Пример #1
void item_free(item *it) {
    size_t ntotal = ITEM_ntotal(it);
    unsigned int clsid;
    assert((it->it_flags & ITEM_LINKED) == 0);
    assert(it != heads[it->slabs_clsid]);
    assert(it != tails[it->slabs_clsid]);
    assert(it->refcount == 0);

    /* so slab size changer can tell later if item is already free or not */
    clsid = it->slabs_clsid;
    it->slabs_clsid = 0;
    it->it_flags |= ITEM_SLABBED;
    DEBUG_REFCNT(it, 'F');
    if ( it->kdtree ) {
        it->kdtree = 0;
    slabs_free(it, ntotal, clsid);
Пример #2
void item_free(item *it) {
    assert(it->refcount > 0);
    if (it->refcount == 0) {
    size_t ntotal = ITEM_ntotal(it);
    unsigned int clsid;
    assert((it->it_flags & ITEM_LINKED) == 0);
    assert(it != heads[it->slabs_clsid]);
    assert(it != tails[it->slabs_clsid]);
    assert(it->refcount == 0);

    /* so slab size changer can tell later if item is already free or not */
    clsid = it->slabs_clsid;
    it->slabs_clsid = 0;
    it->it_flags |= ITEM_SLABBED;
    DEBUG_REFCNT(it, 'F');
    slabs_free(it, ntotal, clsid);
Пример #3

    // The freed slab exist at both(slots, end_page)
    slab.pool_freelist = NULL;
    void* p1 = slabs_alloc(&slab, 2000000);
    void* p2 = slabs_alloc(&slab, 2000000);
    slabs_free(&slab, p1, 2000000);
    fail_unless(slab.pool_freelist == NULL);
    slabclass_t* psct = &slab.slabclass[15];
    fail_unless(psct->slab_list != NULL);
    fail_unless(psct->slab_list->next == NULL);
    fail_unless(psct->sl_curr == 1);
    fail_unless(psct->end_page_ptr != NULL);
    fail_unless(psct->end_page_free == 1);
    slabs_free(&slab, p2, 2000000);
    fail_unless(slab.pool_freelist != NULL);
    fail_unless(psct->slab_list == NULL);
    fail_unless(psct->sl_curr == 0);
    fail_unless(psct->end_page_ptr == NULL);
    fail_unless(psct->end_page_free == 0);
    // The freed slab exist at end_page
    void* p3 = slabs_alloc(&slab, 2000000);
    fail_unless(p1 == p3);
    fail_unless(slab.pool_freelist == NULL);
    fail_unless(psct->slots == NULL);
    slabs_free(&slab, p3, 2000000);
    fail_unless(slab.pool_freelist != NULL);
    slabheader_t *shp = (slabheader_t*)slab.pool_freelist;
    fail_unless(shp->next == NULL);
    fail_unless(psct->slab_list == NULL);
    fail_unless(psct->sl_curr == 0);
    fail_unless(psct->end_page_ptr == NULL);
    fail_unless(psct->end_page_free == 0);
    // The freed slab exist at slots
    void* p11 = slabs_alloc(&slab, 2000000);
    void* p12 = slabs_alloc(&slab, 2000000);
    void* p13 = slabs_alloc(&slab, 2000000);
    void* p14 = slabs_alloc(&slab, 2000000); // second slab start
    void* p15 = slabs_alloc(&slab, 2000000);
    void* p16 = slabs_alloc(&slab, 2000000);
    fail_unless(psct->end_page_ptr == NULL);
    fail_unless(psct->end_page_free == 0);
    fail_unless(psct->slab_list != NULL);
    fail_unless(psct->slab_list->next != NULL);
    fail_unless(psct->slab_list->next->next == NULL);
    slabs_free(&slab, p11, 2000000);
    slabs_free(&slab, p13, 2000000);
    slabs_free(&slab, p14, 2000000);
    slabs_free(&slab, p15, 2000000);
    fail_unless(psct->slots != NULL);
    slabs_free(&slab, p16, 2000000);
    shp = (slabheader_t*)psct->slots;
    fail_unless((shp + 1) == p13);
    fail_unless((shp->next + 1) == p11);
    fail_unless(shp->next->next == NULL);
    fail_unless(psct->end_page_ptr == NULL);
    fail_unless(psct->end_page_free == 0);
    shp = (slabheader_t*)slab.pool_freelist;
    fail_unless(shp->next == NULL);
Пример #4
static int storage_write(void *storage, const int clsid, const int item_age) {
    int did_moves = 0;
    struct lru_pull_tail_return it_info;

