//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int gps_soc_request_abort(void) { /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Local Variables */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Code Body */ /*----------------------------------------------------------------*/ if (gps_soc_transaction.socket_id >= 0) { ilm_struct *ilm_send = NULL; int ret; ret = soc_close(gps_soc_transaction.socket_id); gps_soc_log("soc_close result: %d", ret); kal_sleep_task(250); soc_close_nwk_account_by_id(MOD_GPS_TCPIP, gps_soc_transaction.nwt_acount_id); /* close socket and disconnect bearer here */ ilm_send = allocate_ilm(MOD_GPS_TCPIP); ilm_send->msg_id = MSG_ID_APP_SOC_DEACTIVATE_REQ; ilm_send->peer_buff_ptr = NULL; ilm_send->local_para_ptr = NULL; SEND_ILM(MOD_GPS_TCPIP, MOD_SOC, SOC_APP_SAP, ilm_send); } gps_soc_transaction.post_retry_counter = 0; gps_soc_stop_timer(); return 0; }
static VMINT vm_tls_finialize_resource(void) { VMINT resHandle = 0, bufSize = 0; vm_tls_context_t* ctx_p = NULL; while ((resHandle = vm_res_findfirst(-1, VM_RES_TYPE_TLS)) != VM_RES_NOT_FIND) { if (vm_res_get_data(VM_RES_TYPE_TLS, resHandle, (void**)&ctx_p, &bufSize) == 0 && ctx_p != NULL) { // TODO:EXIT if (ctx_p->soc_id > 0) { vm_tls_delete_conn(resHandle); vm_tls_delete_ctx(resHandle); soc_close(ctx_p->soc_id); ctx_p->soc_id = 0; } } else { } vm_res_release_data(VM_RES_TYPE_TLS, resHandle); vm_res_findclose(VM_RES_TYPE_TLS); } vm_res_type_set_notify_callback(VM_RES_TYPE_TLS, NULL); return 0; }
static void vm_tls_notify_process_status(VM_P_HANDLE process_handle, VMINT sys_state) { VMINT resHandle = 0, bufSize = 0; vm_tls_context_t * ctx_p = NULL; switch (sys_state) { case VM_PMNG_UNLOAD: while ((resHandle = vm_res_findfirst(process_handle, VM_RES_TYPE_TLS)) != VM_RES_NOT_FIND) { if (vm_res_get_data(VM_RES_TYPE_TLS, resHandle, (void**)&ctx_p, &bufSize) == 0 && ctx_p != NULL) { // TODO:EXIT if (ctx_p->soc_id > 0) { vm_tls_delete_conn(resHandle); vm_tls_delete_ctx(resHandle); soc_close(ctx_p->soc_id); ctx_p->soc_id = 0; } } else { } vm_res_release_data(VM_RES_TYPE_TLS, resHandle); vm_res_findclose(VM_RES_TYPE_TLS); } break; } }
DWORD WINAPI ThreadProc(LPVOID lpParam) { char ssochead[1024]; ssochead[0] = '\0'; char receive_buff[102400]; unsigned n_receive_len = 102400; receive_buff[0] = '\0'; char* strIP = (char*)lpParam; //init socket if(soc_init(strIP,ssochead) != 0) { return -1; } //connect SOCKET sock = soc_connect(strIP); if(sock == NULL) { return -1; } //send HTTP head int nret = soc_send(sock,ssochead,strlen(ssochead)); if(nret < 0) { return -2; } // recv soc_recv(sock); //close soc_close(sock); }
void EmPingStartAct(kal_char *serv_addr) { kal_uint32 acc_id = 5;//account id kal_uint16 i, j = 0; kal_char str_buff[50]; kal_uint8 val = 1; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(state) = PING_ACTIVE; /* Clean all the statistics for the previous session */ PING_CONTEXT_INFO(maxRspMS) = 0; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(minRspMS) = 0; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(avgRspMS) = 0; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(rcvdCounter) = 0; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(lostCounter) = 0; if(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req) != NULL) { OslMfree(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req)); } if(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp) != NULL) { OslMfree(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp)); } //PING_CONTEXT_INFO(socketId) = soc_create(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP, MOD_PING, acc_id); PING_CONTEXT_INFO(socketId) = soc_create(PF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_ICMP, MOD_MMI, acc_id); if(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(socketId) >= 0) { if(soc_setsockopt(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(socketId), SOC_NBIO, &val, sizeof(val)) < 0) { kal_print("Set socket to nonblock mode error !!"); return ; } val = SOC_READ | SOC_WRITE; if(soc_setsockopt(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(socketId), SOC_ASYNC, &val, sizeof(val)) < 0) { kal_print("Set socket to nonblock mode error !!"); return ; } PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req) = (kal_uint8*)OslMalloc(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSize)+8); PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp) = (kal_uint8*)OslMalloc(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSize)+8); PING_CONTEXT_INFO(seqNo) = 0; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(currCount) = 0; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSrvAddr.port) = 100;//identifier PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSrvAddr.addr_len) = 4;//any PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSrvAddr.addr[0])=0; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSrvAddr.addr[1])=0; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSrvAddr.addr[2])=0; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSrvAddr.addr[3])=0; #ifdef MMI_ON_HARDWARE_P if(soc_bind(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(socketId), &PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSrvAddr)) != 0) { soc_close(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(socketId)); if(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req) != NULL) { OslMfree(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req)); } if(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp) != NULL) { OslMfree(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp)); } PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req) = NULL; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp) = NULL; kal_print("bind error"); } #endif PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSrvAddr.addr[0]) = atoi(strtok(serv_addr, "."));//ip string: "" to integer PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSrvAddr.addr[1]) = atoi(strtok(NULL, ".")); PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSrvAddr.addr[2]) = atoi(strtok(NULL, ".")); PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSrvAddr.addr[3]) = atoi(strtok(NULL, ".")); PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSrvAddr.addr_len) = 4; kal_sprintf(str_buff, "Pinging %d.%d.%d.%d with %d bytes of data", PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSrvAddr.addr[0]) , PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSrvAddr.addr[1]) , PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSrvAddr.addr[2]) , PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSrvAddr.addr[3]) , PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSize)); kal_print(str_buff); EmPingUpdateScreen(EM_PING_START, -1); EmPingSendPkt(); } //if(s >= 0) else { ASSERT(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(socketId) >= 0); } }
kal_bool EmPingRecvPkt(void) { kal_int32 ret_val = -1; kal_uint16 i = 0; kal_uint32 duration = 0; sockaddr_struct *addr = NULL; kal_char str_buff[100]; addr = &PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSrvAddr); ret_val = soc_recv(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(socketId), PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp), (PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSize)+8), 0); kal_sprintf(str_buff, "Rcvd !seqNO: %d, currCounterL: %d", PING_CONTEXT_INFO(seqNo), PING_CONTEXT_INFO(currCount)); kal_print(str_buff); if(ret_val > 0) { if((PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp[6]) *256+PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp[7])) < PING_CONTEXT_INFO(currCount)) { /* The is a invalid RSP for the waittime of this PING packet had been expiry, just ignore it */ kal_print("Received a timed out response"); return KAL_FALSE; } PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingEndFN) = TMD_System_Clock; /* Stop timer */ EmPingStopTimer(); PING_CONTEXT_INFO(currCount)++; //check identifier if((PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp[4]) *256+ PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp[5])) != 100) { PING_CONTEXT_INFO(lostCounter)++; kal_print("Ping identifier