Пример #1
pool_addfileprovides_queue(Pool *pool, Queue *idq, Queue *idqinst)
  Solvable *s;
  Repo *installed, *repo;
  struct searchfiles sf, isf, *isfp;
  struct addfileprovides_cbdata cbd;
  int i;
  unsigned int now;

  installed = pool->installed;
  now = solv_timems(0);
  memset(&cbd, 0, sizeof(cbd));
  memset(&sf, 0, sizeof(sf));
  map_init(&sf.seen, pool->ss.nstrings + pool->nrels);
  memset(&isf, 0, sizeof(isf));
  map_init(&isf.seen, pool->ss.nstrings + pool->nrels);
  pool->addedfileprovides = pool->addfileprovidesfiltered ? 1 : 2;

  if (idq)
  if (idqinst)
  isfp = installed ? &isf : 0;
  for (i = 1, s = pool->solvables + i; i < pool->nsolvables; i++, s++)
      repo = s->repo;
      if (!repo)
      if (s->obsoletes)
        pool_addfileprovides_dep(pool, repo->idarraydata + s->obsoletes, &sf, isfp);
      if (s->conflicts)
        pool_addfileprovides_dep(pool, repo->idarraydata + s->conflicts, &sf, isfp);
      if (s->requires)
        pool_addfileprovides_dep(pool, repo->idarraydata + s->requires, &sf, isfp);
      if (s->recommends)
        pool_addfileprovides_dep(pool, repo->idarraydata + s->recommends, &sf, isfp);
      if (s->suggests)
        pool_addfileprovides_dep(pool, repo->idarraydata + s->suggests, &sf, isfp);
      if (s->supplements)
        pool_addfileprovides_dep(pool, repo->idarraydata + s->supplements, &sf, isfp);
      if (s->enhances)
        pool_addfileprovides_dep(pool, repo->idarraydata + s->enhances, &sf, isfp);

  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "found %d file dependencies, %d installed file dependencies\n", sf.nfiles, isf.nfiles);
  if (sf.nfiles)
#if 0
      for (i = 0; i < sf.nfiles; i++)
	POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "looking up %s in filelist\n", pool_id2str(pool, sf.ids[i]));
      FOR_REPOS(i, repo)
        repo_addfileprovides_search(repo, &cbd, &sf);
      if (idq)
	queue_insertn(idq, idq->count, sf.nfiles, sf.ids);
      if (idqinst)
	queue_insertn(idqinst, idqinst->count, sf.nfiles, sf.ids);
  if (isf.nfiles)
#if 0
      for (i = 0; i < isf.nfiles; i++)
	POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "looking up %s in installed filelist\n", pool_id2str(pool, isf.ids[i]));
      if (installed)
        repo_addfileprovides_search(installed, &cbd, &isf);
      if (installed && idqinst)
        for (i = 0; i < isf.nfiles; i++)
	  queue_pushunique(idqinst, isf.ids[i]);
  pool_freewhatprovides(pool);	/* as we have added provides */
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "addfileprovides took %d ms\n", solv_timems(now));
Пример #2
repo_add_helix(Repo *repo, FILE *fp, int flags)
  Pool *pool = repo->pool;
  Parsedata pd;
  Repodata *data;
  char buf[BUFF_SIZE];
  int i, l;
  struct stateswitch *sw;
  unsigned int now;
  XML_Parser parser;

  now = solv_timems(0);
  data = repo_add_repodata(repo, flags);
  /* prepare parsedata */
  memset(&pd, 0, sizeof(pd));
  for (i = 0, sw = stateswitches; sw->from != NUMSTATES; i++, sw++)
      if (!pd.swtab[sw->from])
        pd.swtab[sw->from] = sw;
      pd.sbtab[sw->to] = sw->from;

  pd.pool = pool;
  pd.repo = repo;

  pd.content = (char *)malloc(256);	/* must hold all solvable kinds! */
  pd.acontent = 256;
  pd.lcontent = 0;

  pd.evrspace = (char *)malloc(256);
  pd.aevrspace= 256;
  pd.levrspace = 1;
  pd.data = data;

  /* set up XML parser */

  parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
  XML_SetUserData(parser, &pd);       /* make parserdata available to XML callbacks */
  XML_SetElementHandler(parser, startElement, endElement);
  XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, characterData);

