Пример #1
void AudioFileSndfile::write(const void* buffer, unsigned frames)
    if (!_handle || (_mode != ModeWrite && _mode != ModeReadWrite)) {
        RUNTIME_ERROR("Attempt to write file not opened for writing.");

    sf_count_t count;

    switch (_info.sampleType) {
    case Sound::Type::Float32:
    case Sound::Type::Int24E:
        count = sf_writef_float(_handle.get(), static_cast<const Sound::Float32*>(buffer), frames);
    case Sound::Type::Float64:
        count = sf_writef_double(_handle.get(), static_cast<const Sound::Float64*>(buffer), frames);
    case Sound::Type::Int8:
        count = sf_write_raw(_handle.get(), buffer, frames * _info.channels);
    case Sound::Type::Int16:
        count = sf_writef_short(_handle.get(), static_cast<const Sound::Int16*>(buffer), frames);
    case Sound::Type::Int32:
        count = sf_writef_int(_handle.get(), static_cast<const Sound::Int32*>(buffer), frames);
    case Sound::Type::Int64:
    case Sound::Type::Precise:
    case Sound::Type::Count:
        RUNTIME_ERROR("Writing for this sample format is not supported");
Пример #2
//	Scaling p from 16000 -> 48000 is simple, juast add zeros and filter
void	audioSink::audioOut_16000	(int16_t *V, int32_t amount) {
float	*buffer = (float *)alloca (6 * amount * sizeof (float));
int32_t	i;
int32_t	available = _O_Buffer -> GetRingBufferWriteAvailable ();

	amount	=  3 * amount;
	if (2 * amount > available)
	   amount = (available / 2) & ~01;
	for (i = 0; i < amount / 3; i ++) {
	   DSPCOMPLEX help = DSPCOMPLEX (0, 0);
	   help = DSPCOMPLEX (float (V [2 * i]) / 32767.0,
	                      float (V [2 * i + 1]) / 32767.0);
	   help	= f_16000 -> Pass (help);
	   buffer [6 * i] = real (help);
	   buffer [6 * i + 1] = imag (help);
	   help = f_16000 -> Pass (DSPCOMPLEX (0, 0));
	   buffer [6 * i + 2] = real (help);
	   buffer [6 * i + 3] = imag (help);
	   help = f_16000 -> Pass (DSPCOMPLEX (0, 0));
	   buffer [6 * i + 4] = real (help);
	   buffer [6 * i + 5] = imag (help);

	if (dumpFile != NULL)
	   sf_writef_float (dumpFile, buffer, amount);

	_O_Buffer	-> putDataIntoBuffer (buffer, 2 * amount);
Пример #3
//	Conversion from 32 -> 48 is by first converting to 96000
//	and then back to 48000
void	audioSink::audioOut_32000	(int16_t *V, int32_t amount) {
DSPCOMPLEX *buffer_1 = (DSPCOMPLEX *)alloca (3 * amount * sizeof (DSPCOMPLEX));
float	*buffer = (float *)alloca (2 * 3 * amount / 2 * sizeof (float));
int32_t	i;

	for (i = 0; i < amount; i ++) {
	   DSPCOMPLEX help = DSPCOMPLEX (float (V [2 * i]) / 32767.0,
	                                 float (V [2 * i + 1]) / 32767.0);
	   buffer_1 [3 * i + 0] = f_32000 -> Pass (help);
	   buffer_1 [3 * i + 1] = f_32000 -> Pass (DSPCOMPLEX (0, 0));
	   buffer_1 [3 * i + 2] = f_32000 -> Pass (DSPCOMPLEX (0, 0));
//	Note that although we use "2 * i" for index left and right
//	they mean different things
	for (i = 0; i < 3 * amount / 2; i ++) {
	   buffer [2 * i]	= real (buffer_1 [2 * i]);
	   buffer [2 * i + 1]	= imag (buffer_1 [2 * i]);
	if (dumpFile != NULL)
	   sf_writef_float (dumpFile, buffer, 3 * amount / 2);

	_O_Buffer	-> putDataIntoBuffer (buffer, 3 * amount);
Пример #4
int SoundFile::write(float* data, uint32_t frames)
    int i;
    uint32_t k;
    float *p, v;

    if(_readWriteMode != eRwModeWrite)
        return eErrorRwMode;

    if(_bitDepth != eBitDepthFloat)
        for(i = 0; i < _nbChannels; i++)
            p = data + i;
            for(k = 0; k < frames; k++)
                v = *p;
                if(v > 1.0f)
                    v = 1.0f;
                else if(v < -1.0f)
                    v = -1.0f;
                *p = v;
                p += _nbChannels;
    return sf_writef_float(_sndfile, data, frames);
Пример #5
// Has been used for debugging. Not sure if I planned to use it for anything else.
void SAMPLER_save_sample(struct SoundPlugin *plugin, const wchar_t *filename, int sample_number){
  Data *data = (Data*)plugin->data;
  const Sample *sample = &data->samples[sample_number];

  SF_INFO sf_info; memset(&sf_info,0,sizeof(sf_info));

  sf_info.samplerate = 22050;
  sf_info.channels = 1;
  sf_info.format = SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16;

    fprintf (stderr, "\nFileformat not supported by libsndfile.\n");

  SNDFILE *sndfile = sf_open(STRING_get_chars(filename),SFM_WRITE,&sf_info);

    fprintf(stderr,"could not open file\n");


