CustomWidgetEditor::CustomWidgetEditor( QWidget *parent, MainWindow *mw ) : CustomWidgetEditorBase( parent, 0, TRUE ), mainWindow( mw ) { connect( helpButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), MainWindow::self, SLOT( showDialogHelp() ) ); checkTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect( checkTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( checkWidgetName() ) ); editClass->setEnabled( FALSE ); editHeader->setEnabled( FALSE ); buttonChooseHeader->setEnabled( FALSE ); buttonChoosePixmap->setEnabled( FALSE ); spinWidth->setEnabled( FALSE ); spinHeight->setEnabled( FALSE ); sizeHor->setEnabled( FALSE ); sizeVer->setEnabled( FALSE ); checkContainer->setEnabled( FALSE ); localGlobalCombo->setEnabled( FALSE ); editClass->setValidator( new AsciiValidator( QString(":"), editClass ) ); editSignal->setValidator( new AsciiValidator( TRUE, editSignal ) ); editSlot->setValidator( new AsciiValidator( TRUE, editSignal ) ); editProperty->setValidator( new AsciiValidator( editSignal ) ); editSignal->setEnabled( FALSE ); buttonRemoveSignal->setEnabled( FALSE ); setupDefinition(); setupSignals(); setupSlots(); setupProperties(); }
void CustomWidgetEditor::loadDescription() { QString fn = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( QString::null, i18n( "*.cw|Custom-Widget Description\n*|All Files" ), this ); if ( fn.isEmpty() ) return; QFile f( fn ); if ( ! IO_ReadOnly ) ) return; QDomDocument doc; QString errMsg; int errLine; if ( !doc.setContent( &f, &errMsg, &errLine ) ) { qDebug( QString("Parse error: ") + errMsg + QString(" in line %d"), errLine ); return; } QDomElement firstWidget = doc.firstChild().toElement().firstChild().toElement(); while ( firstWidget.tagName() != "customwidgets" ) firstWidget = firstWidget.nextSibling().toElement(); Resource::loadCustomWidgets( firstWidget, 0 ); boxWidgets->clear(); setupDefinition(); setupSignals(); setupSlots(); setupProperties(); }
void initRunMode() { #if ENABLE_SLOTS setupSlots(); #endif mcu_clearTimer(); //TODO: Figure out that dest = destorig shit dest = destorig; #if !(ENABLE_SLOTS) queryReplyCRC = crc16_ccitt(&queryReply[0],2); queryReply[3] = (unsigned char) queryReplyCRC; queryReply[2] = (unsigned char) mcu_swapBytes(queryReplyCRC); #endif #if SENSOR_DATA_IN_ID // this branch is for sensor data in the id ackReply[2] = SENSOR_DATA_TYPE_ID; state = STATE_READ_SENSOR; timeToSample++; #else ackReplyCRC = crc16_ccitt(&ackReply[0], 14); ackReply[15] = (unsigned char) ackReplyCRC; ackReply[14] = (unsigned char) mcu_swapBytes(ackReplyCRC); #endif #if ENABLE_SESSIONS initialize_sessions(); #endif state = STATE_READY; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 被VPProcessor的构造调用 // 下面所有的操作都是构造Processor所特有! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// VPAbstractNode::VPAbstractNode( QMenu *contextMenu, AProcess* proc, unsigned int nbinput, unsigned int nboutput, unsigned int id, const QString& name ) : myInCount(nbinput), myOutCount(nboutput) , myId(id) , myProcess(proc) { // 设置右键菜单! myContextMenu = contextMenu; // 设置名字! setText(name); // 设置字体! setFont( QFont("Verdana", 15, QFont::Normal) ); // 设置默认的结点区域,在局部坐标系下! myRect.setRect(gNodeLeft, gNodeTop, gNodeWidth, gNodeHeight); // 调整结点区域/myRect! adjustRectByContent(); // 装载端口! setupSlots(); }
