Пример #1
static int run_wait_event_process(shell_t *shell, int fd, char **pbuf)
  periph_item_t *item = periph_fd_retrieve(run_periph, fd);
  char *buf;

  /* Should never occur... */
  if ( item == NULL ) {
    shell_error(shell, "!! PANIC !! Unable to retrieve peripheral from fd=%d\n", fd);
    return -1;

  if ( debug_flag ) { /* For speedup in non-debug mode */
    debug("Something to read from '%s' (fd=%d)\n", item->id, fd);

  /* Fetch data from peripheral: buf will be set to NULL
     if no complete message is available */
  if ( result_dump_periph(item, &buf) == -1 )
    return -1;

  /* Check awaited patterns if a complete message arrived */
  if ( buf != NULL ) {
    trig_update(item, buf);

  if ( pbuf != NULL )
    *pbuf = buf;

  return 0;
Пример #2
static int run_exec_timeout(shell_t *shell, shell_argv_t *cmd_argv, char *tag)
  int argc = cmd_argv->argc;
  char **argv = cmd_argv->argv;

  /* Check arguments */
  if ( argc > 3 ) {
    shell_error(shell, "%s: too many arguments\n", argv[0]);
    shell_std_help(shell, argv[0]);
    return -1;

  /* Setup new timeout value if supplied */
  if ( argc > 1 ) {
    if ( timer_value(shell, argv[1], argv[2], &run_timeout) )
      return -1;

  /* Write info to result file */
  if ( run_timeout > 0 )
    result_dump_engine(tag, "%ld.%03ld s", run_timeout / 1000, run_timeout % 1000);
    result_dump_engine(tag, "No timeout defined");

  return 0;
Пример #3
static int run_exec_periph(shell_t *shell, shell_argv_t *cmd_argv, char *tag)
  int argc = cmd_argv->argc;
  char **argv = cmd_argv->argv;
  periph_item_t *item;
  char *info;

  /* User asked to show the whole peripheral list */
  if ( argc < 2 ) {
    periph_info(run_periph, result_header_engine(tag), (periph_info_method_t *) result_puts);
    return 0;

  /* User asked to add or show a peripheral */
  item = periph_retrieve(run_periph, strupper(argv[1]));
  if ( argc < 3 ) {
    if ( item != NULL )
      result_dump_engine(tag, periph_item_info(item));
    return 0;

  /* Check arguments */
  if ( argc > 5 ) {
    shell_error(shell, "%s: Too many arguments\n", argv[0]);
    shell_std_help(shell, argv[0]);
    return -1;

  /* User asked to add a new peripheral: check it is not already declared */
  if ( item != NULL ) {
    debug("Redeclaring peripheral: %s\n", argv[1]);

    /* Peripheral already declared: close it and remove it */
    run_exec_close_item(item, TAG_CLOSE);
    if ( (item = periph_item_init(argv+1, item)) == NULL )
      return -1;
  else {
    debug("New peripheral: %s\n", argv[1]);

    /* Create new peripheral in list */
    if ( (item = periph_item_init(argv+1, NULL)) == NULL )
      return -1;
    periph_item_closed_set(item, (periph_item_closed_t *) run_wait_event_disconnect, (void *) shell);
    periph_new(run_periph, item);

  /* Display new peripheral */
  info = periph_item_info(item);
  result_dump_engine(tag, info);

  /* Also dump wait synchronization output */
  if ( run_wait_output != NULL ) {
    fputs(info, run_wait_output);
    fputs(_LF, run_wait_output);

  return 0;
Пример #4
int my_execvpe(char* full, char* args[])
    struct stat access;
    if (stat(full, &access) == 0)
        if(execvpe(full, args, NULL) == -1)
    return 0;
Пример #5
static int run_exec_unknown(shell_t *shell, shell_argv_t *cmd_argv, char *tag)
  /* OS-shell command ? */
  if ( cmd_argv->argv[0][0] == '!' ) {
    /* Check availability */
    if ( ! shell->interactive ) {
      shell_error(shell, "Cannot invoke OS-shell command in non-interactive mode\n");
      return -1;

