EkosManager::EkosManager() : QDialog(KStars::Instance()) { setupUi(this); nDevices=0; useGuiderFromCCD=false; useFilterFromCCD=false; useST4 =false; ccdStarted =false; scope = NULL; ccd = NULL; guider = NULL; focuser = NULL; filter = NULL; scope_di = NULL; ccd_di = NULL; guider_di = NULL; focuser_di = NULL; filter_di = NULL; remote_indi= NULL; captureProcess = NULL; focusProcess = NULL; guideProcess = NULL; kcfg_localMode->setChecked(Options::localMode()); kcfg_remoteMode->setChecked(Options::remoteMode()); connect(toolsWidget, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateLog())); toolsWidget->setTabEnabled(1, false); connect(processINDIB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(processINDI())); connect(connectB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(connectDevices())); connect(disconnectB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(disconnectDevices())); connect(controlPanelB, SIGNAL(clicked()), GUIManager::Instance(), SLOT(show())); connect(optionsB, SIGNAL(clicked()), KStars::Instance(), SLOT(slotViewOps())); connect(clearB, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(clearLog())); connect(kcfg_localMode, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(processINDIModeChange())); localMode = Options::localMode(); if (localMode) initLocalDrivers(); else initRemoteDrivers(); }
void KStars::initActions() { KIconLoader::global()->addAppDir( "kstars" ); KAction *ka; // ==== File menu ================ ka = KNS3::standardAction(i18n("Download New Data..."), this, SLOT(slotDownload()), actionCollection(), "get_data") << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_D ); ka->setWhatsThis(i18n("Downloads new data")); ka->setToolTip(ka->whatsThis()); ka->setStatusTip(ka->whatsThis()); #ifdef HAVE_CFITSIO_H actionCollection()->addAction("open_file", this, SLOT(slotOpenFITS()) ) << i18n("Open FITS...") << KIcon("document-open") << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_O ); #endif actionCollection()->addAction("export_image", this, SLOT( slotExportImage() ) ) << i18n("&Save Sky Image...") << KIcon("document-export-image") << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_I ); actionCollection()->addAction("run_script", this, SLOT( slotRunScript() )) << i18n("&Run Script...") << KIcon("system-run" ) << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_R ); actionCollection()->addAction("printing_wizard", this, SLOT(slotPrintingWizard() ) ) << i18nc("start Printing Wizard", "Printing &Wizard"); actionCollection()->addAction( KStandardAction::Print, "print", this, SLOT( slotPrint() ) ); actionCollection()->addAction( KStandardAction::Quit, "quit", this, SLOT( close() ) ); // ==== Time Menu ================ actionCollection()->addAction("time_to_now", this, SLOT( slotSetTimeToNow() )) << i18n("Set Time to &Now") << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_E ) << KIcon("clock"); actionCollection()->addAction("time_dialog", this, SLOT( slotSetTime() ) ) << i18nc("set Clock to New Time", "&Set Time..." ) << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_S ) << KIcon("view-history"); ka = actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("clock_startstop") << i18n("Stop &Clock" ) << KIcon("media-playback-pause" ); if ( ! StartClockRunning ) ka->toggle(); QObject::connect( ka, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( slotToggleTimer() ) ); QObject::connect(data()->clock(), SIGNAL(clockToggled(bool)), ka, SLOT(setChecked(bool)) ); //UpdateTime() if clock is stopped (so hidden objects get drawn) QObject::connect(data()->clock(), SIGNAL(clockToggled(bool)), this, SLOT(updateTime()) ); actionCollection()->addAction("time_step_forward", this, SLOT( slotStepForward() ) ) << i18n("Advance one step forward in time") << KIcon("media-skip-forward" ) << KShortcut( Qt::Key_Greater, Qt::Key_Period ); actionCollection()->addAction("time_step_backward", this, SLOT( slotStepBackward() ) ) << i18n("Advance one step backward in time") << KIcon("media-skip-backward" ) << KShortcut( Qt::Key_Less, Qt::Key_Comma ); // ==== Pointing Menu ================ actionCollection()->addAction("zenith", this, SLOT( slotPointFocus() ) ) << i18n("&Zenith") << KShortcut("Z"); actionCollection()->addAction("north", this, SLOT( slotPointFocus() ) ) << i18n("&North") << KShortcut("N"); actionCollection()->addAction("east", this, SLOT( slotPointFocus() ) ) << i18n("&East") << KShortcut("E"); actionCollection()->addAction("south", this, SLOT( slotPointFocus() ) ) << i18n("&South") << KShortcut("S"); actionCollection()->addAction("west", this, SLOT( slotPointFocus() ) ) << i18n("&West") << KShortcut("W"); actionCollection()->addAction("find_object", this, SLOT( slotFind() ) ) << i18n("&Find Object...") << KIcon("edit-find") << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_F ); actionCollection()->addAction("track_object", this, SLOT( slotTrack() ) ) << i18n("Engage &Tracking") << KIcon("object-locked" ) << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_T ); actionCollection()->addAction("manual_focus", this, SLOT( slotManualFocus() ) ) << i18n("Set Coordinates &Manually..." ) << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_M ); // ==== View Menu ================ actionCollection()->addAction( KStandardAction::ZoomIn, "zoom_in", map(), SLOT( slotZoomIn() ) ); actionCollection()->addAction( KStandardAction::ZoomOut, "zoom_out", map(), SLOT( slotZoomOut() ) ); actionCollection()->addAction("zoom_default", map(), SLOT( slotZoomDefault() ) ) << i18n("&Default Zoom") << KIcon("zoom-fit-best" ) << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Z ); actionCollection()->addAction("zoom_set", this, SLOT( slotSetZoom() ) ) << i18n("&Zoom to Angular Size..." ) << KIcon("zoom-original" ) << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::SHIFT+Qt::Key_Z ); actionCollection()->addAction( KStandardAction::FullScreen, this, SLOT( slotFullScreen() ) ); actionCollection()->addAction("coordsys", this, SLOT( slotCoordSys() ) ) << (Options::useAltAz() ? i18n("Switch to star globe view (Equatorial &Coordinates)"): i18n("Switch to horizonal view (Horizontal &Coordinates)")) << KShortcut("Space" ); #ifdef HAVE_OPENGL Q_ASSERT( SkyMap::Instance() ); // This assert should not fail, because SkyMap is already created by now. Just throwing it in anyway. actionCollection()->addAction("opengl", SkyMap::Instance(), SLOT( slotToggleGL() ) ) << (Options::useGL() ? i18n("Switch to QPainter backend"): i18n("Switch to OpenGL backend")); #endif actionCollection()->addAction("project_lambert", this, SLOT( slotMapProjection() ) ) << i18n("&Lambert Azimuthal Equal-area" ) << KShortcut("F5" ) << AddToGroup(projectionGroup) << Checked(Options::projection() == SkyMap::Lambert); actionCollection()->addAction("project_azequidistant", this, SLOT( slotMapProjection() ) ) << i18n("&Azimuthal Equidistant" ) << KShortcut("F6" ) << AddToGroup(projectionGroup) << Checked(Options::projection() == SkyMap::AzimuthalEquidistant); actionCollection()->addAction("project_orthographic", this, SLOT( slotMapProjection() ) ) << i18n("&Orthographic" ) << KShortcut("F7" ) << AddToGroup(projectionGroup) << Checked(Options::projection() == SkyMap::Orthographic); actionCollection()->addAction("project_equirectangular", this, SLOT( slotMapProjection() ) ) << i18n("&Equirectangular" ) << KShortcut("F8" ) << AddToGroup(projectionGroup) << Checked(Options::projection() == SkyMap::Equirectangular); actionCollection()->addAction("project_stereographic", this, SLOT( slotMapProjection() ) ) << i18n("&Stereographic" ) << KShortcut("F9" ) << AddToGroup(projectionGroup) << Checked(Options::projection() == SkyMap::Stereographic); actionCollection()->addAction("project_gnomonic", this, SLOT( slotMapProjection() ) ) << i18n("&Gnomonic" ) << KShortcut("F10" ) << AddToGroup(projectionGroup) << Checked(Options::projection() == SkyMap::Gnomonic); //Settings Menu: //Info Boxes option actions KAction* kaBoxes = actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_boxes" ) << i18nc("Show the information boxes", "Show &Info Boxes") << Checked( Options::showInfoBoxes() ); connect( kaBoxes, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), map(), SLOT(slotToggleInfoboxes(bool))); kaBoxes->setChecked( Options::showInfoBoxes() ); ka = actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_time_box") << i18nc("Show time-related info box", "Show &Time Box"); connect(kaBoxes, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), ka, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) ); connect(ka, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), map(), SLOT( slotToggleTimeBox(bool))); ka->setChecked( Options::showTimeBox() ); ka->setEnabled( Options::showInfoBoxes() ); ka = actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_focus_box") << i18nc("Show focus-related info box", "Show &Focus Box"); connect(kaBoxes, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), ka, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) ); connect(ka, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), map(), SLOT( slotToggleFocusBox(bool))); ka->setChecked( Options::showFocusBox() ); ka->setEnabled( Options::showInfoBoxes() ); ka = actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_location_box") << i18nc("Show location-related info box", "Show &Location Box"); connect(kaBoxes, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), ka, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) ); connect(ka, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), map(), SLOT( slotToggleGeoBox(bool))); ka->setChecked( Options::showGeoBox() ); ka->setEnabled( Options::showInfoBoxes() ); //Toolbar options newToggleAction( actionCollection(), "show_mainToolBar", i18n("Show Main Toolbar"), toolBar("kstarsToolBar"), SLOT(setVisible(bool))); newToggleAction( actionCollection(), "show_viewToolBar", i18n("Show View Toolbar"), toolBar( "viewToolBar" ), SLOT(setVisible(bool))); //Statusbar view options newToggleAction( actionCollection(), "show_statusBar", i18n("Show Statusbar"), this, SLOT(slotShowGUIItem(bool))); newToggleAction( actionCollection(), "show_sbAzAlt", i18n("Show Az/Alt Field"), this, SLOT(slotShowGUIItem(bool))); newToggleAction( actionCollection(), "show_sbRADec", i18n("Show RA/Dec Field"), this, SLOT(slotShowGUIItem(bool))); //Color scheme actions. These are added to the "colorschemes" KActionMenu. colorActionMenu = actionCollection()->add<KActionMenu>("colorschemes" ); colorActionMenu->setText( i18n("C&olor Schemes" ) ); addColorMenuItem( i18n("&Classic" ), "cs_classic" ); addColorMenuItem( i18n("&Star Chart" ), "cs_chart" ); addColorMenuItem( i18n("&Night Vision" ), "cs_night" ); addColorMenuItem( i18n("&Moonless Night" ), "cs_moonless-night" ); //Add any user-defined color schemes: QFile file( KStandardDirs::locate("appdata", "colors.dat" ) ); //determine filename in local user KDE directory tree. if ( file.exists() && file.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { QTextStream stream( &file ); while ( !stream.atEnd() ) { QString line = stream.readLine(); QString schemeName = line.left( line.indexOf( ':' ) ); QString actionname = "cs_" + line.mid( line.indexOf( ':' ) +1, line.indexOf( '.' ) - line.indexOf( ':' ) - 1 ); addColorMenuItem( i18n( schemeName.toLocal8Bit() ), actionname.toLocal8Bit() ); } file.close(); } //Add FOV Symbol actions fovActionMenu = actionCollection()->add<KActionMenu>("fovsymbols" ); fovActionMenu->setText( i18n("&FOV Symbols" ) ); repopulateFOV(); actionCollection()->addAction("geolocation", this, SLOT( slotGeoLocator() ) ) << i18nc("Location on Earth", "&Geographic..." ) << KIcon("applications-internet" ) << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_G ); actionCollection()->addAction( KStandardAction::Preferences, "configure", this, SLOT( slotViewOps() ) ); actionCollection()->addAction("startwizard", this, SLOT( slotWizard() ) ) << i18n("Startup Wizard..." ) << KIcon("tools-wizard" ); // Updates actions actionCollection()->addAction( "update_comets", this, SLOT( slotUpdateComets() ) ) << i18n( "Update comets orbital elements" ); actionCollection()->addAction( "update_asteroids", this, SLOT( slotUpdateAsteroids() ) ) << i18n( "Update asteroids orbital elements" ); actionCollection()->addAction("update_supernovae", this, SLOT(slotUpdateSupernovae() ) ) << i18n( "Update Recent Supernovae