wrong"); } else { //check seq no if((PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp[6]) *256+PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp[7])) != (PING_CONTEXT_INFO(seqNo)-1)) { PING_CONTEXT_INFO(lostCounter)++; kal_print("Ping seq no wrong"); } else { //check ping data for(i=8;i<PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSize);i++) { if(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp[i]) != (kal_uint8)PING_CONTEXT_INFO(currCount)) { PING_CONTEXT_INFO(lostCounter)++; kal_print("Ping data is wrong"); break; } } if(i==PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSize)) { /* Pass all check */ /* Calculate the time period */ if(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingEndFN) >= PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingStartFN) ) { duration = (((PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingEndFN) - PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingStartFN)) * 462) / 100); } else { duration = (((2715647 + PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingEndFN) - PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingStartFN)) * 462) / 100); } /* Update statistics */ if(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(maxRspMS) < duration) PING_CONTEXT_INFO(maxRspMS) = duration; if((PING_CONTEXT_INFO(minRspMS) == 0) || (PING_CONTEXT_INFO(minRspMS) > duration)) PING_CONTEXT_INFO(minRspMS) = duration; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(avgRspMS) += duration; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(rcvdCounter)++; /* Output the result */ kal_sprintf(str_buff,"Reply from %d.%d.%d.%d: bytes=%d time=%dms", addr->addr[0], addr->addr[1], addr->addr[2], addr->addr[3], PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSize), duration); kal_print(str_buff); EmPingUpdateScreen(EM_PING_RECV, duration); if(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingCount) == PING_CONTEXT_INFO(currCount)) { soc_close(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(socketId)); if(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req) != NULL) { OslMfree(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req)); } if(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp) != NULL) { OslMfree(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp)); } PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req) = NULL; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp) = NULL; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(state) = PING_INACTIVE; /* Output the statistics */ kal_mem_set(&str_buff[0], 0, 100); kal_sprintf(str_buff,"Ping statstics for %d.%d.%d.%d:", addr->addr[0], addr->addr[1], addr->addr[2], addr->addr[3], PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSize), duration); kal_print(str_buff); kal_mem_set(&str_buff[0], 0, 100); kal_sprintf(str_buff, " Packets: Sent = %d, Received = %d, Lost = %d (%d%c loss)", PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingCount), PING_CONTEXT_INFO(rcvdCounter), PING_CONTEXT_INFO(lostCounter), ((PING_CONTEXT_INFO(lostCounter)*100)/PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingCount)), '%'); kal_print(str_buff); kal_mem_set(&str_buff[0], 0, 100); kal_sprintf(str_buff, " Min: %dms, Max: %dms, Avg: %dms", PING_CONTEXT_INFO(minRspMS), PING_CONTEXT_INFO(maxRspMS), (PING_CONTEXT_INFO(avgRspMS)/PING_CONTEXT_INFO(rcvdCounter))); kal_print(str_buff); EmPingUpdateScreen(EM_PING_FIN, (PING_CONTEXT_INFO(avgRspMS)/PING_CONTEXT_INFO(rcvdCounter)) ); } } } //PING_CONTEXT_INFO(seqNo)++; } return KAL_TRUE; } else if(ret_val == SOC_WOULDBLOCK) { /* return KAL_FALSE to break out the for loop and wait for notification or timeout message */ return KAL_FALSE; } else { /* If happen, ask Kavien to have a look */ ASSERT(ret_val > 0); } return KAL_TRUE; }
