Пример #1
void API_SDLAGG::Gfx_Initialize()
	// Open a screen with the specified properties
	int width = 320;
	int height = 240;
	int bpp = 32;
	// We stored our image in RGBA32 format. We have to create a mask
	// for this format to tell SDL about our data layout.
	Uint32 rmask = 0xff000000;
	Uint32 gmask = 0x00ff0000;
	Uint32 bmask = 0x0000ff00;
	Uint32 amask = 0x000000ff;
		rmask = 0x000000FF;
		gmask = 0x0000FF00;
		bmask = 0x00FF0000;
		amask = 0xFF000000;
		rmask = 0xFF000000;
		gmask = 0x00FF0000;
		bmask = 0x0000FF00;
		amask = 0x000000FF;
	SurfaceContainer* targetCont = new SurfaceContainer;
	targetCont->sdl = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, bpp, SDL_HWSURFACE);
	if (targetCont->sdl == NULL) {
			Log("[Error] Unable to set %ix%i video: %s\n", width,height, SDL_GetError());
	_targetScreen = (GfxSurface*)targetCont;
	SurfaceContainer* gfxCont = new SurfaceContainer;
	gfxCont->sdl = SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE,width, height, bpp, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask));
	if (gfxCont->sdl == NULL)
	_gfxSurface = (GfxSurface*)gfxCont;
	font = sge_TTF_OpenFont("arial.ttf",10);
	//void* rBuffer = ((SDL_Surface*)_gfxSurface)->sdl->pixels;
	//unsigned char* renderBuffer = (unsigned char*)rBuffer;
    //agg::rendering_buffer rbuf(renderBuffer, width, height, bpp/8);
	m_graphics.attach((unsigned char*)((SurfaceContainer*)_gfxSurface)->sdl->pixels, width, height, width*(bpp/8));//rbuf.buf()
	_gfxImage.attach((unsigned char*)((SurfaceContainer*)_gfxSurface)->sdl->pixels, width, height, width*(bpp/8));
Пример #2
int DrawTextMSZ( const char* string, _sge_TTFont* font, int x, int y, int flags,
	int fg, SDL_Surface* target, bool a_bTranslate )
    int retval = 0;

	if (!string || !*string) return retval;

	if ( a_bTranslate )
		string = Translate( string );

	if (flags & UseTilde)
		char *str2 = strdup( string );
		char onechar[2];
		char *c1, *c2;
		int w = 0;
		int i, j;
		bool notend;

		if (flags & AlignHCenter)
			// Determine width of the string without the stupid tildes
			c1 = c2 = str2;
			notend = true;

			while (notend)
				c2 = c1;								// c1: start of this run
				while (*c2 && (*c2!='~')) c2++;			// c2: end of this run
				notend = *c2 != 0;
				*c2 = 0;

				sge_TTF_SizeText( font, c1, &i, &j);
				w += i;

				if (notend) { *c2='~'; c1=c2+1; }		// next run..

			x -= w/2;

		flags &= ~(UseTilde | AlignHCenter);

		c1 = str2;
		notend = true;

		while (1)
			c2 = c1;
			while (*c2 && (*c2!='~')) c2++;			// c2: end of this run
			notend = *c2 != 0;
			*c2 = 0;

			sge_TTF_SizeText( font, c1, &i, &j);
			DrawTextMSZ( c1, font, x, y, flags, fg, target, false );
			x += i;

			// At this point, we're either at a ~ or end of the text (notend)
			if (!notend) break;

			onechar[0]= *++c2;						// Could be 0, if ~ at end.
			if (!onechar[0]) break;
			sge_TTF_SizeText( font, onechar, &i, &j);
			DrawTextMSZ( onechar, font, x, y, flags, C_LIGHTCYAN, target, false );
			x += i;
			retval += i;
			c1 = c2+1;

			if (!*c1) break;						// ~X was end of string
		delete( str2 );
		return retval;
	SDL_Rect dest;
	int w, h;
	sge_TTF_SizeText( font, string, &w, &h );
	dest.w = retval = w;
	dest.h = h;
	dest.x = flags & AlignHCenter ? x-dest.w/2 : x;
	dest.y = flags & AlignVCenter ? y-dest.h/2 : y;

	//debug( "X: %d, Y: %d, W: %d, H: %d\n", dest.x, dest.y, dest.w, dest.h );

	CSurfaceLocker oLock;

	if ( flags & UseShadow )
#ifdef MSZ_USES_UTF8
		sge_tt_textout_UTF8( target, font, string, dest.x+2, dest.y+2+sge_TTF_FontAscent(font), C_BLACK, C_BLACK, 255 );
		sge_tt_textout( target, font, string, dest.x+2, dest.y+2+sge_TTF_FontAscent(font), C_BLACK, C_BLACK, 255 );

#ifdef MSZ_USES_UTF8
	dest = sge_tt_textout_UTF8( target, font, string, dest.x, dest.y+sge_TTF_FontAscent(font), fg, C_BLACK, 255 );
	dest = sge_tt_textout( target, font, string, dest.x, dest.y+sge_TTF_FontAscent(font), fg, C_BLACK, 255 );
	return dest.w;