int snmp_init(selector_t *sel) { struct snmp_session session; #ifdef HAVE_NETSNMP netsnmp_transport *transport = NULL; static char *snmp_default_port = "udp:162"; netsnmp_ds_set_boolean(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_MIB_ERRORS, 0); init_snmp("ipmi_ui"); transport = netsnmp_tdomain_transport(snmp_default_port, 1, "udp"); if (!transport) { snmp_sess_perror("ipmi_ui", &session); return -1; } #else void *transport = NULL; #endif snmp_sess_init(&session); session.peername = SNMP_DEFAULT_PEERNAME; session.version = SNMP_DEFAULT_VERSION; session.community_len = SNMP_DEFAULT_COMMUNITY_LEN; session.retries = SNMP_DEFAULT_RETRIES; session.timeout = SNMP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; session.local_port = SNMP_TRAP_PORT; session.callback = snmp_input; session.callback_magic = transport; session.authenticator = NULL; session.isAuthoritative = SNMP_SESS_UNKNOWNAUTH; #ifdef HAVE_NETSNMP snmp_session = snmp_add(&session, transport, snmp_pre_parse, NULL); #else snmp_session = snmp_open_ex(&session, snmp_pre_parse, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); #endif if (snmp_session == NULL) { snmp_sess_perror("ipmi_ui", &session); return -1; } ipmi_sel_set_read_fds_handler(sel, snmp_add_read_fds, snmp_check_read_fds, snmp_check_timeout, NULL); return 0; }
/* * send_trap_to_sess: sends a trap to a session but assumes that the * pdu is constructed correctly for the session type. */ void send_trap_to_sess(netsnmp_session * sess, netsnmp_pdu *template_pdu) { netsnmp_pdu *pdu; if (!sess || !template_pdu) return; DEBUGMSGTL(("trap", "sending trap type=%d, version=%d\n", template_pdu->command, sess->version)); if (sess->version == SNMP_VERSION_1 && (template_pdu->command == SNMP_MSG_TRAP2 || template_pdu->command == SNMP_MSG_INFORM)) return; /* Skip v1 sinks for v2 only traps */ template_pdu->version = sess->version; pdu = snmp_clone_pdu(template_pdu); pdu->sessid = sess->sessid; /* AgentX only ? */ if (snmp_send(sess, pdu) == 0) { snmp_sess_perror("snmpd: send_trap", sess); snmp_free_pdu(pdu); } else { snmp_increment_statistic(STAT_SNMPOUTTRAPS); snmp_increment_statistic(STAT_SNMPOUTPKTS); } }
int create_trap_session(char *sink, u_short sinkport, char *com, int version, int pdutype) { netsnmp_session session, *sesp; char *peername = NULL; if ((peername = malloc(strlen(sink) + 4 + 32)) == NULL) { return 0; } else { snprintf(peername, strlen(sink) + 4 + 32, "udp:%s:%hu", sink, sinkport); } memset(&session, 0, sizeof(netsnmp_session)); session.peername = peername; session.version = version; if (com) { = (u_char *) com; session.community_len = strlen(com); } sesp = snmp_open(&session); free(peername); if (sesp) { return add_trap_session(sesp, pdutype, (pdutype == SNMP_MSG_INFORM), version); } /* * diagnose snmp_open errors with the input netsnmp_session pointer */ snmp_sess_perror("snmpd: create_trap_session", &session); return 0; }
int init_master_agent(int dest_port, int (*pre_parse) (struct snmp_session *, snmp_ipaddr), int (*post_parse) (struct snmp_session *, struct snmp_pdu *,int)) { struct snmp_session sess, *session; if ( ds_get_boolean(DS_APPLICATION_ID, DS_AGENT_ROLE) != MASTER_AGENT ) return 0; /* no error if ! MASTER_AGENT */ DEBUGMSGTL(("snmpd","installing master agent on port %d\n", dest_port)); snmp_sess_init( &sess ); sess.version = SNMP_DEFAULT_VERSION; sess.peername = SNMP_DEFAULT_PEERNAME; sess.community_len = SNMP_DEFAULT_COMMUNITY_LEN; sess.local_port = dest_port; sess.callback = handle_snmp_packet; sess.authenticator = NULL; sess.flags = ds_get_int(DS_APPLICATION_ID, DS_AGENT_FLAGS); session = snmp_open_ex( &sess, pre_parse, 0, post_parse, 0, 0 ); if ( session == NULL ) { /* diagnose snmp_open errors with the input struct snmp_session pointer */ snmp_sess_perror("init_master_agent", &sess); return 1; } main_session = session; return 0; }
/** * Helper for snmp_init */ static void open_session_helper(netsnmp_session *local, netsnmp_session **remote) { *remote = snmp_open(local); if (!*remote) { snmp_sess_perror("SNMP ack", local); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } }
/* * send_trap_to_sess: sends a trap to a session but assumes that the * pdu is constructed correctly for the session type. */ void send_trap_to_sess(netsnmp_session * sess, netsnmp_pdu *template_pdu) { netsnmp_pdu *pdu; int result; int len; if (!sess || !template_pdu) return; DEBUGMSGTL(("trap", "sending trap type=%d, version=%ld\n", template_pdu->command, sess->version)); #ifndef NETSNMP_DISABLE_SNMPV1 if (sess->version == SNMP_VERSION_1 && (template_pdu->command != SNMP_MSG_TRAP)) return; /* Skip v1 sinks for v2 only traps */ if (sess->version != SNMP_VERSION_1 && (template_pdu->command == SNMP_MSG_TRAP)) return; /* Skip v2+ sinks for v1 only traps */ #endif template_pdu->version = sess->version; pdu = snmp_clone_pdu(template_pdu); pdu->sessid = sess->sessid; /* AgentX only ? */ if ( template_pdu->command == SNMP_MSG_INFORM #ifdef USING_AGENTX_PROTOCOL_MODULE || template_pdu->command == AGENTX_MSG_NOTIFY #endif ) { result = snmp_async_send(sess, pdu, &handle_inform_response, NULL); } else { if ((sess->version == SNMP_VERSION_3) && (pdu->command == SNMP_MSG_TRAP2) && (sess->securityEngineIDLen == 0)) { u_char tmp[SPRINT_MAX_LEN]; len = snmpv3_get_engineID(tmp, sizeof(tmp)); memdup(&pdu->securityEngineID, tmp, len); pdu->securityEngineIDLen = len; } result = snmp_send(sess, pdu); } if (result == 0) { snmp_sess_perror("snmpd: send_trap", sess); snmp_free_pdu(pdu); } else { snmp_increment_statistic(STAT_SNMPOUTTRAPS); snmp_increment_statistic(STAT_SNMPOUTPKTS); } }
