int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { FILE* f = NULL; errno_t err = fopen_s(&f, "readme.txt", "rb"); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); int fileSize = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); char* source = new char[fileSize]; int bufferLen = fileSize + 300; char* compressed = new char[bufferLen]; fread(source, fileSize, 1, f); fclose(f); size_t length = bufferLen; snappy_status status = snappy_compress(source, fileSize, compressed, &length); delete source; char* uncompressed = new char[bufferLen]; size_t uncompressedLength = bufferLen; status = snappy_uncompress(compressed, length, uncompressed, &uncompressedLength); assert(uncompressedLength == fileSize); delete compressed; delete uncompressed; return 0; }
void ColorTable::serialize(In* in, Out* out) { STREAM_REGISTER_BEGIN; size_t ctUncompressedSize = sizeof(colorTable); size_t ctCompressedSize = 0; std::vector<char> ctCompressed; if(out) { ctCompressedSize = snappy_max_compressed_length(ctUncompressedSize); ctCompressed.resize(ctCompressedSize); VERIFY(snappy_compress(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&colorTable[0][0][0]), ctUncompressedSize,, &ctCompressedSize) == SNAPPY_OK); out->write(&ctCompressedSize, sizeof(int)); out->write(, ctCompressedSize); } else { in->read(&ctCompressedSize, sizeof(int)); ctCompressed.resize(ctCompressedSize); in->read(, ctCompressedSize); VERIFY(snappy_uncompress(, ctCompressedSize, reinterpret_cast<char*>(&colorTable[0][0][0]), &ctUncompressedSize) == SNAPPY_OK); ASSERT(ctUncompressedSize == sizeof(colorTable)); } STREAM_REGISTER_FINISH; }
static int wt_snappy_decompress(WT_COMPRESSOR *compressor, WT_SESSION *session, uint8_t *src, size_t src_len, uint8_t *dst, size_t dst_len, size_t *result_lenp) { snappy_status snret; size_t snaplen; __UNUSED(compressor); /* retrieve the saved length */ snaplen = *(size_t *)src; if (snaplen + sizeof(size_t) > src_len) { wiredtiger_err_printf( session, "wt_snappy_decompress: stored size exceeds buffer size"); return (WT_ERROR); } /* dst_len is an input and an output arg. */ snret = snappy_uncompress( (char *)src + sizeof(size_t), snaplen, (char *)dst, &dst_len); if (snret == SNAPPY_OK) { *result_lenp = dst_len; return (0); } return (wt_snappy_error(session, "snappy_decompress", snret)); }
Datum snappy_decompress_internal(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) { const char *src = PG_GETARG_POINTER(0); size_t src_sz = PG_GETARG_INT32(1); char *dst = PG_GETARG_POINTER(2); int32 dst_sz = PG_GETARG_INT32(3); int32 *dst_used = PG_GETARG_POINTER(4); size_t uncompressed_length; snappy_status retval; Insist(src_sz > 0 && dst_sz > 0); retval = snappy_uncompressed_length((char *) src, (size_t) src_sz, &uncompressed_length); if (retval != SNAPPY_OK) elog_snappy_error(retval, "snappy_uncompressed_length", src_sz, dst_sz, *dst_used); Insist(dst_sz >= uncompressed_length); retval = snappy_uncompress((char *) src, src_sz, (char *) dst, &uncompressed_length); *dst_used = uncompressed_length; if (retval != SNAPPY_OK) elog_snappy_error(retval, "snappy_uncompressed", src_sz, dst_sz, *dst_used); PG_RETURN_VOID(); }
/* * wt_snappy_decompress -- * WiredTiger snappy decompression. */ static int wt_snappy_decompress(WT_COMPRESSOR *compressor, WT_SESSION *session, uint8_t *src, size_t src_len, uint8_t *dst, size_t dst_len, size_t *result_lenp) { WT_EXTENSION_API *wt_api; snappy_status snret; size_t snaplen; wt_api = ((SNAPPY_COMPRESSOR *)compressor)->wt_api; /* retrieve the saved length */ snaplen = *(size_t *)src; if (snaplen + sizeof(size_t) > src_len) { (void)wt_api->err_printf(wt_api, session, "wt_snappy_decompress: stored size exceeds buffer size"); return (WT_ERROR); } /* dst_len is an input and an output arg. */ snret = snappy_uncompress( (char *)src + sizeof(size_t), snaplen, (char *)dst, &dst_len); if (snret == SNAPPY_OK) { *result_lenp = dst_len; return (0); } return ( wt_snappy_error(compressor, session, "snappy_decompress", snret)); }