Пример #6
WavFileWriter::writeSamples(float **samples, size_t count)
    if (!m_file) {
        m_error = QString("Failed to write model to audio file '%1': File not open")
        return false;

    float *b = new float[count * m_channels];
    for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
        for (size_t c = 0; c < m_channels; ++c) {
            b[i * m_channels + c] = samples[c][i];

    sf_count_t written = sf_writef_float(m_file, b, count);

    delete[] b;

    if (written < count) {
        m_error = QString("Only wrote %1 of %2 frames")

    return isOK();
Пример #7
int SoundFile::write (float *data, uint32_t frames)
	int      i;
	uint32_t k;
	float    *p, v;
	if (_mode != MODE_WRITE) return ERR_MODE;

	if (_form != FORM_FLOAT)
		for (i = 0; i < _chan; i++)
		p = data + i;
			for (k = 0; k < frames; k++)
			v = *p;
			if      (v >  1.0f) v =  1.0f;
			else if (v < -1.0f) v = -1.0f;
			*p = v;
			p += _chan;
	return sf_writef_float (_sndfile, data, frames);
Пример #8
void pcap_callback(u_char* args, const struct pcap_pkthdr* packet_header, const u_char* packet)
	unsigned char* test_stream_id;
	struct ethernet_header* eth_header;
	uint32_t* mybuf;
	uint32_t frame[CHANNELS];
	jack_default_audio_sample_t jackframe[CHANNELS];

	int cnt;
	static int total;

	eth_header = (struct ethernet_header*)(packet);

	if (0 != memcmp(ETHER_TYPE,eth_header->type,sizeof(eth_header->type))) {

	test_stream_id = (unsigned char*)(packet + ETHERNET_HEADER_SIZE + SEVENTEEN22_HEADER_PART1_SIZE);
	if (0 != memcmp(test_stream_id, stream_id, STREAM_ID_SIZE)) {
	mybuf = (uint32_t*) (packet + HEADER_SIZE);
	for(int i = 0; i < SAMPLES_PER_FRAME * CHANNELS; i+=CHANNELS) {	

		memcpy(&frame[0], &mybuf[i], sizeof(frame));

		for(int j = 0; j < CHANNELS; j++) {
			frame[j] = ntohl(frame[j]);   /* convert to host-byte order */
			frame[j] &= 0x00ffffff;       /* ignore leading label */
			frame[j] <<= 8;               /* left-align remaining PCM-24 sample */
			jackframe[j] = ((int32_t)frame[j])/(float)(MAX_SAMPLE_VALUE);

		if ((cnt = jack_ringbuffer_write_space(ringbuffer)) >= SAMPLE_SIZE * CHANNELS) {
			jack_ringbuffer_write(ringbuffer, (void*)&jackframe[0], SAMPLE_SIZE * CHANNELS);
		} else {
			fprintf(stdout, "Only %i bytes available after %i samples.\n", cnt, total);

		if (jack_ringbuffer_write_space(ringbuffer) <= SAMPLE_SIZE * CHANNELS * DEFAULT_RINGBUFFER_SIZE / 4) {
			/** Ringbuffer has only 25% or less write space available, it's time to tell jackd 
			to read some data. */
			ready = 1;

#ifdef LIBSND
		sf_writef_float(snd_file, jackframe, 1);
Пример #9
int copy_partial_sndfile(SNDFILE* sndfile,SF_INFO* info_in,SNDFILE* out,int in, size_t sample_length)
    if (!info_in->seekable)
        fprintf(stderr,"Error: Base file not seekable");
        return 1;
    long real_in = in < 0?0:in;
    long end = in + sample_length;

    if (((size_t)end) > info_in->frames)
        end = info_in->frames;
    size_t j = 0;
    float* frame =(float*) std::malloc(sizeof(float)*info_in->channels*1024);
    for(long i = in; i < 0; i++)
    for(size_t i = 0; i < end ; i+=1024)
        size_t frames_to_transfer = end -i;
        frames_to_transfer = frames_to_transfer>1024?1024:frames_to_transfer;

    for(; j < sample_length; j++)
    return 0;
Пример #10
int SNDFile::writeFile(float* buffer, SF_INFO sfInfo, string outName) {
    outFile = sf_open(outName.c_str(), SFM_WRITE, &sfInfo);

    if (outFile == NULL) {
        std::cout << "Error writing file" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    sf_writef_float(outFile, buffer, sfInfo.frames);

    return 0;
Пример #11
/** write /nframes/ from /buf/ to soundfile. Should be interleaved for
 * the appropriate number of channels */
Audio_File_SF::write ( sample_t *buf, nframes_t nframes )
    _peaks.write( buf, nframes );

//    lock();

    nframes_t l = sf_writef_float( _in, buf, nframes );

    _length += l;

//    unlock();

    return l;
Пример #12
static void *
disk_thread (void *arg)
	jack_thread_info_t *info = (jack_thread_info_t *) arg;
	static jack_nframes_t total_captured = 0;
	jack_nframes_t samples_per_frame = info->channels;
	size_t bytes_per_frame = samples_per_frame * sample_size;
	void *framebuf = malloc (bytes_per_frame);

	pthread_setcanceltype (PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, NULL);
	pthread_mutex_lock (&disk_thread_lock);

	info->status = 0;

	while (1) {

		/* Write the data one frame at a time.  This is
		 * inefficient, but makes things simpler. */
		while (info->can_capture &&
		       (jack_ringbuffer_read_space (rb) >= bytes_per_frame)) {

			jack_ringbuffer_read (rb, framebuf, bytes_per_frame);

			if (sf_writef_float (info->sf, framebuf, 1) != 1) {
				char errstr[256];
				sf_error_str (0, errstr, sizeof (errstr) - 1);
				fprintf (stderr,
					 "cannot write sndfile (%s)\n",
				info->status = EIO; /* write failed */
				goto done;

			if (++total_captured >= info->duration) {
				printf ("disk thread finished\n");
				goto done;

