Пример #1
void DrawMeshHandler::synchronize() {
	// We update DrawMeshHandler's data from its associated scene object custom data:
	// 1. Get all the developer data attached to the associated scene object (this is custom data added by the developer):
	int buffSize = simGetObjectCustomDataLength(_associatedObjectID,
	char* datBuff = new char[buffSize];
			CustomDataHeaders::DEVELOPER_DATA_HEADER, datBuff);
	std::vector<unsigned char> developerCustomData(datBuff, datBuff + buffSize);
	delete[] datBuff;
	// 2. From that retrieved data, try to extract sub-data with the DATA_MAIN tag:
	std::vector<unsigned char> tempMainData;

	if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData, DATA_MAIN,
			tempMainData)) { // Yes, the tag is there. For now we only have to synchronize _maxVelocity:

		// Remove # chars for compatibility with ROS
		_associatedObjectName = simGetObjectName(_associatedObjectID);
		std::stringstream streamtemp;
		streamtemp << "- [Draw Mesh] in '" << _associatedObjectName << "'."
				<< std::endl;


Пример #2
void SetTwistHandler::synchronize(){
    // We update SetTwistHandler's data from its associated scene object custom data:
    // 1. Get all the developer data attached to the associated scene object (this is custom data added by the developer):
    int buffSize = simGetObjectCustomDataLength(_associatedObjectID, CustomDataHeaders::DEVELOPER_DATA_HEADER);
    char* datBuff=new char[buffSize];
    simGetObjectCustomData(_associatedObjectID, CustomDataHeaders::DEVELOPER_DATA_HEADER,datBuff);
    std::vector<unsigned char> developerCustomData(datBuff,datBuff+buffSize);
    delete[] datBuff;
    // 2. From that retrieved data, try to extract sub-data with the SET_OBJ_TWIST_DATA_MAIN tag:
    std::vector<unsigned char> tempMainData;

    if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,CustomDataHeaders::SET_OBJ_TWIST_DATA_MAIN,tempMainData)){ // Yes, the tag is there. For now we only have to synchronize _maxVelocity:

       	// Remove # chars for compatibility with ROS
		_associatedObjectName = simGetObjectName(_associatedObjectID);
		std::string objectName(_associatedObjectName);
		std::replace( objectName.begin(), objectName.end(), '#', '_');
		//_pub = _nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::TwistStamped>(objectName+"/twist", 1);
		std::stringstream streamtemp;

		streamtemp << "- [Set Twist Target] in '" << _associatedObjectName << "'. Subscribed on the topic "<< objectName<<"/SetTwist"<< std::endl;