    return shell_std_system(shell, cmd_argv);

  shell_error(shell, "Unknown command '%s'\n", cmd_argv->argv[0]);
  shell_std_help(shell, NULL);

  return -1;
Пример #6
void prepare_to_execute(char* args[], char* envp[], int in, int out)
	int pid = fork();
		case -1: 
		case 0:
			open_streams(in, out);
			execute(args, envp);
			close_streams(in, out);
			if (wait(0) == -1)
Пример #7
static int run_exec_verdict(shell_t *shell, shell_argv_t *cmd_argv, char *tag)
  int argc = cmd_argv->argc;
  char **argv = cmd_argv->argv;
  char *verdict;
  int i;

  /* Check arguments */
  if ( (argc < 2) || (argc > 3) ) {
    shell_error(shell, "%s: too %s arguments\n", argv[0], (argc < 2) ? "few":"many");
    shell_std_help(shell, argv[0]);
    return -1;

  /* Check CASE/DONE nesting */
  if ( run_exec_case_running() ) {
    shell_error(shell, "%s: Test case in progress (%s)\n", argv[0], run_exec_case_buf->buf);
    return -1;

  /* Check result lexical correctness */
  verdict = NULL;
  for (i = 0; (verdict == NULL) && (run_exec_verdict_tab[i] != NULL); i++) {
    verdict = (char *) run_exec_verdict_tab[i];
    if ( strncmp(verdict, argv[1], strlen(argv[1])) != 0 )
      verdict = NULL;

  if ( verdict == NULL ) {
    shell_error(shell, "%s: Illegal verdict result '%s'\n", argv[0], argv[1]);
    return -1;

  /* Dump message */
  if ( argc > 2 )
    result_dump_engine(tag, "%s %s", verdict, argv[2]);
    result_dump_engine(tag, "%s", verdict);

  return 0;
Пример #8
static int run_wait_input(shell_t *shell, int input_fd)
  fd_set rd;
  int max;
  int fd;
  int count;

  max = 0;
  do {
    /* Wait for incoming events */
    max = periph_fd_set(run_periph, &rd);

    /* Wait for incoming commands */
    FD_SET(input_fd, &rd);
    if ( input_fd >= max )
      max = input_fd + 1;

    count = select(max, &rd, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if ( (count == -1) && (errno != EINTR) ) {
      shell_error(shell, "Select i/o error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
      return -1;
  } while ( count == -1 );

  if ( count > 0 ) {
    if ( debug_flag ) { /* For speedup in non-debug mode */
      debug("Select returned something to read (%d)\n", count);

    /* Process file descriptors that need to be read */
    for (fd = 0; fd < max; fd++) {
      if ( FD_ISSET(fd, &rd) ) {
        if ( fd == input_fd ) {
          /* Command from input*/
          if ( debug_flag ) { /* For speedup in non-debug mode */
            debug("Something to read from input\n");
          return 1;
        else {
          /* Event from peripheral */
          if ( run_wait_event_process(shell, fd, NULL) )
            return -1;

  return 0;
Пример #9
int timer_value(shell_t *shell, char *s_value, char *s_unit, long *pt)
  char *err;
  long t;

  /* Get timeout value */
  t = strtol(s_value, &err, 0);
  if ( t < 0 ) {
    shell_error(shell, "Illegal expression '%s' for timeout value\n", s_value);
    return -1;

  err = strskip_spaces(err);
  if ( *err != NUL ) {
    if ( s_unit != NULL ) {
      shell_error(shell, "Illegal expression '%s' for timeout value\n", s_value);
      return -1;
    s_unit = err;

