Пример #1
void prompt(void) {
    student students[STUDENT_MAX];
    int i;
    unsigned short count = 0;
    while (count < STUDENT_MAX && registerStudent(&students[count])) { count++; }
    sortStudents(students, count);
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    //checks to make sure that there are 2 arguments - one for input and output
    //Get the input file name...
    char *inputFileName = *(argv + 1);
    char *outputFileName = *(argv + 2);
    //Find out how many students are on the input file...
    int numberOfStudents = getRecordCount(inputFileName);
    //Create the number of students depending on the record count...
    Student listOfStudents[numberOfStudents];
    createStudents(listOfStudents, numberOfStudents);
    //Read the data of the input file...
    FILE *myFile = openFile(inputFileName);
    //Fill out all the student's info...
    fillStudentRecord(myFile, listOfStudents, numberOfStudents);
    //sortStudents using the array of student struct
    sortStudents(listOfStudents, numberOfStudents);
    //Calculate each student's GPA and recorded in the structure...
    getGPA(listOfStudents, numberOfStudents);
    //Calculate each student's Letter Grade and record in the structure...
    getGrade(listOfStudents, numberOfStudents);
    //Create ClassGrade structure pointer...
    ClassGrade *classGrade;
    classGrade = (ClassGrade *)malloc((sizeof classGrade) * 20);
    //Call functions to calculate the scores...
    getScoreAverage(listOfStudents, classGrade, numberOfStudents);
    getMinScore(listOfStudents, classGrade, numberOfStudents);
    getMaxScore(listOfStudents, classGrade, numberOfStudents);
    //Generate and output file with the student grade information
    generateOutputFile(outputFileName, inputFileName, listOfStudents, numberOfStudents);
    //Print out student's info...
    printAllStudents(listOfStudents, classGrade, numberOfStudents, inputFileName, outputFileName);
    return 0;
Пример #3
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
	char inputFileName[100], outputFileName[100], c;
	FILE *inputFile, *outputFile = stdout;//Output is stdout by default
	int i, numStudents = 1, errorFlag = 0;
	if(argc == 1)
		//Try to open a file from stdin.
		//If it doesn't work, keep trying or q to quit.
			printf("Enter a file to read information from (or q to exit):");
			scanf("%s", inputFileName);
			if(strcmp(inputFileName, "q") == 0){
				printf("Terminating program...");
				return 0;
			else if((inputFile = fopen(inputFileName, "r")) == NULL)
				printf("Error: file not found\n");
		}while(inputFile == NULL);
	else if(argc == 2)
		//Only the input file was given
		strcpy(inputFileName, argv[1]);
		if((inputFile = fopen(inputFileName, "r")) == NULL)
			printf("ERROR: Invalid file name");
			return 1;
	else if(argc == 3)
		//Both input and output files were given
		strcpy(inputFileName, argv[1]);
		if((inputFile = fopen(inputFileName, "r")) == NULL)
			printf("ERROR: Invalid input file name");
			return 1;
		strcpy(outputFileName, argv[2]);
		if((outputFile = fopen(outputFileName, "w")) == NULL)
			printf("ERROR: Invalid output file name");
			return 1;
	//Find how many students are here
	numStudents = getNumStudents(inputFile);
	//Create the array of students
	Student students[numStudents];
	//Code to scan info in
	for(i = 0; i < numStudents; i++)
		//1301,107515018,"Boatswain","Michael R.",CSE, 230,="R01"
		if(fscanf(inputFile, "%d,", &(students[i].term)) != 1)
			errorFlag = 1;
		if(fscanf(inputFile, "%d,", &(students[i].id)) != 1)
			errorFlag = 1;
		if(fscanf(inputFile, "\"%[^,\"]\",", students[i].lastName) != 1)
			errorFlag = 1;
		if(fscanf(inputFile, "\"%[^,\"]\",", students[i].firstName) != 1)
			errorFlag = 1;
		if(fscanf(inputFile, "%[^,],", students[i].subject) != 1)
			errorFlag = 1;
		if(fscanf(inputFile, "%d", &(students[i].catalogNumber)) != 1)
			errorFlag = 1;
		fscanf(inputFile, "%*[^=]=");
		if(fscanf(inputFile, "\"%[^\"]", students[i].section) != 1)
			errorFlag = 1;
		fscanf(inputFile, "%*[^\n]");//Reads out to the end of the line to avoid errors
			printf("WARNING: Unexpected or invalid input encountered on line %d!\nUnexpected results may occur...\n", i+1);
		errorFlag = 0;
	//We don't need this anymore
	//Print the output header
	//Sort the students
	sortStudents(students, numStudents);
	//Print the students
	printStudents(students, numStudents, outputFile);
	return 0;
Пример #4
/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
		Main Program:
		Display menu, get and run user choice.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
int main()
	int choice = 0;	// store user selection
	int quit = 0;	// flag to end program
	// print the menu, loop until user quits
	do {
		printf("\n\nWelcome to STUDENTS!\n===================\n\n"
			"There are currently %d students in memory.\n\n"
			"1.  Add New Student(s)\n"
			"2.  Find Student by Last Name\n"
			"3.  List All Students\n"
			"4.  Sort Database\n"
			"5.  Load Students File (./students.dat)\n"
			"6.  Save Students File (./students.dat)\n"
			"7.  Clear Memory (New Database)\n"
			"8.  Quit\n\n", numStudents);
		// input the user selection
		choice = inputInteger("Choice: ");
		// run the appropriate function based on user choice
		switch (choice)
			case 1: // add
			case 2: // find
			case 3: // list
			case 4: // sort
			case 5: // load
				if (numStudents == 0 || confirm("LOAD file and LOSE all students in memory (y/n) ? "))
			case 6: // save (only if students[] is not empty)
				if (numStudents == 0) printf("There are no students to save yet!\n");
				else if (confirm("OVERWRITE the file (y/n) ? "))
			case 7: // new
				if (confirm("DELETE all students from memory (y/n) ? "))
			case 8: // quit
			default: // quit
				if (confirm("QUIT and LOSE all data in memory (y/n) ? "))
					printf("\nThank you and goodbye!\n\n");
					quit = 1;
	} while (quit == 0);	// keep repeating until user chooses to quit
	// quit = 1: end program successfully
	#ifdef _MSC_VER

	return 0;