Пример #3
void CBubbleRob::_initialize()
	if (_initialized)
	// We need to find the handle of BubbleRob's left/right motors, and proximity sensor. We know that
	// the left motor has a BUBBLEROB_DATA_LEFTMOTOR-tag, the right motor has a BUBBLEROB_DATA_RIGHTMOTOR-tag,
	// the proximity sensor has a BUBBLEROB_DATA_SENSOR-tag. Since there might be several BubbleRobs in the
	// scene, we should only explore this BubbleRob's tree hierarchy to find those tags:
	std::vector<int> toExplore;
	toExplore.push_back(_associatedObjectID); // We start exploration with the base of the BubbleRob-tree
	while (toExplore.size()!=0)
		int objHandle=toExplore[toExplore.size()-1];
		// 1. Add this object's children to the list to explore:
		int index=0;
		int childHandle=simGetObjectChild(objHandle,index++);
		while (childHandle!=-1)
		// 2. Now check if this object has one of the tags we are looking for:
		// a. Get all the developer data attached to this scene object (this is custom data added by the developer):
		int buffSize=simGetObjectCustomDataLength(objHandle,DEVELOPER_DATA_HEADER);
		if (buffSize!=0)
		{ // Yes there is some custom data written by us (the developer with the DEVELOPER_DATA_HEADER header)
			char* datBuff=new char[buffSize];
			std::vector<unsigned char> developerCustomData(datBuff,datBuff+buffSize);
			delete[] datBuff;
			// b. From that retrieved data, try to extract sub-data with the searched tags:
			std::vector<unsigned char> bubbleRobTagData;
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,BUBBLEROB_DATA_LEFTMOTOR,bubbleRobTagData))
				_handleOfLeftJoint=objHandle; // We found the BUBBLEROB_DATA_LEFTMOTOR tag. This is the left motor!
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,BUBBLEROB_DATA_RIGHTMOTOR,bubbleRobTagData))
				_handleOfRightJoint=objHandle; // We found the BUBBLEROB_DATA_RIGHTMOTOR tag. This is the right motor!
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,BUBBLEROB_DATA_SENSOR,bubbleRobTagData))
				_handleOfProximitySensor=objHandle; // We found the BUBBLEROB_DATA_SENSOR tag. This is the proximity sensor!
	_movementDuration=0.0f;		// Start in a stopped state
	_backMovementDuration=0.0f; // Forward
	_backRelativeVelocities[0]=0.5f;  // default value
	_backRelativeVelocities[1]=0.25f; // default value
Пример #4
void CBubbleRob::synchronize()
{ // We update CBubbleRob's data from its associated scene object custom data:
	// 1. Get all the developer data attached to the associated scene object (this is custom data added by the developer):
	int buffSize=simGetObjectCustomDataLength(_associatedObjectID,DEVELOPER_DATA_HEADER);
	char* datBuff=new char[buffSize];
	std::vector<unsigned char> developerCustomData(datBuff,datBuff+buffSize);
	delete[] datBuff;
	// 2. From that retrieved data, try to extract sub-data with the BUBBLEROB_DATA_MAXVELOCITY tag:
	std::vector<unsigned char> bubbleRobVelocityData;
	if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,BUBBLEROB_DATA_MAXVELOCITY,bubbleRobVelocityData))
	{ // Yes, the tag is there. For now we only have to synchronize _maxVelocity:
Пример #5
void GetTwistHandler::_initialize(){
    if (_initialized)

    std::vector<int> toExplore;
    toExplore.push_back(_associatedObjectID); // We start exploration with the base of the quadrotor-tree
    while (toExplore.size()!=0)
        int objHandle=toExplore[toExplore.size()-1];
        // 1. Add this object's children to the list to explore:
        int index=0;
        int childHandle=simGetObjectChild(objHandle,index++);
        while (childHandle!=-1) {
//            std::cout << "Adding " << simGetObjectName(childHandle) << " to exploration list." << std::endl;
        // 2. Now check if this object has one of the tags we are looking for:
        // a. Get all the developer data attached to this scene object (this is custom data added by the developer):
        int buffSize=simGetObjectCustomDataLength(objHandle,CustomDataHeaders::DEVELOPER_DATA_HEADER);
        if (buffSize!=0) { // Yes there is some custom data written by us (the developer with the DEVELOPER_DATA_HEADER header)
            char* datBuff=new char[buffSize];
            std::vector<unsigned char> developerCustomData(datBuff,datBuff+buffSize);
            delete[] datBuff;
            // b. From that retrieved data, try to extract sub-data with the searched tags:
            std::vector<unsigned char> quadrotorTagData;

    _lastPublishedObjTwistTime = -1e5;

    //Check if the object is static
    simGetObjectIntParameter(_associatedObjectID, 3003, &_isStatic);
		std::stringstream ss;
		ss << "- [" << _associatedObjectName << "] WARNING: getting velocity of a static object might give inaccurate results." << std::endl;;


