Пример #1
 * calc size
 * \params no
 * \return no
void EdgeAssotiation::adjust()
	if (!sourceNode() || !destNode())
	sourcePoint = sourceNode()->pos() + QPointF(sourceNode()->boundingRect().width()/2, sourceNode()->boundingRect().height()/2);
	destPoint = destNode()->pos() + QPointF(destNode()->boundingRect().width()/2, destNode()->boundingRect().height()/2);
	middlePoint = QPointF(destPoint.x(),sourcePoint.y());
Пример #2
/*! \func
 * figure
 * \param no
 * \return no
QPainterPath Edge::shape() const
	QPainterPath path;
	path.moveTo(destNode()->pos() + QPointF(2,2));
	path.lineTo(sourceNode()->pos() + QPointF(2,2));
	path.lineTo(sourceNode()->pos() + QPointF(-2,-2));
	path.lineTo(destNode()->pos() + QPointF(-2,-2));
	return path;
Пример #3
  MainWindow* mw = dynamic_cast<MainWindow*>(graph->parent());

Пример #4
 * draw edge
 * \params no
 * \return no
void EdgeAssotiation::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *)
	if (!sourceNode() || !destNode())
	QColor color (Qt::black);
	switch (getState()) {
	case OFF:
		color = Qt::gray;
	case OK:
		color = Qt::green;
	case WARNING:
		color = Qt::red;
	painter->setPen(QPen(color, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin));
	float width = destNode()->boundingRect().width();
	float height = destNode()->boundingRect().height();
	QRectF rect(destNode()->pos().x() , destNode()->pos().y(), width, height);
	width = sourceNode()->boundingRect().width();
	height = sourceNode()->boundingRect().height();
	QRectF rects(sourceNode()->pos().x(), sourceNode()->pos().y(), width, height);
	painter->drawLine(destPoint, middlePoint);
	painter->drawLine(middlePoint, sourcePoint);
	{//arrow enter in node by left or right
		int sign = destPoint.x() > sourcePoint.x() ? 1 : -1;
		//QMessageBox::information(0,"","arrow enter in node by left or right");
		QPointF destArrowP1 = QPointF(middlePoint.x() - sign*rect.width()/2, middlePoint.y());
		QPointF destArrowP2 = QPointF(middlePoint.x() - sign*(rect.width()/2 + arrowSize), middlePoint.y()-arrowSize/2);
		QPointF destArrowP3 = QPointF(middlePoint.x() - sign*(rect.width()/2 + arrowSize), middlePoint.y()+arrowSize/2);
		painter->drawPolygon(QPolygonF() << destArrowP3 << destArrowP1 << destArrowP2);
	{//arrow enter in node by top or bottom
		int sign = destPoint.y() > sourcePoint.y() ? 1 : -1;
		//QMessageBox::information(0,"","arrow enter in node by left or right");
		QPointF destArrowP1 = QPointF(destPoint.x(), destPoint.y()-sign*rect.height()/2);
		QPointF destArrowP2 = QPointF(destPoint.x()-arrowSize/2, destPoint.y() - sign*(rect.height()/2 + arrowSize));
		QPointF destArrowP3 = QPointF(destPoint.x()+arrowSize/2, destPoint.y() - sign*(rect.height()/2 + arrowSize));
		painter->drawPolygon(QPolygonF() << destArrowP3 << destArrowP1 << destArrowP2);
		name->setPos((sourcePoint + destPoint)/2);
		if(sourcePoint.x() < destPoint.x())
			name->setPos(sourcePoint + QPointF(sourceNode()->boundingRect().width()/2,-name->boundingRect().height()));
			name->setPos(sourcePoint + QPointF(-name->boundingRect().width()-sourceNode()->boundingRect().width()/2,-name->boundingRect().height()));
Пример #5
void Edge2d::adjust()
    if (!source || !dest)

    QLineF line(mapFromItem(source, sourceNode()->getRadius(), sourceNode()->getRadius()),
                mapFromItem(dest, destNode()->getRadius(), destNode()->getRadius()));
    //line centre source à centre dest
    qreal length = line.length();

    //cas ou les 2 nodes se chevauchent, on n'afficher pas l'edge
    if (length > qreal(sourceNode()->getRadius() + destNode()->getRadius())) {
      //  QPointF edgeOffsetSource((line.dx() * sqrt(2) * sourceNode()->getRadius()*2) / length, (line.dy() * 12) / length);
        //QPointF edgeOffsetDest((line.dx() * 25) / length, (line.dy() * 25) / length);
        sourcePoint = line.p1();// + edgeOffsetSource;
        destPoint = line.p2();// - edgeOffsetDest;
    } else {
        sourcePoint = destPoint = line.p1();
Пример #6
/*! \func
 * rect
 * \params no
 * \return no
QRectF EdgeAssotiation::boundingRect() const
	if (!sourceNode() || !destNode())
		return QRectF();
	if(sourcePoint == destPoint)
		return QRectF(destPoint.x() - 28, destPoint.y() - 28, 30, 30);
	QPointF leftTop(qMin(sourcePoint.x(), destPoint.x())-arrowSize, qMin(sourcePoint.y(), destPoint.y())-arrowSize);
	QSizeF size(abs(sourcePoint.x() - destPoint.x())+2*arrowSize, abs(sourcePoint.y() - destPoint.y())+2*arrowSize);
	return QRectF(leftTop, size);
Пример #7
/*! \func
 * draw all
 * \param
 * - painter - painter device
 * \return no
void Edge::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *)
	static const double Pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419717;
	static double TwoPi = 2.0 * Pi;

