Пример #1
int main()
    vector<vector<int> > mtx;	// a headerben mégsem szerette annyira, de most ez nem érdekel minket annyira, ha mégis, után lehet nézni

    if (sor(mtx)) {
        cout << "Igaz. A matrixnak MINDEN sora tartalmaz legalabb egy primet!" << endl;
        cout << "Hamis. A matrixnak NEM minden sora tartalmaz legalabb egy primet!" << endl;
    return 0;
Пример #2
          real * const phi,
    const real * const u,
    const real * const v,
    const real dt,
    const Mesh & mesh
    make_initial_value_0( phi, mesh );

    const real * const vel[2] = { u, v };

    LHSofPoissonEQ lhs( mesh );
    RHSofPoissonEQ rhs( mesh, vel, dt );

    Neumann_plus  neu_p_x( mesh, 0 );
    Neumann_minus neu_m_x( mesh, 0 );

    Neumann_plus  neu_p_y( mesh, 1 );
    Neumann_minus neu_m_y( mesh, 1 );

    BCondition * bc_set[6];

    bc_set[ 0] = &neu_p_x; bc_set[ 1] = &neu_m_x;
    bc_set[ 2] = &neu_p_y; bc_set[ 3] = &neu_m_y;
    bc_set[ 4] = NULL;     bc_set[ 5] = NULL;

    SOR<2> sor( phi, bc_set, lhs, rhs, mesh, 10000, 1.2 );
Пример #3
t_l		*sort(t_l *list, char *flag, char *path)
	t_l	*base;

	base = list;
	if (isflag(flag, 't'))
		list = sort_t(list, flag, base, path);
	else if (isflag(flag, 'r'))
		list = sort_r(list, base);
	return (list);
Пример #4
void sor_test() {

	int** m = matrix_instance(50, 50, 1);

	int** ret = sor(m, 50, 50, 5);

	int i,j;
	for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
		for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
			assert(ret[i][j] == 1);
Пример #5
void CrankNicolsonSorUpdater::update( const std::vector<double> & uOld,
                                      std::vector<double>* uNew,
                                      const std::vector<double> & prem ) const
    int N = uOld.size()-1;
    double c = getAlpha();

    // uOld restricted in the interior region
    Eigen::VectorXd u = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(N-1);
    for (int i=0; i<N-1; i++) { u(i) = uOld[i+1]; }

    // Construct b-vector
    Eigen::VectorXd b = d_B*u;

    b(0) += 0.5*c*((*uNew)[0]+uOld[0]);
    b(N-2) += 0.5*c*((*uNew)[N]+uOld[N]);

    // Use the state vector at the previous time step as initial estimate
    Eigen::VectorXd x0 = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(N-1);
    for (int i=0; i<N-1; i++) { x0(i) = uOld[i+1]; }
    // Construct early exercise premium vector
    Eigen::VectorXd p = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(0);
    if ( prem.size()>0 ) {
        p = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(N-1);
        for (int i=0; i<N-1; i++) { 
            p(i) = prem[i+1]; 
            // If early exercise premium is given, the initial 
            // estimate x0 is set to early exercise premium.
            // This is a reasonable choice because:
            // (1) At the 1st time step, i.e., m=0,
            //     early_exercise_premium = K*exp(ax)*max(1-exp(x),0),
            //     which is exactly the same as the terminal condition;
            // (2) At the successive time steps, i.e., m>0,
            //     early_exercise_premium serves as a good approximation
            //     of the value of state vectors. 
            x0(i) = prem[i+1];
    // update 
    std::tuple<Eigen::VectorXd, int> res = sor(d_omega, d_A, b, d_tol, x0, p);
    Eigen::VectorXd x = std::get<0>(res);
    for (int i=0; i<N-1; i++) { (*uNew)[i+1] = x(i); }
Пример #6
int main() {
	int n, m, N;
	real a, b, c, d;
	real omega, tol;
	int iterMax;
	real valor;
	scanf("%d", &n);
	scanf("%d", &m);
	scanf("%lf", &a);
	scanf("%lf", &b);
	scanf("%lf", &c);
	scanf("%lf", &d);
	scanf("%lf", &omega);
	scanf("%d", &iterMax);
	scanf("%lf", &tol);
	scanf("%lf", &valor);
	N = n*m;
	Coef *coef = criaCoef(a, b, c, d, n, m);
	valorPrescrito(coef, valor, DOWN);
	valorPrescrito(coef, valor, LEFT);
	valorPrescrito(coef, valor, RIGHT);
	valorPrescrito(coef, valor, UP);
	// printCoef(coef);
	real *x = sor(coef, omega, iterMax, tol);
	// real *val = validacao(a, b, c, d, n, m);
	// real *x = sorLivre(a, b, c, d, n, m, omega, iterMax, tol, valor);
	printf("Solução do sistema linear: \n");
	int I;
	for(I = 0; I < N; I++)
		printf("%lf\n", x[I]);
	// free(val);
	return 0;
Пример #7
int main(void)
    int i, j;

    for(i=0; i<5; i++)
        for(j=0; j<3; j++)
            printf("Enter the number:\n");
            scanf(" %d", &massiv[i][j]);

    return 0;
Пример #8
int main(int argc, char** argv){

	cudaEvent_t start, stop;
	float time;

	cudaEventRecord(start, 0);

	sor(domain, SIZE, ITER);

	cudaEventRecord(stop, 0);

	cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, start, stop);

	printf("F=%0.1f Time=%0.2f; %.0f MFlop/s\n",domain[10*SIZE+10],time/1000.0, MFlops(time) );

	return 0;
Пример #9
int main(int argc, char** args){
	double Re, UI, VI, PI, GX, GY, t_end, xlength, ylength, dt, dx, dy, alpha, omg, tau, eps, dt_value, t, res, dp, nu;
	double **U, **V, **P, **F, **G, **RS;
	double **K, **E;					/* turbulent kinetic energy k, dissipation rate epsilon*/
	double Fu, Fv;						/* force integration variables */
	double KI, EI, cn, ce, c1, c2; 			/* K and E: Initial values for k and epsilon */

	int n, it, imax, jmax, itermax, pb, boundaries[4];
	int fluid_cells;		/* Number of fluid cells in our geometry */
	int **Flag;			/* Flagflield matrix */
	char vtkname[200];
	char pgm[200];
	char problem[10];		/* Problem name */
	char fname[200];

		printf("No parameter file specified. Terminating...\n");

	sprintf(fname, "%s%s", CONFIGS_FOLDER, args[1]);
	read_parameters(fname, &Re, &UI, &VI, &PI, &GX, &GY, &t_end, &xlength, &ylength, &dt, &dx, &dy, &imax, &jmax, &alpha, &omg, &itermax, &eps, boundaries, &dp, &pb, &KI, &EI, &cn, &ce, &c1, &c2, pgm, &nu, problem);

	/* Allocate Flag matrix */
	Flag = imatrix( 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1 );

	U = matrix ( 0 , imax+1 , 0 , jmax+1 );
	V = matrix ( 0 , imax+1 , 0 , jmax+1 );
	P = matrix ( 0 , imax+1 , 0 , jmax+1 );

	F = matrix ( 0 , imax , 0 , jmax );
	G = matrix ( 0 , imax , 0 , jmax );
	RS = matrix ( 0 , imax , 0 , jmax );

