static bool gfx_ctx_set_video_mode(void *data, unsigned width, unsigned height, bool fullscreen) { DWORD style; RECT rect = {0}; HMONITOR hm_to_use = NULL; MONITORINFOEX current_mon; monitor_info(¤t_mon, &hm_to_use); RECT mon_rect = current_mon.rcMonitor; g_resize_width = width; g_resize_height = height; bool windowed_full =; if (fullscreen) { if (windowed_full) { style = WS_EX_TOPMOST | WS_POPUP; g_resize_width = width = mon_rect.right - mon_rect.left; g_resize_height = height = mon_rect.bottom -; } else { style = WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE; if (!set_fullscreen(width, height, current_mon.szDevice)) goto error; // display settings might have changed, get new coordinates GetMonitorInfo(hm_to_use, (MONITORINFO*)¤t_mon); mon_rect = current_mon.rcMonitor; g_restore_desktop = true; } } else { style = WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_CLIPSIBLINGS | WS_CLIPCHILDREN; rect.right = width; rect.bottom = height; AdjustWindowRect(&rect, style, FALSE); width = rect.right - rect.left; height = rect.bottom -; } g_hwnd = CreateWindowEx(0, "RetroArch", "RetroArch", style, fullscreen ? mon_rect.left : g_pos_x, fullscreen ? : g_pos_y, width, height, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!g_hwnd) goto error; if (!fullscreen || windowed_full) { ShowWindow(g_hwnd, SW_RESTORE); UpdateWindow(g_hwnd); SetForegroundWindow(g_hwnd); SetFocus(g_hwnd); } show_cursor(!fullscreen); // Wait until GL context is created (or failed to do so ...) MSG msg; while (!g_inited && !g_quit && GetMessage(&msg, g_hwnd, 0, 0)) { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } if (g_quit) goto error; p_swap_interval = (BOOL (APIENTRY *)(int))wglGetProcAddress("wglSwapIntervalEXT"); gfx_ctx_swap_interval(data, g_interval); driver.display_type = RARCH_DISPLAY_WIN32; driver.video_display = 0; driver.video_window = (uintptr_t)g_hwnd; return true; error: gfx_ctx_destroy(data); return false; }
static void gfx_ctx_show_mouse(void *data, bool state) { (void)data; show_cursor(state); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { puts("conlib测试程序:"); T(conlib_init(),"初始化控制台库"); T(gotoxy(5,5),"现在光标在这里了"); T(hide_cursor(),"光标不见了"); T(show_cursor(50),"显示一半光标"); T(show_cursor(100),"显示完整光标"); T(settitle("conlib test program"),"设置标题"); T(set_text_color(ConRed),"设置文字颜色"); T(set_background_color(ConWhite),"设置背景颜色"); clrscr(); const ConKey* ck; const ConMouse* cm; const ConControlKeyState *cks; char spaceLine[80] = {[0 ... 78] = ' ',[79] = '\0'}; puts("按键测试:"); hide_cursor(); #define Tand(v,t) if(v & t)printf(#t " "); #define Teq(v,t) if(v == t)printf(#t " "); while(1) { gotoxy(12,0); printf("clock: %d\t", (int)clock()); ck = getkey(); cm = getmouse(); cks = NULL; gotoxy(0,1); printf("key value: %p", ck); gotoxy(0,2); printf("mouse value: %p", cm); gotoxy(0,3); if(ck != NULL) { cks = ck->ctrl_key_state; printf("key code: %d is %s", ck->key, ck->state? "按下": "释放"); } gotoxy(0,4); if(cm != NULL) { cks = cm->ctrl_key_state; printf("mouse position: %2d, %2d\n", cm->x, cm->y); printf(spaceLine); printf(spaceLine); printf(spaceLine); printf(spaceLine); gotoxy(0,5); if(cm->event != ConMOUSE_WHEELED && cm->event != ConMOUSE_HWHEELED) { Tand(cm->button,ConMOUSE_1ST_BUTTON); Tand(cm->button,ConMOUSE_2ND_BUTTON); Tand(cm->button,ConMOUSE_3RD_BUTTON); Tand(cm->button,ConMOUSE_4TH_BUTTON); Tand(cm->button,ConMOUSE_RIGHT_BUTTON); printf(" 被 按下了\n"); }else printf("鼠标向 [%s] 滚\n", cm->button > 0? "前":"后"); Teq(cm->event,ConMOUSE_CLICK); Teq(cm->event,ConMOUSE_DBCLICK); Teq(cm->event,ConMOUSE_MOVED); Teq(cm->event,ConMOUSE_WHEELED); Teq(cm->event,ConMOUSE_HWHEELED); printf(" 被 触发了\n"); } gotoxy(0,10); #define S(c) (c? "ON": "OFF") if(cks != NULL) printf("NUM[%3s] SCROLL[%3s] CAPS[%3s]\n" "LCTRL[%3s] LALT[%3s] RALT[%3s] RCTRL[%3s]\n" "SHIFT[%3s] ENHANCED[%3s]" , S(cks->numlock), S(cks->scrolllock), S(cks->capslock) , S(cks->left_ctrl), S(cks->left_alt), S(cks->right_alt), S(cks->right_ctrl) , S(cks->shift), S(cks->enhanced)); console_test(); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static void gfx_ctx_show_mouse(bool state) { show_cursor(state); }
