Пример #1
 * GAの実行サイクル
 * 実行順は
 * 1. 初期個体生成(init_chrom)
 * 2. 適合度でソーティング(sort_population)
 * 3. 子個体を2つ選択(generate_children)
 * 4. 交叉(crossover)
 * 5. 突然変異(mutation)
 * 6. 子個体を適合度の悪い個体と入れ替え(swap_population)
 * 7. 2~6を繰り返す
void GA(void)
	int gen = 0;

	// 1. 初期個体生成(init_chrom)

	while(gen < MAX_GENERATION)
		// 2. 適合度でソーティング(sort_population)
		printf("%d gen\r\n", gen);
		print_chrom(0); // 最良個体を表示
		// 3. 子個体を2つ選択(generate_children)
		// 4. 交叉(crossover)
		// 5. 突然変異(mutation)
		// 6. 子個体を適合度の悪い個体と入れ替え(swap_population)
	printf("%d gen\r\n", gen);
	print_chrom(0); // 最終世代の最良個体を表示
Пример #2
void GA::evolve()
    //migrate(); // if there is any migration between populations, do it now.
    for (int i = 0; i < __POPULATIONS__; i++)
Пример #3
boolean ga_qsort_test(void)
  int		i;		/* Loop variable */
  population	*pop=NULL;	/* Test population */

  pop = ga_population_new(50000, 4, 32);

/* Randomly assigned fitnesses */
  for (i=0; i<50000; i++)
    pop->entity_array[i]->fitness=(double) rand()/RAND_MAX;

  plog(LOG_NORMAL, "Sorting random list.");

  plog(LOG_NORMAL, "Sorting ordered list.");

/* Reverse population */
  for (i=0; i<50000/2; i++)

  plog(LOG_NORMAL, "Sorting reverse-ordered list.");

/* Write list */
  for (i=0; i<50000; i++)
    printf("%6d: %f\n", i, pop->entity_iarray[i]->fitness);

  return TRUE;
Пример #4
void print_stats(FILE *file){
    if (Generation % Params.print_freq != 0)


    double sum = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < Psize; i++) {
        sum += Population[i].f;
    double mean = sum / Psize;

    double sq_sum = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < Psize; i++) {
        sq_sum += Population[i].f * Population[i].f;
    double stdev = sqrt(sq_sum / Psize - mean * mean);

    fprintf(file, "gen:%d q0:%.2f q1:%.2f q2:%.2f q3:%.2f q4:%.2f\navg:%.2f stdev:%.2f\n", 
        Population[0].f, Population[Psize/4].f, Population[Psize/2].f, Population[3*Psize/4].f, Population[Psize-1].f,
        mean, stdev);
Пример #5
int ga_deterministiccrowding(	population		*pop,
				const int		max_generations )
  int		generation=0;		/* Current generation number. */
  int		*permutation, *ordered;	/* Arrays of entities. */
  entity	*mother, *father;	/* Current entities. */
  entity	*son, *daughter, *entity;	/* Current entities. */
  int		i;			/* Loop variable over entities. */
  double	dist1, dist2;		/* Genetic or phenomic distances. */
  int		rank;			/* Rank of entity in population. */

/* Checks. */
  if (!pop)
    die("NULL pointer to population structure passed.");
  if (!pop->dc_params)
    die("ga_population_set_deterministiccrowding_params(), or similar, must be used prior to ga_deterministiccrowding().");

  if (!pop->evaluate) die("Population's evaluation callback is undefined.");
  if (!pop->mutate) die("Population's mutation callback is undefined.");
  if (!pop->crossover) die("Population's crossover callback is undefined.");

  if (!pop->dc_params->compare) die("Population's comparison callback is undefined.");

  plog(LOG_VERBOSE, "The evolution by deterministic crowding has begun!");

  pop->generation = 0;

 * Score the initial population members.
  if (pop->size < pop->stable_size)
    gaul_population_fill(pop, pop->stable_size - pop->size);

  for (i=0; i<pop->size; i++)
    if (pop->entity_iarray[i]->fitness == GA_MIN_FITNESS)
      pop->evaluate(pop, pop->entity_iarray[i]);

  ga_genocide_by_fitness(pop, GA_MIN_FITNESS);

 * Prepare arrays to store permutations.
  permutation = s_malloc(sizeof(int)*pop->size);
  ordered = s_malloc(sizeof(int)*pop->size);
  for (i=0; i<pop->size;i++)

  plog( LOG_VERBOSE,
        "Prior to the first generation, population has fitness scores between %f and %f",
        pop->entity_iarray[pop->size-1]->fitness );

