Пример #1
 * Arguments    : emxArray_real_T *x
 * Return Type  : void
void d_sort(emxArray_real_T *x)
  emxArray_real_T *vwork;
  int i9;
  int k;
  int i10;
  emxArray_int32_T *b_vwork;
  emxInit_real_T2(&vwork, 1);
  i9 = x->size[1];
  k = x->size[1];
  i10 = vwork->size[0];
  vwork->size[0] = k;
  emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)vwork, i10, (int)sizeof(double));
  for (k = 0; k + 1 <= i9; k++) {
    vwork->data[k] = x->data[k];

  emxInit_int32_T(&b_vwork, 1);
  sortIdx(vwork, b_vwork);
  k = 0;
  while (k + 1 <= i9) {
    x->data[k] = vwork->data[k];

Пример #2
 * Arguments    : double x_data[]
 *                int x_size[1]
 * Return Type  : void
void sort(double x_data[], int x_size[1])
  int dim;
  int i6;
  double vwork_data[252];
  int vwork_size_idx_0;
  int vstride;
  int k;
  int j;
  emxArray_real_T *vwork;
  emxArray_int32_T *b_vwork;
  dim = nonSingletonDim(x_size);
  if (dim <= 1) {
    i6 = x_size[0];
  } else {
    i6 = 1;

  vwork_size_idx_0 = (unsigned char)i6;
  vstride = 1;
  k = 1;
  while (k <= dim - 1) {
    vstride *= x_size[0];
    k = 2;

  j = 0;
  emxInit_real_T2(&vwork, 1);
  emxInit_int32_T(&b_vwork, 1);
  while (j + 1 <= vstride) {
    for (k = 0; k + 1 <= i6; k++) {
      vwork_data[k] = x_data[j + k * vstride];

    dim = vwork->size[0];
    vwork->size[0] = vwork_size_idx_0;
    emxEnsureCapacity((emxArray__common *)vwork, dim, (int)sizeof(double));
    for (dim = 0; dim < vwork_size_idx_0; dim++) {
      vwork->data[dim] = vwork_data[dim];

    sortIdx(vwork, b_vwork);
    vwork_size_idx_0 = vwork->size[0];
    k = vwork->size[0];
    for (dim = 0; dim < k; dim++) {
      vwork_data[dim] = vwork->data[dim];

    for (k = 0; k + 1 <= i6; k++) {
      x_data[j + k * vstride] = vwork->data[k];


Пример #3
static Mat argsort(InputArray _src, bool ascending=true)
    Mat src = _src.getMat();
    if (src.rows != 1 && src.cols != 1)
        CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "cv::argsort only sorts 1D matrices.");
    int flags = SORT_EVERY_ROW | (ascending ? SORT_ASCENDING : SORT_DESCENDING);
    Mat sorted_indices;
    return sorted_indices;
Vec3f ColorConstancy::DCPveil(const Mat& image, Mat dcpImage)

    Mat dst;

    dcpImage = dcpImage.reshape(0,1);

    sortIdx(dcpImage, dst, CV_SORT_EVERY_ROW + CV_SORT_DESCENDING);
    float maxValue = 0;

    vector<Mat> channels;
    Vec3f veil;

    //cout << dst.rows  << " " << dst.cols << endl;
    //cout << " chnnels" << image.channels() << " " << endl;
    channels[0] = channels[0].reshape(0,1);
    channels[1] = channels[1].reshape(0,1);
    channels[2] = channels[2].reshape(0,1);

    //cout << dst << endl;
    //cout << channels[0].rows  << " " << channels[0].cols << endl;
    /// Take the 10% smaller
    for (int i=0;i<int((image.rows*image.cols)/10);i++){
        float intensity = 0.0;

        intensity = intensity + channels[0].at<float>(0,dst.at<int>(0,i));
        intensity = intensity +channels[1].at<float>(0,dst.at<int>(0,i));
        intensity = intensity +channels[2].at<float>(0,dst.at<int>(0,i));

        //cout << intensity << endl;
        if (maxValue < intensity/3){
            veil[0] = channels[0].at<float>(0,dst.at<int>(0,i));

            veil[1] = channels[1].at<float>(0,dst.at<int>(0,i));

            veil[2] = channels[2].at<float>(0,dst.at<int>(0,i));
            maxValue = intensity/3;


        return veil;