/* * Main driver for the game. */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { // define usage const char *usage = "Usage: sudoku n00b|l33t [#]\n"; // ensure that number of arguments is as expected if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, usage); return 1; } // ensure that level is valid if (!strcmp(argv[1], "debug")) g.level = "debug"; else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "n00b")) g.level = "n00b"; else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "l33t")) g.level = "l33t"; else { fprintf(stderr, usage); return 2; } // n00b and l33t levels have 1024 boards; debug level has 9 int max = (!strcmp(g.level, "debug")) ? 9 : 1024; // ensure that #, if provided, is in [1, max] if (argc == 3) { // ensure n is integral char c; if (!sscanf(argv[2], " %d %c", &g.number, &c) == 1) { fprintf(stderr, usage); return 3; } // ensure n is in [1, max] if (g.number < 1 || g.number > max) { fprintf(stderr, "That board # does not exist!\n"); return 4; } // seed PRNG with # so that we get same sequence of boards srand(g.number); } else { // seed PRNG with current time so that we get any sequence of boards srand(time(NULL)); // choose a random n in [1, max] g.number = rand() % max + 1; } // start up ncurses if (!startup()) { fprintf(stderr, "Error starting up ncurses!\n"); return 6; } // register handler for SIGWINCH (SIGnal WINdow CHanged) signal(SIGWINCH, (void (*)(int)) handle_signal); // start the first game if (!restart_game()) { shutdown(); fprintf(stderr, "Could not load board from disk!\n"); return 7; } redraw_all(); // let the user play! int ch; do { // refresh the screen refresh(); // get user's input ch = getch(); // capitalize input to simplify cases ch = toupper(ch); // process user's input switch (ch) { // left arrow key case KEY_LEFT: case 'H': if (--g.x < 0) g.x += DIM; hide_banner(); show_cursor(); break; // right arrow key case KEY_RIGHT: case 'L': if (++g.x >= DIM) g.x -= DIM; hide_banner(); show_cursor(); break; // up arrow key case KEY_UP: case 'K': if (--g.y < 0) g.y += DIM; hide_banner(); show_cursor(); break; // down arrow key case KEY_DOWN: case 'J': if (++g.y >= DIM) g.y -= DIM; hide_banner(); show_cursor(); break; // enable user to enter numbers case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (g.given[g.y][g.x] == false && validate(ch) == true) { enter_number(ch); draw_numbers(); show_cursor(); won(); } break; // delete a number case KEY_BACKSPACE: case KEY_DC: case '.': case '0': if (g.given[g.y][g.x] == false) { g.board[g.y][g.x] = 0; draw_numbers(); hide_banner(); show_cursor(); } break; // start a new game case 'N': g.number = rand() % max + 1; if (!restart_game()) { shutdown(); fprintf(stderr, "Could not load board from disk!\n"); return 7; } break; // restart current game case 'R': if (!restart_game()) { shutdown(); fprintf(stderr, "Could not load board from disk!\n"); return 7; } break; // let user manually redraw screen with ctrl-L case CTRL('l'): redraw_all(); break; } // end switch statement // log input (and board's state) if any was received this iteration if (ch != ERR) log_move(ch); } while (ch != 'Q'); // shut down ncurses shutdown(); // tidy up the screen (using ANSI escape sequences) printf("\033[2J"); printf("\033[%d;%dH", 0, 0); // kthxbai printf("\nkthxbai!\n\n"); return 0; }
void TextRenderer::render( const MapVisibility& m ) { show_cursor( false ); for( size_t r = 0; r < m.rows; ++r ) for( size_t c = 0; c < m.cols; ++c ) if( m[r][c].is_dirty() ) put_glyph( glyph_map( m[r][c] ), c, r ); show_cursor( true ); }
bool check_valid(int n) { int newx=0, newy=0; for (int i=0; i<9; i++) { if ((g.board[i][g.x])==movenumber) { show_banner("You have made an invalid move!"); g.badMoves[i][g.x]=99; show_cursor(); return false; } if ((g.board[g.y][i])==movenumber) { show_banner("You have made an invalid move!"); g.badMoves[i][g.x]=99; show_cursor(); return false; } } if (g.y%3==2) ///find origin of little box newy=g.y-2; else if (g.y%3==1) newy=g.y-1; if (g.x%3==2) newx=g.x-2; else if (g.x%3==1) newx=g.x-1; for (int j=0; j<3; j++) { for (int k=0; k<3; k++) { if (((tempBoard[newy+j][newx+k])==movenumber)&& ((g.board[k][g.x])!=movenumber)) { show_banner("You have made an invalid move!"); g.badMoves[newy+j][newx+k]=99; show_cursor(); return false; } } } return true; }
