Пример #1
gchar *
gegl_instrument_utf8 (void)
  GString *s = g_string_new ("");
  gchar   *ret;
  Timing  *iter = root;

  sort_children (root);

  while (iter)
      gchar *buf;

      if (!strcmp (iter->name, root->name))
          buf = g_strdup_printf ("Total time: %.3fs\n", seconds (iter->usecs));
          s   = g_string_append (s, buf);
          g_free (buf);

      s = tab_to (s, timing_depth (iter) * INDENT_SPACES);
      s = g_string_append (s, iter->name);

      s   = tab_to (s, SECONDS_COL);
      buf = g_strdup_printf ("%5.1f%%", iter->parent ? 100.0 * iter->usecs / iter->parent->usecs : 100.0);
      s   = g_string_append (s, buf);
      g_free (buf);
      s = tab_to (s, BAR_COL);
      s = bar (s, BAR_WIDTH, normalized (iter->usecs));
      s = g_string_append (s, "\n");

      if (timing_depth (iter_next (iter)) < timing_depth (iter))
          if (timing_other (iter->parent) > 0)
              s   = tab_to (s, timing_depth (iter) * INDENT_SPACES);
              s   = g_string_append (s, "other");
              s   = tab_to (s, SECONDS_COL);
              buf = g_strdup_printf ("%5.1f%%", 100 * normalized (timing_other (iter->parent)));
              s   = g_string_append (s, buf);
              g_free (buf);
              s = tab_to (s, BAR_COL);
              s = bar (s, BAR_WIDTH, normalized (timing_other (iter->parent)));
              s = g_string_append (s, "\n");
          s = g_string_append (s, "\n");

      iter = iter_next (iter);

  ret = g_strdup (s->str);
  g_string_free (s, TRUE);
  return ret;
Пример #2
static void
sort_children (Timing *parent)
  Timing  *iter;
  Timing  *prev;
  gboolean changed = FALSE;

      iter    = parent->children;
      changed = FALSE;
      prev    = NULL;
      while (iter && iter->next)
          Timing *next = iter->next;

          if (next->usecs > iter->usecs)
              changed = TRUE;
              if (prev)
                  prev->next = next;
                  iter->next = next->next;
                  next->next = iter;
                  iter->next       = next->next;
                  next->next       = iter;
                  parent->children = next;
          prev = iter;
          iter = iter->next;
    } while (changed);