/** Write on/off status */ double setMainSwitch(HSNMP m_sessp,float value) { struct snmp_pdu* pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_SET); // prepare set-request pdu pdu->community = (u_char*)strdup(writeCommunity); pdu->community_len = strlen(writeCommunity); // for(each SET request to one crate) { int v = (int) value; snmp_pdu_add_variable(pdu,oidSysMainSwitch,lengthSysMainSwitch,ASN_INTEGER,(u_char*)&v,sizeof(v)); // } // endfor struct snmp_pdu* response; int status = snmp_sess_synch_response(m_sessp,pdu,&response); /* * Process the response. */ if (status == STAT_SUCCESS && response->errstat == SNMP_ERR_NOERROR) { /* * SUCCESS: Print the result variables */ struct variable_list *vars; // debug print //for(vars = response->variables; vars; vars = vars->next_variable) // print_variable(vars->name, vars->name_length, vars); /* manipuate the information ourselves */ for(vars = response->variables; vars; vars = vars->next_variable) { if (vars->type == ASN_OPAQUE_FLOAT) { // 0x78 value = *vars->val.floatVal; } else if (vars->type == ASN_OPAQUE_DOUBLE) { // 0x79 value = *vars->val.doubleVal; } else if(vars->type == ASN_INTEGER) { // 0x02 value = (double)*vars->val.integer; } } } else { /* * FAILURE: print what went wrong! */ if (status == STAT_SUCCESS) fprintf(stderr, "Error in packet\nReason: %s\n", snmp_errstring(response->errstat)); else snmp_sess_perror("snmpget",snmp_sess_session(m_sessp)); return 0; } snmp_free_pdu(response); return value; }
/** Get current from power supply */ double getCurrentMeasurement(HSNMP m_sessp, int channel) { double value; struct snmp_pdu* pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GET); // prepare get-request pdu // for(each GET request to one crate) { snmp_add_null_var(pdu,oidOutputMeasurementCurrent[channel],lengthOutputMeasurementCurrent[channel]); // generate request data // } // endfor struct snmp_pdu* response; int status = snmp_sess_synch_response(m_sessp,pdu,&response); /* * Process the response. */ if (status == STAT_SUCCESS && response->errstat == SNMP_ERR_NOERROR) { /* * SUCCESS: Print the result variables */ struct variable_list *vars; // debug print //for(vars = response->variables; vars; vars = vars->next_variable) // print_variable(vars->name, vars->name_length, vars); /* manipuate the information ourselves */ for(vars = response->variables; vars; vars = vars->next_variable) { if (vars->type == ASN_OPAQUE_FLOAT) { // 0x78 value = *vars->val.floatVal; } else if (vars->type == ASN_OPAQUE_DOUBLE) { // 0x79 value = *vars->val.doubleVal; } else if(vars->type == ASN_INTEGER) { // 0x02 value = (double)*vars->val.integer; } } } else { /* * FAILURE: print what went wrong! */ if (status == STAT_SUCCESS) fprintf(stderr, "Error in packet\nReason: %s\n", snmp_errstring(response->errstat)); else snmp_sess_perror("snmpget",snmp_sess_session(m_sessp)); return 0; } snmp_free_pdu(response); return value; }
void init_master(void) { struct snmp_session sess, *session; if ( ds_get_boolean(DS_APPLICATION_ID, DS_AGENT_ROLE) != MASTER_AGENT ) return; DEBUGMSGTL(("agentx/master","initializing...\n")); snmp_sess_init( &sess ); sess.version = AGENTX_VERSION_1; sess.flags |= SNMP_FLAGS_STREAM_SOCKET; if ( ds_get_string(DS_APPLICATION_ID, DS_AGENT_X_SOCKET) ) sess.peername = strdup(ds_get_string(DS_APPLICATION_ID, DS_AGENT_X_SOCKET)); else sess.peername = strdup(AGENTX_SOCKET); if ( sess.peername[0] == '/' ) { /* * If this is a Unix pathname, * try and create the directory first. */ if (mkdirhier(sess.peername, AGENT_DIRECTORY_MODE, 1)) { snmp_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to create the directory for the agentX socket: %s\n", sess.peername); } } /* * Otherwise, let 'snmp_open' interpret the string. */ sess.local_port = AGENTX_PORT; /* Indicate server & set default port */ sess.remote_port = 0; sess.callback = handle_master_agentx_packet; session = snmp_open_ex( &sess, 0, agentx_parse, 0, agentx_build, agentx_check_packet ); if ( session == NULL && sess.s_errno == EADDRINUSE ) { /* * Could be a left-over socket (now deleted) * Try again */ session = snmp_open_ex( &sess, 0, agentx_parse, 0, agentx_build, agentx_check_packet ); } if ( session == NULL ) { /* diagnose snmp_open errors with the input struct snmp_session pointer */ snmp_sess_perror("init_master", &sess); if (!ds_get_boolean(DS_APPLICATION_ID, DS_AGENT_NO_ROOT_ACCESS)) exit(1); } DEBUGMSGTL(("agentx/master","initializing... DONE\n")); }
// handle err if connection fails void errHandles(int stat) { if (status == STAT_SUCCESS) fprintf(stderr, "Error in packet\nReason: %s\n", snmp_errstring(response->errstat)); else if (status == STAT_TIMEOUT) fprintf(stderr, "Timeout: No response from %s.\n", session.peername); else snmp_sess_perror("snmpdemoapp", ss); }