void term::show () { if (!_visible) { int sx; int sy; int ex; int ey; int char_height = _fn->get_height (); pattern* background; char_coord_to_screen_coord (_nb_columns-1, _nb_rows-1, sx, sy, ex, ey); color_to_pattern (normal_background, background); video::screen.frame_rect (_x, _y, ex + outer_border + frame_border + inner_border, ey + outer_border + frame_border + inner_border, outer_border, &pattern::white); video::screen.frame_rect (_x + outer_border, _y + outer_border, ex + frame_border + inner_border, ey + frame_border + inner_border, frame_border, &pattern::gray50); video::screen.fill_rect (_x + outer_border + frame_border, _y + char_height + outer_border + frame_border + 2*inner_border, ex + inner_border, _y + char_height + outer_border + 2*frame_border + 2*inner_border, &pattern::gray50); video::screen.fill_rect (_x + outer_border + frame_border, _y + outer_border + frame_border, ex + inner_border, _y + char_height + outer_border + frame_border + 2*inner_border, &pattern::black); _fn->draw_string (&video::screen, _fn->draw_string (&video::screen, _x + outer_border + frame_border + inner_border, _y + outer_border + frame_border + inner_border, L"\x25b6 ", // rightward triangle and space &pattern::blue, &pattern::black), _y + outer_border + frame_border + inner_border, _title, &pattern::blue, &pattern::black); video::screen.fill_rect (_x + outer_border + frame_border, _y + char_height + outer_border + 2*frame_border + 2*inner_border, ex + inner_border, ey + inner_border, background); show_cursor (); _visible = TRUE; } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // define usage const char *usage = "Usage: sudoku n00b|l33t [#]\n"; // ensure that number of arguments is as expected if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, usage); return 1; } // ensure that level is valid if (strcmp(argv[1], "debug") == 0) g.level = "debug"; else if (strcmp(argv[1], "n00b") == 0) g.level = "n00b"; else if (strcmp(argv[1], "l33t") == 0) g.level = "l33t"; else { fprintf(stderr, usage); return 2; } // n00b and l33t levels have 1024 boards; debug level has 9 int max = (strcmp(g.level, "debug") == 0) ? 9 : 1024; // ensure that #, if provided, is in [1, max] if (argc == 3) { // ensure n is integral char c; if (sscanf(argv[2], " %d %c", &g.number, &c) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, usage); return 3; } // ensure n is in [1, max] if (g.number < 1 || g.number > max) { fprintf(stderr, "That board # does not exist!\n"); return 4; } // seed PRNG with # so that we get same sequence of boards srand(g.number); } else { // seed PRNG with current time so that we get any sequence of boards srand(time(NULL)); // choose a random n in [1, max] g.number = rand() % max + 1; } // start up ncurses if (!startup()) { fprintf(stderr, "Error starting up ncurses!\n"); return 5; } // register handler for SIGWINCH (SIGnal WINdow CHanged) signal(SIGWINCH, (void (*)(int)) handle_signal); // start the first game if (!restart_game()) { shutdown(); fprintf(stderr, "Could not load board from disk!\n"); return 6; } redraw_all(); // let the user play! int ch; int last[3] = {10}; do { // refresh the screen refresh(); // get user's input ch = getch(); // capitalize input to simplify cases ch = toupper(ch); // process user's input switch (ch) { // start a new game case 'N': g.number = rand() % max + 1; if (!restart_game()) { shutdown(); fprintf(stderr, "Could not load board from disk!\n"); return 6; } break; // restart current game case 'R': if (!restart_game()) { shutdown(); fprintf(stderr, "Could not load board from disk!