	K = matrix ( 0 , imax+1 , 0 , jmax+1 );
	E = matrix ( 0 , imax+1 , 0 , jmax+1 );
	/* Initialize values to the Flag, u, v and p */
	init_flag(CONFIGS_FOLDER,pgm, imax, jmax, &fluid_cells, Flag );
	init_uvp(UI, VI, PI, KI, EI, imax, jmax, U, V, P, K, E, Flag, problem );

	printf("Problem: %s\n", problem );
	printf( "xlength = %f, ylength = %f\n", xlength, ylength );
	printf( "imax = %d, jmax = %d\n", imax, jmax );
	printf( "dt = %f, dx = %f, dy = %f\n", dt, dx, dy);
	printf( "Number of fluid cells = %d\n", fluid_cells );
	printf( "Reynolds number: %f\n\n", Re);


	while( t <= t_end ){
		boundaryvalues( imax, jmax, U, V, K, E, boundaries, Flag );

		/* special inflow boundaries, including k and eps */
		spec_boundary_val( problem, imax, jmax, U, V, K, E, Re, dp, cn, ylength);

		/* calculate new values for k and eps */
		comp_KAEP(Re, nu, cn, ce, c1, c2, alpha, dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, U, V, K, E, GX, GY, Flag);

		/* calculate new values for F and G */
		calculate_fg( Re, GX, GY, alpha, dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, U, V, F, G, K, E, nu, cn, Flag );

		/* calculate right hand side */
		calculate_rs( dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, F, G, RS, Flag );

		it = 0;
		res = 10000.0;
		while( it < itermax && fabs(res) > eps ){
			sor( omg, dx, dy, imax, jmax, fluid_cells, P, RS, Flag, &res, problem, dp );

		printf("[%5d: %f] dt: %f, sor iterations: %4d \n", n, t, dt, it);

		/* calculate new values for u and v */
		calculate_uv( dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, U, V, F, G, P, Flag );

		t += dt;

	sprintf(vtkname, "%s%s", VISUA_FOLDER,  args[1]);
	write_vtkFile( vtkname, 1, xlength, ylength, imax, jmax, dx, dy, U, V, P, K, E, Flag);
	comp_surface_force( Re, dx, dy, imax, jmax, U, V, P, Flag, &Fu, &Fv);

	printf( "\nProblem: %s\n", problem );
	printf( "xlength = %f, ylength = %f\n", xlength, ylength );
	printf( "imax = %d, jmax = %d\n", imax, jmax );
	printf( "dt = %f, dx = %f, dy = %f\n", dt, dx, dy);
	printf( "Number of fluid cells = %d\n", fluid_cells );
	printf( "Reynolds number: %f\n", Re);
	printf( "Drag force = %f Lift force = %f\n", Fu, Fv);

	/* free memory */


	return 0;
 SpanOrQueryPtr ExplanationsFixture::sor(const String& s, const String& m, const String& e)
     return sor(st(s), st(m), st(e));
Пример #11
int main(int argn, char** args){
 	if (argn !=2 ) {
        	printf("When running the simulation, please give a valid scenario file name!\n");
        	return 1;
	//set the scenario
	char *filename = NULL;
	filename = args[1];

	//initialize variables
	double t = 0; /*time start*/
	int it, n = 0; /*iteration and time step counter*/
	double res; /*residual for SOR*/
	double **U, **V, **P;
	double **RS, **F, **G;
	int **Flag; //additional data structure for arbitrary geometry
		/*those to be read in from the input file*/
	double Re, UI, VI, PI, GX, GY, t_end, xlength, ylength, dt, dx, dy, alpha, omg, tau, eps, dt_value;
	int  imax, jmax, itermax;

	double presLeft, presRight, presDelta; //for pressure stuff
	int wl, wr, wt, wb;
	char problem[32];
	double vel; //in case of a given inflow or wall velocity

	//read the parameters, using problem.dat, including wl, wr, wt, wb
	read_parameters(filename, &Re, &UI, &VI, &PI, &GX, &GY, &t_end, &xlength, &ylength, &dt, &dx, &dy, &imax,
			&jmax, &alpha, &omg, &tau, &itermax, &eps, &dt_value, &wl, &wr, &wt, &wb, problem, &presLeft, &presRight, &presDelta, &vel);

	int pics = dt_value/dt; //just a helping variable for outputing vtk

	//allocate memory, including Flag
	U = matrix(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);
	V = matrix(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);
	P = matrix(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);
	RS = matrix(1, imax, 1, jmax);
	F = matrix(0, imax, 1, jmax);
	G = matrix(1, imax, 0, jmax);
	Flag = imatrix(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1); // or Flag = imatrix(1, imax, 1, jmax);

	int kmax = 20; //test no slip boundary value function
	double ***U3d  = (double ***) malloc((size_t)((imax+1)*(jmax+1)*(kmax+1) * sizeof(double*)) ); //test no slip boundary value function
	double ***V3d  = (double ***) malloc((size_t)((imax+1)*(jmax+1)*(kmax+1) * sizeof(double*)) ); //test no slip boundary value function
	double ***W3d  = (double ***) malloc((size_t)((imax+1)*(jmax+1)*(kmax+1) * sizeof(double*)) ); //test no slip boundary value function
	int ***Flag3d  = (int ***) malloc((size_t)((imax+1)*(jmax+1)*(kmax+1) * sizeof(int*)) ); //test no slip boundary value function

	//initialisation, including **Flag
	init_flag(problem, imax, jmax, presDelta, Flag);
	init_uvp(UI, VI, PI, imax, jmax, U, V, P, problem);

	//going through all time steps
	while(t < t_end){
		//adaptive time stepping
		calculate_dt(Re, tau, &dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, U, V);
		//setting bound.values
		boundaryvalues(imax, jmax, U, V, P, wl, wr, wt, wb, F, G, problem, Flag, vel); //including P, wl, wr, wt, wb, F, G, problem

                //test no slip boundary value function
                for(int i=1; i<=imax; i++){
                        for(int j=1; j<=jmax; j++){
                                for(int k=1; k<=kmax; k++){
                                        boundaryvalues_no_slip(i, j, k, U3d, V3d, W3d, Flag3d); //test no slip boundary value function
		//computing F, G and right hand side of pressue eq.
		calculate_fg(Re, GX, GY, alpha, dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, U, V, F, G, Flag);
		calculate_rs(dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, F, G, RS);
		//iteration counter
		it = 0;
			//perform SOR iteration, at same time set bound.values for P and new residual value
			sor(omg, dx, dy, imax, jmax, P, RS, &res, Flag, presLeft, presRight);

		}while(it<itermax && res>eps);
/*		if (it == itermax) {
			printf("Warning: sor while loop exits because it reaches the itermax. res = %f, time =%f\n", res, t);
*/		//calculate U and V of this time step
		calculate_uv(dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, U, V, F, G, P, Flag);
		//indent time and number of time steps
		t += dt;
		//output of pics for animation
		if (n%pics==0 ){
			write_vtkFile(filename, n, xlength, ylength, imax, jmax, dx, dy, U, V, P);
	//output of U, V, P at the end for visualization
	//write_vtkFile("DrivenCavity", n, xlength, ylength, imax, jmax, dx, dy, U, V, P);

	//free memory
	free_matrix(U, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);
	free_matrix(V, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);
	free_matrix(P, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);
	free_matrix(RS, 1, imax, 1, jmax);
	free_matrix(F, 0, imax, 1, jmax);
	free_matrix(G, 1, imax, 0, jmax);
	free_imatrix(Flag, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);

	return -1;
Пример #12
int main(int argn, char** args){

	double **U, **V, **P, **F, **G, **RS;
	const char *szFileName = "dam_break.dat";
	double Re, UI, VI, PI, GX, GY, t_end, xlength, ylength, dt, dx, dy, alpha, omg, tau, eps, dt_value;
	double res = 0, t = 0, n = 0;
	int imax, jmax, itermax, it;