	if (!source || !dest)
	QColor color (Qt::black);
	switch (state) {
	case OFF:
		color = Qt::gray;
	case OK:
		color = Qt::green;
	case WARNING:
		color = Qt::red;

	// Draw the line itself
	if(sourceNode()->getId() == destNode()->getId())
		painter->setPen(QPen(color, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin));
		painter->drawEllipse(destPoint.x() - 28, destPoint.y() - 28, 30, 30);
		//painter->drawText(destPoint+QPoint(-28,-14), name);
		QLineF line(sourcePoint, destPoint);
		painter->setPen(QPen(color, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin));
		// Draw the arrows if there's enough room
		double angle = ::acos(line.dx() / line.length());
		if (line.dy() >= 0)
			angle = TwoPi - angle;
		QPointF destArrowP1 = destPoint + QPointF(sin(angle - Pi / 3) * arrowSize,
							  cos(angle - Pi / 3) * arrowSize);
		QPointF destArrowP2 = destPoint + QPointF(sin(angle - Pi + Pi / 3) * arrowSize,
							  cos(angle - Pi + Pi / 3) * arrowSize);
		QPointF destArrowP3 = destPoint + QPointF(sin(angle + Pi / 2) * arrowSize,
							  cos(angle + Pi / 2) * arrowSize);
		painter->drawPolygon(QPolygonF() << destArrowP3 << destArrowP1 << destArrowP2);
		//painter->drawText((destPoint + sourcePoint)/2, name);
		name->setPos((destPoint + sourcePoint)/2);
Пример #8
static Arc
best_predecessor_1 (Node node)
  Node src, dest;
  Arc ln, best;
  dest = node;
   *  Find a source node with the largest weight.
  src = 0;
  best = 0;
  for (ln = sourceArcs (dest); ln != 0; ln = nextArc (ln))
      Node new_node;
      new_node = sourceNode (ln);
      if (src == 0)
          src = new_node;
          best = ln;
          if (predecessor_node_weight (new_node, dest)
              > predecessor_node_weight (src, dest))
              src = new_node;
              best = ln;
   *  The selected node must be unvisited, and
   *  has non-zero weight.
  if ((src == 0) || (nodeStatus (src) & VISITED))
    return 0;
  if (nodeWeight (src) == 0.0)
    return 0;
   *  Return the best link.
  return best;
Пример #9
static double
predecessor_arc_weight (Arc arc)
  struct Ext *extSRC, *extDEST;
  int diff;
  double weight;
  extSRC = (struct Ext *) nodeExt (sourceNode (arc));
  extDEST = (struct Ext *) nodeExt (destinationNode (arc));
  diff = extDEST->level - extSRC->level;
  if (diff > 0)
      weight = arcWeight (arc) + (diff * SCALE);
      weight = arcWeight (arc);
  return weight;
Пример #10
static Arc
best_predecessor_3 (Node node)
  Node src, dest;
  Arc ln, best;
  dest = node;
   *  Find an incoming arc with the highest execution count.
  best = 0;
  for (ln = sourceArcs (dest); ln != 0; ln = nextArc (ln))
      if (best == 0)
          best = ln;
          if (predecessor_arc_weight (ln) > predecessor_arc_weight (best))
            best = ln;
   *  The best link must have non-zero weight.
  if ((best == 0) || (arcWeight (best) == 0.0))
    return 0;
  src = sourceNode (best);
   *  The source node must be un-visited.
  if (nodeStatus (src) & VISITED)
    return 0;
  if ((arcWeight (best) / nodeWeight (src)) < min_prob_requirement)
    return 0;
  if ((arcWeight (best) / nodeWeight (dest)) < min_prob_requirement)
    return 0;
   *  Return the best link.
  return best;
Пример #11
static double
successor_arc_weight (Arc arc)
  struct Ext *extSRC, *extDEST;
  int diff;
  double weight;
  extSRC = (struct Ext *) nodeExt (sourceNode (arc));
  extDEST = (struct Ext *) nodeExt (destinationNode (arc));
  diff = extDEST->level - extSRC->level;
   *  when choosing a successor, select one
   *  that is closer to it (level information)
   *  when the dynamic count is low.
  if (diff > 0)
      weight = arcWeight (arc) + ((FAVOR_FORWARD - diff) * SCALE);
      weight = arcWeight (arc);
  return weight;
Пример #12
 *      Measure the trace selection result.
 *      Trace selection must have been applied.
ReportSelectionResult (FGraph graph, double *matrix)
  int i;
  Node node;
  Arc arc;
  if (graph == 0)
    Punt ("ReportSelectionResult: nil graph");
  if (matrix == 0)
  for (i = 0; i <= N_LEAF; i++)
    matrix[i] = 0.0;
   *  Compute the sequential locality.
  for (node = graph->nodes; node != 0; node = nextNode (node))
      Arc ptr;
      Node next_node;
      next_node = nextNode (node);
      if (next_node == 0)       /* ignore the last node */
      for (ptr = destinationArcs (node); ptr != 0; ptr = nextArc (ptr))
          if (destinationNode (ptr) == next_node)
              matrix[W_SEQUENTIAL] += arcWeight (ptr);
   *  Measure various transition counts.
  for (node = graph->nodes; node != 0; node = nextNode (node))
      for (arc = destinationArcs (node); arc != 0; arc = nextArc (arc))
          Node src, dest;
          int Sh, St, Dh, Dt;
          src = sourceNode (arc);
          dest = destinationNode (arc);
          Sh = nodeStatus (src) & TRACE_HEAD;
          St = nodeStatus (src) & TRACE_TAIL;
          Dh = nodeStatus (dest) & TRACE_HEAD;
          Dt = nodeStatus (dest) & TRACE_TAIL;
          if ((arcType (arc) != 0) && (arcType (arc) == nodeType (node)))
               *      In-trace.
              matrix[W_E] += arcWeight (arc);
          else if (arcType (arc) != 0)
              Punt ("ReportSelectionResult: illegal arc type");
              if (St && Dh)
                {               /* terminal to head */
