Пример #1
void DNSUpdate::addDHCID(const char* duid, int duidlen) {
    DnsRR rr;
    rr.NAME = domainname(_hostname, *zoneroot);
    rr.TYPE = qtype_getcode("DHCID", false);
    rr.TTL = txt_to_int(ttl);

    char input_buf[512];
    char output_buf[35]; // identifier-type code (2) + digest type code (1) + digest (SHA-256 = 32 bytes)

    memcpy(input_buf, duid, duidlen); // 
    memcpy(input_buf+duidlen, rr.NAME.c_str(), strlen((const char*)rr.NAME.c_str()) );

    sha256_buffer(input_buf, duidlen + strlen((const char*)rr.NAME.c_str() ),
    output_buf[0] = 0;
    output_buf[1] = 2; // identifier-type code: 0x0002 - DUID used as client identifier
    output_buf[2] = 1; // digest type = 1 (SHA-256)


Пример #2
static char *virLockManagerLockDaemonDiskLeaseName(const char *path)
    unsigned char buf[SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE];
    char *ret;
    size_t i;

    if (!(sha256_buffer(path, strlen(path), buf))) {
        virReportError(VIR_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "%s",
                       _("Unable to compute sha256 checksum"));
        return NULL;

    if (VIR_ALLOC_N(ret, (SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE * 2) + 1) < 0)
        return NULL;

    for (i = 0; i < SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE; i++) {
        ret[i*2] = hex[(buf[i] >> 4) & 0xf];
        ret[(i*2)+1] = hex[buf[i] & 0xf];
    ret[(SHA256_DIGEST_SIZE * 2) + 1] = '\0';

    return ret;
Пример #3
static u2fh_rc
_u2fh_register (u2fh_devs * devs,
		const char *challenge,
		const char *origin, char **response, size_t * response_len,
		u2fh_cmdflags flags)
  unsigned char data[V2CHALLEN + HOSIZE];
  unsigned char buf[MAXDATASIZE];
  char bd[2048];
  size_t bdlen = sizeof (bd);
  size_t len;
  int rc = U2FH_JSON_ERROR;
  char chalb64[256];
  size_t challen = sizeof (chalb64);
  int iterations = 0;

  rc = get_fixed_json_data (challenge, "challenge", chalb64, &challen);
  if (rc != U2FH_OK)
      return rc;

  rc = prepare_browserdata (chalb64, origin, REGISTER_TYP, bd, &bdlen);
  if (rc != U2FH_OK)
    return rc;

  sha256_buffer (bd, bdlen, data);

  prepare_origin (challenge, data + V2CHALLEN);

  /* FIXME: Support asynchronous usage, through a new u2fh_cmdflags
     flag. */

      struct u2fdevice *dev;
      if (iterations++ > 15)
      for (dev = devs->first; dev != NULL; dev = dev->next)
	  rc = send_apdu (devs, dev->id, U2F_REGISTER, data, sizeof (data),
			  flags & U2FH_REQUEST_USER_PRESENCE ? 3 : 0, buf,
	  if (rc != U2FH_OK)
	      return rc;
	  else if (len != 2)
      if (len != 2)
      Sleep (1000);
  while ((flags & U2FH_REQUEST_USER_PRESENCE)
	 && len == 2 && memcmp (buf, NOTSATISFIED, 2) == 0);

  if (len != 2)
      prepare_response (buf, len - 2, bd, response, response_len);
      return U2FH_OK;
Пример #4
Function to verify a given image and signature.
Reference implementation in the Little Kernel source in "platform/msm_shared/image_verify.c"
Returns -1 if somethings fails otherwise 0
int verify_image(unsigned char *image_ptr, unsigned char *signature_ptr, unsigned int image_size)
	X509 *x509_certificate = NULL;
	EVP_PKEY *pub_key = NULL;
	RSA *rsa_key = NULL;
	unsigned char *plain_text = NULL;
	unsigned char digest[65];
	unsigned int hash_size = SHA256_SIZE;
	int ret = 0;

	Load certificate
	FILE *fcert;
	fcert = fopen("prodcert.pem", "rb");
	if (fcert == NULL){
		std::cerr << "[ ERROR ] Missing certificate" << std::endl;
		ret = -1;
		goto cleanup;
	x509_certificate = PEM_read_X509(fcert, NULL, NULL, NULL);