		/* wait until process() signals more data */
		pthread_cond_wait (&data_ready, &disk_thread_lock);

	pthread_mutex_unlock (&disk_thread_lock);
	free (framebuf);
	return 0;
Пример #13
test_writef_float_or_die (SNDFILE *file, int pass, float *test, sf_count_t frames, int line_num)
{	sf_count_t count ;

	if ((count = sf_writef_float (file, test, frames)) != frames)
	{	printf ("\n\nLine %d", line_num) ;
		if (pass > 0)
			printf (" (pass %d)", pass) ;
		printf (" : sf_writef_float failed with short writef (%ld => %ld).\n",
						SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (frames), SF_COUNT_TO_LONG (count)) ;
		fflush (stdout) ;
		puts (sf_strerror (file)) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	return ;
} /* test_writef_float */
bool BufWriteCmd::Stage2()
	return false;
	SndBuf *buf = World_GetNRTBuf(mWorld, mBufIndex);
	int framesToEnd = buf->frames - mBufOffset;
	if (framesToEnd < 0) framesToEnd = 0;
	mFileInfo.samplerate = (int)buf->samplerate;
	mFileInfo.channels = buf->channels;

	SNDFILE* sf = sf_open(mFilename, SFM_WRITE, &mFileInfo);
	if (!sf) {
		char str[512];
		sprintf(str, "File '%s' could not be opened: %s\n", mFilename, sf_strerror(NULL));
		SendFailureWithIntValue(&mReplyAddress, "/b_write", str, mBufIndex); //SendFailure(&mReplyAddress, "/b_write", str);
		return false;

	if (mNumFrames < 0 || mNumFrames > buf->frames) mNumFrames = buf->frames;

	if (mNumFrames > framesToEnd) mNumFrames = framesToEnd;

	sf_command(sf, SFC_SET_CLIPPING, NULL, SF_TRUE); // choose clipping rather than wraparound for integer-format files

	if (mNumFrames > 0) {
		sf_writef_float(sf, buf->data + (mBufOffset * buf->channels), mNumFrames);


	if (mLeaveFileOpen) {
		buf->sndfile = sf;
	} else {
		buf->sndfile = 0;

	return true;
Пример #15
PRIVATE int output_fragment(SNDFILE *f, SAMPLE *l_buf, SAMPLE *r_buf, int length) {
  SAMPLE *outbuf;
  int buflen = length * sizeof(SAMPLE) * 2;
  int i;

  if (length <= 0)
    return 0;

  outbuf = g_alloca(buflen);

  for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
    outbuf[i<<1]       = l_buf[i];
    outbuf[(i<<1) + 1] = r_buf[i];

//  i = sf_writef_double(f, outbuf, length);
  i = sf_writef_float(f, outbuf, length);
  return i;
Пример #16
bool SOUNDFILESAVER_write(float **outputs, int num_frames){

  if(g_save_state==BEFORE_WRITING && is_playing()==false)
    return true;

    return true;

  bool ret=true;
  int i;
  float interleaved_data[num_frames*2];

  int pos=0;
    interleaved_data[pos++] = outputs[0][i];
    interleaved_data[pos++] = outputs[1][i];

  //printf("Writing %d frames\n",num_frames);

  if(sf_writef_float(g_sndfile, interleaved_data, num_frames) != num_frames){
    g_saving_was_successful = false;
    ret = false;


    g_post_writing_left -= (float)num_frames/MIXER_get_sample_rate();
    if(g_post_writing_left <= 0.0f){

  return ret;
 @function      wavwrite
 @abstract      Write a SIGNAL (audio file) to disk
 @discussion    Utility function that writes the contents of a SIGNAL structure
 to disk. It uses and depends on the libsndfile API.
 @param OUTPUTFILENAME  The filename to use for the output file. If no path is
 provided the file will be saved at the location the executable resides.
 @param OUPUT   A SIGNAL structure containing the audio data to write to disk.
 @result SfError a libsndfile error code (an integer).
SfError wavwrite(const char* outputFileName, SIGNAL *output)

    int err=0;
    SNDFILE* file=NULL;
    SF_INFO info;
    sf_count_t frameswritten=0;


    //Check if SF_INFO struct is valid
    //checkErr(err,kSndFileSystem,"wavwrite: format checking code");

    //Open a file for writting
    if(!(file=sf_open(outputFileName, SFM_WRITE, &info)))
        printf("Failed to open %s for writting!\n",outputFileName);
        checkErr(err,kSndFileSystem,"wavwrite: opening file");
        return err;//Return at this point because the file could not open so we cannot write anything!

