php_stream *php_stream_url_wrap_http_ex(php_stream_wrapper *wrapper, char *path, char *mode, int options, char **opened_path, php_stream_context *context, int redirect_max, int header_init STREAMS_DC TSRMLS_DC) { php_stream *stream = NULL; php_url *resource = NULL; int use_ssl; int use_proxy = 0; char *scratch = NULL; char *tmp = NULL; char *ua_str = NULL; zval **ua_zval = NULL, **tmpzval = NULL; int scratch_len = 0; int body = 0; char location[HTTP_HEADER_BLOCK_SIZE]; zval *response_header = NULL; int reqok = 0; char *http_header_line = NULL; char tmp_line[128]; size_t chunk_size = 0, file_size = 0; int eol_detect = 0; char *transport_string, *errstr = NULL; int transport_len, have_header = 0, request_fulluri = 0; char *protocol_version = NULL; int protocol_version_len = 3; /* Default: "1.0" */ struct timeval timeout; char *user_headers = NULL; tmp_line[0] = '\0'; if (redirect_max < 1) { php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "Redirection limit reached, aborting"); return NULL; } resource = php_url_parse(path); if (resource == NULL) { return NULL; } if (strncasecmp(resource->scheme, "http", sizeof("http")) && strncasecmp(resource->scheme, "https", sizeof("https"))) { if (!context || php_stream_context_get_option(context, wrapper->wops->label, "proxy", &tmpzval) == FAILURE || Z_TYPE_PP(tmpzval) != IS_STRING || Z_STRLEN_PP(tmpzval) <= 0) { php_url_free(resource); return php_stream_open_wrapper_ex(path, mode, REPORT_ERRORS, NULL, context); } /* Called from a non-http wrapper with http proxying requested (i.e. ftp) */ request_fulluri = 1; use_ssl = 0; use_proxy = 1; transport_len = Z_STRLEN_PP(tmpzval); transport_string = estrndup(Z_STRVAL_PP(tmpzval), Z_STRLEN_PP(tmpzval)); } else { /* Normal http request (possibly with proxy) */ if (strpbrk(mode, "awx+")) { php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "HTTP wrapper does not support writeable connections"); php_url_free(resource); return NULL; } use_ssl = resource->scheme && (strlen(resource->scheme) > 4) && resource->scheme[4] == 's'; /* choose default ports */ if (use_ssl && resource->port == 0) resource->port = 443; else if (resource->port == 0) resource->port = 80; if (context && php_stream_context_get_option(context, wrapper->wops->label, "proxy", &tmpzval) == SUCCESS && Z_TYPE_PP(tmpzval) == IS_STRING && Z_STRLEN_PP(tmpzval) > 0) { use_proxy = 1; transport_len = Z_STRLEN_PP(tmpzval); transport_string = estrndup(Z_STRVAL_PP(tmpzval), Z_STRLEN_PP(tmpzval)); } else { transport_len = spprintf(&transport_string, 0, "%s://%s:%d", use_ssl ? "ssl" : "tcp", resource->host, resource->port); } } if (context && php_stream_context_get_option(context, wrapper->wops->label, "timeout", &tmpzval) == SUCCESS) { SEPARATE_ZVAL(tmpzval); convert_to_double_ex(tmpzval); timeout.tv_sec = (time_t) Z_DVAL_PP(tmpzval); timeout.tv_usec = (size_t) ((Z_DVAL_PP(tmpzval) - timeout.tv_sec) * 1000000); } else { timeout.tv_sec = FG(default_socket_timeout); timeout.tv_usec = 0; } stream = php_stream_xport_create(transport_string, transport_len, options, STREAM_XPORT_CLIENT | STREAM_XPORT_CONNECT, NULL, &timeout, context, &errstr, NULL); if (stream) { php_stream_set_option(stream, PHP_STREAM_OPTION_READ_TIMEOUT, 0, &timeout); } if (errstr) { php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "%s", errstr); efree(errstr); errstr = NULL; } efree(transport_string); if (stream && use_proxy && use_ssl) { smart_str header = {0}; smart_str_appendl(&header, "CONNECT ", sizeof("CONNECT ")-1); smart_str_appends(&header, resource->host); smart_str_appendc(&header, ':'); smart_str_append_unsigned(&header, resource->port); smart_str_appendl(&header, " HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n", sizeof(" HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n")-1); if (php_stream_write(stream, header.c, header.len) != header.len) { php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "Cannot