static void resolved_proxy_uri (SoupProxyURIResolver *proxy_resolver, guint status, SoupURI *proxy_uri, gpointer user_data) { SoupMessageQueueItem *item = user_data; SoupSession *session = item->session; if (item_failed (item, status)) return; if (proxy_uri) { SoupAddress *proxy_addr; item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_RESOLVING_PROXY_ADDRESS; item->proxy_uri = soup_uri_copy (proxy_uri); proxy_addr = soup_address_new (proxy_uri->host, proxy_uri->port); soup_address_resolve_async (proxy_addr, soup_session_get_async_context (session), item->cancellable, resolved_proxy_addr, item); g_object_unref (proxy_addr); return; } item->state = SOUP_MESSAGE_AWAITING_CONNECTION; soup_message_queue_item_unref (item); /* If we got here we know session still exists */ run_queue ((SoupSessionAsync *)session); }
static SoupURI * suburi_new (SoupURI *base, const char *first, ...) { va_list args; GPtrArray *arg_array; const char *arg; char *subpath; SoupURI *ret; arg_array = g_ptr_array_new (); g_ptr_array_add (arg_array, (char*)soup_uri_get_path (base)); g_ptr_array_add (arg_array, (char*)first); va_start (args, first); while ((arg = va_arg (args, const char *)) != NULL) g_ptr_array_add (arg_array, (char*)arg); g_ptr_array_add (arg_array, NULL); subpath = g_build_filenamev ((char**)arg_array->pdata); g_ptr_array_unref (arg_array); ret = soup_uri_copy (base); soup_uri_set_path (ret, subpath); g_free (subpath); va_end (args); return ret; }
/* Server handlers for "*" work but are separate from handlers for * all other URIs. #590751 */ static void do_star_test (void) { SoupSession *session; SoupMessage *msg; SoupURI *star_uri; const char *handled_by; debug_printf (1, "\nOPTIONS *\n"); session = soup_test_session_new (SOUP_TYPE_SESSION_SYNC, NULL); star_uri = soup_uri_copy (base_uri); soup_uri_set_path (star_uri, "*"); debug_printf (1, " Testing with no handler\n"); msg = soup_message_new_from_uri ("OPTIONS", star_uri); soup_session_send_message (session, msg); if (msg->status_code != SOUP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND) { debug_printf (1, " Unexpected response: %d %s\n", msg->status_code, msg->reason_phrase); errors++; } handled_by = soup_message_headers_get_one (msg->response_headers, "X-Handled-By"); if (handled_by) { /* Should have been rejected by SoupServer directly */ debug_printf (1, " Message reached handler '%s'\n", handled_by); errors++; } g_object_unref (msg); soup_server_add_handler (server, "*", server_star_callback, NULL, NULL); debug_printf (1, " Testing with handler\n"); msg = soup_message_new_from_uri ("OPTIONS", star_uri); soup_session_send_message (session, msg); if (msg->status_code != SOUP_STATUS_OK) { debug_printf (1, " Unexpected response: %d %s\n", msg->status_code, msg->reason_phrase); errors++; } handled_by = soup_message_headers_get_one (msg->response_headers, "X-Handled-By"); if (!handled_by) { debug_printf (1, " Message did not reach handler!\n"); errors++; } else if (strcmp (handled_by, "star_callback") != 0) { debug_printf (1, " Message reached incorrect handler '%s'\n", handled_by); errors++; } g_object_unref (msg); soup_test_session_abort_unref (session); soup_uri_free (star_uri); }
static unsigned soupProxyResolverWkGetProxyURISync(SoupProxyURIResolver* proxyResolver, SoupURI* uri, GCancellable*, SoupURI** proxyURI) { SoupProxyResolverWkPrivate* priv = SOUP_PROXY_RESOLVER_WK_GET_PRIVATE(proxyResolver); if (!shouldBypassProxy(priv, uri)) *proxyURI = soup_uri_copy(priv->proxyURI); return SOUP_STATUS_OK; }