  /* read/parse XML file */
  for (;;)
      l = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp);
      if (XML_Parse(parser, buf, l, l == 0) == XML_STATUS_ERROR)
	  pd.ret = pool_error(pool, -1, "%s at line %u", XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(parser)), (unsigned int)XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser));
      if (l == 0)

  if (!(flags & REPO_NO_INTERNALIZE))
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "repo_add_helix took %d ms\n", solv_timems(now));
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "repo size: %d solvables\n", repo->nsolvables);
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "repo memory used: %d K incore, %d K idarray\n", repodata_memused(data)/1024, repo->idarraysize / (int)(1024/sizeof(Id)));
  return pd.ret;
Пример #3
repo_add_rpmmd(Repo *repo, FILE *fp, const char *language, int flags)
  Pool *pool = repo->pool;
  struct parsedata pd;
  char buf[BUFF_SIZE];
  int i, l;
  struct stateswitch *sw;
  Repodata *data;
  unsigned int now;
  XML_Parser parser;

  now = solv_timems(0);
  data = repo_add_repodata(repo, flags);

  memset(&pd, 0, sizeof(pd));
  for (i = 0, sw = stateswitches; sw->from != NUMSTATES; i++, sw++)
      if (!pd.swtab[sw->from])
        pd.swtab[sw->from] = sw;
      pd.sbtab[sw->to] = sw->from;
  pd.common.pool = pool;
  pd.common.repo = repo;

  pd.data = data;

  pd.content = solv_malloc(256);
  pd.acontent = 256;
  pd.lcontent = 0;
  pd.common.tmp = 0;
  pd.common.tmpl = 0;
  pd.kind = 0;
  pd.language = language;

  /* initialize the string pool where we will store
     the package checksums we know about, to get an Id
     we can use in a cache */
  if ((flags & REPO_EXTEND_SOLVABLES) != 0)
      /* setup join data */
      Dataiterator di;
      dataiterator_init(&di, pool, repo, 0, SOLVABLE_CHECKSUM, 0, 0);
      while (dataiterator_step(&di))
	  const char *str;
	  int index;

	  if (!solv_chksum_len(di.key->type))
	  str = repodata_chk2str(di.data, di.key->type, (const unsigned char *)di.kv.str);
          index = stringpool_str2id(&pd.cspool, str, 1);
	  if (index >= pd.ncscache)
	      pd.cscache = solv_zextend(pd.cscache, pd.ncscache, index + 1 - pd.ncscache, sizeof(Id), 255);
	      pd.ncscache = index + 1;
          pd.cscache[index] = di.solvid;

  parser = XML_ParserCreate(NULL);
  XML_SetUserData(parser, &pd);
  pd.parser = &parser;
  XML_SetElementHandler(parser, startElement, endElement);
  XML_SetCharacterDataHandler(parser, characterData);
  for (;;)
      l = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), fp);
      if (XML_Parse(parser, buf, l, l == 0) == XML_STATUS_ERROR)
	  pool_debug(pool, SOLV_FATAL, "repo_rpmmd: %s at line %u:%u\n", XML_ErrorString(XML_GetErrorCode(parser)), (unsigned int)XML_GetCurrentLineNumber(parser), (unsigned int)XML_GetCurrentColumnNumber(parser));
      if (l == 0)

  if (!(flags & REPO_NO_INTERNALIZE))
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "repo_add_rpmmd took %d ms\n", solv_timems(now));
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "repo size: %d solvables\n", repo->nsolvables);
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "repo memory used: %d K incore, %d K idarray\n", data->incoredatalen/1024, repo->idarraysize / (int)(1024/sizeof(Id)));
  return 0;
Пример #4
pool_findfileconflicts(Pool *pool, Queue *pkgs, int cutoff, Queue *conflicts, int flags, void *(*handle_cb)(Pool *, Id, void *) , void *handle_cbdata)
  int i, j, cflmapn, idxmapset;
  struct cbdata cbdata;
  unsigned int now, start;
  void *handle;
  Repo *installed = pool->installed;
  Id p;
  int obsoleteusescolors = pool_get_flag(pool, POOL_FLAG_OBSOLETEUSESCOLORS);
  int hdrfetches;

  if (!pkgs->count)
    return 0;

  now = start = solv_timems(0);
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "searching for file conflicts\n");
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "packages: %d, cutoff %d\n", pkgs->count, cutoff);

  memset(&cbdata, 0, sizeof(cbdata));
  cbdata.pool = pool;
  if (cbdata.aliases && (flags & FINDFILECONFLICTS_USE_ROOTDIR) != 0)
      cbdata.rootdir = pool_get_rootdir(pool);
      if (cbdata.rootdir && !strcmp(cbdata.rootdir, "/"))
	cbdata.rootdir = 0;
      if (cbdata.rootdir)
	cbdata.rootdirl = strlen(cbdata.rootdir);
      if (!cbdata.rootdir)
	cbdata.usestat = 1;
  map_init(&cbdata.idxmap, pkgs->count);

  if (cutoff <= 0)
    cutoff = pkgs->count;