Пример #6
void CBubbleRob::putBubbleRobTagToSceneObject(int objectHandle,float maxVelocity)
{	// This creates/updates a BUBBLEROB_DATA_MAXVELOCITY tag
	// 1. Get all the developer data attached to the associated scene object (this is custom data added by the developer):
	int buffSize=simGetObjectCustomDataLength(objectHandle,DEVELOPER_DATA_HEADER);
	char* datBuff=new char[buffSize];
	std::vector<unsigned char> developerCustomData(datBuff,datBuff+buffSize);
	delete[] datBuff;
	// 2. From that retrieved data, extract sub-data with the BUBBLEROB_DATA_MAXVELOCITY tag, update it, and add it back to the retrieved data:
	std::vector<unsigned char> bubbleRobVelocityData;
	bubbleRobVelocityData.clear(); // we discard the old value (if present)
	CAccess::push_float(bubbleRobVelocityData,maxVelocity); // we replace it with the new value
	// 3. We add/update the scene object with the updated custom data:
Пример #7
void CK3::synchronize()
{ // We update CK3's data from its associated scene object custom data:
	// 1. Get all the developer data attached to the associated scene object (this is custom data added by the developer):
	int buffSize=simGetObjectCustomDataLength(_associatedObjectID,DEVELOPER_DATA_HEADER);
	char* datBuff=new char[buffSize];
	std::vector<unsigned char> developerCustomData(datBuff,datBuff+buffSize);
	delete[] datBuff;
	// 2. From that retrieved data, try to extract sub-data with the K3_MAXVELOCITY,K3_MODELVERSION, etc. tags:
	std::vector<unsigned char> k3Data;
	if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_MAXVELOCITY,k3Data))
	if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_MODELVERSION,k3Data))

	if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_MAXACCELERATION,k3Data))
	if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_GRIPPER_ARMMAXACCELERATION,k3Data))
Пример #8
void CK3::putK3TagToSceneObject(int objectHandle,int modelVersion,float maxVelocity,float maxAccel,float maxArmAccel)
{	// This creates/updates a K3_BASE tag
	// 1. Get all the developer data attached to the associated scene object (this is custom data added by the developer):
	int buffSize=simGetObjectCustomDataLength(objectHandle,DEVELOPER_DATA_HEADER);
	char* datBuff=new char[buffSize];
	std::vector<unsigned char> developerCustomData(datBuff,datBuff+buffSize);
	delete[] datBuff;
	// 2. From that retrieved data, extract sub-data with the K3_BASE,K3_MAXVELOCITY, etc tags, update them, and add them back to the retrieved data:
	std::vector<unsigned char> k3Data;

	k3Data.clear(); // we discard the old value (if present)
	CAccess::push_float(k3Data,0); // we replace it with the new value





	// 3. We add/update the scene object with the updated custom data:
Пример #9
void GetTwistHandler::synchronize(){
    // We update GetTwistHandler's data from its associated scene object custom data:
    // 1. Get all the developer data attached to the associated scene object (this is custom data added by the developer):
    int buffSize = simGetObjectCustomDataLength(_associatedObjectID, CustomDataHeaders::DEVELOPER_DATA_HEADER);
    char* datBuff=new char[buffSize];
    simGetObjectCustomData(_associatedObjectID, CustomDataHeaders::DEVELOPER_DATA_HEADER,datBuff);
    std::vector<unsigned char> developerCustomData(datBuff,datBuff+buffSize);
    delete[] datBuff;
    // 2. From that retrieved data, try to extract sub-data with the OBJ_TWIST_DATA_MAIN tag:
    std::vector<unsigned char> tempMainData;

    if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,CustomDataHeaders::OBJ_TWIST_DATA_MAIN,tempMainData)){ // Yes, the tag is there. For now we only have to synchronize _maxVelocity:

