Пример #1
int main(void)
    char text[] = "According to a researcher at Cambridge University, it doesn't matter in what order the letters in a word are, the only important thing is that the first and last letter be at the right place. The rest can be a total mess and you can still read it without problem. This is because the human mind does not read every letter by itself but the word as a whole.";

    size_t i,len=0;
    for (i=0; i<sizeof(text); i++) {
        if (isalpha(text[i])) {
        } else {
            shuffleWord(text + i - len, len);
            len = 0;


    return 0;
synopsis: do all of the initialisation for a new game:
          build the screen
	  get a random word and generate anagrams
	  (must get less than 66 anagrams to display on screen)
	  initialise all the game control flags

inputs: head - first node in the answers list (in/out)
        dblHead - first node in the dictionary list
	screen - the SDL_Surface to display the image
	letters - first node in the letter sprites (in/out)

outputs: n/a
static void
newGame(struct node** head, struct dlb_node* dlbHead, 
        SDL_Surface* screen, struct sprite** letters)
    char guess[9];
    char remain[9];
    int happy = 0;   /* we don't want any more than ones with 66 answers */
                     /* - that's all we can show... */
    int i;

	/* show background */
	strcpy(txt, language);
	ShowBMP(strcat(txt,"images/background.bmp"),screen, 0,0);

    assert(*letters == NULL);

	while (!happy) {
        char buffer[9];
        getRandomWord(buffer, sizeof(buffer));
		strcpy(rootWord, buffer);
		bigWordLen = strlen(rootWord)-1;
		strcpy(remain, rootWord);

		rootWord[bigWordLen] = '\0';

		/* destroy answers list */

		/* generate anagrams from random word */
		ag(head, dlbHead, guess, remain);

		answersSought = Length(*head);
		happy = ((answersSought <= 77) && (answersSought >= 6));

#ifdef DEBUG
		if (!happy) {
			Debug("Too Many Answers!  word: %s, answers: %i",
                   rootWord, answersSought);

#ifdef DEBUG
    Debug("Selected word: %s, answers: %i", rootWord, answersSought);

    /* now we have a good set of words - sort them alphabetically */

	for (i = bigWordLen; i < 7; i++){
		remain[i] = SPACE_CHAR;
	remain[7] = '\0';

	strcpy(shuffle, remain);

	strcpy(answer, SPACE_FILLED_STRING);

	/* build up the letter sprites */
    assert(*letters == NULL && screen != NULL);
	buildLetters(letters, screen);
	addClock(letters, screen);
	addScore(letters, screen);

	/* display all answer boxes */
	displayAnswerBoxes(*head, screen);

	gotBigWord = 0;
	score = 0;
	updateTheScore = 1;
	gamePaused = 0;
	winGame = 0;
	answersGot = 0;

	gameStart = time(0);
	gameTime = 0;
	stopTheClock = 0;