int pread_compressed(Db *db, off_t pos, char **ret_ptr) { char *compressed_buf; char *new_buf; int len = pread_bin_internal(db, pos, &compressed_buf, 0); if (len < 0) { return len; } size_t uncompressed_len; if (snappy_uncompressed_length(compressed_buf, len, &uncompressed_len) != SNAPPY_OK) { //should be compressed but snappy doesn't see it as valid. free(compressed_buf); return COUCHSTORE_ERROR_CORRUPT; } new_buf = (char *) malloc(uncompressed_len); if (!new_buf) { free(compressed_buf); return COUCHSTORE_ERROR_ALLOC_FAIL; } snappy_status ss = (snappy_uncompress(compressed_buf, len, new_buf, &uncompressed_len)); free(compressed_buf); if (ss != SNAPPY_OK) { return COUCHSTORE_ERROR_CORRUPT; } *ret_ptr = new_buf; return (int) uncompressed_len; }
static VALUE snappy_inflate(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self) { VALUE src, dst; size_t output_length; snappy_status result; rb_scan_args(argc, argv, "11", &src, &dst); StringValue(src); result = snappy_uncompressed_length(RSTRING_PTR(src), RSTRING_LEN(src), &output_length); if (result != SNAPPY_OK) { return snappy_raise(result); } if (NIL_P(dst)) { dst = rb_str_new(NULL, output_length); } else { StringValue(dst); rb_str_resize(dst, output_length); } result = snappy_uncompress(RSTRING_PTR(src), RSTRING_LEN(src), RSTRING_PTR(dst), &output_length); if (result != SNAPPY_OK) { return snappy_raise(result); } StringValue(dst); rb_str_resize(dst, output_length); return dst; }
int main(int ac, char **av) { int failed = 0, verbose = 0; struct snappy_env env; snappy_init_env(&env); if (av[1] && !strcmp(av[1], "-v")) { verbose++; av++; } while (*++av) { size_t size; char *map = mapfile(*av, O_RDONLY, &size); if (!map) { if (size > 0) { perror(*av); failed = 1; } continue; } size_t outlen; int err; char *out = xmalloc(snappy_max_compressed_length(size)); char *buf2 = xmalloc(size); err = snappy_compress(&env, map, size, out, &outlen); if (err) { failed = 1; printf("compression of %s failed: %d\n", *av, err); goto next; } err = snappy_uncompress(out, outlen, buf2); if (err) { failed = 1; printf("uncompression of %s failed: %d\n", *av, err); goto next; } if (memcmp(buf2, map, size)) { int o = compare(buf2, map, size); if (o >= 0) { failed = 1; printf("final comparision of %s failed at %d of %lu\n", *av, o, (unsigned long)size); } } else { if (verbose) printf("%s OK!\n", *av); } next: unmap_file(map, size); free(out); free(buf2); } return failed; }
int SnappyImplNative::decompress(u8* in, int inOffset, u8 *out, int outOffset, int len) { int res = snappy_uncompress((const char*) (in + inOffset), (size_t) len, (char*) (out + outOffset)); if (res != 0) { // not ok return -res; } else { return 0; } }
