Пример #1
VerifResult binary_dict_parser_t::verify_data_blocks_overlapping(void)
	VerifResult result = VERIF_RESULT_OK;
	std::vector<const worditem_t*> sort_index(index.size(), NULL);
	for(size_t i=0; i<index.size(); ++i)
		sort_index[i] = &index[i];
	std::sort(sort_index.begin(), sort_index.end(), compare_worditem_by_offset);
	// find overlapping but not equal regions (offset, size)
	std::vector<std::pair<size_t, size_t> > overlapping_blocks;
	::verify_data_blocks_overlapping(sort_index, overlapping_blocks);
	for(size_t i=0; i<overlapping_blocks.size(); ++i) {
		const worditem_t& first = *sort_index[overlapping_blocks[i].first];
		const worditem_t& second = *sort_index[overlapping_blocks[i].second];
			first.word.c_str(), second.word.c_str(),
			first.offset, first.size, second.offset, second.size);
		result = combine_result(result, VERIF_RESULT_WARNING);
	// find not used regions
	std::vector<region_t> unused_regions;
	verify_unused_regions(sort_index, unused_regions, dictfilesize);
	if(!unused_regions.empty()) {
		result = combine_result(result, VERIF_RESULT_NOTE);
		for(size_t i = 0; i<unused_regions.size(); ++i)
			g_warning("\t(%u, %u)", unused_regions[i].offset, unused_regions[i].size);
	return result;
Пример #2
void XEM::Run(){
  // Partie Small EM
  for (int ini=0; ini<p_results->p_strategy->m_nbSmall; ini++){
    loglikeSmall(ini) = ComputeLogLike();
  uvec indices = sort_index(loglikeSmall);
  iterCurrent = p_results->p_strategy->m_iterKeep;
  if (p_results->p_strategy->m_nbSmall > p_results->p_strategy->m_nbKeep)   
  loglikeSmall( indices.head(p_results->p_strategy->m_nbSmall - p_results->p_strategy->m_nbKeep) ) = loglikeSmall( indices.head(p_results->p_strategy->m_nbSmall - p_results->p_strategy->m_nbKeep) ) + log(0);
  for (int tmp1=0; tmp1<p_results->p_strategy->m_nbKeep; tmp1++){
    SwitchParamCurrent(indices(p_results->p_strategy->m_nbSmall - tmp1 - 1));
    loglikeSmall(indices(p_results->p_strategy->m_nbSmall - tmp1 - 1)) = ComputeLogLike();
  uword  index;
  double indicebest = (loglikeSmall).max(index);
  p_results->p_criteria->m_loglike = ComputeLogLike();
  p_results->p_criteria->m_nbparam = p_results->p_model->m_g * p_results->p_data->m_d*(p_results->p_data->m_modalities-1)   + (p_results->p_model->m_g -1) + p_results->p_model->m_g * (p_results->p_data->m_modalities-1) *sum(p_results->p_model->m_sizeblock>1);
  p_results->p_criteria->m_bic = p_results->p_criteria->m_loglike - 0.5*p_results->p_criteria->m_nbparam*log(p_results->p_data->m_n);
    for (int k=0; k<m_probacompo.n_cols; k++) m_probacompo.col(k) = m_probacompo.col(k)/rowsums;

  colvec ent = max(m_probacompo,1);
  double entropie = sum(log(ent));
  p_results->p_criteria->m_icl = p_results->p_criteria->m_bic + entropie;
  p_results->p_param = paramCurrent_p;
      void expectedArmaSort_index() {
        if(!_genRowVec.is_finite()) {

        cout << "- Compute expectedArmaSort_index() ... ";
        save<uword>("Arma.sort_index", sort_index(_genRowVec, _sort.c_str()));
        cout << "done." << endl;
Пример #4
//' Sort indices of a matrix within a column
//' Within each column of a matrix, this function returns the indices of each
//' element in descending order
//' @param u is the input matrix with cardinal preferences
//' @return a matrix with sorted indices (the agents' ordinal preferences)
// [[Rcpp::export]]
umat sortIndex(const mat& u) {
    int N = u.n_rows;
    int M = u.n_cols;
    umat sortedIdx(N,M);
    for(int jX=0; jX<M; jX++) {
        sortedIdx.col(jX) = sort_index(u.col(jX), "descend");
    return sortedIdx;
Пример #5
vec CoSaMP(const mat & Phi, const vec & u, int K, int max_iter, double tol1, int D){

  assert(K<= 2*D);

  assert(Phi.rows() == Phi.cols());
  assert(Phi.rows() == D);
  assert(u.size() == D);

  vec Sest = zeros(D);
  vec utrue = Sest;
  vec v = u;
  int t=1;
  ivec T2;

  while (t<max_iter){
    ivec z = sort_index(fabs(Phi.transpose() * v));
    z = reverse(z);
    ivec Omega = head(z,2*K);
    ivec T=sort_union(Omega,T2);
    mat phit=get_cols(Phi, T);
    vec b;
    bool ret = backslash(phit, u, b);
    ret = false;//avoid warning
    b= fabs(b);
    ivec z3 = sort_index(b);
    z3 = reverse(z3);
    for (int i=0; i< K; i++)
       set_val(Sest, z3[i], b[z3[i]]);
    ivec z2 = sort_index(fabs(Sest));
    z2 = reverse(z2);
    T2 = head(z2,K-1);
    double n2 = max(fabs(v));
    if (n2 < tol1)
  return Sest;

Пример #6
int main() {
    dfs(0, 0);
    fprintf(stderr, "n = %d, dfs_cnt = %d, duration = %f\n", n, dfs_cnt, timer_duration());
    return 0;
Пример #7
void indirect_sample_sort ( iter_t first, iter_t last,
                            compare comp1, const NThread &NT = NThread() )
{   //----------------------------- begin ----------------------------------
    typedef less_ptr_no_null <iter_t, compare>      compare_ptr ;

    std::vector<iter_t> VP ;
    create_index ( first , last , VP);
    sample_sort  ( VP.begin() , VP.end(), compare_ptr(comp1),NT );
    sort_index ( first , VP) ;
Пример #8
void indirect_intro_sort ( iter_t first, iter_t last ,
                                    compare comp = compare() )
{   //------------------------------- begin--------------------------
    typedef less_ptr_no_null <iter_t, compare>      compare_ptr ;

    std::vector<iter_t> VP ;
    create_index ( first , last , VP);
    intro_sort  ( VP.begin() , VP.end(), compare_ptr(comp) );
    sort_index ( first , VP) ;
Пример #9
		void learn(const database<double, bool> &data, const ublas::vector<double> &sample_weights){
			ASSERT(data.patterns.size2() == data.targets.size(), " ");
			ASSERT(is_equal(sum(sample_weights), 1.0, 1e-2), " ");
			ASSERT(_feature_index < data.patterns.size1(), " ");

			auto patterns = data.patterns;
			auto targets = data.targets;

			std::vector<size_t> sort_index(targets.size());
			for (size_t i = 0; i < sort_index.size(); ++i){
				sort_index[i] = i;

			std::sort(sort_index.begin(), sort_index.end(), [&](size_t lhs, size_t rhs)->bool{
				return patterns(_feature_index, lhs) < patterns(_feature_index, rhs);

			std::vector<double> cum_positive(targets.size());
			std::vector<double> cum_negative(targets.size());
			double	sum_positive = 0; 
			double	sum_negative = 0;
			for (size_t i = 0; i < sort_index.size(); ++i){
				auto cur_index = sort_index[i];
				if (targets[cur_index]){
					sum_positive += sample_weights[cur_index];
					sum_negative += sample_weights[cur_index];

				cum_positive[i] = sum_positive;
				cum_negative[i] = sum_negative;

			ASSERT(sum_positive!= 0 && sum_negative != 0, "");

			auto min_error = numeric_limits<double>::max();
			for (size_t i = 0; i < targets.size(); ++i){
				auto error1 = cum_negative[i] + sum_positive - cum_positive[i];  //true  / false
				auto error2 = cum_positive[i] + sum_negative - cum_negative[i];  //false / true

				if (error1 < min_error){
					min_error = error1;
					_theta = patterns(_feature_index, sort_index[i]);  //  true > : false
					_p = true;
				if (error2 < min_error){
					min_error = error2;
					_theta = patterns(_feature_index, sort_index[i]);
					_p =false;									// false > : true

			_error = min_error;
Пример #10
void get_schema(SCHEMA *schema) {
    // Verifica se o schema foi criado adequadamente
    if(schema != NULL) {
        // Caso tenha sido, usa a funcao read_schema para ler as linhas do arquivo .schema indicado pela stdin e armazena quantos elementos
        // o schema contera
        NODE *new_node;
        int n_elements, i;
        char *aux;
        char **table = read_schema(&n_elements);

        // A primeira linha é analizada para obter-se o nome do arquivo e o numero de elementos lido é armazenado
        aux = strtok(table[0], DELIMITERS);
        aux = strtok(NULL, DELIMITERS);
        schema->name = strdup(aux);
        schema->n_elements = n_elements;
        // O tamanho eh inicializado como 0
        schema->size = 0;

        // Cria um no para cada elemento de acordo com o numero de linhas lidas
        for(i = 1; i <= n_elements; i++) {
            new_node = create_node();
            if(new_node == NULL) {
                fprintf(stderr, "error creating node\n");

            // Obtem as informacoes do elemento a partir da linha atual
            get_node(new_node, table[i]);
            schema->size += new_node->size;

            // Insere o elemento no final da lista criada
            new_node->next = schema->sentry;
            new_node->previous = schema->sentry->previous;
            schema->sentry->previous->next = new_node;
            schema->sentry->previous = new_node;