void EmPingSendPkt(void) { kal_uint16 i = 0; kal_uint16 j = 0; kal_bool ret_val = KAL_FALSE; kal_int16 ret = 0; for(j = PING_CONTEXT_INFO(currCount); j < PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingCount);j++) { PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingStartFN) = 0; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingEndFN) = 0; kal_mem_set(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req), 0, PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSize)+8); PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req[0]) = 8;//echo req PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req[4]) = 0;//identifier PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req[5]) = 100; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req[6]) = (kal_uint8)(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(seqNo) >> 8);//seq no PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req[7]) = (kal_uint8)(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(seqNo) & 0x00ff); for(i=8;i<PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSize);i++)//dummy data PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req[i])= (kal_uint8)(j+1); //there are two choices: connect->send or sendto //where addr specifies the destionation of ping //sendto directly ret = soc_sendto(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(socketId),PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req), (PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSize)+8), 0, &PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSrvAddr)); if(ret != (PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSize)+8)) { if(ret == SOC_WOULDBLOCK) { kal_print("Socket said send it later"); return; } kal_print("send ping error"); soc_close(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(socketId)); if(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req) != NULL) { OslMfree(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req)); } if(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp) != NULL) { OslMfree(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp)); } PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req) = NULL; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp) = NULL; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(state) = PING_INACTIVE; return; } else { EmPingStartTimer(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(seqNo)); //PING_CONTEXT_INFO(currCount)++; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(seqNo)++; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingStartFN) = TMD_System_Clock; } ret_val = EmPingRecvPkt(); if(ret_val == KAL_FALSE) { break; } } return; }
//========================================== //=== Ping Lib //========================================== void EmPingTimeourHandler(void) { kal_char str_buff[100]; kal_uint32 duration = 0; kal_uint32 avgRspMS = 0; sockaddr_struct *addr = NULL; addr = &PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSrvAddr); PING_CONTEXT_INFO(currCount)++; kal_sprintf(str_buff, "Timedout !seqNO: %d, currCounterL: %d", PING_CONTEXT_INFO(seqNo), PING_CONTEXT_INFO(currCount)); kal_print(str_buff); if(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingCount) == PING_CONTEXT_INFO(currCount)) { kal_print("Request timed out"); EmPingUpdateScreen( EM_PING_TIMEOUT, -1 ); PING_CONTEXT_INFO(lostCounter)++; soc_close(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(socketId)); if(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req) != NULL) { OslMfree(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req)); } if(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp) != NULL) { OslMfree(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp)); } PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_req) = NULL; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(echo_rsp) = NULL; PING_CONTEXT_INFO(state) = PING_INACTIVE; if(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(avgRspMS) == 0) { avgRspMS = 0; } else { avgRspMS = PING_CONTEXT_INFO(avgRspMS)/PING_CONTEXT_INFO(rcvdCounter); } /* Output the statistics */ kal_mem_set(&str_buff[0], 0, 100); kal_sprintf(str_buff,"Ping statstics for %d.%d.%d.