static int foldprint(Db *db, DocInfo *docinfo, void *ctx) { int *count = (int *) ctx; (*count)++; Doc *doc = NULL; uint64_t cas; uint32_t expiry, flags; if (mode == DumpBySequence) { printf("Doc seq: %"PRIu64"\n", docinfo->db_seq); printf(" id: "); printsb(&docinfo->id); } else { printf(" Doc ID: "); printsb(&docinfo->id); if (docinfo->db_seq > 0) { printf(" seq: %"PRIu64"\n", docinfo->db_seq); } } if (docinfo->bp == 0 && docinfo->deleted == 0) { printf(" ** This b-tree node is corrupt; raw node value follows:*\n"); printf(" raw: "); printsbhex(&docinfo->rev_meta, 1); return 0; } printf(" rev: %"PRIu64"\n", docinfo->rev_seq); printf(" content_meta: %d\n", docinfo->content_meta); if (docinfo->rev_meta.size == sizeof(CouchbaseRevMeta)) { const CouchbaseRevMeta* meta = (const CouchbaseRevMeta*)docinfo->rev_meta.buf; cas = decode_raw64(meta->cas); expiry = decode_raw32(meta->expiry); flags = decode_raw32(meta->flags); printf(" cas: %"PRIu64", expiry: %"PRIu32", flags: %"PRIu32"\n", cas, expiry, flags); } if (docinfo->deleted) { printf(" doc deleted\n"); } couchstore_error_t docerr = couchstore_open_doc_with_docinfo(db, docinfo, &doc, 0); if(docerr != COUCHSTORE_SUCCESS) { printf(" could not read document body: %s\n", couchstore_strerror(docerr)); } else if (doc && (docinfo->content_meta & COUCH_DOC_IS_COMPRESSED)) { size_t rlen; snappy_uncompressed_length(doc->data.buf, doc->data.size, &rlen); char *decbuf = (char *) malloc(rlen); size_t uncompr_len; snappy_uncompress(doc->data.buf, doc->data.size, decbuf, &uncompr_len); printf(" data: (snappy) %.*s\n", (int) uncompr_len, decbuf); free(decbuf); } else if(doc) { printf(" data: "); printsb(&doc->data); } couchstore_free_document(doc); return 0; }
bool mongoc_uncompress (int32_t compressor_id, const uint8_t *compressed, size_t compressed_len, uint8_t *uncompressed, size_t *uncompressed_len) { TRACE ("Uncompressing with '%s' (%d)", mongoc_compressor_id_to_name (compressor_id), compressor_id); switch (compressor_id) { case MONGOC_COMPRESSOR_SNAPPY_ID: { #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_COMPRESSION_SNAPPY snappy_status status; status = snappy_uncompress ((const char *) compressed, compressed_len, (char *) uncompressed, uncompressed_len); return status == SNAPPY_OK; #else MONGOC_WARNING ("Received snappy compressed opcode, but snappy " "compression is not compiled in"); return false; #endif break; } case MONGOC_COMPRESSOR_ZLIB_ID: { #ifdef MONGOC_ENABLE_COMPRESSION_ZLIB int ok; ok = uncompress (uncompressed, (unsigned long *) uncompressed_len, compressed, compressed_len); return ok == Z_OK; #else MONGOC_WARNING ("Received zlib compressed opcode, but zlib " "compression is not compiled in"); return false; #endif break; } case MONGOC_COMPRESSOR_NOOP_ID: memcpy (uncompressed, compressed, compressed_len); *uncompressed_len = compressed_len; return true; default: MONGOC_WARNING ("Unknown compressor ID %d", compressor_id); } return false; }
int bp__uncompress(const char* compressed, size_t compressed_length, char* uncompressed, size_t* uncompressed_length) { int ret = snappy_uncompress(compressed, compressed_length, uncompressed, uncompressed_length); return ret == SNAPPY_OK ? BP_OK : BP_EDECOMP; }
primitiveUncompressWithOffset(void) { const char*compressed; size_t compressedLength; sqInt compressedObj; size_t inputOffset; sqInt num; char* ptr; snappy_status status; char* uncompressed; size_t uncompressedLength; if (!((interpreterProxy->methodArgumentCount()) == 2)) { interpreterProxy->primitiveFail(); return; } compressedObj = interpreterProxy->stackValue(1); /* begin charPointerFor: */ if (!(interpreterProxy->isBytes(compressedObj))) { compressed = ((char*) null); goto l1; } ptr = ((char*) (interpreterProxy->firstIndexableField(compressedObj))); compressed = ((char*) ptr); l1: /* end charPointerFor: */; if (!