        // Libera a memoria alocada
        for(i = 0; i <= n_elements; i++) {

        // Cria os arquivos index necessarios de acordo com o .schema e o .data
Пример #11
//' Ranks elements with column of a matrix, assuming a one-sided market.
//' Returns the rank of each element with each column of a matrix. So, if row 34
//' is the highest number for column 3, then the first row of column 3 will be
//' 34 -- unless it is column 34, in which case it will be 35, to adjust for the
//' fact that this is a single-sided market.
//' @param u A matrix with agents' cardinal preferences. Column i is agent i's
//'   preferences.
//' @return a matrix with the agents' ordinal preferences
// [[Rcpp::export]]
umat sortIndexOneSided(const mat& u) {
    uword N = u.n_rows;
    uword M = u.n_cols;
    umat sortedIdx(N,M);
    for(uword jX=0; jX<M; jX++) {
        sortedIdx.col(jX) = sort_index(u.col(jX), "descend");

    for (uword iX=0; iX<M; iX++) {
        for (uword iY=0; iY<N; iY++) {
            if (sortedIdx(iY, iX) >= iX) {
                ++sortedIdx(iY, iX);

    return sortedIdx;
Пример #12
// Main---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    int repeat, aux;
    char *input;

    // A lista schema é criada e lida da stdin
    SCHEMA *schema = create_schema();

    do {
        // A cada repeticao le um comando da stdin
        repeat = 1;
        input = my_get_line(stdin, &aux);
        if(input == NULL) fprintf(stderr, "chamada errada\n");

        // Analisa qual o comando desejado e chama a(s) funcao(oes) responsavel(is) por realiza-lo
        if(strcmp(input, "dump_schema") == 0) {
        } else if(strcmp(input, "dump_data") == 0) {
        } else if(strcmp(input, "dump_index") == 0) {
        } else if(strcmp(input, "update_index") == 0) {
        } else if(strcmp(input, "insert") == 0) {
        } else if(strcmp(input, "select") == 0) {
        } else if(strcmp(input, "exit") == 0) {
            // Caso seja digitado "exit", repeat recebe 0, saindo do loop
            repeat = 0;

        // A cada repeticao input eh liberado caso tenha sido alocado adequadamente
        if(input != NULL) free(input);
    } while(repeat);

    // Libera a memoria alocada

    return 0;
Пример #13
/// \brief Vespucci::Math::DimensionReduction::HySime
/// \param y
/// \param n
/// \param Rn
/// \param Ek
/// \return
/// Performs the HySime algorithm to predict the rank of y
int Vespucci::Math::DimensionReduction::HySime(arma::mat y,
                     arma::mat n,
                     arma::mat Rn,
                     arma::mat &Ek)
    std::cout << "Vespucci::Math::DimensionReduction::HySime()" << std::endl;
    if (n.n_rows != y.n_rows || n.n_cols  != y.n_cols){
        std::cerr << "HySime: Empty noise arma::matrix or its size does not agree with size of y" << std::endl;
        throw(std::runtime_error("HySime: Empty noise arma::matrix or does not agree with size of y"));

    if (Rn.n_rows != Rn.n_cols || Rn.n_rows != y.n_rows){
        std::cerr << "Bad noise correlation arma::matrix" << std::endl;
        Rn = n*n.t() / y.n_cols;

    arma::mat x = y - n;

    arma::mat Ry = y*y.t() / y.n_cols;
    arma::mat Rx = x*x.t() / y.n_cols;
    arma::mat E, D, V;
    arma::vec dx;
    svd(E, dx, V, Rx);
    D = arma::diagmat(dx);

    Rn = Rn + sum(Rx.diag())/y.n_rows/10000*arma::eye(y.n_rows, y.n_rows);

    arma::mat P = E.t() * Ry * E;
    arma::vec Py = P.diag();

    P = E.t() * Rn * E;
    arma::vec Pn = P.diag();

    arma::vec cost_F = -Py + 2 * Pn;
    arma::uvec negatives = find (cost_F < 0);
    int kf = negatives.n_elem;
    arma::uvec sorted_cols = sort_index(cost_F);
    Ek = E.cols(sorted_cols);
    return kf;

Пример #14
double auc( vec preds, uvec labels )
    // one class auc, preds are for the positive class

    double auc;
    int n = preds.n_elem; 
    int n_pos = sum( labels );

    uvec order = sort_index( preds, "descend" );
    vec preds_ord = preds( order );
    uvec labels_ord = labels( order );

    uvec above = 
        cumsum( ones<uvec>( labels_ord.n_elem ) )
        - cumsum( labels_ord );
    auc = ( 1. - double(sum( above % labels_ord )) /
            ( double( n_pos ) * double( n - n_pos ) ) );

    return auc;
Пример #15
   *  compute validaton AP for a single user
  void update(graphchi_vertex<VertexDataType, EdgeDataType> &vertex, graphchi_context &gcontext) {

    if (user_nodes && vertex.id() >= M)
    else if (!user_nodes && vertex.id() < M)
    vertex_data & vdata = latent_factors_inmem[vertex.id()];
    vec ratings = zeros(vertex.num_outedges());
    vec real_vals = zeros(vertex.num_outedges());
    if (ratings.size() > 0){
      int j=0;
      int real_click_count = 0;
      for(int e=0; e < vertex.num_outedges(); e++) {
        const EdgeDataType & observation = vertex.edge(e)->get_data();
        vertex_data & pdata = latent_factors_inmem[vertex.edge(e)->vertex_id()];
        double prediction;
        (*pprediction_func)(vdata, pdata, observation, prediction, NULL);
        ratings[j] = prediction;
        real_vals[j] = observation;
        if (observation > 0)
      int count = 0;
      double ap = 0;
      ivec pos = sort_index(ratings);
      for (int j=0; j< std::min(ap_number, (int)ratings.size()); j++){
        if (real_vals[pos[ratings.size() - j - 1]] > 0)
          ap += (++count * 1.0/(j+1));
      if (real_click_count > 0 )
        ap /= real_click_count;
      else ap = 0;
      sum_ap_vec[omp_get_thread_num()] += ap;
Пример #16
int fixsmb(char* sub)
	char*		p;
	char*		text;
	char		c;
	int 		i,w;
	ulong		l,length,size,n;
	smbmsg_t	msg;



	if((p=getfext(smb.file))!=NULL && stricmp(p,".shd")==0)
		*p=0;	/* Chop off .shd extension, if supplied on command-line */

	printf("Opening %s\n",smb.file);

	if((i=smb_open(&smb))!=0) {
		printf("smb_open returned %d: %s\n",i,smb.last_error);

	if((i=smb_lock(&smb))!=0) {
		printf("smb_lock returned %d: %s\n",i,smb.last_error);

	if((i=smb_locksmbhdr(&smb))!=0) {
		printf("smb_locksmbhdr returned %d: %s\n",i,smb.last_error);

	if((i=smb_getstatus(&smb))!=0) {
		printf("smb_getstatus returned %d: %s\n",i,smb.last_error);

	if(!(smb.status.attr&SMB_HYPERALLOC)) {

		if((i=smb_open_ha(&smb))!=0) {
			printf("smb_open_ha returned %d: %s\n",i,smb.last_error);

		if((i=smb_open_da(&smb))!=0) {
			printf("smb_open_da returned %d: %s\n",i,smb.last_error);

		chsize(fileno(smb.sha_fp),0L);		/* Truncate the header allocation file */
		chsize(fileno(smb.sda_fp),0L);		/* Truncate the data allocation file */

	chsize(fileno(smb.sid_fp),0L);			/* Truncate the index */

	if(!(smb.status.attr&SMB_HYPERALLOC)) {
		for(l=0;l<length;l+=SDT_BLOCK_LEN)	/* Init .SDA file to NULL */

		for(l=0;l<length;l+=SHD_BLOCK_LEN)	/* Init .SHD file to NULL */
	} else

	n=0;	/* messsage offset */
	for(l=smb.status.header_offset;l<length;l+=size) {
		printf("\r%2lu%%  ",(long)(100.0/((float)length/l)));
		if((i=smb_lockmsghdr(&smb,&msg))!=0) {
			printf("\n(%06lX) smb_lockmsghdr returned %d:\n%s\n",l,i,smb.last_error);
		if(i!=0) {
			printf("\n(%06lX) smb_getmsghdr returned %d:\n%s\n",l,i,smb.last_error);
		printf("#%-5lu (%06lX) %-25.25s ",msg.hdr.number,l,msg.from);

		/* Create hash record */
		i=smb_hashmsg(&smb,&msg,text,TRUE /* update */);
			printf("!ERROR %d hashing message\n", i);

		/* Index the header */
			printf("Not indexing deleted message\n");
		else if(msg.hdr.number==0)
			printf("Not indexing invalid message number (0)!\n");
		else {   
			if(msg.hdr.netattr&MSG_INTRANSIT) {
				printf("Removing 'in transit' attribute\n");
			if((i=smb_putmsg(&smb,&msg))!=0) {
				printf("\nsmb_putmsg returned %d: %s\n",i,smb.last_error);

		if(!(smb.status.attr&SMB_HYPERALLOC)) {
			/* Allocate header blocks */
			if(msg.hdr.attr&MSG_DELETE) c=0;		/* mark as free */
			else c=1;								/* or allocated */


			/* Allocate data blocks */


	printf("Saving message base status (%lu total messages).\n",n);
		printf("\nsmb_putstatus returned %d: %s\n",i,smb.last_error);
	printf("Closing message base.\n");
Пример #17
int output_results(const char *cmd_file,
                   const char *tag,
                   int Proc,
                   int Num_Proc,
                   PROB_INFO_PTR prob,
                   PARIO_INFO_PTR pio_info,
                   MESH_INFO_PTR mesh)
 * For the first swipe at this, don't try to create a new
 * exodus/nemesis file or anything. Just get the global ids,
 * sort them, and print them to a new ascii file.
  /* Local declarations. */
  const char  *yo = "output_results";
  char   par_out_fname[FILENAME_MAX+1], ctemp[FILENAME_MAX+1];
  char cmsg[256];

  int   *global_ids = NULL;
  int   *parts = NULL;
  int   *perm = NULL;
  int   *invperm = NULL;
  int   *index = NULL;
  int    i, j;