%d:", addr->addr[0], addr->addr[1], addr->addr[2], addr->addr[3], PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingSize), duration); kal_print(str_buff); kal_mem_set(&str_buff[0], 0, 100); kal_sprintf(str_buff, " Packets: Sent = %d, Received = %d, Lost = %d (%d%c loss)", PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingCount), PING_CONTEXT_INFO(rcvdCounter), PING_CONTEXT_INFO(lostCounter), ((PING_CONTEXT_INFO(lostCounter)*100)/PING_CONTEXT_INFO(pingCount)), '%'); kal_print(str_buff); kal_mem_set(&str_buff[0], 0, 100); kal_sprintf(str_buff, " Min: %dms, Max: %dms, Avg: %dms", PING_CONTEXT_INFO(minRspMS), PING_CONTEXT_INFO(maxRspMS), avgRspMS); kal_print(str_buff); EmPingUpdateScreen( EM_PING_FIN, avgRspMS ); } else { if(PING_CONTEXT_INFO(state) == PING_ACTIVE) { PING_CONTEXT_INFO(lostCounter)++; kal_print("Request timed out"); EmPingUpdateScreen( EM_PING_TIMEOUT, -1 ); EmPingSendPkt(); } } return; }
int main (const int argc, const char *argv[]) { /* Result of operation */ int res; char buffer[255]; /* The socket and its fd */ soc_token socket = init_soc; int fd; /* Event result */ boolean read; timeout_t timeout; int evtfd; /* parse arguments */ parse_args (argc, argv); /* Create socket and get fd */ if ( (res = soc_open (&socket, udp_socket)) != SOC_OK) { trace ("soc_open error", soc_error (res)); error ("cannot open socket", ""); } if ( (res = soc_get_id (socket, &fd)) != SOC_OK) { trace ("soc_get_id error", soc_error (res)); error ("cannot get socket fd", ""); } /* Bind socket to lan:port */ bind_socket (socket); /* Attach fd for reading */ if ( (res = evt_add_fd (fd, TRUE)) != WAIT_OK) { trace ("evt_add_fd error", ""); error ("cannot add fd", ""); } /* Main loop */ timeout.tv_sec = -1; timeout.tv_usec = -1; for (;;) { /* Infinite wait for events */ if ( (res = evt_wait (&evtfd, & read, &timeout)) != WAIT_OK) { trace ("evt_wait error", ""); error ("cannot wait for event", ""); } /* Analyse event */ if (evtfd == SIG_EVENT) { if (get_signal() == SIG_TERMINATE) { /* Sigterm/sigint */ break; } /* else unexpected signal => drop */ } else if (evtfd == fd) { /* Got a packet: read it */ res = soc_receive (socket, message, sizeof(message), TRUE); if (res < 0) { sprintf (buffer, "%d", res); trace ("soc_receive error", soc_error (res)); error ("cannot read message", soc_error(res)); } else { if (res > (int)sizeof(message)) { sprintf (buffer, "%d", res); trace ("soc_receive truncated message length", "buffer"); res = (int)sizeof(message); } /* Put message info */ display (socket, message, res); } } else if (evtfd >= 0) { /* Unexpected event on an unexpected fd */ sprintf (buffer, "%d", evtfd); trace ("evt_wait got unexpected even on fd", "buffer"); error ("even on unexpected fd", ""); } } /* Main loop */ /* Done */ (void) evt_del_fd (fd, TRUE); (void) soc_close (&socket); the_end (); }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int gps_soc_tcp_send_request2(void) { kal_uint8 val = 1; // non-blocking mode, default kal_int32 res; kal_int8 error; kal_int32 detail_cause; kal_bool set_header = KAL_FALSE; gps_soc_transaction.socket_id = soc_create(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0, MOD_GPS_TCPIP, gps_soc_transaction.nwt_acount_id); gps_soc_log("soc_create, socket_id: %d", gps_soc_transaction.socket_id); if (gps_soc_transaction.socket_id < 0) { if (gps_soc_transaction.callback != NULL) { gps_soc_transaction.callback(0, NULL, 0); } return GPS_SOC_ERROR; } val = 0; // blocking mode res = soc_setsockopt(gps_soc_transaction.socket_id, SOC_NBIO, &val, sizeof(val)); gps_soc_log("soc_setsockopt, val: %d, result: %d", val, res); if (res < 0) { goto ERROR_HANDLE; } val = SOC_READ | SOC_WRITE | SOC_CLOSE | SOC_CONNECT; res = soc_setsockopt(gps_soc_transaction.socket_id, SOC_ASYNC, &val, sizeof(val)); gps_soc_log("soc_setsockopt, val: %d, result: %d", val, res); if (res < 0) { goto ERROR_HANDLE; } gps_soc_log("Connect to %d.%d.%d.