int create_trap_session(char *sink, u_short sinkport, char *com, int version, int pdutype) { netsnmp_session session, *sesp; char *peername = NULL; int len; len = strlen(sink) + 4 + 32; if ((peername = malloc(len)) == NULL) { return 0; } else if (NULL != strchr(sink,':')) { snprintf(peername, len, "%s", sink); } else { snprintf(peername, len, "udp:%s:%hu", sink, sinkport); } memset(&session, 0, sizeof(netsnmp_session)); session.peername = peername; session.version = version; if (com) { = (u_char *) com; session.community_len = strlen(com); } /* * for informs, set retries to default */ if (SNMP_MSG_INFORM == pdutype) { session.timeout = SNMP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; session.retries = SNMP_DEFAULT_RETRIES; } /* * if the sink is localhost, bind to localhost, to reduce open ports. */ if ((NULL == netsnmp_ds_get_string(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_CLIENT_ADDR)) && ((0 == strcmp("localhost",sink)) || (0 == strcmp("",sink)))) session.localname = "localhost"; sesp = snmp_open(&session); free(peername); if (sesp) { return add_trap_session(sesp, pdutype, (pdutype == SNMP_MSG_INFORM), version); } /* * diagnose snmp_open errors with the input netsnmp_session pointer */ snmp_sess_perror("snmpd: create_trap_session", &session); return 0; }
netsnmp_variable_list * collect(netsnmp_session * ss, netsnmp_pdu *pdu, oid * base, size_t base_length) { netsnmp_pdu *response; int running = 1; netsnmp_variable_list *saved = NULL, **vlpp = &saved; int status; while (running) { /* * gotta catch em all, gotta catch em all! */ status = snmp_synch_response(ss, pdu, &response); if (status != STAT_SUCCESS || !response) { snmp_sess_perror("snmpdf", ss); exit(1); } if (response->errstat != SNMP_ERR_NOERROR) { fprintf(stderr, "snmpdf: Error in packet: %s\n", snmp_errstring(response->errstat)); exit(1); } if (response && snmp_oid_compare(response->variables->name, SNMP_MIN(base_length, response->variables-> name_length), base, base_length) != 0) running = 0; else { /* * get response */ *vlpp = response->variables; (*vlpp)->next_variable = NULL; /* shouldn't be any, but just in case */ /* * create the next request */ pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GETNEXT); snmp_add_null_var(pdu, (*vlpp)->name, (*vlpp)->name_length); /* * finish loop setup */ vlpp = &((*vlpp)->next_variable); response->variables = NULL; /* ahh, forget about it */ } snmp_free_pdu(response); } return saved; }
bool Session::getVariables(const QStringList &oids, QValueVector<QVariant> &retvars, uint32_t &status, int startIndex) { struct snmp_pdu *response = NULL; if ( ! m_session ) { status = 0xFFFFFFFF; return false; } struct snmp_pdu *pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GET); u_long anOID[MAX_OID_LEN]; QStringList::const_iterator it = oids.begin(); for(int i = 0; i < startIndex; i++) it++; // rough hack, but works for(int i = 0; it != oids.end() && i < 5; it++, i++ ) { size_t anOID_len = MAX_OID_LEN; get_node((*it).latin1(), anOID, &anOID_len); snmp_add_null_var(pdu, anOID, anOID_len); } status = snmp_synch_response(m_session, pdu, &response); //! @todo Error handling should be changed in a more OO way. if ( status != STAT_SUCCESS ) { snmp_sess_perror("snmpget", m_session); return false; } if ( response->errstat != SNMP_ERR_NOERROR ) { kdWarning() << "Error in packet: " << snmp_errstring(response->errstat) << endl; snmp_free_pdu(response); return false; } variable_list *var = response->variables; int i = startIndex; while( var ) { retvars[i] = snmpvarToVariant(var); i++; var = var->next_variable; } snmp_free_pdu(response); return true; }
SaErrorT snmp_getn_bulk( struct snmp_session *ss, oid *bulk_objid, size_t bulk_objid_len, struct snmp_pdu *bulk_pdu, struct snmp_pdu **bulk_response, int num_repetitions ) { int status; SaErrorT rtncode = SA_OK; // struct variable_list *vars; bulk_pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GETBULK); bulk_pdu->non_repeaters = 0; bulk_pdu->max_repetitions = num_repetitions; snmp_add_null_var(bulk_pdu, bulk_objid, bulk_objid_len); /* Send the Request out.*/ status = snmp_synch_response(ss, bulk_pdu, bulk_response); /* * Process the response. */ #if 0 if (status == STAT_SUCCESS) { vars = (*bulk_response)->variables; if ((*bulk_response)->errstat == SNMP_ERR_NOERROR) { if (!CHECH_END(vars->type)) { /* This is one of the exception condition */ rtncode = SA_ERR_HPI_NOT_PRESENT; dbg("snmp exception %d \n",vars->type); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Error in packet %s\nReason: %s\n", (char *)bulk_objid, snmp_errstring((*bulk_response)->errstat)); if ((*bulk_response)->errstat == SNMP_ERR_NOSUCHNAME) (*bulk_response)->errstat = SNMP_NOSUCHOBJECT; rtncode = (SaErrorT) (SA_ERR_SNMP_BASE - (*bulk_response)->errstat); } } else { snmp_sess_perror("snmpset", ss); rtncode = (SaErrorT) (SA_ERR_SNMP_BASE - status); } #endif return(rtncode); }
SaErrorT net_snmp_failure(struct snmp_client_hnd *custom_handle, int snmp_status, struct snmp_pdu *response) { if (snmp_status == STAT_SUCCESS) { dbg("Error in packet, Whilst getting Resources\nReason: %s", snmp_errstring(response->errstat)); dbg("ERROR: net_snmp_failure %s", snmp_errstring(response->errstat)); } else { snmp_sess_perror("snmpget", custom_handle->ss); dbg("ERROR: net_snmp_failure"); } return(SA_ERR_HPI_ERROR); }