(compressed)) { interpreterProxy->primitiveFail(); return; } /* begin stackPositiveIntegerValue: */ num = interpreterProxy->stackValue(0); if ((interpreterProxy->isIntegerValue(num)) && (num < 0)) { inputOffset = ((sqInt) null); goto l2; } inputOffset = ((sqInt) (interpreterProxy->positive32BitValueOf(num))); l2: /* end stackPositiveIntegerValue: */; compressedLength = interpreterProxy->byteSizeOf(compressedObj); status = snappy_uncompressed_length(compressed + inputOffset, compressedLength, &uncompressedLength); if (!(status == 0)) { interpreterProxy->primitiveFailFor(status); return; } uncompressed = malloc(uncompressedLength); status = snappy_uncompress(compressed + inputOffset, compressedLength, uncompressed, &uncompressedLength); if (!(status == 0)) { /* begin returnErrorInfoFor: */ interpreterProxy->pop((interpreterProxy->methodArgumentCount()) + 1); interpreterProxy->pushInteger(-status); return; } interpreterProxy->pop((interpreterProxy->methodArgumentCount()) + 1); interpreterProxy->push(oopFromCBytessized(uncompressed, uncompressedLength)); free(uncompressed); }
static int snp_decompress(struct crypto_tfm *tfm, const u8 *src, unsigned int slen, u8 *dst, unsigned int *dlen) { size_t ulen; if (!snappy_uncompressed_length(src, slen, &ulen)) return -EIO; if (*dlen < ulen) return -EINVAL; *dlen = ulen; return snappy_uncompress(src, slen, dst) ? 0 : -EIO; }
static SquashStatus squash_snappy_decompress_buffer (SquashCodec* codec, size_t* decompressed_length, uint8_t decompressed[SQUASH_ARRAY_PARAM(*decompressed_length)], size_t compressed_length, const uint8_t compressed[SQUASH_ARRAY_PARAM(compressed_length)], SquashOptions* options) { snappy_status e; e = snappy_uncompress ((char*) compressed, compressed_length, (char*) decompressed, decompressed_length); return squash_snappy_status (e); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char arch[50]; size_t arch_sz = sizeof(arch); snappy_status status = snappy_compress("Hello World!", 12, arch, &arch_sz); if (status != SNAPPY_OK) printf("compress fail"); char src[50]; size_t src_sz = sizeof(src); status = snappy_uncompress(arch, arch_sz, src, &src_sz); if (status != SNAPPY_OK) return -1; if (strncmp(src, "Hello, world!", 12) == 0) return -1; return 0; }
static char * decompress_block(size_t input_size, const char *input, size_t *output_size) { int input_remaining = (int)input_size; *output_size = uint32_be(input); input += 4; input_remaining -= 4; int output_remaining = (int)*output_size; char *output = calloc((size_t)output_remaining, sizeof(char)); char *cursor = output; while (input_remaining > 0 && output_remaining >= 0) { size_t compressed_size = uint32_be(input); input += 4; input_remaining -= 4; if (compressed_size == 0) continue; size_t uncompressed_size = (size_t)output_remaining; if (snappy_uncompress( input, compressed_size, cursor, &uncompressed_size) != SNAPPY_OK) { goto fail; } input += compressed_size; input_remaining -= compressed_size; cursor += uncompressed_size; output_remaining -= uncompressed_size; } if (input_remaining == 0 && output_remaining == 0) { return output; } fail: free(output); *output_size = 0; return NULL; }
static ZEND_FUNCTION(snappy_uncompress) { zval *data; char *output = NULL; size_t output_len; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "z", &data) == FAILURE) { RETURN_FALSE; } if (Z_TYPE_P(data) != IS_STRING) { zend_error(E_WARNING, "snappy_uncompress : expects parameter to be string."); RETURN_FALSE; } if (snappy_uncompressed_length(Z_STRVAL_P(data), Z_STRLEN_P(data), &output_len) != SNAPPY_OK) { zend_error(E_WARNING, "snappy_uncompress : output length error"); RETURN_FALSE; } output = (char *)emalloc(output_len); if (!output) { zend_error(E_WARNING, "snappy_uncompress : memory error"); RETURN_FALSE; } if (snappy_uncompress(Z_STRVAL_P(data), Z_STRLEN_P(data), output, &output_len) == SNAPPY_OK) { #if ZEND_MODULE_API_NO >= 20141001 RETVAL_STRINGL(output, output_len); #else RETVAL_STRINGL(output, output_len, 1); #endif } else { zend_error(E_WARNING, "snappy_uncompress : data error"); RETVAL_FALSE; } efree(output); }
