bool RSSIData_from_bytes(RSSIData *msg, const char *buf, uint32_t *seq_out) {
  size_t offset = sizeof(msg->magic) + sizeof(msg->siphash);
  memmove((void *)msg, (void *)buf, sizeof(*msg));
  *seq_out = msg->seq;
  return (siphash24(((char *)msg) + offset, sizeof(*msg) - offset,
                    "scary spooky skeletons") == msg->siphash);
Пример #2
void hashtable_del(struct hashtable *const hashtable,
                   const void *const key)
	const uint64_t hash = siphash24(key, hashtable->key_len, hashtable->key);
	struct hashlist *entry;

	for(entry = hashtable->table[hash & hashtable->mask];
	    entry != NULL;
	    entry = entry->next)
		if(memcmp(key, entry->key, hashtable->key_len) == 0)
			if(entry->prev == NULL)
				hashtable->table[hash & hashtable->mask] = entry->next;
				entry->prev->next = entry->next;

			if(entry->next != NULL)
				entry->next->prev = entry->prev;

void RSSIData_to_bytes(RSSIData *msg, char *buf, uint32_t seq) {
  size_t offset = sizeof(msg->magic) + sizeof(msg->siphash);
  msg->seq = seq;
  msg->siphash = siphash24(((char *)msg) + offset, sizeof(*msg) - offset,
                           "scary spooky skeletons");
  memmove((void *)buf, (void *)msg, sizeof(*msg));
Пример #4
static uint64_t hash64( const char *buf, size_t len )
	/* */
	char key[16] = { 0xf5, 0x7c, 0x53, 0x74, 0x92, 0x23, 0x39, 0x7c,
			 0xcd, 0xe9, 0x05, 0xfb, 0xc0, 0xf1, 0x3a, 0xc6 };

	return siphash24( buf, len, key );
void WiFlyStringWireFormat_to_bytes(WiFlyStringWireFormat *msg, char *buf,
                                    uint32_t seq) {
  size_t offset = sizeof(msg->magic) + sizeof(msg->siphash);
  msg->seq = seq;
  msg->siphash = siphash24(((char *)msg) + offset, sizeof(*msg) - offset,
                           "scary spooky skeletons");
  memmove((void *)buf, (void *)msg, sizeof(*msg));
Пример #6
unsigned long dns_server_hash_func(const void *p, const uint8_t hash_key[HASH_KEY_SIZE]) {
        const DnsServer *s = p;
        uint64_t u;

        siphash24((uint8_t*) &u, &s->address, FAMILY_ADDRESS_SIZE(s->family), hash_key);
        u = u * hash_key[0] + u + s->family;

        return u;
Пример #7
int hsearch_r(ENTRY item, ACTION action, ENTRY** retval, struct hsearch_data* htab) {
  uint64_t hv=siphash24(htab->key,(const unsigned char*)item.key,strlen(item.key));
  struct bucket** b=&htab->table[hv%htab->size];
  while (*b) {
    if ((*b)->hv==hv && !strcmp((*b)->e.key,item.key)) {
      /* found */
      if (retval) *retval=&(*b)->e;
      return 1;
  if (action==FIND) {
    return 0;
  /* if we get this far, we are supposed to add the key */
  if (htab -> size < primes[nprimes-1] && htab->filled+1 > htab->size) {
    /* attempt to resize */
    unsigned int i;
    struct bucket** n;
    for (i=0; i<nprimes; ++i)
      if (htab->size < primes[i]) break;
    n=calloc(i,sizeof(struct bucket*));
    /* If the allocation failed, we can just limp on.
      * Performance will be reduced but we'll live. */
    if (n) {
      unsigned int j;

