Пример #1
/* Low-Bitrate Redundancy (LBRR) encoding. Reuse all parameters but encode excitation at lower bitrate  */
static OPUS_INLINE void silk_LBRR_encode_FIX(
    silk_encoder_state_FIX          *psEnc,                                 /* I/O  Pointer to Silk FIX encoder state                                           */
    silk_encoder_control_FIX        *psEncCtrl,                             /* I/O  Pointer to Silk FIX encoder control struct                                  */
    const opus_int32                xfw_Q3[],                               /* I    Input signal                                                                */
    opus_int                        condCoding                              /* I    The type of conditional coding used so far for this frame                   */
    opus_int32   TempGains_Q16[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ];
    SideInfoIndices *psIndices_LBRR = &psEnc->sCmn.indices_LBRR[ psEnc->sCmn.nFramesEncoded ];
    silk_nsq_state sNSQ_LBRR;

    /* Control use of inband LBRR              */
    if( psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_enabled && psEnc->sCmn.speech_activity_Q8 > SILK_FIX_CONST( LBRR_SPEECH_ACTIVITY_THRES, 8 ) ) {
        psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_flags[ psEnc->sCmn.nFramesEncoded ] = 1;

        /* Copy noise shaping quantizer state and quantization indices from regular encoding */
        silk_memcpy( &sNSQ_LBRR, &psEnc->sCmn.sNSQ, sizeof( silk_nsq_state ) );
        silk_memcpy( psIndices_LBRR, &psEnc->sCmn.indices, sizeof( SideInfoIndices ) );

        /* Save original gains */
        silk_memcpy( TempGains_Q16, psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr * sizeof( opus_int32 ) );

        if( psEnc->sCmn.nFramesEncoded == 0 || psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_flags[ psEnc->sCmn.nFramesEncoded - 1 ] == 0 ) {
            /* First frame in packet or previous frame not LBRR coded */
            psEnc->sCmn.LBRRprevLastGainIndex = psEnc->sShape.LastGainIndex;

            /* Increase Gains to get target LBRR rate */
            psIndices_LBRR->GainsIndices[ 0 ] = psIndices_LBRR->GainsIndices[ 0 ] + psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_GainIncreases;
            psIndices_LBRR->GainsIndices[ 0 ] = silk_min_int( psIndices_LBRR->GainsIndices[ 0 ], N_LEVELS_QGAIN - 1 );

        /* Decode to get gains in sync with decoder         */
        /* Overwrite unquantized gains with quantized gains */
        silk_gains_dequant( psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16, psIndices_LBRR->GainsIndices,
            &psEnc->sCmn.LBRRprevLastGainIndex, condCoding == CODE_CONDITIONALLY, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr );

        /* Noise shaping quantization            */
        if( psEnc->sCmn.nStatesDelayedDecision > 1 || psEnc->sCmn.warping_Q16 > 0 ) {
            silk_NSQ_del_dec( &psEnc->sCmn, &sNSQ_LBRR, psIndices_LBRR, xfw_Q3,
                psEnc->sCmn.pulses_LBRR[ psEnc->sCmn.nFramesEncoded ], psEncCtrl->PredCoef_Q12[ 0 ], psEncCtrl->LTPCoef_Q14,
                psEncCtrl->AR2_Q13, psEncCtrl->HarmShapeGain_Q14, psEncCtrl->Tilt_Q14, psEncCtrl->LF_shp_Q14,
                psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16, psEncCtrl->pitchL, psEncCtrl->Lambda_Q10, psEncCtrl->LTP_scale_Q14 );
        } else {
            silk_NSQ( &psEnc->sCmn, &sNSQ_LBRR, psIndices_LBRR, xfw_Q3,
                psEnc->sCmn.pulses_LBRR[ psEnc->sCmn.nFramesEncoded ], psEncCtrl->PredCoef_Q12[ 0 ], psEncCtrl->LTPCoef_Q14,
                psEncCtrl->AR2_Q13, psEncCtrl->HarmShapeGain_Q14, psEncCtrl->Tilt_Q14, psEncCtrl->LF_shp_Q14,
                psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16, psEncCtrl->pitchL, psEncCtrl->Lambda_Q10, psEncCtrl->LTP_scale_Q14 );