  /* avarage file list size: 200 files per package */
  /* avarage dir count: 20 dirs per package */

  /* first pass: scan dirs */
  if (!cbdata.aliases)
      hdrfetches = 0;
      cflmapn = (cutoff + 3) * 64;
      while ((cflmapn & (cflmapn - 1)) != 0)
	cflmapn = cflmapn & (cflmapn - 1);
      cbdata.dirmap = solv_calloc(cflmapn, 2 * sizeof(Id));
      cbdata.dirmapn = cflmapn - 1;	/* make it a mask */
      cbdata.create = 1;
      idxmapset = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < pkgs->count; i++)
	  if (i == cutoff)
	    cbdata.create = 0;
	  cbdata.idx = i;
	  p = pkgs->elements[i];
	  if ((flags & FINDFILECONFLICTS_USE_SOLVABLEFILELIST) != 0 && installed)
	      if (p >= installed->start && p < installed->end && pool->solvables[p].repo == installed)
		  iterate_solvable_dirs(pool, p, finddirs_cb, &cbdata);
		  if (MAPTST(&cbdata.idxmap, i))
	  handle = (*handle_cb)(pool, p, handle_cbdata);
	  if (!handle)
	  rpm_iterate_filelist(handle, RPM_ITERATE_FILELIST_ONLYDIRS, finddirs_cb, &cbdata);
	  if (MAPTST(&cbdata.idxmap, i))
      POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "dirmap size: %d, used %d\n", cbdata.dirmapn + 1, cbdata.dirmapused);
      POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "dirmap memory usage: %d K\n", (cbdata.dirmapn + 1) * 2 * (int)sizeof(Id) / 1024);
      POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "header fetches: %d\n", hdrfetches);
      POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "dirmap creation took %d ms\n", solv_timems(now));
      POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "dir conflicts found: %d, idxmap %d of %d\n", cbdata.dirconflicts, idxmapset, pkgs->count);

  /* second pass: scan files */
  now = solv_timems(0);
  cflmapn = (cutoff + 3) * 128;
  while ((cflmapn & (cflmapn - 1)) != 0)
    cflmapn = cflmapn & (cflmapn - 1);
  cbdata.cflmap = solv_calloc(cflmapn, 2 * sizeof(Id));
  cbdata.cflmapn = cflmapn - 1;	/* make it a mask */
  cbdata.create = 1;
  hdrfetches = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < pkgs->count; i++)
      if (i == cutoff)
	cbdata.create = 0;
      if (!cbdata.aliases && !MAPTST(&cbdata.idxmap, i))
      cbdata.idx = i;
      p = pkgs->elements[i];
      if (!cbdata.create && (flags & FINDFILECONFLICTS_USE_SOLVABLEFILELIST) != 0 && installed)
	  if (p >= installed->start && p < installed->end && pool->solvables[p].repo == installed)
	    if (!precheck_solvable_files(&cbdata, pool, p))
      /* can't use FINDFILECONFLICTS_USE_SOLVABLEFILELIST because we have to know if
       * the file is a directory or not */
      handle = (*handle_cb)(pool, p, handle_cbdata);
      if (!handle)
      cbdata.lastdiridx = -1;
      rpm_iterate_filelist(handle, RPM_ITERATE_FILELIST_NOGHOSTS, cbdata.aliases ? findfileconflicts_basename_cb : findfileconflicts_cb, &cbdata);

  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "filemap size: %d, used %d\n", cbdata.cflmapn + 1, cbdata.cflmapused);
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "filemap memory usage: %d K\n", (cbdata.cflmapn + 1) * 2 * (int)sizeof(Id) / 1024);
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "header fetches: %d\n", hdrfetches);
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "filemap creation took %d ms\n", solv_timems(now));
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "lookat_dir size: %d\n", cbdata.lookat_dir.count);