      for (j=0; j<htab->size; ++j) {
	struct bucket* B=htab->table[j];
	while (B) {
	  struct bucket* c=B;
	  unsigned int m=c->hv % i;
      while (*b)
  *b=malloc(sizeof(struct bucket));
  if (!*b) return 0;
  if (retval) *retval=&(*b)->e;
  return 1;
Пример #8
uint64_t siphash24_secure(const void *data, size_t len)
	static bool initialized;
	static uint64_t k0, k1;

	if (!initialized) {
		k0 = ((uint64_t)csrandom() << 32) | csrandom();
		k1 = ((uint64_t)csrandom() << 32) | csrandom();
		initialized = true;

	return siphash24(data, len, k0, k1);
Пример #9
void hash(int key_type, char *msg, int msg_len, u64 *res){
    char *ptr;

    if(key_type == KEY_NAME){
        ptr = "key for name\x00\x00\x00\x00";
    else if(key_type == KEY_SERIAL){
        ptr = "key for serial\x00\x00";
    siphash24((uint8_t*)ptr, msg, msg_len, (uint8_t*)res);
Пример #10
int main(void)
        uint64_t k0 = 0x0706050403020100ull;
        uint64_t k1 = 0x0f0e0d0c0b0a0908ull;

        uint8_t msg[] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04,
                         0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09,
                         0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e};

        uint64_t s = siphash24(k0, k1, msg, sizeof(msg));

        printf("SipHash-2-4 test: 0x%016llx (expected 0x%016llx)\n", s, 0xa129ca6149be45e5ull);

        return 0;
Пример #11
static unsigned long catalog_hash_func(const void *p, const uint8_t hash_key[HASH_KEY_SIZE]) {
        const CatalogItem *i = p;
        uint64_t u;
        size_t l, sz;
        void *v;

        l = strlen(i->language);
        sz = sizeof(i->id) + l;
        v = alloca(sz);

        memcpy(mempcpy(v, &i->id, sizeof(i->id)), i->language, l);

        siphash24((uint8_t*) &u, v, sz, hash_key);

        return (unsigned long) u;
Пример #12
void * hashtable_get(const struct hashtable *const hashtable,
                     const void *const key)
	const uint64_t hash = siphash24(key, hashtable->key_len, hashtable->key);
	struct hashlist *entry;

	for(entry = hashtable->table[hash & hashtable->mask];
	    entry != NULL;
	    entry = entry->next)
		if(memcmp(key, entry->key, hashtable->key_len) == 0)

	return entry;
Пример #13
int sd_ipv4ll_set_mac(sd_ipv4ll *ll, const struct ether_addr *addr) {
        int r;

        assert_return(ll, -EINVAL);

        if (!ll->random_data) {
                uint64_t seed;

                /* If no random data is set, generate some from the MAC */
                seed = siphash24(&addr->ether_addr_octet, ETH_ALEN, HASH_KEY.bytes);

                assert_cc(sizeof(unsigned) <= 8);

                r = sd_ipv4ll_set_address_seed(ll, (unsigned) htole64(seed));
                if (r < 0)
                        return r;

        return sd_ipv4acd_set_mac(ll->acd, addr);
Пример #14
int main() {
	int i;
	char key[16] = {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0xa,0xb,0xc,0xd,0xe,0xf};
	char plaintext[64];
	for (i=0; i<64; i++) plaintext[i] = i;

	int j;
	uint64_t t0, t1;
	t0 = gettime_ns();
	for (j=0; j<REPEATS; j++){
		for (i=0; i<64; i++) {
			assert(siphash24(plaintext, i, key) == vectors[i]);
	t1 = gettime_ns();

	printf("%i tests passed in %.3fms, %.0fns per test\n", REPEATS*64, (t1-t0)/1000000., (t1-t0)/(REPEATS*64.));
	return 0;
Пример #15
/* This is temporary. I've added this because I don't want to 'fix' the hash api
   when it's going to be removed soon. */
static void apache_add_unique_hash_entry(const char *sipkey,
        lily_hash_val *hash_val, lily_value *pair_key, lily_value *pair_value)
    lily_hash_elem *elem = lily_malloc(sizeof(lily_hash_elem));