primitiveUncompress(void) { const char*compressed; size_t compressedLength; sqInt compressedObj; char* ptr; snappy_status status; char* uncompressed; size_t uncompressedLength; if (!((interpreterProxy->methodArgumentCount()) == 1)) { interpreterProxy->primitiveFail(); return; } compressedObj = interpreterProxy->stackValue(0); /* begin charPointerFor: */ if (!(interpreterProxy->isBytes(compressedObj))) { compressed = ((char*) null); goto l1; } ptr = ((char*) (interpreterProxy->firstIndexableField(compressedObj))); compressed = ((char*) ptr); l1: /* end charPointerFor: */; if (!(compressed)) { interpreterProxy->primitiveFail(); return; } compressedLength = interpreterProxy->byteSizeOf(compressedObj); status = snappy_uncompressed_length(compressed, compressedLength, &uncompressedLength); if (!(status == 0)) { interpreterProxy->primitiveFailFor(status); return; } uncompressed = malloc(uncompressedLength); status = snappy_uncompress(compressed, compressedLength, uncompressed, &uncompressedLength); if (!(status == 0)) { /* begin returnErrorInfoFor: */ interpreterProxy->pop((interpreterProxy->methodArgumentCount()) + 1); interpreterProxy->pushInteger(-status); return; } interpreterProxy->pop((interpreterProxy->methodArgumentCount()) + 1); interpreterProxy->push(oopFromCBytessized(uncompressed, uncompressedLength)); free(uncompressed); }
CChunkFileReader::Error CChunkFileReader::LoadFile(const std::string &filename, const char *gitVersion, u8 *&_buffer, size_t &sz, std::string *failureReason) { if (!File::Exists(filename)) { *failureReason = "LoadStateDoesntExist"; ERROR_LOG(COMMON, "ChunkReader: File doesn't exist"); return ERROR_BAD_FILE; } File::IOFile pFile(filename, "rb"); SChunkHeader header; Error err = LoadFileHeader(pFile, header, nullptr); if (err != ERROR_NONE) { return err; } // read the state sz = header.ExpectedSize; u8 *buffer = new u8[sz]; if (!pFile.ReadBytes(buffer, sz)) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON, "ChunkReader: Error reading file"); delete [] buffer; return ERROR_BAD_FILE; } _buffer = buffer; if (header.Compress) { u8 *uncomp_buffer = new u8[header.UncompressedSize]; size_t uncomp_size = header.UncompressedSize; snappy_uncompress((const char *)buffer, sz, (char *)uncomp_buffer, &uncomp_size); if ((u32)uncomp_size != header.UncompressedSize) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON, "Size mismatch: file: %u calc: %u", header.UncompressedSize, (u32)uncomp_size); delete [] uncomp_buffer; return ERROR_BAD_FILE; } _buffer = uncomp_buffer; sz = uncomp_size; delete [] buffer; } return ERROR_NONE; }
static int decode_snappy(avro_codec_t c, void * data, int64_t len) { uint32_t crc; size_t outlen; if (snappy_uncompressed_length(data, len-4, &outlen) != SNAPPY_OK) { avro_set_error("Uncompressed length error in snappy"); return 1; } if (!c->block_data) { c->block_data = avro_malloc(outlen); c->block_size = outlen; } else if ( (size_t)c->block_size < outlen) { c->block_data = avro_realloc(c->block_data, c->block_size, outlen); c->block_size = outlen; } if (!c->block_data) { avro_set_error("Cannot allocate memory for snappy"); return 1; } if (snappy_uncompress(data, len-4, c->block_data, &outlen) != SNAPPY_OK) { avro_set_error("Error uncompressing block with Snappy"); return 1; } crc = __bswap_32(crc32(0, c->block_data, outlen)); if (memcmp(&crc, (char*)data+len-4, 4)) { avro_set_error("CRC32 check failure uncompressing block with Snappy"); return 1; } c->used_size = outlen; return 0; }