                  matrix[W_A] += arcWeight (arc);
                  /* detect loop back-edge */
                  if (nodeType (src) == nodeType (dest))
                      matrix[W_BACK_EDGE] += arcWeight (arc);
              else if (St && !Dh)
                {               /* terminal to middle */
                  matrix[W_B] += arcWeight (arc);
              else if (!St && Dh)
                {               /* middle to head */
                  matrix[W_C] += arcWeight (arc);
                {               /* middle to middle */
                  matrix[W_D] += arcWeight (arc);
  if (matrix[W_E] > matrix[W_SEQUENTIAL])
      WriteGraph ("zzz.debug", graph);
      fprintf (stderr, "in-trace = %f\n", matrix[W_E]);
      fprintf (stderr, "sequential = %f\n", matrix[W_SEQUENTIAL]);
      Punt ("ReportSelection: incorrect in-trace");
   *  Measure several graph parameters.
  for (node = graph->nodes; node != 0; node = nextNode (node))
      nodeStatus (node) &= ~VISITED;    /* borrow the valid bit */
      matrix[N_NODES] += 1.0;
      matrix[W_NODES] += nodeWeight (node);
      if (destinationArcs (node) == 0)
          matrix[N_LEAF] += 1.0;
      if (sourceArcs (node) == 0)
          matrix[N_ROOT] += 1.0;
      for (arc = destinationArcs (node); arc != 0; arc = nextArc (arc))
          matrix[N_ARCS] += 1.0;
          matrix[W_ARCS] += arcWeight (arc);
  for (node = graph->nodes; node != 0; node = nextNode (node))
      Node ptr;
      int trace_id, loop, size;
      if (nodeStatus (node) & VISITED)
      trace_id = nodeType (node);
      loop = 0;
      size = 0;
      for (ptr = graph->nodes; ptr != 0; ptr = nextNode (ptr))
          if (nodeType (ptr) == trace_id)
              nodeStatus (ptr) |= VISITED;
              loop |= (nodeStatus (node) & LOOP_HEAD);
      matrix[N_TRACE] += 1.0;
      matrix[L_TRACE] += size;
      if (loop)
          matrix[N_LOOP] += 1.0;
          matrix[L_LOOP] += size;
  if (matrix[L_TRACE] != matrix[N_NODES])
    Punt ("ReportSelectionResult: incorrect accounting");
  if (matrix[N_TRACE] != 0.0)
    matrix[L_TRACE] /= matrix[N_TRACE];
  if (matrix[N_LOOP] != 0.0)
    matrix[L_LOOP] /= matrix[N_LOOP];
Пример #13
static void
AddExtensionFields (FGraph graph)
  Node ptr;
  Arc arc;
  struct Ext *ext;
  int change;
  Set all;
  FreeExtensionFields ();
  if (graph->nodes == 0)
  if (graph->root == 0)
    Punt ("no root node");
  all = 0;
  for (ptr = graph->nodes; ptr != 0; ptr = nextNode (ptr))
      nodeExt (ptr) = (others + n_others);
      others[n_others].dominator = 0;
      others[n_others].level = -1;
      others[n_others].order = n_others;
      all = Set_add (all, n_others);
      n_others += 1;
  ext = (struct Ext *) nodeExt (graph->root);
  ext->level = 0;
  ext->dominator = Set_add (0, ext->order);
  for (ptr = graph->nodes; ptr != 0; ptr = nextNode (ptr))
      if (ptr == graph->root)
      ext = (struct Ext *) nodeExt (ptr);
      ext->dominator = Set_union (0, all);
   *  compute dominators.
  change = 1;
  while (change != 0)
      change = 0;
      for (ptr = graph->nodes; ptr != 0; ptr = nextNode (ptr))
          Set dom, temp;
          if (ptr == graph->root)
          arc = sourceArcs (ptr);
          if (arc == 0)
              dom = 0;
              dom = Set_union (all, 0);
              for (; arc != 0; arc = nextArc (arc))
                  ext = (struct Ext *) nodeExt (sourceNode (arc));
                  temp = Set_intersect (dom, ext->dominator);
                  Set_dispose (dom);
                  dom = temp;
                  temp = 0;
              ext = (struct Ext *) nodeExt (ptr);
              dom = Set_add (dom, ext->order);
              if (Set_same (dom, ext->dominator))
                  Set_dispose (dom);
                  Set_dispose (ext->dominator);
                  ext->dominator = dom;
                  change += 1;
  all = Set_dispose (all);
   *  compute level.
  change = 1;
  while (change != 0)
      change = 0;
      for (ptr = graph->nodes; ptr != 0; ptr = nextNode (ptr))
          int max;
          ext = (struct Ext *) nodeExt (ptr);
          if (ext->level >= 0)
          max = -1;
          for (arc = sourceArcs (ptr); arc != 0; arc = arc->next)
              Node src;
              struct Ext *ex;
              src = sourceNode (arc);
              ex = (struct Ext *) nodeExt (src);
              /* ignore back-edges */
              if (ex->order >= ext->order)
              if (ex->level < 0)
              if (ex->level > max)
                max = ex->level;
          if (arc == 0)
            {                   /* all source have been visited */
              ext->level = max + 1;
              change += 1;
#ifdef DEBUG
  printf ("--------------------------------------------------\n");
  for (ptr = graph->nodes; ptr != 0; ptr = nextNode (ptr))
      ext = nodeExt (ptr);
      printf ("# id=%d, order=%d, level=%d, ",
              ptr->id, ext->order, ext->level);
      PrintSet (stdout, "dominator", ext->dominator);
Пример #14
//! remove
void Edge::Remove()
Пример #15
        const UsdTimeCode& usdTime,
        const UsdGeomPointInstancer& instancer)
    MStatus status = MS::kSuccess;
    MFnDagNode dagNode(GetDagPath(), &status);
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, false);