%d and port: %d", gps_soc_transaction.server_ip_addr.addr[0], gps_soc_transaction.server_ip_addr.addr[1], gps_soc_transaction.server_ip_addr.addr[2], gps_soc_transaction.server_ip_addr.addr[3], gps_soc_transaction.server_ip_addr.port); res = soc_connect(gps_soc_transaction.socket_id, &gps_soc_transaction.server_ip_addr); gps_soc_log("soc_connect res: %d", res); if (res < 0) { res = soc_get_last_error(gps_soc_transaction.socket_id, &error, &detail_cause); gps_soc_log("res: %d soc_connect error: %d, detail_cause: %d", res, error, detail_cause); goto ERROR_HANDLE; } while (gps_soc_transaction.snd_counter < gps_soc_transaction.snd_data_len) { const GPS_GPRMC_Packed_Struct_t *pPack; char *pBuff; int i, count; pPack = (GPS_GPRMC_Packed_Struct_t *)gps_soc_transaction.rcvd_buffer; pPack += gps_soc_transaction.snd_counter; pBuff = gps_soc_transaction.snd_buffer; pBuff[0] = '\0'; if (!set_header) { sprintf(pBuff, "#%s#%s#%s#%s#%d\r\n", gps_imei_str, gps_gprs_username, gps_gprs_userpwd, gps_soc_upldtype_str(gps_soc_transaction.cause_type), gps_soc_transaction.snd_data_len); set_header = KAL_TRUE; } count = (gps_soc_transaction.snd_data_len - gps_soc_transaction.snd_counter) <= GPS_SEND_ITEMS_ONETIME ? (gps_soc_transaction.snd_data_len - gps_soc_transaction.snd_counter) : GPS_SEND_ITEMS_ONETIME; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { Result_t result = RESULT_ERROR; pBuff = gps_soc_transaction.snd_buffer + strlen(gps_soc_transaction.snd_buffer); sprintf(pBuff, "#"); pBuff = gps_soc_transaction.snd_buffer + strlen(gps_soc_transaction.snd_buffer); sprintf(pBuff, "%04x%04x", pPack->lac, pPack->cid) ; pBuff = gps_soc_transaction.snd_buffer + strlen(gps_soc_transaction.snd_buffer); result = GPS_APP_GPRMC_Packed2Str(pBuff, pPack); pPack++; } if (gps_soc_transaction.snd_counter + count >= (kal_int32) gps_soc_transaction.snd_data_len) { pBuff = gps_soc_transaction.snd_buffer + strlen(gps_soc_transaction.snd_buffer); sprintf(pBuff, "##\r\n"); } gps_soc_log("send data len: %d, data: %s", strlen(gps_soc_transaction.snd_buffer), gps_soc_transaction.snd_buffer); res = soc_send(gps_soc_transaction.socket_id, (kal_uint8*)gps_soc_transaction.snd_buffer, strlen(gps_soc_transaction.snd_buffer), 0); gps_soc_log("Http send request result, sent_bytes: %d", res); if (res < 0) { res = soc_get_last_error(gps_soc_transaction.socket_id, &error, &detail_cause); gps_soc_log("res: %d soc_send error: %d, detail_cause: %d", res, error, detail_cause); break; } kal_sleep_task(250); gps_soc_transaction.snd_counter += count; } ERROR_HANDLE: if (gps_soc_transaction.callback != NULL) { gps_soc_transaction.callback(0, NULL, 0); } kal_sleep_task(250); res = soc_close(gps_soc_transaction.socket_id); gps_soc_log("soc_close res: %d", res); if (res < 0) { res = soc_get_last_error(gps_soc_transaction.socket_id, &error, &detail_cause); gps_soc_log("res: %d soc_close error: %d, detail_cause: %d", res, error, detail_cause); } kal_sleep_task(250); soc_close_nwk_account_by_id(MOD_GPS_TCPIP, gps_soc_transaction.nwt_acount_id); return GPS_SOC_SUCCESS; }
/* THE MAIN */ int main (const int argc, const char * argv[]) { /* Socket data */ soc_token soc = init_soc; soc_host lan; soc_port port; int soc_fd, fd; /* Socket message */ msg_type msg; /* Times and timeouts */ timeout_t start_time, end_time, current_time; timeout_t wait_timeout; double local_time, remote_time; /* Dynamic list of server infos */ dlist list; info_type info; /* Utilities */ boolean for_read; char buff[256]; int res; char *index; /*********/ /* Start */ /*********/ /* Save prog name */ strcpy (prog, argv[0]); strcpy (prog, basename (prog)); /*******************/ /* Parse arguments */ /*******************/ /* Check args */ if (argc != 2) { error ("Invalid argument"); } /* Parse IPM address and port */ strcpy (buff, argv[1]); index = strstr (buff, ":"); if (index == NULL) { error ("Invalid argument"); } *index = '\0'; index++; if (soc_str2host (buff, &lan) != SOC_OK) { sprintf (buff, "Invalid ipm address %s", buff); error (buff); } if (soc_str2port (index, &port) != SOC_OK) { sprintf (buff, "Invalid port num %s", index); error (buff); } /**************/ /* Initialize */ /**************/ /* Init dynamic list */ dlist_init (& list, sizeof(info_type)); /* Init socket */ if (soc_open (&soc, udp_socket) != SOC_OK) { perror ("opening socket"); error ("Socket initialization