        /* Restore original gains */
        silk_memcpy( psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16, TempGains_Q16, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr * sizeof( opus_int32 ) );
Пример #2
/* Low-Bitrate Redundancy (LBRR) encoding. Reuse all parameters but encode excitation at lower bitrate  */
static void silk_LBRR_encode_FLP(
    silk_encoder_state_FLP          *psEnc,                             /* I/O  Encoder state FLP                           */
    silk_encoder_control_FLP        *psEncCtrl,                         /* I/O  Encoder control FLP                         */
    const silk_float                xfw[],                              /* I    Input signal                                */
    opus_int                        condCoding                          /* I    The type of conditional coding used so far for this frame */
    opus_int     k;
    opus_int32   Gains_Q16[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ];
    silk_float   TempGains[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ];
    SideInfoIndices *psIndices_LBRR = &psEnc->sCmn.indices_LBRR[ psEnc->sCmn.nFramesEncoded ];
    silk_nsq_state sNSQ_LBRR;

    /* Control use of inband LBRR              */
    if( psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_enabled && psEnc->sCmn.speech_activity_Q8 > SILK_FIX_CONST( LBRR_SPEECH_ACTIVITY_THRES, 8 ) ) {
        psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_flags[ psEnc->sCmn.nFramesEncoded ] = 1;

        /* Copy noise shaping quantizer state and quantization indices from regular encoding */
        silk_memcpy( &sNSQ_LBRR, &psEnc->sCmn.sNSQ, sizeof( silk_nsq_state ) );
        silk_memcpy( psIndices_LBRR, &psEnc->sCmn.indices, sizeof( SideInfoIndices ) );

        /* Save original gains */
        silk_memcpy( TempGains, psEncCtrl->Gains, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr * sizeof( silk_float ) );

        if( psEnc->sCmn.nFramesEncoded == 0 || psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_flags[ psEnc->sCmn.nFramesEncoded - 1 ] == 0 ) {
            /* First frame in packet or previous frame not LBRR coded */
            psEnc->sCmn.LBRRprevLastGainIndex = psEnc->sShape.LastGainIndex;

            /* Increase Gains to get target LBRR rate */
            psIndices_LBRR->GainsIndices[ 0 ] += psEnc->sCmn.LBRR_GainIncreases;
            psIndices_LBRR->GainsIndices[ 0 ] = silk_min_int( psIndices_LBRR->GainsIndices[ 0 ], N_LEVELS_QGAIN - 1 );

        /* Decode to get gains in sync with decoder */
        silk_gains_dequant( Gains_Q16, psIndices_LBRR->GainsIndices,
            &psEnc->sCmn.LBRRprevLastGainIndex, condCoding == CODE_CONDITIONALLY, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr );

        /* Overwrite unquantized gains with quantized gains and convert back to Q0 from Q16 */
        for( k = 0; k <  psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr; k++ ) {
            psEncCtrl->Gains[ k ] = Gains_Q16[ k ] * ( 1.0f / 65536.0f );

        /* Noise shaping quantization            */
        silk_NSQ_wrapper_FLP( psEnc, psEncCtrl, psIndices_LBRR, &sNSQ_LBRR,
            psEnc->sCmn.pulses_LBRR[ psEnc->sCmn.nFramesEncoded ], xfw );

        /* Restore original gains */
        silk_memcpy( psEncCtrl->Gains, TempGains, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr * sizeof( silk_float ) );
Пример #3
/* Decode parameters from payload */
void silk_decode_parameters(
    silk_decoder_state      *psDec,                             /* I/O  State                                    */
    silk_decoder_control    *psDecCtrl                          /* I/O  Decoder control                          */
    SKP_int   i, k, Ix;
    SKP_int16 pNLSF_Q15[ MAX_LPC_ORDER ], pNLSF0_Q15[ MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    const SKP_int8 *cbk_ptr_Q7;
    /* Dequant Gains */
    silk_gains_dequant( psDecCtrl->Gains_Q16, psDec->indices.GainsIndices, 
        &psDec->LastGainIndex, psDec->nFramesDecoded, psDec->nb_subfr );