  /* Time unit qualifier ? */
  if ( s_unit != NULL ) {
    /* Adjust with given time unit */
    if ( strcmp(s_unit, "h") == 0 )
      t *= TIMER_ONE_HOUR;
    else if ( strcmp(s_unit, "min") == 0 )
      t *= TIMER_ONE_MINUTE;
    else if ( strcmp(s_unit, "s") == 0 )
      t *= TIMER_ONE_SECOND;
    else if ( strcmp(s_unit, "ms") == 0 )
      t *= TIMER_ONE_MS;
    else {
      shell_error(shell, "Illegal time unit '%s'. Please choose among {h,min,s,ms}.\n", s_unit);
      return -1;

  *pt = t;
  return 0;
Пример #10
void *shell_allocdebug(const char *file, unsigned int line, unsigned long size) {
  void *ptr = debug_alloc(file, line, size);

  /* exit if failed */
  if(ptr == NULL) {

  /* return pointer otherwise */
  return ptr;
Пример #11
static int run_exec_command(shell_t *shell, shell_argv_t *cmd_argv, char *tag)
  int argc = cmd_argv->argc;
  char **argv = cmd_argv->argv;
  char *args = argv[1];
  periph_item_t *item;
  int len;

  /* Check arguments */
  if ( (argc != 2) && (argc != 3) ) {
    shell_error(shell, "%s: too %s arguments\n", argv[0], (argc > 3) ? "many" : "few");
    shell_std_help(shell, argv[0]);
    return -1;

  /* Retrieve target peripheral */
  if ( args[0] == '@' ) {

    /* Get peripheral descriptor */
    item = run_retrieve_peripheral(shell, args);
    if ( item == NULL )
      return -1;

    /* Get command to be sent to the peripheral */
    args = argv[2];
  else {
    /* Check there is a default peripheral */
    if ( run_with == NULL ) {
      result_dump_engine(tag, "No default peripheral selected. Please use command 'with'");
      return 0;

    item = run_with;

  /* Do nothing if the peripheral is not connected */
  if ( ! periph_item_connected(item) ) {
    result_dump_engine(tag, "Target peripheral '%s' not connected. Please use command 'open'", item->id);
    return 0;

  /* Send instruction to peripheral */
  len = strlen(args);
  args[len] = '\n';
  periph_item_write(item, args, len+1);
  args[len] = NUL;

  return 0;
Пример #12
void create_processes(char* buffer, char commands[][CMD_SIZE], char* envp[])
	int size = parse_cmds(buffer, commands);
	int pip[2], total = 0, pipe_in = 0;
		case -1:
		case 0:
			while(total != size)
				if(pipe(pip) == -1)
				//printf("pip : %d, %d\n", pip[0], pip[1]);
				char* temp[CMD_SIZE];
				char* args[CMD_SIZE];
				int used = separate_commands(total, commands, size, temp);
				get_arguments(temp, used, args); //NULL TERMINATED

				//print_args(temp, used);
				int in = get_stdin(temp, used, pipe_in); //get instream and outstream.
				int out = get_stdout(temp, used, pip);
				//printf("%d : %d\n", in, out);
				prepare_to_execute(args, envp, in, out);
				pipe_in = has_pipe(temp, used, pip);	
				//printf("[%d]\n", pipe_in);
				total += used;

			if(!has_bg(commands, size))
				if (wait(0) == -1)
Пример #13
static int run_exec_version(shell_t *shell, shell_argv_t *cmd_argv, char *tag)
  /* Check arguments */
  if ( cmd_argv->argc > 1 ) {
    shell_error(shell, "%s: too many arguments\n", cmd_argv->argv[0]);
    shell_std_help(shell, cmd_argv->argv[0]);
    return -1;

  /* Display version */
  result_dump_engine(tag, VERSION " (" __DATE__ ")");

  return 0;
Пример #14
static int run_exec_open(shell_t *shell, shell_argv_t *cmd_argv, char *tag)
  int argc = cmd_argv->argc;
  char **argv = cmd_argv->argv;
  int i;