void snmpd_parse_config_trapsess(const char *word, char *cptr) { char *argv[MAX_ARGS], *cp = cptr, tmp[SPRINT_MAX_LEN]; int argn, arg; netsnmp_session session, *ss; /* * inform or trap? default to trap */ traptype = SNMP_MSG_TRAP2; /* * create the argv[] like array */ argv[0] = strdup("snmpd-trapsess"); /* bogus entry for getopt() */ for (argn = 1; cp && argn < MAX_ARGS; argn++) { cp = copy_nword(cp, tmp, SPRINT_MAX_LEN); argv[argn] = strdup(tmp); } arg = snmp_parse_args(argn, argv, &session, "C:", trapOptProc); ss = snmp_open(&session); for (; argn > 0; argn--) { free(argv[argn - 1]); } if (!ss) { config_perror ("snmpd: failed to parse this line or the remote trap receiver is down. Possible cause:"); snmp_sess_perror("snmpd: snmpd_parse_config_trapsess()", &session); return; } #ifndef DISABLE_SNMPV1 if (ss->version == SNMP_VERSION_1) { add_trap_session(ss, SNMP_MSG_TRAP, 0, SNMP_VERSION_1); } else { #endif add_trap_session(ss, traptype, (traptype == SNMP_MSG_INFORM), ss->version); #ifndef DISABLE_SNMPV1 } #endif }
char *session_query(struct snmp_session *ss, struct snmp_pdu *pdu) { struct snmp_pdu *response; struct variable_list *vars; int status; char buf[SPRINT_MAX_LEN]; char *rbuffer=NULL; /* Send the Request */ status = snmp_synch_response(ss, pdu, &response); /* Process the response */ if (status == STAT_SUCCESS && response->errstat == SNMP_ERR_NOERROR ) { /* Success: Print the results */ /* for (vars=response->variables; vars; vars=vars->next_variable) { */ vars=response->variables; if (vars!=NULL && vars->type <ASN_LONG_LEN) { if (vars->type == ASN_INTEGER) { sprintf(buf,"%ld",*vars->val.integer); rbuffer=malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(buf)+1)); memset(rbuffer,'\0',strlen(buf)+1); strncpy(rbuffer,buf,strlen(buf)); } else { snprint_variable(buf, sizeof (buf), vars->name, vars->name_length, vars); rbuffer=malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(buf)+1)); memset(rbuffer,'\0',strlen(buf)+1); strncpy(rbuffer,buf,strlen(buf)); } } else rbuffer = NULL; } else { /* Failure: print what went wrong */ if (status == STAT_SUCCESS) fprintf(stderr,"Error in packet.\nReason: %s\n", snmp_errstring(response->errstat)); else snmp_sess_perror("snmpget ", ss); } /* Clean up */ if (response) snmp_free_pdu(response); // printf("Result : %s\n",rbuffer); return rbuffer; }
char *session_set( struct snmp_session *ss,const char *name, const char *value ) { struct snmp_pdu *pdu, *response; oid anOID[MAX_OID_LEN]; size_t anOID_len = MAX_OID_LEN; struct variable_list *vars; int status; char buf[SPRINT_MAX_LEN]; char *rbuffer=NULL; /* create PDU for request */ pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_SET); get_node(name, anOID, &anOID_len); snmp_add_var(pdu, anOID, anOID_len,'i',value); // snmp_add_null_var(pdu, anOID, anOID_len); /* Send the Request */ status = snmp_synch_response(ss, pdu, &response); /* Process the response */ if (status == STAT_SUCCESS && response->errstat == SNMP_ERR_NOERROR) { /* Success: Print the results */ /* for (vars=response->variables; vars; vars=vars->next_variable) { */ vars=response->variables; if (vars!=NULL) { snprint_variable(buf, sizeof (buf), vars->name, vars->name_length, vars); rbuffer=malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(buf)+1)); memset(rbuffer,'\0',strlen(buf)+1); strncpy(rbuffer,buf,strlen(buf)); } else rbuffer = NULL; } else { /* Failure: print what went wrong */ if (status == STAT_SUCCESS) fprintf(stderr,"Error in packet.\nReason: %s\n", snmp_errstring(response->errstat)); else snmp_sess_perror("snmpset", ss); } /* Clean up */ /* if (pdu) snmp_free_pdu(pdu); */ if (response) snmp_free_pdu(response); return rbuffer; }
static int create_trap_session2(const char *sink, const char* sinkport, char *com, int version, int pdutype) { netsnmp_transport *t; netsnmp_session session, *sesp; memset(&session, 0, sizeof(netsnmp_session)); session.version = version; if (com) { = (u_char *) com; session.community_len = strlen(com); } /* * for informs, set retries to default */ if (SNMP_MSG_INFORM == pdutype) { session.timeout = SNMP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; session.retries = SNMP_DEFAULT_RETRIES; } /* * if the sink is localhost, bind to localhost, to reduce open ports. */ if ((NULL == netsnmp_ds_get_string(NETSNMP_DS_LIBRARY_ID, NETSNMP_DS_LIB_CLIENT_ADDR)) && ((0 == strcmp("localhost",sink)) || (0 == strcmp("",sink)))) session.localname = "localhost"; t = netsnmp_tdomain_transport_full("snmptrap", sink, 0, NULL, sinkport); if (t != NULL) { sesp = snmp_add(&session, t, NULL, NULL); if (sesp) { return add_trap_session(sesp, pdutype, (pdutype == SNMP_MSG_INFORM), version); } } /* * diagnose snmp_open errors with the input netsnmp_session pointer */ snmp_sess_perror("snmpd: create_trap_session", &session); return 0; }
// a higher abstraction function takes oid string and SNMP methods and call void snmpcommand(char* oid,int cmd) { SOCK_STARTUP; ss = snmp_open(&session); /* establish the session */ if (!ss) { snmp_sess_perror("ack", &session); SOCK_CLEANUP; exit(1); } pdu = snmp_pdu_create(cmd); if ( cmd == SNMP_MSG_GETBULK) { // for bulkget only pdu->non_repeaters = 0; pdu->max_repetitions = 50; } anOID_len = MAX_OID_LEN; get_node(oid, anOID, &anOID_len); snmp_add_null_var(pdu, anOID, anOID_len);// all OID should be paired with null for out going req status = snmp_synch_response(ss, pdu, &response); // sent req }