 * Do all the generations:
 * Stop when (a) max_generations reached, or
 *           (b) "pop->generation_hook" returns FALSE.
  while ( (pop->generation_hook?pop->generation_hook(generation, pop):TRUE) &&
           generation<max_generations )
    pop->generation = generation;
    pop->orig_size = pop->size;

              "Population size is %d at start of generation %d",
              pop->orig_size, generation );


    random_int_permutation(pop->orig_size, ordered, permutation);

    for ( i=0; i<pop->orig_size; i++ )
      mother = pop->entity_iarray[i];
      father = pop->entity_iarray[permutation[i]];

 * Crossover step.
      plog(LOG_VERBOSE, "Crossover between %d (rank %d fitness %f) and %d (rank %d fitness %f)",
           ga_get_entity_id(pop, mother),
           ga_get_entity_rank(pop, mother), mother->fitness,
           ga_get_entity_id(pop, father),
           ga_get_entity_rank(pop, father), father->fitness);

      son = ga_get_free_entity(pop);
      daughter = ga_get_free_entity(pop);
      pop->crossover(pop, mother, father, daughter, son);

 * Mutation step.
      if (random_boolean_prob(pop->mutation_ratio))
        plog(LOG_VERBOSE, "Mutation of %d (rank %d)",
             ga_get_entity_id(pop, daughter),
             ga_get_entity_rank(pop, daughter) );

        entity = ga_get_free_entity(pop);
        pop->mutate(pop, daughter, entity);
        ga_entity_dereference(pop, daughter);
        daughter = entity;

      if (random_boolean_prob(pop->mutation_ratio))
        plog(LOG_VERBOSE, "Mutation of %d (rank %d)",
             ga_get_entity_id(pop, son),
             ga_get_entity_rank(pop, son) );

        entity = ga_get_free_entity(pop);
        pop->mutate(pop, son, entity);
        ga_entity_dereference(pop, son);
        son = entity;

 * Apply environmental adaptations, score entities, sort entities, etc.
 * FIXME: Currently no adaptation.
      pop->evaluate(pop, daughter);
      pop->evaluate(pop, son);

 * Evaluate similarities.
      dist1 = pop->dc_params->compare(pop, mother, daughter) + pop->dc_params->compare(pop, father, son);
      dist2 = pop->dc_params->compare(pop, mother, son) + pop->dc_params->compare(pop, father, daughter);

 * Determine which entities will survive, and kill the others.
      if (dist1 < dist2)
        rank = ga_get_entity_rank(pop, daughter);
        if (daughter->fitness < mother->fitness)
          entity = pop->entity_iarray[i];
          pop->entity_iarray[i] = pop->entity_iarray[rank];
          pop->entity_iarray[rank] = entity;
        ga_entity_dereference_by_rank(pop, rank);

        rank = ga_get_entity_rank(pop, son);
        if (son->fitness < father->fitness)
          entity = pop->entity_iarray[permutation[i]];
          pop->entity_iarray[permutation[i]] = pop->entity_iarray[rank];
          pop->entity_iarray[rank] = entity;
        ga_entity_dereference_by_rank(pop, rank);
        rank = ga_get_entity_rank(pop, son);
        if (son->fitness < mother->fitness)
          entity = pop->entity_iarray[i];
          pop->entity_iarray[i] = pop->entity_iarray[rank];
          pop->entity_iarray[rank] = entity;
        ga_entity_dereference_by_rank(pop, rank);

        rank = ga_get_entity_rank(pop, daughter);
        if (daughter->fitness < father->fitness)
          entity = pop->entity_iarray[permutation[i]];
          pop->entity_iarray[permutation[i]] = pop->entity_iarray[rank];
          pop->entity_iarray[rank] = entity;
        ga_entity_dereference_by_rank(pop, rank);

 * Use callback.
          "After generation %d, population has fitness scores between %f and %f",
          pop->entity_iarray[pop->size-1]->fitness );

    }	/* Generation loop. */

 * Ensure final ordering of population is correct.