    //Write audio data to audio file.
    frameswritten=sf_writef_float(file, output->data, output->frames);
        checkErr(err,kSndFileSystem,"wavwrite: writting data to file");

    //Close audio file.
    checkErr(err,kSndFileSystem,"wavwrite: closing file");

    return err;
Пример #18
void	audioSink::audioOut_48000	(int16_t *V, int32_t amount) {
float	*buffer = (float *)alloca (2 * amount * sizeof (float));
int32_t	i, n;
int32_t	available = _O_Buffer -> GetRingBufferWriteAvailable ();

	n	=  amount;
	if (2 * n > available)
	   n = (available / 2) & ~01;

	for (i = 0; i < amount; i ++) {
	   buffer [2 * i] = float (V [2 * i]) / 32767.0;
	   buffer [2 * i + 1] = float (V [2 * i + 1]) / 32767.0;

	if (dumpFile != NULL)
	   sf_writef_float (dumpFile, buffer, amount);

//	O_Buffer contains floats, so a double "amount" (which was the
//	count of IQ samples
	_O_Buffer	-> putDataIntoBuffer (buffer, 2 * amount);
Пример #19
static switch_status_t sndfile_file_write(switch_file_handle_t *handle, void *data, size_t *len)
	size_t inlen = *len;
	sndfile_context *context = handle->private_info;

	if (switch_test_flag(handle, SWITCH_FILE_DATA_RAW)) {
		*len = (size_t) sf_write_raw(context->handle, data, inlen);
	} else if (switch_test_flag(handle, SWITCH_FILE_DATA_INT)) {
		*len = (size_t) sf_writef_int(context->handle, (int *) data, inlen);
	} else if (switch_test_flag(handle, SWITCH_FILE_DATA_SHORT)) {
		*len = (size_t) sf_writef_short(context->handle, (short *) data, inlen);
	} else if (switch_test_flag(handle, SWITCH_FILE_DATA_FLOAT)) {
		*len = (size_t) sf_writef_float(context->handle, (float *) data, inlen);
	} else if (switch_test_flag(handle, SWITCH_FILE_DATA_DOUBLE)) {
		*len = (size_t) sf_writef_double(context->handle, (double *) data, inlen);
	} else {
		*len = (size_t) sf_writef_int(context->handle, (int *) data, inlen);

	handle->sample_count += *len;

	return sf_error(context->handle) == SF_ERR_NO_ERROR ? SWITCH_STATUS_SUCCESS : SWITCH_STATUS_FALSE;
Пример #20
 * call-seq:
 *   snd.write(buf) => integer
 * Writes the entire contents of the given buffer to the sound and returns the
 * number of frames written.
static VALUE ra_sound_write(VALUE self, VALUE buf) {
    RA_SOUND *snd;
    Data_Get_Struct(self, RA_SOUND, snd);
    if(snd->closed) rb_raise(eRubyAudioError, "closed sound");

    // Get buffer struct
    RA_BUFFER *b;
    Data_Get_Struct(buf, RA_BUFFER, b);

    // Get info struct
    SF_INFO *info;
    Data_Get_Struct(snd->info, SF_INFO, info);

    // Check buffer channels matches actual channels
    if(b->channels != info->channels) {
        rb_raise(eRubyAudioError, "channel count mismatch: %d vs %d", b->channels, info->channels);

    // Write data
    sf_count_t written;
    switch(b->type) {
        case RA_BUFFER_TYPE_SHORT:
            written = sf_writef_short(snd->snd, b->data, b->real_size);
        case RA_BUFFER_TYPE_INT:
            written = sf_writef_int(snd->snd, b->data, b->real_size);
        case RA_BUFFER_TYPE_FLOAT:
            written = sf_writef_float(snd->snd, b->data, b->real_size);
            written = sf_writef_double(snd->snd, b->data, b->real_size);

    return OFFT2NUM(written);
static ssize_t
sa_sndfile_write( simpleaudio *sa, void *buf, size_t nframes )
    // fprintf(stderr, "sf_write: nframes=%ld\n", nframes);
    SNDFILE *s = (SNDFILE *)sa->backend_handle;
    int n;
    switch ( sa->format ) {
		n = sf_writef_float(s, buf, nframes);
		n = sf_writef_short(s, buf, nframes);
    if ( n < 0 ) {
	fprintf(stderr, "sf_write: ");
	return -1;
    return n;
Пример #22
static void
beat_detect (SNDFILE * file, const SF_INFO * sfinfo)
{	static float data [16 * 1024] ;
	static float env [CHANNEL_COUNT * 16 * 1024] ;
	fir_hilbert_t hilbert ;
	int read_count ;

	memset (&hilbert, 0, sizeof (hilbert)) ;

	SNDFILE * outa, *outb ;
	SF_INFO outinfo = *sfinfo ;
	outinfo.channels = CHANNEL_COUNT ;
	outinfo.format = SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_FLOAT ;
	if ((outa = sf_open ("/tmp/envelope.wav", SFM_WRITE, &outinfo)) == NULL)
	{	puts ("Open outa failed.") ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	if ((outb = sf_open ("/tmp/peaks.wav", SFM_WRITE, &outinfo)) == NULL)
	{	puts ("Open outa failed.") ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	while ((read_count = sf_read_float (file, data, ARRAY_LEN (data))) > 0)
	{	int env_count ;

		env_count = hilbert_mag_filter (&hilbert, data, ARRAY_LEN (data), env, sfinfo->samplerate) ;

		sf_writef_float (outa, env, env_count) ;

		sf_seek (file, env_count - read_count, SEEK_CUR) ;
		} ;

	sf_close (outa) ;
	sf_close (outb) ;
} /* beat_detect */
Пример #23
int writefile(SAMPLE *recording,int totalFrames)
	SNDFILE	*file ;
	SF_INFO	sfinfo ;
	//memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;

	sfinfo.samplerate	= SAMPLE_RATE ;
	sfinfo.frames		= totalFrames ;
	sfinfo.channels		= NUM_CHANNELS ;
	sfinfo.format		= (SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_32) ;
	if (! (file = sf_open ("pyplot/recorded.wav", SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo)))
	{	printf ("Error : Not able to open output file.\n") ;
		return 1 ;
	if (sf_writef_float (file, (float *)recording, totalFrames) != totalFrames)
		puts (sf_strerror (file)) ;
	sf_close (file) ;
	return	 0 ;	
Пример #24
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  SNDFILE*	in_sf;
  SNDFILE*	out_sf;
  SF_INFO	in_info;
  SF_INFO	out_info;
  unsigned int nAppend = 0; // number of frames to append beyond input file

  if (argc < 3) {
    fprintf(stderr,"*** USAGE: %s input_soundfile output_soundfile\n",argv[0]);

  nAppend = loptrm(&argc, argv, "--continue", "-c", 0);
  CMDUI* interface = new CMDUI(argc, argv);