    // Note: In this function, we don't read instances using the provided
    // MFnInstancer API. One reason is that it breaks up prototypes into their
    // constituent shapes, and there's no way to figure out which hierarchy
    // they came from. Another reason is that it only provides computed matrices
    // and not separate position, rotation, scale attrs.

    const SdfPath prototypesGroupPath =

    // At the default time, setup all the prototype instances.
    if (usdTime.IsDefault()) {
        const MPlug inputHierarchy = dagNode.findPlug("inputHierarchy", true,
        CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, false);

        // Note that the "Prototypes" prim needs to be a model group to ensure
        // contiguous model hierarchy.
        const UsdPrim prototypesGroupPrim = GetUsdStage()->DefinePrim(

        UsdRelationship prototypesRel = instancer.CreatePrototypesRel();

        const unsigned int numElements = inputHierarchy.numElements();
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numElements; ++i) {
            const MPlug plug = inputHierarchy[i];
            const MPlug source(UsdMayaUtil::GetConnected(plug));
            if (source.isNull()) {
                TF_WARN("Cannot read prototype: the source plug %s was null",
                return false;

            MFnDagNode sourceNode(source.node(), &status);
            CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, false);

            MDagPath prototypeDagPath;

            // Prototype names are guaranteed unique by virtue of having a
            // unique numerical suffix _# indicating the prototype index.
            const TfToken prototypeName(
                    TfStringPrintf("%s_%d", sourceNode.name().asChar(), i));
            const SdfPath prototypeUsdPath = prototypesGroupPrim.GetPath()
            UsdPrim prototypePrim = GetUsdStage()->DefinePrim(

            // Try to be conservative and only create an intermediary xformOp
            // with the instancerTranslate if we can ensure that we don't need
            // to compensate for the translation on the prototype root.
            // XXX: instancerTranslate does not behave well when added to a
            // reference that has an existing transform on the far side of the
            // reference. However, its behavior at least matches the
            // behavior in UsdMayaTranslatorModelAssembly. If we fix the
            // behavior there, we need to make sure that this is also
            // fixed to match.
            bool instancerTranslateAnimated = false;
            if (_NeedsExtraInstancerTranslate(
                    prototypeDagPath, &instancerTranslateAnimated)) {
                UsdGeomXformable xformable(prototypePrim);
                UsdGeomXformOp newOp = xformable.AddTranslateOp(
                        {prototypeDagPath, newOp, instancerTranslateAnimated});