	Obtain RSA key
	pub_key = X509_get_pubkey(x509_certificate);
	rsa_key = EVP_PKEY_get1_RSA(pub_key);

	if (rsa_key == NULL){
		std::cerr << "[ ERROR ] Couldn't obtain key from certificate" << std::endl;
		ret = -1;
		goto cleanup;

	Create buffer for decrypted hash
	plain_text = (unsigned char *)calloc(sizeof(char), SIGNATURE_SIZE);
	if (plain_text == NULL) {
		std::cerr << "[ ERROR ] calloc failed during verification" << std::endl;
		ret = -1;
		goto cleanup;

	Decrypt hash
	RSA_public_decrypt(SIGNATURE_SIZE, signature_ptr, plain_text, rsa_key, RSA_PKCS1_PADDING);

	Hash the image
	sha256_buffer(image_ptr, image_size, digest);

	Check if signature is equal to the calculated hash
	if (memcmp(plain_text, digest, hash_size) != 0) {
		std::cerr << std::endl << "[ ERROR ] Invalid signature" << std::endl;
		ret = -1;
		goto cleanup;
	else {
		std::cerr << std::endl << "[ SUCCESS ] The signature is valid!" << std::endl;

	/* Cleanup after complete usage of openssl - cached data and objects */
	if (rsa_key != NULL)
	if (x509_certificate != NULL)
	if (pub_key != NULL)
	if (plain_text != NULL)
	return ret;
Пример #5
Returns -1 if somethings fails otherwise 0
int sign_image(char* in, char* out){

	An int is enough because the partitions shouldn't be bigger than 4GB
	int finalimagesize = 0;
	Load an image at given path
	FILE *imageinput;
	imageinput = fopen(in, "rb");

	if (imageinput == NULL){
		std::cerr << "[ ERROR ] Image does not exist at given location" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	Check if file has contents
	unsigned imagefilesize = get_file_size(imageinput);
	if (imagefilesize == 0){
		std::cerr << "[ ERROR ] Image has no size" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	Extract image header first to determine if the final image is bigger than the orignal
	boot_img_hdr* hdr = NULL;
	hdr = (boot_img_hdr*)malloc(sizeof(boot_img_hdr));
	fread(hdr, sizeof(boot_img_hdr), 1, imageinput);

	Reposition pointer at start
	fseek(imageinput, 0, SEEK_SET);

	Check if image is an Android bootimage
	if (memcmp((char*)hdr->magic, "ANDROID!", 8) != 0){
		std::cerr << "[ ERROR ] File is not an Android boot image" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	Load necessary variables from header and delete header
	unsigned kernel_actual;
	unsigned ramdisk_actual;
	unsigned imagesize_actual;
	unsigned dt_actual;
	unsigned page_size = hdr->page_size;
	unsigned page_mask = hdr->page_size - 1;

	kernel_actual = ROUND_TO_PAGE(hdr->kernel_size, page_mask);
	ramdisk_actual = ROUND_TO_PAGE(hdr->ramdisk_size, page_mask);
	dt_actual = ROUND_TO_PAGE(hdr->dt_size, page_mask);

	Calculate size of the "real" image
	imagesize_actual = (page_size + kernel_actual + ramdisk_actual + dt_actual);

	If the "real" image is bigger than the file, the file is probably corrupted
	if (imagefilesize < imagesize_actual){
		std::cerr << "[ ERROR ] File is invalid (is it corrupted?)" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	If the file is smaller than the "real" image + one page, a buffer with the size of the image would be too small we need allocate a new bigger one
	if (imagefilesize < imagesize_actual + page_size){
		finalimagesize = imagefilesize + page_size;
	} else {
		finalimagesize = imagefilesize;

	Load image in buffer and close file
	unsigned char* image = NULL;
	image = (unsigned char*)malloc(finalimagesize);
	fread(image, 1, imagefilesize, imageinput);

	Create output file
	FILE *imageoutput;
	imageoutput = fopen(out, "wb");

	if (imageoutput == NULL){
		std::cerr << "[ ERROR ] Can't write output image to disk" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	Hash the real image
	unsigned char hash[65];
	unsigned char signature[SIGNATURE_SIZE];
	memset(signature, 0, SIGNATURE_SIZE);
	sha256_buffer(image, imagesize_actual, hash);