Пример #5
int Stump::train(const Mat& data, const Mat& labels, const Mat& weights)
    CV_Assert(labels.rows == 1 && labels.cols == data.cols);
    CV_Assert(weights.rows == 1 && weights.cols == data.cols);
    /* Assert that data and labels have int type */
    /* Assert that weights have float type */

    /* Prepare labels for each feature rearranged according to sorted order */
    Mat sorted_labels(data.rows, data.cols, labels.type());
    Mat sorted_weights(data.rows, data.cols, weights.type());
    Mat indices;
    sortIdx(data, indices, cv::SORT_EVERY_ROW | cv::SORT_ASCENDING);
    for( int row = 0; row < indices.rows; ++row )
        for( int col = 0; col < indices.cols; ++col )
            sorted_labels.at<int>(row, col) =
                labels.at<int>(0, indices.at<int>(row, col));
            sorted_weights.at<float>(row, col) =
                weights.at<float>(0, indices.at<int>(row, col));

    /* Sort feature values */
    Mat sorted_data(data.rows, data.cols, data.type());
    sort(data, sorted_data, cv::SORT_EVERY_ROW | cv::SORT_ASCENDING);

    /* Split positive and negative weights */
    Mat pos_weights = Mat::zeros(sorted_weights.rows, sorted_weights.cols,
    Mat neg_weights = Mat::zeros(sorted_weights.rows, sorted_weights.cols,
    for( int row = 0; row < data.rows; ++row )
        for( int col = 0; col < data.cols; ++col )
            if( sorted_labels.at<int>(row, col) == +1 )
                pos_weights.at<float>(row, col) =
                    sorted_weights.at<float>(row, col);
                neg_weights.at<float>(row, col) =
                    sorted_weights.at<float>(row, col);

    /* Compute cumulative sums for fast stump error computation */
    Mat pos_cum_weights = Mat::zeros(sorted_weights.rows, sorted_weights.cols,
    Mat neg_cum_weights = Mat::zeros(sorted_weights.rows, sorted_weights.cols,
    cumsum(pos_weights, pos_cum_weights);
    cumsum(neg_weights, neg_cum_weights);

    /* Compute total weights of positive and negative samples */
    float pos_total_weight = pos_cum_weights.at<float>(0, weights.cols - 1);
    float neg_total_weight = neg_cum_weights.at<float>(0, weights.cols - 1);

    float eps = 1.0f / (4 * labels.cols);

    /* Compute minimal error */
    float min_err = FLT_MAX;
    int min_row = -1;
    int min_col = -1;
    int min_polarity = 0;
    float min_pos_value = 1, min_neg_value = -1;

    for( int row = 0; row < sorted_weights.rows; ++row )
        for( int col = 0; col < sorted_weights.cols - 1; ++col )
            float err, h_pos, h_neg;

            // Direct polarity

            float pos_wrong = pos_cum_weights.at<float>(row, col);
            float pos_right = pos_total_weight - pos_wrong;

            float neg_right = neg_cum_weights.at<float>(row, col);
            float neg_wrong = neg_total_weight - neg_right;

            h_pos = (float)(.5 * log((pos_right + eps) / (pos_wrong + eps)));
            h_neg = (float)(.5 * log((neg_wrong + eps) / (neg_right + eps)));

            err = sqrt(pos_right * neg_wrong) + sqrt(pos_wrong * neg_right);

            if( err < min_err )
                min_err = err;
                min_row = row;
                min_col = col;
                min_polarity = +1;
                min_pos_value = h_pos;
                min_neg_value = h_neg;

            // Opposite polarity
            swap(pos_right, pos_wrong);
            swap(neg_right, neg_wrong);

            h_pos = -h_pos;
            h_neg = -h_neg;

            err = sqrt(pos_right * neg_wrong) + sqrt(pos_wrong * neg_right);

            if( err < min_err )
                min_err = err;
                min_row = row;
                min_col = col;
                min_polarity = -1;
                min_pos_value = h_pos;
                min_neg_value = h_neg;