            // Two notes:
            // (1) We don't un-instance here, because it's OK for the prototype
            // to just be a reference to an instance master if the prototype
            // participates in Maya native instancing.
            // (2) The prototype root must be visible to match Maya's behavior,
            // which always vis'es the prototype root, even if it is marked
            // hidden.
                    /*forceUninstance*/ false,
                    /*exportRootVisibility*/ false,

        _numPrototypes = numElements;

    // If there aren't any prototypes, fail and don't export on subsequent
    // time-sampled exports.
    if (_numPrototypes == 0) {
        return false;

    // Actual write of prototypes (@ both default time and animated time).
    for (UsdMayaPrimWriterSharedPtr& writer : _prototypeWriters) {

        if (usdTime.IsDefault()) {
            // Prototype roots should have kind component or derived.
            // Calling Write() above may have populated kinds, so don't stomp
            // over existing component-derived kinds.
            // (Note that ModelKindWriter's fix-up stage might change this.)
            if (writer->GetUsdPath().GetParentPath() == prototypesGroupPath) {
                if (const UsdPrim writerPrim = writer->GetUsdPrim()) {
                    UsdModelAPI primModelAPI(writerPrim);
                    TfToken kind;
                    if (!KindRegistry::IsA(kind, KindTokens->component)) {

    // Write the instancerTranslate xformOp for all prims that need it.
    // (This should happen @ default time or animated time depending on whether
    // the xform is animated.)
    for (const _TranslateOpData& opData : _instancerTranslateOps) {
        if (opData.isAnimated != usdTime.IsDefault()) {
            GfVec3d origin;
            if (_GetTransformedOriginInLocalSpace(opData.mayaPath, &origin)) {
                UsdGeomXformOp translateOp = opData.op;
                _SetAttribute(translateOp.GetAttr(), -origin, usdTime);

    // Grab the inputPoints data from the source plug.
    // (This attribute's value must come from a source plug; it isn't
    // directly writeable. Thus reading it directly may not give the right
    // value depending on Maya's execution behavior.)
    MPlug inputPointsDest = dagNode.findPlug("inputPoints", true, &status);
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, false);

    MPlug inputPointsSrc = UsdMayaUtil::GetConnected(inputPointsDest);
    if (inputPointsSrc.isNull()) {
        TF_WARN("inputPoints not connected on instancer '%s'",
        return false;

    auto holder = UsdMayaUtil::GetPlugDataHandle(inputPointsSrc);
    if (!holder) {
        TF_WARN("Unable to read inputPoints data handle for instancer '%s'",
        return false;

    MFnArrayAttrsData inputPointsData(holder->GetDataHandle().data(),
    CHECK_MSTATUS_AND_RETURN(status, false);

    if (!UsdMayaWriteUtil::WriteArrayAttrsToInstancer(
            inputPointsData, instancer, _numPrototypes, usdTime,
            _GetSparseValueWriter())) {
        return false;

    // Load the completed point instancer to compute and set its extent.
    VtArray<GfVec3f> extent(2);
    if (instancer.ComputeExtentAtTime(&extent, usdTime, usdTime)) {
        _SetAttribute(instancer.CreateExtentAttr(), &extent, usdTime);