  /* Connect to peripherals if required */
  if ( argc > 1 ) {
    for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
      /* Retrieve peripheral item */
      periph_item_t *item = periph_retrieve(run_periph, strupper(argv[i]));
      if ( item == NULL ) {
        shell_error(shell, "Peripheral '%s' not declared. Please use command 'periph'\n", argv[i]);
        return -1;

      /* Open peripheral connection */
      if ( periph_open(run_periph, item) == -1 ) {
        shell_error(shell, "Cannot connect to peripheral '%s'\n", argv[i]);
        return -1;

      /* Report connections status for newly connected peripherals */
      result_dump_engine(tag, periph_item_info(item));
  else {
    /* Report connections status for all connected peripherals */
    for (i = 0; i < run_periph->fd_count; i++) {
      periph_item_t *item = run_periph->fd_tab[i];
      if ( item != NULL )
        result_dump_engine(tag, periph_item_info(item));

  return 0;
Пример #15
static int		open_tty(void)
	char		*tty_file_name;
	int			fd;

	if (isatty(STDIN))
		tty_file_name = ttyname(STDIN);
		fd = open(tty_file_name, O_RDWR);
		if (fd != -1 && isatty(fd))
			return (fd);
	shell_error(ERR_NO_TTY, 0);
	shell_exit(get_context(), EXIT_ERROR);
	return (-1);
Пример #16
static periph_item_t *run_retrieve_peripheral(shell_t *shell, char *id)
  periph_item_t *item;

  /* Upper case only */

  /* Retrieve peripheral item */
  item = periph_retrieve(run_periph, id);
  if ( item == NULL ) {
    shell_error(shell, "Unknown target peripheral '%s'\n", id);
    return NULL;

  return item;
Пример #17
static int run_exec_help(shell_t *shell, shell_argv_t *cmd_argv, char *tag)
  int argc = cmd_argv->argc;
  char **argv = cmd_argv->argv;

  /* Check availability */
  if ( ! shell->interactive ) {
    shell_error(shell, "Command '%s' not allowed in non-interactive mode\n", argv[0]);
    return -1;

  /* Check arguments */
  if ( argc == 2 )
    shell_std_help(shell, argv[1]);
    shell_std_help(shell, NULL);

  return 0;
Пример #18
static long run_wait_event(shell_t *shell, char *tag, struct timeval *ptv)
  fd_set rd;
  int max;
  int fd;
  int count;
  char *msg;

  /* Wait for incoming data */
  max = 0;
  do {
    /* Build fd set */
    max = periph_fd_set(run_periph, &rd);

    count = select(max, &rd, NULL, NULL, ptv);
    if ( (count == -1) && (errno != EINTR) ) {
      shell_error(shell, "Select i/o error: %s\n", strerror(errno));
      return -1;
  } while ( count == -1 );

  /* Timeout ? */
  if ( count == 0 )
    return 0;

  if ( debug_flag ) { /* For speedup in non-debug mode */
    debug("Select returned something to read (%d)\n", count);

  /* Process file descriptors that need to be read */
  for (fd = 0; fd < max; fd++) {
    if ( FD_ISSET(fd, &rd) ) {
      if ( run_wait_event_process(shell, fd, &msg) )
        return -1;

  return 1;
Пример #19
static int run_wait_event_disconnect(periph_item_t *item, shell_t *shell)
  /* Close peripheral connection */
  if ( periph_close(run_periph, item) == -1 ) {
    shell_error(shell, "!! PANIC !! Cannot close peripheral '%s'\n", item->id);
    return -1;

  /* Report connections status for newly connected peripherals */
  result_dump_engine(TAG_CLOSE, periph_item_info(item));

  /* Remove peripheral from WITH specifications */
  if ( item == run_with ) {
    run_with = NULL;
    result_dump_engine(TAG_WITH, "NULL");

  return 0;
Пример #20
static int run_exec_close(shell_t *shell, shell_argv_t *cmd_argv, char *tag)
  int argc = cmd_argv->argc;
  char **argv = cmd_argv->argv;
  char *str = NULL;
  int len = 0;
  int i;

