//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // main //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main (int argc, char **argv) { glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DEPTH); glutInitWindowSize(1200, 800); glutCreateWindow("Dual Ray Implementation"); glutDisplayFunc(display); // Define base line s1_x[0] = 0.0; s1_y[0] = 0.0; s1_x[1] = 1.0; s1_y[1] = 0.0; // Define top line s2_x[0] = 0.0; s2_y[0] = 1.0; s2_x[1] = 1.0; s2_y[1] = 1.0; s_x[0] = 0.0; s_y[0] = 0.0; s_x[1] = 1.0; s_y[1] = 0.0; // Define top line s_x[2] = 0.0; s_y[2] = 1.0; s_x[3] = 1.0; s_y[3] = 1.0; //s_x[4] = 0.0; s_y[4] = -1.0; //s_x[5] = -1.0; s_y[5] = -1.0; s_x[4] = 0.0; s_y[4] = -1.0; s_x[5] = 1.0; s_y[5] = -1.0; s_x[6] = 0.0; s_y[6] = 2.0; s_x[7] = 1.0; s_y[7] = 2.0; s_x[8] = -1.0; s_y[8] = 1.0; s_x[9] = 2.0; s_y[9] = 1.0; s_x[10] = -1.0; s_y[10] = 0.0; s_x[11] = 2.0; s_y[11] = 0.0; // Define query line //v_x[0] = 0.5; v_y[0] = 0.5; //v_x[1] = 0.5; v_y[1] = 0.4; //v_x[0] = 0.0; v_y[0] = 0.2; //v_x[1] = 0.1; v_y[1] = 0.0; v_x[0] = 0.5; v_y[0] = 0.73; v_x[1] = 0.30; v_y[1] = 0.1; pointSel = true; displayV = false; for (int i=0; i<NLINES; i++) displayL[i] = true; setupRC(); glutReshapeFunc(reshape); glutKeyboardFunc( keyboard ); glutSpecialFunc( special ); glutMainLoop(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DEPTH); glutCreateWindow("Atom!"); glutReshapeFunc(onShapeChanged); glutDisplayFunc(onDraw); glutTimerFunc(500,handler, 1); setupRC(); glutMainLoop(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_STENCIL); glutInitWindowSize(600, 600); glutCreateWindow("Rotating pyramid"); glutReshapeFunc(changeSize); glutDisplayFunc(renderScene); GLenum err = glewInit(); if(GLEW_OK != err) { return 1; } setupRC(); glutMainLoop(); return 0; }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { glutInit( &argc, argv ); glutInitDisplayMode( GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DEPTH ); glutInitWindowSize( 640, 480 ); glutInitWindowPosition( 100, 100 ); glutCreateWindow( argv[ 0 ] ); glutDisplayFunc( renderScene ); glutReshapeFunc( changeSize ); glutSpecialFunc( specialKeys ); glutKeyboardFunc( keyboard ); glutMouseFunc( mouse ); setupRC(); glutMainLoop(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { try { // Create Razor AHRS object. Serial I/O will run in background thread and report // errors and data updates using the callbacks on_data() and on_error(). // We want to receive yaw/pitch/roll data. If we wanted the unprocessed raw or calibrated sensor // data, we would pass RazorAHRS::ACC_MAG_GYR_RAW or RazorAHRS::ACC_MAG_GYR_CALIBRATED // instead of RazorAHRS::YAW_PITCH_ROLL. gRazor = new RazorAHRS(serial_port_name, on_data, on_error, // RazorAHRS::YAW_PITCH_ROLL, RazorAHRS::YAW_PITCH_ROLL, 5000, B57600); } catch(std::runtime_error &e) { LOGE("Could not create tracker: "<<e.what()); LOGE("check your serial port"); return 0; } glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE|GLUT_ALPHA|GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DEPTH); glutInitWindowSize(gWinWidth,gWinHeight); gWindowId = glutCreateWindow("Razor AHRS"); GLenum err = glewInit(); if (GLEW_OK != err) { // GLEW not supported LOGE("Error: "<< glewGetErrorString(err)); exit(1); } glutKeyboardFunc(StdKeys); glutSpecialFunc(SpecialKeys); glutDisplayFunc(renderScene); glutReshapeFunc(changeSize); atexit(shutdownRC); setupRC(); glutMainLoop(); return 0; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- void testApp::setup(){ ofBackground(0, 0, 0); ofSetVerticalSync(true); lightScatter.setup(ofGetWidth()/OFF_SCREEN_RENDER_RATIO, ofGetHeight()/OFF_SCREEN_RENDER_RATIO); fboLight.allocate(ofGetWidth(), ofGetHeight(), true); setupRC(); /* dListA = glGenLists(1); glNewList(dListA,GL_COMPILE); glColor3ub(0, 0, 255); glutSolidSphere(30.0f, 50, 50); glEndList(); dListB = glGenLists(1); glNewList(dListB,GL_COMPILE); glColor3ub(0, 0, 255); glutSolidSphere(20.0f, 50, 50); glEndList(); */ }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { gltSetWorkingDirectory(argv[0]); glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DEPTH| GLUT_STENCIL); glutInitWindowSize(800, 600); glutCreateWindow("LearnTexture"); glutReshapeFunc(changeSize); glutDisplayFunc(renderScene); glutSpecialFunc(keyFunc); GLenum err = glewInit(); if (GLEW_OK != err) { fprintf(stderr, "GLEW Error: %s\n", glewGetErrorString(err)); return 1; } setupRC(); glutMainLoop(); cleanRC(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { gltSetWorkingDirectory(argv[0]); //Initiate glut and create a window: glutInit(&argc, argv); glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_DOUBLE | GLUT_RGBA | GLUT_DEPTH | GLUT_MULTISAMPLE); glutInitWindowSize(W_WIDTH, W_HEIGHT); glutInitWindowPosition( (glutGet(GLUT_SCREEN_WIDTH)-W_WIDTH)/2, // Places the window in the middle of the screen (glutGet(GLUT_SCREEN_HEIGHT)-W_HEIGHT)/2); glutCreateWindow(W_TITLE); //Send funcs to gluttis: glutReshapeFunc(changeSize); glutDisplayFunc(renderScene); glutKeyboardUpFunc(releasedKeys); glutPassiveMotionFunc(mouseCameraFunc); glutMouseFunc(clickFunc); glutMotionFunc(mousePassiveFunc); GLenum result = glewInit(); if(result != GLEW_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "GLEW Error: %s\n", glewGetErrorString(result)); return 1; } //Setup stuff and start looping: setupRC(); glutMainLoop(); newDeskButton.clearTexture(); removeDeskButton.clearTexture(); exportButton.clearTexture(); system("PAUSE"); return 0; }