Picmi::Picmi() { int width, height; double density; bool prevent_mistakes; switch (Settings::instance()->level()) { case KgDifficultyLevel::Easy: width = height = 10; density = 0.55; prevent_mistakes = false; break; case KgDifficultyLevel::Medium: width = 15; height = 10; density = 0.55; prevent_mistakes = false; break; case KgDifficultyLevel::Hard: width = height = 15; density = 0.55; prevent_mistakes = false; break; case KgDifficultyLevel::Custom: default: width = Settings::instance()->width(); height = Settings::instance()->height(); density = Settings::instance()->boxDensity(); prevent_mistakes = Settings::instance()->preventMistakes(); break; } m_map = QSharedPointer<BoardMap>(new BoardMap(width, height, density)); m_state = QSharedPointer<BoardState>(new BoardState(width, height)); m_streaks = QSharedPointer<Streaks>(new Streaks(m_map, m_state)); if (prevent_mistakes) { m_io_handler = QSharedPointer<IOHandler>(new IOHandlerHints(,, &m_timer)); } else { m_io_handler = QSharedPointer<IOHandler>(new IOHandlerNoHints(,, &m_timer)); } m_timer.start(); setupSlots(); }
Picmi::Picmi(QSharedPointer<BoardMap> board) { m_map = board; m_state = QSharedPointer<BoardState>(new BoardState(board->width(), board->height())); m_streaks = QSharedPointer<Streaks>(new Streaks(m_map, m_state)); m_io_handler = QSharedPointer<IOHandler>(new IOHandlerNoHints(,, &m_timer)); m_timer.start(); setupSlots(); }
void jumpTo(int r1,int g1,int b1,int r2,int g2,int b2,int r3,int g3,int b3) { current[0] = r1; current[1] = g1; current[2] = b1; current[3] = r2; current[4] = g2; current[5] = b2; current[6] = r3; current[7] = g3; current[8] = b3; setupSlots(r1,g1,b1,r2,g2,b2,r3,g3,b3); }
void CustomWidgetEditor::currentWidgetChanged( QListBoxItem *i ) { checkTimer->stop(); checkWidgetName(); MetaDataBase::CustomWidget *w = findWidget( i ); if ( !i || !w ) { buttonChooseHeader->setEnabled( FALSE ); editClass->setEnabled( FALSE ); editHeader->setEnabled( FALSE ); buttonChoosePixmap->setEnabled( FALSE ); spinWidth->setEnabled( FALSE ); spinHeight->setEnabled( FALSE ); localGlobalCombo->setEnabled( FALSE ); sizeHor->setEnabled( FALSE ); sizeVer->setEnabled( FALSE ); checkContainer->setEnabled( FALSE ); return; } buttonChooseHeader->setEnabled( TRUE ); editClass->setEnabled( TRUE ); editHeader->setEnabled( TRUE ); buttonChoosePixmap->setEnabled( TRUE ); spinWidth->setEnabled( TRUE ); spinHeight->setEnabled( TRUE ); localGlobalCombo->setEnabled( TRUE ); sizeHor->setEnabled( TRUE ); sizeVer->setEnabled( TRUE ); checkContainer->setEnabled( TRUE ); editClass->blockSignals( TRUE ); editClass->setText( w->className ); editClass->blockSignals( FALSE ); editHeader->setText( w->includeFile ); localGlobalCombo->setCurrentItem( (int)w->includePolicy ); if ( w->pixmap ) previewPixmap->setPixmap( *w->pixmap ); else previewPixmap->setText( "" ); spinWidth->setValue( w->sizeHint.width() ); spinHeight->setValue( w->sizeHint.height() ); sizeHor->setCurrentItem( size_type_to_int( w->sizePolicy.horData() ) ); sizeVer->setCurrentItem( size_type_to_int( w->sizePolicy.verData() ) ); checkContainer->setChecked( w->isContainer ); setupSignals(); setupSlots(); setupProperties(); }
void KRenameWindow::setupGui() { m_buttons->clear(); m_guiMode = &tAdvancedMode; m_buttonFinish = new QPushButton(QIcon::fromTheme(QStringLiteral("dialog-ok")), i18n("&Finish")); m_buttons->setStandardButtons(QDialogButtonBox::Help | QDialogButtonBox::Close); m_buttons->addButton(m_buttonFinish, QDialogButtonBox::AcceptRole); m_buttonClose = m_buttons->button(QDialogButtonBox::Close); m_buttonClose->setShortcut(QKeySequence(QKeySequence::Quit)); KHelpMenu *helpMenu = new KHelpMenu(this); m_buttons->button(QDialogButtonBox::Help)->setMenu(helpMenu->menu()); setupSlots(); slotEnableControls(); }