failed"); } if (soc_set_dest_host_port (soc, &lan, port) != SOC_OK) { perror ("setting destination"); error ("Socket initialization failed"); } if (soc_link_port (soc, port) != SOC_OK) { perror ("linking to port"); error ("Socket initialization failed"); } if (soc_get_dest_host (soc, &lan) != SOC_OK) { perror ("getting dest lan"); error ("Socket initialization failed"); } if (soc_get_dest_port (soc, &port) != SOC_OK) { perror ("getting dest port"); error ("Socket initialization failed"); } /* Add socket to waiting point */ if (soc_get_id(soc, &soc_fd) != SOC_OK) { perror ("getting socket id"); error ("Socket initialization failed"); } if (evt_add_fd(soc_fd, TRUE) != WAIT_OK) { perror("Adding fd"); error ("Socket initialization failed"); } /* Activate signal catching */ activate_signal_handling(); /* Report starting */ buff[0]='\0'; addr_image (&lan, buff); printf ("%s mcasting at address %s on port %d.\n", prog, buff, (int) port); /* Init times */ get_time (&start_time); current_time = start_time; end_time = start_time; incr_time (&end_time, DELAY_CLIENT_MS); /* Send initial ping request */ msg.ping = TRUE; msg.time = start_time; if (soc_send (soc, (soc_message) &msg, sizeof(msg)) != SOC_OK) { perror ("sending ping"); error ("Sending ping request failed"); } /*************/ /* Main loop */ /*************/ for (;;) { /* First step is to loop until timeout */ if (wait_timeout.tv_sec != -1) { wait_timeout = end_time; res = sub_time (&wait_timeout, ¤t_time); if (res <= 0) { break; } } if (evt_wait (&fd, &for_read, &wait_timeout) != WAIT_OK) { perror ("waiting for event"); error ("Waiting for events failed"); } if (! for_read) { error ("Write event received"); } /* Termination signal */ if (fd == SIG_EVENT) { if (get_signal () == SIG_TERMINATE) { break; } } else if (fd == NO_EVENT) { /* Timeout: first step ends with a dump of servers */ if (dlist_length(&list) != 0) { dlist_rewind (&list, TRUE); for (;;) { dlist_read (&list, &info); /* Get host name if possible, else dump address */ res = soc_host_name_of (&info.host, buff, sizeof(buff)); if (res != SOC_OK) { buff[0]='\0'; addr_image (&info.host, buff); } /* Compute (Start_time + Reception_time) / 2 */ local_time = (time_to_double (&start_time) + time_to_double (&info.reception_time) ) / 2.0; remote_time = time_to_double (&info.server_time); printf ("Host %s is shifted by %4.03fs\n", buff, remote_time - local_time); /* Done when last record has been put */ if (dlist_get_pos (&list, FALSE) == 1) { break; } dlist_move (&list, TRUE); } } /* Now entering second step: infinite timeout */ wait_timeout.tv_sec = -1; wait_timeout.tv_usec = -1; printf ("%s ready.\n", prog); } else if (fd != soc_fd) { sprintf (buff, "Invalid fd %d received", fd); error (buff); } else { /* Now this is the socket, read message */ res = soc_receive (soc, (soc_message) &msg, sizeof(msg), TRUE); if (res < 0) { perror ("reading from socket"); error ("Reading message failed"); } else if (res != sizeof(msg)) { sprintf (buff, "Invalid size received, expected %d, got %d", (int)sizeof(msg), res); error (buff); } get_time (¤t_time); /* Client and server different behaviours */ if ((wait_timeout.tv_sec != -1) && !msg.ping) { /* First step: store the address and time of server, if pong */ if (soc_get_dest_host (soc, &(info.host)) != SOC_OK) { perror ("getting dest host"); error ("Getting server address failed"); } info.server_time = msg.time; info.reception_time = current_time; dlist_insert (&list, &info, TRUE); } else if ( (wait_timeout.tv_sec == -1) && msg.ping) { /* Second step: reply pong and time to ping */ msg.time = current_time; msg.ping = FALSE; if (soc_send (soc, (soc_message) &msg, sizeof(msg)) != SOC_OK) { perror ("sending pong"); error ("Sending pong request failed"); } } } } /* End of main loop */ /* Clean - Close */ dlist_delete_all (&list); (void) evt_del_fd (soc_fd, TRUE); (void) soc_close (&soc); printf ("Done.\n"); exit (0); }
kal_int32 ntyHttpClose(int sockId) { soc_shutdown(sockId, SHUT_RDWR); soc_close(sockId); ClearProtocolEventHandler(MSG_ID_APP_SOC_GET_HOST_BY_NAME_IND); }