  // open input file
  in_info.format = 0;
  in_sf = sf_open(interface->input_file(), SFM_READ, &in_info);
  if (in_sf == NULL) {
    fprintf(stderr,"*** Input file not found.\n");

  // open output file
  out_info = in_info;
  out_info.format = in_info.format;
  out_info.channels = DSP.getNumOutputs();
  out_sf = sf_open(interface->output_file(), SFM_WRITE, &out_info);
  if (out_sf == NULL) { 
    fprintf(stderr,"*** Cannot write output file.\n");

  // create separator and interleaver
  Separator   sep(kFrames, in_info.channels, DSP.getNumInputs());
  Interleaver ilv(kFrames, DSP.getNumOutputs());

  // init signal processor

  // process all samples
  int nbf;
  do {
    nbf = READ_SAMPLE(in_sf, sep.input(), kFrames);
    DSP.compute(nbf, sep.outputs(), ilv.inputs());
    sf_writef_float(out_sf, ilv.output(), nbf);
    //sf_write_raw(out_sf, ilv.output(), nbf);
  } while (nbf == kFrames);


  // compute tail, if any
  if (nAppend>0) {
    FAUSTFLOAT *input = (FAUSTFLOAT*) calloc(nAppend * DSP.getNumInputs(), sizeof(FAUSTFLOAT));
    FAUSTFLOAT *inputs[1] = { input };
    Interleaver ailv(nAppend, DSP.getNumOutputs());
    DSP.compute(nAppend, inputs, ailv.inputs());
    sf_writef_float(out_sf, ailv.output(), nAppend);

Пример #25
void World_NonRealTimeSynthesis(struct World *world, WorldOptions *inOptions)
	if (inOptions->mLoadGraphDefs) {
	int bufLength = world->mBufLength;
	int fileBufFrames = inOptions->mPreferredHardwareBufferFrameSize;
	if (fileBufFrames <= 0) fileBufFrames = 8192;
	int bufMultiple = (fileBufFrames + bufLength - 1) / bufLength;
	fileBufFrames = bufMultiple * bufLength;

	// batch process non real time audio
	if (!inOptions->mNonRealTimeOutputFilename)
		throw std::runtime_error("Non real time output filename is NULL.\n");

	SF_INFO inputFileInfo, outputFileInfo;
	float *inputFileBuf = 0;
	float *outputFileBuf = 0;
	int numInputChannels = 0;
	int numOutputChannels;

	outputFileInfo.samplerate = inOptions->mPreferredSampleRate;
	numOutputChannels = outputFileInfo.channels = world->mNumOutputs;
		inOptions->mNonRealTimeOutputHeaderFormat, inOptions->mNonRealTimeOutputSampleFormat);

	world->hw->mNRTOutputFile = sf_open(inOptions->mNonRealTimeOutputFilename, SFM_WRITE, &outputFileInfo);
	sf_command(world->hw->mNRTOutputFile, SFC_SET_CLIPPING, NULL, SF_TRUE);

	if (!world->hw->mNRTOutputFile)
		throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't open non real time output file.\n");

	outputFileBuf = (float*)calloc(1, world->mNumOutputs * fileBufFrames * sizeof(float));

	if (inOptions->mNonRealTimeInputFilename) {
		world->hw->mNRTInputFile = sf_open(inOptions->mNonRealTimeInputFilename, SFM_READ, &inputFileInfo);
		if (!world->hw->mNRTInputFile)
			throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't open non real time input file.\n");

		inputFileBuf = (float*)calloc(1, inputFileInfo.channels * fileBufFrames * sizeof(float));

		if (world->mNumInputs != (uint32)inputFileInfo.channels)
			scprintf("WARNING: input file channels didn't match number of inputs specified in options.\n");

		numInputChannels = world->mNumInputs = inputFileInfo.channels; // force it.

		if (inputFileInfo.samplerate != (int)inOptions->mPreferredSampleRate)
			scprintf("WARNING: input file sample rate does not equal output sample rate.\n");

	} else {
		world->hw->mNRTInputFile = 0;

	FILE *cmdFile;
	if (inOptions->mNonRealTimeCmdFilename) {
#ifdef _WIN32
		cmdFile = fopen(inOptions->mNonRealTimeCmdFilename, "rb");
		cmdFile = fopen(inOptions->mNonRealTimeCmdFilename, "r");
	} else cmdFile = stdin;
	if (!cmdFile)
		throw std::runtime_error("Couldn't open non real time command file.\n");

	OSC_Packet packet;
	memset(&packet, 0, sizeof(packet));
	packet.mData = (char *)malloc(8192);
	packet.mIsBundle = true;
	packet.mReplyAddr.mReplyFunc = null_reply_func;

	int64 schedTime;
	if (nextOSCPacket(cmdFile, &packet, schedTime))
		throw std::runtime_error("command file empty.\n");
	int64 prevTime = schedTime;