	/* Additional data structures for VOF */
	double **fluidFraction;
	double **fluidFraction_alt;
	int **flagField;
	double **dFdx, **dFdy;
	int **pic;
	char output_dirname[60];
	double epsilon = 1e-10;
	/* Read the program configuration file using read_parameters() */
	read_parameters(szFileName, &Re, &UI, &VI, &PI, &GX, &GY, &t_end, &xlength, &ylength, &dt, &dx, &dy, &imax, &jmax, &alpha, &omg, &tau, &itermax, &eps, &dt_value);        

	/* Set up the matrices (arrays) needed using the matrix() command */
	U = matrix(0, imax  , 0, jmax+1);
	V = matrix(0, imax+1, 0, jmax  );
	P = matrix(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);
	F = matrix(0, imax  , 0, jmax+1);
	G = matrix(0, imax+1, 0, jmax  );
	RS= matrix(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);
	flagField = imatrix(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);
	fluidFraction = matrix(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);
	fluidFraction_alt = matrix(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);
	dFdx = matrix(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);
	dFdy = matrix(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);

	/*create a directory*/
	strcpy(output_dirname, "dam_break/dam_break");
	mkdir("dam_break", 0777);
	/* Read pgm file with domain and initial setting */
	pic = read_pgm("dam_break.pgm");
	init_fluidFraction(pic, fluidFraction,fluidFraction_alt, imax, jmax);
	/* Assign initial values to u, v, p */
	init_uvp(UI, VI, PI, imax, jmax, U, V, P);

		/* Set valid values for the fluid fraction */
		adjust_fluidFraction(fluidFraction, flagField, epsilon, imax, jmax);

	while(t <= t_end){   
		/*Select δt*/
		calculate_dt(Re, tau, &dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, U, V);
		/* Set boundary values for u and v */
/*		boundaryvalues(imax, jmax, U, V, flagField, dx, dy);
		/* Compute F(n) and G(n) */
		calculate_fg(Re, GX, GY, alpha, dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, U, V, F, G, flagField);
		/* Compute the right-hand side rs of the pressure equation */
		calculate_rs(dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, F, G, RS, flagField);

		/* Determine the orientation of the free surfaces */

		calculate_freeSurfaceOrientation(fluidFraction, flagField, dFdx, dFdy, dx, dy, imax, jmax);

		/* Perform SOR iterations */
		res = 1e6;
		while(it < itermax && res > eps){
			sor(omg, dx, dy, imax, jmax, P, RS, fluidFraction, flagField, dFdx, dFdy, &res);

		/* Compute u(n+1) and v(n+1) */
		calculate_uv(dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, U, V, F, G, P, flagField);

		boundaryvalues(imax, jmax, U, V, flagField, dx, dy);
		/* Compute fluidFraction(n+1) */
		calculate_fluidFraction(fluidFraction,fluidFraction_alt, flagField, U, V, dFdx, dFdy, imax, jmax, dx, dy, dt);

		boundaryvalues(imax, jmax, U, V, flagField, dx, dy);
		/* Set valid values for the fluid fraction */
		adjust_fluidFraction(fluidFraction, flagField, epsilon, imax, jmax);

		boundaryvalues(imax, jmax, U, V, flagField, dx, dy);

		if((int)n % 10 == 0) {
			write_vtkFile(output_dirname, n, xlength, ylength, imax, jmax, dx, dy, U, V, P, fluidFraction, flagField);
		/* Print out simulation time and whether SOR converged */
		printf("Time: %.4f", t);
		if(res > eps) {printf("\t*** Did not converge (res=%f, eps=%f)", res, eps);return -1;}
		t = t + dt;

	free_matrix(U , 0, imax  , 0, jmax+1);
	free_matrix(V , 0, imax+1, 0, jmax  );
	free_matrix(P , 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);
	free_matrix(F , 0, imax  , 0, jmax+1);
	free_matrix(G , 0, imax+1, 0, jmax  );
	free_matrix(RS, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);
	return -1;
Пример #13
PointViewSet StatisticalOutlierFilter::run(PointViewPtr input)
    bool logOutput = log()->getLevel() > LogLevel::Debug1;
    if (logOutput)
    log()->get(LogLevel::Debug2) << "Process StatisticalOutlierFilter...\n";

    // convert PointView to PointXYZ
    typedef pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> Cloud;
    Cloud::Ptr cloud(new Cloud);
    BOX3D bounds;
    pclsupport::PDALtoPCD(input, *cloud, bounds);

    // PCL should provide console output at similar verbosity level as PDAL
    int level = log()->getLevel();
    switch (level)
        case 0:
        case 1:
        case 2:
        case 3:
        case 4:

    // setup the outlier filter
    pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval<pcl::PointXYZ> sor(true);

    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> output;

    // filtered to return inliers
    pcl::PointIndicesPtr inliers(new pcl::PointIndices);

    log()->get(LogLevel::Debug2) << inliers->indices.size() << std::endl;

    PointViewSet viewSet;
    if (inliers->indices.empty())
        log()->get(LogLevel::Warning) << "Requested filter would remove all points. Try increasing the multiplier.\n";
        return viewSet;

    // inverse are the outliers
    std::vector<int> outliers(input->size()-inliers->indices.size());
    for (PointId i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < input->size(); ++i)
        if (i == (PointId)inliers->indices[j])
        outliers[k++] = i;

    if (!outliers.empty() && (m_classify || m_extract))

        if (m_classify)
            log()->get(LogLevel::Debug2) << "Labeled " << outliers.size() << " outliers as noise!\n";

            // set the classification label of outlier returns as 18
            // (corresponding to ASPRS LAS specification for high noise)
            for (const auto& i : outliers)
                input->setField(Dimension::Id::Classification, i, 18);


        if (m_extract)
            log()->get(LogLevel::Debug2) << "Extracted " << inliers->indices.size() << " inliers!\n";

            // create new PointView containing only outliers
            PointViewPtr output = input->makeNew();
            for (const auto& i : inliers->indices)
                output->appendPoint(*input, i);

        if (outliers.empty())
            log()->get(LogLevel::Warning) << "Filtered cloud has no outliers!\n";

        if (!(m_classify || m_extract))
            log()->get(LogLevel::Warning) << "Must choose --classify or --extract\n";

        // return the input buffer unchanged

    return viewSet;
Пример #14
int main(int argc, char** argv)
  //////////////// set precision ////////////////
  std::cout.setf(std::ios::scientific, std::ios::floatfield);
  std::cerr.setf(std::ios::scientific, std::ios::floatfield);
  //////////////////// A,b //////////////////////
  CPPL::dgsmatrix A;
  CPPL::dcovector b;
  bool file =false;
  ////////// read ///////////
    //A.read("A10.dge");  b.read("b10.dco");
  ///////// random //////////
    std::cerr << "# making random matrix" << std::endl;
    const int size(1000);
    for(int i=0; i<size; i++){
      for(int j=0; j<size; j++){
        if( rand()%5==0 ){
          A(i,j) =(double(rand())/double(RAND_MAX))*2.0 -1.0;
      A(i,i) +=1e-2*double(size);//generalize
      b(i) =(double(rand())/double(RAND_MAX))*1. -0.5;