    /* Compute threshold, store found values in fields */
    threshold_ = ( sorted_data.at<int>(min_row, min_col) +
                   sorted_data.at<int>(min_row, min_col + 1) ) / 2;
    polarity_ = min_polarity;
    pos_value_ = min_pos_value;
    neg_value_ = min_neg_value;

    return min_row;
Пример #6
cv::Mat	PM_type::nms(const cv::Mat &boxes, float overlap)
//% Non-maximum suppression.
//%   pick = nms(boxes, overlap) 
//%   Greedily select high-scoring detections and skip detections that are 
//%   significantly covered by a previously selected detection.
//% Return value
//%   pick      Indices of locally maximal detections
//% Arguments
//%   boxes     Detection bounding boxes (see pascal_test.m)
//%   overlap   Overlap threshold for suppression
//%             For a selected box Bi, all boxes Bj that are covered by 
//%             more than overlap are suppressed. Note that 'covered' is
//%             is |Bi \cap Bj| / |Bj|, not the PASCAL intersection over 
//%             union measure.
	if( boxes.empty() )
		return boxes;

	cv::Mat	x1 = boxes.col(0);
	cv::Mat	y1 = boxes.col(1);
	cv::Mat	x2 = boxes.col(2);
	cv::Mat	y2 = boxes.col(3);
	cv::Mat	s = boxes.col(boxes.cols - 1);

	cv::Mat	area = x2 - x1 + 1;
	area = area.mul(y2-y1+1);

	vector<int>	Ind( s.rows, 0 );
	cv::Mat	Idx(s.rows, 1, CV_32SC1, &Ind[0]);

	vector<int>	pick;
	while( !Ind.empty() ){
		int	last = Ind.size() - 1;
		int	i = Ind[last];

		vector<int>	suppress( 1, last );
		for( int pos=0; pos<last; pos++ ){
			int		j = Ind[pos];
			float	xx1 = std::max(x1.at<float>(i), x1.at<float>(j));
			float	yy1 = std::max(y1.at<float>(i), y1.at<float>(j));
			float	xx2 = std::min(x2.at<float>(i), x2.at<float>(j));
			float	yy2 = std::min(y2.at<float>(i), y2.at<float>(j));
			float	w = xx2-xx1+1;
			float	h = yy2-yy1+1;
			if( w>0 && h>0 ){
				// compute overlap 
				float	area_intersection = w * h;
				float	o1 = area_intersection / area.at<float>(j);
				float	o2 = area_intersection / area.at<float>(i);
				float	o = std::max(o1,o2);
				if( o>overlap )

		std::set<int>	supp( suppress.begin(), suppress.end() );
		vector<int>		Ind2;
		for( int i=0; i!=Ind.size(); i++ ){
			if( supp.find(i)==supp.end() )
				Ind2.push_back( Ind[i] );
		Ind = Ind2;


	cv::Mat	ret(pick.size(), boxes.cols, boxes.type());
	for( unsigned i=0; i<pick.size(); i++ )
		boxes.row( pick[i] ).copyTo( ret.row(i) );
	return ret;
/* NonMaxSup is for non-maximum suppression.
           boxes: Detection bounding boxes.
		   overlap: Overlap threshold for suppression
           pick: The locally maximal bounding boxes of detections.
				 For a selected box Bi, all boxes Bj that are covered by
				 more than overlap are suppressed. Note that 'covered' is
				 is |Bi \cap Bj| / |Bj|, not the PASCAL intersection over 
				 union measure.
Mat PostProcessor::NonMaxSup(const Mat& boxes, const float overlap) {
	if (boxes.dims == 0) {
		return Mat();
	int numberOfBoxes = boxes.size[0];
	if (numberOfBoxes == 0)
		return Mat();
	Mat x1 = boxes.col(0);
	Mat y1 = boxes.col(1);
	Mat x2 = boxes.col(2);
	Mat y2 = boxes.col(3);
	Mat s = boxes.col(4);
	Mat area(numberOfBoxes, 1, CV_32FC1, Scalar(0));
	for (int i = 0 ; i < numberOfBoxes ; ++i) {
		area.at<float>(i, 0) = (x2.at<float>(i, 0)-x1.at<float>(i, 0)+1) 
			* (y2.at<float>(i, 0)-y1.at<float>(i, 0)+1);