  return generation;
Пример #6
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	// Need to change to 3. need to remove the logging.
	if (argc != 4)
		printf("Usage: ./maxcut <input data path> <output data path> <log file>\n");
	// Need to remove when submitting.
	log_file = fopen(argv[3], "w");
	fprintf(log_file, "rate, elasped time (s), max val, avg val\n");

	start_time = get_seconds();

	in 		= fopen(argv[1], "r");
	out 	= fopen(argv[2], "w");
	int i, j, v1, v2, w;	// (v1, v2) is the vertex and w is the weight

	fscanf(in, "%d %d\n", &num_of_vertex, &num_of_edge);
	int edge[num_of_vertex+1][num_of_vertex+1];
	for (i=0; i<=SIZE; i++)
		for (j=0; j<=SIZE; j++)
			edge[i][j] = 0;

	while (fscanf(in, "%d %d %d\n", &v1, &v2, &w) != EOF)
		edge[v1][v2] = w;
		edge[v2][v1] = w;

	int p1, p2;

	while (!(stop_condition()))
		for (i=1; i<=K; i++)
			selection(&p1, &p2);
			crossover(i, p1, p2);
			local_optimization(i, edge);



	for (i=1; i<=SIZE; i++)
		if (population[N]->ch[i] == 1)
			fprintf(out, "%d ", i);



 	printf("N: %d, K: %d, S_RATE: %lf, M_THRE: %lf, P0: %lf, POINTS: %d, K_FIT: %d, T: %lf\n", N,     K, S_RATE, M_THRE, P0, POINTS, K_FIT, T);

	return 0;
int main() {
	extern counter;

	/* test create_population */
	population* pop;
	population_fitness* pop_fit;
	int x;

	counter = 0;
	pop = create_population( 0, &create_individual );
	if( pop == 0 ) {
		printf( "population not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
	} else {
		print_population( pop, 0 );
		delete_population( pop );
		pop = 0;

	counter = 0;
	pop = create_population( 1, &create_individual );
	if( pop == 0 ) {
		printf( "population not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
	} else {
		print_population( pop, 0 );
		delete_population( pop );
		pop = 0;

	counter = 0;
	pop = create_population( 10, &create_individual );
	if( pop == 0 ) {
		printf( "population not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
	} else {
		print_population( pop, 0 );
		print_population_compact( pop );
		delete_population( pop );
		pop = 0;

	counter = 0;
	printf( "create_population large test: " );
	fflush( stdout );
	pop = create_population( INT_MAX / 64, &create_individual );
	if( pop == 0 ) {
		printf( "population not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
	} else {
		delete_population( pop );
		pop = 0;
	printf( "complete\n" );

	/* memory leak test */
	printf( "create_population memory test: " );
	#ifdef MEMLEAK
	fflush( stdout );
	for( x = 0; x < INT_MAX; x++ ) {
		counter = 0;
		pop = create_population( 10, &create_individual );
		if( pop == 0 ) {
			eprintf( "population not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
		} else {
			delete_population( pop );
			pop = 0;
	printf( "complete\n" );
	# else
	printf( "skipped\n" );

	/* test create_empty_population */
	pop = create_empty_population( -1 );
	if( pop == 0 ) {
		printf( "population not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
	} else {
		print_population( pop, 0 );
		delete_population( pop );
		pop = 0;

	pop = create_empty_population( 0 );
	if( pop == 0 ) {
		printf( "population not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
	} else {
		print_population( pop, 0 );
		delete_population( pop );
		pop = 0;

	pop = create_empty_population( 1 );
	if( pop == 0 ) {
		printf( "population not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
	} else {
		print_population( pop, 0 );
		delete_population( pop );
		pop = 0;

	pop = create_empty_population( 10 );
	if( pop == 0 ) {
		printf( "population not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
	} else {
		print_population( pop, 0 );
		print_population_compact( pop );
		delete_population( pop );
		pop = 0;

	printf( "create_empty_population large test: " );
	fflush( stdout );
	pop = create_empty_population( INT_MAX / 64 );
	if( pop == 0 ) {
		printf( "population not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
	} else {
		delete_population( pop );
		pop = 0;
	printf( "complete\n" );

	/* memory leak test */
	printf( "create_population memory test: " );
	#ifdef MEMLEAK
	fflush( stdout );
	for( x = 0; x < INT_MAX; x++ ) {
		counter = 0;
		pop = create_empty_population( 10 );
		if( pop == 0 ) {
			eprintf( "population not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
		} else {
			delete_population( pop );
			pop = 0;
	printf( "complete\n" );
	printf( "skipped\n" );