  ////////////////// direct /////////////////////
  std::cerr << "# making solution with dgesv" << std::endl;
  CPPL::dgematrix A2(A.to_dgematrix());
  CPPL::dcovector b2(b);
  ///////////////// iterative ///////////////////
  //////// initial x ////////
  CPPL::dcovector x(b.l);
  //////// eps ////////
  double eps(fabs(damax(b))*1e-6);
  std::cerr << "eps=" << eps << std::endl;
  //////// solve ////////
  if( sor(A, b, x, eps) ){
    std::cerr << "failed." << std::endl;
  std::cerr << "fabs(damax(err))=" << fabs(damax(b2-x)) << std::endl;
  return 0;
Пример #15
void STWarp<T>::warpingIteration( const WarpingField<T> &warpField,
                                  const Video<T> &Bx, 
                                  const Video<T> &By, 
                                  const Video<T> &Bt, 
                                  const Video<T> &C, 
                                  WarpingField<T> &dWarpField) {

    int height     = dimensions[0];
    int width      = dimensions[1];
    int nFrames    = dimensions[2];
    // int nChannels  = dimensions[3];

    if(params.verbosity > 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "    - preparing linear system...");
    // Differentiate (u,v,w)+d(u,v,w) in x,y,t
    WarpingField<T> warpDX(warpField.size());
    WarpingField<T> warpDY(warpField.size());
    WarpingField<T> warpDT(warpField.size());
    WarpingField<T> warpTotal(warpField);


    // Compute smoothness cost
    Video<T> smoothCost(height, width, nFrames, 9);
    Video<T> lapl(warpField.size());
    computeSmoothCost(warpDX, warpDY, warpDT, warpField, smoothCost, lapl);

    computeOcclusion(warpTotal, C, occlusion);

    // Compute data cost
    Video<T> dataCost;
        dataCost = Video<T>(height,width,nFrames,2);
        dataCost = Video<T>(height,width,nFrames,1);
    computeDataCost(Bx, By, Bt, C, dWarpField, occlusion, dataCost);

    // Prepare system
    Video<T> CBx(height,width,nFrames,1);
    Video<T> CBy(height,width,nFrames,1);
    Video<T> CBt(height,width,nFrames,1);
    Video<T> Bx2(height,width,nFrames,1);
    Video<T> By2(height,width,nFrames,1);
    Video<T> Bt2(height,width,nFrames,1);
    Video<T> Bxy(height,width,nFrames,1);
    Video<T> Bxt(height,width,nFrames,1);
    Video<T> Byt(height,width,nFrames,1);
    prepareLinearSystem(Bx, By, Bt, C, lapl, dataCost, 
                        CBx, CBy, CBt, Bx2, By2, Bt2,
                        Bxy, Bxt, Byt);
    if(params.verbosity > 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "done.\n");

    if(params.verbosity > 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "    - SOR...");
    sor( dataCost, smoothCost, lapl,
         CBx, CBy, CBt, Bx2,
         By2, Bt2, Bxy, Bxt, Byt, dWarpField);
    if(params.verbosity > 1) {
        fprintf(stderr, "done.\n");
Пример #16
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    // Relaxation parameters
    double omega_start = 0.95;
    double omega_delta = 0.25;
    int    omega_count = 2;
    // Tolerance factor
    double tol=1e-6;
    // Output precision
    int p=9;
    // Matrix dimension
    int N=8;
    // Band width
    int band=3;
    // Matrix specification
    Eigen::ArrayXXd A = Eigen::ArrayXXd::Zero(N,2*band+1);

    for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {A(i,band) = 8.0;}
    //lower diagonal
    for (int i=1; i<N; i++) { 
        //if (i>=2) A(i,band-2) = 3;
        //if (i>=3) A(i,band-3) = 1;
        A(i,band-2) = 2.0;
        A(i,band-3) = 1.0;
    //upper diagonal
    for (int i=0; i<N-1; i++) 
        //if (i<=5) A(i,band+2) = -2;
        //if (i<=4) A(i,band+3) = -1;
        A(i,band+2) = -1.0;
        A(i,band+3) = -2.0;

    Eigen::MatrixXd b = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(N);
    for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
        b(i) = (2.0*i-3.0)/(2.0*i*i+1.0);
    // Jacobi iterative solve
    std::tuple<Eigen::VectorXd, int> res = jacobi(A, band, b, tol);
    Eigen::VectorXd x = std::get<0>(res);
    int ic = std::get<1>(res);
    Eigen::VectorXd r = b - band_mult(A,band,band,x);

    std::cout << std::fixed
              << std::setprecision(p)
              << "Jacobi: ,"
              << ", Iterations =, " << ic 
              << ", residual =, " << r.norm() 
              << std::endl;

    std::cout << "x = " << std::endl;
    for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
        std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(p) << x(i) << std::endl;
    // Gauss-Seidel iterative solve
    res = gs(A, band, b, tol);
    x = std::get<0>(res);
    ic = std::get<1>(res);
    r = b - band_mult(A,band,band,x);

    std::cout << std::fixed
              << std::setprecision(p)
              << "Gauss-Seidel: ,"
              << ", Iterations =, " << ic 
              << ", residual =, " << r.norm() 
              << std::endl;

    std::cout << "x = " << std::endl;
    for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
        std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(p) << x(i) << std::endl;

    // SOR iterative solve for all omega values
    double omega = omega_start;
    for (int k=0; k<omega_count; k++) {
        std::tuple<Eigen::VectorXd, int> res = sor(omega, A, band, b, tol);
        Eigen::VectorXd x = std::get<0>(res);
        int ic = std::get<1>(res);
        Eigen::VectorXd r = b - band_mult(A,band,band,x);

        std::cout << std::fixed
                  << std::setprecision(p)
                  << "Omega = ," << omega
                  << ", Iterations =, " << ic 
                  << ", residual =, " << r.norm() 
                  << std::endl;

        std::cout << "x = " << std::endl;
        for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
            std::cout << std::fixed << std::setprecision(p) << x(i) << std::endl;
        omega += omega_delta;

    return 0;
Пример #17
int main(int argn, char** args){

	double **U, **V, **P, **F, **G, **RS;
	int **Flag;
	char problem[60];
	char parameters_filename[60];
	char pgm[60];
	char output_dirname[60];
	double Re, UI, VI, PI, GX, GY, t_end, xlength, ylength, dt, dx, dy, alpha, omg, tau, eps, dt_value, dp;
	double res = 0, t = 0, n = 0;
	int imax, jmax, itermax, it;
	int wl, wr, wt, wb;
	int timestepsPerPlotting;
	char old_output_filename[128];
	struct dirent *old_outputfile;
	DIR *output_dir;
	/* Variables for parallel program */
	int iproc, jproc, myrank, il, ir, jb, jt, rank_l, rank_r, rank_b, rank_t, omg_i, omg_j, num_proc;
	double min_dt;
	double *bufSend, *bufRecv;
	double totalTime = 0;
	struct timespec previousTime, currentTime;
	MPI_Init(&argn, &args);
	MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &num_proc);

	/* Read name of the problem from the command line arguments */
	if(argn > 1) {
		strcpy(problem, args[1]);
	} else {
		printf("\n=== ERROR: Please provide the name of the problem\n=== e.g. Run ./sim problem_name if there is a problem_name.dat file.\n\n");
		return 1;

	/* Generate input filename based on problem name */
	strcpy(parameters_filename, problem);
	strcat(parameters_filename, ".dat");

	/* Read the program configuration file using read_parameters() */
	read_parameters(parameters_filename, pgm, &Re, &UI, &VI, &PI, &GX, &GY, &t_end, &xlength, &ylength, &dt, &dx, &dy, &imax, &jmax, &alpha, &omg, &tau, &itermax, &eps, &dt_value, problem, &dp, &wl, &wr, &wt, &wb, &timestepsPerPlotting, &iproc, &jproc);
	printf("%s\n", pgm);
	/* Check if the number of processes is correct */
	if(iproc * jproc != num_proc) {
		printf("\n=== ERROR: Number of processes is incorrect (iproc=%d, jproc=%d, -np=%d) ===\n\n", iproc, jproc, num_proc);
		return 1;

	/* Create folder with the name of the problem */
	strcpy(output_dirname, problem);
	strcat(output_dirname, "/");
	strcat(output_dirname, problem);
	mkdir(problem, 0777);
	output_dir = opendir(problem);