connect to HTTPS server through proxy"); php_stream_close(stream); stream = NULL; } smart_str_free(&header); if (stream) { char header_line[HTTP_HEADER_BLOCK_SIZE]; /* get response header */ while (php_stream_gets(stream, header_line, HTTP_HEADER_BLOCK_SIZE-1) != NULL) { if (header_line[0] == '\n' || header_line[0] == '\r' || header_line[0] == '\0') { break; } } } /* enable SSL transport layer */ if (stream) { if (php_stream_xport_crypto_setup(stream, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_SSLv23_CLIENT, NULL TSRMLS_CC) < 0 || php_stream_xport_crypto_enable(stream, 1 TSRMLS_CC) < 0) { php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "Cannot connect to HTTPS server through proxy"); php_stream_close(stream); stream = NULL; } } } if (stream == NULL) goto out; /* avoid buffering issues while reading header */ if (options & STREAM_WILL_CAST) chunk_size = php_stream_set_chunk_size(stream, 1); /* avoid problems with auto-detecting when reading the headers -> the headers * are always in canonical \r\n format */ eol_detect = stream->flags & (PHP_STREAM_FLAG_DETECT_EOL | PHP_STREAM_FLAG_EOL_MAC); stream->flags &= ~(PHP_STREAM_FLAG_DETECT_EOL | PHP_STREAM_FLAG_EOL_MAC); php_stream_context_set(stream, context); php_stream_notify_info(context, PHP_STREAM_NOTIFY_CONNECT, NULL, 0); if (header_init && context && php_stream_context_get_option(context, "http", "max_redirects", &tmpzval) == SUCCESS) { SEPARATE_ZVAL(tmpzval); convert_to_long_ex(tmpzval); redirect_max = Z_LVAL_PP(tmpzval); } if (context && php_stream_context_get_option(context, "http", "method", &tmpzval) == SUCCESS) { if (Z_TYPE_PP(tmpzval) == IS_STRING && Z_STRLEN_PP(tmpzval) > 0) { scratch_len = strlen(path) + 29 + Z_STRLEN_PP(tmpzval); scratch = emalloc(scratch_len); strlcpy(scratch, Z_STRVAL_PP(tmpzval), Z_STRLEN_PP(tmpzval) + 1); strcat(scratch, " "); } } if (context && php_stream_context_get_option(context, "http", "protocol_version", &tmpzval) == SUCCESS) { SEPARATE_ZVAL(tmpzval); convert_to_double_ex(tmpzval); protocol_version_len = spprintf(&protocol_version, 0, "%.1F", Z_DVAL_PP(tmpzval)); } if (!scratch) { scratch_len = strlen(path) + 29 + protocol_version_len; scratch = emalloc(scratch_len); strcpy(scratch, "GET "); } /* Should we send the entire path in the request line, default to no. */ if (!request_fulluri && context && php_stream_context_get_option(context, "http", "request_fulluri", &tmpzval) == SUCCESS) { zval tmp = **tmpzval; zval_copy_ctor(&tmp); convert_to_boolean(&tmp); request_fulluri = Z_BVAL(tmp) ? 1 : 0; zval_dtor(&tmp); } if (request_fulluri) { /* Ask for everything */ strcat(scratch, path); } else { /* Send the traditional /path/to/file?query_string */ /* file */ if (resource->path && *resource->path) { strlcat(scratch, resource->path, scratch_len); } else { strlcat(scratch, "/", scratch_len); } /* query string */ if (resource->query) { strlcat(scratch, "?", scratch_len); strlcat(scratch, resource->query, scratch_len); } } /* protocol version we are speaking */ if (protocol_version) { strlcat(scratch, " HTTP/", scratch_len); strlcat(scratch, protocol_version, scratch_len); strlcat(scratch, "\r\n", scratch_len); efree(protocol_version); protocol_version = NULL; } else { strlcat(scratch, " HTTP/1.0\r\n", scratch_len); } /* send it */ php_stream_write(stream, scratch, strlen(scratch)); if (context && php_stream_context_get_option(context, "http", "header", &tmpzval) == SUCCESS && Z_TYPE_PP(tmpzval) == IS_STRING && Z_STRLEN_PP(tmpzval)) { /* Remove newlines and spaces from start and end, php_trim will estrndup() */ tmp = php_trim(Z_STRVAL_PP(tmpzval), Z_STRLEN_PP(tmpzval), NULL, 0, NULL, 3 TSRMLS_CC); if (strlen(tmp) > 0) { if (!header_init) { /* Remove post headers for redirects */ int l = strlen(tmp); char *s, *s2, *tmp_c = estrdup(tmp); php_strtolower(tmp_c, l); if ((s = strstr(tmp_c, "content-length:"))) { if ((s2 = memchr(s, '\n', tmp_c + l - s))) { int b = tmp_c + l - 1 - s2; memmove(tmp, tmp + (s2 + 1 - tmp_c), b); memmove(tmp_c, s2 + 1, b); } else { tmp[s - tmp_c] = *s = '\0'; } l = strlen(tmp_c); } if ((s = strstr(tmp_c, "content-type:"))) { if ((s2 = memchr(s, '\n', tmp_c + l - s))) { memmove(tmp, tmp + (s2 + 1 - tmp_c), tmp_c + l - 1 - s2); } else { tmp[s - tmp_c] = '\0'; } } efree(tmp_c); tmp_c = php_trim(tmp, strlen(tmp), NULL, 0, NULL, 3 TSRMLS_CC); efree(tmp); tmp = tmp_c; } user_headers = estrdup(tmp); /* Make lowercase for easy comparison against 'standard' headers */ php_strtolower(tmp, strlen(tmp)); if (strstr(tmp, "user-agent:")) { have_header |= HTTP_HEADER_USER_AGENT; } if (strstr(tmp, "host:")) { have_header |= HTTP_HEADER_HOST; } if (strstr(tmp, "from:")) { have_header |= HTTP_HEADER_FROM; } if (strstr(tmp, "authorization:")) { have_header |= HTTP_HEADER_AUTH; } if (strstr(tmp, "content-length:")) { have_header |= HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH; } if (strstr(tmp, "content-type:")) { have_header |= HTTP_HEADER_TYPE; } } efree(tmp); } /* auth header if it was specified */ if (((have_header & HTTP_HEADER_AUTH) == 0) && resource->user && resource->pass) { /* decode the strings first */ php_url_decode(resource->user, strlen(resource->user)); php_url_decode(resource->pass, strlen(resource->pass)); /* scratch is large enough, since it was made large enough for the whole URL */ strcpy(scratch, resource->user); strcat(scratch, ":"); strcat(scratch, resource->pass); tmp = php_base64_encode((unsigned char*)scratch, strlen(scratch), NULL); if (snprintf(scratch, scratch_len, "Authorization: Basic %s\r\n", tmp) > 0) { php_stream_write(stream, scratch, strlen(scratch)); php_stream_notify_info(context, PHP_STREAM_NOTIFY_AUTH_REQUIRED, NULL, 0); } efree(tmp); tmp = NULL; } /* if the user has configured who they are, send a From: line */ if (((have_header & HTTP_HEADER_FROM) == 0) && cfg_get_string("from", &tmp) == SUCCESS) { if (snprintf(scratch, scratch_len, "From: %s\r\n", tmp) > 0) php_stream_write(stream, scratch, strlen(scratch)); } /* Send Host: header so name-based virtual hosts work */ if ((have_header & HTTP_HEADER_HOST) == 0) { if ((use_ssl && resource->port != 443 && resource->port != 0) || (!use_ssl && resource->port != 80 && resource->port != 0)) { if (snprintf(scratch, scratch_len, "Host: %s:%i\r\n", resource->host, resource->port) > 0) php_stream_write(stream, scratch, strlen(scratch)); } else { if (snprintf(scratch, scratch_len, "Host: %s\r\n", resource->host) > 0) { php_stream_write(stream, scratch, strlen(scratch)); } } } if (context && php_stream_context_get_option(context, "http", "user_agent", &ua_zval) == SUCCESS && Z_TYPE_PP(ua_zval) == IS_STRING) { ua_str = Z_STRVAL_PP(ua_zval); } else if (FG(user_agent)) { ua_str = FG(user_agent); } if (((have_header & HTTP_HEADER_USER_AGENT) == 0) && ua_str) { #define _UA_HEADER "User-Agent: %s\r\n" char *ua; size_t ua_len; ua_len = sizeof(_UA_HEADER) + strlen(ua_str); /* ensure the header is only sent if user_agent is not blank */ if (ua_len > sizeof(_UA_HEADER)) { ua = emalloc(ua_len + 1); if ((ua_len = slprintf(ua, ua_len, _UA_HEADER, ua_str)) > 0) { ua[ua_len] = 0; php_stream_write(stream, ua, ua_len); } else { php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_WARNING, "Cannot construct User-agent header"); } if (ua) { efree(ua); } } } if (user_headers) { /* A bit weird, but some servers require that Content-Length be sent prior to Content-Type for POST * see bug #44603 for details. Since Content-Type maybe part of user's headers we need to do this check first. */ if ( header_init && context && !