    it_info.it = NULL;
    lru_pull_tail(clsid, COLD_LRU, 0, LRU_PULL_RETURN_ITEM, 0, &it_info);
    /* Item is locked, and we have a reference to it. */
    if (it_info.it == NULL) {
        return did_moves;

    obj_io io;
    item *it = it_info.it;
    /* First, storage for the header object */
    size_t orig_ntotal = ITEM_ntotal(it);
    uint32_t flags;
    if ((it->it_flags & ITEM_HDR) == 0 &&
            (item_age == 0 || current_time - it->time > item_age)) {
        FLAGS_CONV(it, flags);
        item *hdr_it = do_item_alloc(ITEM_key(it), it->nkey, flags, it->exptime, sizeof(item_hdr));
        /* Run the storage write understanding the start of the item is dirty.
         * We will fill it (time/exptime/etc) from the header item on read.
        if (hdr_it != NULL) {
            int bucket = (it->it_flags & ITEM_CHUNKED) ?
            // Compress soon to expire items into similar pages.
            if (it->exptime - current_time < settings.ext_low_ttl) {
                bucket = PAGE_BUCKET_LOWTTL;
            hdr_it->it_flags |= ITEM_HDR;
            io.len = orig_ntotal;
            io.mode = OBJ_IO_WRITE;
            // NOTE: when the item is read back in, the slab mover
            // may see it. Important to have refcount>=2 or ~ITEM_LINKED
            assert(it->refcount >= 2);
            // NOTE: write bucket vs free page bucket will disambiguate once
            // lowttl feature is better understood.
            if (extstore_write_request(storage, bucket, bucket, &io) == 0) {
                // cuddle the hash value into the time field so we don't have
                // to recalculate it.
                item *buf_it = (item *) io.buf;
                buf_it->time = it_info.hv;
                // copy from past the headers + time headers.
                // TODO: should be in items.c
                if (it->it_flags & ITEM_CHUNKED) {
                    // Need to loop through the item and copy
                    item_chunk *sch = (item_chunk *) ITEM_schunk(it);
                    int remain = orig_ntotal;
                    int copied = 0;
                    // copy original header
                    int hdrtotal = ITEM_ntotal(it) - it->nbytes;
                    memcpy((char *)io.buf+STORE_OFFSET, (char *)it+STORE_OFFSET, hdrtotal - STORE_OFFSET);
                    copied = hdrtotal;
                    // copy data in like it were one large object.
                    while (sch && remain) {
                        assert(remain >= sch->used);
                        memcpy((char *)io.buf+copied, sch->data, sch->used);
                        // FIXME: use one variable?
                        remain -= sch->used;
                        copied += sch->used;
                        sch = sch->next;
                } else {
                    memcpy((char *)io.buf+STORE_OFFSET, (char *)it+STORE_OFFSET, io.len-STORE_OFFSET);
                // crc what we copied so we can do it sequentially.
                buf_it->it_flags &= ~ITEM_LINKED;
                buf_it->exptime = crc32c(0, (char*)io.buf+STORE_OFFSET, orig_ntotal-STORE_OFFSET);
                extstore_write(storage, &io);
                item_hdr *hdr = (item_hdr *) ITEM_data(hdr_it);
                hdr->page_version = io.page_version;
                hdr->page_id = io.page_id;
                hdr->offset  = io.offset;
                // overload nbytes for the header it
                hdr_it->nbytes = it->nbytes;
                /* success! Now we need to fill relevant data into the new
                 * header and replace. Most of this requires the item lock
                /* CAS gets set while linking. Copy post-replace */
                item_replace(it, hdr_it, it_info.hv);
                ITEM_set_cas(hdr_it, ITEM_get_cas(it));
                did_moves = 1;
            } else {
                /* Failed to write for some reason, can't continue. */
                slabs_free(hdr_it, ITEM_ntotal(hdr_it), ITEM_clsid(hdr_it));
    return did_moves;
Пример #5
/* slawek - reclaim patch */
char *do_item_cacheremove(const unsigned int slabs_clsid, const unsigned int limit, const unsigned int limit_remove, unsigned int *bytes) {
    uint32_t hv;
    void *hold_lock = NULL;