	Create signature with given hash
	int sig = create_signature(hash, signature);

	If the signature is created successfully AND the signature passes the check, the signature will be written into the image buffer, which will written to the output file
	if (sig != -1){
		std::cerr << std::endl << "[ STATUS ] Checking created signature... ";
		if (verify_image(image, signature, imagesize_actual) == 0){
			memcpy(image + imagesize_actual, signature, SIGNATURE_SIZE);
			fwrite(image, finalimagesize, 1, imageoutput);


	Final check of the output file
	std::cerr << std::endl << "[ STATUS ] Checking created image... ";

	return 0;
Пример #6
 * u2fh_authenticate:
 * @devs: a device handle, from u2fh_devs_init() and u2fh_devs_discover().
 * @challenge: string with JSON data containing the challenge.
 * @origin: U2F origin URL.
 * @response: pointer to output string with JSON data.
 * @flags: set of ORed #u2fh_cmdflags values.
 * Perform the U2F Authenticate operation.
 * Returns: On success %U2FH_OK (integer 0) is returned, and on errors
 * an #u2fh_rc error code.
u2fh_authenticate (u2fh_devs * devs,
		   const char *challenge,
		   const char *origin, char **response, u2fh_cmdflags flags)
  unsigned char data[CHALLBINLEN + HOSIZE + MAXKHLEN + 1];
  unsigned char buf[MAXDATASIZE];
  char bd[2048];
  size_t bdlen = sizeof (bd);
  size_t len;
  int rc;
  char chalb64[256];
  size_t challen = sizeof (chalb64);
  char khb64[256];
  size_t kh64len = sizeof (khb64);
  base64_decodestate b64;
  size_t khlen;
  int skip_devices[devs->num_devices];
  int skipped = 0;
  int iterations = 0;

  memset (skip_devices, 0, sizeof (skip_devices));

  rc = get_fixed_json_data (challenge, "challenge", chalb64, &challen);
  if (rc != U2FH_OK)
    return rc;

  rc = prepare_browserdata (chalb64, origin, AUTHENTICATE_TYP, bd, &bdlen);
  if (rc != U2FH_OK)
    return rc;

  sha256_buffer (bd, bdlen, data);

  prepare_origin (challenge, data + CHALLBINLEN);

  /* confusion between key_handle and keyHandle */
  rc = get_fixed_json_data (challenge, "keyHandle", khb64, &kh64len);
  if (rc != U2FH_OK)
    return rc;

  base64_init_decodestate (&b64);
  khlen = base64_decode_block (khb64, kh64len,
			       data + HOSIZE + CHALLBINLEN + 1, &b64);
  data[HOSIZE + CHALLBINLEN] = khlen;

  /* FIXME: Support asynchronous usage, through a new u2fh_cmdflags
     flag. */

      int i;
      if (iterations++ > 15)
      for (i = 0; i < devs->num_devices; i++)
	  unsigned char tmp_buf[MAXDATASIZE];
	  if (skip_devices[i] != 0)
	  if (!devs->devs[i].is_alive)
	      skip_devices[i] = 1;
	  rc = send_apdu (devs, i, U2F_AUTHENTICATE, data,
			  HOSIZE + CHALLBINLEN + khlen + 1,
			  flags & U2FH_REQUEST_USER_PRESENCE ? 3 : 7, tmp_buf,
	  if (rc != U2FH_OK)
	      return rc;
	  else if (len != 2)
	      memcpy (buf, tmp_buf, len);
	  else if (memcmp (tmp_buf, NOTSATISFIED, 2) != 0)
	      skip_devices[i] = 2;
	  memcpy (buf, tmp_buf, len);
      if (len == 2 && memcmp (buf, NOTSATISFIED, 2) == 0)
	  Sleep (1000);
  while ((flags & U2FH_REQUEST_USER_PRESENCE)
	 && len == 2 && memcmp (buf, NOTSATISFIED, 2) == 0);

  if (len == 2 && memcmp (buf, NOTSATISFIED, 2) != 0)
  if (len != 2)
      prepare_response (buf, len - 2, bd, challenge, response);

  return U2FH_OK;