    return true;
Пример #16
 *      Heuristic solution to the trace selection problem.
static void
SelectTraces (FGraph graph)
  ST_Entry sorted_list[MAX_GRAPH_SIZE];
  int list_length;
  Node ptr;
  Arc arc;
  int n, trace_id;
  Node ENTRY;
  Node seed, current, last;
  struct Ext *extCurrent, *extNext;
   *  Compute level information.
  AddExtensionFields (graph);
   *  Mark all nodes unvisited.
   *  Also clear all status bits.
  for (ptr = graph->nodes; ptr != 0; ptr = nextNode (ptr))
      nodeType (ptr) = 0;       /* trace id = 0 */
      nodeStatus (ptr) = NOT_VISITED;
      for (arc = sourceArcs (ptr); arc != 0; arc = nextArc (arc))
        arcType (arc) = 0;
      for (arc = destinationArcs (ptr); arc != 0; arc = nextArc (arc))
        arcType (arc) = 0;
   *  Sort all nodes according to the node weight.
   *  From the most important node to the least important node.
  list_length = 0;
  for (ptr = graph->nodes; ptr != 0; ptr = nextNode (ptr))
      sorted_list[list_length].weight = nodeWeight (ptr);
      sorted_list[list_length].ptr = ptr;
      sorted_list[list_length].index = list_length;
      list_length += 1;
      if (list_length >= MAX_GRAPH_SIZE)
        Punt ("SelectTrace: graph is too large");
  max_sort (sorted_list, list_length);  /* library/sort.c */
   *  Give higher priority to the execution weight.
  ENTRY = graph->root;
  trace_id = 1;
  for (n = 0; n < list_length; n++)
       *      Select the highest weight un-visited node.
      seed = sorted_list[n].ptr;
      if (nodeStatus (seed) & VISITED)  /* if visited, try next */
        continue;               /* highest node */
       *      Start a new trace.
       *      Mark seed visited.
      nodeType (seed) = trace_id++;
      nodeStatus (seed) |= VISITED;
       *      Grow the trace forward.
      current = seed;
      for (;;)
          Arc ln, arc;
          Node dest;
          ln = best_successor_of (current);
          if (ln == 0)
              nodeStatus (current) |= TRACE_TAIL;
           *  Cannot include ENTRY node.
          dest = destinationNode (ln);
          if (dest == ENTRY)
              nodeStatus (current) |= TRACE_TAIL;
           *  Can not include a dominator.
          extCurrent = nodeExt (current);
          extNext = nodeExt (dest);
          if ((extCurrent == 0) | (extNext == 0))
              Punt ("corrupted extension field");
          if (Set_in (extCurrent->dominator, extNext->order))
              nodeStatus (current) |= TRACE_TAIL;
           *  Mark the link selected.
          arc = FindSrcArc (current, dest, 0);
          if (arc != 0)
              arcType (arc) = nodeType (seed);
            Punt ("SelectTraces: corrupted source link");
          arc = FindDestArc (current, dest, 0);
          if (arc != 0)
              arcType (arc) = nodeType (seed);
            Punt ("SelectTraces: corrupted destination link");
           *  Add it to the trace.
          nodeType (dest) = nodeType (seed);
          nodeStatus (dest) |= VISITED;
          current = dest;
       *      Grow the trace backward.
      current = seed;
      for (;;)
          Arc ln, arc;
          Node src;
           *  Cannot grow from the ENTRY node.
          if (current == ENTRY)
              nodeStatus (current) |= TRACE_HEAD;
          ln = best_predecessor_of (current);
          if (ln == 0)
              nodeStatus (current) |= TRACE_HEAD;
          src = sourceNode (ln);
           *  Can not include a dominee.
          extCurrent = nodeExt (current);
          extNext = nodeExt (src);
          if ((extCurrent == 0) | (extNext == 0))
              Punt ("corrupted extension field");
          if (Set_in (extNext->dominator, extCurrent->order))
              nodeStatus (current) |= TRACE_HEAD;
           *  Mark the link selected.
          arc = FindSrcArc (src, current, 0);
          if (arc != 0)
              arcType (arc) = nodeType (seed);
            Punt ("SelectTraces: corrupted source link");
          arc = FindDestArc (src, current, 0);
          if (arc != 0)
              arcType (arc) = nodeType (seed);
            Punt ("SelectTraces: corrupted destination link");
           *  Add it to the trace.
          nodeType (src) = nodeType (seed);
          nodeStatus (src) |= VISITED;
          current = src;
   *  Give more attention to the natural flow of the
   *  program.
  ENTRY = graph->root;
  trace_id = 1;
  current = ENTRY;              /* start from the entry block */
  last = 0;
  for (n = 0; n < list_length; n++)
      if (!(nodeStatus (current) & VISITED))
           *  1) start from the start node first.
          seed = current;
           *  2) select a fall_thru node if possible.
           *  3) select the most important node.
          Node best, dest;
          Arc pc;
          if (last == 0)
            Punt ("this should not happen");
          best = 0;
          for (pc = destinationArcs (last); pc != 0; pc = nextArc (pc))
              dest = destinationNode (pc);
              if (nodeStatus (dest) & VISITED)
              if (best == 0)
                  best = dest;
                if (successor_node_weight (last, dest)
                    > successor_node_weight (last, best))
                  best = dest;
          if (best == 0)
              int k;
              for (k = 0; k < list_length; k++)
                  dest = (Node) sorted_list[k].ptr;
                  if (nodeStatus (dest) & VISITED)
                  best = dest;
          if (best == 0)
          seed = best;
      if (nodeStatus (seed) & VISITED)
        Punt ("incorrect seed selection");
       *      Start a new trace.
       *      Mark seed visited.
      nodeType (seed) = trace_id++;
      nodeStatus (seed) |= VISITED;
       *      Grow the trace forward.
      current = seed;
      for (;;)
          Arc ln, arc;
          Node dest;
          ln = best_successor_of (current);
          if (ln == 0)
              nodeStatus (current) |= TRACE_TAIL;
           *  Cannot include ENTRY node.
          dest = destinationNode (ln);
          if (dest == ENTRY)
              nodeStatus (current) |= TRACE_TAIL;
           *  Can not include a dominator.
          extCurrent = (struct Ext *) nodeExt (current);
          extNext = (struct Ext *) nodeExt (dest);
          if ((extCurrent == 0) || (extNext == 0))
              Punt ("corrupted extension field");
          if (Set_in (extCurrent->dominator, extNext->order))
              nodeStatus (current) |= TRACE_TAIL;
           *  Mark the link selected.
          arc = FindSrcArc (current, dest, 0);
          if (arc != 0)
              arcType (arc) = nodeType (seed);
            Punt ("SelectTraces: corrupted source link");
          arc = FindDestArc (current, dest, 0);
          if (arc != 0)
              arcType (arc) = nodeType (seed);
            Punt ("SelectTraces: corrupted destination link");
           *  Add it to the trace.
          nodeType (dest) = nodeType (seed);
          nodeStatus (dest) |= VISITED;
          current = dest;
      last = current;
       *      Grow the trace backward.
      current = seed;
      for (;;)
          Arc ln, arc;
          Node src;
           *  Cannot grow from the ENTRY node.
          if (current == ENTRY)
              nodeStatus (current) |= TRACE_HEAD;
          ln = best_predecessor_of (current);