data" ); actionCollection()->addAction("update_satellites", this, SLOT(slotUpdateSatellites() ) ) << i18n( "Update satellites orbital elements" ); //Tools Menu: actionCollection()->addAction("astrocalculator", this, SLOT( slotCalculator() ) ) << i18n("Calculator") << KIcon("accessories-calculator" ) << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_C ); actionCollection()->addAction("moonphasetool", this, SLOT( slotMoonPhaseTool() ) ) << i18n("Moon Phase Calendar"); actionCollection()->addAction("obslist", this, SLOT( slotObsList() ) ) << i18n("Observation Planner") << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_L ); actionCollection()->addAction("altitude_vs_time", this, SLOT( slotAVT() ) ) << i18n("Altitude vs. Time") << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_A ); actionCollection()->addAction("whats_up_tonight", this, SLOT( slotWUT() ) ) << i18n("What's up Tonight") << KShortcut(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_U ); actionCollection()->addAction("whats_interesting", this, SLOT( slotWISettings() ) ) << i18n("What's Interesting...") << KShortcut(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_W ); actionCollection()->addAction("skycalendar", this, SLOT( slotCalendar() ) ) << i18n("Sky Calendar"); #ifdef HAVE_INDI_H #ifndef Q_WS_WIN actionCollection()->addAction("ekos", this, SLOT( slotEkos() ) ) << i18n("Ekos"); #endif #endif //FIXME: implement glossary // ka = actionCollection()->addAction("glossary"); // ka->setText( i18n("Glossary...") ); // ka->setShortcuts( KShortcut(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_K ) ); // connect( ka, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( slotGlossary() ) ); actionCollection()->addAction("scriptbuilder", this, SLOT( slotScriptBuilder() ) ) << i18n("Script Builder") << KShortcut(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_B ); actionCollection()->addAction("solarsystem", this, SLOT( slotSolarSystem() ) ) << i18n("Solar System") << KShortcut(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_Y ); actionCollection()->addAction("jmoontool", this, SLOT( slotJMoonTool() ) ) << i18n("Jupiter's Moons") << KShortcut(Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_J ); actionCollection()->addAction("flagmanager", this, SLOT( slotFlagManager() ) ) << i18n("Flags"); actionCollection()->addAction("ewriter", this, SLOT( slotEquipmentWriter() ) ) << i18n("Define Equipment...") << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_0 ); actionCollection()->addAction("obsadd", this, SLOT( slotObserverAdd() ) ) << i18n( "Add Observer..." ) << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_1 ); // ==== observation menu ================ ka = actionCollection()->addAction("execute", this, SLOT( slotExecute() ) ) << i18n( "Execute the session Plan..." ) << KShortcut( Qt::CTRL+Qt::Key_2 ); // ==== devices Menu ================ #ifdef HAVE_INDI_H #ifndef Q_WS_WIN actionCollection()->addAction("telescope_wizard", this, SLOT( slotTelescopeWizard() ) ) << i18n("Telescope Wizard...") << KIcon("tools-wizard" ); actionCollection()->addAction("device_manager", this, SLOT( slotINDIDriver() ) ) << i18n("Device Manager...") << KIcon("network-server" ); ka = actionCollection()->addAction("indi_cpl", this, SLOT( slotINDIPanel() ) ) << i18n("INDI Control Panel..."); ka->setEnabled(false); #endif #endif //Help Menu: actionCollection()->addAction( KStandardAction::TipofDay, "help_tipofday", this, SLOT( slotTipOfDay() ) ) ->setWhatsThis(i18n("Displays the Tip of the Day")); // KStandardAction::help(this, SLOT( appHelpActivated() ), actionCollection(), "help_contents" ); //Add timestep widget for toolbar TimeStep = new TimeStepBox( toolBar("kstarsToolBar") ); // Add a tool tip to TimeStep describing the weird nature of time steps QString TSBToolTip = i18nc( "Tooltip describing the nature of the time step control", "Use this to set the rate at which time in the simulation flows.\nFor time step \'X\' up to 10 minutes, time passes at the rate of \'X\' per second.