    const short clean_stats_size = 255;
    unsigned short stats_times[clean_stats_size];
    unsigned short stats_expired[clean_stats_size];
    memset(&stats_times, 0, sizeof(short) * clean_stats_size);
    memset(&stats_expired, 0, sizeof(short) * clean_stats_size);
    char* buffer = malloc((size_t) 16 * 1024);
    unsigned int bufcurr = 0;
    char temp[1024];
    slabclass_t* slab = &slabclass[slabs_clsid];
    if (slab->list_size == 0 || slabs_clsid > power_largest /*slabclass[power_largest] is defined*/ )
        // return as slab is currently empty (0 items, nothing even allocated!)
        int len = snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "Slab %d is currently empty (not allocated), no cleaning done\r\n", slabs_clsid);
	memcpy(buffer + bufcurr, temp, len);
	bufcurr += len;
        memcpy(buffer + bufcurr, "END\r\n", 6);
        bufcurr += 5;
	*bytes = bufcurr;
        return buffer;
    bool slab_changed = false;
    if (slab->reclaimed_slab_item_num >= slab->perslab)
        // we're switching slabs
        slab->reclaimed_slab_num = (slab->reclaimed_slab_num + 1) % (slab->slabs);
        slab->reclaimed_slab_item_num = 0;
        slab_changed = true;
    unsigned int _ipos_start = slab->reclaimed_slab_item_num;
    item *it_first = NULL;
    int i=0;
    for (; i < slab->slabs; i++)
        it_first = (void *)(slab->slab_list[slab->reclaimed_slab_num]);
        if (it_first != NULL)
        // we're switching slabs
        slab->reclaimed_slab_num = (slab->reclaimed_slab_num + 1) % slab->slabs;
        slab->reclaimed_slab_item_num = 0;
    if (it_first == NULL)
        // oh crap, no items found in whole slab class, return the good news! 
        int len = snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "Slab %d is currently empty (no items), no cleaning done\r\n", slabs_clsid);
	memcpy(buffer + bufcurr, temp, len);
	bufcurr += len;
        memcpy(buffer + bufcurr, "END\r\n", 6);
        bufcurr += 5;
	*bytes = bufcurr;
        return buffer;
    int start = slab->reclaimed_slab_item_num;
    if (start >= slab->perslab)
        start = 0;
    int end = start + limit;
    if (end >= slab->perslab || limit == 0)
        end = slab->perslab;
    // run the cleaning, taking limits into account!
    uint64_t items_removed = 0;
    uint64_t bytes_removed = 0;
    item *it = (void*) ((char*)it_first + (slab->size*start));
    int items_found = 0;
    int _ttl_left = 0;
    for (; i<end; i++)
        // iterate over items at start, so we won't have to iterate near each continue
        if (i!=start) {
            it = (void*) (((char*)it) + slab->size);
        // dirty reads, prevent locking!
        if ( (it->it_flags & ITEM_SLABBED) == 0 && it->refcount > 0 /* from remove items */
            && it->slabs_clsid > 0 )
            items_found ++;
            if (it->exptime == 0)
        // check if we can expire the item
        _ttl_left = it->exptime - current_time;
        if (_ttl_left > 0)
            if (_ttl_left >= clean_stats_size)
                _ttl_left = clean_stats_size-1;
            stats_times[_ttl_left] ++;
            _ttl_left = 0-_ttl_left;
            if (_ttl_left >= clean_stats_size)
                _ttl_left = clean_stats_size-1;
        // dirty reads ends here, proceed with locking!
        hv = hash(ITEM_key(it), it->nkey, 0);
        /* Attempt to hash item lock the item. If locked, no
        * other callers can incr the refcount */
        if ((hold_lock = item_trylock(hv)) == NULL) {
        /* Now see if the item is refcount locked */
        if (refcount_incr(&it->refcount) != 2) {
            if (hold_lock) {
        // LOCKED, proceed with removing!
        assert(it->nkey <= KEY_MAX_LENGTH);