          if (ln == 0)
              nodeStatus (current) |= TRACE_HEAD;
          src = sourceNode (ln);
           *  Can not include a dominee.
          extCurrent = (struct Ext *) nodeExt (current);
          extNext = (struct Ext *) nodeExt (src);
          if ((extCurrent == 0) || (extNext == 0))
              Punt ("corrupted extension field");
          if (Set_in (extNext->dominator, extCurrent->order))
              nodeStatus (current) |= TRACE_HEAD;
           *  Mark the link selected.
          arc = FindSrcArc (src, current, 0);
          if (arc != 0)
              arcType (arc) = nodeType (seed);
            Punt ("SelectTraces: corrupted source link");
          arc = FindDestArc (src, current, 0);
          if (arc != 0)
              arcType (arc) = nodeType (seed);
            Punt ("SelectTraces: corrupted destination link");
           *  Add it to the trace.
          nodeType (src) = nodeType (seed);
          nodeStatus (src) |= VISITED;
          current = src;
   *  Make sure that all nodes have been visited.
  for (ptr = graph->nodes; ptr != 0; ptr = nextNode (ptr))
      if (!(nodeStatus (ptr) & VISITED))
        Punt ("SelectTraces: failed to select all nodes");
   *  Detect inner loops.
  for (ptr = graph->nodes; ptr != 0; ptr = nextNode (ptr))
      Arc ln;
      if (!(nodeStatus (ptr) & TRACE_TAIL))
      for (ln = destinationArcs (ptr); ln != 0; ln = nextArc (ln))
          Node dest;
          dest = destinationNode (ln);
          if ((nodeStatus (dest) & TRACE_HEAD) &&
              (nodeType (dest) == nodeType (ptr)))
              nodeStatus (dest) |= LOOP_HEAD;
Пример #17
 *      Trace selection by sorting all arcs and
 *      select from the most important to the least important.
SelectBySortArc (FGraph graph)
  ST_Entry sorted_list[MAX_SIZE];       /* expected fan-out = 2 */
  register int list_length;
  Node node_list[MAX_GRAPH_SIZE];
  register int node_list_length;
  register Node ptr;
  register Arc arc;
  register int i;
  int next_trace_id;
   *  Mark all nodes unvisited.
   *  Also clear all status bits.
  node_list_length = 0;
  for (ptr = graph->nodes; ptr != 0; ptr = nextNode (ptr))
      node_list[node_list_length++] = ptr;
      if (node_list_length >= MAX_GRAPH_SIZE)
        Punt ("SelectBySortArc: graph is too large");
      nodeType (ptr) = 0;       /* trace id = 0 */
      nodeStatus (ptr) = NOT_VISITED;
      for (arc = sourceArcs (ptr); arc != 0; arc = nextArc (arc))
        arcType (arc) = 0;
      for (arc = destinationArcs (ptr); arc != 0; arc = nextArc (arc))
        arcType (arc) = 0;
   *  Place all outgoing arcs in the list.
   *  Sort all arcs by weight.
  list_length = 0;
  for (ptr = graph->nodes; ptr != 0; ptr = nextNode (ptr))
      for (arc = destinationArcs (ptr); arc != 0; arc = nextArc (arc))
          sorted_list[list_length].weight = arcWeight (arc);
          sorted_list[list_length].ptr = arc;
          list_length += 1;
          if (list_length >= MAX_SIZE)
            Punt ("SelectBySortArc: graph is too large");
  max_sort (sorted_list, list_length);  /* library/sort.c */
   *  From the most important arc to the least important arc,
   *  connect basic blocks into traces.
  next_trace_id = 1;
  for (i = 0; i < list_length; i++)
      int trace_id;
      Node src, dest;
      arc = (Arc) sorted_list[i].ptr;
      src = sourceNode (arc);
      dest = destinationNode (arc);
       *      Check if this arc can still be selected.
       *      dest cannot be the root of the graph.
       *      case1 : src = free node, dest = free node
       *      case2 : src is a tail node, dest is a head node,
       *              except when src and dest belong to the same trace.
      if (dest == graph->root)
      if (!
          ((nodeStatus (src) == NOT_VISITED)
           || (nodeStatus (src) & TRACE_TAIL)))
      if (!
          ((nodeStatus (dest) == NOT_VISITED)
           || (nodeStatus (dest) & TRACE_HEAD)))
       *      If both src and dest are defined (in some trace),
       *      we do not allow this connection if src and dest
       *      belong to the same trace.
       *      This takes care of self-recursions.
      if ((nodeStatus (src) & TRACE_TAIL) && (nodeStatus (dest) & TRACE_HEAD))
        if (nodeType (src) == nodeType (dest))
       *      It is also not allow to connect, when src and dest
       *      are the same node.
      if (src == dest)
       *      After connection, src will no longer be tail, and
       *      dest will no longer be head.
      nodeStatus (src) &= ~TRACE_TAIL;
      nodeStatus (dest) &= ~TRACE_HEAD;
       *      Now this arc can be selected.
      if (nodeStatus (src) & VISITED)
          trace_id = nodeType (src);
          arcType (arc) = trace_id;
           *  If the dest node is in another trace, need to
           *  combine the two traces.
          if (nodeStatus (dest) & VISITED)
              register int j;
              register int bad_id = nodeType (dest);
               * For all nodes of type (nodeType(dest)), change
               * to trace_id.
              for (j = 0; j < node_list_length; j++)
                if (nodeType (node_list[j]) == bad_id)
                  nodeType (node_list[j]) = trace_id;
               * For all arcs of type (nodeType(dest)), change
               * to trace_id.
              for (j = 0; j < list_length; j++)
                  Arc ac;
                  ac = (Arc) sorted_list[j].ptr;
                  if (arcType (ac) == bad_id)
                    arcType (ac) = trace_id;
               * If dest is still a free node, it becomes the
               * trace tail.
              nodeStatus (dest) |= (VISITED | TRACE_TAIL);
              nodeType (dest) = trace_id;
      else if (nodeStatus (dest) & VISITED)
          trace_id = nodeType (dest);
          arcType (arc) = trace_id;
           *  Since src is a free node, src becomes a trace head.
          nodeStatus (src) |= (VISITED | TRACE_HEAD);
          nodeType (src) = trace_id;
          trace_id = next_trace_id++;
          arcType (arc) = trace_id;
          nodeStatus (src) |= (VISITED | TRACE_HEAD);
          nodeType (src) = trace_id;
          nodeStatus (dest) |= (VISITED | TRACE_TAIL);
          nodeType (dest) = trace_id;
   *  The remaining NOT_VISITED nodes, each forms a trace.
  for (ptr = graph->nodes; ptr != 0; ptr = nextNode (ptr))
      if (nodeStatus (ptr) & VISITED)
      nodeStatus (ptr) |= (VISITED | TRACE_HEAD | TRACE_TAIL);
      nodeType (ptr) = next_trace_id++;
   *  Detect inner loops.
  for (ptr = graph->nodes; ptr != 0; ptr = nextNode (ptr))
      if (!(nodeStatus (ptr) & TRACE_TAIL))
      for (arc = destinationArcs (ptr); arc != 0; arc = nextArc (arc))
          Node dest;
          dest = destinationNode (arc);
          if ((nodeStatus (dest) & TRACE_HEAD) &&
              (nodeType (dest) == nodeType (ptr)))
              nodeStatus (dest) |= LOOP_HEAD;
Пример #18
/** \brief parse the str_orig strig to read and save
 * information about the curent state of the network
 * 	\param str_orig string to parse (char *)
 * 	\param node_orig node which sent str_orig
void Router::parseVector(char* str_orig, char* node_orig)
	std::string sourceNode(node_orig);
	char *str = strcopy(str_orig + 1); // pour le [
	str[strlen(str) - 1] = 0; // pour le ]