static netsnmp_session *snmptrapd_add_session(netsnmp_transport *t) { netsnmp_session sess, *session = &sess, *rc = NULL; snmp_sess_init(session); session->peername = SNMP_DEFAULT_PEERNAME; /* Original code had NULL here */ session->version = SNMP_DEFAULT_VERSION; session->community_len = SNMP_DEFAULT_COMMUNITY_LEN; session->retries = SNMP_DEFAULT_RETRIES; session->timeout = SNMP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; session->callback = snmp_input; session->callback_magic = (void *) t; session->authenticator = NULL; sess.isAuthoritative = SNMP_SESS_UNKNOWNAUTH; rc = snmp_add(session, t, pre_parse, NULL); if (rc == NULL) { snmp_sess_perror("snmptrapd", session); } return rc; }
/* * send_trap_to_sess: sends a trap to a session but assumes that the * pdu is constructed correctly for the session type. */ void send_trap_to_sess(netsnmp_session * sess, netsnmp_pdu *template_pdu) { netsnmp_pdu *pdu; int result; if (!sess || !template_pdu) return; DEBUGMSGTL(("trap", "sending trap type=%d, version=%d\n", template_pdu->command, sess->version)); #ifndef DISABLE_SNMPV1 if (sess->version == SNMP_VERSION_1 && (template_pdu->command != SNMP_MSG_TRAP)) return; /* Skip v1 sinks for v2 only traps */ #endif template_pdu->version = sess->version; pdu = snmp_clone_pdu(template_pdu); pdu->sessid = sess->sessid; /* AgentX only ? */ if ( template_pdu->command == SNMP_MSG_INFORM #ifdef USING_AGENTX_PROTOCOL_MODULE || template_pdu->command == AGENTX_MSG_NOTIFY #endif ) { result = snmp_async_send(sess, pdu, &handle_inform_response, NULL); } else { result = snmp_send(sess, pdu); } if (result == 0) { snmp_sess_perror("snmpd: send_trap", sess); snmp_free_pdu(pdu); } else { snmp_increment_statistic(STAT_SNMPOUTTRAPS); snmp_increment_statistic(STAT_SNMPOUTPKTS); } }
struct snmp_session * simpleSNMPopen(gchar *peername, gint port, gchar *community, void *data) { struct snmp_session session, *ss; /* * initialize session to default values */ snmp_sess_init( &session ); session.version = SNMP_VERSION_1; = community; session.community_len = strlen(community); session.peername = peername; session.remote_port = port; session.retries = SNMP_DEFAULT_RETRIES; session.timeout = SNMP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; session.callback = snmp_input; session.callback_magic = data; /* most likely a Reader */ session.authenticator = NULL; #ifdef STREAM session.flags |= SNMP_FLAGS_STREAM_SOCKET; #endif /* * Open an SNMP session. */ ss = snmp_open(&session); if (ss == NULL){ snmp_sess_perror("snmp_open", &session); // exit(1); } return ss; }
bool Session::getVariable(const QString &oid, QVariant &retvar, uint32_t &status) { QMutexLocker ml(&m_mutex); struct snmp_pdu *response = NULL; if ( ! m_session ) { status = 0xFFFFFFFF; return false; } // Buffer requestd for net-snmp library u_long anOID[MAX_OID_LEN]; size_t anOID_len = MAX_OID_LEN; // Prepare the PDU for a GET command struct snmp_pdu *pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GET); get_node(oid.latin1(), anOID, &anOID_len); snmp_add_null_var(pdu, anOID, anOID_len); status = snmp_synch_response(m_session, pdu, &response); //! @todo Error handling should be changed in a more OO way. if ( status != STAT_SUCCESS ) { snmp_sess_perror("snmpget", m_session); return false; } if ( response->errstat != SNMP_ERR_NOERROR ) { kdWarning() << "Error in packet: " << snmp_errstring(response->errstat) << endl; snmp_free_pdu(response); return false; } retvar = snmpvarToVariant(response->variables); snmp_free_pdu(response); return true; }
/* * Trap handler for forwarding to another destination */ int forward_handler( netsnmp_pdu *pdu, netsnmp_transport *transport, netsnmp_trapd_handler *handler) { netsnmp_session session, *ss; netsnmp_pdu *pdu2; char buf[BUFSIZ], *cp; DEBUGMSGTL(( "snmptrapd", "forward_handler (%s)\n", handler->token)); snmp_sess_init( &session ); if (strchr( handler->token, ':') == NULL) { snprintf( buf, BUFSIZ, "%s:%d", handler->token, SNMP_TRAP_PORT); cp = buf; } else { cp = handler->token; } session.peername = cp; session.version = pdu->version; ss = snmp_open( &session ); if (!ss) return NETSNMPTRAPD_HANDLER_FAIL; /* XXX: wjh we should be caching sessions here and not always reopening a session. It's very ineffecient, especially with v3 INFORMS which may require engineID probing */ pdu2 = snmp_clone_pdu(pdu); if (pdu2->transport_data) { free(pdu2->transport_data); pdu2->transport_data = NULL; pdu2->transport_data_length = 0; } if (!snmp_send( ss, pdu2 )) { snmp_sess_perror("Forward failed", ss); snmp_free_pdu(pdu2); } snmp_close( ss ); return NETSNMPTRAPD_HANDLER_OK; }
int create_trap_session (char *sink, u_short sinkport, char *com, int version, int pdutype) { struct snmp_session session, *sesp; memset (&session, 0, sizeof (struct snmp_session)); session.peername = sink; session.version = version; if (com) { = (u_char *)com; session.community_len = strlen (com); } session.remote_port = sinkport; sesp = snmp_open (&session); if (sesp) { return( add_trap_session( sesp, pdutype, version )); } /* diagnose snmp_open errors with the input struct snmp_session pointer */ snmp_sess_perror("snmpd: create_trap_session", &session); return 0; }