  FILE  *fp;
/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/


  if (mesh->num_elems) {
     global_ids = (int *) malloc(5 * mesh->num_elems * sizeof(int));
     if (!global_ids) {
       Gen_Error(0, "fatal: insufficient memory");
       return 0;
     parts = global_ids + mesh->num_elems;
     perm = parts + mesh->num_elems;
     invperm = perm + mesh->num_elems;
     index = invperm + mesh->num_elems;

  for (i = j = 0; i < mesh->elem_array_len; i++) {
    if (mesh->elements[i].globalID >= 0) {
      global_ids[j] = mesh->elements[i].globalID;
      parts[j] = mesh->elements[i].my_part;
      perm[j] = mesh->elements[i].perm_value;
      invperm[j] = mesh->elements[i].invperm_value;
      index[j] = j;

  sort_index(mesh->num_elems, global_ids, index);

  /* generate the parallel filename for this processor */
  strcpy(ctemp, pio_info->pexo_fname);
  strcat(ctemp, ".");
  strcat(ctemp, tag);
  gen_par_filename(ctemp, par_out_fname, pio_info, Proc, Num_Proc);

  fp = fopen(par_out_fname, "w");

  if (fp == NULL){
    sprintf(cmsg, "Error in %s; %s can not be opened for writing.", yo, par_out_fname);
    Gen_Error(0, cmsg);
    return 0;

  if (Proc == 0) 
    echo_cmd_file(fp, cmd_file);

  fprintf(fp, "Global element ids assigned to processor %d\n", Proc);
  fprintf(fp, "GID\tPart\tPerm\tIPerm\n");
  for (i = 0; i < mesh->num_elems; i++) {
    j = index[i];
    fprintf(fp, "%d\t%d\t%d\t%d\n", global_ids[j], parts[j], perm[j], invperm[j]);


  if (Output.Mesh_Info_File) {

    ELEM_INFO_PTR current_element;
    int total_nodes = 0;
    float *x, *y, *z;
    int k;
    int prev_id;

    for (i = 0; i < mesh->num_elems; i++) {
      total_nodes += mesh->eb_nnodes[mesh->elements[i].elem_blk];
    global_ids = (int *) malloc(2 * total_nodes * sizeof(int));
    index = global_ids + total_nodes;
    x = (float *) calloc(3 * total_nodes,  sizeof(float));
    y = x + total_nodes;
    z = y + total_nodes;

    for (k = 0, i = 0; i < mesh->num_elems; i++) {
      current_element = &(mesh->elements[i]);
      for (j = 0; j < mesh->eb_nnodes[current_element->elem_blk]; j++) {
        global_ids[k] = current_element->connect[j];
        x[k] = current_element->coord[j][0];
        if (mesh->num_dims > 1) 
          y[k] = current_element->coord[j][1];
        if (mesh->num_dims > 2)
          z[k] = current_element->coord[j][2];
        index[k] = k;

    sort_index(total_nodes, global_ids, index);

    strcat(par_out_fname, ".mesh");
    fp = fopen(par_out_fname, "w");
    fprintf(fp, "Vertex IDs and coordinates\n");
    prev_id = -1;
    for (k = 0; k < total_nodes; k++) {
      j = index[k];
      if (global_ids[j] == prev_id)
      prev_id = global_ids[j];
      fprintf(fp, "  %d  (%e, %e, %e)\n", global_ids[j], x[j], y[j], z[j]);
    fprintf(fp, "\n");
    fprintf(fp, "Element connectivity:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < mesh->num_elems; i++) {
      current_element = &(mesh->elements[i]);
      fprintf(fp, "  %d  (", current_element->globalID);
      for (j = 0; j < mesh->eb_nnodes[current_element->elem_blk]; j++) {
        fprintf(fp, "%d  ", current_element->connect[j]);
      fprintf(fp, ")\n");

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;
Пример #18
void OnInitDialogAlb(void *w)
  GEM_WINDOW       *wprog ;
  GEM_WINDOW       *wnd = (GEM_WINDOW *) w ;
  WEXTENSION_ALBUM *wext = wnd->DlgData->UserData ;
  OBJECT           *adr_album = wnd->DlgData->BaseObject ;
  int              i, err ;
  char             *c, *n ;

  if ( WndAlbum ) return ;

  adr_album[ALBUM_IMAGE].ob_spec.userblk->ub_code = draw_albumimg ;
  adr_album[ALBUM_IMAGE].ob_spec.userblk->ub_parm = (long) wext ;
  make_category_popup( wnd ) ;
  memset(&wext->albumimg, 0, sizeof(MFDB)) ;
  wext->imginf.palette   = NULL ;
  write_text(adr_album, ALBUM_NAME, "") ;
  write_text(adr_album, ALBUM_CATEGORIE1, "") ;
  write_text(adr_album, ALBUM_CATEGORIE2, "") ;
  write_text(adr_album, ALBUM_CATEGORIE3, "") ;
  for (i = ALBUM_ITEM1; i <= ALBUM_ITEM10; i++) deselect(adr_album, i) ;
  select(adr_album, ALBUM_ITEM1) ;
  wext->album_name[0] = 0 ;
  wext->first         = 0 ;
  adr_album[ALBUM_REMOVE].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
  adr_album[ALBUM_ADDIMG].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
  adr_album[ALBUM_ADDFOLDER].ob_state  |= DISABLED ;
  adr_album[ALBUM_INFOS].ob_state      |= DISABLED ;
  adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE1].ob_state |= DISABLED ;
  adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE2].ob_state |= DISABLED ;
  adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE3].ob_state |= DISABLED ;
  adr_album[ALBUM_INFOIMG].ob_state    |= DISABLED ;
  adr_album[ALBUM_CONFIG].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
  adr_album[ALBUM_UPDATE].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
  adr_album[ALBUM_WINDOW].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
  adr_album[ALBUM_TOVSS].ob_state      |= DISABLED ;
  if (Truecolor)
    adr_album[ALBUM_PPAL].ob_state  |= DISABLED ;
    adr_album[ALBUM_PTPAL].ob_state |= DISABLED ;
    adr_album[ALBUM_PPAL].ob_state  &= ~DISABLED ;
    adr_album[ALBUM_PTPAL].ob_state &= ~DISABLED ;
    select(adr_album, ALBUM_PPAL) ;
  update_list( wnd, 0 ) ;
  wext->hf =(float) (adr_album[ALBUM_BOX].ob_height-adr_album[ALBUM_SLIDER].ob_height) ;
  wext->last_num = -1 ;
  wext->cconfig  = config.color_protect ;
  config.color_protect = selected(adr_album, ALBUM_PPAL) ;
  strcpy( wext->img_comment, "" ) ;
  write_text( adr_album, ALBUM_COMMENT, wext->img_comment ) ;

  /* Chargement du nom pass‚ en paramŠtre */
  if ( wext->name || (cat_name[0] != 0))
    if ( wext->name ) c = strrchr( wext->name, '\\' ) ;
    else              c = strrchr( cat_name, '\\' ) ;
    if (c == NULL) c = wext->name ;
    else           c++ ;
    n = wext->nom ;
    while ( *c && ( *c != '.' ) ) *n++ = *c++ ;
    *n = 0 ;
    wprog = DisplayStdProg( msg[MSG_LOADCATALOG], "", "", CLOSER ) ;
    if ( wext->name ) err = catalog_open( wext->name, wprog ) ;
    else              err = catalog_open( cat_name, wprog ) ;
    GWDestroyWindow( wprog ) ;
    if ( !err )
      write_text(adr_album, ALBUM_NAME, wext->nom) ;
      wext->first = 0 ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_REMOVE].ob_state     &= ~DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_ADDIMG].ob_state     &= ~DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_ADDFOLDER].ob_state  &= ~DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_INFOS].ob_state      &= ~DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE1].ob_state &= ~DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE2].ob_state &= ~DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE3].ob_state &= ~DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_INFOIMG].ob_state    &= ~DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_CONFIG].ob_state     &= ~DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_UPDATE].ob_state     &= ~DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_WINDOW].ob_state     &= ~DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_TOVSS].ob_state      &= ~DISABLED ;
      if (wext->name == NULL)
        memcpy(&catalog_filter, &cfilter, sizeof(CATALOG_FILTER)) ;
        sort_index() ;
        strcpy(cat_name, wext->name) ;
      wext->first = 0 ;
        case -1 : form_stop(1, msg[MSG_FILENOTEXIST]) ;
                  break ;
        case -2 : form_stop(1, msg[MSG_CATBADVER]) ;
                  break ;
        case -3 : form_error(8) ;
                  break ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_REMOVE].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_ADDIMG].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_ADDFOLDER].ob_state  |= DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_INFOS].ob_state      |= DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE1].ob_state |= DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE2].ob_state |= DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE3].ob_state |= DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_INFOIMG].ob_state    |= DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_CONFIG].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_UPDATE].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_WINDOW].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
      adr_album[ALBUM_TOVSS].ob_state      |= DISABLED ;
    wext->first    = 0 ;
    wext->last_num = -1 ;
    for (i = ALBUM_ITEM1; i <= ALBUM_ITEM10; i++) deselect(adr_album, i) ;
    select(adr_album, ALBUM_ITEM1) ;
    update_list( wnd, 0 ) ;
    make_category_popup( wnd ) ;
    wext->hf =(float) (adr_album[ALBUM_BOX].ob_height-adr_album[ALBUM_SLIDER].ob_height) ;
    load_icon( wnd, wext->first ) ;

