void StaffType::writeProperties(Xml& xml) const { xml.tag("name", name()); if (lines() != 5) xml.tag("lines", lines()); if (lineDistance().val() != 1.0) xml.tag("lineDistance", lineDistance().val()); if (!genClef()) xml.tag("clef", genClef()); if (slashStyle()) xml.tag("slashStyle", slashStyle()); if (!showBarlines()) xml.tag("barlines", showBarlines()); }
void StaffType::writeProperties(Xml& xml) const { xml.tag("name", name()); // uncontionally write properties: staff types are read back over a copy of the built-in types // and properties may be different across types => each might need to be properly (re-)set xml.tag("lines", lines()); xml.tag("lineDistance", lineDistance().val()); xml.tag("clef", genClef()); xml.tag("slashStyle", slashStyle()); xml.tag("barlines", showBarlines()); xml.tag("timesig", genTimesig()); }