	/* Delete existing files in output folder*/
	while((old_outputfile = readdir(output_dir))) {
		sprintf(old_output_filename, "%s/%s", problem, old_outputfile->d_name);
	/* Determine subdomain and neighbours for each process */
	init_parallel(iproc, jproc, imax, jmax, &myrank, &il, &ir, &jb, &jt, &rank_l, &rank_r, &rank_b, &rank_t, &omg_i, &omg_j, num_proc);

	/* Set up the matrices (arrays) needed using the matrix() command */
	U = matrix(il-2, ir+1, jb-1, jt+1);
	V = matrix(il-1, ir+1, jb-2, jt+1);
	P = matrix(il-1, ir+1, jb-1, jt+1);
	F = matrix(il-2, ir+1, jb-1, jt+1);
	G = matrix(il-1, ir+1, jb-2, jt+1);
	RS= matrix(il, ir, jb, jt);
	Flag = imatrix(il-1, ir+1, jb-1, jt+1);
	/* Assign initial values to u, v, p */
	init_uvp(UI, VI, PI, il, ir, jb, jt, U, V, P);
	/* Allocate memory for buffers */
	bufSend = malloc(max(ir-il+3, jt-jb+3) * sizeof(double));
	bufRecv = malloc(max(ir-il+3, jt-jb+3) * sizeof(double));
	/* Initialize lower part of the domain with UI = 0 for the flow_over_step problem */
	/* (this code might be moved to somewhere else later) */
	if(strcmp(problem, "flow_over_step") == 0) {
		init_matrix(U, il, ir, jb, min(jmax/2, jt), 0);

	/* Initialization of flag field */
	init_flag(pgm, imax, jmax, il, ir, jb, jt, Flag, dp);
	if(myrank == 0) {
		clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &currentTime);

	while(t <= t_end){
		/* Select δt */
		calculate_dt(Re, tau, &dt, dx, dy, il, ir, jb, jt, U, V);
		MPI_Allreduce(&dt, &min_dt, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

		dt = min_dt;
		/* Set boundary values for u and v */
		boundaryvalues(il, ir, jb, jt, imax, jmax, U, V, wl, wr, wt, wb, Flag);
		/* Set special boundary values */
		spec_boundary_val(problem, il, ir, jb, jt, imax, jmax, U, V, P, Re, xlength, ylength, dp);

		/* Compute F(n) and G(n) */
		calculate_fg(Re, GX, GY, alpha, dt, dx, dy, il, ir, jb, jt, imax, jmax, U, V, F, G, Flag);
		/* Compute the right-hand side rs of the pressure equation */
		calculate_rs(dt, dx, dy, il, ir, jb, jt, imax, jmax, F, G, RS);
		/* Perform SOR iterations */
		it = 0;
		res = 1e6;
		while(it < itermax && res > eps){
			sor(omg, dx, dy, dp, il, ir, jb, jt, imax, jmax, rank_l, rank_r, rank_b, rank_t, P, RS, &res, Flag, bufSend, bufRecv);
		/* Compute u(n+1) and v(n+1) */
		calculate_uv(dt, dx, dy, il, ir, jb, jt, imax, jmax, U, V, F, G, P, Flag);
		/* Exchange velocity strips */
		uv_com(U, V, il, ir, jb, jt, rank_l, rank_r, rank_b, rank_t, bufSend, bufRecv);
		t = t + dt;
		/* Generate snapshot for current timestep */
		if((int) n % timestepsPerPlotting == 0) {
			write_vtkFile(output_dirname, myrank, n, xlength, ylength, il, ir, jb, jt, imax, jmax, dx, dy, U, V, P);
		/* Print out simulation time and whether the SOR converged */
		if(myrank == 0) {
			/* Print simulation time */
			printf("Time: %.4f", t);
			/* Print runtime */
			previousTime = currentTime;
			clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &currentTime);
			totalTime += (double)currentTime.tv_sec + 1e-9 * currentTime.tv_nsec - (double)previousTime.tv_sec - 1e-9 * previousTime.tv_nsec;
			printf("\tRuntime: %.3f s (avg runtime/step: %.3f s)", totalTime, totalTime/n);
			if(res > eps) printf("\tDid not converge (res=%f, eps=%f)", res, eps);

	/* Close the output folder */
	/* Tell user where to find the output */
	if(myrank == 0) {
		printf("Please find the output in the folder \"%s\".\n", problem);
	/* Free allocated memory */
	free_matrix(U, il-2, ir+1, jb-1, jt+1);
	free_matrix(V, il-1, ir+1, jb-2, jt+1);
	free_matrix(P, il-1, ir+1, jb-1, jt+1);
	free_matrix(F, il-2, ir+1, jb-1, jt+1);
	free_matrix(G, il-1, ir+1, jb-2, jt+1);
	free_matrix(RS, il, ir, jb, jt);
	free_imatrix(Flag, il-1, ir+1, jb-1, jt+1);
	return 0;
Пример #18
Файл: main.c Проект: Xodion/CFD
 * The main operation reads the configuration file, initializes the scenario and
 * contains the main loop. So here are the individual steps of the algorithm:
 * - read the program configuration file using read_parameters()
 * - set up the matrices (arrays) needed using the matrix() command
 * - create the initial setup init_uvp(), init_flag(), output_uvp()
 * - perform the main loop
 * - trailer: destroy memory allocated and do some statistics
 * The layout of the grid is decribed by the first figure below, the enumeration
 * of the whole grid is given by the second figure. All the unknowns corresond
 * to a two dimensional degree of freedom layout, so they are not stored in
 * arrays, but in a matrix.
 * @image html grid.jpg
 * @image html whole-grid.jpg
 * Within the main loop the following big steps are done (for some of the
 * operations a definition is defined already within uvp.h):
 * - calculate_dt() Determine the maximal time step size.
 * - boundaryvalues() Set the boundary values for the next time step.
 * - calculate_fg() Determine the values of F and G (diffusion and confection).
 *   This is the right hand side of the pressure equation and used later on for
 *   the time step transition.
 * - calculate_rs()
 * - Iterate the pressure poisson equation until the residual becomes smaller
 *   than eps or the maximal number of iterations is performed. Within the
 *   iteration loop the operation sor() is used.
 * - calculate_uv() Calculate the velocity at the next time step.
int main(int argn, char** args)
    double **U, **V, **P, **R, **F, **G;
    double t = 0.0;
    double t_end, xlength, ylength, tau, omg, alpha, eps, Re, GX, GY, PI, UI, VI, dx, dy, dt, res, dt_value;
    int n, imax, jmax, itermax, it, i, outputCount;
    double nextOutput;
    bool outputSpecified = false;

    char* paraviewOutput = "./Paraview/cavity100";
    char* inputFile = "./cavity100.dat";

    /* statistics */
    int sumIter, maxIter, minIter;
    double minTimeStep, maxTimestep;
    clock_t begin, end;
    double time_spent;
    sumIter = 0;
    maxIter = 0;
    maxTimestep = 0;

    begin = clock();

    /* Parse command line arguments */
    if (argn > 2)
        for (i = 1; i < argn; i++)
            if (strcmp(args[i], "-i") == 0)
                inputFile = args[i + 1];
                if (!outputSpecified)
                    paraviewOutput = "./Paraview/sim";

            if (strcmp(args[i], "-o") == 0)
                paraviewOutput = args[i + 1];
                outputSpecified = true;

    else if (argn == 2)
        /* input file is the single argument besides fctn-name */
        inputFile = args[1];