    /* Decode NLSFs */
    silk_NLSF_decode( pNLSF_Q15, psDec->indices.NLSFIndices, psDec->psNLSF_CB );

    /* Convert NLSF parameters to AR prediction filter coefficients */
    silk_NLSF2A_stable( psDecCtrl->PredCoef_Q12[ 1 ], pNLSF_Q15, psDec->LPC_order );
    /* If just reset, e.g., because internal Fs changed, do not allow interpolation */
    /* improves the case of packet loss in the first frame after a switch           */
    if( psDec->first_frame_after_reset == 1 ) {
        psDec->indices.NLSFInterpCoef_Q2 = 4;

    if( psDec->indices.NLSFInterpCoef_Q2 < 4 ) {
        /* Calculation of the interpolated NLSF0 vector from the interpolation factor, */ 
        /* the previous NLSF1, and the current NLSF1                                   */
        for( i = 0; i < psDec->LPC_order; i++ ) {
            pNLSF0_Q15[ i ] = psDec->prevNLSF_Q15[ i ] + SKP_RSHIFT( SKP_MUL( psDec->indices.NLSFInterpCoef_Q2, 
                pNLSF_Q15[ i ] - psDec->prevNLSF_Q15[ i ] ), 2 );

        /* Convert NLSF parameters to AR prediction filter coefficients */
        silk_NLSF2A_stable( psDecCtrl->PredCoef_Q12[ 0 ], pNLSF0_Q15, psDec->LPC_order );
    } else {
        /* Copy LPC coefficients for first half from second half */
        SKP_memcpy( psDecCtrl->PredCoef_Q12[ 0 ], psDecCtrl->PredCoef_Q12[ 1 ], 
            psDec->LPC_order * sizeof( SKP_int16 ) );

    SKP_memcpy( psDec->prevNLSF_Q15, pNLSF_Q15, psDec->LPC_order * sizeof( SKP_int16 ) );

    /* After a packet loss do BWE of LPC coefs */
    if( psDec->lossCnt ) {
        silk_bwexpander( psDecCtrl->PredCoef_Q12[ 0 ], psDec->LPC_order, BWE_AFTER_LOSS_Q16 );
        silk_bwexpander( psDecCtrl->PredCoef_Q12[ 1 ], psDec->LPC_order, BWE_AFTER_LOSS_Q16 );

    if( psDec->indices.signalType == TYPE_VOICED ) {
        /* Decode pitch lags */
        /* Decode pitch values */
        silk_decode_pitch( psDec->indices.lagIndex, psDec->indices.contourIndex, psDecCtrl->pitchL, psDec->fs_kHz, psDec->nb_subfr );

        /* Decode Codebook Index */
        cbk_ptr_Q7 = silk_LTP_vq_ptrs_Q7[ psDec->indices.PERIndex ]; /* set pointer to start of codebook */

        for( k = 0; k < psDec->nb_subfr; k++ ) {
            Ix = psDec->indices.LTPIndex[ k ];
            for( i = 0; i < LTP_ORDER; i++ ) {
                psDecCtrl->LTPCoef_Q14[ k * LTP_ORDER + i ] = SKP_LSHIFT( cbk_ptr_Q7[ Ix * LTP_ORDER + i ], 7 );

        /* Decode LTP scaling */
        Ix = psDec->indices.LTP_scaleIndex;
        psDecCtrl->LTP_scale_Q14 = silk_LTPScales_table_Q14[ Ix ];
    } else {
        SKP_memset( psDecCtrl->pitchL,      0,             psDec->nb_subfr * sizeof( SKP_int   ) );
        SKP_memset( psDecCtrl->LTPCoef_Q14, 0, LTP_ORDER * psDec->nb_subfr * sizeof( SKP_int16 ) );
        psDec->indices.PERIndex  = 0;
        psDecCtrl->LTP_scale_Q14 = 0;