count( "logpath" ) && ! params.count( "syslog" ) ) {
                cout << "--fork has to be used with --logpath or --syslog" << endl;

            if ( params.count( "logpath" ) ) {
                // test logpath
                logpath = params["logpath"].as<string>();
                verify( logpath.size() );
                if ( logpath[0] != '/' ) {
                    logpath = cmdLine.cwd + "/" + logpath;
                bool exists = boost::filesystem::exists( logpath );
                FILE * test = fopen( logpath.c_str() , "a" );
                if ( ! test ) {
                    cout << "can't open [" << logpath << "] for log file: " << errnoWithDescription() << endl;
                fclose( test );
                // if we created a file, unlink it (to avoid confusing log rotation code)
                if ( ! exists ) {
                    unlink( logpath.c_str() );

            cmdLine.parentProc = getpid();
            // facilitate clean exit when child starts successfully

            pid_t c = fork();
            if ( c ) {
                int pstat;
                waitpid(c, &pstat, 0);

                if ( WIFEXITED(pstat) ) {
                    if ( ! WEXITSTATUS(pstat) ) {
                        cout << "child process started successfully, parent exiting" << endl;

                    _exit( WEXITSTATUS(pstat) );


            if ( chdir("/") < 0 ) {
                cout << "Cant chdir() while forking server process: " << strerror(errno) << endl;
            cmdLine.leaderProc = getpid();

            pid_t c2 = fork();
            if ( c2 ) {
                int pstat;
                cout << "forked process: " << c2 << endl;
                waitpid(c2, &pstat, 0);

                if ( WIFEXITED(pstat) ) {
                    _exit( WEXITSTATUS(pstat) );


            // stdout handled in initLogging
            //freopen("/dev/null", "w", stdout);


            FILE* f = freopen("/dev/null", "w", stderr);
            if ( f == NULL ) {
                cout << "Cant reassign stderr while forking server process: " << strerror(errno) << endl;

            f = freopen("/dev/null", "r", stdin);
            if ( f == NULL ) {
                cout << "Cant reassign stdin while forking server process: " << strerror(errno) << endl;

            setupSignals( true );
        if (params.count("syslog")) {
            StringBuilder sb;
            sb << cmdLine.binaryName << "." << cmdLine.port;
            Logstream::useSyslog( sb.str().c_str() );
        if (params.count("logpath") && !params.count("shutdown")) {
            if ( params.count("syslog") ) {
                cout << "Cant use both a logpath and syslog " << endl;
            if ( logpath.size() == 0 )
                logpath = params["logpath"].as<string>();
            uassert( 10033 ,  "logpath has to be non-zero" , logpath.size() );
            initLogging( logpath , params.count( "logappend" ) );

        if ( params.count("pidfilepath")) {
            writePidFile( params["pidfilepath"].as<string>() );

        if (params.count("keyFile")) {
            const string f = params["keyFile"].as<string>();

            if (!setUpSecurityKey(f)) {
                // error message printed in setUpPrivateKey

            cmdLine.keyFile = true;
            noauth = false;
        else {
            cmdLine.keyFile = false;

#ifdef MONGO_SSL
        if (params.count("sslOnNormalPorts") ) {
            cmdLine.sslOnNormalPorts = true;

            if ( cmdLine.sslPEMKeyPassword.size() == 0 ) {
                log() << "need sslPEMKeyPassword" << endl;
            if ( cmdLine.sslPEMKeyFile.size() == 0 ) {
                log() << "need sslPEMKeyFile" << endl;
            cmdLine.sslServerManager = new SSLManager( false );
            cmdLine.sslServerManager->setupPEM( cmdLine.sslPEMKeyFile , cmdLine.sslPEMKeyPassword );
        else if ( cmdLine.sslPEMKeyFile.size() || cmdLine.sslPEMKeyPassword.size() ) {
            log() << "need to enable sslOnNormalPorts" << endl;
            BSONObjBuilder b;
            for (po::variables_map::const_iterator it(params.begin()), end(params.end()); it != end; it++){
                if (!it->second.defaulted()){
                    const string& key = it->first;
                    const po::variable_value& value = it->second;
                    const type_info& type = value.value().type();

                    if (type == typeid(string)){
                        if (value.as<string>().empty())
                            b.appendBool(key, true); // boost po uses empty string for flags like --quiet
                        else {
                            if ( key == "servicePassword" ) {
                                b.append( key, "<password>" );
                            else {
                                b.append( key, value.as<string>() );
                    else if (type == typeid(int))
                        b.append(key, value.as<int>());
                    else if (type == typeid(double))
                        b.append(key, value.as<double>());
                    else if (type == typeid(bool))
                        b.appendBool(key, value.as<bool>());
                    else if (type == typeid(long))
                        b.appendNumber(key, (long long)value.as<long>());
                    else if (type == typeid(unsigned))
                        b.appendNumber(key, (long long)value.as<unsigned>());
                    else if (type == typeid(unsigned long long))
                        b.appendNumber(key, (long long)value.as<unsigned long long>());
                    else if (type == typeid(vector<string>))
                        b.append(key, value.as<vector<string> >());
                        b.append(key, "UNKNOWN TYPE: " + demangleName(type));
            parsedOpts = b.obj();