    uint64_t key_siphash = siphash24(pair_key->value.string->string,
            pair_key->value.string->size, sipkey);

    elem->key_siphash = key_siphash;
    elem->elem_key = pair_key;
    elem->elem_value = pair_value;

    if (hash_val->elem_chain)
        hash_val->elem_chain->prev = elem;

    elem->prev = NULL;
    elem->next = hash_val->elem_chain;
    hash_val->elem_chain = elem;

int dhcp_identifier_set_duid_en(struct duid *duid, size_t *len) {
        sd_id128_t machine_id;
        int r;


        r = sd_id128_get_machine(&machine_id);
        if (r < 0)
                return r;

        duid->type = htobe16(DHCP6_DUID_EN);
        duid->en.pen = htobe32(SYSTEMD_PEN);
        *len = sizeof(duid->type) + sizeof(duid->en);

        /* a bit of snake-oil perhaps, but no need to expose the machine-id
           directly */
        siphash24(duid->, &machine_id, sizeof(machine_id), HASH_KEY.bytes);

        return 0;
Пример #17
static int do_test(const uint8_t *in, size_t len, const uint8_t *key) {
        struct siphash state = {};
        uint64_t out = 0;
        unsigned i, j;

        out = siphash24(in, len, key);
        assert_se(out == 0xa129ca6149be45e5);

        /* verify the internal state as given in the above paper */
        siphash24_init(&state, key);
        assert_se(state.v0 == 0x7469686173716475);
        assert_se(state.v1 == 0x6b617f6d656e6665);
        assert_se(state.v2 == 0x6b7f62616d677361);
        assert_se(state.v3 == 0x7b6b696e727e6c7b);
        siphash24_compress(in, len, &state);
        assert_se(state.v0 == 0x4a017198de0a59e0);
        assert_se(state.v1 == 0x0d52f6f62a4f59a4);
        assert_se(state.v2 == 0x634cb3577b01fd3d);
        assert_se(state.v3 == 0xa5224d6f55c7d9c8);
        out = siphash24_finalize(&state);
        assert_se(out == 0xa129ca6149be45e5);
        assert_se(state.v0 == 0xf6bcd53893fecff1);
        assert_se(state.v1 == 0x54b9964c7ea0d937);
        assert_se(state.v2 == 0x1b38329c099bb55a);
        assert_se(state.v3 == 0x1814bb89ad7be679);

        /* verify that decomposing the input in three chunks gives the
           same result */
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
                for (j = i; j < len; j++) {
                        siphash24_init(&state, key);
                        siphash24_compress(in, i, &state);
                        siphash24_compress(&in[i], j - i, &state);
                        siphash24_compress(&in[j], len - j, &state);
                        out = siphash24_finalize(&state);
                        assert_se(out == 0xa129ca6149be45e5);
        return 0;
Пример #18
int dhcp_identifier_set_duid_en(struct duid *duid, size_t *len) {
        sd_id128_t machine_id;
        uint64_t hash;
        int r;


        r = sd_id128_get_machine(&machine_id);
        if (r < 0)
                return r;

        unaligned_write_be16(&duid->type, DUID_TYPE_EN);
        unaligned_write_be32(&duid->en.pen, SYSTEMD_PEN);

        *len = sizeof(duid->type) + sizeof(duid->en);