/* test evaluate_population */
	counter = 0;
	pop = create_empty_population( 1 );
	if( pop == 0 ) {
		printf( "population not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
	} else {
		pop_fit = evaluate_population( pop, &evaluate_individual );
		if( pop_fit == 0 ) {
			printf( "population fitness not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
		} else {
			print_population_fitness( pop_fit, 0 );
			print_population_fitness_compact( pop_fit );
			delete_population_fitness( pop_fit );
			pop_fit = 0;
		delete_population( pop );
		pop = 0;

	pop = create_population( 1, &create_individual );
	if( pop == 0 ) {
		printf( "population not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
	} else {
		pop_fit = evaluate_population( pop, &evaluate_individual );
		if( pop_fit == 0 ) {
			printf( "population fitness not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
		} else {
			print_population_fitness( pop_fit, 0 );
			print_population_fitness_compact( pop_fit );
			delete_population_fitness( pop_fit );
			pop_fit = 0;
		delete_population( pop );
		pop = 0;

	pop = create_population( 10, &create_individual );
	if( pop == 0 ) {
		printf( "population not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
	} else {
		pop_fit = evaluate_population( pop, &evaluate_individual );
		if( pop_fit == 0 ) {
			printf( "population fitness not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
		} else {
			print_population_fitness( pop_fit, 0 );
			print_population_fitness_compact( pop_fit );
			delete_population_fitness( pop_fit );
			pop_fit = 0;
		delete_population( pop );
		pop = 0;

	printf( "evaluate_population large test: " );
	fflush( stdout );
	pop = create_population( INT_MAX / 64, &create_individual );
	if( pop == 0 ) {
		printf( "population not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
	} else {
		pop_fit = evaluate_population( pop, &evaluate_individual );
		if( pop_fit == 0 ) {
			printf( "population_fitness not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
		} else {
			delete_population_fitness( pop_fit );
			pop_fit = 0;
		delete_population( pop );
		pop = 0;
	printf( "complete\n" );

	/* memory leak test */
	printf( "evaluate_population memory test: " );
	#ifdef MEMLEAK
	fflush( stdout );
	counter = 0;
	pop = create_population( 10, &create_individual );
	if( pop == 0 ) {
		eprintf( "population not created at line: %d\n", __LINE__ );
	} else {
		for( x = 0; x < INT_MAX; x++ ) {
			pop_fit = evaluate_population( pop, &evaluate_individual );
			delete_population_fitness( pop_fit );
			pop_fit = 0;
		delete_population( pop );
		pop = 0;
	printf( "complete\n" );
	printf( "skipped\n" );

/* test sort_population */
	counter = 0;
	pop = create_population( 100, &create_individual );
	pop_fit = evaluate_population( pop, &evaluate_individual );
	sort_population( pop_fit );
	delete_population_fitness( pop_fit );
	pop_fit = 0;
	delete_population( pop );
	pop = 0;

/* test create_next_generation */
	counter = 0;
	pop = create_population( 100, &create_individual );
	pop_fit = evaluate_population( pop, &evaluate_individual );
	counter = 0;
	population* pop_next = create_next_generation( 10, 10, 80, pop, pop_fit, &compare_individuals_fitness );
	delete_population_fitness( pop_fit );
	pop_fit = 0;
	delete_population( pop );
	pop = 0;
	delete_population( pop_next );
	pop_next = 0;

/* test create_population_fitness */
//	pop_fit = create_population_fitness( 100 );
/* test delete_population_fitness */
//	delete_population_fitness( pop_fit );

/* former tests */
	srand( time_seed() );

	population* pop;
	population_fitness* pop_fit;
	population_fitness* pop_fit_sorted;

	pop = create_population( 3, &create_individual );
	print_population( pop, 0 );
	pop_fit = evaluate_population( pop, &evaluate_individual );
	print_population_fitness( pop_fit, 0 );
	delete_population_fitness( pop_fit );
	delete_population( pop );

	pop = create_population( 4, &create_individual );
	individual* ic;
	individual* im;
	ic = copy_individual( pop->individuals[0] );
	im = mutate_individual( pop->individuals[0], 2 );
	delete_individual( pop->individuals[1] );
	pop->individuals[1] = ic;
	delete_individual( pop->individuals[2] );
	pop->individuals[2] = im;
	evaluate_population( pop, &evaluate_individual );
	printf( "i1: original, i2: copy, i3 mutant (degree 2)\n" );
	print_population( pop, 0 );
	delete_population( pop );