static void soupProxyResolverWkGetProxyURIAsync(SoupProxyURIResolver* proxyResolver, SoupURI* uri, GMainContext* asyncContext, GCancellable*, SoupProxyURIResolverCallback callback, void* userData) { SoupWkAsyncData* ssad; ssad = g_slice_new0(SoupWkAsyncData); ssad->proxyResolver = SOUP_PROXY_URI_RESOLVER(g_object_ref(proxyResolver)); ssad->uri = soup_uri_copy(uri); ssad->callback = callback; ssad->userData = userData; soup_add_completion(asyncContext, idle_return_proxy_uri, ssad); }
static SoupURI * get_uri_to_sig (SoupURI *uri) { g_autofree gchar *sig_path = NULL; SoupURI *sig_uri = soup_uri_copy (uri); sig_path = g_strconcat (soup_uri_get_path (uri), ".sig", NULL); soup_uri_set_path (sig_uri, sig_path); return sig_uri; }
static void md5_post_callback (SoupServer *server, SoupMessage *msg, const char *path, GHashTable *query, SoupClientContext *context, gpointer data) { const char *content_type; GHashTable *params; const char *fmt; char *filename, *md5sum, *redirect_uri; SoupBuffer *file; SoupURI *uri; content_type = soup_message_headers_get_content_type (msg->request_headers, NULL); if (!content_type || strcmp (content_type, "multipart/form-data") != 0) { soup_message_set_status (msg, SOUP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); return; } params = soup_form_decode_multipart (msg, "file", &filename, NULL, &file); if (!params) { soup_message_set_status (msg, SOUP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST); return; } fmt = g_hash_table_lookup (params, "fmt"); md5sum = g_compute_checksum_for_data (G_CHECKSUM_MD5, (gpointer)file->data, file->length); soup_buffer_free (file); uri = soup_uri_copy (soup_message_get_uri (msg)); soup_uri_set_query_from_fields (uri, "file", filename ? filename : "", "md5sum", md5sum, "fmt", fmt ? fmt : "html", NULL); redirect_uri = soup_uri_to_string (uri, FALSE); soup_message_set_status (msg, SOUP_STATUS_SEE_OTHER); soup_message_headers_replace (msg->response_headers, "Location", redirect_uri); g_free (redirect_uri); soup_uri_free (uri); g_free (md5sum); g_free (filename); g_hash_table_destroy (params); }
static void gupnp_device_info_set_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { GUPnPDeviceInfo *info; info = GUPNP_DEVICE_INFO (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_RESOURCE_FACTORY: info->priv->factory = GUPNP_RESOURCE_FACTORY (g_value_dup_object (value)); break; case PROP_CONTEXT: info->priv->context = g_object_ref (g_value_get_object (value)); break; case PROP_LOCATION: info->priv->location = g_value_dup_string (value); break; case PROP_UDN: info->priv->udn = g_value_dup_string (value); break; case PROP_DEVICE_TYPE: info->priv->device_type = g_value_dup_string (value); break; case PROP_URL_BASE: info->priv->url_base = g_value_get_pointer (value); if (info->priv->url_base) info->priv->url_base = soup_uri_copy (info->priv->url_base); break; case PROP_DOCUMENT: info->priv->doc = g_value_dup_object (value); break; case PROP_ELEMENT: info->priv->element = g_value_get_pointer (value); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); break; } }
static void get_proxy_uri_async (SoupProxyURIResolver *proxy_uri_resolver, SoupURI *uri, GMainContext *async_context, GCancellable *cancellable, SoupProxyURIResolverCallback callback, gpointer user_data) { SoupGNOMEAsyncData *sgad; sgad = g_slice_new0 (SoupGNOMEAsyncData); sgad->proxy_uri_resolver = g_object_ref (proxy_uri_resolver); sgad->cancellable = cancellable ? g_object_ref (cancellable) : NULL; sgad->callback = callback; sgad->user_data = user_data; G_LOCK (resolver_gnome); switch (proxy_mode) { case SOUP_PROXY_RESOLVER_GNOME_MODE_NONE: sgad->proxy_uri = NULL; sgad->status = SOUP_STATUS_OK; break; case SOUP_PROXY_RESOLVER_GNOME_MODE_MANUAL: /* We know libproxy won't do PAC or WPAD in this case, * so we can make a "blocking" call to it. */ sgad->status = get_proxy_for_uri (uri, &sgad->proxy_uri); break; case SOUP_PROXY_RESOLVER_GNOME_MODE_AUTO: /* FIXME: cancellable */ sgad->uri = soup_uri_copy (uri); sgad->async_context = async_context ? g_main_context_ref (async_context) : NULL; g_thread_pool_push (libproxy_threadpool, sgad, NULL); G_UNLOCK (resolver_gnome); return; } G_UNLOCK (resolver_gnome); soup_add_completion (async_context, resolved_proxy, sgad); }
static void soupProxyResolverWkSetProperty(GObject* object, unsigned propID, const GValue* value, GParamSpec* pspec) { SoupProxyResolverWkPrivate* priv = SOUP_PROXY_RESOLVER_WK_GET_PRIVATE(object); switch (propID) { case PROP_PROXY_URI: { SoupURI* uri = static_cast<SoupURI*>(g_value_get_boxed(value)); if (priv->proxyURI) soup_uri_free(priv->proxyURI); priv->proxyURI = uri ? soup_uri_copy(uri) : 0; break; } case PROP_NO_PROXY: priv->noProxy = g_value_get_string(value); priv->proxyExceptions.clear(); String::fromUTF8(priv->' ', "").split(',', priv->proxyExceptions); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, propID, pspec); break; } }
gboolean ostree_repo_pull (OstreeRepo *self, const char *remote_name, char **refs_to_fetch, OstreeRepoPullFlags flags, OstreeAsyncProgress *progress, GCancellable *cancellable, GError **error) { gboolean ret = FALSE; GHashTableIter hash_iter; gpointer key, value; gboolean tls_permissive = FALSE; OstreeFetcherConfigFlags fetcher_flags = 0; gs_free char *remote_key = NULL; gs_free char *path = NULL; gs_free char *baseurl = NULL; gs_free char *summary_data = NULL; gs_unref_hashtable GHashTable *requested_refs_to_fetch = NULL; gs_unref_hashtable GHashTable *updated_refs = NULL; gs_unref_hashtable GHashTable *commits_to_fetch = NULL; gs_free char *remote_mode_str = NULL; GSource *queue_src = NULL; OtPullData pull_data_real = { 0, }; OtPullData *pull_data = &pull_data_real; SoupURI *summary_uri = NULL; GKeyFile *config = NULL; GKeyFile *remote_config = NULL; char **configured_branches = NULL; guint64 bytes_transferred; guint64 start_time; guint64 end_time; pull_data->async_error = error; pull_data->main_context = g_main_context_ref_thread_default (); pull_data->loop = g_main_loop_new (pull_data->main_context, FALSE); pull_data->flags = flags; pull_data->repo = self; pull_data->progress = progress; pull_data->scanned_metadata = g_hash_table_new_full (ostree_hash_object_name, g_variant_equal, (GDestroyNotify)g_variant_unref, NULL); pull_data->requested_content = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, (GDestroyNotify)g_free, NULL); pull_data->requested_metadata = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, (GDestroyNotify)g_free, NULL); start_time = g_get_monotonic_time (); pull_data->remote_name = g_strdup (remote_name); config = ostree_repo_get_config (self); remote_key = g_strdup_printf ("remote \"%s\"", pull_data->remote_name); if (!repo_get_string_key_inherit (self, remote_key, "url", &baseurl, error)) goto out; pull_data->base_uri = soup_uri_new (baseurl); #ifdef HAVE_GPGME if (!ot_keyfile_get_boolean_with_default (config, remote_key, "gpg-verify", TRUE, &pull_data->gpg_verify, error)) goto out; #else pull_data->gpg_verify = FALSE; #endif if (!ot_keyfile_get_boolean_with_default (config, remote_key, "tls-permissive", FALSE, &tls_permissive, error)) goto out; if (tls_permissive) fetcher_flags |= OSTREE_FETCHER_FLAGS_TLS_PERMISSIVE; pull_data->fetcher = ostree_fetcher_new (pull_data->repo->tmp_dir, fetcher_flags); if (!pull_data->base_uri) { g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED, "Failed to parse url '%s'", baseurl); goto out; } if (!load_remote_repo_config (pull_data, &remote_config, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (!ot_keyfile_get_value_with_default (remote_config, "core", "mode", "bare", &remote_mode_str, error)) goto out; if (!ostree_repo_mode_from_string (remote_mode_str, &pull_data->remote_mode, error)) goto out; if (pull_data->remote_mode != OSTREE_REPO_MODE_ARCHIVE_Z2) { g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_FAILED, "Can't pull from archives with mode \"%s\"", remote_mode_str); goto out; } requested_refs_to_fetch = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free); updated_refs = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, g_free); commits_to_fetch = g_hash_table_new_full (g_str_hash, g_str_equal, g_free, NULL); if (refs_to_fetch != NULL) { char **strviter; for (strviter = refs_to_fetch; *strviter; strviter++) { const char *branch = *strviter; char *contents; if (ostree_validate_checksum_string (branch, NULL)) { char *key = g_strdup (branch); g_hash_table_insert (commits_to_fetch, key, key); } else { if (!fetch_ref_contents (pull_data, branch, &contents, cancellable, error)) goto out; /* Transfer ownership of contents */ g_hash_table_insert (requested_refs_to_fetch, g_strdup (branch), contents); } } } else { GError *temp_error = NULL; gboolean fetch_all_refs; configured_branches = g_key_file_get_string_list (config, remote_key, "branches", NULL, &temp_error); if (configured_branches == NULL && temp_error != NULL) { if (g_error_matches (temp_error, G_KEY_FILE_ERROR, G_KEY_FILE_ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND)) { g_clear_error (&temp_error); fetch_all_refs = TRUE; } else { g_propagate_error (error, temp_error); goto out; } } else fetch_all_refs = FALSE; if (fetch_all_refs) { summary_uri = soup_uri_copy (pull_data->base_uri); path = g_build_filename (soup_uri_get_path (summary_uri), "refs", "summary", NULL); soup_uri_set_path (summary_uri, path); if (!fetch_uri_contents_utf8_sync (pull_data, summary_uri, &summary_data, cancellable, error)) goto out; if (!parse_ref_summary (summary_data, &requested_refs_to_fetch, error)) goto out; } else { char **branches_iter = configured_branches; if (!(branches_iter && *branches_iter)) g_print ("No configured branches for remote %s\n", pull_data->remote_name); for (;branches_iter && *branches_iter; branches_iter++) { const char *branch = *branches_iter; char *contents; if (!fetch_ref_contents (pull_data, branch, &contents, cancellable, error)) goto out; /* Transfer ownership of contents */ g_hash_table_insert (requested_refs_to_fetch, g_strdup (branch), contents); } } } if (!ostree_repo_prepare_transaction (pull_data->repo, &pull_data->transaction_resuming, cancellable, error)) goto out; pull_data->metadata_objects_to_fetch = ot_waitable_queue_new (); pull_data->metadata_objects_to_scan = ot_waitable_queue_new (); pull_data->metadata_thread = g_thread_new ("metadatascan", metadata_thread_main, pull_data); g_hash_table_iter_init (&hash_iter, commits_to_fetch); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&hash_iter, &key, &value)) { const char *commit = value; ot_waitable_queue_push (pull_data->metadata_objects_to_scan, pull_worker_message_new (PULL_MSG_SCAN, ostree_object_name_serialize (commit, OSTREE_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMIT))); } g_hash_table_iter_init (&hash_iter, requested_refs_to_fetch); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&hash_iter, &key, &value)) { const