  iter = parent->children;
  while (iter && iter->next)
      sort_children (iter);
      iter = iter->next;
Пример #3
void Patricia::Node::add_child(allocator<Node*> &a, IMatcher &m, const u8 *b, int l, void *p) {
	if (l == 0) {
		//l == 0でここに来るということは,このノード自身とマッチしているということなので、param_を設定する.
		param_ = p;
	for (auto iter = children_.begin(); iter != children_.end(); iter++) {
		Node *child = *iter;
		int ofs = 0, i = m.match(b, l, child->bytes_, child->len_, &ofs);
		if (i > 0) {
			//child->bytes_のi byteまでで部分一致し、その時bはofs byte読まれた.
			//一般的なmatchについてi != ofsだが、短いものにマッチしているということは、短い方がより汎用的な表現であると仮定する.
			//したがって、短い方をこのノードのchildとして残すノードのデータとして採用する.child->bytes_, bをスプリットして,
			//child->bytes_[0:i] or b[0:ofs]のうち短い方をこのノードのchildとして残し、child->bytes_[i + 1:]とb[ofs + 1:]をその子供に追加する.
			//child->bytes_[i + 1:]を保持するノードは今のノードの子供を引き継ぐ.
			Node *r, *b1, *b2, *new_parent;
			bool term;
			//rが終端ノードになるケース = child->len_ == i or ofs == l
			//child->len_ == iとなるケース: b, lがchild->bytes_, len_を含んでいる場合. r = (bytes_, len_)となるため終端となる
			//ofs == lとなるケース: b, lがchild->bytes_, len_に含まれている場合, r = (b, l)となるため終端となる.
			if (i < ofs) {
				term = (child->len_ == i);
				r = Node::new_node(a, this, child->bytes_, i, term ? child->param_ : nullptr);
				b1 = Node::new_node(a, r, b + ofs, l - ofs, p);
				if (term) {
					new_parent = r;
				} else {
					b2 = Node::new_node(a, r, child->bytes_ + i, child->len_ - i, child->param_);
					new_parent = b2;
			} else {
				term = (l == ofs);
				r = Node::new_node(a, this, b, ofs, term ? p : nullptr);
				b1 = Node::new_node(a, r, child->bytes_ + i, child->len_ - i, child->param_);
				//b1は必ず作成される(l == ofs かつ len_ == iなら一致してしまうため、このようなことは発生しない)
				new_parent = b1;
				if (!term) {
					b2 = Node::new_node(a, r, b + ofs, l - ofs, p);
			for (Node *n : child->children_) {
				n->parent_ = new_parent; //parentをnew_parentにとっかえる.
			new_parent->children_ = std::move(child->children_); //moveしてくれるのでcopy発生しないはず.
			//tにb1, b2を追加する.(new_parentはb1かb2のどちらかであるため、追加しなくて良い)
			if (!term) {
	children_.push_back(Node::new_node(a, this, b, l, p));
Пример #4
 * the main code that does the zookeeper leader 
 * election. this code creates its own ephemeral 
 * node on the given path and sees if its the first
 * one on the list and claims to be a leader if and only
 * if its the first one of children in the paretn path
static int zkr_lock_operation(zkr_lock_mutex_t *mutex, struct timespec *ts) {
    zhandle_t *zh = mutex->zh;
    char *path = mutex->path;
    char *id = mutex->id;
    struct Stat stat;
    char* owner_id = NULL;
    int retry = 3;
    do {
        const clientid_t *cid = zoo_client_id(zh);
        // get the session id
        int64_t session = cid->client_id;
        char prefix[30];
        int ret = 0;
#if defined(__x86_64__)
        snprintf(prefix, 30, "x-%016lx-", session);
        snprintf(prefix, 30, "x-%016llx-", session);
        struct String_vector vectorst;
        vectorst.data = NULL;
        vectorst.count = 0;
        ret = ZCONNECTIONLOSS;
        ret = retry_getchildren(zh, path, &vectorst, ts, retry);
        if (ret != ZOK)
            return ret;
        struct String_vector *vector = &vectorst;
        mutex->id = lookupnode(vector, prefix);
        if (mutex->id == NULL) {
            int len = strlen(path) + strlen(prefix) + 2;
            char buf[len];
            char retbuf[len+20];
            snprintf(buf, len, "%s/%s", path, prefix);
            ret = ZCONNECTIONLOSS;
            ret = zoo_create(zh, buf, NULL, 0,  mutex->acl, 
                             ZOO_EPHEMERAL|ZOO_SEQUENCE, retbuf, (len+20));
            // do not want to retry the create since 
            // we would end up creating more than one child
            if (ret != ZOK) {
                LOG_WARN(("could not create zoo node %s", buf));
                return ret;
            mutex->id = getName(retbuf);
        if (mutex->id != NULL) {
            ret = ZCONNECTIONLOSS;
            ret = retry_getchildren(zh, path, vector, ts, retry);
            if (ret != ZOK) {
                LOG_WARN(("could not connect to server"));
                return ret;
            //sort this list
            owner_id = vector->data[0];
            mutex->ownerid = strdup(owner_id);
            id = mutex->id;
            char* lessthanme = child_floor(vector->data, vector->count, id);
            if (lessthanme != NULL) {
                int flen = strlen(mutex->path) + strlen(lessthanme) + 2;
                char last_child[flen];
                sprintf(last_child, "%s/%s",mutex->path, lessthanme);
                ret = ZCONNECTIONLOSS;
                ret = retry_zoowexists(zh, last_child, &lock_watcher_fn, mutex, 
                                       &stat, ts, retry);

                // cannot watch my predecessor i am giving up
                // we need to be able to watch the predecessor 
                // since if we do not become a leader the others 
                // will keep waiting
                if (ret != ZOK) {
                    LOG_WARN(("unable to watch my predecessor"));
                    ret = zkr_lock_unlock(mutex);
                    while (ret == 0) {
                        //we have to give up our leadership
                        // since we cannot watch out predecessor
                        ret = zkr_lock_unlock(mutex);
                    return ret;
                // we are not the owner of the lock
                mutex->isOwner = 0;
            else {
                // this is the case when we are the owner 
                // of the lock
                if (strcmp(mutex->id, owner_id) == 0) {
                    LOG_DEBUG(("got the zoo lock owner - %s", mutex->id));
                    mutex->isOwner = 1;
                    if (mutex->completion != NULL) {
                        mutex->completion(0, mutex->cbdata);
                    return ZOK;
            return ZOK;
    } while (mutex->id == NULL);
    return ZOK;