	World_SetSampleRate(world, inOptions->mPreferredSampleRate);

	int64 oscTime = 0;
	double oscToSeconds = 1. / pow(2.,32.);
	double oscToSamples = inOptions->mPreferredSampleRate * oscToSeconds;
	int64 oscInc = (int64)((double)bufLength / oscToSamples);

	if(inOptions->mVerbosity >= 0) {
		printf("start time %g\n", schedTime * oscToSeconds);

	bool run = true;
	int inBufStep = numInputChannels * bufLength;
	int outBufStep = numOutputChannels * bufLength;
	float* inputBuses    = world->mAudioBus + world->mNumOutputs * bufLength;
	float* outputBuses   = world->mAudioBus;
	int32* inputTouched  = world->mAudioBusTouched + world->mNumOutputs;
	int32* outputTouched = world->mAudioBusTouched;
	for (; run;) {
		int bufFramesCalculated = 0;
		float* inBufPos = inputFileBuf;
		float* outBufPos = outputFileBuf;

		if (world->hw->mNRTInputFile) {
			int framesRead = sf_readf_float(world->hw->mNRTInputFile, inputFileBuf, fileBufFrames);
			if (framesRead < fileBufFrames) {
				memset(inputFileBuf + framesRead * numInputChannels, 0,
					(fileBufFrames - framesRead) * numInputChannels * sizeof(float));

		for (int i=0; i<bufMultiple && run; ++i) {
			int bufCounter = world->mBufCounter;

			// deinterleave input to input buses
			if (inputFileBuf) {
				float *inBus = inputBuses;
				for (int j=0; j<numInputChannels; ++j, inBus += bufLength) {
					float *inFileBufPtr = inBufPos + j;
					for (int k=0; k<bufLength; ++k) {
						inBus[k] = *inFileBufPtr;
						inFileBufPtr += numInputChannels;
					inputTouched[j] = bufCounter;

			// execute ready commands
			int64 nextTime = oscTime + oscInc;

			while (schedTime <= nextTime) {
				float diffTime = (float)(schedTime - oscTime) * oscToSamples + 0.5;
				float diffTimeFloor = floor(diffTime);
				world->mSampleOffset = (int)diffTimeFloor;
				world->mSubsampleOffset = diffTime - diffTimeFloor;

				if (world->mSampleOffset < 0) world->mSampleOffset = 0;
				else if (world->mSampleOffset >= bufLength) world->mSampleOffset = bufLength-1;

				PerformOSCBundle(world, &packet);
				if (nextOSCPacket(cmdFile, &packet, schedTime)) { run = false; break; }
				if(inOptions->mVerbosity >= 0) {
					printf("nextOSCPacket %g\n", schedTime * oscToSeconds);
				if (schedTime < prevTime) {
					scprintf("ERROR: Packet time stamps out-of-order.\n");
					run = false;
					goto Bail;
				prevTime = schedTime;


			// interleave output to output buffer
			float *outBus = outputBuses;
			for (int j=0; j<numOutputChannels; ++j, outBus += bufLength) {
				float *outFileBufPtr = outBufPos + j;
				if (outputTouched[j] == bufCounter) {
					for (int k=0; k<bufLength; ++k) {
						*outFileBufPtr = outBus[k];
						outFileBufPtr += numOutputChannels;
				} else {
					for (int k=0; k<bufLength; ++k) {
						*outFileBufPtr = 0.f;
						outFileBufPtr += numOutputChannels;
			bufFramesCalculated += bufLength;
			inBufPos += inBufStep;
			outBufPos += outBufStep;
			oscTime = nextTime;

		// write output
		sf_writef_float(world->hw->mNRTOutputFile, outputFileBuf, bufFramesCalculated);

	if (cmdFile != stdin) fclose(cmdFile);
	world->hw->mNRTOutputFile = 0;

	if (world->hw->mNRTInputFile) {
		world->hw->mNRTInputFile = 0;

Пример #26
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])



	// samples and rate
	// NOTE: this includes the samples array pointer, number of channels and samples, and rate
	void *X; 
	int n, ch, r, e;
	// output file name
	char *f;
	int len;
	// format and encoding
	int fmt_code, enc_code;
	// libsndfile structures
	SNDFILE *out_file;

	SF_INFO out_info;
	mxClassID cls;


	// TODO: add some check on the number of channels and samples
	// samples and rate

	X = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
	cls = mxGetClassID(prhs[0]);

	n = mxGetN(prhs[0]);
	ch = mxGetM(prhs[0]); 

	r = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[1]);

	// output file

	len = mxGetM(prhs[2]) * mxGetN(prhs[2]) + 1;

	f = mxCalloc(len, sizeof(char));

	mxGetString(prhs[2], f, len);
	// format and encoding
	// NOTE: although we could extract the format from the file name it it easier in MATLAB
	fmt_code = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[3]);
	enc_code = (int) mxGetScalar(prhs[4]);

	// fill info structure
	out_info.frames = n;
	out_info.channels = ch;
	out_info.samplerate = r;
	out_info.sections = 1;
	out_info.seekable = 1;
	// NOTE: look at 'sndfile.h' for the meanings of these
	switch (fmt_code) {
		case 0:
			fmt_code = SF_FORMAT_WAV; break;
		case 1:
			fmt_code = SF_FORMAT_AIFF; break;
		case 2:
			fmt_code = SF_FORMAT_AU; break;
		case 3:
			fmt_code = SF_FORMAT_W64; break;
		case 4:
			fmt_code = SF_FORMAT_FLAC; break;
			mexErrMsgTxt("Unsupported major file format.");