        _ttl_left = it->exptime - current_time;
        if ( (it->it_flags & ITEM_SLABBED) == 0 && it->refcount > 0 /* from remove items */
            && it->slabs_clsid > 0 && _ttl_left <= 0)
            //do_item_remove(it); item will get removed automatically in unlink function!
            do_item_unlink_nolock_nostat(it, hv, &items_removed, &bytes_removed);
            /* Initialize the item block: */
            it->slabs_clsid = 0;
            slabs_free(it, ITEM_ntotal(it), slabs_clsid);
        if (hold_lock) {
    // let's update position!
    slab->reclaimed_slab_item_num = i;
    // update stats
    stats.curr_bytes -= bytes_removed;
    stats.curr_items -= items_removed;
    stats.reclaimed_fast += items_removed;
    stats.reclaimed_fast_bytes += bytes_removed;
    stats.reclaim_item_passes += (i - start);
    stats.reclaim_item_found += items_found;
    stats.reclaim_slab_memory_passes += (slab_changed ? 1 : 0);
    int len = snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp),
        "Expiring items in SLAB: %d, Memory region: %d / %d (max: %d), Item pos: S:%d / E:%d\r\n"
        "Scanned items: %d (Found: %d) / Expired: %llu (%llu KB)\r\n"
        "Limits ... Items: %u, Max Remove: %u (0 - none)\r\n"
            ,slabs_clsid, slab->reclaimed_slab_num, slab->slabs, slab->list_size, _ipos_start, slab->reclaimed_slab_item_num,
            (i - start), items_found, (unsigned long long) items_removed, (unsigned long long) ( (bytes_removed+1023) / 1024),
            limit, limit_remove);
    memcpy(buffer + bufcurr, temp, len);
    bufcurr += len;
    len = snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "TTLs: ");
    memcpy(buffer + bufcurr, temp, len);
    bufcurr += len;
    for (i=0; i<clean_stats_size; i++)
        int len = snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%d,", stats_times[i]);
        memcpy(buffer + bufcurr, temp, len);
        bufcurr += len;
    bufcurr --;
    *(buffer + bufcurr) = 0;
    len = snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "\r\nExpired Age: ");
    memcpy(buffer + bufcurr, temp, len);
    bufcurr += len;
    for (i=0; i<clean_stats_size; i++)
        int len = snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%d,", stats_expired[i]);
        memcpy(buffer + bufcurr, temp, len);
        bufcurr += len;
    bufcurr --;
    *(buffer + bufcurr) = 0;
    memcpy(buffer + bufcurr, "\r\nEND\r\n", 8);
    bufcurr += 7;
    *bytes = bufcurr;
    return buffer;
Пример #6
/* refcount == 0 is safe since nobody can incr while item_lock is held.
 * refcount != 0 is impossible since flags/etc can be modified in other
 * threads. instead, note we found a busy one and bail. logic in do_item_get
 * will prevent busy items from continuing to be busy
 * NOTE: This is checking it_flags outside of an item lock. I believe this
 * works since it_flags is 8 bits, and we're only ever comparing a single bit
 * regardless. ITEM_SLABBED bit will always be correct since we're holding the
 * lock which modifies that bit. ITEM_LINKED won't exist if we're between an
 * item having ITEM_SLABBED removed, and the key hasn't been added to the item
 * yet. The memory barrier from the slabs lock should order the key write and the
 * flags to the item?
 * If ITEM_LINKED did exist and was just removed, but we still see it, that's
 * still safe since it will have a valid key, which we then lock, and then
 * recheck everything.
 * This may not be safe on all platforms; If not, slabs_alloc() will need to
 * seed the item key while holding slabs_lock.
static int slab_rebalance_move(void) {
    slabclass_t *s_cls;
    int x;
    int was_busy = 0;
    int refcount = 0;
    uint32_t hv;
    void *hold_lock;
    enum move_status status = MOVE_PASS;