int ness_decompress(const char *src, uint32_t src_size, char *dst, uint32_t dst_size) { int ret = NESS_OK; /* compressed data is NULL */ if (src_size == 1) return NESS_ERR; switch (src[0] & 0xF) { case NESS_NO_COMPRESS: memcpy(dst, src + 1, src_size - 1); break; case NESS_SNAPPY_METHOD: { int status; struct snappy_env env; snappy_init_env(&env); status = snappy_uncompress(src + 1, src_size - 1, dst); snappy_free_env(&env); if (status != 0) { __ERROR("snappy uncompress error %d", status); ret = 0; goto ERR; } (void)dst_size; } break; default: ret = 0; __ERROR("%s", "no decompress method support!"); break; } ERR: return ret; }
static sparkey_returncode seekblock(sparkey_logiter *iter, sparkey_logreader *log, uint64_t position) { iter->block_offset = 0; if (iter->block_position == position) { return SPARKEY_SUCCESS; } if (log->header.compression_type == SPARKEY_COMPRESSION_NONE) { iter->compression_buf = &log->data[position]; iter->block_position = position; iter->next_block_position = log->header.data_end; iter->block_len = log->data_len - position; return SPARKEY_SUCCESS; } if (log->header.compression_type == SPARKEY_COMPRESSION_SNAPPY) { uint64_t pos = position; // TODO: assert that size_t >= uint64_t size_t compressed_size = read_vlq(log->data, &pos); uint64_t next_pos = pos + compressed_size; const char *input = (char *) &log->data[pos]; size_t uncompressed_size = log->header.compression_block_size; snappy_status status = snappy_uncompress(input, compressed_size, (char *) iter->compression_buf, &uncompressed_size); switch (status) { case SNAPPY_OK: break; case SNAPPY_INVALID_INPUT: return SPARKEY_INTERNAL_ERROR; case SNAPPY_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL: return SPARKEY_INTERNAL_ERROR; default: return SPARKEY_INTERNAL_ERROR; } iter->block_position = position; iter->next_block_position = next_pos; iter->block_len = uncompressed_size; return SPARKEY_SUCCESS; } return SPARKEY_INTERNAL_ERROR; }
int pread_bin(int fd, off_t pos, char **ret_ptr) { char *new_buf; int len = pread_bin_int(fd, pos, ret_ptr); if(len < 0) { return len; } size_t new_len; if((*ret_ptr)[0] == 1) //Snappy { if(snappy_uncompressed_length((*ret_ptr) + 1, len - 1, &new_len) != SNAPPY_OK) { //marked as compressed but snappy doesn't see it as valid. free(*ret_ptr); return -1; } new_buf = (char*) malloc(new_len); snappy_status ss = (snappy_uncompress((*ret_ptr) + 1, len - 1, new_buf, &new_len)); if(ss == SNAPPY_OK) { free(*ret_ptr); *ret_ptr = new_buf; return new_len; } else { free(*ret_ptr); return -1; } } else { return len; } }
static void hap_decode_chunk(HapChunkDecodeInfo chunks[], unsigned int index) { if (chunks) { if (chunks[index].compressor == kHapCompressorSnappy) { snappy_status snappy_result = snappy_uncompress(chunks[index].compressed_chunk_data, chunks[index].compressed_chunk_size, chunks[index].uncompressed_chunk_data, &chunks[index].uncompressed_chunk_size); switch (snappy_result) { case SNAPPY_INVALID_INPUT: chunks[index].result = HapResult_Bad_Frame; break; case SNAPPY_OK: chunks[index].result = HapResult_No_Error; break; default: chunks[index].result = HapResult_Internal_Error; break; } } else if (chunks[index].compressor == kHapCompressorNone) { memcpy(chunks[index].uncompressed_chunk_data, chunks[index].compressed_chunk_data, chunks[index].compressed_chunk_size); chunks[index].result = HapResult_No_Error; } else { chunks[index].result = HapResult_Bad_Frame; } } }