(have_header & HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH) && php_stream_context_get_option(context, "http", "content", &tmpzval) == SUCCESS && Z_TYPE_PP(tmpzval) == IS_STRING && Z_STRLEN_PP(tmpzval) > 0 ) { scratch_len = slprintf(scratch, scratch_len, "Content-Length: %d\r\n", Z_STRLEN_PP(tmpzval)); php_stream_write(stream, scratch, scratch_len); have_header |= HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH; } php_stream_write(stream, user_headers, strlen(user_headers)); php_stream_write(stream, "\r\n", sizeof("\r\n")-1); efree(user_headers); } /* Request content, such as for POST requests */ if (header_init && context && php_stream_context_get_option(context, "http", "content", &tmpzval) == SUCCESS && Z_TYPE_PP(tmpzval) == IS_STRING && Z_STRLEN_PP(tmpzval) > 0) { if (!(have_header & HTTP_HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH)) { scratch_len = slprintf(scratch, scratch_len, "Content-Length: %d\r\n", Z_STRLEN_PP(tmpzval)); php_stream_write(stream, scratch, scratch_len); } if (!(have_header & HTTP_HEADER_TYPE)) { php_stream_write(stream, "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n", sizeof("Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n") - 1); php_error_docref(NULL TSRMLS_CC, E_NOTICE, "Content-type not specified assuming application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); } php_stream_write(stream, "\r\n", sizeof("\r\n")-1); php_stream_write(stream, Z_STRVAL_PP(tmpzval), Z_STRLEN_PP(tmpzval)); php_stream_write(stream, "\r\n\r\n", sizeof("\r\n\r\n")-1); } else { php_stream_write(stream, "\r\n", sizeof("\r\n")-1); } location[0] = '\0'; if (header_init) { zval *tmp; MAKE_STD_ZVAL(tmp); array_init(tmp); ZEND_SET_SYMBOL(EG(active_symbol_table), "http_response_header", tmp); } { zval **rh; zend_hash_find(EG(active_symbol_table), "http_response_header", sizeof("http_response_header"), (void **) &rh); response_header = *rh; } if (!php_stream_eof(stream)) { size_t tmp_line_len; /* get response header */ if (php_stream_get_line(stream, tmp_line, sizeof(tmp_line) - 1, &tmp_line_len) != NULL) { zval *http_response; int response_code; if (tmp_line_len > 9) { response_code = atoi(tmp_line + 9); } else { response_code = 0; } /* when we request only the header, don't fail even on error codes */ if (options & STREAM_ONLY_GET_HEADERS) { reqok = 1; } switch(response_code) { case 200: case 206: /* partial content */ case 302: case 303: case 301: reqok = 1; break; case 403: php_stream_notify_error(context, PHP_STREAM_NOTIFY_AUTH_RESULT, tmp_line, response_code); break; default: /* safety net in the event tmp_line == NULL */ if (!tmp_line_len) { tmp_line[0] = '\0'; } php_stream_notify_error(context, PHP_STREAM_NOTIFY_FAILURE, tmp_line, response_code); } if (tmp_line[tmp_line_len - 1] == '\n') { --tmp_line_len; if (tmp_line[tmp_line_len - 1] == '\r') { --tmp_line_len; } } MAKE_STD_ZVAL(http_response); ZVAL_STRINGL(http_response, tmp_line, tmp_line_len, 1); zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(response_header), &http_response, sizeof(zval *), NULL); } } else { php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "HTTP request failed, unexpected end of socket!"); goto out; } /* read past HTTP headers */ http_header_line = emalloc(HTTP_HEADER_BLOCK_SIZE); while (!body && !php_stream_eof(stream)) { size_t http_header_line_length; if (php_stream_get_line(stream, http_header_line, HTTP_HEADER_BLOCK_SIZE, &http_header_line_length) && *http_header_line != '\n' && *http_header_line != '\r') { char *e = http_header_line + http_header_line_length - 1; while (*e == '\n' || *e == '\r') { e--; } http_header_line_length = e - http_header_line + 1; http_header_line[http_header_line_length] = '\0'; if (!strncasecmp(http_header_line, "Location: ", 10)) { strlcpy(location, http_header_line + 10, sizeof(location)); } else if (!strncasecmp(http_header_line, "Content-Type: ", 14)) { php_stream_notify_info(context, PHP_STREAM_NOTIFY_MIME_TYPE_IS, http_header_line + 14, 0); } else if (!strncasecmp(http_header_line, "Content-Length: ", 16)) { file_size = atoi(http_header_line + 16); php_stream_notify_file_size(context, file_size, http_header_line, 0); } if (http_header_line[0] == '\0') { body = 1; } else { zval *http_header; MAKE_STD_ZVAL(http_header); ZVAL_STRINGL(http_header, http_header_line, http_header_line_length, 1); zend_hash_next_index_insert(Z_ARRVAL_P(response_header), &http_header, sizeof(zval *), NULL); } } else { break; } } if (!reqok || location[0] != '\0') { if (options & STREAM_ONLY_GET_HEADERS && redirect_max <= 1) { goto out; } if (location[0] != '\0') php_stream_notify_info(context, PHP_STREAM_NOTIFY_REDIRECTED, location, 0); php_stream_close(stream); stream = NULL; if (location[0] != '\0') { char new_path[HTTP_HEADER_BLOCK_SIZE]; char loc_path[HTTP_HEADER_BLOCK_SIZE]; *new_path='\0'; if (strlen(location)<8 || (strncasecmp(location, "http://", sizeof("http://")-1) && strncasecmp(location, "https://", sizeof("https://")-1) && strncasecmp(location, "ftp://", sizeof("ftp://")-1) && strncasecmp(location, "ftps://", sizeof("ftps://")-1))) { if (*location != '/') { if (*(location+1) != '\0' && resource->path) { char *s = strrchr(resource->path, '/'); if (!s) { s = resource->path; if (!s[0]) { efree(s); s = resource->path = estrdup("/"); } else { *s = '/'; } } s[1] = '\0'; if (resource->path && *(resource->path) == '/' && *(resource->path + 1) == '\0') { snprintf(loc_path, sizeof(loc_path) - 1, "%s%s", resource->path, location); } else { snprintf(loc_path, sizeof(loc_path) - 1, "%s/%s", resource->path, location); } } else { snprintf(loc_path, sizeof(loc_path) - 1, "/%s", location); } } else { strlcpy(loc_path, location, sizeof(loc_path)); } if ((use_ssl && resource->port != 443) || (!use_ssl && resource->port != 80)) { snprintf(new_path, sizeof(new_path) - 1, "%s://%s:%d%s", resource->scheme, resource->host, resource->port, loc_path); } else { snprintf(new_path, sizeof(new_path) - 1, "%s://%s%s", resource->scheme, resource->host, loc_path); } } else { strlcpy(new_path, location, sizeof(new_path)); } php_url_free(resource); /* check for invalid redirection URLs */ if ((resource = php_url_parse(new_path)) == NULL) { php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "Invalid redirect URL! %s", new_path); goto out; } #define CHECK_FOR_CNTRL_CHARS(val) { \ if (val) { \ unsigned char *s, *e; \ int l; \ l = php_url_decode(val, strlen(val)); \ s = val; e = s + l; \ while (s < e) { \ if (iscntrl(*s)) { \ php_stream_wrapper_log_error(wrapper, options TSRMLS_CC, "Invalid redirect URL! %s", new_path); \ goto out; \ } \ s++; \ } \ } \ } \ /* check for control characters in login, password & path */ if (strncasecmp(new_path, "http://", sizeof("http://") - 1) || strncasecmp(new_path, "https://", sizeof("https://") - 1)) { CHECK_FOR_CNTRL_CHARS(resource->user) CHECK_FOR_CNTRL_CHARS(resource->pass) CHECK_FOR_CNTRL_CHARS(resource->path) } stream = php_stream_url_wrap_http_ex(wrapper, new_path, mode, options, opened_path, context, --redirect_max, 0 STREAMS_CC TSRMLS_CC); } else {
/** * Applies a format to a message before sending it to the log * * @param string $message * @param int $type * @param int $timestamp * @return string */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Logger_Formatter_Firephp, format) { zval *message, *type, *type_str = NULL, *timestamp; zval *payload, *body, *backtrace, *meta, *encoded; zval *show_backtrace; smart_str result = { NULL, 0, 0 }; int i; Bucket *p; phalcon_fetch_params(0, 3, 0, &message, &type, ×tamp); /** * We intentionally do not use Phalcon's MM for better performance. * All variables allocated with PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL() will have * their reference count set to 1 and therefore they can be nicely * put into the result array; when that array will be destroyed, * all inserted variables will be automatically destroyed, too * and we will just save some time by not using Z_ADDREF_P and Z_DELREF_P */ PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL(type_str); phalcon_call_method_p1(type_str, this_ptr, "gettypestring", type); phalcon_read_property_this(&show_backtrace, getThis(), SL("_showBacktrace"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC); Z_DELREF_P(show_backtrace); /** * Get the backtrace. This differs for differemt PHP versions. * 5.3.6+ allows us to skip the function arguments which will save some memory * For 5.4+ there is an extra argument. */ PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL(backtrace); if (zend_is_true(show_backtrace)) { #if PHP_VERSION_ID < 50306 zend_fetch_debug_backtrace(backtrace, 1, 0 TSRMLS_CC); #elif PHP_VERSION_ID < 50400 zend_fetch_debug_backtrace(backtrace, 1, DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS TSRMLS_CC); #else zend_fetch_debug_backtrace(backtrace, 1, DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 0 TSRMLS_CC); #endif if (Z_TYPE_P(backtrace) == IS_ARRAY) { HashPosition pos; HashTable *ht = Z_ARRVAL_P(backtrace); zval **ppzval; int found = 0; ulong idx; char *key; uint key_len; /** * At this point we know that the backtrace is the array. * Again, we intentionally do not use Phalcon's API because we know * that we are working with the array / hash table and thus we can * save some time by omitting Z_TYPE_P(x) == IS_ARRAY checks */ for ( zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ht, &pos); zend_hash_has_more_elements_ex(ht, &pos) == SUCCESS; ) { zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ht, (void**)&ppzval, &pos); zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(ht, &key, &key_len, &idx, 0, &pos); zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ht, &pos); if (Z_TYPE_PP(ppzval) == IS_ARRAY) { /** * Here we need to skip the latest calls into Phalcon's core. * Calls to Zend internal functions will have "file" index not set. * We remove these entries from the array. */ if (!found && !zend_hash_exists(Z_ARRVAL_PP(ppzval), SS("file"))) { zend_hash_index_del(ht, idx); } else { /** * Remove args and object indices. They usually give * too much information; this is not suitable to send * in the HTTP headers */ zend_hash_del(Z_ARRVAL_PP(ppzval), "args", sizeof("args")); zend_hash_del(Z_ARRVAL_PP(ppzval), "object", sizeof("object")); found = 1; } } } /** * Now we need to renumber the hash table because we removed several * heading elements. If we don't do this, json_encode() will convert * this array to a JavaScript object which is an unwanted side effect */ p = ht->pListHead; i = 0; while (p != NULL) { p->nKeyLength = 0; p->h = i++; p = p->pListNext; } ht->nNextFreeElement = i; zend_hash_rehash(ht); } } /** * The result will looks like this: * * array( * array('Type' => 'message type', 'Label' => 'message'), * array('backtrace' => array(backtrace goes here) * ) */ MAKE_STD_ZVAL(payload); array_init_size(payload, 2); PHALCON_ALLOC_ZVAL(meta); array_init_size(meta, 4); add_assoc_zval_ex(meta, SS("Type"), type_str); Z_ADDREF_P(message); add_assoc_zval_ex(meta, SS("Label"), message); if (Z_TYPE_P(backtrace) == IS_ARRAY) { zval **ppzval; if (likely(SUCCESS == zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(backtrace), 0, (void**)&ppzval)) && likely(Z_TYPE_PP(ppzval) == IS_ARRAY)) { zval **file = NULL, **line = NULL; zend_hash_quick_find(Z_ARRVAL_PP(ppzval), SS("file"), zend_inline_hash_func(SS("file")), (void**)&file); zend_hash_quick_find(Z_ARRVAL_PP(ppzval), SS("line"), zend_inline_hash_func(SS("line")), (void**)&line); if (likely(file != NULL)) { Z_ADDREF_PP(file); add_assoc_zval_ex(meta, SS("File"), *file); } if (likely(line != NULL)) { Z_ADDREF_PP(line); add_assoc_zval_ex(meta, SS("Line"), *line); } } } MAKE_STD_ZVAL(body); array_init_size(body, 1); if (zend_is_true(show_backtrace)) { add_assoc_zval_ex(body, SS("backtrace"), backtrace); } else { zval_ptr_dtor(&backtrace); } add_next_index_zval(payload, meta); add_next_index_zval(payload, body); /** * Convert everything to JSON */ ALLOC_INIT_ZVAL(encoded); phalcon_json_encode(encoded, payload, 