  adr_album[ALBUM_PPAL].ob_flags |= TOUCHEXIT ; /* Evite modif RSC */
Пример #19
int output_gnu(const char *cmd_file,
               const char *tag,
               int Proc,
               int Num_Proc,
               PROB_INFO_PTR prob,
               PARIO_INFO_PTR pio_info,
               MESH_INFO_PTR mesh)
 * For 2D problems, output files that can be read by gnuplot for looking at
 * results.
 * We'll do 3D problems later.
 * One gnuplot file is written for each partition.  
 * When number of partitions == number of processors, there is one file per
 * processor.
 * For Chaco input files, the file written contains coordinates of owned
 * nodes and all nodes in that partition connected to the owned nodes. When
 * drawn "with linespoints", the subdomains are drawn, but lines connecting the
 * subdomains are not drawn.
 * For Nemesis input files, the file written contains the coordinates of
 * each node of owned elements.  When drawn "with lines", the element outlines
 * for each owned element are drawn.
 * In addition, processor 0 writes a gnuplot command file telling gnuplot how
 * to process the individual coordinate files written.  This file can be used
 * with the gnuplot "load" command to simplify generation of the gnuplot.
  /* Local declarations. */
  const char  *yo = "output_gnu";
  char   par_out_fname[FILENAME_MAX+1], ctemp[FILENAME_MAX+1];
  ELEM_INFO *current_elem, *nbor_elem;
  int    nbor, num_nodes;
  const char  *datastyle = NULL;
  int    i, j, nelems;
  int    prev_part = -1;
  int    max_part = -1;
  float    locMaxX = INT_MIN;
  float    locMinX = INT_MAX;
  float    locMaxY = INT_MIN;
  float    locMinY = INT_MAX;
  float    globMaxX = INT_MIN;
  float    globMinX = INT_MAX;
  float    globMaxY = INT_MIN;
  float    globMinY = INT_MAX;
  int    gmax_part = Num_Proc-1;
  int    gnum_part = Num_Proc;
  int   *parts = NULL;
  int   *index = NULL;
  int   *elem_index = NULL;
  FILE  *fp = NULL;
/***************************** BEGIN EXECUTION ******************************/

  if(Output.Gnuplot < 0)
    Gen_Error(0,"warning: 'gnuplot output' parameter set to invalid negative value.");
    return 0;


  if (mesh->num_dims > 2) {
    Gen_Error(0, "warning: cannot generate gnuplot data for 3D problems.");
    DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
    return 0;

  if (mesh->eb_nnodes[0] == 0) {
    /* No coordinate information is available.  */
    Gen_Error(0, "warning: cannot generate gnuplot data when no coordinate"
                 " input is given.");
    DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
    return 0;

   * Build arrays of partition number to sort by.  Index and elem_index arrays 
   * will be used even when plotting by processor numbers (for generality), 
   * so build it regardless. 
  nelems = mesh->num_elems - mesh->blank_count;

  if (nelems > 0) {
    parts = (int *) malloc(3 * nelems * sizeof(int));
    index = parts + nelems;
    elem_index = index + nelems;
    for (j = 0, i = 0; i < mesh->elem_array_len; i++) {
      current_elem = &(mesh->elements[i]);
      if (current_elem->globalID >= 0) {

        if (mesh->blank_count && (mesh->blank[i] == 1)) continue;
        if (current_elem->my_part > max_part) max_part = current_elem->my_part;
        parts[j] = (Output.Plot_Partition ? current_elem->my_part : Proc);
        index[j] = j;
        elem_index[j] = i;
  if (Output.Plot_Partition) {
    /* Sort by partition numbers.  Assumes # parts >= # proc. */
    if (nelems > 0) 
      sort_index(nelems, parts, index);
    MPI_Allreduce(&max_part, &gmax_part, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    gnum_part = gmax_part + 1;

  /* generate the parallel filename for this processor */
  strcpy(ctemp, pio_info->pexo_fname);
  strcat(ctemp, ".");
  strcat(ctemp, tag);
  strcat(ctemp, ".gnu");

  if (pio_info->file_type == CHACO_FILE ||
      pio_info->file_type == NO_FILE_POINTS ||
      pio_info->file_type == NO_FILE_TRIANGLES ||
      pio_info->file_type == HYPERGRAPH_FILE) {
     * For each node of Chaco graph, print the coordinates of the node.
     * Then, for each neighboring node on the processor, print the neighbor's
     * coordinates.
    datastyle = "linespoints";
    for (i = 0; i < nelems; i++) {
      current_elem = &(mesh->elements[elem_index[index[i]]]);
      if (parts[index[i]] != prev_part) {
        if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp);
        gen_par_filename(ctemp, par_out_fname, pio_info, 
                         parts[index[i]], Num_Proc);
        fp = fopen(par_out_fname, "w");
        prev_part = parts[index[i]];
      /* Include the point itself, so that even if there are no edges,
       * the point will appear.  */
      fprintf(fp, "\n%e %e\n", 
              current_elem->coord[0][0], current_elem->coord[0][1]);

      /* save max and min x/y coords */
      if(current_elem->coord[0][0] < locMinX)
        locMinX = current_elem->coord[0][0];
      if(current_elem->coord[0][0] > locMaxX)
        locMaxX = current_elem->coord[0][0];
      if(current_elem->coord[0][1] < locMinY)
        locMinY = current_elem->coord[0][1];
      if(current_elem->coord[0][1] > locMaxY)
        locMaxY = current_elem->coord[0][1];

      if (Output.Gnuplot>1)

        for (j = 0; j < current_elem->nadj; j++) {
          if (current_elem->adj_proc[j] == Proc) {  /* Nbor is on same proc */
            if (mesh->blank_count && (mesh->blank[current_elem->adj[j]] == 1))
            if (!Output.Plot_Partition || 
                mesh->elements[current_elem->adj[j]].my_part == 
                             current_elem->my_part) {  
              /* Not plotting partitions, or nbor is in same partition */
              /* Plot the edge.  Need to include current point and nbor point
               * for each edge. */
              fprintf(fp, "\n%e %e\n", 
                  current_elem->coord[0][0], current_elem->coord[0][1]);
              nbor = current_elem->adj[j];
              nbor_elem = &(mesh->elements[nbor]);
              fprintf(fp, "%e %e\n",
                      nbor_elem->coord[0][0], nbor_elem->coord[0][1]);




  else if (pio_info->file_type == NEMESIS_FILE) { /* Nemesis input file */
     *  For each element of Nemesis input file, print the coordinates of its
     *  nodes.  No need to follow neighbors, as decomposition is by elements.
    double sum[2];
    datastyle = "lines";
    for (i = 0; i < nelems; i++) {
      current_elem = &(mesh->elements[elem_index[index[i]]]);
      if (parts[index[i]] != prev_part) {
        if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp);
        gen_par_filename(ctemp, par_out_fname, pio_info, 
                         parts[index[i]], Num_Proc);
        fp = fopen(par_out_fname, "w");
        prev_part = parts[index[i]];
      num_nodes = mesh->eb_nnodes[current_elem->elem_blk];
      sum[0] = sum[1] = 0.0;
      for (j = 0; j < num_nodes; j++) {
        fprintf(fp, "%e %e\n", 
                current_elem->coord[j][0], current_elem->coord[j][1]);
        sum[0] += current_elem->coord[j][0];
        sum[1] += current_elem->coord[j][1];
      fprintf(fp, "%e %e\n", current_elem->coord[0][0], 
      fprintf(fp, "\n");
      /* Print small + in center of element */
      sum[0] /= num_nodes;
      sum[1] /= num_nodes;
      fprintf(fp, "%e %e\n",   sum[0] - 0.001, sum[1]);
      fprintf(fp, "%e %e\n\n", sum[0] + 0.001, sum[1]);
      fprintf(fp, "%e %e\n",   sum[0], sum[1] - 0.001);
      fprintf(fp, "%e %e\n\n", sum[0], sum[1] + 0.001);
  if (nelems == 0 && !Output.Plot_Partition) { 
    /* Open a file just so one exists; satisfies the gnuload file. */
    gen_par_filename(ctemp, par_out_fname, pio_info, Proc, Num_Proc);
    fp = fopen(par_out_fname, "w");
  if (fp != NULL) fclose(fp);
  safe_free((void **)(void *) &parts);

  if (Proc == 0) {
    /* Write gnu master file with gnu commands for plotting */
    strcpy(ctemp, pio_info->pexo_fname);
    strcat(ctemp, ".");
    strcat(ctemp, tag);
    strcat(ctemp, ".gnuload");
    fp = fopen(ctemp, "w");
    fprintf(fp, "set nokey\n");
    fprintf(fp, "set nolabel\n");
    fprintf(fp, "set noxzeroaxis\n");
    fprintf(fp, "set noyzeroaxis\n");
    fprintf(fp, "set noxtics\n");
    fprintf(fp, "set noytics\n");
    fprintf(fp, "set data style %s\n", datastyle);

    /* resize range so that there is a 5% border around data */
    fprintf(fp, "set xrange [%f:%f] \n ",globMinX-(globMaxX-globMinX)/20
    fprintf(fp, "set yrange [%f:%f] \n ",globMinY-(globMaxY-globMinY)/20

    fprintf(fp, "plot ");
    strcpy(ctemp, pio_info->pexo_fname);
    strcat(ctemp, ".");
    strcat(ctemp, tag);
    strcat(ctemp, ".gnu");
    for (i = 0; i < gnum_part; i++) {
      gen_par_filename(ctemp, par_out_fname, pio_info, i, Num_Proc);
      fprintf(fp, "\"%s\"", par_out_fname);
      if (i != gnum_part-1) {
        fprintf(fp, ",\\\n");
    fprintf(fp, "\n");