  /* Check arguments */
  if ( argc < 2 ) {
    shell_error(shell, "%s: too few arguments\n", argv[0]);
    shell_std_help(shell, argv[0]);
    return -1;

  /* Disconnect from peripherals */
  for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
    periph_item_t *item = periph_retrieve(run_periph, strupper(argv[i]));
    if ( run_exec_close_item(item, tag) ) {
      int idx = len;
      len += strlen(item->id) + 1;
      str = realloc(str, len+1);
      sprintf(str+idx, "%s ", item->id);

  /* Dump wait synchronization output */
  if ( run_wait_output != NULL ) {
    if ( str != NULL )
      fputs(str, run_wait_output);
    fputs(_LF, run_wait_output);

  if ( str != NULL )

  return 0;
Пример #21
static int run_exec_with(shell_t *shell, shell_argv_t *cmd_argv, char *tag)
  int argc = cmd_argv->argc;
  char **argv = cmd_argv->argv;

  /* Check arguments */
  if ( argc > 2 ) {
    shell_error(shell, "%s: too many arguments\n", argv[0]);
    shell_std_help(shell, argv[0]);
    return -1;

  /* Select default peripheral if requested */
  if ( argc == 2 ) {
    if ( run_exec_with_periph(shell, strupper(argv[1])) )
      return -1;

  /* Write info to result file */
  result_dump_engine(tag, (run_with != NULL) ? run_with->id : "NULL");

  return 0;
Пример #22
static int run_exec_with_periph(shell_t *shell, char *s)
  periph_item_t *item;

  /* Clear previously selected peripheral */
  run_with = NULL;

  /* NULL peripheral ? */
  if ( strcmp(s, "NULL") == 0 ) {
    debug("Default WITH target set to NULL\n");
    return 0;

  /* Retrieve peripheral item */
  if ( (item = periph_retrieve(run_periph, s)) == NULL ) {
    shell_error(shell, "Unknown target peripheral '%s'\n", s);
    return -1;

  /* Set default peripheral item */
  run_with = item;

  return 0;
Пример #23
static int run_exec_wait(shell_t *shell, shell_argv_t *cmd_argv, char *tag)
  int argc = cmd_argv->argc;
  char **argv = cmd_argv->argv;
  listener_t *listener;
  char *s;
  struct timeval tv0;
  long sec, usec;
  int unblock, timeout, error;

  /* Set and check wait timeout */
  run_wait_timeout = run_timeout;
  if ( (argc > 1) && (argv[1][0] == '-') ) {
    if ( timer_value(shell, &(argv[1][1]), NULL, &run_wait_timeout) )
      return -1;

  if ( run_wait_timeout == -1 ) {
    shell_error(shell, "No timeout value initialized. Please use command 'timeout' before 'wait'\n");
    return -1;

  /* Setup wait conditions */
  if ( (listener = listener_new(argc, argv)) == NULL )
    return -1;

  /* Report what we are waiting for */
  s = listener_str(listener);

  if ( debug_flag ) { /* For speedup in non-debug mode */
    debug("Wait: '%s'\n", s);



  /* Init timeout counter */
  gettimeofday(&tv0, NULL);
  sec = run_wait_timeout / 1000;
  usec = (run_wait_timeout % 1000) * 1000;

  /* Wait until an unblocking condition is met */
  unblock = 0;
  timeout = 0;
  error = 0;
  while ( ! (unblock || timeout || error) ) {
    /* Check unblocking conditions */
    if ( listener_check(listener) ) {
      unblock = 1;
    else {
      struct timeval tv1, tv;