\n"); return 6; } break; // let user manually redraw screen with ctrl-L case CTRL('l'): redraw_all(); break; case 'U': case CTRL('Z'): if (last[0] != 10 && !game_won()) { g.board[last[0]][last[1]] = last[2]; draw_numbers(); if (check_cols(1) || check_rows(1) || check_squares(1)) hide_banner(); show_cursor(); warn(); } break; // move cursor case KEY_UP: if (g.y > 0) { g.y -= 1; show_cursor(); } else { g.y = 8; show_cursor(); } break; case KEY_DOWN: if (g.y < 8) { g.y += 1; show_cursor(); } else { g.y = 0; show_cursor(); } break; case KEY_LEFT: if (g.x > 0) { g.x -= 1; show_cursor(); } else { g.x = 8; show_cursor(); } break; case KEY_RIGHT: if (g.x < 8) { g.x += 1; show_cursor(); } else { g.x = 0; show_cursor(); } break; //input number and check if game is won case '1' ... '9': if (g.init_board[g.y][g.x] == 0) { last[0] = g.y; last[1] = g.x; last[2] = g.board[g.y][g.x]; g.board[g.y][g.x] = ch - 48; draw_numbers(); if (check_cols(1) || check_rows(1) || check_squares(1)) hide_banner(); show_cursor(); } game_won(); warn(); break; //return to blank space case '0': case '.': case KEY_BACKSPACE: case KEY_DC: if (g.init_board[g.y][g.x] == 0) { last[0] = g.y; last[1] = g.x; last[2] = g.board[g.y][g.x]; g.board[g.y][g.x] = 0; draw_numbers(); if (check_cols(1) || check_rows(1) || check_squares(1)) hide_banner(); show_cursor(); } warn(); break; } // log input (and board's state) if any was received this iteration if (ch != ERR) log_move(ch); } while (ch != 'Q'); // shut down ncurses shutdown(); // tidy up the screen (using ANSI escape sequences) printf("\033[2J"); printf("\033[%d;%dH", 0, 0); // that's all folks printf("\nkthxbai!\n\n"); return 0; }
void select_file(char result[13]) { static int page = 0; // Remember selections while the program runs static int index = 0; int maxindex = 0; bool rerender = true; for(;;) { if (get_keys(BUTTON1) && index >= 0) { // File selected, get the name and return if (get_name(result, page, index)) return; else rerender = true; // Couldn't find file, maybe fs has changed? } if (get_keys(BUTTON2)) { // Refresh //f_flush(&fatfs); rerender = true; } if (get_keys(BUTTON4)) { show_msgbox("About PAWN_APP", "Pawn scripting language for DSO Quad\n" "(C) 2012 Petteri Aimonen <*****@*****.**>\n" "\n" "Built " __DATE__ " at " __TIME__ "\n" "Git id " COMMITID "\n" "GCC version " __VERSION__ ); rerender = true; } if (peek_keys(SCROLL1_LEFT | SCROLL1_RIGHT | SCROLL2_LEFT | SCROLL2_RIGHT)) { // Clear old cursor show_cursor(index, 0); // Update index if (get_keys(SCROLL1_LEFT)) index -= 4; if (get_keys(SCROLL1_RIGHT)) index += 4; if (get_keys(SCROLL2_LEFT)) index -= 1; if (get_keys(SCROLL2_RIGHT)) index += 1; if (index < 0) { if (page > 0) { page--; render_screen(page, &maxindex); index += 12; } else { index = 0; } } if (index >= maxindex) { if (maxindex > ICONS_ON_SCREEN) { page++; index -= 12; rerender = true; } else { index = maxindex - 1; } } // Draw new cursor show_cursor(index, RGB(128, 128, 255)); } if (rerender) { render_screen(page, &maxindex); show_cursor(index, RGB(128, 128, 255)); rerender = false; if (index >= maxindex) index = maxindex - 1; } } }
void c_start(unsigned int magic, struct mb_info *mbinfo) { struct mod_info *mods = mbinfo->mods; smram_state_t old_smramc; struct info_section * info; int i; void (*realmode)() = (void (*)()) 0x4000; show_cursor(); outputf("NetWatch loader"); if (magic != MULTIBOOT_LOADER_MAGIC) panic("Bootloader was not multiboot compliant; cannot continue."); for (i = 0; i < mbinfo->mod_cnt; i++) { outputf("Module found:"); outputf(" Start: %08x", (unsigned long) mods[i].mod_start); outputf(" Size: %08x", (unsigned long)mods[i].mod_end - (unsigned long)mods[i].mod_start); outputf(" Name: %s", mods[i].mod_string); } if (mbinfo->mod_cnt != 1) panic("Expected exactly one module; cannot continue."); outputf("Current SMRAMC state is: %02x", (unsigned char)smram_save_state()); outputf("Current SMI state is: %08x", inl(0x830)); // XXX ICH2 specific smi_disable(); /* Open the SMRAM aperture and load our ELF. */ old_smramc = smram_save_state(); if (smram_aseg_set_state(SMRAM_ASEG_OPEN) != 0) panic("Opening SMRAM failed; cannot load ELF."); load_elf(mods[0].mod_start, (unsigned long)mods[0].mod_end - (unsigned long)mods[0].mod_start); info = (struct info_section *)0x10000; if (info->signature != INFO_SIGNATURE) { smram_restore_state(old_smramc); /* Restore so that video ram is touchable again. */ panic("Info section signature mismatch."); } info->firstrun(); smram_restore_state(old_smramc); outputf("New SMRAMC state is: %02x", (unsigned char)smram_save_state()); puts("Waiting for a bit before returning to real mode..."); for (i=0; i<0x500000; i++) { if ((i % 0x100000) == 0) puts("."); inb(0x80); } puts("\n"); outputf("Now returning to real mode."); memcpy((void *)0x4000, _binary_realmode_bin_start, (int)&_binary_realmode_bin_size); realmode(); // goodbye! }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ch, i; XEvent e; XGenericEventCookie *cookie; struct mod_lookup { char *name; int mask; } mods[] = { {"shift", ShiftMask}, {"lock", LockMask}, {"control", ControlMask}, {"mod1", Mod1Mask}, {"mod2", Mod2Mask}, {"mod3", Mod3Mask}, {"mod4", Mod4Mask}, {"mod5", Mod5Mask} }; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "di:")) != -1) switch (ch) { case 'd': debug = 1; break; case 'i': for (i = 0; i < sizeof(mods) / sizeof(struct mod_lookup); i++) if (strcasecmp(optarg, mods[i].name) == 0) ignored |= mods[i].mask; break; default: usage(); } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (!(dpy = XOpenDisplay(NULL))) errx(1, "can't open display %s", XDisplayName(NULL)); #ifdef __OpenBSD__ if (pledge("stdio", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif XSetErrorHandler(swallow_error); if (snoop_xinput(DefaultRootWindow(dpy)) == 0) { if (debug) warn("no XInput devices found, using legacy " "snooping"); legacy = 1; snoop_legacy(DefaultRootWindow(dpy)); } for (;;) { cookie = &e.xcookie; XNextEvent(dpy, &e); int etype = e.type; if (e.type == motion_type) etype = MotionNotify; else if (e.type == key_press_type || e.type == key_release_type) etype = KeyRelease; else if (e.type == button_press_type || e.type == button_release_type) etype = ButtonRelease; switch (etype) { case KeyRelease: if (ignored && (e.xkey.state & ignored)) { if (debug) printf("ignoring keystroke %d\n", e.xkey.keycode); break; } hide_cursor(); break; case ButtonRelease: case MotionNotify: show_cursor(); break; case CreateNotify: if (legacy) { if (debug) printf("created new window, " "snooping on it\n"); /* not sure why snooping directly on the window * doesn't work, so snoop on all windows from * its parent (probably root) */ snoop_legacy(e.xcreatewindow.parent); } break; case GenericEvent: /* xi2 raw event */ XGetEventData(dpy, cookie); XIDeviceEvent *xie = (XIDeviceEvent *)cookie->data; switch (xie->evtype) { case XI_RawMotion: case XI_RawButtonPress: show_cursor(); break; case XI_RawButtonRelease: break; default: if (debug) printf("unknown XI event type %d\n", xie->evtype); } XFreeEventData(dpy, cookie); break; default: if (debug) printf("unknown event type %d\n", e.type); } } }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int screen_height, screen_width; #ifdef HAVE_DEFINE_KEY char key_string[10]; #endif char *termtype; config_load(); initscr(); if ((in_color = has_colors())) start_color(); hide_cursor(); raw(); /* immediate char return */ noecho (); /* no immediate echo */ keypad(stdscr,TRUE); termtype = getenv("TERM"); if (termtype && !strncmp(termtype,"xterm",5)) { /* A quick and dirty hack to get certain keys working properly in xterm */ /* For kvt, you might need to set your terminal emulation to "Original Xterm II" */ #ifdef HAVE_DEFINE_KEY sprintf(key_string,"%cOH",033); define_key(key_string,KEY_HOME); sprintf(key_string,"%cOF",033); define_key(key_string,KEY_END); sprintf(key_string,"%cOj",033); define_key(key_string,'*'); sprintf(key_string,"%cOm",033); define_key(key_string,'-'); sprintf(key_string,"%cOM",033); define_key(key_string,KEY_ENTER); sprintf(key_string,"%c*k",033); define_key(key_string,'+'); #endif } set_special_chars(config.misc.use_ext_chars); getmaxyx(stdscr,screen_height,screen_width); if (screen_height >= 40) minifl_height = 8; else minifl_height = 4; main_window_draw(); refresh(); file_window_init(); info_window_init(); status_line_init(); dir_window_init(); #ifdef HAVE_RESIZETERM (void) signal(SIGWINCH, resize_screen); /* arrange interrupts to resize */ #endif if (argc >= 2) dir_window_set_path(argv[1]); else dir_window_set_initial_path(); dir_window_activate(); main_loop(); show_cursor(); remove_color(); erase(); refresh(); noraw(); endwin(); return 0; }