	std::vector<char*> v;
	// 1 : on extrait chaque groupe d'infos (séparés par ;)
	char * r = strtok(str, ";");
	if(r != NULL)

	while((r = strtok(NULL, ";")) != NULL)

	// dans le tableau on a id,dist  dans chaque case.
	// dans la routetable, il faut :
	// si le noeud est présent, mettre à jour la distance si elle est plus courte
	// sinon l'ajouter et mettre en next hop sourceNode

	std::vector<char*>::iterator i;

	RouteTable::iterator i_rte;
	for(i_rte = routeTable.begin(); i_rte != routeTable.end(); ++i_rte)

		if((*i_rte).second.name() != (*i_rte).second.nextHop()
			&& (*i_rte).second.nextHop() == sourceNode)

	// On ajoute ceux qui ne sont pas dans la table
	for(i = v.begin(); i != v.end(); ++i)
		std::string s(strtok((*i), ","));
		if(s != std::string(getName()))
			int dist = atoi(strtok(NULL, ","));

			if(routeTable.find(s) != routeTable.end()) // si on le trouve
				if((routeTable[s].isNeighbor() && dist < routeTable[s].dist()) ||
                    (!routeTable[s].isNeighbor() && dist + routeTable[sourceNode].dist() < routeTable[s].dist()) ||
                    (!routeTable[s].isNeighbor() && routeTable[s].nextHop() == sourceNode &&
                                                    routeTable[s].dist() != dist + routeTable[sourceNode].dist()) ||
					(routeTable[s].dist() < 0))

					routeTable[s].nextHop() = sourceNode;
						routeTable[s].dist() = dist + routeTable[sourceNode].dist();
						routeTable[s].dist() = dist;

				routeTable[s] = Entry(s, sourceNode, dist + routeTable[sourceNode].dist());
				// exception si sourceNode pas dans hashtable ? peu probable