  /* we need another pass for aliases */
  if (cbdata.aliases)
      now = solv_timems(0);
      /* make sure the first offset is not zero */
      addfilesspace(&cbdata, 1);
      cflmapn = (cutoff + 3) * 16;
      while ((cflmapn & (cflmapn - 1)) != 0)
	cflmapn = cflmapn & (cflmapn - 1);
      cbdata.normap = solv_calloc(cflmapn, 2 * sizeof(Id));
      cbdata.normapn = cflmapn - 1;	/* make it a mask */
      if (cbdata.usestat)
	  cbdata.statmap = solv_calloc(cflmapn, 2 * sizeof(Id));
	  cbdata.statmapn = cflmapn - 1;	/* make it a mask */
      cbdata.create = 0;
      hdrfetches = 0;
      for (i = 0; i < pkgs->count; i++)
	  if (!MAPTST(&cbdata.idxmap, i))
	  p = pkgs->elements[i];
	  cbdata.idx = i;
	  /* can't use FINDFILECONFLICTS_USE_SOLVABLEFILELIST because we have to know if
	   * the file is a directory or not */
	  handle = (*handle_cb)(pool, p, handle_cbdata);
	  if (!handle)
	  cbdata.lastdiridx = -1;
	  rpm_iterate_filelist(handle, RPM_ITERATE_FILELIST_NOGHOSTS, findfileconflicts_alias_cb, &cbdata);
      POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "normap size: %d, used %d\n", cbdata.normapn + 1, cbdata.normapused);
      POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "normap memory usage: %d K\n", (cbdata.normapn + 1) * 2 * (int)sizeof(Id) / 1024);
      POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "header fetches: %d\n", hdrfetches);
      POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "stats made: %d\n", cbdata.statsmade);
      if (cbdata.usestat)
	  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "statmap size: %d, used %d\n", cbdata.statmapn + 1, cbdata.statmapused);
	  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "statmap memory usage: %d K\n", (cbdata.statmapn + 1) * 2 * (int)sizeof(Id) / 1024);
      cbdata.statmap = solv_free(cbdata.statmap);
      cbdata.statmapn = 0;
      cbdata.canonspace = solv_free(cbdata.canonspace);
      cbdata.canonspacen = 0;
      POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "alias processing took %d ms\n", solv_timems(now));

  cbdata.dirmap = solv_free(cbdata.dirmap);
  cbdata.dirmapn = 0;
  cbdata.dirmapused = 0;
  cbdata.cflmap = solv_free(cbdata.cflmap);
  cbdata.cflmapn = 0;
  cbdata.cflmapused = 0;


  /* sort and unify/prune */
  now = solv_timems(0);
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "raw candidates: %d, pruning\n", cbdata.lookat.count / 4);
  solv_sort(cbdata.lookat.elements, cbdata.lookat.count / 4, sizeof(Id) * 4, &lookat_hx_cmp, pool);
  for (i = j = 0; i < cbdata.lookat.count; )
      int first = 1;
      Id hx = cbdata.lookat.elements[i];
      Id idx = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 1];
      Id dhx = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 2];
      Id dirid = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 3];
      i += 4;
      for (; i < cbdata.lookat.count && hx == cbdata.lookat.elements[i] && (dirid == cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 3] || dirid == -cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 3]); i += 4)
	  if (idx == cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 1] && dhx == cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 2])
	    continue;	/* ignore duplicates */
	  if (first)
	      if (dirid < 0)
		continue;	/* all have a neg dirid */
	      cbdata.lookat.elements[j++] = hx;
	      cbdata.lookat.elements[j++] = idx;
	      cbdata.lookat.elements[j++] = dhx;
	      cbdata.lookat.elements[j++] = dirid;
	      first = 0;
	  idx = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 1];
	  dhx = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 2];
	  cbdata.lookat.elements[j++] = hx;
	  cbdata.lookat.elements[j++] = idx;
	  cbdata.lookat.elements[j++] = dhx;
	  cbdata.lookat.elements[j++] = dirid;
  queue_truncate(&cbdata.lookat, j);
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "candidates now: %d\n", cbdata.lookat.count / 4);
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "pruning took %d ms\n", solv_timems(now));