void cursor_inactive(WINDOW* wnd) { wnd->cursor_char = CURSOR_INACTIVE; show_cursor(wnd); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // define usage const char *usage = "Usage: sudoku n00b|l33t [#]\n"; // ensure that number of arguments is as expected if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr, usage); return 1; } // ensure that level is valid if (strcmp(argv[1], "debug") == 0) g.level = "debug"; else if (strcmp(argv[1], "n00b") == 0) g.level = "n00b"; else if (strcmp(argv[1], "l33t") == 0) g.level = "l33t"; else { fprintf(stderr, usage); return 2; } // n00b and l33t levels have 1024 boards; debug level has 9 int max = (strcmp(g.level, "debug") == 0) ? 9 : 1024; // ensure that #, if provided, is in [1, max] if (argc == 3) { // ensure n is integral char c; if (sscanf(argv[2], " %d %c", &g.number, &c) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, usage); return 3; } // ensure n is in [1, max] if (g.number < 1 || g.number > max) { fprintf(stderr, "That board # does not exist!\n"); return 4; } // seed PRNG with # so that we get same sequence of boards srand(g.number); } else { // seed PRNG with current time so that we get any sequence of boards srand(time(NULL)); // choose a random n in [1, max] g.number = rand() % max + 1; } ////////////// for (int m=0; m<9; m++) { for (int n=0; n<9; n++) { g.badMoves[m][n]=0; } } // start up ncurses if (!startup()) { fprintf(stderr, "Error starting up ncurses!\n"); return 5; } // register handler for SIGWINCH (SIGnal WINdow CHanged) signal(SIGWINCH, (void (*)(int)) handle_signal); // start the first game if (!restart_game()) { shutdown(); fprintf(stderr, "Could not load board from disk!\n"); return 6; } redraw_all(); // let the user play! int ch; do { // refresh the screen refresh(); // get user's input ch = getch(); //check won // capitalize input to simplify cases ch = toupper(ch); // process user's input switch (ch) { // start a new game case 'N': g.number = rand() % max + 1; if (!restart_game()) { shutdown(); fprintf(stderr, "Could not load board from disk!\n"); return 6; } break; // restart current game case 'R': if (!restart_game()) { shutdown(); fprintf(stderr, "Could not load board from disk!\n"); return 6; } break; // let user manually redraw screen with ctrl-L case CTRL('l'): redraw_all(); break; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //getting input as a char and logging as the ascii value case '9': movenumber=9; if (tempBoard[g.y][g.x]!=0)/// break;/// if (check_valid(movenumber)) { g.board[g.y][g.x]=9; draw_numbers(); show_cursor();//// //printf ("%c" g.board[3][3]); //printf ("%c" tempBoard[3][3]); } break; case '8': movenumber=8; if (tempBoard[g.y][g.x]!=0)/// break;/// if (check_valid(movenumber)) { g.board[g.y][g.x]=8; draw_numbers(); show_cursor();//// } break; case '7': movenumber=7; if (tempBoard[g.y][g.x]!=0)/// break;/// if (check_valid(movenumber)) { g.board[g.y][g.x]=7; draw_numbers(); show_cursor();//// } break; case '6': movenumber=6; if (tempBoard[g.y][g.x]!=0)/// break;/// check_valid(movenumber); g.board[g.y][g.x]=6; draw_numbers(); show_cursor();//// break; case '5': movenumber=5; if (tempBoard[g.y][g.x]!=0)/// break;/// check_valid(movenumber); g.board[g.y][g.x]=5; draw_numbers(); show_cursor();//// break; case '4': movenumber=4; if (tempBoard[g.y][g.x]!=0)/// break;/// check_valid(movenumber); g.board[g.y][g.x]=4; draw_numbers(); show_cursor();//// break; case '3': movenumber=3; if (tempBoard[g.y][g.x]!=0)/// break;/// check_valid(movenumber); g.board[g.y][g.x]=3; draw_numbers(); show_cursor();//// break; case '2': movenumber=2; if (tempBoard[g.y][g.x]!