int snmptop(int argc, char **argv) { netsnmp_session session, *ss; int arg; struct hrSWRunTable *oproc; int ocount = 0; int show_idle = 1; int show_os = 1; char ch; struct cpuStats oldCpu; struct memStats mem; int has_cpu, has_mem; /* * get the common command line arguments */ switch (arg = snmp_parse_args(argc, argv, &session, "C:", optProc)) { case NETSNMP_PARSE_ARGS_ERROR: exit(1); case NETSNMP_PARSE_ARGS_SUCCESS_EXIT: exit(0); case NETSNMP_PARSE_ARGS_ERROR_USAGE: usage(); exit(1); default: break; } if (arg != argc) { fprintf(stderr, "snmptop: extra argument: %s\n", argv[arg]); exit(1); } SOCK_STARTUP; /* * Open an SNMP session. */ ss = snmp_open(&session); if (ss == NULL) { /* * diagnose snmp_open errors with the input netsnmp_session pointer */ snmp_sess_perror("snmptop", &session); SOCK_CLEANUP; exit(1); } ocount = collect_perf(ss, &oproc); if (ocount == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "snmptop: no processes found\n"); exit(1); } collect_cpu(ss, &oldCpu); signal(SIGINT, endtop); initscr(); cbreak(); noecho(); nonl(); halfdelay(50); while ((ch = getch()) != 'q') { int ncount; struct hrSWRunTable *nproc; int oinx = 0, ninx = 0, line = 0; netsnmp_pdu *pdu; netsnmp_pdu *response = NULL; int status; time_t clock; struct tm *ptm; char uptime[40]; char timestr[40]; char b1[15], b2[15], b3[15], b4[15]; struct cpuStats newCpu; if (ch == 'c' || ch == 'm' || ch == 'n' || ch == 't') topsort = ch; if (ch == 'i') show_idle = !show_idle; if (ch == 'o') show_os = !show_os; if (ch == 'a') command_args = !command_args; if (ch == 'p') command_path = !command_path; ncount = collect_perf(ss, &nproc); while (oinx < ocount && ninx < ncount) { if (oproc[oinx].hrSWRunIndex == nproc[ninx].hrSWRunIndex) { nproc[ninx].hrSWRunPerfCPUInc = nproc[ninx].hrSWRunPerfCPU-oproc[oinx].hrSWRunPerfCPU; ninx++; oinx++; } else if (nproc[oinx].hrSWRunIndex < oproc[ninx].hrSWRunIndex) oinx++; else { nproc[ninx].hrSWRunPerfCPUInc = nproc[ninx].hrSWRunPerfCPU; ninx++; } } while (ninx < ncount) { nproc[ninx].hrSWRunPerfCPUInc = nproc[ninx].hrSWRunPerfCPU; ninx++; } switch (topsort) { case 'c': qsort(nproc, ncount, sizeof(nproc[0]), cpucomp); break; case 'm': qsort(nproc, ncount, sizeof(nproc[0]), memcomp); break; case 't': qsort(nproc, ncount, sizeof(nproc[0]), totcomp); break; } has_cpu = collect_cpu(ss, &newCpu); has_mem = collect_mem(ss, &mem); pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GET); add(pdu, "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:hrSystemUptime.0", NULL, 0); status = snmp_synch_response(ss, pdu, &response); if (status != STAT_SUCCESS || !response || response->errstat != SNMP_ERR_NOERROR) { uptime[0] = '\0'; } else { netsnmp_variable_list *vlp = response->variables; if (vlp->type == SNMP_NOSUCHINSTANCE) abort(); uptime_string_n(*vlp->val.integer, uptime, sizeof(uptime)); } snmp_free_pdu(response); clock = time(NULL); ptm = localtime(&clock); strftime(timestr, sizeof(timestr), "%H:%M:%S", ptm); clear(); move(0, 0); printw("%s %s%s", session.peername, uptime[0] ? "up " : "", uptime); move(0, COLS-strlen(timestr)-1); printw("%s", timestr); if (has_cpu) { struct cpuStats deltaCpu; u_long sumCpu; deltaCpu.user = newCpu.user - oldCpu.user; deltaCpu.nice = newCpu.nice - oldCpu.nice; deltaCpu.system = newCpu.system - oldCpu.system; deltaCpu.idle = newCpu.idle - oldCpu.idle; deltaCpu.wait = newCpu.wait - oldCpu.wait; deltaCpu.kernel = newCpu.kernel - oldCpu.kernel; deltaCpu.intr = newCpu.intr - oldCpu.intr; deltaCpu.softintr = newCpu.softintr - oldCpu.softintr; deltaCpu.steal = newCpu.steal - oldCpu.steal; deltaCpu.guest = newCpu.guest - oldCpu.guest; deltaCpu.guestnice = newCpu.guestnice - oldCpu.guestnice; oldCpu = newCpu; sumCpu = deltaCpu.user + deltaCpu.nice + deltaCpu.system + deltaCpu.idle + deltaCpu.wait + deltaCpu.kernel + deltaCpu.steal + deltaCpu.intr + deltaCpu.softintr + deltaCpu.guest + deltaCpu.guestnice; printw("\nCPU%%: %4.1fUs %4.1fSy %4.1fId %3.1fWa %3.1fNi %3.1fKe %3.1fHi %3.1fSi %3.1fSt %3.1fGu %3.1fGN", (float)deltaCpu.user*100/sumCpu, (float)deltaCpu.system*100/sumCpu, (float)deltaCpu.idle*100/sumCpu, (float)deltaCpu.wait*100/sumCpu, (float)deltaCpu.nice*100/sumCpu, (float)deltaCpu.kernel*100/sumCpu, (float)deltaCpu.intr*100/sumCpu, (float)deltaCpu.softintr*100/sumCpu, (float)deltaCpu.steal*100/sumCpu, (float)deltaCpu.guest*100/sumCpu, (float)deltaCpu.guestnice*100/sumCpu); line++; } if (has_mem) { printw("\nMem: %10s Total %10s Used %10s Free %10s Buffer", format_humanmem(b1, sizeof b1, mem.totalReal), format_humanmem(b2, sizeof b2, mem.totalReal-mem.availReal), format_humanmem(b3, sizeof b3, mem.availReal), format_humanmem(b4, sizeof b4, mem.buffer)); line++; printw("\nSwap: %10s Total %10s Used %10s Free %10s Cached", format_humanmem(b1, sizeof b1, mem.totalSwap), format_humanmem(b2, sizeof b2, mem.totalSwap-mem.availSwap), format_humanmem(b3, sizeof b3, mem.availSwap), format_humanmem(b4, sizeof b4, mem.cached)); line++; } printw("\n%7s %4s %6s %10s %11s %5s %-10s", "Index", "Type", "Status", "Memory", "Total CPU", "%CPU", "Command"); line++; ninx = 0; while (line < LINES && ninx < ncount) { struct hrSWRunTable *proc = nproc+ninx; const char *hr_status, *hr_type; ninx++; if (proc->hrSWRunPerfCPUInc == 0 && !show_idle) continue; if (proc->hrSWRunType != 4 && !show_os) continue; line++; switch (proc->hrSWRunType) { case 1: hr_type = "Unkn"; break; case 2: hr_type = "Os"; break; case 3: hr_type = "Drvr"; break; case 4: hr_type = "Appl"; break; default: hr_type = "?"; break; } switch (proc->hrSWRunStatus) { case 1: hr_status = "Run"; break; case 2: hr_status = "Wait"; break; case 3: hr_status = "Event"; break; case 4: hr_status = "Inval"; break; default: hr_status = "?"; break; } printw("\n%7lu %4s %6s %10s %11s %5.1f %s %s", proc->hrSWRunIndex, hr_type, hr_status, format_humanmem(b1, sizeof b1, proc->hrSWRunPerfMem), format_sec(b2,sizeof b2, proc->hrSWRunPerfCPU), (float)proc->hrSWRunPerfCPUInc/5, command_path && proc->hrSWRunPath[0] ? proc->hrSWRunPath : proc->hrSWRunName, command_args ? proc->hrSWRunParameters : ""); } refresh(); qsort(nproc, ncount, sizeof(nproc[0]), pidcomp); free_perf(oproc, ocount); oproc = nproc; ocount = ncount; } endwin(); snmp_close(ss); SOCK_CLEANUP; return 0; }
int snmpps(int argc, char *argv[]) { netsnmp_session session, *ss; int arg; struct hrSWRunTable *procs; int count, pinx = 0; /* * get the common command line arguments */ switch (arg = snmp_parse_args(argc, argv, &session, "C:", optProc)) { case NETSNMP_PARSE_ARGS_ERROR: exit(1); case NETSNMP_PARSE_ARGS_SUCCESS_EXIT: exit(0); case NETSNMP_PARSE_ARGS_ERROR_USAGE: usage(); exit(1); default: break; } if (arg != argc) { fprintf(stderr, "snmpps: extra argument: %s\n", argv[arg]); exit(1); } SOCK_STARTUP; /* * Open an SNMP session. */ ss = snmp_open(&session); if (ss == NULL) { /* * diagnose snmp_open errors with the input netsnmp_session pointer */ snmp_sess_perror("snmpps", &session); SOCK_CLEANUP; exit(1); } count = collect_perf(ss, &procs); if (count == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "snmpps: no processes found\n"); exit(1); } switch (topsort) { case 'm': qsort(procs, count, sizeof(procs[0]), memcomp); break; case 't': qsort(procs, count, sizeof(procs[0]), totcomp); break; } printf("%7s %4s %6s %10s %11s %-10s\n", "Index", "Type", "Status", "Memory", "CPU", "Command"); while (pinx < count) { struct hrSWRunTable *proc = procs+pinx; const char *hr_status, *hr_type; char b1[15], b2[20]; switch (proc->hrSWRunType) { case 1: hr_type = "Unkn"; break; case 2: hr_type = "Os"; break; case 3: hr_type = "Drvr"; break; case 4: hr_type = "Appl"; break; default: hr_type = "?"; break; } switch (proc->hrSWRunStatus) { case 1: hr_status = "Run"; break; case 2: hr_status = "Wait"; break; case 3: hr_status = "Event"; break; case 4: hr_status = "Inval"; break; default: hr_status = "?"; break; } printf("%7lu %4s %6s %10s %11.11s %s %s\n", proc->hrSWRunIndex, hr_type, hr_status, format_humanmem(b1, sizeof b1, proc->hrSWRunPerfMem), format_centisec(b2, sizeof b2, proc->hrSWRunPerfCPU), command_path && proc->hrSWRunPath[0] ? proc->hrSWRunPath : proc->hrSWRunName, command_args ? proc->hrSWRunParameters : ""); pinx++; } snmp_close(ss); SOCK_CLEANUP; return 0; }
int collect_perf(netsnmp_session *ss, struct hrSWRunTable **fproc) { netsnmp_pdu *pdu; netsnmp_pdu *response; netsnmp_variable_list *vlp; oid base[MAX_OID_LEN]; size_t base_length; int status, count = 0; struct hrSWRunTable *procs = malloc(sizeof(struct hrSWRunTable)); pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GETNEXT); base_length = add(pdu, "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:hrSWRunIndex", NULL, 0); memcpy(base, pdu->variables->name, base_length * sizeof(oid)); vlp = collect_procs(ss, pdu, base, base_length); while (vlp) { size_t len; struct hrSWRunTable proc; netsnmp_variable_list *vlp2; pdu = snmp_pdu_create(SNMP_MSG_GET); add(pdu, "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:hrSWRunName", &vlp->name[base_length], vlp->name_length - base_length); add(pdu, "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:hrSWRunID", &vlp->name[base_length], vlp->name_length - base_length); add(pdu, "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:hrSWRunPath", &vlp->name[base_length], vlp->name_length - base_length); add(pdu, "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:hrSWRunParameters", &vlp->name[base_length], vlp->name_length - base_length); add(pdu, "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:hrSWRunType", &vlp->name[base_length], vlp->name_length - base_length); add(pdu, "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:hrSWRunStatus", &vlp->name[base_length], vlp->name_length - base_length); add(pdu, "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:hrSWRunPerfCPU", &vlp->name[base_length], vlp->name_length - base_length); add(pdu, "HOST-RESOURCES-MIB:hrSWRunPerfMem", &vlp->name[base_length], vlp->name_length - base_length); response = NULL; status = snmp_synch_response(ss, pdu, &response); if (status != STAT_SUCCESS || !response) { snmp_sess_perror(progname, ss); #if HAVE_CURSES_H endwin(); #endif exit(1); } if (response->errstat != SNMP_ERR_NOERROR) { vlp = vlp->next_variable; continue; } memset(&proc, 0, sizeof(proc)); proc.hrSWRunIndex = vlp->name[base_length]; vlp2 = response->variables; if (vlp2->type == SNMP_NOSUCHINSTANCE) goto next; len = vlp2->val_len; proc.hrSWRunName = malloc(len+1); memcpy(proc.hrSWRunName, vlp2->val.string, len); proc.hrSWRunName[len] = '\0'; vlp2 = vlp2->next_variable; if (vlp2->type == SNMP_NOSUCHINSTANCE) goto next; proc.hrSWRunID = *vlp2->val.integer; vlp2 = vlp2->next_variable; if (vlp2->type == SNMP_NOSUCHINSTANCE) goto next; len = vlp2->val_len; proc.hrSWRunPath = malloc(len+1); memcpy(proc.hrSWRunPath, vlp2->val.string, len); proc.hrSWRunPath[len] = '\0'; vlp2 = vlp2->next_variable; if (vlp2->type == SNMP_NOSUCHINSTANCE) goto next; len = vlp2->val_len; proc.hrSWRunParameters = malloc(len+1); memcpy(proc.hrSWRunParameters, vlp2->val.string, len); proc.hrSWRunParameters[len] = '\0'; vlp2 = vlp2->next_variable; if (vlp2->type == SNMP_NOSUCHINSTANCE) goto next; proc.hrSWRunType = *vlp2->val.integer; vlp2 = vlp2->next_variable; if (vlp2->type == SNMP_NOSUCHINSTANCE) goto next; proc.hrSWRunStatus = *vlp2->val.integer; vlp2 = vlp2->next_variable; if (vlp2->type == SNMP_NOSUCHINSTANCE) goto next; proc.hrSWRunPerfCPU = *vlp2->val.integer; vlp2 = vlp2->next_variable; if (vlp2->type == SNMP_NOSUCHINSTANCE) goto next; proc.hrSWRunPerfMem = *vlp2->val.integer; count++; procs = realloc(procs, count*sizeof(procs[0])); procs[count-1] = proc; snmp_free_pdu(response); vlp2 = vlp; vlp = vlp->next_variable; free(vlp2); continue; next: if (proc.hrSWRunName) free(proc.hrSWRunName); if (proc.hrSWRunPath) free(proc.hrSWRunPath); if (proc.hrSWRunParameters) free(proc.hrSWRunParameters); snmp_free_pdu(response); vlp2 = vlp; vlp = vlp->next_variable; free(vlp2); } *fproc = procs; return count; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *hostname = NULL; struct protoent *p; struct protox *tp = NULL; /* for printing cblocks & stats */ int allprotos = 1; char *community = NULL; char *argp; struct snmp_session session; int dest_port = SNMP_PORT; int timeout = SNMP_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; int version = SNMP_VERSION_1; int arg; init_mib(); /* * Usage: snmpnetstatwalk -v 1 [-q] hostname community ... or: * Usage: snmpnetstat [-v 2 ] [-q] hostname noAuth ... */ for(arg = 1; arg < argc; arg++){ if (argv[arg][0] == '-'){ switch(argv[arg][1]){ case 'V': fprintf(stderr,"UCD-snmp version: %s\n", VersionInfo); exit(0); break; case 'h': usage(); exit(0); case 'd': snmp_set_dump_packet(1); break; case 'q': snmp_set_quick_print(1); break; case 'D': debug_register_tokens(&argv[arg][2]); snmp_set_do_debugging(1); break; case 'p': if (argv[arg][2] != 0) dest_port = atoi(argv[arg]+2); else if (++arg == argc) { usage(); exit(1); } else dest_port = atoi(argv[arg]); break; case 't': if (argv[arg][2] != 0) timeout = atoi(argv[arg]+2); else if (++arg == argc) { usage(); exit(1); } else timeout = atoi(argv[arg]); timeout *= 1000000; break; case 'c': if (argv[arg][2] != 0) community = argv[arg]+2; else if (++arg == argc) { usage(); exit(1); } else community = argv[arg]; break; case 'v': if (argv[arg][2] != 0) argp = argv[arg]+2; else if (arg == argc) { usage(); exit(1); } else argp = argv[arg]; if (!strcmp(argp,"1")) version = SNMP_VERSION_1; else if (!strcmp(argp,"2c")) version = SNMP_VERSION_2c; else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid version: %s\n", argp); usage(); exit(1); } break; case 'a': aflag++; break; case 'i': iflag++; break; case 'o': oflag++; break; case 'n': nflag++; break; case 'r': rflag++; break; case 's': sflag++; break; case 'P': if (++arg == argc) { usage(); exit(1); } if ((tp = name2protox(argv [arg])) == NULLPROTOX) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown or uninstrumented protocol\n", argv [arg]); exit(1); } allprotos = 0; tp->pr_wanted = 1; break; case 'I': iflag++; if (*(intrface = argv[arg] + 2) == 0) { if (++arg == argc) { usage(); exit(1); } if ((intrface = argv[arg]) == 0) break; } break; default: printf("invalid option: -%c\n", argv[arg][1]); break; } continue; } if (hostname == NULL){ hostname = argv[arg]; } else if ((version == SNMP_VERSION_1 || version == SNMP_VERSION_2c) && community == NULL){ community = argv[arg]; } else if (isdigit(argv[arg][0])) { interval = atoi(argv[arg]); if (interval <= 0){ usage(); exit(1); } iflag++; } else { usage(); exit(1); } } if (!hostname || ((version == SNMP_VERSION_1 || version == SNMP_VERSION_2c) && !community)) { usage(); exit(1); } snmp_sess_init(&session); session.peername = hostname; session.remote_port = dest_port; session.timeout = timeout; if (version == SNMP_VERSION_1 || version == SNMP_VERSION_2c){ session.version = version; = (u_char *)community; session.community_len = strlen((char *)community); } SOCK_STARTUP; /* open an SNMP session */ Session = snmp_open(&session); if (Session == NULL){ /* diagnose snmp_open errors with the input struct snmp_session pointer */ snmp_sess_perror("snmpnetstat", &session); SOCK_CLEANUP; exit(1); } /* * Keep file descriptors open to avoid overhead * of open/close on each call to get* routines. */ sethostent(1); setnetent(1); setprotoent(1); setservent(1); if (iflag) { intpr(interval); } if (oflag) { intpro(interval); } if (rflag) { if (sflag) rt_stats(); else routepr(); } if (iflag || rflag || oflag) ; else { while ((p = getprotoent46())) { for (tp = protox; tp->pr_name; tp++) { if (strcmp(tp->pr_name, p->p_name) == 0) break; } if (tp->pr_name == 0 || (tp->pr_wanted == 0 && allprotos == 0)) continue; if (sflag) { if (tp->pr_stats) (*tp->pr_stats)(); } else if (tp->pr_cblocks) (*tp->pr_cblocks)(tp->pr_name); } } /* ! iflag, rflag, oflag */ endprotoent(); endservent(); endnetent(); endhostent(); snmp_close(Session); SOCK_CLEANUP; return 0; }