	Mat idx;
	vector<int> I;
	for (int i = 0 ; i < idx.rows ; ++i) {
		I.push_back(idx.at<int>(i, 0));
	vector<int> pickIdx;
	vector<int> suppress;
	while (!I.empty()) {
		int last = I.size() - 1;
		int i = I[last];
		for (int pos = 0 ; pos < last ; ++pos) {
			int j = I[pos];
			float xx1 = max(x1.at<float>(i, 0), x1.at<float>(j, 0));
			float yy1 = max(y1.at<float>(i, 0), y1.at<float>(j, 0));
			float xx2 = min(x2.at<float>(i, 0), x2.at<float>(j, 0));
			float yy2 = min(y2.at<float>(i, 0), y2.at<float>(j, 0));
			float h = xx2 - xx1 + 1;
			float w = yy2 - yy1 + 1;
			if (w > 0 && h > 0) {
				float o = w * h / (area.at<float>(j, 0) + area.at<float>(i, 0) - w * h);
				if (o > overlap) {

		vector<int> counterPart;
		for (int idxI = 0 ; idxI < I.size() ; ++idxI) {
			bool flag = false;
			for (int sup = 0 ; sup < suppress.size() ; ++sup) {
				if (idxI == suppress[sup]) {
					flag = true;
			if (flag == false) {
		I = counterPart;

	Mat pick(pickIdx.size(), 5, CV_32FC1, Scalar(0));
	for (int i = 0 ; i < pickIdx.size(); ++i) {

	return pick;
Пример #8
void WBDetectorImpl::train(
    const string& pos_samples_path,
    const string& neg_imgs_path)

    vector<Mat> pos_imgs = read_imgs(pos_samples_path);
    vector<Mat> neg_imgs = sample_patches(neg_imgs_path, 24, 24, pos_imgs.size() * 10);


    int n_features;
    Mat pos_data, neg_data;

    Ptr<CvFeatureEvaluator> eval = CvFeatureEvaluator::create();
    eval->init(CvFeatureParams::create(), 1, Size(24, 24));
    n_features = eval->getNumFeatures();

    const int stages[] = {64, 128, 256, 512, 1024};
    const int stage_count = sizeof(stages) / sizeof(*stages);
    const int stage_neg = (int)(pos_imgs.size() * 5);
    const int max_per_image = 100;

    const float scales_arr[] = {.3f, .4f, .5f, .6f, .7f, .8f, .9f, 1.0f};
    const vector<float> scales(scales_arr,
            scales_arr + sizeof(scales_arr) / sizeof(*scales_arr));

    vector<String> neg_filenames;
    glob(neg_imgs_path, neg_filenames);

    for (int i = 0; i < stage_count; ++i) {

        cerr << "compute features" << endl;

        pos_data = Mat1b(n_features, (int)pos_imgs.size());
        neg_data = Mat1b(n_features, (int)neg_imgs.size());

        for (size_t k = 0; k < pos_imgs.size(); ++k) {
            eval->setImage(pos_imgs[k], +1, 0, boost_.get_feature_indices());
            for (int j = 0; j < n_features; ++j) {
                pos_data.at<uchar>(j, (int)k) = (uchar)(*eval)(j);

        for (size_t k = 0; k < neg_imgs.size(); ++k) {
            eval->setImage(neg_imgs[k], 0, 0, boost_.get_feature_indices());
            for (int j = 0; j < n_features; ++j) {
                neg_data.at<uchar>(j, (int)k) = (uchar)(*eval)(j);

        boost_.fit(pos_data, neg_data);

        if (i + 1 == stage_count) {

        int bootstrap_count = 0;
        size_t img_i = 0;
        for (; img_i < neg_filenames.size(); ++img_i) {
            cerr << "win " << bootstrap_count << "/" << stage_neg
                 << " img " << (img_i + 1) << "/" << neg_filenames.size() << "\r";
            Mat img = imread(neg_filenames[img_i], CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
            vector<Rect> bboxes;
            Mat1f confidences;
            boost_.detect(eval, img, scales, bboxes, confidences);

            if (confidences.rows > 0) {
                Mat1i indices;
                sortIdx(confidences, indices,
                        CV_SORT_EVERY_COLUMN + CV_SORT_DESCENDING);

                int win_count = min(max_per_image, confidences.rows);
                win_count = min(win_count, stage_neg - bootstrap_count);
                Mat window;
                for (int k = 0; k < win_count; ++k) {
                    resize(img(bboxes[indices(k, 0)]), window, Size(24, 24));
                    bootstrap_count += 1;
                if (bootstrap_count >= stage_neg) {
        cerr << "bootstrapped " << bootstrap_count << " windows from "
             << (img_i + 1) << " images" << endl;