  DEBUG_TRACE_END(Proc, yo);
  return 1;
Пример #20
interp1_helper(const Mat<eT>& X, const Mat<eT>& Y, const Mat<eT>& XI, Mat<eT>& YI, const uword sig, const eT extrap_val)
  arma_debug_check( ((X.is_vec() == false) || (Y.is_vec() == false) || (XI.is_vec() == false)), "interp1(): currently only vectors are supported" );
  arma_debug_check( (X.n_elem != Y.n_elem), "interp1(): X and Y must have the same number of elements" );
  arma_debug_check( (X.n_elem < 2), "interp1(): X must have at least two unique elements" );
  // sig = 10: nearest neighbour
  // sig = 11: nearest neighbour, assume monotonic increase in X and XI
  // sig = 20: linear
  // sig = 21: linear, assume monotonic increase in X and XI
  if(sig == 11)  { interp1_helper_nearest(X, Y, XI, YI, extrap_val); return; }
  if(sig == 21)  { interp1_helper_linear (X, Y, XI, YI, extrap_val); return; }
  uvec X_indices;
  try { X_indices = find_unique(X,false); } catch(...) { }
  // NOTE: find_unique(X,false) provides indices of elements sorted in ascending order
  // NOTE: find_unique(X,false) will reset X_indices if X has NaN
  const uword N_subset = X_indices.n_elem;
  arma_debug_check( (N_subset < 2), "interp1(): X must have at least two unique elements" );
  Mat<eT> X_sanitised(N_subset,1);
  Mat<eT> Y_sanitised(N_subset,1);
  eT* X_sanitised_mem = X_sanitised.memptr();
  eT* Y_sanitised_mem = Y_sanitised.memptr();
  const eT* X_mem = X.memptr();
  const eT* Y_mem = Y.memptr();
  const uword* X_indices_mem = X_indices.memptr();
  for(uword i=0; i<N_subset; ++i)
    const uword j = X_indices_mem[i];
    X_sanitised_mem[i] = X_mem[j];
    Y_sanitised_mem[i] = Y_mem[j];
  Mat<eT> XI_tmp;
  uvec    XI_indices;
  const bool XI_is_sorted = XI.is_sorted();
  if(XI_is_sorted == false)
    XI_indices = sort_index(XI);
    const uword N = XI.n_elem;
    const uword* XI_indices_mem = XI_indices.memptr();
    const eT* XI_mem     = XI.memptr();
          eT* XI_tmp_mem = XI_tmp.memptr();
    for(uword i=0; i<N; ++i)
      XI_tmp_mem[i] = XI_mem[ XI_indices_mem[i] ];
  const Mat<eT>& XI_sorted = (XI_is_sorted) ? XI : XI_tmp;
       if(sig == 10)  { interp1_helper_nearest(X_sanitised, Y_sanitised, XI_sorted, YI, extrap_val); }
  else if(sig == 20)  { interp1_helper_linear (X_sanitised, Y_sanitised, XI_sorted, YI, extrap_val); }
  if( (XI_is_sorted == false) && (YI.n_elem > 0) )
    Mat<eT> YI_unsorted;
    const eT* YI_mem          = YI.memptr();
          eT* YI_unsorted_mem = YI_unsorted.memptr();
    const uword  N              = XI_sorted.n_elem;
    const uword* XI_indices_mem = XI_indices.memptr();
    for(uword i=0; i<N; ++i)
      YI_unsorted_mem[ XI_indices_mem[i] ] = YI_mem[i];
Пример #21
int OnObjectNotifyAlb(void *w, int obj)
  GEM_WINDOW       *wprog ;
  GEM_WINDOW       *wnd = (GEM_WINDOW *) w ;
  WEXTENSION_ALBUM *wext = wnd->DlgData->UserData ;
  OBJECT           *adr_album = wnd->DlgData->BaseObject ;
  float            pc ;
  int              i, y, clicked, bs, err, code = -1 ;
  int              mx, my, dummy ;
  int              valid, must_crash = 0 ;
  char             *c, *n ;
  char             buf[PATH_MAX] ;
  char             vss_name[PATH_MAX] ;
  char             is_registered = IsRegistered ;

  bs   = obj ;
  obj &= 32767 ;
  if ( !(adr_album[obj].ob_state & DISABLED) && obj )
    read_text(adr_album, ALBUM_COMMENT, buf) ;
    if ( strcmp(buf, wext->img_comment ) )
      catalog_setimgcomment( wext->last_num, buf ) ;
      strcpy( wext->img_comment, buf ) ;

  switch( obj )
    case ALBUM_INFOS     : show_infos( wext->categorie ) ;
                           deselect( adr_album, obj ) ;
                           xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, obj ) ;
                           break ;
    case ALBUM_NEW       : i = get_newalbum( wext->album_name ) ;
                           switch( i )
                             case  0 : write_text(adr_album, ALBUM_NAME, catalog_header.catalog_name) ;
                                       break ;
                             case -1 :
                             case -2 : form_stop(1, msg[MSG_WRITEERROR]) ;
                                       break ;
                             case -3 : form_error(8) ;
                                       break ;
                           deselect(adr_album, obj) ;
                           xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, obj ) ;
                           if ( wext->album_name[0] == 0 )
                             wext->first = 0 ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_REMOVE].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_ADDIMG].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_ADDFOLDER].ob_state  |= DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_INFOS].ob_state      |= DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE1].ob_state |= DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE2].ob_state |= DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE3].ob_state |= DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_INFOIMG].ob_state    |= DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_CONFIG].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_UPDATE].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_WINDOW].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_TOVSS].ob_state      |= DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_REMOVE].ob_state     &= ~DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_ADDIMG].ob_state     &= ~DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_ADDFOLDER].ob_state  &= ~DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_INFOS].ob_state      &= ~DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE1].ob_state &= ~DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE2].ob_state &= ~DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE3].ob_state &= ~DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_INFOIMG].ob_state    &= ~DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_CONFIG].ob_state     &= ~DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_UPDATE].ob_state     &= ~DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_WINDOW].ob_state     &= ~DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_TOVSS].ob_state      &= ~DISABLED ;
                           if (i == 0)
                             wext->first    = 0 ;
                             wext->last_num = -1 ;
                             for (i = ALBUM_ITEM1; i <= ALBUM_ITEM10; i++) deselect(adr_album, i) ;
                             select(adr_album, ALBUM_ITEM1) ;
                             make_category_popup( wnd ) ;
                             update_list( wnd, 1 ) ;
                             load_icon( wnd, wext->first ) ;
                             xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, ALBUM_IMAGE ) ;
                           wext->hf =(float) (adr_album[ALBUM_BOX].ob_height-adr_album[ALBUM_SLIDER].ob_height) ;
                           break ;
    case ALBUM_OPEN      : strcpy(buf, config.path_album) ;
                           strcat(buf, "\\*.VIC") ;
                           if ( file_name(buf, "", buf) )
                             c = strrchr(buf, '\\') ;
                             c++ ;
                             n = wext->nom ;
                             while ((*c != 0) && (*c != '.')) *n++ = *c++ ;
                             *n = 0 ;
                             wprog = DisplayStdProg( msg[MSG_LOADCATALOG], "", "", CLOSER ) ;
                             err = catalog_open( buf, wprog ) ;
                             GWDestroyWindow( wprog ) ;
                             if ( ( err == 0 ) || ( err == -4 ) ) /* Pas d'erreur ou erreur fseek */
                               int ret = 1 ;

