void shutdown(void) { char *argv[3]; argv[0] = SHUTDOWN_PROG; argv[1] = shutdown_type; argv[2] = NULL; wait_pid = run(SHUTDOWN_PROG, argv); while (wait_pid != 0) sigsuspend(&mask_wait); sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &mask_wait, NULL); kill(-1, SIGKILL); shutdown_action(); pause(); }
// // Function called when a new HTTP request have been recieved. // static void http_handler(struct evhttp_request *request, void *userdata) { struct owl_state* state = userdata; // Setup general response headers struct evkeyvalq *headers = evhttp_request_get_output_headers(request); evhttp_add_header(headers, "Server", USER_AGENT); // Get the requested URI const char* uri = evhttp_request_get_uri(request); const int http_method = evhttp_request_get_command(request); if( http_method != EVHTTP_REQ_GET && http_method != EVHTTP_REQ_PUT && http_method != EVHTTP_REQ_POST) { evhttp_send_error(request, 501, "Not Implemented"); return; } TRACE("Received HTTP request: %s (method %d)\n", uri, http_method); // Keep the request for async usage state->http_request = request; // // Retrieve application state (sync) if(string_starts_with(uri, "/api/state") && http_method == EVHTTP_REQ_GET) { state_action(state); } // // Shutdown owl application (async) else if(string_starts_with(uri, "/api/shutdown") && http_method == EVHTTP_REQ_GET) { shutdown_action(state); } // // Try to login to Spotify (async) else if(string_starts_with(uri, "/api/login") && http_method == EVHTTP_REQ_GET) { char* username = extract_uri_section(2, uri); char* password = extract_uri_section(3, uri); if(username != NULL && password != NULL) { login_to_spotify_action(state, username, password); } else { WARN("Could not extract username and password in order to login to Spotify!\n"); respond_error(request, OWL_HTTO_ERROR_NO_LOGIN_DETAILS, "No username or password given"); } } else if(string_starts_with(uri, "/api/login") && http_method == EVHTTP_REQ_POST) { TRACE("POST LOGIN\n"); get_post_argument(request, "username"); evhttp_send_error(request, 501, "Not Implemented"); } // // Logout from spotify (async) else if(string_starts_with(uri, "/api/logout") && http_method == EVHTTP_REQ_GET) { if(state->state > OWL_STATE_LOGGING_IN && state->state < OWL_STATE_LOGGING_OUT) logout_from_spotify_action(state); else respond_success(request); } // // Clear the entire queue else if(string_starts_with(uri, "/api/queue/clear") && http_method == EVHTTP_REQ_GET) { if(state->state < OWL_STATE_IDLE || state->state > OWL_STATE_PLAYING) { respond_error(request, OWL_HTTP_ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN, "Operation not allowed when not logged in"); } else { const int size = queue_size(state->spotify_state->queue); for(int i = 0; i < size; i++) { owl_track *track = pop_from_queue(state->spotify_state->queue); free_track(track); } respond_success(request); } } // // Get the current playback queue (sync) else if(string_starts_with(uri, "/api/queue") && http_method == EVHTTP_REQ_GET) { if(state->state < OWL_STATE_IDLE || state->state > OWL_STATE_PLAYING) { WARN("Operation not allowed at this state (%d)\n", state->state); respond_error(request, OWL_HTTP_ERROR_NOT_LOGGED_IN, "Operation not allowed when not logged in"); } else { respond_with_queue(state->http_request, state->spotify_state->queue); } } // // Serve static file immediately else { // Create the buffer to retrn as content struct evbuffer *content_buffer = evbuffer_new(); // If not a handler this is a static request char *static_file = (char *) malloc(strlen(doc_root) + strlen(uri) + 1); stpcpy(stpcpy(static_file, doc_root), uri); TRACE("Looking for static file: %s\n", static_file); bool file_exists = 1; struct stat st; if(stat(static_file, &st) == -1 || S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { file_exists = 0; evhttp_send_error(request, HTTP_NOTFOUND, "Not Found"); } if(file_exists) { const int file_size = st.st_size; FILE *fp = fopen(static_file, "r"); const char* content_type = resolve_content_type(static_file); evbuffer_add_file(content_buffer, fileno(fp), 0, file_size); // will close TRACE("Resolving content type for filename: %s to: %s\n", static_file, content_type); evhttp_add_header(headers, "Content-Type", content_type); evhttp_send_reply(request, HTTP_OK, "OK", content_buffer); } free(static_file); // Send the data evhttp_send_reply(request, HTTP_OK, USER_AGENT, content_buffer); // Free memrory evbuffer_free(content_buffer); } return; }