Пример #1
const char *soap_xsd__dateTime2s(struct soap *soap, const struct timeval a)
{ size_t n;
  soap_dateTime2s(soap, a.tv_sec); /* assuming result is in tmpbuf! */
  n = strlen(soap->tmpbuf);
  if (soap->tmpbuf[n-1] == 'Z')
  (SOAP_SNPRINTF(soap->tmpbuf + n, sizeof(soap->tmpbuf) - n, 10), ".%.6dZ", a.tv_usec);
  return soap->tmpbuf;
Пример #2
const char *soap_xsd__dateTime2s(struct soap *soap, const struct timeval a)
{ char *s = soap->tmpbuf;
  size_t n;
  soap_dateTime2s(soap, a.tv_sec); /* assuming result is in tmpbuf! */
  n = strlen(s);
  if (s[n-1] == 'Z')
  sprintf(s + n, ".%0.6dZ", a.tv_usec);
  return s;
Пример #3
@fn int soap_wsse_add_Timestamp(struct soap *soap, const char *id, time_t lifetime)
@brief Adds Timestamp element with optional expiration date+time (lifetime).
@param[in] soap context
@param[in] id for signature referencing or NULL
@param[in] lifetime expressed in time_t units, or 0 for no expiration
@return SOAP_OK
soap_wsse_add_Timestamp(struct soap *soap, const char *id, time_t lifetime)
{ _wsse__Security *security = soap_wsse_add_Security(soap);
  time_t now = time(NULL);
  char *created = soap_strdup(soap, soap_dateTime2s(soap, now));
  char *expired = lifetime ? soap_strdup(soap, soap_dateTime2s(soap, now + lifetime)) : NULL;
  DBGFUN1("soap_wsse_add_Timestamp", "id=%s", id?id:"");
  /* allocate a Timestamp if we don't have one already */
  if (!security->wsu__Timestamp)
  { security->wsu__Timestamp = (_wsu__Timestamp*)soap_malloc(soap, sizeof(_wsu__Timestamp));
    if (!security->wsu__Timestamp)
      return soap->error = SOAP_EOM;
  soap_default__wsu__Timestamp(soap, security->wsu__Timestamp);
  /* populate the wsu:Timestamp element */
  security->wsu__Timestamp->wsu__Id = soap_strdup(soap, id);
  security->wsu__Timestamp->Created = created;
  security->wsu__Timestamp->Expires = expired;
  return SOAP_OK;
Пример #4
/* Most of this function is taken from the function 'soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest()' defined in wsseapi.cpp //
// Used to alter the soap request for an offset time (for authorization purposes - replay attack protection) */
int OnvifClientDevice::LocalAddUsernameTokenDigest(struct soap *soapOff,double cam_pc_offset) 
	string strUrl;
	string strUser;
	string strPass;
	if (this->GetUserPasswd(strUser, strPass) == false 
			|| this->GetUrl(strUrl) == false)
		return SOAP_ERR;
	/* start soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest; Taken from wsseapi.cpp*/
	/* All of this is taken from the function soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest() defined in wsseapi.cpp */
	_wsse__Security *security = soap_wsse_add_Security(soapOff);
	time_t now = time(NULL);
	now -= (time_t) cam_pc_offset; //offset so digest comes out correctly (synced times between cam and pc);
	const char *created = soap_dateTime2s(soapOff, now);
	char HA[SOAP_SMD_SHA1_SIZE], HABase64[29];
	char nonce[20], *nonceBase64;

	/*start calc_nonce(soapOff, nonce); Taken from wsseapi.cpp */
	time_t r = time(NULL);
	cout << "now time: " << r << endl;
	r -= (time_t) cam_pc_offset; //offset so digest comes out correctly (synced times between cam and pc);
	cout << "now time minus offset: " << r << endl;
	memcpy(nonce, &r, 4);
	for (int i = 4; i < 20; i += 4)
	{ r = soap_random;
	memcpy(nonce + i, &r, 4);
	/*end calc_nonce(soapOff, nonce); */

	nonceBase64 = soap_s2base64(soapOff, (unsigned char*)nonce, NULL, 20);

	/* start calc_digest(soapOff, created, nonce, 20, strPass, HA);  Taken from wsseapi.cpp */
	struct soap_smd_data context;
	/* use smdevp engine */
	soap_smd_init(soapOff, &context, SOAP_SMD_DGST_SHA1, NULL, 0);
	soap_smd_update(soapOff, &context, nonce, 20);
	soap_smd_update(soapOff, &context, created, strlen(created));
	soap_smd_update(soapOff, &context, strPass.c_str(), strlen(strPass.c_str()));
	soap_smd_final(soapOff, &context, HA, NULL);
	/* end calc_digest(soapOff, created, nonce, 20, strPass, HA); */

	soap_s2base64(soapOff, (unsigned char*)HA, HABase64, SOAP_SMD_SHA1_SIZE);
	/* populate the UsernameToken with digest */
	soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenText(soapOff, "Id", strUser.c_str(), HABase64);
	/* populate the remainder of the password, nonce, and created */
	security->UsernameToken->Password->Type = (char*)wsse_PasswordDigestURI;
	security->UsernameToken->Nonce = nonceBase64;
	security->UsernameToken->wsu__Created = soap_strdup(soapOff, created);
	/* end soap_wsse_add_UsernameTokenDigest */
	return SOAP_OK;
Пример #5
time_t value::operator=(time_t t)
{ __type = SOAP_TYPE__dateTime_DOTiso8601;
  __any = NULL;
  ref = soap_strdup(soap, soap_dateTime2s(soap, t));
  return t;
Пример #6
char* CSoapUtils::createSoapDateTimeStr(struct soap* psoap)
	time_t now = time(NULL);  
    return soap_strdup(psoap, soap_dateTime2s(psoap, now));  