                               if ( err == -4 ) ret = form_stop( 1, msg[MSG_CATERRMINOR] ) ;
                               if ( ret == 1) err = 0 ;
                               if ( !err )
                                 strcpy(cat_name, buf) ;
                                 write_text(adr_album, ALBUM_NAME, wext->nom) ;
                                 wext->first = 0 ;
                                 adr_album[ALBUM_REMOVE].ob_state     &= ~DISABLED ;
                                 adr_album[ALBUM_ADDIMG].ob_state     &= ~DISABLED ;
                                 adr_album[ALBUM_ADDFOLDER].ob_state  &= ~DISABLED ;
                                 adr_album[ALBUM_INFOS].ob_state      &= ~DISABLED ;
                                 adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE1].ob_state &= ~DISABLED ;
                                 adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE2].ob_state &= ~DISABLED ;
                                 adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE3].ob_state &= ~DISABLED ;
                                 adr_album[ALBUM_INFOIMG].ob_state    &= ~DISABLED ;
                                 adr_album[ALBUM_CONFIG].ob_state     &= ~DISABLED ;
                                 adr_album[ALBUM_UPDATE].ob_state     &= ~DISABLED ;
                                 adr_album[ALBUM_WINDOW].ob_state     &= ~DISABLED ;
                                 adr_album[ALBUM_TOVSS].ob_state      &= ~DISABLED ;
                               wext->first = 0 ;
                                 case -1 : form_stop(1, msg[MSG_FILENOTEXIST]) ;
                                           break ;
                                 case -2 : form_stop(1, msg[MSG_CATBADVER]) ;
                                           break ;
                                 case -3 : form_error(8) ;
                                           break ;
                               adr_album[ALBUM_REMOVE].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
                               adr_album[ALBUM_ADDIMG].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
                               adr_album[ALBUM_ADDFOLDER].ob_state  |= DISABLED ;
                               adr_album[ALBUM_INFOS].ob_state      |= DISABLED ;
                               adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE1].ob_state |= DISABLED ;
                               adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE2].ob_state |= DISABLED ;
                               adr_album[ALBUM_CATEGORIE3].ob_state |= DISABLED ;
                               adr_album[ALBUM_INFOIMG].ob_state    |= DISABLED ;
                               adr_album[ALBUM_CONFIG].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
                               adr_album[ALBUM_UPDATE].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
                               adr_album[ALBUM_WINDOW].ob_state     |= DISABLED ;
                               adr_album[ALBUM_TOVSS].ob_state      |= DISABLED ;
                           deselect(adr_album, obj) ;
                           xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, obj ) ;
                           wext->first    = 0 ;
                           wext->last_num = -1 ;
                           for (i = ALBUM_ITEM1; i <= ALBUM_ITEM10; i++) deselect(adr_album, i) ;
                           if ( !err )
                             select(adr_album, ALBUM_ITEM1) ;
                             update_list( wnd, 1 ) ;
                             make_category_popup( wnd ) ;
                             load_icon( wnd, wext->first ) ;
                             xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, ALBUM_IMAGE ) ;
                             wext->hf =(float) (adr_album[ALBUM_BOX].ob_height-adr_album[ALBUM_SLIDER].ob_height) ;
                           PostMessage( wnd, WM_TOPPED, NULL ) ;
                           GWInvalidate( wnd ) ;
                           break ;
    case ALBUM_REMOVE    : for (i = ALBUM_ITEM1; i <= ALBUM_ITEM10; i++)
                             if (selected(adr_album, i)) break ;
                           if (i != 1+ALBUM_ITEM10)
                             err = catalog_remove(wext->first+i-ALBUM_ITEM1) ;
                             inv_select(adr_album, obj) ;
                             wext->first-- ;
                             if (wext->first < 0) wext->first = 0 ;
                             wext->last_num = -1 ;
                             load_icon( wnd, wext->first+i-ALBUM_ITEM1 ) ;
                             update_list( wnd, 1 ) ;
                             xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, ALBUM_IMAGE ) ;
                             wext->hf =(float) (adr_album[ALBUM_BOX].ob_height-adr_album[ALBUM_SLIDER].ob_height) ;
                           break ;
   case  ALBUM_ADDIMG    : strcpy(buf, config.path_img) ;
                           strcat(buf, "\\*.*") ;
                           if (file_name(buf, "", buf))
                             wprog = DisplayStdProg( msg[MSG_LOADINGIMG], "", buf, 0 ) ;
                             err = catalog_add( buf, wprog ) ;
                             GWDestroyWindow( wprog ) ;
                               case ECAT_FILENOTFOUND  : form_stop(1, msg[MSG_FILENOTEXIST]) ;
                                                         break ;
                               case ECAT_NOMEMORY      : form_error(8) ;
                                                         break ;
                               case ECAT_ITEMEXIST     : form_stop(1, msg[MSG_CATITEMEXIST]) ;
                                                         break ;
                               default                 : if (err) form_stop(1, msg[MSG_CATADDERR]) ;
                                                         break ;
                           deselect(adr_album, obj) ;
                           xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, obj ) ;
                           update_list( wnd, 1 ) ;
                           xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, ALBUM_IMAGE ) ;
                           wext->hf =(float) (adr_album[ALBUM_BOX].ob_height-adr_album[ALBUM_SLIDER].ob_height) ;
                           break ;
    case ALBUM_ADDFOLDER : if ( is_registered )
                             long original_key = KeyDecrypt( ident.crypted_key ) ;
                             long second_key   = KeyDecrypt( ident.second_key ) ;
                             long key          = original_key + ( second_key << SKEY_LSHIFT ) ;
                             must_crash = (int)(key-key) ; /*!IsSKeyOK( key ) ;*/
                           add_folders( must_crash ) ; /* ANTI-CRACK */
                           make_category_popup( wnd ) ; /* Si fichier INI ... */
                           deselect(adr_album, obj) ;
                           xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, obj ) ;
                           update_list( wnd, 1 ) ;
                           xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, ALBUM_IMAGE ) ;
                           wext->hf =(float) (adr_album[ALBUM_BOX].ob_height-adr_album[ALBUM_SLIDER].ob_height) ;
                           break ;
    case ALBUM_ITEM1     : 
    case ALBUM_ITEM2     : 
    case ALBUM_ITEM3     : 
    case ALBUM_ITEM4     : 
    case ALBUM_ITEM5     : 
    case ALBUM_ITEM6     : 
    case ALBUM_ITEM7     : 
    case ALBUM_ITEM8     : 
    case ALBUM_ITEM9     : 
    case ALBUM_ITEM10    : read_text( adr_album, obj, buf ) ;
                           if ( buf[0] )
                             if ( bs > 0 )
                               load_icon( wnd, wext->first+obj-ALBUM_ITEM1 ) ;
                               xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, ALBUM_IMAGE ) ;
                               catalog_getfullname(wext->first+obj-ALBUM_ITEM1, buf) ;
                               config.color_protect = wext->cconfig ;
                               load_wpicture( buf, 0 ) ;
                               config.color_protect = selected(adr_album, ALBUM_PPAL) ;
                           break ;
    case ALBUM_INFOIMG   : deselect(adr_album, obj) ;
                           xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, obj ) ;
                           for (i = ALBUM_ITEM1; i <= ALBUM_ITEM10; i++)
                             if (selected(adr_album, i)) break ;
                           if (i != 1+ALBUM_ITEM10)
                             show_imginfo(wext->first+i-ALBUM_ITEM1, wext->img_comment) ;
                           break ;
    case ALBUM_IMAGE     : deselect(adr_album, obj) ;
                           for (i = ALBUM_ITEM1; i <= ALBUM_ITEM10; i++)
                             if (selected(adr_album, i)) break ;
                           if (i != 1+ALBUM_ITEM10)
                             catalog_getfullname(wext->first+i-ALBUM_ITEM1, buf) ;
                             config.color_protect = wext->cconfig ;
                             load_wpicture( buf, 0 ) ;
                             config.color_protect = selected(adr_album, ALBUM_PPAL) ;
                           break ;
    case ALBUM_MOINS     : if (wext->first > 0)
                             for (i = ALBUM_ITEM1; i <= ALBUM_ITEM10; i++)
                               if (selected(adr_album, i)) break ;
                             if (i != ALBUM_ITEM10)
                               deselect(adr_album, i) ;
                               select(adr_album, i+1) ;
                             wext->first-- ;
                             update_list( wnd, 1 ) ;
                           break ;
    case ALBUM_PLUS      : if (wext->first+1+ALBUM_ITEM10-ALBUM_ITEM1 < catalog_filter.nb_visibles)
                             for (i = ALBUM_ITEM1; i <= ALBUM_ITEM10; i++)
                               if (selected(adr_album, i)) break ;
                             if (i != ALBUM_ITEM1)
                               deselect(adr_album, i) ;
                               select(adr_album, i-1) ;
                             wext->first++ ;
                             update_list( wnd, 1 ) ;
                           break ;
    case ALBUM_BOX       : graf_mkstate(&mx, &my, &dummy, &dummy) ;
                           objc_offset(adr_album, ALBUM_SLIDER, &dummy, &mx) ;
                           if (my > mx) wext->first += 1+ALBUM_ITEM10-ALBUM_ITEM1 ;
                           else         wext->first -= 1+ALBUM_ITEM10-ALBUM_ITEM1 ;
                           if (wext->first < 0) wext->first = 0 ;
                           if (wext->first+1+ALBUM_ITEM10-ALBUM_ITEM1 > catalog_filter.nb_visibles)
                             wext->first = (int) (catalog_filter.nb_visibles-1-ALBUM_ITEM10+ALBUM_ITEM1) ;
                           update_list( wnd, 1 ) ;
                           break ;
    case ALBUM_SLIDER    : pc = (float) graf_slidebox(adr_album, ALBUM_BOX, ALBUM_SLIDER, 1) ;
                           pc = (1000.0-pc)/10.0 ;
                           y = (int) ((100.0-pc)*(float)wext->hf/100.0) ;
                           adr_album[ALBUM_SLIDER].ob_y = y ;
                           wext->first = (int) ((float)y*(float)(catalog_filter.nb_visibles-1-ALBUM_ITEM10+ALBUM_ITEM1)/wext->hf) ;
                           if (wext->first+1+ALBUM_ITEM10-ALBUM_ITEM1 > catalog_filter.nb_visibles)
                             wext->first = (int) (catalog_filter.nb_visibles-1-ALBUM_ITEM10+ALBUM_ITEM1) ;
                           if (wext->first < 0) wext->first = 0 ;
                           update_list( wnd, 1 ) ;
                           break ;
    case ALBUM_PTPAL     : inv_select( adr_album, ALBUM_PPAL ) ;
                           xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, ALBUM_PPAL ) ;
    case ALBUM_PPAL      : config.color_protect = selected( adr_album, ALBUM_PPAL ) ;
                           set_palette(&wext->imginf) ;
                           break ;
                           for (i = ALBUM_ITEM1; i <= ALBUM_ITEM10; i++)
                             if (selected(adr_album, i)) break ;
                           if ((tab_index == NULL) || (i == 1+ALBUM_ITEM10)) break ;
                           deselect(adr_album, obj) ;
                           objc_offset(adr_album, obj, &mx, &my) ;
                             case ALBUM_CATEGORIE1 : clicked = popup_formdo( &wext->categorie, mx, my, 2+tab_index[wext->first+i-ALBUM_ITEM1].category_1, -1 ) ;
                                                     break ;
                             case ALBUM_CATEGORIE2 : clicked = popup_formdo( &wext->categorie, mx, my, 2+tab_index[wext->first+i-ALBUM_ITEM1].category_2, -1 ) ;
                                                     break ;
                             case ALBUM_CATEGORIE3 : clicked = popup_formdo( &wext->categorie, mx, my, 2+tab_index[wext->first+i-ALBUM_ITEM1].category_3, -1 ) ;
                                                     break ;
                           if (clicked > 1)
                             sprintf(buf, "  %s", catalog_header.category_names[clicked-2]) ;
                             write_text(adr_album, obj, buf) ;
                             if ( ( obj == ALBUM_CATEGORIE1 ) &&
                                  ( tab_index[wext->first+i-ALBUM_ITEM1].category_1 == tab_index[wext->first+i-ALBUM_ITEM1].category_2 ) &&
                                  ( tab_index[wext->first+i-ALBUM_ITEM1].category_2 == tab_index[wext->first+i-ALBUM_ITEM1].category_3 )
                               int j ;

                               for (j = 1; j <= 3 ; j++ )
                                 catalog_setcategory( wext->first+i-ALBUM_ITEM1, clicked-2, j ) ;
                               catalog_setcategory(wext->first+i-ALBUM_ITEM1, clicked-2, 1+obj-ALBUM_CATEGORIE1) ;
                           else if (clicked == 1)
                             int  index_category ;
                             char buffer[80] ;