        /* a bit of snake-oil perhaps, but no need to expose the machine-id
           directly; duid-> might not be aligned, so we need to copy */
        hash = htole64(siphash24(&machine_id, sizeof(machine_id), HASH_KEY.bytes));
        memcpy(duid->, &hash, sizeof(duid->;

        return 0;
Пример #19
void hashtable_add(struct hashtable *const hashtable,
                   const void *const key,
                   void *const elem)
	const uint64_t hash = siphash24(key, hashtable->key_len, hashtable->key);
	struct hashlist *entry;

	entry = hashtable->table[hash & hashtable->mask];
	if(entry == NULL)
		hashtable->table[hash & hashtable->mask] = elem;
		((struct hashlist *) elem)->prev = NULL;
		while(entry->next != NULL)
			entry = entry->next;
		entry->next = elem;
		((struct hashlist *) elem)->prev = entry;
	((struct hashlist *) elem)->next = NULL;
Пример #20
 * InternalObjectIndexHash
 * Given an object, this function will calculate a hash to speed-up
 * lookup.
uint64_t ctr_internal_index_hash(ctr_object* key) {
	ctr_object* stringKey = ctr_internal_cast2string(key);
	return siphash24(stringKey->value.svalue->value, stringKey->value.svalue->vlen, CtrHashKey);
Пример #21
int sd_ipv4ll_start (sd_ipv4ll *ll) {
    int r;

    assert_return(ll, -EINVAL);
    assert_return(ll->event, -EINVAL);
    assert_return(ll->index > 0, -EINVAL);
    assert_return(IN_SET(ll->state, IPV4LL_STATE_INIT,
                         IPV4LL_STATE_STOPPED), -EBUSY);

    ll->state = IPV4LL_STATE_INIT;

    r = arp_network_bind_raw_socket(ll->index, &ll->link);

    if (r < 0)
        goto out;

    ll->fd = r;
    ll->conflict = 0;
    ll->defend_window = 0;
    ll->claimed_address = 0;

    if (!ll->random_data) {
        uint8_t seed[8];

        /* Fallback to mac */
        siphash24(seed, &ll->mac_addr.ether_addr_octet,
                  ETH_ALEN, HASH_KEY.bytes);

        r = sd_ipv4ll_set_address_seed(ll, seed);
        if (r < 0)
            goto out;

    if (ll->address == 0) {
        r = ipv4ll_pick_address(ll, &ll->address);
        if (r < 0)
            goto out;

    ipv4ll_set_state (ll, IPV4LL_STATE_INIT, 1);

    r = sd_event_add_io(ll->event, &ll->receive_message, ll->fd,
                        EPOLLIN, ipv4ll_receive_message, ll);
    if (r < 0)
        goto out;

    r = sd_event_source_set_priority(ll->receive_message, ll->event_priority);
    if (r < 0)
        goto out;

    r = sd_event_source_set_description(ll->receive_message, "ipv4ll-receive-message");
    if (r < 0)
        goto out;

    r = sd_event_add_time(ll->event,
                          now(clock_boottime_or_monotonic()), 0,
                          ipv4ll_timer, ll);

    if (r < 0)
        goto out;

    r = sd_event_source_set_priority(ll->timer, ll->event_priority);
    if (r < 0)
        goto out;

    r = sd_event_source_set_description(ll->timer, "ipv4ll-timer");
    if (r < 0)
        ipv4ll_stop(ll, IPV4LL_EVENT_STOP);

    return 0;
Пример #22
uint64_t siphash24g(const void *src, unsigned long src_sz) {
	return siphash24(src, src_sz, &the_siphash_key);
Пример #23
static int pick_uid(char **suggested_paths, const char *name, uid_t *ret_uid) {

        /* Find a suitable free UID. We use the following strategy to find a suitable UID:
         * 1. Initially, we try to read the UID of a number of specified paths. If any of these UIDs works, we use
         *    them. We use in order to increase the chance of UID reuse, if StateDirectory=, CacheDirectory= or
         *    LogsDirectory= are used, as reusing the UID these directories are owned by saves us from having to
         *    recursively chown() them to new users.
         * 2. If that didn't yield a currently unused UID, we hash the user name, and try to use that. This should be
         *    pretty good, as the use ris by default derived from the unit name, and hence the same service and same
         *    user should usually get the same UID as long as our hashing doesn't clash.
         * 3. Finally, if that didn't work, we randomly pick UIDs, until we find one that is empty.
         * Since the dynamic UID space is relatively small we'll stop trying after 100 iterations, giving up. */