    /* Initialization */
    read_parameters(inputFile, &Re, &UI, &VI, &PI, &GX, &GY, &t_end, &xlength, &ylength, &dt, &dx, &dy, &imax, &jmax, &alpha, &omg, &tau, &itermax, &eps, &dt_value);
    U = matrix(0, imax, 0, jmax + 1);
    V = matrix(0, imax + 1, 0, jmax);
    P = matrix(0, imax + 1, 0, jmax + 1);
    R = matrix(0, imax + 1, 0, jmax + 1);
    F = matrix(0, imax, 0, jmax);
    G = matrix(0, imax, 0, jmax);
    n = 0;
    nextOutput = dt_value;

    init_uvp(UI, VI, PI, imax, jmax, U, V, P);
    minIter = itermax;
    minTimeStep = t_end;
    outputCount = 1;
    while (t < t_end)
        calculate_dt(Re, tau, &dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, U, V);
        if (dt < minTimeStep)
            minTimeStep = dt;
        if (dt > maxTimestep)
            maxTimestep = dt;
        boundaryvalues(imax, jmax, U, V);
        calculate_fg(Re, GX, GY, alpha, dt, dy, dy, imax, jmax, U, V, F, G);
        calculate_rs(dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, F, G, R);
        it = 0;
        while(++it < itermax)
            sor(omg, dx, dy, imax, jmax, P, R, &res);
            if (res <= eps)
        if (res > eps)
            fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: SOR did not converge in timestep %d, residual: %f\n", n + 1, res);
        if (it > maxIter)
            maxIter = it;
        if (it < minIter)
            minIter = it;
        sumIter += it;
        calculate_uv(dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, U, V, F, G, P);
        t = t + dt;
        if (t >= nextOutput)
            nextOutput += dt_value;

    end = clock();
    time_spent = (double) (end - begin) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;

    /* print statistics */
    printf("Simulation took %f seconds\n", time_spent);
    printf("Number of timesteps: %d\n", n);
    printf("Min. timestep: %f     Max. timestep: %f    Avg. timestep: %f\n", minTimeStep, maxTimestep, t_end/n);
    printf("Min. # iterations: %d     Max. # iterations: %d     Avg: %f\n", minIter, maxIter, sumIter/(double) n);

    /* Free memory */
    free_matrix(U, 0, imax, 0, jmax + 1);
    free_matrix(V, 0, imax + 1, 0, jmax);
    free_matrix(P, 0, imax + 1, 0, jmax + 1);
    free_matrix(R, 0, imax, 0 ,jmax);
    free_matrix(F, 0, imax, 0, jmax);
    free_matrix(G, 0, imax, 0, jmax);

    return 0;
Пример #19
int main(int argn, char** args){
	if (argn !=2 ) {
		printf("When running the simulation, please give a valid geometry file name!\n");
		return 1;

	//set the geometry file
	char *filename = NULL;
	filename = args[1];

	//initialize variables
	double t = 0; /*time start*/
	int it, n = 0; /*iteration and time step counter*/
	double res; /*residual for SOR*/
	double ***U, ***V, ***W, ***P;
	double ***RS, ***F, ***G, ***H;

	int ***Flag; //additional data structure for arbitrary geometry
	int ***S; //additional data structure for arbitrary geometry
	int matrix_output = 0;
	/*those to be read in from the input file*/
	double Re, UI, VI, WI, PI, GX, GY, GZ, t_end, xlength, ylength, zlength, dt, dx, dy, dz, alpha, omg, tau, eps, dt_value;
	int  imax, jmax, kmax, itermax;

	//double presLeft, presRight, presDelta; //for pressure stuff  ...TODO: not allowed for now
	int wl, wr, wt, wb, wf, wh;
	char problemGeometry[200];
	//in case of a given inflow or wall velocity  TODO: will we have this? needs to be a vector?
	double velIN;
	double velMW[3]; // the moving wall velocity is a vector

	struct particleline *Partlines = (struct particleline *)malloc((unsigned)(1 * sizeof(struct particleline)));
	//char szFileName[80];

	//read the parameters, using problem.dat, including wl, wr, wt, wb
	read_parameters(filename, &Re, &UI, &VI, &WI, &PI, &GX, &GY, &GZ, &t_end, &xlength, &ylength, &zlength, &dt, &dx, &dy, &dz, &imax,
			&jmax, &kmax, &alpha, &omg, &tau, &itermax, &eps, &dt_value, &wl, &wr,  &wf, &wh, &wt, &wb, problemGeometry, &velIN, &velMW[0]); //&presLeft, &presRight, &presDelta, &vel);

	//printf("d: %f, %f, %f\n", dx,dy,dz);

	//int pics = dt_value/dt; //just a helping variable for outputing vtk
	double last_output_t = -dt_value;
	//double every = t_end/10; //helping variable. Can be used for displaying info every tenth of the progress during simulation

	//allocate memory, including Flag
	U = matrix2(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	V = matrix2(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	W = matrix2(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	P = matrix2(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	RS = matrix2(1, imax, 1, jmax, 1, kmax);

	F = matrix2(0, imax, 1, jmax, 1, kmax);
	G = matrix2(1, imax, 0, jmax, 1, kmax);
	H = matrix2(1, imax, 1, jmax, 0, kmax);

	Flag = imatrix2(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1); // or Flag = imatrix(1, imax, 1, jmax);

	S    = imatrix2(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	//S = Flag -> adjust C_x Flags in helper.h

	//initialisation, including **Flag

	init_flag(problemGeometry, imax, jmax, kmax, Flag, wl, wr, wf, wh, wt, wb);  //presDelta, Flag);



	init_uvwp(UI, VI, WI, PI, Flag,imax, jmax, kmax, U, V, W, P, problemGeometry);

	write_particles("particles_init",0, 1, Partlines);

	write_imatrix2("Flag_start.txt",t,Flag, 0, imax, 1, jmax, 1, kmax);
	//write_flag_imatrix("Flag.txt",t,Flag, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	write_vtkFile(filename, -1, xlength, ylength, zlength, imax, jmax, kmax, dx, dy, dz, U, V, W, P,Flag);

	//write_vtkFile("init", n, xlength, ylength, zlength, imax, jmax, kmax, dx, dy, dz, U, V, W, P);
	//going through all time steps
	write_matrix2("P_start.txt",t,P, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	write_matrix2("U_start.txt",t,U, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	write_matrix2("V_start.txt",t,V, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	write_matrix2("W_start.txt",t,W, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	//setting bound.values
	boundaryvalues(imax, jmax, kmax, U, V, W, P, F, G, H, problemGeometry, Flag, velIN, velMW); //including P, wl, wr, wt, wb, F, G, problem
	//    printf("calc bc \n");

	while(t < t_end){
		/*if(t - every >= 0){
      	  	  printf("Calculating time %f ... \n", t);
      	  	  every += t;

		//adaptive time stepping
		calculate_dt(Re, tau, &dt, dx, dy, dz, imax, jmax, kmax, U, V, W);
		//    printf("calc dt \n");



		//computing F, G, H and right hand side of pressue eq.
		calculate_fgh(Re, GX, GY, GZ, alpha, dt, dx, dy, dz, imax, jmax, kmax, U, V, W, F, G, H, Flag);
		//    printf("calc fgh \n");

		calculate_rs(dt, dx, dy, dz, imax, jmax, kmax, F, G, H, RS,Flag);
		//    printf("calc rs \n");

		//iteration counter
		it = 0;

		//write_matrix2("RS.txt",t,RS, 1, imax, 1, jmax, 1, kmax);
		//write_matrix2("F.txt",t,F, 0, imax, 1, jmax, 1, kmax);
		//write_matrix2("G.txt",t,G, 1, imax, 0, jmax, 1, kmax);
		//write_matrix2("H.txt",t,H, 1, imax, 1, jmax, 0, kmax);
			// sprintf( szFileName, "P_%d.txt",it );
			//write_matrix2(szFileName,1000+t,P, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
			//perform SOR iteration, at same time set bound.values for P and new residual value
			sor(omg, dx, dy, dz, imax, jmax, kmax, P, RS, &res, Flag); //, presLeft, presRight);