            BSONArrayBuilder b;
            for (int i=0; i < argc; i++)
                b << argv[i];
            argvArray = b.arr();

        return true;
    bool initializeServerGlobalState(bool isMongodShutdownSpecialCase) {

        Listener::globalTicketHolder.resize( cmdLine.maxConns );

#ifndef _WIN32
        if (!fs::is_directory(cmdLine.socket)) {
            cout << cmdLine.socket << " must be a directory" << endl;
            return false;

        if (cmdLine.doFork) {
            fassert(16447, !cmdLine.logpath.empty() || cmdLine.logWithSyslog);


            cmdLine.parentProc = getpid();

            // facilitate clean exit when child starts successfully

            pid_t c = fork();
            if ( c ) {
                int pstat;
                waitpid(c, &pstat, 0);

                if ( WIFEXITED(pstat) ) {
                    if ( ! WEXITSTATUS(pstat) ) {
                        cout << "child process started successfully, parent exiting" << endl;

                    _exit( WEXITSTATUS(pstat) );


            if ( chdir("/") < 0 ) {
                cout << "Cant chdir() while forking server process: " << strerror(errno) << endl;

            cmdLine.leaderProc = getpid();

            pid_t c2 = fork();
            if ( c2 ) {
                int pstat;
                cout << "forked process: " << c2 << endl;
                waitpid(c2, &pstat, 0);

                if ( WIFEXITED(pstat) ) {
                    _exit( WEXITSTATUS(pstat) );


            // stdout handled in initLogging
            //freopen("/dev/null", "w", stdout);


            FILE* f = freopen("/dev/null", "w", stderr);
            if ( f == NULL ) {
                cout << "Cant reassign stderr while forking server process: " << strerror(errno) << endl;
                return false;

            f = freopen("/dev/null", "r", stdin);
            if ( f == NULL ) {
                cout << "Cant reassign stdin while forking server process: " << strerror(errno) << endl;
                return false;

            setupSignals( true );

        if (cmdLine.logWithSyslog) {
            StringBuilder sb;
            sb << cmdLine.binaryName << "." << cmdLine.port;
            Logstream::useSyslog( sb.str().c_str() );
        if (!cmdLine.logpath.empty() && !isMongodShutdownSpecialCase) {
            fassert(16448, !cmdLine.logWithSyslog);
            string absoluteLogpath = boost::filesystem::absolute(
                    cmdLine.logpath, cmdLine.cwd).string();
            if (!initLogging(absoluteLogpath, cmdLine.logAppend)) {
                cout << "Bad logpath value: \"" << absoluteLogpath << "\"; terminating." << endl;
                return false;

        if (!cmdLine.pidFile.empty()) {

        if (!cmdLine.keyFile.empty()) {

            if (!setUpSecurityKey(cmdLine.keyFile)) {
                // error message printed in setUpPrivateKey
                return false;

            noauth = false;

#ifdef MONGO_SSL
        if (cmdLine.sslOnNormalPorts) {

            if ( cmdLine.sslPEMKeyPassword.size() == 0 ) {
                log() << "need sslPEMKeyPassword" << endl;
                return false;

            if ( cmdLine.sslPEMKeyFile.size() == 0 ) {
                log() << "need sslPEMKeyFile" << endl;
                return false;

            cmdLine.sslServerManager = new SSLManager( false );
            if ( ! cmdLine.sslServerManager->setupPEM( cmdLine.sslPEMKeyFile , cmdLine.sslPEMKeyPassword ) ) {
                return false;
        else if ( cmdLine.sslPEMKeyFile.size() || cmdLine.sslPEMKeyPassword.size() ) {
            log() << "need to enable sslOnNormalPorts" << endl;
            return false;

        return true;
Пример #7
    bool CmdLine::store( int argc , char ** argv , 
                         boost::program_options::options_description& visible,
                         boost::program_options::options_description& hidden,
                         boost::program_options::positional_options_description& positional,
                         boost::program_options::variables_map &params ){
        /* don't allow guessing - creates ambiguities when some options are
         * prefixes of others. allow long disguises and don't allow guessing
         * to get away with our vvvvvvv trick. */
        int style = (((po::command_line_style::unix_style ^
                       po::command_line_style::allow_guessing) |
                      po::command_line_style::allow_long_disguise) ^

        try {

            po::options_description all;
            all.add( visible );
            all.add( hidden );