        enum {
                PHASE_SUGGESTED,  /* the first phase, reusing directory ownership UIDs */
                PHASE_HASHED,     /* the second phase, deriving a UID from the username by hashing */
                PHASE_RANDOM,     /* the last phase, randomly picking UIDs */
        } phase = PHASE_SUGGESTED;

        static const uint8_t hash_key[] = {
                0x37, 0x53, 0x7e, 0x31, 0xcf, 0xce, 0x48, 0xf5,
                0x8a, 0xbb, 0x39, 0x57, 0x8d, 0xd9, 0xec, 0x59

        unsigned n_tries = 100, current_suggested = 0;
        int r;

        (void) mkdir("/run/systemd/dynamic-uid", 0755);

        for (;;) {
                char lock_path[STRLEN("/run/systemd/dynamic-uid/") + DECIMAL_STR_MAX(uid_t) + 1];
                _cleanup_close_ int lock_fd = -1;
                uid_t candidate;
                ssize_t l;

                if (--n_tries <= 0) /* Give up retrying eventually */
                        return -EBUSY;

                switch (phase) {

                case PHASE_SUGGESTED: {
                        struct stat st;

                        if (!suggested_paths || !suggested_paths[current_suggested]) {
                                /* We reached the end of the suggested paths list, let's try by hashing the name */
                                phase = PHASE_HASHED;

                        if (stat(suggested_paths[current_suggested++], &st) < 0)
                                continue; /* We can't read the UID of this path, but that doesn't matter, just try the next */

                        candidate = st.st_uid;

                case PHASE_HASHED:
                        /* A static user by this name does not exist yet. Let's find a free ID then, and use that. We
                         * start with a UID generated as hash from the user name. */
                        candidate = UID_CLAMP_INTO_RANGE(siphash24(name, strlen(name), hash_key));

                        /* If this one fails, we should proceed with random tries */
                        phase = PHASE_RANDOM;

                case PHASE_RANDOM:

                        /* Pick another random UID, and see if that works for us. */
                        random_bytes(&candidate, sizeof(candidate));
                        candidate = UID_CLAMP_INTO_RANGE(candidate);

                        assert_not_reached("unknown phase");

                /* Make sure whatever we picked here actually is in the right range */
                if (!uid_is_dynamic(candidate))

                xsprintf(lock_path, "/run/systemd/dynamic-uid/" UID_FMT, candidate);

                for (;;) {
                        struct stat st;

                        lock_fd = open(lock_path, O_CREAT|O_RDWR|O_NOFOLLOW|O_CLOEXEC|O_NOCTTY, 0600);
                        if (lock_fd < 0)
                                return -errno;

                        r = flock(lock_fd, LOCK_EX|LOCK_NB); /* Try to get a BSD file lock on the UID lock file */
                        if (r < 0) {
                                if (IN_SET(errno, EBUSY, EAGAIN))
                                        goto next; /* already in use */

                                return -errno;

                        if (fstat(lock_fd, &st) < 0)
                                return -errno;
                        if (st.st_nlink > 0)

                        /* Oh, bummer, we got the lock, but the file was unlinked between the time we opened it and
                         * got the lock. Close it, and try again. */
                        lock_fd = safe_close(lock_fd);

                /* Some superficial check whether this UID/GID might already be taken by some static user */
                if (getpwuid(candidate) ||
                    getgrgid((gid_t) candidate) ||
                    search_ipc(candidate, (gid_t) candidate) != 0) {
                        (void) unlink(lock_path);

                /* Let's store the user name in the lock file, so that we can use it for looking up the username for a UID */
                l = pwritev(lock_fd,
                            (struct iovec[2]) {
                                    IOVEC_INIT((char[1]) { '\n' }, 1),
                            }, 2, 0);