  /* third pass: collect file info for all files that match a hx */
  now = solv_timems(0);
  solv_sort(cbdata.lookat.elements, cbdata.lookat.count / 4, sizeof(Id) * 4, &lookat_idx_cmp, pool);
  hdrfetches = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < cbdata.lookat.count; i += 4)
      Id idx = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 1];
      if (obsoleteusescolors)
      p = pkgs->elements[idx];
      handle = (*handle_cb)(pool, p, handle_cbdata);
      if (handle)
      for (;; i += 4)
	  int fstart = cbdata.files.count;
	  queue_push(&cbdata.files, idx);
	  queue_push(&cbdata.files, 0);
	  cbdata.idx = idx;
	  cbdata.hx = cbdata.lookat.elements[i];
	  cbdata.dirhash = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 2];
	  cbdata.dirid = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 3];
	  cbdata.lastdiridx = -1;
	  if (handle)
	    rpm_iterate_filelist(handle, iterflags, findfileconflicts2_cb, &cbdata);
	  cbdata.files.elements[fstart + 1] = cbdata.files.count;
	  cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 1] = fstart;
	  if (i + 4 >= cbdata.lookat.count || cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 4 + 1] != idx)
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "header fetches: %d\n", hdrfetches);
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "file info fetching took %d ms\n", solv_timems(now));

  cbdata.normap = solv_free(cbdata.normap);
  cbdata.normapn = 0;

  /* forth pass: for each hx we have, compare all matching files against all other matching files */
  now = solv_timems(0);
  solv_sort(cbdata.lookat.elements, cbdata.lookat.count / 4, sizeof(Id) * 4, &lookat_hx_cmp, pool);
  for (i = 0; i < cbdata.lookat.count - 4; i += 4)
      Id hx = cbdata.lookat.elements[i];
      Id pstart = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 1];
      Id dirid = cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 3];
      Id pidx = cbdata.files.elements[pstart];
      Id pend = cbdata.files.elements[pstart + 1];
      if (cbdata.lookat.elements[i + 4] != hx)
	continue;	/* no package left with that hx */
      for (j = i + 4; j < cbdata.lookat.count && cbdata.lookat.elements[j] == hx && cbdata.lookat.elements[j + 3] == dirid; j += 4)
	  Id qstart = cbdata.lookat.elements[j + 1];
	  Id qidx = cbdata.files.elements[qstart];
	  Id qend = cbdata.files.elements[qstart + 1];
	  int ii, jj;
	  if (pidx >= cutoff && qidx >= cutoff)
	    continue;	/* no conflicts between packages with idx >= cutoff */
          for (ii = pstart + 2; ii < pend; ii++)
	    for (jj = qstart + 2; jj < qend; jj++)
		char *fsi = (char *)cbdata.filesspace + cbdata.files.elements[ii];
		char *fsj = (char *)cbdata.filesspace + cbdata.files.elements[jj];
		if (cbdata.aliases)
		    /* compare just the basenames, the dirs match because of the dirid */
		    char *bsi = strrchr(fsi + 34, '/');
		    char *bsj = strrchr(fsj + 34, '/');
		    if (!bsi || !bsj)
		    if (strcmp(bsi, bsj))
		      continue;	/* different base names */
		    if (strcmp(fsi + 34, fsj + 34))
		      continue;	/* different file names */
		if (!strcmp(fsi, fsj))
		  continue;	/* file digests match, no conflict */
		if (obsoleteusescolors && fsi[33] && fsj[33] && (fsi[33] & fsj[33]) == 0)
		  continue;	/* colors do not conflict */
		queue_push(conflicts, pool_str2id(pool, fsi + 34, 1));
		queue_push(conflicts, pkgs->elements[pidx]);
		queue_push(conflicts, pool_str2id(pool, fsi, 1));
		queue_push(conflicts, pool_str2id(pool, fsj + 34, 1));
		queue_push(conflicts, pkgs->elements[qidx]);
		queue_push(conflicts, pool_str2id(pool, fsj, 1));
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "filespace size: %d K\n", cbdata.filesspacen / 1024);
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "candidate check took %d ms\n", solv_timems(now));
  cbdata.filesspace = solv_free(cbdata.filesspace);
  cbdata.filesspacen = 0;
  if (conflicts->count > 6)
    solv_sort(conflicts->elements, conflicts->count / 6, 6 * sizeof(Id), conflicts_cmp, pool);
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "found %d file conflicts\n", conflicts->count / 6);
  POOL_DEBUG(SOLV_DEBUG_STATS, "file conflict detection took %d ms\n", solv_timems(start));

  return conflicts->count / 6;