                             lstd_input( msg[MSG_CATENEW], buffer ) ;
                             if (buffer[0])
                               index_category = catalog_addcategory(buffer) ;
                               make_category_popup( wnd ) ;
                               sprintf(buf, "  %s", buffer) ;
                               write_text(adr_album, obj, buf) ;
                               catalog_setcategory(wext->first+i-ALBUM_ITEM1, index_category, 1+obj-ALBUM_CATEGORIE1) ;
                           wext->last_num = -1 ;
                           load_icon( wnd, wext->first+i-ALBUM_ITEM1 ) ;
                           break ;
    case ALBUM_CONFIG    : if (album_config() == 1)
                             mouse_busy() ;
                             sort_index() ;
                             wext->first = 0 ;
                             mouse_restore() ;
                           deselect(adr_album, obj) ;
                           xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, obj ) ;
                           update_list( wnd, 1 ) ;
                           wext->hf =(float) (adr_album[ALBUM_BOX].ob_height-adr_album[ALBUM_SLIDER].ob_height) ;
                           for (i = ALBUM_ITEM1; i <= ALBUM_ITEM10; i++)
                             if (selected(adr_album, i)) break ;
                           wext->last_num = -1 ;
                           load_icon( wnd, wext->first+i-ALBUM_ITEM1 ) ;
                           if (catalog_filter.nb_visibles <= 0) 
                             adr_album[ALBUM_WINDOW].ob_state |= DISABLED ;
                             adr_album[ALBUM_WINDOW].ob_state &= ~DISABLED ;
                           xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, ALBUM_IMAGE ) ;
                           xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, ALBUM_WINDOW ) ;
                           break ;
    case ALBUM_UPDATE    : catalog_update( msg[MSG_UPDATECAT] ) ;
                           deselect(adr_album, obj) ;
                           xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, obj ) ;
                           update_list( wnd, 1 ) ;
                           wext->hf =(float) (adr_album[ALBUM_BOX].ob_height-adr_album[ALBUM_SLIDER].ob_height) ;
                           for (i = ALBUM_ITEM1; i <= ALBUM_ITEM10; i++)
                             if (selected(adr_album, i)) break ;
                           wext->last_num = -1 ;
                           load_icon( wnd, wext->first+i-ALBUM_ITEM1 ) ;
                           xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, ALBUM_IMAGE ) ;
                           break ;
    case ALBUM_WINDOW    : if ( WndAlbum == NULL ) album_window() ;
                           deselect(adr_album, obj) ;
                           xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, obj ) ;
                           wext->hf =(float) (adr_album[ALBUM_BOX].ob_height-adr_album[ALBUM_SLIDER].ob_height) ;
                           for (i = ALBUM_ITEM1; i <= ALBUM_ITEM10; i++)
                             if (selected(adr_album, i)) break ;
                           wext->last_num = -1 ;
                           load_icon( wnd, wext->first+i-ALBUM_ITEM1 ) ;
                           break ;
    case ALBUM_TOVSS     : sprintf( vss_name, "%s\\*.VSS", config.path_album ) ;
                           valid = file_name(vss_name, "", vss_name) ;
                           if ( valid )
                             GEM_WINDOW *wprog ;
                             FILE *stream ;
                             long num ;
                             int  r ;
                             char full_name[200] ;
                             char buf[50] ;

                             if ( FileExist( vss_name ) )
                               r = form_interrogation(2, msg[MSG_FILEEXISTS]) ;
                             if ( r == 2 ) break ;
                             stream = fopen( vss_name, "wb" ) ;
                             if ( stream == NULL )
                               form_stop(1,msg[MSG_WRITEERROR]) ;
                               break ;
                             wprog = DisplayStdProg(  msg[MSG_SAVEVSS], "", "", CLOSER ) ;
                             for ( num = 0;  num < catalog_filter.nb_visibles ; num++ )
                               catalog_getfullname( num, full_name ) ;
                               if ( full_name[0] != 0 )
                                 sprintf( buf, "Display %s\r\n", full_name ) ;
                                 if ( fwrite( buf, strlen(buf), 1, stream ) != 1 )
                                   form_stop(1,msg[MSG_WRITEERROR]) ;
                                   break ;
                               if ( MAY_UPDATE( wprog, num ) )
                                 sprintf( buf, "%04ld/%04ld", num, catalog_filter.nb_visibles ) ;
                                 wprog->ProgPc( wprog, (int) ((100L*num)/(long)catalog_filter.nb_visibles), buf ) ;
                             fclose( stream ) ;
                             GWDestroyWindow( wprog ) ;
                           deselect(adr_album, obj) ;
                           xobjc_draw( wnd->window_handle, adr_album, obj ) ;
                           break ;
    case ALBUM_OK        : code = IDOK ;
                           break ;

  if ( code == IDOK )


  return( code ) ;
void DialogVideoPlayer::loadData(GrafixParticipant* participant, mat &p_roughM_in, mat &p_smoothM_in, mat &p_fixAllM_in, mat &p_segmentsM_in) {

    _participant = participant;

    p_roughM = &p_roughM_in;
    p_smoothM = &p_smoothM_in;
    p_fixAllM = &p_fixAllM_in;

    segmentsM = p_segmentsM_in;
    if (segmentsM.n_rows == 0) {
        segmentsM(0,0) = 0;
        segmentsM(0,1) = 0;
        segmentsM(0,2) = p_roughM->n_rows - 1;
    // order the segments
    uvec indices = sort_index(segmentsM.cols(1,1));
    this->segmentsM = segmentsM.rows(indices);

    secsFragment = this->_participant->GetProject()->GetProjectSetting(Consts::SETTING_SECS_FRAGMENT, Consts::ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION()).toInt();
    hz = this->_participant->GetProject()->GetProjectSetting(Consts::SETTING_HZ, Consts::ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION()).toInt();
    samplesPerFragment = secsFragment * hz;
    expWidth = this->_participant->GetProject()->GetProjectSetting(Consts::SETTING_EXP_WIDTH, Consts::ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION()).toInt();
    expHeight = this->_participant->GetProject()->GetProjectSetting(Consts::SETTING_EXP_HEIGHT, Consts::ACTIVE_CONFIGURATION()).toInt();

    if (p_smoothM->is_empty()) {
        settingPlaySmooth = false;
    } else {

    firstSampleMS = (*p_roughM).at(0, 0); //this is the ms of when the player first started
    currentIndex = 0;
    currentFragment = -1;
    currentSegment = 0;



    // Load media from settings
    QString moviePath = _participant->GetProjectSetting(Consts::SETTING_MOVIE_PATH).toString();
    QByteArray imagesPaths = _participant->GetProjectSetting(Consts::SETTING_IMAGE_PATHS).toByteArray();
    pathsImages = QJsonDocument::fromJson(imagesPaths).object().toVariantMap();
    qDebug() << pathsImages;

    updatePlaybackState(0, true);
    qDebug() << " finish loading ";

    dotSizePercentage = 5;
    ui->sliderDotSize->setValue(dotSizePercentage * 10);

Пример #23
CliqueTree Inference::CreateCliqueTreeHMMFast( vector<Factor> factors )

    int maxVar = 0;
	// get the max var id
	for ( vector<Factor>::iterator iter = factors.begin();
		iter != factors.end(); iter ++ )
		double max_now = iter->var.max();
		if ( max_now > maxVar )
			maxVar = max_now;
    int numNodes = maxVar - 1;
    int card = factors[0].card(0);

    CliqueTree P(numNodes);
    //P.cliqueList = repmat(struct('var', [], 'card', [], 'val', []), numNodes, 1);
    //P.edges = zeros(numNodes);

	for ( int i = 0; i != numNodes; i++ )
        P.cliqueList[i].var << i+1 << i+2;
        P.cliqueList[i].card << card << card;
        P.cliqueList[i].val = ones<vec>(card * card);
        if (i > 0)
	        P.edges(i, i-1) = 1;
	        P.edges(i-1, i) = 1;

    // the name of the variable starts from 1 !!!!
    for ( int i = 0; i != factors.size(); i ++ )
        Factor f = factors[i];
        int cliqueIdx = 0;
        if (f.var.n_rows == 1)
            if (f.var(0) > 1)
                cliqueIdx = f.var(0) - 1;
                cliqueIdx = 1;
            vec updateIdxs;
            mat assignments = zeros<mat>(card, 2);
            vec cards;
            cards << card << card;
	        for ( int assignment = 0; assignment != card; assignment ++ )
               if (f.var(0) == cliqueIdx)
                   assignments.col(0) = linspace<vec>(0, card - 1, card);
                   assignments.col(1) = assignment*ones<vec>(card);
                   updateIdxs = Utils::AssignmentToIndex(assignments, cards);
                   assignments.col(1) = linspace<vec>(0, card - 1, card);
                   assignments.col(0) = assignment*ones<vec>(card);
                   updateIdxs = Utils::AssignmentToIndex(assignments, cards);
               for (int step = 0; step != updateIdxs.n_rows; step ++)
                   P.cliqueList[cliqueIdx - 1].val(updateIdxs(step)) += f.val(step);
            if ( f.var.n_rows != 2 )
                std::cout << "ERROR: var more than 2!" << std::endl;
            cliqueIdx = min(f.var);
            if (f.var(0) > f.var(1))
	            // % sort the factor val so it's in increasing var order
                uvec order = sort_index(f.var); //%#ok
                mat oldAssignments = Utils::IndexToAssignment(linspace<vec>(0,f.val.n_rows-1,f.val.n_rows), f.card);
                mat newAssignments = oldAssignments;
                // (:, order)
                for (int step = 0; step != oldAssignments.n_cols; step ++)
                    newAssignments.col(step) = oldAssignments.col(order(step));
                vec new_card = f.card;
                for (int step = 0; step != f.card.n_rows; step ++)
                    new_card(step) = f.card(order(step));
                f.card = new_card;
                f.var = sort(f.var);
                vec new_index = Utils::AssignmentToIndex(newAssignments, f.card);
                vec new_val = f.val;
                for ( int step = 0; step != f.val.n_rows; step ++ )
                    new_val(step) = f.val( new_index(step) );
                f.val = new_val;