static stream_state_t process_block(FILE *fp, stream_state_t state, block_data_t *bd, char *work, size_t work_len) { unsigned int crc32c; size_t outlen; switch (state) { case INITIAL_STATE: case END_OF_STREAM_STATE: /* the next block must be a header block. */ if (bd->type != HEADER_TYPE_CODE) { print_error("Invaid file format\n"); return ERROR_STATE; } if (bd->data_len != 6) { print_error("invalid data length %d for header block\n", bd->data_len); return ERROR_STATE; } if (memcmp(bd->data, "snappy", 6) != 0) { print_error("invalid file header\n"); return ERROR_STATE; } return PROCESSING_STATE; case PROCESSING_STATE: switch (bd->type) { case COMPRESSED_TYPE_CODE: if (bd->data_len <= 4) { print_error("too short data length for compressed data block\n"); return ERROR_STATE; } crc32c = ((unsigned char)bd->data[0] << 0); crc32c |= ((unsigned char)bd->data[1] << 8); crc32c |= ((unsigned char)bd->data[2] << 16); crc32c |= ((unsigned char)bd->data[3] << 24); /* uncompress and write */ outlen = work_len; if (snappy_uncompress(bd->data + 4, bd->data_len - 4, work, &outlen)) { print_error("Invalid data: RawUncompress failed\n"); return ERROR_STATE; } if (crc32c != masked_crc32c(work, outlen)) { print_error("Invalid data: CRC32c error\n"); return ERROR_STATE; } if (fwrite_unlocked(work, outlen, 1, fp) != 1) { print_error("Failed to write: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return ERROR_STATE; } break; case UNCOMPRESSED_TYPE_CODE: if (bd->data_len <= 4) { print_error("too short data length for uncompressed data block\n"); return ERROR_STATE; } crc32c = ((unsigned char)bd->data[0] << 0); crc32c |= ((unsigned char)bd->data[1] << 8); crc32c |= ((unsigned char)bd->data[2] << 16); crc32c |= ((unsigned char)bd->data[3] << 24); if (crc32c != masked_crc32c(bd->data + 4, bd->data_len - 4)) { print_error("Invalid data: CRC32c error\n"); return ERROR_STATE; } if (fwrite_unlocked(bd->data + 4, bd->data_len - 4, 1, fp) != 1) { print_error("Failed to write: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return ERROR_STATE; } break; case END_OF_STREAM_TYPE_CODE: if (bd->data_len != 0) { print_error("invalid data length for end-of-stream block\n"); return ERROR_STATE; } return END_OF_STREAM_STATE; case HEADER_TYPE_CODE: print_error("Invalid data: unexpected header\n"); return ERROR_STATE; default: if (bd->type < 0x80) { print_error("Invalid data: unknown block type %d\n", bd->type); return ERROR_STATE; } } return PROCESSING_STATE; case ERROR_STATE: ; } /* never reach here. This is added to suppress a warning */ return ERROR_STATE; }
CChunkFileReader::Error CChunkFileReader::LoadFile(const std::string& _rFilename, int _Revision, const char *_VersionString, u8 *&_buffer, size_t &sz, std::string *_failureReason) { if (!File::Exists(_rFilename)) { *_failureReason = "LoadStateDoesntExist"; ERROR_LOG(COMMON, "ChunkReader: File doesn't exist"); return ERROR_BAD_FILE; } // Check file size const u64 fileSize = File::GetSize(_rFilename); static const u64 headerSize = sizeof(SChunkHeader); if (fileSize < headerSize) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON, "ChunkReader: File too small"); return ERROR_BAD_FILE; } File::IOFile pFile(_rFilename, "rb"); if (!pFile) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON, "ChunkReader: Can't open file for reading"); return ERROR_BAD_FILE; } // read the header SChunkHeader header; if (!pFile.ReadArray(&header, 1)) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON, "ChunkReader: Bad header size"); return ERROR_BAD_FILE; } // Check revision if (header.Revision != _Revision) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON, "ChunkReader: Wrong file revision, got %d expected %d", header.Revision, _Revision); return ERROR_BAD_FILE; } // get size sz = (int)(fileSize - headerSize); if (header.ExpectedSize != sz) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON, "ChunkReader: Bad file size, got %u expected %u", (u32)sz, header.ExpectedSize); return ERROR_BAD_FILE; } // read the state u8 *buffer = new u8[sz]; if (!pFile.ReadBytes(buffer, sz)) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON, "ChunkReader: Error reading file"); delete [] buffer; return ERROR_BAD_FILE; } _buffer = buffer; if (header.Compress) { u8 *uncomp_buffer = new u8[header.UncompressedSize]; size_t uncomp_size = header.UncompressedSize; snappy_uncompress((const char *)buffer, sz, (char *)uncomp_buffer, &uncomp_size); if ((u32)uncomp_size != header.UncompressedSize) { ERROR_LOG(COMMON, "Size mismatch: file: %u calc: %u", header.UncompressedSize, (u32)uncomp_size); return ERROR_BAD_FILE; } _buffer = uncomp_buffer; sz = uncomp_size; delete [] buffer; } return ERROR_NONE; }
/* This routine gets executed after a call to HG_Trigger and * the RPC has completed */ static hg_return_t snappy_compress_rpc_cb(const struct hg_cb_info *callback_info) { struct snappy_compress_rpc_args *snappy_compress_rpc_args = (struct snappy_compress_rpc_args *) callback_info->arg; hg_handle_t handle = callback_info->info.forward.handle; int *input; size_t source_length; void *compressed; size_t compressed_length; int *uncompressed; size_t uncompressed_length; snappy_compress_out_t snappy_compress_output; snappy_status ret; /* Get output */ printf("Received output from target\n"); HG_Get_output(handle, &snappy_compress_output); /* Get Snappy output parameters */ ret = snappy_compress_output.ret; compressed_length = snappy_compress_output.compressed_length; compressed = snappy_compress_rpc_args->compressed; input = snappy_compress_rpc_args->input; source_length = snappy_compress_rpc_args->input_length; /* Check ret */ if (ret != SNAPPY_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: snappy_compressed failed with ret %d\n", ret); } /* The output data is now in the bulk buffer */ printf("Compressed buffer length is: %zu\n", compressed_length); print_buf(5, (int *)compressed); if (snappy_validate_compressed_buffer(compressed, compressed_length) == SNAPPY_OK) { printf("Compressed buffer validated: compressed successfully\n"); } uncompressed_length = source_length * sizeof(int); uncompressed = (int *) malloc(uncompressed_length); /* Uncompress data and check uncompressed_length */ printf("Uncompressing buffer...\n"); snappy_uncompress(compressed, compressed_length, (char *) uncompressed, &uncompressed_length); printf("Uncompressed buffer length is: %zu\n", uncompressed_length); print_buf(20, uncompressed); /* Free output and handles */ HG_Free_output(handle, &snappy_compress_output); HG_Bulk_free(snappy_compress_rpc_args->input_bulk_handle); HG_Bulk_free(snappy_compress_rpc_args->compressed_bulk_handle); /* Free data */ free(uncompressed); free(compressed); free(input); free(snappy_compress_rpc_args); /* We're done */ snappy_compress_done_g = HG_TRUE; return HG_SUCCESS; }
size_t cfs_decompress(void* dst, size_t dst_size, void const* src, size_t src_size) { return snappy_uncompress(src, src_size, dst, &dst_size) == SNAPPY_OK ? dst_size : 0; }
int memDecompressSnappy( char *out, int outlen, char *in, int inlen ) { size_t osz = outlen; snappy_status ret = snappy_uncompress( in, inlen, out, &osz ); if(ret == SNAPPY_OK ) return osz; else assertmsg(false,"snappy_uncompress failed"); return 0; }