	// NOTE: look at 'sndfile.h' for the meanings of these
	switch (enc_code) {
		case 0:
			if (fmt_code == SF_FORMAT_AU) {
				mexErrMsgTxt("Unsupported encoding for major file format.");
			enc_code = SF_FORMAT_PCM_U8; break;

		case 1:
			if ((fmt_code == SF_FORMAT_WAV) || (fmt_code == SF_FORMAT_WAV)) {
				mexErrMsgTxt("Unsupported encoding for major file format.");
			enc_code = SF_FORMAT_PCM_S8; break;
		case 2:
			enc_code = SF_FORMAT_PCM_16; break;
		case 3:
			enc_code = SF_FORMAT_PCM_24; break;
		case 4:
			enc_code = SF_FORMAT_PCM_32; break;
		case 5:
			enc_code = SF_FORMAT_FLOAT; break;
		case 6:
			enc_code = SF_FORMAT_DOUBLE; break;
		case 7:
			enc_code = SF_FORMAT_ULAW; break;
		case 8:
			enc_code = SF_FORMAT_ALAW; break;
		case 9:
			if ((fmt_code == SF_FORMAT_AIFF) || (fmt_code == SF_FORMAT_AU)) {
				mexErrMsgTxt("Unsupported encoding for major file format.");
			enc_code = SF_FORMAT_IMA_ADPCM; break;

		case 10:
			if ((fmt_code == SF_FORMAT_AIFF) || (fmt_code == SF_FORMAT_AU)) {
				mexErrMsgTxt("Unsupported encoding for major file format.");
			enc_code = SF_FORMAT_MS_ADPCM; break;
		case 11:
			if (fmt_code == SF_FORMAT_AU) {
				mexErrMsgTxt("Unsupported encoding for major file format.");
			enc_code = SF_FORMAT_GSM610; 
			mexErrMsgTxt("Unsupported encoding.");
	out_info.format = fmt_code | enc_code;
	if (!sf_format_check(&out_info)) mexErrMsgTxt("failed format check.");
	// create output file
	// open output file (create if needed)
	out_file = sf_open (f, SFM_WRITE, &out_info);
	if (out_file == NULL) {
		// grab log buffer (very informative about errors)
		char  buffer [2048] ;
        sf_command (out_file, SFC_GET_LOG_INFO, buffer, sizeof (buffer)) ;		
		mexPrintf("%s\n", buffer);
		// there must be an error, display it, and break.
		mexErrMsgTxt(sf_error_number(sf_error(out_file))) ;
	// write samples to output file
	// NOTE: set normalization to true, this assumes samples are in the -1 to 1 range
	switch (cls){
		case (mxDOUBLE_CLASS):
			sf_command (out_file, SFC_SET_NORM_DOUBLE, NULL, SF_TRUE);
			sf_writef_double (out_file, (double *) X, n);
		case (mxSINGLE_CLASS):
			sf_command (out_file, SFC_SET_NORM_FLOAT, NULL, SF_TRUE);
			sf_writef_float (out_file, (float *) X, n);
			mexErrMsgTxt("Unsupported class.\n");

	// close file

	sf_close (out_file);

Пример #27
void EchonestInterface::appendToCodegenBuffer(const float *buffer, unsigned long numFrames) {
  sf_writef_float(codegenBuffer, buffer, numFrames);
  codegenCurrentNumFrames += numFrames;
Пример #28
// Main entrypoint
int main(int argc, char** argv) 
	// Soundfile pointers (input file, output file)
	SNDFILE *psf_in, *psf_out;
	// Soundfile information structts (input, output)
	SF_INFO *psfinfo_in, *psfinfo_out;
	// Buffer of floats
	float *buffer;
	// Counter variable (for keeping track of processed frames/samples)
	sf_count_t count = 0; 
	// Number of channels
	int numChannels;

	// Allocate memory for SF_INFO structures dynamically
	psfinfo_in = (SF_INFO *) malloc( sizeof(SF_INFO) );
	psfinfo_out = (SF_INFO *) malloc( sizeof(SF_INFO) );
	// Open input file for reading
	// argv[1] is passed as the path to the input file
	//		i.e. the first argument typed after the program's name by the user

	if( !(psf_in = sf_open(argv[1], SFM_READ, psfinfo_in)) )
		printf("Error opening input file\n"); 
	// Check to see if input file's format is AIFF
	// A bitwise AND (&) between the 'format' member of the info struct and the SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK bitmask 
	//		gives us the base format of the file
	if((psfinfo_in->format & SF_FORMAT_TYPEMASK) == SF_FORMAT_AIFF)
		// Dynamically allocate buffer memory (BUFFRAMES macro by the size of our data type)
		buffer = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * BUFFRAMES );
		// Now we initialise the SF_INFO structure for the output file with the same sampling rate
		psfinfo_out->samplerate = psfinfo_in->samplerate;
		// Same number of channels
		psfinfo_out->channels = psfinfo_in->channels;
		numChannels =  psfinfo_in->channels;
		// WAV format instead of AIFF with the same precision
		// We specify the base format as WAV then set the precision using the SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK bitmask (&)
		psfinfo_out->format = SF_FORMAT_WAV | (psfinfo_in->format & SF_FORMAT_SUBMASK); 
		// Open the output file
		if( !( psf_out = sf_open(argv[2], SFM_WRITE,psfinfo_out) ) )
			printf("error opening output file\n"); 
		// Copy the data from one to the other, frame by frame
		// Do-while loop ensures that at least one attempt is made
		// Loop keeps going until count returns 0 (i.e.; Ran out of samples from input file [Reached end of file] )
			// Store the number of frames read in the count variable
			// sf_readf_float reads the samples in frames of floats from psf_in
			// A buffer of 512 will hold 256 stereo frames
			// 		Divide buffer size by the number of frames to tell libsndfile how many frames (items) to grab
			count = sf_readf_float(psf_in, buffer, BUFFRAMES / numChannels);
			// Take the samples that we just read from the buffer and write them to the output file (psf_out)
			// We write 'count' samples to the output, since that's how many we grabbed at the input
			sf_writef_float(psf_out, buffer, count); 
		// Close both of the files since we're done with them
		// Free the memory that we allocated dynamically
		free(psfinfo_in);	// Free input info struct memory
		free(psfinfo_out);	// Free output info struct memory
		free(buffer); 		// Free the buffer memory
		// Return 0 for success
		return 0;
		// Give an error if the input file was not an AIFF file
		printf("Not an AIFF file\n"); 
		// Close the input file
		free(psfinfo_in);	// Free input info struct memory
		free(psfinfo_out);	// Free output info struct memory
		// There's something missing here.. Can you guess what?
		// Return 1 to indicate that a problem was encountered
		return 1; 
Пример #29
static sf_count_t
sample_rate_convert (SNDFILE *infile, SNDFILE *outfile, int converter, double src_ratio, int channels, double * gain, int normalize)
{	static float input [BUFFER_LEN] ;
	static float output [BUFFER_LEN] ;