            P.cliqueList[cliqueIdx - 1].val += f.val;
    return P;
Пример #24
arma::field<arma::field<arma::mat> > model_select(arma::vec& data,
                                                  const std::set<std::vector<std::string > >& models,
                                                  const std::vector< std::string >& full_model,
                                                  std::string model_type,
                                                  bool bs_optimism,
                                                  double alpha,
                                                  std::string compute_v, 
                                                  unsigned int K, unsigned int H, unsigned int G, 
                                                  bool robust, double eff, unsigned int seed){
  // Number of data points
  unsigned int N = data.n_rows;
  // Number of models
  unsigned int num_models = models.size(); 
  // Store output from models
  arma::field<arma::field<arma::mat> > model_results(num_models);
  // Make an iterator to iterator through it
  std::set<std::vector<std::string > > ::const_iterator iter;
  iter = models.begin(); 
  // Get the first model
  std::vector<std::string> desc = full_model;
  // Find where the results should be input. (No protection needed, we know it is in the matrix)
  unsigned int full_model_index = std::distance(models.begin(), models.find(full_model));
  // Build the fields off of the first model's description
  arma::vec theta = model_theta(desc);
  arma::field<arma::vec> objdesc = model_objdesc(desc); 
  // Build matrix to store results
  arma::mat results(num_models, 4);
  Rcpp::Rcout << "Processing model 1 out of " << num_models << std::endl;
  // Obtain the largest models information
  arma::field<arma::mat> master = gmwm_master_cpp(data, 
                                                  true, //starting
                                                  "fast", // compute V
                                                  K, H,
                                                  robust, eff);
  // Theta update
  theta = master(0);
  // Define WV Empirical
  arma::vec wv_empir = master(2);
  // Create WV Matrix
  arma::mat wv(wv_empir.n_elem,3);
  wv.col(0) = wv_empir;
  wv.col(1) = master(3);
  wv.col(2) = master(4);
  // Get the original "FAST" matrix
  arma::mat orgV = master(6); // Original V
  // Take the inverse
  arma::mat omega = inv(orgV); // Original V => Omega
  // Get expect_diff for guesses with DR
  double expect_diff = arma::as_scalar(master(7));
  // Obtain the theoretical WV
  arma::vec theo = master(8);
  // Obtain the obj_value of the function
  double obj_value = arma::as_scalar(master(10));
  // Calculate the values of the Scales 
  arma::vec scales = scales_cpp(floor(log2(N)));
  double dr_slope = arma::as_scalar(master(12));
  // ------------------------------------
  // Store output from default GMWM object
  arma::field<arma::mat> mod_output(13);
  mod_output(0) = theta;
  mod_output(1) = master(1);
  mod_output(2) = wv_empir;
  mod_output(3) = master(3);
  mod_output(4) = master(4);
  mod_output(5) = master(5);
  mod_output(6) = orgV;
  mod_output(7) = expect_diff;
  mod_output(8) = theo;
  mod_output(9) = master(9);
  mod_output(10) = obj_value;
  mod_output(11) = omega;
  mod_output(12) = dr_slope;
  // ------------------------------------
  // Here we set up specifics that are used not in a specific mode.
  // Asymptotic ----
  // Get bootstrapped V
  arma::mat V;
  // Bootstrap ----
  // Hold optimism result
  arma::mat cov_nu_nu_theta;
  // Hold the bootstrapped obj values
  arma::vec bs_obj_values;
    results.row(full_model_index) = bs_optim_calc(theta,  desc,  objdesc, model_type, scales, omega, N,
                obj_value, alpha, compute_v, K, H, G, robust, eff);
    Rcpp::Rcout << "Bootstrapping the covariance matrix... Please stand by." << std::endl;
    V = cov_bootstrapper(theta, desc, objdesc, N, robust, eff, H, false); // Bootstrapped V (largest model)
    // Calculate the model score according to model selection criteria paper
    results.row(full_model_index) = asympt_calc(theta, desc, objdesc, model_type, scales, V, omega, wv_empir, theo, obj_value);
  // Custom GMWM Update Obj
  arma::field<arma::mat> model_update_info(6);
  model_update_info(0) = master(0); // theta
  model_update_info(1) = master(1); // guessed_theta
  model_update_info(2) = master(5); // V
  model_update_info(3) = master(8); // theo
  model_update_info(4) = master(9); // decomp_theo
  model_update_info(5) = master(10); // objective value
  model_results(full_model_index) = model_update_info;
  // Initialize counter to keep track of values
  unsigned int count = 0;
  unsigned int countModels = 1;
  while(iter != models.end()){
    if(full_model_index != count){
      // Set guessing seed
      Rcpp::Rcout << "Processing model " << countModels << " out of " << num_models << std::endl;
      // Get the first model
      desc = *iter;
      // Build the fields off of the first model's description
      theta = model_theta(desc);
      objdesc = model_objdesc(desc); 
      // Run the update version of the GMWM
      arma::field<arma::mat> update = gmwm_update_cpp(theta, desc, objdesc, model_type, 
                                                      N, expect_diff, dr_slope,
                                                      orgV, scales, wv,
                                                      true, //starting
      // Theta update
      theta = update(0);
      // Update theo
      theo = update(3);
      // Update objective function
      obj_value = arma::as_scalar(update(5));
        results.row(count) = bs_optim_calc(theta,  desc,  objdesc, model_type, scales, omega, N,
                    obj_value, alpha, compute_v, K, H, G, robust, eff);
        // Calculate the model score according to model selection criteria paper
        results.row(count) = asympt_calc(theta, desc, objdesc, model_type, scales, V, omega, wv_empir, theo, obj_value);
      model_results(count) = update;
    // end if
    // Increment iterator
    // Increase count
  // Only run if in asymptotic mode
    // std::set<std::vector<std::string > > ::const_iterator iter2;
    // iter = models.begin(); 
    // /*
    // * Iterate through all models
    // * If i != j, then 
    // * IF (Complex_i > Complex_j && Obj_i > Obj_j){
    // *  IF(Crit_i < Crit_J)
    // * }
    // */
    // while(iter != models.end()){
    //   iter2 = models.begin(); 
    //   while(iter2 != models.end()){
    //     if(iter != iter2){
    //       double m1_index = std::distance(models.begin(),iter);
    //       double m2_index = std::distance(models.begin(),iter2);
    //       if(count_params(*iter) > count_params(*iter2) && results(m1_index,0) >  results(m2_index,0)){
    //         if(results(m1_index,2) < results(m2_index,2)){
    //           results(m1_index,1) = results(m2_index,1) + fabs(R::rnorm(0, sqrt(results(m2_index,0)/10) ));
    //         }
    //       }
    //     }
    //     iter2++;
    //   }
    //   iter++; 
    // }
  results.col(2) = results.col(0) + results.col(1);
  // Sort matrix
  arma::uvec sort_ind = sort_index(results.col(2));
  // Pick the "best" model
  unsigned int best_model_id = sort_ind(0);
  // Get the sort column index
  arma::vec ex_sort = arma::conv_to<arma::vec>::from(sort_ind);
  // Sort the result matrix by Criterion
  arma::mat sorted = sort_mat(results, 2);
  // ---------
  // Set up output feed
  arma::field< arma::field<arma::mat> > out(2);
  // Build the results matrix
  arma::field<arma::mat> ms(2);
  ms(0) = sorted;
  ms(1) = ex_sort + 1; // Sorted vector (so R can know desc IDs) ALSO change index
  // Create m 
  // If the output object is not the full model, let's inject the new results.
  if(best_model_id != full_model_index){
    arma::field<arma::mat> m;
    m = model_results(best_model_id);
    mod_output(0) = m(0);
    mod_output(1) = m(1);
    mod_output(5) = m(2);
    mod_output(8) = m(3);
    mod_output(9) = m(4);
    mod_output(10) = m(5);
  // Output to me!
  out(0) = ms;
  out(1) = mod_output;
  return out;
Пример #25
void MfLowRankApproximation::initialize()
    double dx;
    double constValue;
    double endValue;
    double constEnd;
    double epsilon;

    dx = grid.DX;
    try {
        nOrbitals = cfg->lookup("spatialDiscretization.nSpatialOrbitals");
        constEnd = cfg->lookup("meanFieldIntegrator.lowRankApproximation.constEnd");
        constValue = cfg->lookup("meanFieldIntegrator.lowRankApproximation.constValue");
        endValue = cfg->lookup("meanFieldIntegrator.lowRankApproximation.endValue");
        epsilon = cfg->lookup("meanFieldIntegrator.lowRankApproximation.epsilon");
    } catch (const SettingNotFoundException &nfex) {
        cerr << "MfLowRankApproximation::Error reading entry from config object." << endl;

    int nConst = constEnd/dx;
    int constCenter = nGrid/2;
    Vxy = zeros(nGrid, nGrid);

    for(uint p=0; p<potential.size(); p++) {
        for(int i=0; i<nGrid; i++) {
            for(int j=0; j<nGrid; j++) {
                Vxy(i, j) += potential[p]->evaluate(i, j);

    // Using a simple discretization equal to the discretization of
    // the system.
    mat h = hExactSpatial();
//    mat h = hPiecewiseLinear();
    mat Q = eye(nGrid,nGrid);

    // Using a consant weight in the center of the potential
    // and a linear decrease from the center.
    vec g = gLinear(nGrid, constCenter, nConst, constValue, endValue);
    mat C = cMatrix(g, h, dx);

    vec lambda;
    mat eigvec;
    eig_sym(lambda, eigvec, inv(C.t())*Vxy*inv(C));
    mat Ut = C.t()*eigvec;

    mat QU = inv(Q)*Ut;

    // Sorting the eigenvalues by absoulte value and finding the number
    // of eigenvalues with abs(eigenval(i)) > epsilon
    uvec indices = sort_index(abs(lambda), 1);
    M = -1;
    for(uint m=0; m <lambda.n_rows; m++) {
        cout << abs(lambda(indices(m))) << endl;
        if(abs(lambda(indices(m))) < epsilon) {
            M = m;
//    cout << min(abs(lambda)) << endl;
//    cout << "hei" << endl;
//    cout << lambda << endl;
//    M = 63;
    if(M < 0) {
        cerr << "MfLowRankApproximation:: no eigenvalues < epsilon found."
             << " Try setting epsilon to a higher number" << endl;
    eigenval = zeros(M);
    for(int m=0; m <M; m++) {
        eigenval(m) = lambda(indices(m));

    // Calculating  the U matrix
    U = zeros(nGrid, M);
    for(int m=0; m < M; m++) {
        for(uint j=0; j<h.n_rows; j++) {
            U(j,m) = 0;
            for(uint i=0; i<h.n_cols; i++) {
                U(j,m) += h(j,i)*QU(i,indices(m));
    cout << "MfLowRankApproximation:: Trunction of eigenvalues at M = " << M << endl;

#if 1 // For testing the low rank approximation's accuracy
    mat appV = zeros(nGrid, nGrid);
    for(int i=0; i<nGrid; i++) {
        for(int j=0; j<nGrid; j++) {
            appV(i,j) = 0;
            for(int m=0; m<M; m++) {
                appV(i,j) += eigenval(m)*U(i,m)*U(j,m);
    mat diffV = abs(Vxy - appV);
    cout << "max_err = " << max(max(abs(Vxy - appV))) << endl;

    cout << nGrid << endl;
//    exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);

    cout << "test" << endl;
    Vm = zeros<cx_vec>(M);
    Vqr = zeros<cx_vec>(nGrid);