    s_cls = &slabclass[slab_rebal.s_clsid];

    for (x = 0; x < slab_bulk_check; x++) {
        hv = 0;
        hold_lock = NULL;
        item *it = slab_rebal.slab_pos;
        item_chunk *ch = NULL;
        status = MOVE_PASS;
        if (it->it_flags & ITEM_CHUNK) {
            /* This chunk is a chained part of a larger item. */
            ch = (item_chunk *) it;
            /* Instead, we use the head chunk to find the item and effectively
             * lock the entire structure. If a chunk has ITEM_CHUNK flag, its
             * head cannot be slabbed, so the normal routine is safe. */
            it = ch->head;
            assert(it->it_flags & ITEM_CHUNKED);

        /* ITEM_FETCHED when ITEM_SLABBED is overloaded to mean we've cleared
         * the chunk for move. Only these two flags should exist.
        if (it->it_flags != (ITEM_SLABBED|ITEM_FETCHED)) {
            /* ITEM_SLABBED can only be added/removed under the slabs_lock */
            if (it->it_flags & ITEM_SLABBED) {
                assert(ch == NULL);
                slab_rebalance_cut_free(s_cls, it);
                status = MOVE_FROM_SLAB;
            } else if ((it->it_flags & ITEM_LINKED) != 0) {
                /* If it doesn't have ITEM_SLABBED, the item could be in any
                 * state on its way to being freed or written to. If no
                 * ITEM_SLABBED, but it's had ITEM_LINKED, it must be active
                 * and have the key written to it already.
                hv = hash(ITEM_key(it), it->nkey);
                if ((hold_lock = item_trylock(hv)) == NULL) {
                    status = MOVE_LOCKED;
                } else {
                    refcount = refcount_incr(it);
                    if (refcount == 2) { /* item is linked but not busy */
                        /* Double check ITEM_LINKED flag here, since we're
                         * past a memory barrier from the mutex. */
                        if ((it->it_flags & ITEM_LINKED) != 0) {
                            status = MOVE_FROM_LRU;
                        } else {
                            /* refcount == 1 + !ITEM_LINKED means the item is being
                             * uploaded to, or was just unlinked but hasn't been freed
                             * yet. Let it bleed off on its own and try again later */
                            status = MOVE_BUSY;
                    } else {
                        if (settings.verbose > 2) {
                            fprintf(stderr, "Slab reassign hit a busy item: refcount: %d (%d -> %d)\n",
                                it->refcount, slab_rebal.s_clsid, slab_rebal.d_clsid);
                        status = MOVE_BUSY;
                    /* Item lock must be held while modifying refcount */
                    if (status == MOVE_BUSY) {
            } else {
                /* See above comment. No ITEM_SLABBED or ITEM_LINKED. Mark
                 * busy and wait for item to complete its upload. */
                status = MOVE_BUSY;