	SRC_STATE	*src_state ;
	SRC_DATA	src_data ;
	int			error ;
	double		max = 0.0 ;
	sf_count_t	output_count = 0 ;

	sf_seek (infile, 0, SEEK_SET) ;
	sf_seek (outfile, 0, SEEK_SET) ;

	/* Initialize the sample rate converter. */
	if ((src_state = src_new (converter, channels, &error)) == NULL)
	{	printf ("\n\nError : src_new() failed : %s.\n\n", src_strerror (error)) ;
		exit (1) ;
		} ;

	src_data.end_of_input = 0 ; /* Set this later. */

	/* Start with zero to force load in while loop. */
	src_data.input_frames = 0 ;
	src_data.data_in = input ;

	src_data.src_ratio = src_ratio ;

	src_data.data_out = output ;
	src_data.output_frames = BUFFER_LEN /channels ;

	while (1)
		/* If the input buffer is empty, refill it. */
		if (src_data.input_frames == 0)
		{	src_data.input_frames = sf_readf_float (infile, input, BUFFER_LEN / channels) ;
			src_data.data_in = input ;

			/* The last read will not be a full buffer, so snd_of_input. */
			if (src_data.input_frames < BUFFER_LEN / channels)
				src_data.end_of_input = SF_TRUE ;
			} ;

		if ((error = src_process (src_state, &src_data)))
		{	printf ("\nError : %s\n", src_strerror (error)) ;
			exit (1) ;
			} ;

		/* Terminate if done. */
		if (src_data.end_of_input && src_data.output_frames_gen == 0)
			break ;

		max = apply_gain (src_data.data_out, src_data.output_frames_gen, channels, max, *gain) ;

		/* Write output. */
		sf_writef_float (outfile, output, src_data.output_frames_gen) ;
		output_count += src_data.output_frames_gen ;

		src_data.data_in += src_data.input_frames_used * channels ;
		src_data.input_frames -= src_data.input_frames_used ;
		} ;

	src_delete (src_state) ;

	if (normalize && max > 1.0)
	{	*gain = 1.0 / max ;
		printf ("\nOutput has clipped. Restarting conversion to prevent clipping.\n\n") ;
		return -1 ;
		} ;

	return output_count ;
} /* sample_rate_convert */
sf_count_t Audio_file_reader::sample_rate_convert (SNDFILE *sf_rs, int converter, double src_ratio, int channels, double * gain) {
    static float input [BUFFER_LEN] ;
    static float output [BUFFER_LEN] ;

    SRC_STATE	*src_state ;
    SRC_DATA	src_data ;
    int			error ;
    sf_count_t	output_count = 0 ;

    sf_seek (sf, 0, SEEK_SET) ;
    sf_seek (sf_rs, 0, SEEK_SET) ;

    /* Initialize the sample rate converter. */
    if ((src_state = src_new (converter, channels, &error)) == NULL)
    {   printf ("\n\nError : src_new() failed : %s.\n\n", src_strerror (error)) ;
        exit (1) ;
    } ;

    src_data.end_of_input = 0 ; /* Set this later. */

    /* Start with zero to force load in while loop. */
    src_data.input_frames = 0 ;
    src_data.data_in = input ;

    src_data.src_ratio = src_ratio ;

    src_data.data_out = output ;
    src_data.output_frames = BUFFER_LEN /channels ;

    while (1)
        /* If the input buffer is empty, refill it. */
        if (src_data.input_frames == 0)
            src_data.input_frames = sf_readf_float (sf, input, BUFFER_LEN / channels) ;
            src_data.data_in = input ;

            /* The last read will not be a full buffer, so snd_of_input. */
            if (src_data.input_frames < BUFFER_LEN / channels)
                src_data.end_of_input = SF_TRUE ;

        if ((error = src_process (src_state, &src_data)))
            printf ("\nError : %s\n", src_strerror (error)) ;
            exit (1) ;
        } ;

        /* Terminate if done. */
        if (src_data.end_of_input && src_data.output_frames_gen == 0)
            break ;

        /* Write output. */
        sf_writef_float (sf_rs, output, src_data.output_frames_gen) ;
        output_count += src_data.output_frames_gen ;

        src_data.data_in += src_data.input_frames_used * channels ;
        src_data.input_frames -= src_data.input_frames_used ;
    } ;

    src_state = src_delete (src_state) ;

    return output_count ;
} /* sample_rate_convert */