char *ref = key; const char *sha256 = value; ot_waitable_queue_push (pull_data->metadata_objects_to_scan, pull_worker_message_new (PULL_MSG_SCAN, ostree_object_name_serialize (sha256, OSTREE_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMIT))); g_hash_table_insert (updated_refs, g_strdup (ref), g_strdup (sha256)); } { queue_src = ot_waitable_queue_create_source (pull_data->metadata_objects_to_fetch); g_source_set_callback (queue_src, (GSourceFunc)on_metadata_objects_to_fetch_ready, pull_data, NULL); g_source_attach (queue_src, pull_data->main_context); g_source_unref (queue_src); } /* Prime the message queue */ pull_data->idle_serial++; ot_waitable_queue_push (pull_data->metadata_objects_to_scan, pull_worker_message_new (PULL_MSG_MAIN_IDLE, GUINT_TO_POINTER (pull_data->idle_serial))); /* Now await work completion */ if (!run_mainloop_monitor_fetcher (pull_data)) goto out; g_hash_table_iter_init (&hash_iter, updated_refs); while (g_hash_table_iter_next (&hash_iter, &key, &value)) { const char *ref = key; const char *checksum = value; gs_free char *remote_ref = NULL; gs_free char *original_rev = NULL; remote_ref = g_strdup_printf ("%s/%s", pull_data->remote_name, ref); if (!ostree_repo_resolve_rev (pull_data->repo, remote_ref, TRUE, &original_rev, error)) goto out; if (original_rev && strcmp (checksum, original_rev) == 0) { g_print ("remote %s is unchanged from %s\n", remote_ref, original_rev); } else { ostree_repo_transaction_set_ref (pull_data->repo, pull_data->remote_name, ref, checksum); g_print ("remote %s is now %s\n", remote_ref, checksum); } } if (!ostree_repo_commit_transaction (pull_data->repo, NULL, cancellable, error)) goto out; end_time = g_get_monotonic_time (); bytes_transferred = ostree_fetcher_bytes_transferred (pull_data->fetcher); if (bytes_transferred > 0) { guint shift; if (bytes_transferred < 1024) shift = 1; else shift = 1024; g_print ("%u metadata, %u content objects fetched; %" G_GUINT64_FORMAT " %s transferred in %u seconds\n", pull_data->n_fetched_metadata, pull_data->n_fetched_content, (guint64)(bytes_transferred / shift), shift == 1 ? "B" : "KiB", (guint) ((end_time - start_time) / G_USEC_PER_SEC)); } ret = TRUE; out: if (pull_data->main_context) g_main_context_unref (pull_data->main_context); if (pull_data->loop) g_main_loop_unref (pull_data->loop); g_strfreev (configured_branches); g_clear_object (&pull_data->fetcher); g_free (pull_data->remote_name); if (pull_data->base_uri) soup_uri_free (pull_data->base_uri); if (queue_src) g_source_destroy (queue_src); if (pull_data->metadata_thread) { ot_waitable_queue_push (pull_data->metadata_objects_to_scan, pull_worker_message_new (PULL_MSG_QUIT, NULL)); g_thread_join (pull_data->metadata_thread); } g_clear_pointer (&pull_data->metadata_objects_to_scan, (GDestroyNotify) ot_waitable_queue_unref); g_clear_pointer (&pull_data->metadata_objects_to_fetch, (GDestroyNotify) ot_waitable_queue_unref); g_clear_pointer (&pull_data->scanned_metadata, (GDestroyNotify) g_hash_table_unref); g_clear_pointer (&pull_data->requested_content, (GDestroyNotify) g_hash_table_unref); g_clear_pointer (&pull_data->requested_metadata, (GDestroyNotify) g_hash_table_unref); g_clear_pointer (&remote_config, (GDestroyNotify) g_key_file_unref); if (summary_uri) soup_uri_free (summary_uri); return ret; }