		}while(it<itermax && res>eps);

		/*if (it == itermax) {
	printf("Warning: sor while loop exits because it reaches the itermax. res = %f, time =%f\n", res, t);
		} */

		//write_matrix2("P.txt",t,P, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
		//calculate U, V and W of this time step
		calculate_uvw(dt, dx, dy, dz, imax, jmax, kmax, U, V, W, F, G, H, P, Flag);
		//write_matrix2("U.txt",t,U, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
		//write_matrix2("V.txt",t,V, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
		//write_matrix2("W.txt",t,W, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);

		//    printf("calc uvw \n");

			//sprintf( szFileName, "simulation/%s.%i_debug.vtk", szProblem, timeStepNumber );

		//setting bound.values
		boundaryvalues(imax, jmax, kmax, U, V, W, P, F, G, H, problemGeometry, Flag, velIN, velMW); //including P, wl, wr, wt, wb, F, G, problem


		advance_particles(dx,dy, dz,imax,jmax,kmax, dt,U,V,W,1,Partlines);

		//indent time and number of time steps
		t += dt;

		//output of pics for animation
		if ( t-last_output_t  >= dt_value ){  //n%pics==0 ){

			write_particles(filename,n, 1, Partlines);
			write_vtkFile(filename, n, xlength, ylength, zlength, imax, jmax, kmax, dx, dy, dz, U, V, W, P,Flag);

			printf("output vtk (%d)\n",n);
			last_output_t = t;
		printf("timestep: %f   - next output: %f   (dt: %f) \n",t,dt_value- (t-last_output_t),dt);

	//output of U, V, P at the end for visualization
	//write_vtkFile("DrivenCavity", n, xlength, ylength, imax, jmax, dx, dy, U, V, P);
	//free memory
	free_matrix2(U, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	free_matrix2(V, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	free_matrix2(W, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	free_matrix2(P, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	free_matrix2(RS, 1, imax, 1, jmax, 1, kmax);

	free_matrix2(F, 0, imax, 1, jmax, 1, kmax);
	free_matrix2(G, 1, imax, 0, jmax, 1, kmax);
	free_matrix2(H, 1, imax, 1, jmax,  0, kmax);

	free_imatrix2(Flag, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	free_imatrix2(S, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1, 0, kmax+1);
	return -1;
Пример #20
 * The main operation reads the configuration file, initializes the scenario and
 * contains the main loop. So here are the individual steps of the algorithm:
 * - read the program configuration file using read_parameters()
 * - set up the matrices (arrays) needed using the matrix() command
 * - create the initial setup init_uvp(), init_flag(), output_uvp()
 * - perform the main loop
 * - trailer: destroy memory allocated and do some statistics
 * The layout of the grid is described by the first figure below, the enumeration
 * of the whole grid is given by the second figure. All the unknowns correspond
 * to a two dimensional degree of freedom layout, so they are not stored in
 * arrays, but in a matrix.
 * @image html grid.jpg
 * @image html whole-grid.jpg
 * Within the main loop the following big steps are done (for some of the 
 * operations a definition is defined already within uvp.h):
 * - calculate_dt() Determine the maximal time step size.
 * - boundaryvalues() Set the boundary values for the next time step.
 * - calculate_fg() Determine the values of F and G (diffusion and confection).
 *   This is the right hand side of the pressure equation and used later on for
 *   the time step transition.
 * - calculate_rs()
 * - Iterate the pressure poisson equation until the residual becomes smaller
 *   than eps or the maximal number of iterations is performed. Within the
 *   iteration loop the operation sor() is used.
 * - calculate_uv() Calculate the velocity at the next time step.
int main(int argn, char** args){
	double Re,UI,VI,PI,GX,GY, 				/* problem dependent quantities */
		xlength,ylength,dx,dy,			 	/* geometry data */
		t=0,t_end,dt,tau,dt_value,			/* time stepping data */
		alpha,omg,eps,res;		 			/* pressure iteration data */
	int it, itermax, n=0, imax, jmax;		/* max iterations, iteration step and # of interior cells */
	double **U, **V, **F, **G, **P, **RS;

	/* Read the problem parameters */
	read_parameters("data/cavity100-2.dat", &Re, &UI, &VI, &PI, &GX, &GY, &t_end, &xlength, &ylength, &dt, &dx, &dy,
			&imax, &jmax, &alpha, &omg, &tau, &itermax, &eps, &dt_value);

	/*	Allocate space for matrices */
	U = matrix(0, imax, 0, jmax+1);
	F = matrix(0, imax, 0, jmax+1);
	V = matrix(0, imax+1, 0, jmax);
	G = matrix(0, imax+1, 0, jmax);
	P = matrix(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);
	RS= matrix(0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);

	/*	Assign initial values to u, v, p */
	init_uvp(UI, VI, PI, imax, jmax, U, V, P);

	while (t < t_end){
		/* Select δt according to (14) */
		calculate_dt(Re, tau, &dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, U, V);

		/* Set boundary values for u and v according to (15),(16) */
		boundaryvalues(imax, jmax, U, V);

		/* Compute F (n) and G (n) according to (10),(11),(18) */
		calculate_fg(Re, GX, GY, alpha, dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, U, V, F, G);

		/* Compute the right-hand side rs of the pressure equation (12) */
		calculate_rs(dt, dx, dy, imax, jmax, F, G, RS);

		it = 0; res=DBL_MAX;
		while (it < itermax && res > eps){
			/* Perform a SOR iteration according to (19) using the provided function and retrieve the residual res */
			sor(omg, dx, dy, imax, jmax, P, RS, &res);

		/* Compute u (n+1) and v (n+1) according to (8),(9) */

		t+=dt; n++;

	/* Output of u, v, p for visualization */
	write_vtkFile("visualization/cavity", n, xlength, ylength, imax, jmax, dx, dy, U, V, P);

	/* Freeing memory */
	free_matrix(U, 0, imax, 0, jmax+1);
	free_matrix(F, 0, imax, 0, jmax+1);
	free_matrix(V, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax);
	free_matrix(G, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax);
	free_matrix(P, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);
	free_matrix(RS, 0, imax+1, 0, jmax+1);

	return -1;
Пример #21
  int		argc,			/* arg count */
  char	      * argv[]			/* arg vector */
  static char * context = "main(chain)";
  char	      * stem = NULL;		/* dump filename stem */
  char	      * suffix = NULL;		/* dump filename suffix */
  char	      * suff2 = NULL;		/* last half of suffix */
  int		nr, nc;			/* integer matrix sizes */
  int		n;			/* square matrix/vector size */
  real		base_x, base_y;		/* base of Mandelbrot */
  real		ext_x, ext_y;		/* extent of Mandelbrot */
  int		limit, seed;		/* randmat controls */
  real		fraction;		/* invperc/thresh filling */
  int		itersLife;		/* life iterations */
  int		itersElastic, relax;	/* elastic controls */
  int2D		i2D;			/* integer matrix */
  bool2D	b2D;			/* boolean matrix */
  pt1D		cities;			/* cities point vector */
  int		n_cities;		/* number of cities */
  pt1D		net;			/* net point vector */
  int		n_net;			/* number of net points */
  real2D	r2D_gauss;		/* real matrix for Gaussian */
  real2D	r2D_sor;		/* real matrix for SOR */
  real1D	r1D_gauss_v;		/* real vector input for Gaussian */
  real1D	r1D_sor_v;		/* real vector input for SOR */
  real1D	r1D_gauss_a;		/* real vector answer for Gaussian */
  real1D	r1D_sor_a;		/* real vector answer for SOR */
  real1D	r1D_gauss_c;		/* real vector check for Gaussian */
  real1D	r1D_sor_c;		/* real vector check for SOR */
  real		tol;			/* SOR tolerance */
  real		realDiff;		/* vector difference */
  bool		choicesSet = FALSE;	/* path choices set? */
  bool		doMandel = TRUE;	/* mandel vs. randmat */
  bool		doInvperc = TRUE;	/* invperc vs. thresholding */
  bool		doDump = FALSE;		/* dump intermediate results? */
  int		argd = 1;		/* argument index */