	pop = create_population( 3, &create_individual );
	individual* off;
	off = mate_individuals( pop->individuals[0], pop->individuals[1], 1 );
	delete_individual( pop->individuals[2] );
	pop->individuals[2] = off;
	evaluate_population( pop, &evaluate_individual );
	printf( "i1: parent1, i2: parent2, i3 offspring\n" );
	print_population( pop, 0 );
	delete_population( pop );
	pop = create_population( 100, &create_individual );
	pop_fit = evaluate_population( pop, &evaluate_individual );
	print_population_fitness( pop_fit, 0 );
	pop_fit_sorted = sort_population( pop_fit );
	printf( "Original Population Fitness\n" );
	print_population_fitness( pop_fit, 0 );
	printf( "Sorted Population Fitness\n" );
	print_population_fitness( pop_fit_sorted, 0 );
Пример #8
 * Principal function of the Genetic Algorithm
 * \fn shooter_repartition genetic algorithm heuristic for selection of towers
void shooter_repartition(const char * input_file_name, const float mutation_prob, const int population_size, 
						 const int nb_children, const int nb_iteration, const int dist, float taux_var, bool sim)
	vector<tower>* towers = new vector<tower>();
	int k, n;
	tower_parse(input_file_name, *towers, k, n);
	srand((unsigned int) time(NULL));
	if (!is_easy_solution(k, n)) {
		vector<vector<tower>*>* population = generate_initial_pop(towers, k, dist, taux_var);
		vector<vector<tower>*>* children;

		// population growth until reaching population_size
		while ((int) population->size() < population_size) { 
			children = reproduction_iteration(nb_children, mutation_prob, population, towers, dist, taux_var);
			for (int i = 0; i < (int) children->size(); i++) {
				if ((int) population->size() < population_size) { //do not oversize the population_size  && !find_indiv(population, (*children)[i])
				else {
		// reordering population

		// iteration of genetic algorithm
		for (int j = 0; j < nb_iteration; j++) { 
			children = reproduction_iteration(nb_children, mutation_prob, population, towers, dist, taux_var);
			for (int i = 0; i < (int) children->size(); i++) {
				child_insertion((*children)[i], population);

		// printing the results
		for (int i = 0; i < 10 ; i++) { 
			cout << i+1 << " : ";

			simulate_day(population->front(), towers, dist, taux_var);

		for (vector<vector<tower>*>::iterator it  = population->begin(); it != population->end(); it++){
			delete *it;
		delete population;
	else { // generate all the permutations and verify which is the best;
		int tmp_eval = 0, best_eval = 0;
		int nb_perm = binomial_coef(n,k);
		int t_size = towers->size();
		int *perm_indexes = (int*) malloc( k * sizeof(int)); //build index tracker to avoid repeating indivs
		vector<tower> *tmp_indiv, *best_indiv;
		tmp_indiv = new vector<tower>();
		best_indiv = new vector<tower>();
		for(int l = 0; l<k; l++){
			perm_indexes[l] = l;
		// spread var for variance
		spread_indiv_var(tmp_indiv, towers, taux_var);
		*best_indiv = *tmp_indiv;
		best_eval = check_dist(best_indiv, dist) ? eval_indiv(best_indiv) : 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < nb_perm; j++){
			//build and eval permutation
			for (int i = 0; i < k ; i++){
				tmp_indiv->at(i) = towers->at(perm_indexes[i]);
			spread_indiv_var(tmp_indiv, towers, taux_var);
			if(check_dist(tmp_indiv,dist)) {
				tmp_eval = eval_indiv(tmp_indiv);
				if (tmp_eval > best_eval) {
					best_eval = tmp_eval;
					*best_indiv = *tmp_indiv;
			//update of indexes tracker
			for( int m = k-2; m >= 0; m--){ //go to next permutation
				if (perm_indexes[m+1] > t_size-(k-m-1)){
					for(int p = m+1; p < k; p++){//correcting overflow
						perm_indexes[p] = perm_indexes[p-1]+1; 
		if (sim)
			simulate_day(best_indiv, towers, dist, taux_var);

		delete best_indiv;
		delete tmp_indiv;


	delete towers;
Пример #9
int main()
    // Initial population
    std::vector<grid> population;

    int largest = 0;

    for(int i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
        grid g;



    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i)
        unsigned int parent_a = tournament_selection(population);
        unsigned int parent_b = tournament_selection(population);

        grid child_a;
        grid child_b;





        if(largest < population.at(0).score())
            largest = population.at(0).score();

            std::cout << largest << std::endl;




    for(auto const& p : population)
        std::cout << p.score() << std::endl;

    return 0;