=0)/// break;/// check_valid(movenumber); g.board[g.y][g.x]=2; draw_numbers(); show_cursor();//// break; case '1': movenumber=1; if (tempBoard[g.y][g.x]!=0)/// break;/// check_valid(movenumber); g.board[g.y][g.x]=1; draw_numbers(); show_cursor();//// break; case '0': break; case KEY_UP: // move cursor to new place if (g.y<1) { g.y = 8; } else g.y = g.y-1; show_cursor(); break; case KEY_DOWN: // move cursor to new place if (g.y>7) { g.y = 0; } else g.y = g.y+1; show_cursor(); break; case KEY_RIGHT: // move cursor to new place if (g.x>7) { g.x = 0; } else g.x = g.x+1; show_cursor(); break; case KEY_LEFT: // move cursor to new place if (g.x<1) { g.x = 8; } else g.x = g.x-1; show_cursor(); break; } // log input (and board's state) if any was received this iteration if (ch != ERR) log_move(ch); if (!badBanner()) { hide_banner(); show_cursor(); } ////call badBanner } ///////////////////////////////goes with do way above//////// while (ch != 'Q'); // shut down ncurses shutdown(); // tidy up the screen (using ANSI escape sequences) printf("\033[2J"); printf("\033[%d;%dH", 0, 0); // that's all folks printf("\nkthxbai!\n\n"); return 0; }
static void process_event(const SDL_Event &event) { switch (event.type) { case SDL_MOUSEMOTION: if (get_game_state() == _game_in_progress) { mouse_moved(event.motion.xrel, event.motion.yrel); } break; case SDL_MOUSEWHEEL: if (get_game_state() == _game_in_progress) { bool up = (event.wheel.y > 0); #if SDL_VERSION_ATLEAST(2,0,4) if (event.wheel.direction == SDL_MOUSEWHEEL_FLIPPED) up = !up; #endif mouse_scroll(up); } break; case SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: if (get_game_state() == _game_in_progress) { if (!get_keyboard_controller_status()) { hide_cursor(); validate_world_window(); set_keyboard_controller_status(true); } else { SDL_Event e2; memset(&e2, 0, sizeof(SDL_Event)); e2.type = SDL_KEYDOWN; e2.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_UNKNOWN; e2.key.keysym.scancode = (SDL_Scancode)(AO_SCANCODE_BASE_MOUSE_BUTTON + event.button.button - 1); process_game_key(e2); } } else process_screen_click(event); break; case SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN: if (get_game_state() == _game_in_progress) { SDL_Event e2; memset(&e2, 0, sizeof(SDL_Event)); e2.type = SDL_KEYDOWN; e2.key.keysym.sym = SDLK_UNKNOWN; e2.key.keysym.scancode = (SDL_Scancode)(AO_SCANCODE_BASE_JOYSTICK_BUTTON + event.button.button); process_game_key(e2); } break; case SDL_KEYDOWN: process_game_key(event); break; case SDL_TEXTINPUT: if (Console::instance()->input_active()) { Console::instance()->textEvent(event); } break; case SDL_QUIT: set_game_state(_quit_game); break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT: switch (event.window.event) { case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_FOCUS_LOST: if (get_game_state() == _game_in_progress && get_keyboard_controller_status() && !Movie::instance()->IsRecording()) { darken_world_window(); set_keyboard_controller_status(false); show_cursor(); } break; case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_EXPOSED: #if !defined(__APPLE__) && !defined(__MACH__) // double buffering :) #ifdef HAVE_OPENGL if (MainScreenIsOpenGL()) MainScreenSwap(); else #endif update_game_window(); #endif break; } break; } }
int term::write (unicode_char* buf, int count) { unicode_char c; int start; int end; int i; video::screen.hide_mouse (); show (); start = 0; end = 0; while (end < count) { i = start; end = count; if (_param_num == -2) // not inside an escape sequence { while (i < end) { c = buf[i++]; if (c==0x08 || c==0x0a || c==0x0d || c==0x1b) // special char? { i--; // only process characters before the special character break; } } } if (i > start) end = i; // stop drawing characters at the first special one else { while (i < end) { int op = -999; // noop int arg = 0; int pn = _param_num; c = buf[i++]; switch (pn) { case -2: if (c == 0x08) // backspace character? { op = -1; // move cursor horizontally arg = -1; // one column left } else if (c == 0x0a) // linefeed character? { hide_cursor (); _cursor_column = 