        int save_item = 0;
        item *new_it = NULL;
        size_t ntotal = 0;
        switch (status) {
            case MOVE_FROM_LRU:
                /* Lock order is LRU locks -> slabs_lock. unlink uses LRU lock.
                 * We only need to hold the slabs_lock while initially looking
                 * at an item, and at this point we have an exclusive refcount
                 * (2) + the item is locked. Drop slabs lock, drop item to
                 * refcount 1 (just our own, then fall through and wipe it
                /* Check if expired or flushed */
                ntotal = ITEM_ntotal(it);
                /* REQUIRES slabs_lock: CHECK FOR cls->sl_curr > 0 */
                if (ch == NULL && (it->it_flags & ITEM_CHUNKED)) {
                    /* Chunked should be identical to non-chunked, except we need
                     * to swap out ntotal for the head-chunk-total. */
                    ntotal = s_cls->size;
                if ((it->exptime != 0 && it->exptime < current_time)
                    || item_is_flushed(it)) {
                    /* Expired, don't save. */
                    save_item = 0;
                } else if (ch == NULL &&
                        (new_it = slab_rebalance_alloc(ntotal, slab_rebal.s_clsid)) == NULL) {
                    /* Not a chunk of an item, and nomem. */
                    save_item = 0;
                } else if (ch != NULL &&
                        (new_it = slab_rebalance_alloc(s_cls->size, slab_rebal.s_clsid)) == NULL) {
                    /* Is a chunk of an item, and nomem. */
                    save_item = 0;
                } else {
                    /* Was whatever it was, and we have memory for it. */
                    save_item = 1;
                unsigned int requested_adjust = 0;
                if (save_item) {
                    if (ch == NULL) {
                        assert((new_it->it_flags & ITEM_CHUNKED) == 0);
                        /* if free memory, memcpy. clear prev/next/h_bucket */
                        memcpy(new_it, it, ntotal);
                        new_it->prev = 0;
                        new_it->next = 0;
                        new_it->h_next = 0;
                        /* These are definitely required. else fails assert */
                        new_it->it_flags &= ~ITEM_LINKED;
                        new_it->refcount = 0;
                        do_item_replace(it, new_it, hv);
                        /* Need to walk the chunks and repoint head  */
                        if (new_it->it_flags & ITEM_CHUNKED) {
                            item_chunk *fch = (item_chunk *) ITEM_data(new_it);
                            fch->next->prev = fch;
                            while (fch) {
                                fch->head = new_it;
                                fch = fch->next;
                        it->refcount = 0;
                        it->it_flags = ITEM_SLABBED|ITEM_FETCHED;
                        memcpy(ITEM_key(it), "deadbeef", 8);
                        requested_adjust = ntotal;
                    } else {
                        item_chunk *nch = (item_chunk *) new_it;
                        /* Chunks always have head chunk (the main it) */
                        ch->prev->next = nch;
                        if (ch->next)
                            ch->next->prev = nch;
                        memcpy(nch, ch, ch->used + sizeof(item_chunk));
                        ch->refcount = 0;
                        ch->it_flags = ITEM_SLABBED|ITEM_FETCHED;
                        memcpy(ITEM_key((item *)ch), "deadbeef", 8);
                        requested_adjust = s_cls->size;
                } else {
                    /* restore ntotal in case we tried saving a head chunk. */
                    ntotal = ITEM_ntotal(it);
                    do_item_unlink(it, hv);
                    slabs_free(it, ntotal, slab_rebal.s_clsid);
                    /* Swing around again later to remove it from the freelist. */
                /* Always remove the ntotal, as we added it in during
                 * do_slabs_alloc() when copying the item.
                s_cls->requested -= requested_adjust;
            case MOVE_FROM_SLAB:
                it->refcount = 0;
                it->it_flags = ITEM_SLABBED|ITEM_FETCHED;
                memcpy(ITEM_key(it), "deadbeef", 8);
            case MOVE_BUSY:
            case MOVE_LOCKED:
            case MOVE_PASS:

        slab_rebal.slab_pos = (char *)slab_rebal.slab_pos + s_cls->size;
        if (slab_rebal.slab_pos >= slab_rebal.slab_end)

    if (slab_rebal.slab_pos >= slab_rebal.slab_end) {
        /* Some items were busy, start again from the top */
        if (slab_rebal.busy_items) {
            slab_rebal.slab_pos = slab_rebal.slab_start;
            stats.slab_reassign_busy_items += slab_rebal.busy_items;
            slab_rebal.busy_items = 0;
        } else {


    return was_busy;