  /* arguments */
#if NUMA
  while (argd < argc){
    CHECK(argv[argd][0] == '-',
	  fail(context, "bad argument", "index", "%d", argd, NULL));
     case 'E' :				/* elastic */
      itersElastic = arg_int(context, argc, argv, argd+1, argv[argd]);
      relax = arg_int(context, argc, argv, argd+2, argv[argd]);
      argd += 3;
     case 'F' :				/* fraction (invperc/thresh) */
      fraction = arg_real(context, argc, argv, argd+1, argv[argd]);
      argd += 2;
     case 'L' :				/* life */
      itersLife = arg_int(context, argc, argv, argd+1, argv[argd]);
      argd += 2;
     case 'M' :				/* mandel */
      base_x = arg_real(context, argc, argv, argd+1, argv[argd]);
      base_y = arg_real(context, argc, argv, argd+2, argv[argd]);
      ext_x  = arg_real(context, argc, argv, argd+3, argv[argd]);
      ext_y  = arg_real(context, argc, argv, argd+4, argv[argd]);
      argd += 5;
     case 'N' :				/* winnow */
      n_cities = arg_int(context, argc, argv, argd+1, argv[argd]);
      argd += 2;
     case 'R' :				/* randmat */
      limit = arg_int(context, argc, argv, argd+1, argv[argd]);
      seed  = arg_int(context, argc, argv, argd+2, argv[argd]);
      argd += 3;
     case 'S' :				/* matrix size */
      nr = arg_int(context, argc, argv, argd+1, argv[argd]);
      nc = arg_int(context, argc, argv, argd+2, argv[argd]);
      argd += 3;
     case 'T' :				/* SOR tolerance */
      tol = arg_real(context, argc, argv, argd+1, argv[argd]);
      argd += 2;
     case 'c' :				/* choice */
	    fail(context, "choices already set", NULL));
      suffix = arg_str(context, argc, argv, argd+1, argv[argd]);
      argd += 2;
       case 'i' :	doInvperc = TRUE;	break;
       case 't' :	doInvperc = FALSE;	break;
       default :
	fail(context, "unknown choice(s)", "choice", "%s", suffix, NULL);
       case 'm' :	doMandel = TRUE;	break;
       case 'r' :	doMandel = FALSE;	break;
       default :
	fail(context, "unknown choice(s)", "choice", "%s", suffix, NULL);
      suff2 = suffix+1;
      choicesSet = TRUE;
     case 'd' :				/* dump */
      doDump = TRUE;
      argd += 1;
      if ((argd < argc) && (argv[argd][0] != '-')){
        stem = arg_str(context, argc, argv, argd, argv[argd-1]);
        argd += 1;
     case 'g' :
      gfx_open(app_chain, arg_gfxCtrl(context, argc, argv, argd+1, argv[argd]));
      argd += 2;
#if MIMD
     case 'p' :
      DataDist = arg_dataDist(context, argc, argv, argd+1, argv[argd]);
      ParWidth = arg_int(context, argc, argv, argd+2, argv[argd]);
      argd += 3;
     case 'u' :
      argd += 1;
     default :
      fail(context, "unknown flag", "flag", "%s", argv[argd], NULL);
	fail("context", "choices not set using -c flag", NULL));

  /* initialize */
#if MIMD

  /* mandel vs. randmat */
  if (doMandel){
    mandel(i2D, nr, nc, base_x, base_y, ext_x, ext_y);
    if (doDump) io_wrInt2D(context, mkfname(stem, NULL, suff2, "i2"), i2D, nr, nc);
  } else {
    randmat(i2D, nr, nc, limit, seed);
    if (doDump) io_wrInt2D(context, mkfname(stem, NULL, suff2, "i2"), i2D, nr, nc);

  /* half */
  half(i2D, nr, nc);
  if (doDump) io_wrInt2D(context, mkfname(stem, "h", suff2, "i2"), i2D, nr, nc);

  /* invperc vs. thresh */
  if (doInvperc){
    invperc(i2D, b2D, nr, nc, fraction);
    if (doDump) io_wrBool2D(context, mkfname(stem, NULL, suffix, "b2"), b2D, nr, nc);
  } else {
    thresh(i2D, b2D, nr, nc, fraction);
    if (doDump) io_wrBool2D(context, mkfname(stem, NULL, suffix, "b2"), b2D, nr, nc);

  /* life */
  life(b2D, nr, nc, itersLife);
  if (doDump) io_wrBool2D(context, mkfname(stem, "l", suffix, "b2"), b2D, nr, nc);

  /* winnow */
  winnow(i2D, b2D, nr, nc, cities, n_cities);
  if (doDump) io_wrPt1D(context, mkfname(stem, "w", suffix, "p1"), cities, n_cities);

  /* norm */
  norm(cities, n_cities);
  if (doDump) io_wrPt1D(context, mkfname(stem, "n", suffix, "p1"), cities, n_cities);

  /* elastic */
  n_net = (int)(ELASTIC_RATIO * n_cities);
  CHECK(n_net <= MAXEXT,
	fail(context, "too many net points required",
	     "number of net points", "%d", n_net, NULL));
  elastic(cities, n_cities, net, n_net, itersElastic, relax);
  if (doDump) io_wrPt1D(context, mkfname(stem, "e", suffix, "p1"), net, n_net);

  /* outer */
  n = n_net;
  outer(net, r2D_gauss, r1D_gauss_v, n);
  if (doDump){
    io_wrReal2D(context, mkfname(stem, "o", suffix, "r2"), r2D_gauss, n, n);
    io_wrReal1D(context, mkfname(stem, "o", suffix, "r1"), r1D_gauss_v, n);

  cpReal2D(r2D_gauss, r2D_sor, n, n);
  cpReal1D(r1D_gauss_v, r1D_sor_v, n);

  /* gauss */
  gauss(r2D_gauss, r1D_gauss_v, r1D_gauss_a, n);
  if (doDump) io_wrReal1D(context, mkfname(stem, "g", suffix, "r1"), r1D_gauss_a, n);

  /* product (gauss) */
  product(r2D_gauss, r1D_gauss_a, r1D_gauss_c, n, n);
  if (doDump) io_wrReal1D(context, mkfname(stem, "pg", suffix, "r1"), r1D_gauss_c, n);

  /* sor */
  sor(r2D_sor, r1D_sor_v, r1D_sor_a, n, tol);
  if (doDump) io_wrReal1D(context, mkfname(stem, "s", suffix, "r1"), r1D_gauss_a, n);

  /* product (sor) */
  product(r2D_sor, r1D_sor_a, r1D_sor_c, n, n);
  if (doDump) io_wrReal1D(context, mkfname(stem, "ps", suffix, "r1"), r1D_gauss_c, n);

  /* difference */
  vecdiff(r1D_gauss_a, r1D_sor_a, n, &realDiff);
  if (doDump) io_wrReal0D(context, mkfname(stem, "v", suffix, "r0"), realDiff);

#if IEEE
#if NUMA

  return 0;