\nFor time steps larger than 10 minutes, frames are displayed at an interval of \'X\'." ); TimeStep->setToolTip( TSBToolTip ); TimeStep->tsbox()->setToolTip( TSBToolTip ); ka = actionCollection()->addAction("timestep_control") << i18n("Time step control"); ka->setDefaultWidget( TimeStep ); // ==== viewToolBar actions ================ actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_stars", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) ) << i18nc("Toggle Stars in the display", "Stars" ) << KIcon("kstars_stars" ) << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle stars") ); actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_deepsky", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) ) << i18nc("Toggle Deep Sky Objects in the display", "Deep Sky" ) << KIcon("kstars_deepsky" ) << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle deep sky objects") ); actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_planets", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) ) << i18nc("Toggle Solar System objects in the display", "Solar System" ) << KIcon("kstars_planets" ) << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle Solar system objects") ); actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_clines", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) ) << i18nc("Toggle Constellation Lines in the display", "Const. Lines" ) << KIcon("kstars_clines" ) << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle constellation lines") ); actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_cnames", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) ) << i18nc("Toggle Constellation Names in the display", "Const. Names" ) << KIcon("kstars_cnames" ) << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle constellation names") ); actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_cbounds", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) ) << i18nc("Toggle Constellation Boundaries in the display", "C. Boundaries" ) << KIcon("kstars_cbound" ) << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle constellation boundaries") ); actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_mw", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) ) << i18nc("Toggle Milky Way in the display", "Milky Way" ) << KIcon("kstars_mw" ) << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle milky way") ); actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_equatorial_grid", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) ) << i18nc("Toggle Equatorial Coordinate Grid in the display", "Equatorial coord. grid" ) << KIcon("kstars_grid" ) << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle equatorial coordinate grid") ); actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_horizontal_grid", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) ) << i18nc("Toggle Horizontal Coordinate Grid in the display", "Horizontal coord. grid" ) << KIcon("kstars_hgrid" ) << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle horizontal coordinate grid") ); actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_horizon", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) ) << i18nc("Toggle the opaque fill of the ground polygon in the display", "Ground" ) << KIcon("kstars_horizon" ) << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle opaque ground") ); actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_flags", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) ) << i18nc("Toggle flags in the display", "Flags" ) << KIcon("kstars_flag" ) << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle flags") ); actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_satellites", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) ) << i18nc("Toggle satellites in the display", "Satellites" ) << KIcon("kstars_satellites" ) << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle satellites") ); actionCollection()->add<KToggleAction>("show_supernovae", this, SLOT( slotViewToolBar() ) ) << i18nc("Toggle supernovae in the display", "Supernovae" ) << KIcon("kstars_supernovae" ) << ToolTip( i18n("Toggle supernovae") ); setXMLFile("kstarsui.rc" ); if (Options::fitsDir().isEmpty()) Options::setFitsDir(QDir:: homePath()); }