0 TSRMLS_CC); /** * As promised, kill the payload and all associated elements */ zval_ptr_dtor(&payload); /** * We don't want to use Phalcon's concatenation API because it * requires the memory manager. Therefore we fall back to using smart strings. * smart_str_alloc4() will allocate all required memory amount (plus some more) * in one go and this allows us to avoid performance penalties due to * memory reallocations. */ smart_str_alloc4(&result, Z_STRLEN_P(encoded) + 2 + 5, 0, i); /** * The format is: * * <size>|[meta,body]| * * Meta and body are contained in encoded inside the array, as required * by the protocol specification * @see */ smart_str_append_long(&result, Z_STRLEN_P(encoded)); smart_str_appendc(&result, '|'); smart_str_appendl(&result, Z_STRVAL_P(encoded), Z_STRLEN_P(encoded)); smart_str_appendc(&result, '|'); smart_str_0(&result); /* We don't need the JSON message anymore */ zval_ptr_dtor(&encoded); /* Do not free the samrt string because we steal its data for zval */ RETURN_STRINGL(result.c, result.len, 0); }
static zend_string *cli_get_prompt(char *block, char prompt) /* {{{ */ { smart_str retval = {0}; char *prompt_spec = CLIR_G(prompt) ? CLIR_G(prompt) : DEFAULT_PROMPT; do { if (*prompt_spec == '\\') { switch (prompt_spec[1]) { case '\\': smart_str_appendc(&retval, '\\'); prompt_spec++; break; case 'n': smart_str_appendc(&retval, '\n'); prompt_spec++; break; case 't': smart_str_appendc(&retval, '\t'); prompt_spec++; break; case 'e': smart_str_appendc(&retval, '\033'); prompt_spec++; break; case 'v': smart_str_appends(&retval, PHP_VERSION); prompt_spec++; break; case 'b': smart_str_appends(&retval, block); prompt_spec++; break; case '>': smart_str_appendc(&retval, prompt); prompt_spec++; break; case '`': smart_str_appendc(&retval, '`'); prompt_spec++; break; default: smart_str_appendc(&retval, '\\'); break; } } else if (*prompt_spec == '`') { char *prompt_end = strstr(prompt_spec + 1, "`"); char *code; if (prompt_end) { code = estrndup(prompt_spec + 1, prompt_end - prompt_spec - 1); CLIR_G(prompt_str) = &retval; zend_try { zend_eval_stringl(code, prompt_end - prompt_spec - 1, NULL, "php prompt code"); } zend_end_try(); CLIR_G(prompt_str) = NULL; efree(code); prompt_spec = prompt_end; } } else { smart_str_appendc(&retval, *prompt_spec); } } while (++prompt_spec && *prompt_spec);
/** * Writes the log to the stream itself * * @param string $message * @param int $type * @param int $time * @see */ PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Logger_Adapter_Firephp, logInternal){ zval *message, *type, *time, *formatter, *applied_format; zval *initialized, *index; sapi_header_line h = { NULL, 0, 0 }; smart_str str = { NULL, 0, 0 }; int size, offset, num_bytes; const int chunk = 4960; /* If headers has already been sent, we can do nothing. Exit early. */ if (SG(headers_sent)) { RETURN_FALSE; } PHALCON_MM_GROW(); phalcon_fetch_params(1, 3, 0, &message, &type, &time); PHALCON_INIT_VAR(formatter); phalcon_call_method(formatter, this_ptr, "getformatter"); PHALCON_OBS_VAR(initialized); phalcon_read_static_property(&initialized, SL("phalcon\\logger\\adapter\\firephp"), SL("_initialized") TSRMLS_CC); if (!zend_is_true(initialized)) { /** * Send the required initialization headers. * Use Zend API here so that the user can see the progress and because * if we delegate this to Phalcon and there will be a fatal errors, * chances are that the headers will never ne sent. */ h.line = "X-Wf-Protocol-1:"; h.line_len = sizeof("X-Wf-Protocol-1:")-1; sapi_header_op(SAPI_HEADER_REPLACE, &h TSRMLS_CC); h.line = "X-Wf-1-Plugin-1:"; h.line_len = sizeof("X-Wf-1-Plugin-1:")-1; sapi_header_op(SAPI_HEADER_REPLACE, &h TSRMLS_CC); h.line = "X-Wf-1-Structure-1:"; h.line_len = sizeof("X-Wf-1-Structure-1:")-1; sapi_header_op(SAPI_HEADER_REPLACE, &h TSRMLS_CC); ZVAL_TRUE(initialized); /* This will also update the property because "initialized" was not separated */ } PHALCON_INIT_VAR(applied_format); phalcon_call_method_p3(applied_format, formatter, "format", message, type, time); if (Z_TYPE_P(applied_format) != IS_STRING) { PHALCON_THROW_EXCEPTION_STR(phalcon_logger_exception_ce, "The formatted message is not valid"); return; } PHALCON_OBS_VAR(index); phalcon_read_static_property(&index, SL("phalcon\\logger\\adapter\\firephp"), SL("_index") TSRMLS_CC); size = Z_STRLEN_P(applied_format); offset = 0; /** * We need to send the data in chunks not exceeding 5,000 bytes. * Allocate the smart string once to avoid performance penalties. */ smart_str_alloc4(&str, (size > chunk ? chunk : size), 0, num_bytes); while (size > 0) { smart_str_appends(&str, "X-Wf-1-1-1-"); smart_str_append_long(&str, Z_LVAL_P(index)); smart_str_appends(&str, ": "); num_bytes = size > chunk ? chunk : size; if (offset) { /* This is not the first chunk, prepend the payload with "|" */ smart_str_appendc(&str, '|'); } /* Grab the chunk from the encoded string */ smart_str_appendl(&str, Z_STRVAL_P(applied_format) + offset, num_bytes); size -= num_bytes; offset += num_bytes; if (size) { /* If we have more data to send, append "|/" */ smart_str_appendl(&str, "|\\", 2); } smart_str_0(&str); /* Not strictly necessary but just to be safe */ /* Send the result */ h.line = str.c; h.line_len = str.len; sapi_header_op(SAPI_HEADER_REPLACE, &h TSRMLS_CC); /* Update header index; this will update Phalcon\Logger\Adapter\Firephp as well */ ZVAL_LONG(index, Z_LVAL_P(index)+1); /** * Do not free and then reallocate memory. Just pretend the string * is empty. We will take care of deallocation later. */ str.len = 0; } /* Deallocate the smnart string if it is not empty */ if (str.c) { smart_str_free(&str); } PHALCON_MM_RESTORE(); }
void uri_template_parse(char *tpl, zval *return_value, zval *vars, zval *capture) { smart_str result = {0}; zval *expressions = NULL; zval vars_ptr; unsigned char c; char *start; int state = URI_TEMPLATE_ERROR_NONE; if (capture != NULL) { MAKE_STD_ZVAL(expressions); array_init(expressions); } vars_ptr = *vars; zval_copy_ctor(&vars_ptr); while (*tpl) { if (*tpl == '{') { start = tpl + 1; while (*(tpl++) && *tpl != '}' && *tpl != '{'); if (*tpl == '}') { if (tpl - start > 0) { uri_template_expr *expr = build_expr(start, tpl - start); if (expr->error) { append_malformed_expr(&result, start, tpl - start); if (state == URI_TEMPLATE_ERROR_NONE) { state = URI_TEMPLATE_ERROR_EXPRESSION; } } else { uri_template_process(expr, &vars_ptr, &result); } if (expressions != NULL) { add_expr_to_array(expressions, expr); } uri_template_expr_free(expr); } else { smart_str_appends(&result, "{}"); } } else if (*tpl == '{') { smart_str_appendl(&result, start - 1, tpl - start + 1); state = URI_TEMPLATE_ERROR_SYNTAX; tpl--; } else { smart_str_appendc(&result, '{'); smart_str_appendl(&result, start, tpl - start); state = URI_TEMPLATE_ERROR_SYNTAX; } } else { c = *tpl; if (c == '}') { smart_str_appendc(&result, '}'); state = URI_TEMPLATE_ERROR_SYNTAX; } else if (c == '%' && isxdigit(*(tpl + 1)) && isxdigit(*(tpl + 2))) { smart_str_appendc(&result, '%'); smart_str_appendc(&result, *(++tpl)); smart_str_appendc(&result, *(++tpl)); } else { int result_len = result.len; int distance = 0; uri_template_substr_copy(&result, tpl, 1, URI_TEMPLATE_ALLOW_RESERVED); distance = result.len - result_len; tpl += (distance % 3 ? 1 : distance / 3) - 1; } } tpl++; } smart_str_0(&result); ZVAL_STRING(return_value, result.c ? result.c : "", 1); if (capture != NULL) { add_assoc_string(capture, "result", result.c ? result.c : "", 1); add_assoc_long(capture, "state", state); add_assoc_zval(capture, "expressions", expressions); } zval_dtor(&vars_ptr); smart_str_free(&result); }
inline static void append_malformed_expr(smart_str *dest, char *tpl, int len) { smart_str_appendc(dest, '{'); smart_str_appendl(dest, tpl, len); smart_str_appendc(dest, '}'); }