0; if (_cursor_row == _nb_rows-1) // on last row? scroll_up (); else { op = 0; // move cursor vertically arg = 1; // one row down } } else if (c == 0x0d) // carriage return character? { op = _cursor_row+1; // move cursor on same row arg = 1; // to leftmost column } else if (c == 0x1b) // ESC character? _param_num = -1; else end = i-1; // special character processing is done break; case -1: if (c == '[') { _param_num = 0; _param[0] = 0; } else _param_num = -2; break; default: if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') { int x = c - '0'; int p = _param[pn]; if (p < 1000) _param[pn] = p*10 + x; } else if (c == ';') { pn++; if (pn < max_nb_params) { _param_num = pn; _param[pn] = 0; } } else { _param_num = -2; if (c == 'A') { op = 0; // move cursor vertically arg = -_param[0]; if (arg >= 0) arg = -1; } else if (c == 'B') { op = 0; // move cursor vertically arg = _param[0]; if (arg <= 0) arg = 1; } else if (c == 'C') { op = -1; // move cursor horizontally arg = _param[0]; if (arg <= 0) arg = 1; } else if (c == 'D') { op = -1; // move cursor horizontally arg = -_param[0]; if (arg >= 0) arg = -1; } else if (c == 'H' || c == 'f') { op = _param[0]; // move cursor, op = row arg = _param[1]; // arg = column if (op <= 0) op = 1; if (pn < 1 || arg <= 0) arg = 1; } else if (c == 'J') { op = -2; // clear characters arg = _param[0]; if (arg <= 0) arg = 0; } else if (c == 'K') { op = -3; // clear characters arg = _param[0]; if (arg <= 0) arg = 0; } else if (c == 'm') { int j; op = -4; // set attributes for (j=0; j<=pn; j++) { int x = _param[j]; if (x <= 0) { _bold = FALSE; _underline = FALSE; _reverse = FALSE; _fg = normal_foreground; _bg = normal_background; } else if (x == 1) _bold = TRUE; else if (x == 4) _underline = TRUE; else if (x == 7) _reverse = TRUE; else if (x >= 30 && x <= 37) _fg = x-30; else if (x >= 40 && x <= 47) _bg = x-40; } } } } // execute appropriate operation as indicated by "op" and "arg" if (op != -999) // not noop? { if (op >= -1) // move cursor? { hide_cursor (); if (op <= 0) { if (op == 0) _cursor_row += arg; else _cursor_column += arg; } else { _cursor_row = op-1; _cursor_column = arg-1; } if (_cursor_row < 0) _cursor_row = 0; else if (_cursor_row >= _nb_rows) _cursor_row = _nb_rows-1; if (_cursor_column < 0) _cursor_column = 0; else if (_cursor_column >= _nb_columns) _cursor_column = _nb_columns-1; } else if (op >= -3) // clear characters { if (arg <= 2) { int sx; int sy; int ex; int ey; int csx; int csy; int cex; int cey; pattern* background; color_to_pattern (normal_background, background); char_coord_to_screen_coord (0, 0, sx, sy, cex, cey); char_coord_to_screen_coord (_nb_columns-1, _nb_rows-1, csx, csy, ex, ey); char_coord_to_screen_coord (_cursor_column, _cursor_row, csx, csy, cex, cey); if (arg != 1) hide_cursor (); if (op == -2 && arg != 0) video::screen.fill_rect (sx, sy, ex, csy, background); video::screen.fill_rect ((arg == 0) ? csx : sx, csy, (arg == 1) ? csx : ex, cey, background); if (op == -2 && arg != 1) video::screen.fill_rect (sx, cey, ex, ey, background); } } else if (op == -4) // set attributes { // note: attributes are handled when characters // are displayed } } } start = end; // All escape sequence and special character processing is // done. } while (start < end) { int sx; int sy; int ex; int ey; int fg; int bg; pattern* foreground; pattern* background; int n = end - start; if (n > _nb_columns - _cursor_column) // one line at a time n = _nb_columns - _cursor_column; if (_reverse) { fg = _bg; bg = _fg; } else { fg = _fg; bg = _bg; } char_coord_to_screen_coord (_cursor_column, _cursor_row, sx, sy, ex, ey); color_to_pattern (fg, foreground); color_to_pattern (bg, background); hide_cursor (); _fn->draw_text (&video::screen, sx, sy, buf+start, n, foreground, background); start += n; _cursor_column += n; if (_cursor_column >= _nb_columns) { _cursor_column = 0; _cursor_row++; if (_cursor_row >= _nb_rows) { scroll_up (); _cursor_row = _nb_rows-1; } } } end = start; } if (!_cursor_visible) show_cursor (); video::screen.show_mouse (); return end; }