       	// Remove # chars for compatibility with ROS
		_associatedObjectName = simGetObjectName(_associatedObjectID);
		std::string objectName(_associatedObjectName);
		std::replace( objectName.begin(), objectName.end(), '#', '_');
		_pub = _nh.advertise<geometry_msgs::TwistStamped>(objectName+"/twist", 1);
		std::stringstream streamtemp;

    	int temp_freq = CAccess::pop_int(tempMainData);
    	if (temp_freq > 0){
    		_ObjTwistFrequency = temp_freq;
    		//std::cout << "Found Twist target in " << _associatedObjectName << ". Frequency publisher: " << _ObjTwistFrequency << std::endl;

    		streamtemp << "- [Twist Target] in '" << _associatedObjectName << "'. Frequency publisher: " << _ObjTwistFrequency << "." << std::endl;
      	} else {
      		//std::cout << "Found Twist target in " << _associatedObjectName << " at the simulation frequency. " << std::endl;

    		streamtemp << "- [Twist Target] in '" << _associatedObjectName << "'. Frequency publisher: Simulation frequency. " << std::endl;

void CBubbleRobContainer::actualizeForSceneContent()
{	// This is called everytime the scene content in V-REP might have changed (e.g. object added/removed/etc.)
	// We need to make sure every BubbleRob in V-REP's scene has exactly one CBubbleRob in this container.
	// We now synchronize this container with current V-REP's scene content:

	// 1. We first check which CBubbleRob is not valid anymore, and remove it
	int i=0;
	while (i<int(_allBubbleRobs.size()))
		CBubbleRob* bubbleRob=_allBubbleRobs[i];
		int associatedObject=bubbleRob->getAssociatedObject();
		int uniqueID;
		if (simGetObjectUniqueIdentifier(associatedObject,&uniqueID)==-1)
		{ // the object doesn't exist anymore!
			i=-1; // ordering in _allBubbleRobs might have changed, we start from the beginning
		{ // An object with that handle exists, is its unique ID same as getAssociatedObjectUniqueId()?
			if (uniqueID!=bubbleRob->getAssociatedObjectUniqueId())
			{ // the object doesn't exist anymore! (the object was destroyed and then another object was assigned the same handle (e.g. new scene was loaded))
				i=-1; // ordering in _allBubbleRobs might have changed, we start from the beginning
			{	// the object still exists. Does it still have its BUBBLEROB_DATA_MAXVELOCITY tag?
				// a. Get all the developer data attached to this object (this is custom data added by the developer):
				int buffSize=simGetObjectCustomDataLength(associatedObject,DEVELOPER_DATA_HEADER);
				char* datBuff=new char[buffSize];
				std::vector<unsigned char> developerCustomData(datBuff,datBuff+buffSize);
				delete[] datBuff;
				// b. From that retrieved data, try to extract sub-data with the BUBBLEROB_DATA_MAXVELOCITY tag:
				std::vector<unsigned char> bubbleRobVelocityData;
				if (!CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,BUBBLEROB_DATA_MAXVELOCITY,bubbleRobVelocityData)) // the tag is composed by a string and an integer
				{ // No, there is no data with the BUBBLEROB_DATA_MAXVELOCITY tag present! We remove this object:
					i=-1; // ordering in _allBubbleRobs might have changed, we start from the beginning

	// 2. Now all CBubbleRob objects in this container are up-to-date. We now go through all objects in the scene
	// that have the BUBBLEROB_DATA_MAXVELOCITY tag, and check if they have a related CBubbleRob object in this container.
	// If not, we have to add a related CBubbleRob object:

	int objHandle=0;
	int ind=0;
	while (objHandle!=-1)
		if (objHandle!=-1)
		{ // Scene object present at index ind
			// Is that scene object already associated with a CBubbleRob object?
			if (getFromAssociatedObject(objHandle)==NULL)
			{ // No, not yet
				// Does the object have a BUBBLEROB_DATA_MAXVELOCITY tag?
				// a. Get all the developer data attached to this object (this is custom data added by the developer):
				int buffSize=simGetObjectCustomDataLength(objHandle,DEVELOPER_DATA_HEADER);
				char* datBuff=new char[buffSize];
				std::vector<unsigned char> developerCustomData(datBuff,datBuff+buffSize);
				delete[] datBuff;
				// b. From that retrieved data, try to extract sub-data with the BUBBLEROB_DATA_MAXVELOCITY tag:
				std::vector<unsigned char> bubbleRobVelocityData;
				if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,BUBBLEROB_DATA_MAXVELOCITY,bubbleRobVelocityData))
				{ // Yes, the tag is there. We have to add a new CBubbleRob object associated with this scene object:
					CBubbleRob* bubbleRob=new CBubbleRob();
					int uniqueID;
					bubbleRob->synchronize(); // Make sure the CBubbleRob object has the same values
Пример #11
void CK3::_initialize()
	if (_initialized)
	// We need to find the handle of K3's motors and sensors according to data tags attached to objects.
	// Since there might be several K3s in the scene, we should only explore this K3's tree hierarchy
	// to find those tags:
	for (int i=0;i<2;i++)
	for (int i=0;i<2;i++)
	for (int i=0;i<9;i++)
	for (int i=0;i<5;i++)
	for (int i=0;i<6;i++)
	for (int i=0;i<3;i++)
	for (int i=0;i<2;i++)
	for (int i=0;i<2;i++)

	std::vector<int> toExplore;
	toExplore.push_back(_associatedObjectID); // We start exploration with the base of the K3-tree
	while (toExplore.size()!=0)
		int objHandle=toExplore[toExplore.size()-1];
		// 1. Add this object's children to the list to explore:
		int index=0;
		int childHandle=simGetObjectChild(objHandle,index++);
		while (childHandle!=-1)
		// 2. Now check if this object has one of the tags we are looking for:
		// a. Get all the developer data attached to this scene object (this is custom data added by the developer):
		int buffSize=simGetObjectCustomDataLength(objHandle,DEVELOPER_DATA_HEADER);
		if (buffSize!=0)
		{ // Yes there is some custom data written by us (the developer with the DEVELOPER_DATA_HEADER header)
			char* datBuff=new char[buffSize];
			std::vector<unsigned char> developerCustomData(datBuff,datBuff+buffSize);
			delete[] datBuff;
			// b. From that retrieved data, try to extract sub-data with the searched tags:
			std::vector<unsigned char> k3TagData;
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_LEFTMOTOR,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_RIGHTMOTOR,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_COLORSENSORLEFT,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_COLORSENSORRIGHT,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_IRSENSOR1,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_IRSENSOR2,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_IRSENSOR3,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_IRSENSOR4,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_IRSENSOR5,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_IRSENSOR6,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_IRSENSOR7,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_IRSENSOR8,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_IRSENSOR9,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_USSENSOR1,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_USSENSOR2,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_USSENSOR3,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_USSENSOR4,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_USSENSOR5,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_GRIPPER_ARMMOTOR1,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_GRIPPER_ARMMOTOR2,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_GRIPPER_ARMMOTOR3,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_GRIPPER_ARMMOTOR4,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_GRIPPER_ARMMOTOR5,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_GRIPPER_ARMMOTOR6,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_GRIPPER_GRIPPERMOTOR1,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_GRIPPER_GRIPPERMOTOR2,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_GRIPPER_GRIPPERMOTOR3,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_GRIPPER_LEFTDISTSENSOR,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_GRIPPER_RIGHTDISTSENSOR,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_GRIPPER_LEFTCOLSENSOR,k3TagData))
			if (CAccess::extractSerializationData(developerCustomData,K3_GRIPPER_RIGHTCOLSENSOR,k3TagData))
	// Now get the display handle (Custom UI):
	char* baseName=simGetObjectName(_associatedObjectID);
	int suffixNumber=simGetNameSuffix(baseName);
	int globalSuffixSave=simGetNameSuffix(NULL);
	simSetNameSuffix(globalSuffixSave); // reset to previous value
