Пример #1
int mashupService::dtx(_XML x, struct _ns3__commingtotown *response)
  ServiceProxy Time;
  Time.soap_endpoint = "http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/gmtlitserver.cgi";

  _ns1__gmt gmt;
  _ns1__gmtResponse gmtResponse;

  if (Time.gmt(&gmt, &gmtResponse))
    return soap_receiverfault("Cannot connect to GMT server", NULL);

  time_t *now = gmtResponse.param_1;

  if (!now)
    return soap_receiverfault("Could not retrieve current time", NULL);

  struct tm tm;

  tm.tm_sec = 0;
  tm.tm_min = 0;
  tm.tm_hour = 0;
  tm.tm_mday = 25;
  tm.tm_mon = 11;
  tm.tm_year = gmtime(now)->tm_year; // this year
  tm.tm_isdst = 0;
  tm.tm_zone = NULL;

  time_t xmas = soap_timegm(&tm);

  if (xmas < *now)
    tm.tm_year++; // xmas just passed, go to next year
    xmas = soap_timegm(&tm);

  double sec = difftime(xmas, *now);
  calcProxy Calc;
  double days;

  if (Calc.div(sec, 86400.0, days))
    return soap_receiverfault("Cannot connect to calc server", NULL);

  response->days = (int)days;

  soap_delegate_deletion(&Time, this); // Time data to be deleted by 'this'
  soap_delegate_deletion(&Calc, this); // Calc data to be deleted by 'this'

  return SOAP_OK;
Пример #2
int mashupService::dtx(_XML x, _ns3__commingtotown &response)
    (void)x; /* input param that is always empty is simply ignored */

    ServiceProxy Time("http://www.cs.fsu.edu/~engelen/gmtlitserver.cgi");

    _ns1__gmt gmt;
    _ns1__gmtResponse gmtResponse;

    if (Time.gmt(&gmt, gmtResponse))
        return soap_receiverfault("Cannot connect to GMT server", NULL);

    time_t *now = gmtResponse.param_1;

    if (!now)
        return soap_receiverfault("Could not retrieve current time", NULL);

    struct tm tm;

    memset(&tm, 0, sizeof(struct tm));
    tm.tm_mday = 25;
    tm.tm_mon = 11;
    tm.tm_year = gmtime(now)->tm_year; // this year

    time_t xmas = soap_timegm(&tm);

    if (xmas < *now)
        tm.tm_year++; // xmas just passed, go to next year
        xmas = soap_timegm(&tm);

    double sec = difftime(xmas, *now);

    calcProxy Calc;
    double days;

    if (Calc.div(sec, 86400.0, days))
        return soap_receiverfault("Cannot connect to calc server", NULL);

    response.days = (int)days;

    soap_delegate_deletion(&Time, this); // Time data to be deleted by 'this'
    soap_delegate_deletion(&Calc, this); // Calc data to be deleted by 'this'

    return SOAP_OK;