Пример #1
sensor_msgs::PointCloud2 mergeVectorOfClouds(const std::vector<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2> &clouds)
	int n_points = clouds[0].height * clouds[0].width;
	int n_clouds = clouds.size();

	//all the indices
	std::vector<int> indices(n_points);
	for (int i = 0; i < n_points; ++i)
		indices.at(i) = i;
	sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::Ptr sm_cloud (new sensor_msgs::PointCloud2); //out cloud
	sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::Ptr sm_tmp (new sensor_msgs::PointCloud2); //temporary cloud

	*sm_cloud = clouds[0];

	//now loop on scalar fields and merge them
	for (int i = 1; i < n_clouds; ++i)

		pcl::copyPointCloud(*sm_cloud, indices, *sm_tmp);
		pcl::concatenateFields(*sm_tmp, clouds[i], *sm_cloud);

	return *sm_cloud;
Пример #2
PCLCloud mergeVectorOfClouds(std::vector<PCLCloud> &clouds)
	pcl::uint32_t n_points = clouds[0].height * clouds[0].width;
	size_t n_clouds = clouds.size();

	if (clouds.empty())
		return PCLCloud();

	//all the indexes
	std::vector<int> indexes;
			//not enough memory
			return PCLCloud();

		for (pcl::uint32_t i = 0; i < n_points; ++i)
			indexes[i] = i;
	//now loop on scalar fields and merge them
		for (size_t i = 1; i < n_clouds; ++i)
			PCLCloud::Ptr sm_tmp (new PCLCloud); //temporary cloud
			pcl::copyPointCloud(clouds[0], indexes, *sm_tmp);
			pcl::concatenateFields(*sm_tmp, clouds[i], clouds[0]);

	return clouds[0];