      /* Update timeout counter */
      gettimeofday(&tv1, NULL);
      tv_sub(&tv1, &tv0);
      /*fprintf(stderr, "** %ld.%06ld\n", tv1.tv_sec, tv1.tv_usec);*/

      tv.tv_sec = sec;
      tv.tv_usec = usec;
      if ( tv_sub(&tv, &tv1) ) {
        timeout = 1;
      else {
        /*fprintf(stderr, "   %ld.%06ld\n", tv.tv_sec, tv.tv_usec);*/
        /* Wait for events to arrive, and process incoming data */
        switch ( run_wait_event(shell, tag, &tv) ) {
        case -1:
          error = 1;
        case 0:
          timeout = 1;
        default :

  if ( unblock ) {
    run_wait_event_unblock(shell, tag, listener);
  else if ( timeout ) {
    run_wait_event_timeout(shell, tag);

  /* Clear wait conditions */

  return error ? -1 : 0;
Пример #24
static int run_exec_trig(shell_t *shell, shell_argv_t *cmd_argv, char *tag)
  int argc = cmd_argv->argc;
  char **argv = cmd_argv->argv;
  int ret = 0;

  /* No arguments: show triggers */
  if ( argc < 2 ) {
    shell_error(shell, "%s: too fee arguments\n", argv[0]);
    shell_std_help(shell, argv[0]);
    return -1;

  /* trig def [<id> [@[<periph>]] [<regex>]] */
  if ( strcmp(argv[1], "def") == 0 ) {
    periph_item_t *periph;
    char *id = argv[2];
    int argc2 = argc - 3;
    char **argv2 = argv + 3;

    /* Retrieve peripheral source */
    periph = run_with;
    if ( (argc2 > 0) && (argv2[0][0] == '@') ) {
      char *args = &(argv2[0][1]);

      if ( args[0] != NUL ) {
        periph = run_retrieve_peripheral(shell, args);
        if ( periph == NULL )
          return -1;
      else {
        periph = NULL;


      if ( argc2 <= 0 ) {
        shell_error(shell, "%s: missing <regex> argument\n", argv[0]);
        shell_std_help(shell, argv[0]);
        ret = -1;

    if ( ret == 0 )
      ret = trig_def(shell, id, periph, argv2, argc2);

  /* trig undef [<id> ...] */
  else if ( strcmp(argv[1], "undef") == 0 ) {
    ret = trig_undef(argv+2, argc-2);

  /* trig info <id>*/
  else if ( strcmp(argv[1], "info") == 0 ) {
    if ( argc == 3 ) {
      char *id = strupper(argv[2]);
      char *info;

      if ( trig_info(id, &info) == -1 ) {
        shell_error(shell, "%s: unknown trigger '%s'\n", argv[0], id);
        ret = -1;
      else {
        if ( info == NULL ) {
          info = "";

        /* Dump message */
        result_dump_engine(tag, "%s '%s'", id, info);

        /* Also dump wait synchronization output */
        if ( run_wait_output != NULL ) {
          fputs(info, run_wait_output);
          fputs(_LF, run_wait_output);
    else {
      shell_error(shell, "%s: too %s arguments\n", argv[0], (argc < 3) ? "few" : "many");
      shell_std_help(shell, argv[0]);
      ret = -1;

  /* trig count <id> */
  else if ( strcmp(argv[1], "count") == 0 ) {
    if ( argc == 3 ) {
      char *id = strupper(argv[2]);
      int count = trig_count(id);

      if ( count < 0 ) {
        shell_error(shell, "%s: unknown trigger '%s'\n", argv[0], id);
        ret = -1;
      else {
        result_dump_engine(tag, "%s %d", id, count);

        /* Dump wait synchronization output */
        if ( run_wait_output != NULL )
          fprintf(run_wait_output, "%d\n", count);
    else {
      shell_error(shell, "%s: too %s arguments\n", argv[0], (argc < 3) ? "few" : "many");
      shell_std_help(shell, argv[0]);
      ret = -1;

  /* trig clear [<id> ...] */
  else if ( strcmp(argv[1], "clear") == 0 ) {
    ret = trig_clear(argv+2, argc-2);

  /* Unknown operation */
  else {
    shell_error(shell, "%s: illegal trigger operation (%s)\n", argv[0], argv[1]);
    shell_std_help(shell, argv[0]);
    ret = -1;

  return ret;