            po::store( po::command_line_parser(argc, argv)
                       .options( all )
                       .positional( positional )
                       .style( style )
                       params );

            if ( params.count("config") ){
                ifstream f( params["config"].as<string>().c_str() );
                if ( ! f.is_open() ){
                    cout << "ERROR: could not read from config file" << endl << endl;
                    cout << visible << endl;
                    return false;
                po::store( po::parse_config_file( f , all ) , params );
        catch (po::error &e) {
            cout << "ERROR: " << e.what() << endl << endl;
            cout << visible << endl;
            return false;

        if (params.count("verbose")) {
            logLevel = 1;

        for (string s = "vv"; s.length() <= 12; s.append("v")) {
            if (params.count(s)) {
                logLevel = s.length();

        if (params.count("quiet")) {
            cmdLine.quiet = true;

#ifndef _WIN32
        if (params.count("fork")) {
            if ( ! params.count( "logpath" ) ){
                cout << "--fork has to be used with --logpath" << endl;

            pid_t c = fork();
            if ( c ){

            pid_t c2 = fork();
            if ( c2 ){
                cout << "forked process: " << c2 << endl;

            // stdout handled in initLogging
            //freopen("/dev/null", "w", stdout);

            freopen("/dev/null", "w", stderr);
            freopen("/dev/null", "r", stdin);

        if (params.count("logpath")) {
            string lp = params["logpath"].as<string>();
            uassert( 10033 ,  "logpath has to be non-zero" , lp.size() );
            initLogging( lp , params.count( "logappend" ) );

            BSONArrayBuilder b;
            for (int i=0; i < argc; i++)
                b << argv[i];
            argvArray = b.arr();

        return true;
    bool initializeServerGlobalState(bool isMongodShutdownSpecialCase) {

        Listener::globalTicketHolder.resize( cmdLine.maxConns );

#ifndef _WIN32
        if (!fs::is_directory(cmdLine.socket)) {
            cout << cmdLine.socket << " must be a directory" << endl;
            return false;

        if (cmdLine.doFork) {
            fassert(16447, !cmdLine.logpath.empty() || cmdLine.logWithSyslog);


            cmdLine.parentProc = getpid();

            // facilitate clean exit when child starts successfully

            cout << "about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections."
                 << endl;

            pid_t child1 = fork();
            if (child1 == -1) {
                cout << "ERROR: stage 1 fork() failed: " << errnoWithDescription();
            else if (child1) {
                // this is run in the original parent process
                int pstat;
                waitpid(child1, &pstat, 0);

                if (WIFEXITED(pstat)) {
                    if (WEXITSTATUS(pstat)) {
                        cout << "ERROR: child process failed, exited with error number "
                             << WEXITSTATUS(pstat) << endl;
                    else {
                        cout << "child process started successfully, parent exiting" << endl;



            if ( chdir("/") < 0 ) {
                cout << "Cant chdir() while forking server process: " << strerror(errno) << endl;

            cmdLine.leaderProc = getpid();

            pid_t child2 = fork();
            if (child2 == -1) {
                cout << "ERROR: stage 2 fork() failed: " << errnoWithDescription();
            else if (child2) {
                // this is run in the middle process
                int pstat;
                cout << "forked process: " << child2 << endl;
                waitpid(child2, &pstat, 0);

                if ( WIFEXITED(pstat) ) {
                    _exit( WEXITSTATUS(pstat) );


            // this is run in the final child process (the server)

            // stdout handled in initLogging
            //freopen("/dev/null", "w", stdout);


            FILE* f = freopen("/dev/null", "w", stderr);
            if ( f == NULL ) {
                cout << "Cant reassign stderr while forking server process: " << strerror(errno) << endl;
                return false;

            f = freopen("/dev/null", "r", stdin);
            if ( f == NULL ) {
                cout << "Cant reassign stdin while forking server process: " << strerror(errno) << endl;
                return false;

            setupSignals( true );

        if (cmdLine.logWithSyslog) {
            StringBuilder sb;
            sb << cmdLine.binaryName << "." << cmdLine.port;
            Logstream::useSyslog( sb.str().c_str() );
        if (!cmdLine.logpath.empty() && !isMongodShutdownSpecialCase) {
            fassert(16448, !cmdLine.logWithSyslog);
            string absoluteLogpath = boost::filesystem::absolute(
                    cmdLine.logpath, cmdLine.cwd).string();
            if (!initLogging(absoluteLogpath, cmdLine.logAppend)) {
                cout << "Bad logpath value: \"" << absoluteLogpath << "\"; terminating." << endl;
                return false;

        if (!cmdLine.pidFile.empty()) {

        if (!cmdLine.keyFile.empty()) {

            if (!setUpSecurityKey(cmdLine.keyFile)) {
                // error message printed in setUpPrivateKey
                return false;

            noauth = false;

        return true;