static void do_request_test (SoupSession *session, SoupURI *base_uri, RequestTestFlags flags) { SoupURI *uri = base_uri; PutTestData ptd; SoupMessage *msg; const char *client_md5, *server_md5; GChecksum *check; int i, length; debug_printf (1, "PUT"); if (flags & HACKY_STREAMING) debug_printf (1, " w/ hacky streaming"); else if (flags & PROPER_STREAMING) debug_printf (1, " w/ proper streaming"); if (flags & RESTART) { debug_printf (1, " and restart"); uri = soup_uri_copy (base_uri); soup_uri_set_path (uri, "/redirect"); } debug_printf (1, "\n"); ptd.session = session; setup_request_body (&ptd); ptd.streaming = flags & (HACKY_STREAMING | PROPER_STREAMING); check = g_checksum_new (G_CHECKSUM_MD5); length = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { g_checksum_update (check, (guchar *)ptd.chunks[i]->data, ptd.chunks[i]->length); length += ptd.chunks[i]->length; } client_md5 = g_checksum_get_string (check); msg = soup_message_new_from_uri ("PUT", uri); soup_message_headers_set_encoding (msg->request_headers, SOUP_ENCODING_CHUNKED); soup_message_body_set_accumulate (msg->request_body, FALSE); soup_message_set_chunk_allocator (msg, error_chunk_allocator, NULL, NULL); if (flags & HACKY_STREAMING) { g_signal_connect (msg, "wrote_chunk", G_CALLBACK (write_next_chunk_streaming_hack), &ptd); if (flags & RESTART) { g_signal_connect (msg, "restarted", G_CALLBACK (restarted_streaming_hack), &ptd); } } else { g_signal_connect (msg, "wrote_chunk", G_CALLBACK (write_next_chunk), &ptd); } if (flags & PROPER_STREAMING) { soup_message_set_flags (msg, SOUP_MESSAGE_CAN_REBUILD); if (flags & RESTART) { g_signal_connect (msg, "restarted", G_CALLBACK (restarted_streaming), &ptd); } } g_signal_connect (msg, "wrote_headers", G_CALLBACK (write_next_chunk), &ptd); g_signal_connect (msg, "wrote_body_data", G_CALLBACK (wrote_body_data), &ptd); soup_session_send_message (session, msg); if (!SOUP_STATUS_IS_SUCCESSFUL (msg->status_code)) { debug_printf (1, " message failed: %d %s\n", msg->status_code, msg->reason_phrase); errors++; } if (msg->request_body->data) { debug_printf (1, " msg->request_body set!\n"); errors++; } if (msg->request_body->length != length || length != ptd.nwrote) { debug_printf (1, " sent length mismatch: %d vs %d vs %d\n", (int)msg->request_body->length, length, ptd.nwrote); errors++; } server_md5 = soup_message_headers_get_one (msg->response_headers, "Content-MD5"); if (!server_md5 || strcmp (client_md5, server_md5) != 0) { debug_printf (1, " client/server data mismatch: %s vs %s\n", client_md5, server_md5 ? server_md5 : "(null)"); errors++; } g_object_unref (msg); g_checksum_free (check); if (uri != base_uri) soup_uri_free (uri); }
static void server_callback (SoupServer *server, SoupMessage *msg, const char *path, GHashTable *query, SoupClientContext *context, gpointer data) { SoupURI *uri = soup_message_get_uri (msg); const char *server_protocol = data; soup_message_headers_append (msg->response_headers, "X-Handled-By", "server_callback"); if (!strcmp (path, "*")) { debug_printf (1, " default server_callback got request for '*'!\n"); errors++; soup_message_set_status (msg, SOUP_STATUS_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); return; } if (msg->method != SOUP_METHOD_GET && msg->method != SOUP_METHOD_POST) { soup_message_set_status (msg, SOUP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return; } if (!strcmp (path, "/redirect")) { soup_message_set_redirect (msg, SOUP_STATUS_FOUND, "/"); return; } if (!strcmp (path, "/alias-redirect")) { SoupURI *redirect_uri; char *redirect_string; const char *redirect_protocol; redirect_protocol = soup_message_headers_get_one (msg->request_headers, "X-Redirect-Protocol"); redirect_uri = soup_uri_copy (uri); soup_uri_set_scheme (redirect_uri, "foo"); if (!g_strcmp0 (redirect_protocol, "https")) soup_uri_set_port (redirect_uri, ssl_base_uri->port); else soup_uri_set_port (redirect_uri, base_uri->port); soup_uri_set_path (redirect_uri, "/alias-redirected"); redirect_string = soup_uri_to_string (redirect_uri, FALSE); soup_message_set_redirect (msg, SOUP_STATUS_FOUND, redirect_string); g_free (redirect_string); soup_uri_free (redirect_uri); return; } else if (!strcmp (path, "/alias-redirected")) { soup_message_set_status (msg, SOUP_STATUS_OK); soup_message_headers_append (msg->response_headers, "X-Redirected-Protocol", server_protocol); return; } if (!strcmp (path, "/slow")) { soup_server_pause_message (server, msg); g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (msg), "server", server); soup_add_timeout (soup_server_get_async_context (server), 1000, timeout_finish_message, msg); } soup_message_set_status (msg, SOUP_STATUS_OK); if (!strcmp (uri->host, "foo")) { soup_message_set_response (msg, "text/plain", SOUP_MEMORY_STATIC, "foo-index", 9); return; } else { soup_message_set_response (msg, "text/plain", SOUP_MEMORY_STATIC, "index", 5); return; } }
static void do_request_test (SoupSession *session, SoupURI *base_uri, int test) { SoupURI *uri = base_uri; PutTestData ptd; SoupMessage *msg; const char *client_md5, *server_md5; GChecksum *check; int i, length; gboolean streaming = FALSE; switch (test) { case 0: debug_printf (1, "PUT\n"); break; case 1: debug_printf (1, "PUT w/ streaming\n"); streaming = TRUE; break; case 2: debug_printf (1, "PUT w/ streaming and restart\n"); streaming = TRUE; uri = soup_uri_copy (base_uri); soup_uri_set_path (uri, "/redirect"); break; } ptd.session = session; make_put_chunk (&ptd.chunks[0], "one\r\n"); make_put_chunk (&ptd.chunks[1], "two\r\n"); make_put_chunk (&ptd.chunks[2], "three\r\n"); = ptd.nwrote = ptd.nfreed = 0; ptd.streaming = streaming; check = g_checksum_new (G_CHECKSUM_MD5); length = 0; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { g_checksum_update (check, (guchar *)ptd.chunks[i]->data, ptd.chunks[i]->length); length += ptd.chunks[i]->length; } client_md5 = g_checksum_get_string (check); msg = soup_message_new_from_uri ("PUT", uri); soup_message_headers_set_encoding (msg->request_headers, SOUP_ENCODING_CHUNKED); soup_message_body_set_accumulate (msg->request_body, FALSE); soup_message_set_chunk_allocator (msg, error_chunk_allocator, NULL, NULL); if (streaming) { g_signal_connect (msg, "wrote_chunk", G_CALLBACK (write_next_chunk_streaming_hack), &ptd); g_signal_connect (msg, "restarted", G_CALLBACK (restarted_streaming_hack), &ptd); } else { g_signal_connect (msg, "wrote_chunk", G_CALLBACK (write_next_chunk), &ptd); } g_signal_connect (msg, "wrote_headers", G_CALLBACK (write_next_chunk), &ptd); g_signal_connect (msg, "wrote_body_data", G_CALLBACK (wrote_body_data), &ptd); soup_session_send_message (session, msg); if (!SOUP_STATUS_IS_SUCCESSFUL (msg->status_code)) { debug_printf (1, " message failed: %d %s\n", msg->status_code, msg->reason_phrase); errors++; } if (msg->request_body->data) { debug_printf (1, " msg->request_body set!\n"); errors++; } if (msg->request_body->length != length || length != ptd.nwrote) { debug_printf (1, " sent length mismatch: %d vs %d vs %d\n", (int)msg->request_body->length, length, ptd.nwrote); errors++; } server_md5 = soup_message_headers_get_one (msg->response_headers, "Content-MD5"); if (!server_md5 || strcmp (client_md5, server_md5) != 0) { debug_printf (1, " client/server data mismatch: %s vs %s\n", client_md5, server_md5 ? server_md5 : "(null)"); errors++; } g_object_unref (msg); g_checksum_free (check); if (uri != base_uri) soup_uri_free (uri); }